Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Free Techniques For Weight Loss

By Ron Cripps

What's the method to lose weight for free? Is it a mystery beyond the pyramids, UFO's, ghostly apparitions, or the missing sock? But it's no mystery when people see themselves in the mirror. They're too heavy. But it's pretty plain. Here are some ideas.

Catch a virus. No really, get sick. Serious illness is a great way to lose weight, provided there's a recovery. People lose weight while in the hospice. That's as ludicrous as it seems. So let's get to some real weight loss tips.

Losing weight is a snap if you severely restrict calories. That means eating fewer calories than you burn. Drink nothing but water to influence your body to draw on fat reserves. If you have the patience to do this for weeks or months at a time, even better. Seriously, though, consuming less than you use is the way to go. It can't be just water, but replacing soda and juice with water will save you 90,000 calories, or 25 pounds, each year. Smaller portions, a lesser amount of soda and juice period.

Exercise every day until complete exhaustion. Keep up exercise for hours and hours a day, seven days a week. Remember those Moses movies? Did you ever see a fat slave working on those pyramids? Back to reality, exercise and burning calories is important to losing weight. 30 minutes a day seven days a week, rather than hours and hours until you fall over, is fine. While seven days a week is best, if you can't do it, go for six, or five, or even four. Try for seven days but if you miss a day here or there don't panic.

Bigger muscles mean a faster metabolism and more calorie burning. So strap yourself to the car and pull it for 10 miles a day, with a fat person riding in it. Become the world's strongest person. OK, so really just weight train in moderation. Keep off the weight y doing some muscle training or aerobic exercise at least three days a week. Muscle does mean a higher metabolism, and in the long run it means less work because you're burning more calories even while standing still.

You don't need Amazing diet shakes or fad diets to lose weight. Your budget can even be 0. Lose weight for free through exercise and healthy eating. Eat less than you burn and weight loss will follow. - 17269

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Alternative Medicine - Your Other Option

By Richard Ealom

Alternative medicine is a broad phrase that describes a number of kinds of treatment, cures and relief that are derived from sources other than conventional medicine. The therapies, medical approaches and philosophies that are encompassed in the phrase alternative medicine are too numerous to be adequately discussed here.

There are some kinds of alternative medicine which are more extensively used and well publicized than others. These more popular types of alternative medicine have been received by a lot of people and is widely practiced.


This type of alternative medicine is a sort of therapy which is practiced with the use of particular type of needles. These specially made needles are slender and lengthy which make it easier to introduce them into the human body. The filiform needles are inserted into certain points in the human body which are selected for pain relief or therapy.

This form of alternative medicine therapy came from China. The Chinese developed a system of meridians from which energy is believed to flow. Tapping into these meridians with the utilization of the acupuncture needles will be of assistance to help relieve several conditions and ailments that an individual may be experiencing as well as help to relax and even decrease weight.

There are tons of diverse studies about acupuncture since this is one of the more popular types of alternative medicine but the results are basically open to doubt. There are a number of health organizations that do accept the encouraging effects of acupuncture but conventional medicine does not.

a lot of traditional medical practitioners say that while acupuncture may not be effective there is nothing to lose if the patient would really love to try it. The employment of sterile needles in addition to the use of the said practice by conscientious and well qualified specialist is a must for this form of alternative medicine. Whether it has a placebo effect or real effect on individuals may depend wholly on how receptive the individual may be to it.


This kind of alternative medicine involves the treatment of disorders and other conditions through the application of pressure on the musculoskeletal system. In basic terms, the body, through realignment of the bones and pressure on the muscles is meant to regain its balance and be relieved or cured from some conditions and disorders. This alternative medicine kind of therapy uses the manipulation of the patients joints, spine and other soft tissues to encompass the general application of manual therapy. The manipulation and manual therapy is mostly done by the chiropractor but he can also assign a sequence of movements and related therapies which the patient can do on his own at home.

