Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, November 21, 2009

HCG Weight Loss Clinics Missouri Based

By Amelia Handley

Missouri residents are looking for weight loss options. If you're a Missouri residents you'll probably be relieved to find out that you can stop searching high and low for HCG weight loss clinics Missouri based. It's pretty difficult to find a good clinic that is convenient enough to be plausible for the frequent visits that will be required. Being aware of other options ensures that you end up in the program that is right for you and your specific needs!

Online options are popular amongst Missouri residents due to the fact that HCG weight loss clinics Missouri based are quite rare. HCG Diet Direct is a reputable company offering effective online options. Their homeopathic HCG weight loss formula offers typical HCG based program results of 1 to 2 pounds per day. And the homeopathic method offered by HCG Diet Direct doesn't require any injections.

HCG programs range in length, but all are relatively short. Some programs are 15 days others are 25 and some can go as long as 40. But even at its longest the HCG diet only lasts a little over a month. What this means is that dieters don't have to dedicate a huge chunk of their life to dedicate to a strict diet. They only need to dedicate a short period of time and according to the averages...dieters see great weight loss. Completing the 15 day diet offers weight loss averages of 15-30 pounds. Completing the 25 day diet offers weight loss averages of 25-50 pounds and so on.

Those are amazing results for an all natural method that requires no invasive procedures. It all depends upon your personal situation of course. If a 5'2" girl comes in weighing-0 pounds...and does the diet for 40 days she's not going to lose 80 pounds. She's probably not even going to lose 40 pounds. Because she doesn't have that much to lose. It all depends upon your body type and your current height and weight.

HCG Diet Direct's Jenny Boynton says, "I always urge new dieters to pick relevant weight loss goals. I say relevant because a 'realistic' goal for one person just isn't a 'realistic' goal for the next person. It's all so specific and personal."

HCG Diet Direct's online purchasing system is easy to use, convenient and secure. Dieters are enjoying the benefits of their homeopathic HCG weight loss formula in comparison to the difficulties proposed when attempting to discover HCG weight loss clinics Missouri based. Dieters also secretly love the fact that they don't need a prescription, they don't have to fit daily office visits into their busy lives and they don't have to make a big production of getting what they need for their weight loss. HCG Diet Direct products are delivered directly to their front door. Nothing could be simpler! - 17269

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Dietary Tips To Lose Weight

By Christopher Rom

First you will need to determine what your ideal calorie level is. You need to calculate your approximate base metabolic rate using the calculator below. This is the number of calories you would burn if you were asleep 24 hours a day.

Personal Deficit

Part 1: It's recommend to recalculate for every 5 lbs you lose. At lower body weight you will require fewer calories for fat loss and also a lower deficit. Lesser aggressive deficits are used as your body's fat % goes down as it's more difficult to keep your lean mass as you get leaner. You want to avoid lean mass loss as much as possible.

Part 2: Allow yourself a treat once a week , or one day to take in higher amount of carbohydrates. Eating at your maintenance calories on this day is recommended. This will help keep your metabolic rate up, and help stave off cravings.

Gauging Your Progress

Measure your problem area's once every week or two to gauge your progress. Measure when you wake up after using the washroom. If you are female, not measuring when you are on your cycle as you will be retaining water as this will give you a false measurement. Some or all of the following measurements will change.


Estimated above your maintenance calories will be an approximation. Which may need to be adjusted due to how many calories you eat based on results. IF no results are seen in how your clothes fit, or with the measuring tape then lower your daily calories by 300. Wait 2 weeks and re-evaluate every 2 weeks.

DO NOT consume less than the number you calculated. IF no progress and you have lowered your calories to the estimated BMR, Read the article on repairing a damaged metabolism: Venuto - How to repair a damaged metabolism

Designing a Diet

* Get rid of junk foods from your home if possible - ie. chips, ice cream, pizza. They bring in a lot of extra calories. They also sacrifice your health. Save junk foods for the once per week "treat" with a maximum of 500 extra calories. * Meals that are based around a protein, a carbohydrate (fruit, vegetable or grain), and a fat. Is complete meal.

