Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Healthy Wat To Lose Weight

By Christopher Rom

A low-fat diet involves the reduction of fat in a persons diet. Your calorie consumption is reduced for the purpose of ssing weight. Diets of this type include NCEP Step I and II. A meta-analysis of 16 trials of 2-12 months' duration found that low-fat diets resulted in weight loss of 3.2 kg (7.1 lb) over eating as normal. Some low carbohydrate diets such as Atkins and Protein Power are relatively high in fat and protein. They are very popular in the press but are not recommended by the American Heart Association. A review of over 100 studies did not find that low-carbohydrate diets cause weight loss, except when calorie intake was restricted. No adverse effects from low carbohydrate diets were detected.

The low-calorie diets will usually produce a average deficit of 500-1,000 calories per day, and may result in a 0.5 kilogram (1.1 lb) weight loss per week. They include the DASH diet and Weight Watchers among others. The National Institutes of Health reviewed 34 randomized controlled trials to determine the effectiveness of low-calorie diets. They found that these diets lowered total body mass by 8% over 3-12 months.Very low calorie diets provide 200-800 kcal/day, maintaining protein intake but limiting calories from both fat and carbohydrates. They subject the body to starvation and produce an average weekly weight loss of 1.5-2.5 kilograms (3.3-5.5 lb). These diets are not recommended for general use as they are associated with adverse side effects such as loss of lean muscle mass, increased risks of gout, and electrolyte imbalances. People attempting these diets must be monitored closely by a physician to prevent complications.

Loss of weight typically involves the loss of fat, water and muscle. Overweight people, or people suffering from obesity, typically aim to reduce the percentage of body fat. Additionally, as muscle tissue is denser than fat, fat loss results in increased loss of body volume compared with muscle loss. Reducing even 10% body fat can therefore have a dramatic effect on a person's body shape. To determine the proportion of weight loss that is due to decreased fat tissue, various methods of measuring body fat percentage have been developed.

Muscle loss can occur during weight loss but can be restricted by regularly lifting weights (or strength-oriented calisthenics or isometrics) and by maintaining sufficient protein intake. Those on low-carbohydrate diets, and those doing particularly strenuous exercise, may wish to increase their protein intake. The National Academy of Sciences states that the Dietary reference intake for protein is "0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight for adults." Over extended periods of time excessive protein intake may cause liver and kidney problems and may be a risk factor for heart disease. There is no conclusive evidence that moderately high protein diets in healthy individuals are dangerous, it has only been shown that these diets are dangerous in individuals who already have kidney and liver problems.

The energy intake from food is limited by the efficiency of digestion and the efficiency of utilization. The efficiency of digestion is largely dependent on the type of food being eaten, while efficiency of utilization is affected by individual factors, including body weight and hormones. Also the effects of chewing, especially in elderly people, have been shown to affect the intake of micro-nutrients. However, there was no significant effect on the intake of macro-nutrients, such as sugars, fats, and proteins.

A bodies nutrients are provided from six separate classes: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, dietary minerals, and water. Carbohydrates are metabolized to provide energy. Proteins provide amino acids, which are required for cell construction, especially for the construction of muscle cells. Essential fatty acids are required for brain and cell membrane construction. Vitamins and trace minerals help maintain proper electrolyte balance and are required for many metabolic processes. Dietary fiber is another food component which influences health even though it is not actually absorbed into the body.

All diet's that fail to meet minimum nutritional requirements can threaten general health (and physical fitness in particular). If a person is not well enough to be active, weight loss and good quality of life will be unlikely.Check out the National Academy of Sciences and the World Health Organization because they publish guidelines for dietary intakes of all known essential nutrients. Sometimes people on a diet will ingest excessive amounts of vitamin and mineral supplements. While this is usually harmless, some nutrients are dangerous. Men (and women who don't menstruate) need to be wary of iron poisoning. Retinol (oil-soluble vitamin A) is toxic in large doses. As a general rule, most people can get the nutrition they need from foods. In any event, a multivitamin taken once a day will suffice for the majority of the population.

Weight-loss diets which manipulate the proportion of macronutrients (low-fat, low-carbohydrate, etc.) have not been found to be more effective than diets which maintain a typical mix of foods with smaller portions and perhaps some substitutions (e.g. low-fat milk, or less salad dressing). Extreme diets may, in some cases, lead to malnutrition. So please be very careful with these types if this is what you choose. - 17269

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Discover The World Of Christmas Breakfasts

By Adriana Noton

One of the best things about Christmas is the food on offer. However, many of us rarely start feasting until some point in the afternoon. But really, we should start tucking in as soon as our eyes are open in the morning of the 25th; particularly when there are breakfasts as good as these to tempt us.