This alternative medicine therapy was founded in the late 1800s. This practice enjoys much popularity in large areas of the United states and as well as some areas of Asia. Chiropractic medicine is found to be successful in treating back pain and other problems related to the joints and bones. This alternative medicine therapy is acknowledge by many established medicine doctors as treatment for back pain but generally it is still thought of as therapy and not really medicine or cure. There is some controversy concerning the safety of the practice since there are some bogus chiropractors who have "accidents"


Naturopathy is a type of relief or treatment which includes several forms of alternative medicine therapies and treatments. The notion of naturopathy is that the body can mend itself without the need of established medicine through the assorted kinds of natural medicine. The use of established Chinese medicine, acupuncture, reflexology, botanical medicine, homeopathy, nutrition and even the practice of good hygiene are said to be included in naturopathy. lots of people believe in this ideal and try to heal or treat themselves through the employment of natural types of alternative medicine. - 17269

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Looking Back and Ahead with Coffee Shops and Franchises

By Damian Papworth

While the origins of coffee shops go back some five hundred years, there are few periods in history where their popularity has been greater than in the present time. Coffee houses in Mecca were already a concern to the Imams in the early sixteenth century, indicating that they had been established as centers for gathering for some time. You?ll see similar complaints from English monarchs of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. By the 1960s, coffee houses were places where gatherings -- often music-oriented -- would occur, especially in the U.S.

By fitting a little bit of each century into modern coffee shops, they remain a force to be reckoned with. Two friends can find a quiet place there to have a real conversation, away from the din of the pub. Others go to sample the best coffee in the neighborhood and catch up on some reading. Meanwhile, all of the freelancers and telecommuters enjoy the ability to work with an internet connection and have the same type of social element they left when they gave up on the traditional office environment.

To see the biggest difference in coffee shops, you just have to look into the cup itself. Besides improved techniques in cultivation and storage methods on the production end, improved trade and business practices bring great coffees from the entire world to any place where the airlines go. With some sound research and the willingness to pay for the top shelf coffee, caf? owners can increase their business profile.

If you are an investor looking to get involved with a good business plan, there are few opportunities as encouraging as a coffee franchise. Both domestically and overseas, coffee companies continue to succeed no matter what the economic climate. Coffee appears to be something people will no go without. In fact, the different types of new coffee drinks command prices that are similar to those being charged in a pub. The difference is in the profit margin for coffee drinks and lower labor and licensing costs.

There are a number of spots in any community where a recognized brand could park itself and draw an instant clientele. Taking a brief tour through the main districts in your area will yield a number of potential corners.

The key to starting a successful coffee shop is establishing the right atmosphere. Starting with the right employees and the right management, a caf? will succeed largely on its ambiance. Some live performances and readings might be a good fit for your coffee shop.

If you succeed in setting a good tone in your caf?, you can have a trusted community meeting place on your hands. Customers of all ages will make their way to your door at one time or another.

For franchise owners who can make the coffee shop concept work, the opportunity for other businesses is right behind. The community will see you as a name and brand to trust and the clientele will follow. - 17269

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Dieting With A Healthy Attitude

By Ron Cripps

It is astonishing to see the amount of individuals who think that the surest way to lose weight is by starving and though it might yield some results immediately, but no doctor in his right mind would advocate such a desperate measure. Only healthy weight loss diets are preferred by physicians who warn against desperate moves, as then the body not only becomes weaker, but it fails to fight any illness subsequently. The most efficient healthy weight loss diet plans have one thing in common: they do not provide the individual with more calories than they need, and they contain food elements that provide the nutrients our bodies require for good health.

Usually people ignore the need for a good nights' sleep for the upkeep of good health, which is as essential as burning those excess calories. Many of the woman's magazines are seen advocating the use of such unscientific diet plans to its readers who are made to believe that these plans are part of a healthy weight loss program. For instance: eat only boiled vegetables with chicken, fruit and salads, and although the fundamental starting idea is not wrong, a truly healthy weight loss diet needs to include other nutrients as well, that are not present in boiled vegetables for instance. The vast bulk of individuals eating a diet that is a lead up of these food groups may lose weight and feel a little better but will ultimately fail in their healthy weight loss as they become incredibly bored by the identical food each day.