* Eat something before morning exercise and don't skip breakfast. You could end up burning muscle tissue.

* Water, water, water. If you don't drink enough water you may get more hungry when you are thirsty. Approximately 1 gallon a day, more if you are very active. Increase water intake slowly though, such as over the period of a week with an extra 16 oz per day.

* Store meals in tupperware containers and cook in advance. It can be frozen for later in the week. This prevents the "there was nothing ready to eat" excuse.

* Get a digital food scale and measure out your servings. No need to measure broccoli, you can guesstimate it and similar vegetables (ie. things with 20 or fewer calories per serving). * Intake at least 1 gram of protein per pound of goal weight (ie. if you would like to weigh 120 lbs, eat at least 120g of protein per day).

Advance Planning of Meals

A nutrition diary will help you plan meals based on your desired caloric and macro-nutrient intake. You can either add the meals the day before, or you can use a word processor or spreadsheet program to write up week long meal plans in advance. Planning in advance helps with staying compliant to the meal plan as there are no "last minute" decisions to be made, and you can precook and store in tupperware in advance. Most meats last at most 4 days in the refrigerator, so advance cooking requires cooking twice per week or freezing of some meals.

Some Meal Examples/Ideas

1. 100 grams of cooked chicken breast, 2/3 cup cooked brown rice, 6 walnut halves, 1 cup strawberries.

2. 4 oz cooked measure sirloin steak, 1 cup broccoli, 200 grams sweet potato.

3. 0.5 cups 2% fat cottage cheese, 1 cup cubed cantaloupe

4. 3 oz shaved home cooked turkey breast, 2 slices 100% whole wheat bread, mustard or light mayo, 1 oz light cheddar sliced. Calorie Counting and Tracking Macro-nutrients

Three of the macro-nutrients are protein, carbohydrates and fats. Protein has 4 calories per gram, carbohydrates have 4 calories per gram, and fats have 9 calories per gram. Fiber contains between 0 and 2 calories per gram but we don't explicitly take this into account when doing ratios (just use total carbs, it will be close enough). Alcohol contains 7 calories per gram. Macro-nutrient Ratios

Macro-nutrient ratio's give the percent of calories coming from carbohydrates, protein or fat.

Being strict with a particular ratio is not good, and the one you favor will be dependent on you. There is also no need to switch ratios when switching from cutting to bulking (although, you may wish to make changes for increased satiety when cutting, or decreased fullness when bulking). A macro-nutrient ratio gives you the percent of calories from each nutrient in your diet. Here are a few suggestions (again, no need to be strict):

Make sure that you are getting at least 1g of protein per pound of "goal" body weight. For fat loss, goal body weight is where you would like to end up. For muscle gain, use the body weight you expect to be in 6 months. So if you would like to weigh 120 lbs, then you would want at least 120 g of protein. As well, for dieting, 20% fat intake could put your fat intake very low, I suggest for most women to intake at least 40g of fat per day. Example

Needing 2000 calories, you are using a 40% carbohydrates, 40% protein, and 20% fat ratio (often written 40c/40p/20f), then you calculate the grams of each by the following calculation: You will be aiming for 200 grams of carbohydrates, 200 grams of protein, and 44 grams of fat per day. Assuming you are aiming for 5 meals a day, the easiest way to determine approximately what to intake per meal, is by dividing these numbers by 5.

The simple way to count calories and track macro-nutrients (protein, carbohydrates and fat) is through the use of free calorie tracking software such as Nutridiary. You simply add the foods in that you ate that day or, preferably, plan in advance by skipping ahead to the next day(s), and entering ahead of time.

I prefer Nutridiary for the ability to design meals that you can easily tweak to get desired nutritional amounts. Another website that is helpful is NutritionData. NutritionData is good for quick searching of nutrition info, and for calculating calories from recipes. I do hope that this will help you in your quest towards a healthier body, body weight and life! - 17269

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Effective Proteins For Losing Fat And Gaining Muscles

By Josh Wintrop

Burning fat takes place more effectively when there is sufficient muscles surface area in the body. Taking a nutritious diet and following regular exercises helps to bring about weight loss. This is possible when the plan is followed regularly over duration of time. Therefore it is necessary to give a fat loss program time for it to produce positive results.