Even if you are the one responsible for preparing the lunch, it doesn't mean you can't have good celebratory breakfasts either.

One simple idea, that most people will adore, is beautiful Scottish smoked salmon, served with rich and creamy scrambled egg. If you can grate some truffle over your eggs too, that will just be superb. To get a similar flavor, a touch of truffle oil could be added to keep the cost down a little. Serve with a bagel, or some nice soda bread.

Another easily made breakfast is a bacon croissant. Place some bacon, (ideally smoked streaky), in your frying pan and fry until just cooked, (but not super crispy). Whilst frying, put your oven on and place two baking trays on the shelves. Meanwhile, slice and butter a croissant and spread a little tomato puree on one side.

Once your bacon is done; place this on the croissant and sprinkle with some grated cheese. Place this on one of the baking trays, and place the second on top; pressing down a little. Put this back in the oven for a few minutes, or alternatively on a sandwich toaster, and serve whilst still hot.

Of course, if you really want to push the boat out, then "Full English" breakfasts all round really do need to be the order of the day. Traditionally, these are fried but to make things slightly healthier; you could opt to grill (broil) of course.

Traditionally, an "English Breakfast" will comprise bacon, sausages, baked beans, mushrooms and egg; though there really are no limits to what you can add.

Particularly good to add is a slice, (or two), of fried bread. Fried in butter, this is simply amazing, and with a side of sauteed potatoes, fried onions, tomatoes and even a black pudding; is sure to keep you going until lunch arrives.

Whilst making a tasty meal is simple enough with just the basics; there are a few things you can do to jazz it up for the big day.

Instead of simply warming up your beans; try adding a half cup of milk to the pan, along with a good sized chunk of butter. A squeeze of garlic puree and a grind of pepper work well too; simmered gently for fifteen to twenty minutes; they really are a treat.

With the fried bread too, a nice little trick is to turn it into "eggy bread". Rather than slather on the butter, thoroughly coat each slice in beaten egg and fry until golden. For a real sense of season; add a sprinkling of cinnamon or nutmeg to the egg.

Hopefully, these few ideas will really inspire to make your guests breakfasts something that little bit special this Christmas. However, if you don't agree; you could always just serve up a bowl of cornflakes and a round of toast?! - 17269

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Week Two With HCG Dieting

By Amelia Handley

I think we're pretty much for sure all set. Lisa (my friend that agreed to do the HCG diet with me) and I went ahead and made our orders. Our HCG Diet Direct HCG diet kits are in the mail. We both got the basic formula and I added the cookbook and the B-Total Sublingual to my order.

I've got an edge, but I don't think it's cheating because I absolutely tried to talk her into getting B-Total. She knew I ordered it when we both ordered our HCG diet kits. So while I've got an edge...I wouldn't call it an unfair edge.

Our online "sharing" of the HCG diet with daily articles means that I need to share the details of our purchase process. It was great. The website was easy to navigate. The checkout process was secure and easy. They take all major credit cards and we got receipts emailed to use right away.

I even received an email updating my order status to "shipped" within hours of my order. I have to say that I was really impressed. That's efficient service. I'm not sure if Lisa received a similar email updating her shipping status or not because I haven't talked her since we ordered, but I assume she did.

Our products should arrive pretty quickly and we got a great deal on it because not only were most of the HCG Diet Direct products and HCG diet kits on sale, but I found an online coupon code that gave us an additional discount. You have to love that! We expect our HCG diet kits to arrive within the week. And that works out perfect because after studying the calendar we decided it was just too serendipitous that Thanksgiving is right around the corner. It's the perfect "loading" day. The first two days of the diet you are supposed to eat a lot of fatty calories from what I understand. I'll go into further detail once I have the full instructions that should come with the HCG diet kits.

So the official summary is that we've ordered our HCG diet kits and we are declaring our official start date as the day before Thanksgiving. That way the 25 days will end right before Christmas. It will still be tough, but 500 calories per day will always be tough. And we figure it would be even tougher on a major holiday. At least this way I don't have to pass up the mashed potatoes and gravy. - 17269

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Some Tips You Will Need In Body Building

By Ricardo d Argence

Lots of things have changed in the last several decades. As many things have progressed and people have taken a new attitude toward life and living in general, our lifestyles have also evolved. Many of those changes are positive and relate to healthier bodies and lifestyles. But this trend also places a strong focus on appearance and looks, as well.