Following a healthy weight loss diet plan can be quite easy once you start. Organize your calorie allowance and by sticking to this and doing some sort of exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, a quick walk around the block is quite sufficient and not forgetting the good nights sleep. Rest is an amazingly serious part of our lives - the medical science arena is only just beginning to comprehend the importance of rest to our health. Those that do find themselves having difficulty with there weight can tend to have small feast during the night and sometimes it is not even remembered.

If you are someone who does get up in the night to eat, you are doing nothing but damage your body and will be wasting all the efforts that you have made, following a healthy weight loss diet program with exercise, to burn off calories. The result of following a healthy weight loss plan does not take too long to show up as you feel lighter, happier, energetic and you rest better and all these things mean that your chances of falling sick will also decrease.

The other essential aspect for pursuing a healthy weight loss diet is that you start to feel good about the way you look and feel: entertaining damaging feelings about yourself can do more harm than anything else. You can't ask miracles from your body because it responds in a certain cycle to physical input and obese individuals who desperately want to lose excess pounds often have the tendency to work themselves out in tiresome physical exercises.

Swimming or jogging are good mild exercises to start with when you are following a healthy weight loss program which involves regular physical exercise, sometimes those that have a lot of weight to lose can forget this and go overboard. The idea is to start out gently and when your physical levels have increased then you can join a gym. It often requires some time to get fit once more but it can be done simply if you do not try to run before you can walk. - 17269

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Colon Cleansing and Weight Loss - The Secrets behind Acai Berry

By Davion Wong

If you have already heard about Acai Berry supplements, you must somehow be familiar about its unique properties that include colon cleansing and weight loss. This revolutionary product had earned the attention of weight watchers and those who want to jumpstart their way towards having a slimmer figure. It is unlike the other diet pills or supplements that you see in the market because Acai Berry has a lot to offer to its users aside from losing the extra pounds. Best of all, it promotes wellness and is a healthier choice for weight loss.

Acai Berry highlights the colon cleanse system. It is the safest and most natural way to lose weight and cleanse the body from impurities and toxins. The product works by flushing out all the toxic build ups and waste products in your colon that your body failed to eliminate. These toxins and impurities that are stuck in your colon and continue to accumulate over time are responsible for your sluggish digestion, slow metabolism and poor absorption of nutrients from the food you eat and excess weight. By eliminating these waste products, you can expect to have a healthy digestive process.

You can cleanse your colon by simply taking Acai Berry supplements. These products have excellent safety profile and are all natural. There are no side effects and you will not feel sluggish at all. Instead, you will feel cleansed and revitalized from inside out. You will also have a faster metabolism allowing you to utilize the calories from the food you eat efficiently.

This breakthrough product had been scientifically tested to promote wellness and good health. Aside from its detoxifying properties, it is also a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants are needed by the body to combat the early signs of aging and in fighting off free radicals which are harmful to the body cells. By taking Acai Berry supplements, you can have a youthful and radiant looking skin.

Acai Berry is known for its weight loss properties. In fact, it is easy to lose weight through colon cleansing because the process involves flushing away all the waste products from your system which are responsible for all the unnecessary weight you are carrying on your body.

Moreover, after detoxifying and cleansing your digestive tract, your digestive system will work like it has never worked before - fast, healthy and efficient. So you do not have to worry about having an extra serving of dessert because your digestive system will take care of it.

Acai Berry supplements are incomparable to other weight loss products because the colon cleanse property promises long term benefits.

Colon cleansing and weight loss is possible by taking Acai Berry supplements. Having a slimmer and sexier figure is achievable by making a healthy choice in your diet supplements. - 17269

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HCG Injections or Homeopathic HCG Drops?

By Amelia Handley

Many dieters are choosing to work with HCG in their quest to lose weight. It's not a hard decision. HCG programs offer high average of weight loss; up to 1-2 pounds per day. But even after deciding to use HCG...there's still one more decision to make: injections or drops?

The easiest way to come to an answer is to compare the two methods. Both methods of acquiring HCG result in weight loss with similar results. Both average between a pound or 2 pounds of weight loss per day. So why are there two methods?