Body building foods from proteins sources make a good plan for developing healthy lean tissues. They provide nutrition which contains body building compounds useful for development of muscles. These are useful in burning fat more effectively.

Taking rich sources of proteins is the best way to create, repair and maintain healthy muscles. Availability of lean mass in the body raises the rate of metabolism which increases burning fat. This influences how energy is created and used in the body which brings about a reduction of weight. Avoid sources that have too much fat.


It contains all essential amino acids necessary for the body. It has a high biological value and its compounds are available in the right proportion. This allows effective development of lean muscles which favor burning of fat. The compounds also maintain the good health of muscular tissue which keeps the rate of metabolism at high levels thus burning more calories.

Sea food

They contain compounds that are high in proteins required for development of healthy muscular tissue. The nutrients sustain and maintain healthy muscles which are useful in effective burning of weight.


Eggs contain all amino acids required by the body. It is one of the richest sources of proteins and they are available in the right proportion. These compounds develop lean mass which is necessary for maintaining active metabolism. This allows burning of excess muscles continuously through the day which results to loss of fat.

Low fat dairy products

The best sources are low fat dairy products. Proteins from such sources are rich in compounds that help to develop and repair muscles in the body. Eating low fat products prevents consumption of high energy foods from milk which can result to a gain in weight.


The best type is beans. They are a rich plant source of proteins. The have added benefits of providing compounds without cholesterol which can result to weight gain. They are a good source of dietary fiber and water content which is useful in digestion. - 17269

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Ideas On How To Eat Whole Foods Despite Not Cooking

By Connor Sullivan

There are many people who believe that once cooking is involved any foodstuff loses much of the goodness that are essential for the health and well being of human beings. Raw food diets have been championed of late and are starting to gain in popularity. Raw foods do indeed provide better and more qualitative nutrients but some may not take to the uncooked produce regimen very easily. The items most people have eaten are salads and coleslaw which obviously contained uncooked products. But for most people, this is about all they have experienced. They do not experiment with other versions of uncooked produce, or they are a little scared to try out anything else!

Many will think this is some kind of fad but this movement has been gaining in popularity for a long time now. Many start the uncooked produce regimen when they have no choice but to try the dishes when uncooked produce is provided. In the face of this dilemma they take some food to be polite but find that it is indeed delicious and very palatable. Curiosity then tends to get them to branch out on their own.

But what kinds of dishes make for good eating? For the uninitiated, it may not seem to be very varied. But for those who take the time to learn, the versions are literally endless. How about a gazpacho soup which is a very tasty cold soup from Spain? This dish is one of the easiest to start with and will set the newcomer on a very varied path bereft of cooking.

There are new and exciting dishes like burgers made from sprouting lentils and grated carrot, or sweet potatoes mixed with nuts and seeds to make crisp crackers. Even courgettes (zucchini) can be used to make a very tasty spaghetti style dish, all uncooked. Who would think that this would be possible? Young coconuts are also good for this type of dish as long as they are available to prepare. Desserts are also another aspect of this style of eating and many will use fruits and nuts to produce something quite acceptable even to the beginner.So popular is this form of healthy eating becoming that it is anticipated that in the future, people will be able to pluck fruit and vegetables directly from plants growing along supermarket shelves. This is probably the only way to make sure that goods are as fresh as possible. Fresh produce loses many of the valuable nutrients the longer it is stored. In this way, the product can be consumed literally as soon as it reaches home.

For those who think that this is not so popular, there are many websites dedicated to the consumption of fresh and uncooked produce. Many extol the health aspects of eating this kind of produce and, looking at the obesity problems besetting the world at present, this may be the way to provide a healthy and alternative choice for the family.

Most will try this, at least incorporating some uncooked produce in their daily intake, before emigrating fully to the completely uncooked route. - 17269

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Thinking About the HCG Diet...

By Amelia Handley

You are so lucky. I'm sure you just can't wait to keep up as I document my progress through the HCG diet with daily articles online. It's one of the most effective diets on the market. I looked into HCG diet weight loss clinics initially, but I couldn't the afford the money or time investments it required. So instead I opted for an online option with HCG Diet Direct.

I read all about the diet and HCG Diet Direct. I just typed HCG into google and there it was. As much information as anyone could possibly want. There were articles, releases, case studies, testimonials, blogs...info is all over the place!

But that wasn't enough. After that I decided I needed to know the EXACT requirements of the diet. Naysayers say it's SO hard! And I don't believe in unnecessary punishments. The first thing I discovered is that I don't need a prescription; which is fabulous! No insurance means I avoid doctors offices and pharmacies as much as possible. The HCG diet weight loss clinics I tried first required prescriptions so this was a pleasant surprise for me. I also loved the fact that it's all natural.

I went through all the detailed info offered on HCG Diet Direct's web site. They've got everything. I read about the origins of the diet. I read about the general weight loss theory. I read about the massive popularity surge in the recent months. I read about a bunch of specific case studies. It was great. And I really appreciate the fact that I just order it online, wait for it to be delivered to my door and start it up at my convenience.

After reading and reading and reading...I felt like I had a pretty good grasp of the diet in general. And I have to say that I was really excited about the weight loss possibilities that it seemed I'll have access to...1 to 2 pounds per day? That's absolutely amazing. It definitely makes me intensely dedicated to sticking to the rules so I'll get the best possible results.

I felt pretty ready at this point. But then I had the same old, same old problem of nervous lack of motivation and procrastination. So I made a bet with a friend. It works wonders. I suggested we do it together and whoever breaks the diet has to buy the other one a new pair of jeans (since we're going to lose all this weight...it seemed pretty logical).

So...while I wait for her (and her husband's) response to my suggestions you'll just have to wait for the daily release of my successful (hopefully ALL successful) weight loss results. As I navigate one of the most popular diets on the market I'll be offering you a play by play. That way you'll be able to see once and for all that regular people can lose weight just as fast as Angelina Jolie. (If only I could grow a foot at the same time...but that's an entirely different story!) - 17269

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Why is Acai Berry Better than Blueberry?

By Caitlin Ryan

Acai berries are all the rage. You can find them in supplements, extract, juices and powders. This "superfood" might help prevent cardiovascular disease, premature aging, type 2 diabetes and cancer. It may even help you lose a few pounds. Are acai berries really this amazing? Why are they so prevalent in the natural health industry and blueberries seem to be antiquated?

Both acai berries and blueberries contain phytochemicals from the anthocyanin group. Phytochemicals are the components of plants meant to help the plant combat disease and cellular damage. They also help repair damage. In other words, they keep the plant healthy and when you consume these plants, that protective factor transfers to your body.

These phytochemicals also contribute to the plants characteristics such as color and aroma. There are a variety of phytochemicals in every plant, but the most predominant one lends to the plant's overall characteristics. Purple plants, such as acai berries and blueberries, contain high amounts of anthocyanins which give them their gorgeous, purplish blue coloring.

Anthocyanins have several characteristics that make them extremely beneficial to the human body. First, they have high amounts of antioxidants. Antioxidants are known to fight free radicals and the damage incurred. We are exposed to free radicals on a daily basis: car exhaust, carcinogens, UV rays, pollution, industrial chemicals, household chemicals and even the foods we eat. Free radicals contribute to cancer, heart disease and aging among other health concerns.

These same foods, especially high-fat animal protein and refined carbohydrates, also contribute to systemic inflammation. Anti-inflammatory properties in anthocyanins combat this systemic inflammation. Systemic inflammation is at the root of many disease processes including obesity.

So, if blueberries and acai berries both contain high amounts of anthocyanins, why are acai berries so highly regarded whereas blueberries seem to have gone back to being, well, just a fruit topping for pancakes?

Though blueberries are very good for you, acai berries have extremely high Oxygen Radical Absorption Capabilities (ORAC). This score measures how much they fight free radical damage. Blueberries score 2400 and acai berries score 5500. As well, acai berries contain a variety of essential amino acids that is nearly perfect.