The original HCG weight loss method was created and introduced by Dr. Simeon. His original plan was based around the use of HCG injections. And supporters of the injection often suggest that they are sticking to the original plan as intended by its creator. But they are not considering the obvious evolution that has occurred in the 50 years since the introduction of the process.

Supporters of the injection method claim that the required refrigeration of HCG drops make taking them 3 times per day difficult. But the injections also require refrigeration. And does the hassle of refrigerating your HCG drops really compare to the hassle of shooting a needle into yourself daily?

HCG drops supporters see the injection as a disruption of the all natural process that many see as one of the largest benefits of the HCG program. In addition the injections often result in slight discomfort (pinching, stinging, pressure, etc.) as well as slight bruising. Obviously, the HCG drops have no such consequences.

So the question of HCG injections or HCG drops will continue to be thrown about, but the answer is pretty obvious; at least to those of us who see the all natural claims as an important benefit of the program. But whether dieters choose injections or drops doesn't really matter in the long run...the weight will be lost either way and that's the important part. - 17269

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Will I Taste The Difference With Organic Coffee?

By Bart Forcey

Environmental awareness has awakened the sense in consumers to preserve the resources supplied by mother nature. What better consumable to start the earth saving project of organic farming with than growing of organic coffee beans?

Organic coffee beans derive from coffee trees grown under an awning of taller growing trees and plants, usually banana trees. These natural tree awnings are the perfect shield allowing just enough sunlight and rain to seep through. 50% shade is ideal for the slow growing conditions sought. The falling plant leaves serve as a natural compost and mulch layer at the bottom of the coffee plants to retain moisture and top quality soil profile. No synthetic pesticides may be used on organically certified products.

The popularity of the coffee bean is astonishing as it is ranked second in terms of world trade with oil at the number one spot. These small green seeds have a retail market of an estimated Seventy Billion US Dollars. In the past, pricing of beans where haunted by significant drops and rises caused by super sensitivity to volatile conditions in the market. The impact of world recessions on bean prices have been eliminated by the fixing of minimum prices.

The ripe berries are plucked from the trees and soaked in water. Left over pulp is stripped off so that only the bean is visible. The beans are then left to try in the sun. The whole process of picking, soaking and drying is undertaken with great care as one coffee tree produces only an estimated 2.20 lbs beans per year. Once the drying cycle is complete the beans are sacked and weighed. Special areas are allocated where organic products are kept in prescribed conditions ensuring that after auctioning and shipping that the end user will get the best the farmer has to offer in accordance with the high standards enforced.

A downside to organic produce is the scarcity of the products. Organic foods have a tendency to be associated with higher prices to consumers due to the products' steeper pricing in relation to conventional products. Prices are higher due to various direct and indirect influences such as low yields, higher labor requirements, business start-up financing and additional land needs.

Organic coffee farmers have to comply with strict International rules and regulations prescribed by independent organic organizations, Fair Trade and KNCU (Kilimanjaro Native Cooperative Union). Compliance with these directives entail recognition for producing and supplying high quality coffee beans of international standards, which in turn assist the farmers of organic coffee beans to tap into global markets.

Job creation for the community is another advantage of organic farming due to the intensity of labor. Participating farming communities on the African continent are reaping the benefits of growing organic coffee beans in terms of gaining economic independence, development of health care and education systems as well as building a positive future for their countries and families. - 17269

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Looking For The Best Way To Lose Fat?

By Thong M. Dao

I have been asked many times what is the best way to lose fat and I will usually respond with a generic answer: the best way to lose fat is to create a caloric deficit by combining a reduction of calorie intake with an increase of the calories burnt. This usually results in several annoyed looks because most people hope to hear some magical cure for excessive fat deposits.

We are all bombarded with constant advertisements about diet fads and promises of slimming down. Heck, we've even been subjected to companies telling us we can lose weight while eating anything. While this would be nice, the truth is most of these have simply undermined the confidence of us all in legitimate weight loss programs. So here is some practical advice that will change it all.