Unfortunately, acai berries are not readily available in the produce department whereas blueberries are. If you want acai berries, you will have to travel to the Amazon OR purchase them in supplement or powder form. The juices often contain high amounts of sugar, so it is better to go with a supplement.

Your best bet is to enjoy the benefits of blueberries, acai supplements and a wide variety of plants in your diet. This way, you will benefit from all the phytochemicals, which tend to work together to improve health. - 17269

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Mass Muscle Building Secrets!

By Casey Wigwire

As you may be aware, Halloween only comes once a year. If you don't learn how to build macho muscles the right way, you won't need a costume in order to look like a skeleton. Without a question, if you want to impress women, or feel less embarrassed in the gym shower, it is time to start reading No Nonsense Muscle Building. Even if you are unable gain weight and muscle mass after spending several hours in the gym, this book can help you make significant gains in just a few weeks. In fact, your whole body will start to feel different after just a few workouts.

Some of the more popular categories in the workout supplement industry are the pre-workout supplements.If you want your muscles to be full and feel like they are huge then this supplement is designed to do just that by generating a thorough 'pump' all over your body.I kinda like the way my muscles feel huge all thanks to my supplement.

On the other hand, if you keep using steroids or protein supplements, your heart, kidneys, and liver will most likely fail before you reach retirement age. Unfortunately, you will not develop the kind of muscles and strength that you should get out of all your effort.

When you read No Nonsense Muscle Building, you will learn some very simple secrets that other men have known for centuries. Chances are, all your friends will wonder how you are developing muscle without having to go near the gym. Regardless of whether you want to share your secret, you will have peace of mind knowing that you won't have to worry about looking bony and emaciated.

To build muscle fast, you need an muscle intensified workout plan. Not intensified because it makes you workout for hours or because it makes you lift heavy weights. Intensified because it makes the muscles do the job of lifting weights and nothing else. Most people who lift huge amounts of weights are not using their muscles to lift, they're using other resources of their bodies (parts of the body that can generate more force than muscles). - 17269

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How To Get Rid Of Bingo Wings Faster

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Learning how to get rid of bingo wings can seem daunting at first. Especially if you are lost among all the different marketing claims and sugar pill products. Luckily, there are certain supplements that can make this process a little easier.

Having said that, it's important that you have realistic expectations when it comes to supplementation. After all, no matter how many supplements you take, you are still going to have to work for your bingo wing freedom.

And don't forget that it's not just about working hard in the gym to get rid of those bingo wings. You also have to work outside of the gym by watching your nutrition around the clock.

So without further ado, here are some supplements to help you get rid of bingo wings:

1. Caffeine. You have to be careful here. Too much caffeine will interrupt your sleep and accelerate aging. But "just enough" caffeine can help you have groundbreaking workouts consistently.

2. A multivitamin. The key here is to NOT take a multivitamin with mega doses of different nutrients. This puts you at risk for toxicity. Instead aim for a multi that has no more than 100% daily recommended values for any nutrient.

3. ALA. Alpha lipoic acid is sometimes referred to as an insulin mimicker. It helps your body get more nutrients into its active tissues like muscle. This is beneficial because it reduces the probability that the food you are eating is making your bingo wings bigger.

4. Chromium. Similar to alpha lipoic acid, this supplement can help get a higher percentage of nutrients into your active tissues. And the more nutrients going to active tissues, the less chance your bingo wings have of getting larger.

Supplements can be good tools for helping you get rid of bingo wings. Just make sure you don't have unrealistic expectations. If you think a pill will help you get rid of arm fat overnight, then you are probably going to get disappointed. Experiment with the aforementioned supplements and stick to the ones that work for your body. - 17269

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Suppressing Appetite Naturally With Fibre

By Andrew Smith

If you don't know, fibre and fibre rich products usually are recommended by health specialists and nutritionists because they act as natural appetite suppressant (weight loss benefit), they can reduce different bowel problems and cholesterol level in your blood.

Probably you've seen high-fibre cereal adverts on TV where they promise to keep you full from breakfast until lunch, what is true because fibre is excellent natural appetite suppressant. On this example you can see that small changes can be without any efforts just start eating fibre rich cereals in the morning and fibre intake is increasing already.