First and foremost you have to clean up your diet. Everything that will pack on the unwanted pounds must be thrown out the window. They are all loaded with tons of empty calories that don't do anything but make you fat. If you can accomplish this, it will definitely be the best way to lose fat.

Drinking tons of calories doesn't help either. So the next time you pick up that 12oz. can of Coke, remember you're taking in useless calories. What's bad about them is they don't make you feel full, which means you eat more, and in turn ingest more calories. So stick with the aqua and all the healthier choices out there.

Cardio exercise is definitely a reliable means of burning off unnecessary fat. Keep in mind it doesn't have to be a high intensity work-out, unless you want it to be. If you can simply exercise as much as possible (within reason), you will get your heart rate up and burn off stored fat.

Now, I realize that some may not like the idea of performing certain cardio programs even though cardio might be the best way to lose fat. Here is some advice to those looking for a good cardio program: shop around. That is, look at all the different cardio exercises and select one that appeals to you the most. The more enthusiasm you have for a particular workout, the greater your odds of success will be.

I also have to recommend investing a little time in weight lifting. Lifting weights - even light weights - will help boost your metabolism. This means you will drop weight in a shorter period of time as a result. Now, some may worry about packing on too much muscle mass. This should not be a concern because you can always adjust the amount of weight you lift so as to avoid putting on too much mass. However, you will burn calorie no matter how heavy the iron is that you are pumping.

In the end it all revolves around consistency. Taking advantage of each one of these can work, but you can't do it one day and not the next. Add what you can into your daily regimen and take it from there. If you can do this, and alleviate some of those unwanted calories, you will truly find the best way to lose fat.

How would you like to ... - 17269

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Best Tips to Motivate Weight Loss

By Jesse Regan

More and more people are living unhealthy lifestyles nowadays. That is because of the easily accessible and incredibly cheap junk and fast food. If you find yourself among the unlucky ones that need to lose weight, you know that you need to have the motivation to do so. Remember, proper motivation is everything.

I am sure that you have heard this all before. You might be thinking that it's the same old song and dance. However, you need remember that motivation is really important. It is the push that you need in order to start working out and keeping fit. Motivation keeps you inspired and helps you to try to do things the right way. If you have the right motivation, you will really stick to working out and be immensely successful.

However, you need to realize why you want to work out. There is no other person who can answer this question so you have to be very honest. You also need to work out who you are losing the weight for. Doing it for yourself is the best way that you can succeed. Even if other people want you to lose weight, you should want to lose weight for yourself while making those people just part of your motivation. Now, if you are unsure of what your motivations are, you can find ways so you can create the inspiration needed to get you started.

You need to hash out the specific goals that you want to get. To do so, you should imagine how you will feel when you accomplished your goal. Also, you have to take a good look at your lifestyle, your present weight and state of health in order for you to understand how these things keep you from living your life. You also need to make a list of what changes your life would have if you were more fit and how you would see yourself in the future.

Next, you will have to think of positive motivations instead of negative ones. Since if you have negative motivations, they will make you hate working out and not give you enough reason to continue. You also have to resolve that you want to make a change for yourself and not for somebody else. Having good motivations comes from you alone, not from any outside source.

You also need to make a promise, not only to yourself but to the people closest to you. This might be your parents, family, friends and other loved ones. It is extremely difficult to blow off any kind of commitment that you have made to the people that you love. You can even join a fundraising athletic event to raise money. That way, you will be able to force yourself to push through with your workout so that you can participate. If you blow this off, you will not only be letting yourself down but you will also be letting the charity down as well. Another great perk: some of these organizations even provide free coaching.

You can find more examples of information about fitness tips from a beachbody's site. - 17269

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How To Build Muscle As A Vegetarian

By Ryan M Hall

Contrary to popular belief, you CAN build muscle as a vegetarian. The main hurdle you will have to overcome is the fact that protein aids in muscle building. The downside of course is that most people get the majority of their protein from animal sources. So how can you over come this?

1. Eat More Protein

Many vegetarian body builders use soy as their best source of protein. This is because soy products like edamame, tofu and soy milk offer all 8 essential amino acids that your body requires to build lean muscle. Soy milk can replace cows milk in many recipes, and tofu is a great replacement for beef or chicken. In fact, soy contains more protein content than beef.