Changing our diets seems unbelievably hard and even impossible but little things like that add up and eventually daily fibre intake can be sufficient to see real health benefits brought by reduced body weight, healthy bowels and lower cholesterol level.

Few facts about fibre and why it is so good ... It is made up of several carbohydrates and can be either insoluble or soluble. It contains no calories, vitamins or minerals unlike most other foods we consume and therefore passes through your body without being digested. These are reasons why individuals who suffer from constipation are encouraged to eat more fibre.

You're mistaken if you think that fibre can be found in products of animal origin. Fibre exclusively can be found in plants especially rich in fibre are vegetables, fruits and grains (and whole grain products). Fibre is present in the cell walls of plants.

Appetite suppression and weight loss is just a fraction of all positive aspects from eating lots of fibre. Reduced risks of bowel and colon cancer, better overall feeling, reduced risk of having haemorrhoids, normal blood sugar levels are few of additional health benefits, of course with one condition, add fibre to your everyday diet.

It's clear that having a fibre rich diet will have a positive impact on your overall health and self feeling, also fibre as natural appetite suppressant will have a huge impact in your weight loss efforts so you can achieve your goals easier and healthier. - 17269

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The Power That Green Tea Boasts

By Aoife Joyce

The answer is YES! Did you know that Green Tea has been named 'The Skin Tea'? This name has been proudly stamped on it on account of its abilities to improve the skins overall appearance. Would you be happy to enjoy youthful, revitalized, clear skin? Continue reading and you will soon realize the degree to which your skins future health is 'in the tea leaves'.

The origins of Green Tea dates back to 4,000 years ago in China. The tea is produced by way of steaming the leaves of the pretty perennial evergreen shrub known as Camellia Sinensis . The fact that the leaves are steamed means that the precious antioxidants found in this skin tea are saved from damage that may be incurred by other methods like fermenting. The antioxidants mentioned are known technically as catechin polyphenols, the most important of these being, in shortened idiom, EGCG. EGCG takes dominance with regards to the polyphenols as it has such immense influences on the whole body.

Your skin has a life cycle of 28 days. When new cells are formed from stem cells, it takes them about 20 days to travel to the very surface of the epidermis (outer layer of skin). They then stay there and are ready to die. However... it has been shown that EGCG appeared to react with these dying cells and they began dividing and renewing themselves again. So if dying skin cells can be re-energized, then the skin in turn will improve in condition and will naturally look and feel renewed.

A study released by Stanford University recently said that, via a volunteer group of Green Tea drinkers, the presence of EGCG in the tea verifies a diminished red vein look, reduction in pore sizes and refined skin. It also showed that EGCG can prevent the release of Histamine, which in turn lowers the skins sensitivity levels. This can have a diminishing effect on the presence of Acne Rosacea.

Top 4 Extra Facts You Need To Know

A statement released by Harvard Medical School declares that "in test tubes, catechins (antioxidants) are more powerful than Vitamin C and E in halting oxidative damage to cell". In reality, EGCG catechins are a massive 100 times more valuable to you than Vitamin C and 25 more efficient than Vitamin E is.

One cup of Green Tea supplies 10-40mg of catechins, which supplies you with more antioxidants than a decent serving of spinach, broccoli, carrots and strawberries.

The 'unpaired' electrons that are known as Free Radicals that can devastate cell membranes can be killed by EGCG. For this reason, EGCG antioxidants can work in line with sun defence lotions in preventing the skin from UV radiation effects. Rather than forming a barrier between the skin and the sun, it destroys Free Radicals when they become present in the skin. This fact is extremely interesting when you consider that a massive 90% of all signs of anti-ageing are caused by UV radiation

Riboflavin, being one of the Vitamin B's, can also be found in Green Tea and is responsible for repairing and protecting the cells of skin, hair and nails.

It is easy to see why, from the above information, Green Tea has been classed 'The Skin Tea'. There seems to be no limit to the good it can do for you. As well as its immaculate collection of powerful ingredients, it has the most vibrantly refreshing taste. Add to your cup some freshly squeezed lemon juice and this boosts its anti cancer properties for you as well. - 17269

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