Sunflower seeds, walnuts, cashews, almonds and pistachio nuts are a good source of protein and healthy fats. Keep a container of nuts with you to snack on during the day to make sure that you are getting that healthy fat and protein.

Protein shakes and supplements are hugely popular among most body builders as a great way to get enough protein. Most of these are soy or whey based and can often provide over 21 grams of protein per serving. If you add these to your daily diet, your muscles will definitely get the protein they need.

2. Vitamins And Minerals

If you eat a balanced diet, you should be getting most of the necessary vitamins and minerals you need, but many vegetarians still suffer a slight vitamin B12 deficiency. This happens because most vitamin B12 comes from meat. If you have a good multivitamin or add a B12 supplement to your daily routine, you can remedy this quickly and improve your energy levels too. If you drink the meal replacement shakes mentioned above, many of them will provide you with at least 1/3 of your daily vitamins and minerals per serving.

3. Fats

Even if you are eating a proper portion of nuts each day and will be getting plenty of good fats, you may still require more essential fatty acids that are often found in meat. You can add a tablespoon of flax seed oil to your diet each day to ensure you get these amino acids. Flax seed oil is one of the best sources of linolenic acid, an essential amino acid.

Making the changes mentioned above will ensure that you can build muscle as a vegetarian. These dietary changes will get your body ready and give you proper nutrition to go along with a good muscle building program. - 17269

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Agarikon (Fomitopsis officinalis) - Tree Fungus Tested at Army Lab

By Dr. Markho Rafael

In a fascinating broadcast on National Public Radio, internationally renowned medicinal mushroom expert Paul Stamets tells his story of discovering the medicinal potential of agarikon, an extremely rare and threatened species of wood conk that requires century-old trees to grow. Agarikon is today all but extinct in Europe, its remaining distribution limited to the old growth forests on the North American West Coast.

Knowing that mushrooms are susceptible to many of the same microbes as humans, how could it be, he asked himself, that this perennial wood conk managed to stay healthy for 50 years in the dripping wet rain forest without rotting? It must have a powerful immune system, he concluded, with potentially powerful medicinal compounds that could benefit humans.

Agarikon in the wild looks somewhat like a beehive on the trunk of some of the giant, ancient trees of the old-growth forests of the American northwest. (See picture of Paul Stamets with one of these wood conks by clicking on the agarikon-link on this page.) Be aware that this is an endangered species, which should be left unharmed in the wild. But be sure to bring your digital camera so you can prove to your mushroom club friends that you saw it.

Using a proprietary extraction method on his organically cultivated agarikon, Stamets created an agarikon medicinal. He sent a sample of it to the Defense Department for testing within the BIO Shield Program, at a top security lab facility in Ft. Dietrich, Maryland. The BIO Shield Program is dedicated to finding remedies for use against bioterrorism threats and potential biological warfare agents, such as anthrax or smallpox.

Within this BIO Shield Program, tens of thousands of natural and manmade compounds have been tested for use against biological warfare pathogens. Drug discovery supervisor John Seacrest was happy to report on the radio show that the agarikon extract provided by Stamets had indeed been one of the few substances tested that had proved effective against smallpox related viruses.

In lieu of this discovery, Stamets has applied for a patent to a mushroom related anti-viral drug. One of his sponsors is Boston investor John Norris. As Mr. Norris so correctly points out, not everybody is willing or able to be vaccinated.

A former second in command at the FDA, Mr. Norris is hopeful that he and Paul Stamets will be able to sell hundreds of millions of doses of this agarikon extract to the American, German and British armies' defense stock-piles.

However, that may still be a few years off. This new mushroom-based anti-viral drug must first go through many lab trials and then gain final approval by the FDA.

Note: This article is intended to provide entertainment and information only. Do not use this or any other herbal or mushroom-based product for medicinal purposes unless advised by a licensed medical doctor.

Reference: NPR Morning Edition, Smallpox Defense May Be Found in Mushrooms by Tom Banse, August 4, 2005. - 17269

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