It used to be said that, "First impressions are the last impressions." That seems to be even more true today than when it was said in years past, because these days everyone wants to make a perfect first impression. That means they want to look their best all the time and also have the perfect body. And that means that suddenly everyone is focused on exercising, getting healthy, and creating beautiful bodies.

What is body building? Body building is something which has always been something of a passion for most males and now definitely a few females. Almost every male is fascinated by the prospect of toning up his muscles and building up his strength and then flaunting these to the world and gaining appreciation.

The process of body building focuses on using certain techniques to develop particular muscles in specific ways. They want to create a particular physique. Then they enter competitions where they are judged for the appearance of their muscles and physique. In fact, some people have even turned this into a full-time profession.

If you're interested in body building, here are a few tips that will help you develop your muscles. First, you'll want to include weight training in your regime. However, you should know that weight training for body building needs to be very specific and should be focused.

For example, too much weight training may damage your muscles. So all weight training must be focused on specific muscle groups, done for the proper duration or number of reps, and done properly to avoid tearing a muscle or doing some kind of irreparable damage. Weight training-and the way it is done-is critical to body building success.

In addition, good nutrition is important for body builders who want to achieve success. You need to eat right and refrain from acquiring an obsessive dependency on certain foods or food groups. Overall nutritional balance is necessary for success.

Consumption of a diet rich in carbohydrates helps with muscle growth and provides the energy your body needs when working out a lot. Fiber is also critical to building muscle strength and helping muscles recover quickly, particularly if you tear a muscle or are experiencing muscle aches and pains. Therefore, a body builder's diet should also include lots of fiber.

Dietary supplements are also advised for body builders and these supplements give the body extra energy and also provide muscles with the right kind of nutrients which are essential for their growth. - 17269

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Get Ready for the Holidays

By Dr. Jason Fowler

The holidays are here - Chanukah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa. Lots of family get-togethers, lots of fellowship and fun, and usually lots of food. Family dinners, parties, family breakfasts, more parties. Is there any way to avoid gaining five or ten unwanted pounds during the extended holiday season? Thanksgiving through early January can be a pretty long time. In order to maintain that healthy weight range you've worked hard to achieve, it's important to keep following the good habits that got you there.

We want to have fun and enjoy ourselves during the holidays. We want to participate in all the activities and share the abundance of good food with family and friends. This really is a Zen question. How to let go without letting go? Solutions are available by having built a solid foundation. Food plans that work are based on a few simple and solid principles -

Eat five or six small meals daily.

Make sure each meal combines protein and complex carbohydrates 1,2 Drink plenty of water Exercise regularly Have a "free food day" once a week Such a food plan is realistic and doable. There's no crazy dieting involved, no highs or lows. You are eating healthy food with no restrictions, choosing from all basic food groups. You eat anything you want, being sure to follow guidelines on portion sizes. The results are weight loss that stays lost. Because you're exercising regularly, your body sheds fat pounds and adds a few pounds of lean muscle mass. Your metabolism becomes optimized to burn fat, even when you're resting. If you've been following such a food plan your metabolism is already doing what it's designed to do. During the holidays you'll continue to burn fat for energy, provided you don't overload your system with too many extra calories.

Try to schedule your free day - when you can eat anything you want, as much as you want, and whenever you want - to coincide with a big holiday get-together. When you are at a party and it's your free food day, you can indulge as much as you like. It's a part of your regular food plan. That's a pretty good bonus! Also, alcohol consumption often goes up during the holiday season. Punch, egg nog, all sorts of "holiday cheer". These beverages are super-high in calories. 3 Again, your free day is a good day to indulge yourself. On other days, maybe not so much.

After the last guest has gone home and the last dish is put back in the cupboard, if we've gained a few pounds during the course of the holidays it's not so bad. What we wanted to avoid was gaining a bunch of weight. Now, we can return to our regular food plan - six days on and one day off - and those extra few pounds will be gone in four to six weeks. We had fun, we spent quality time with a lot of family and friends, and at the same time we took care of our health and well-being. That helps make the holidays especially joyous!

1 Hageman R, et al: A specific blend of intact protein rich in aspartate has strong postprandial glucose attenuating properties. J Nutr-8(9):1634-1640, 2008 2 Claessens M, et al: Glucagon and insulin responses after ingestion of different amounts of intact and hydrolysed proteins. Br J Nutr 100(1):61-69, 2008 3 Suter PM: Is alcohol consumption a risk factor for weight gain and obesity? Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci 42(3)197-227, 2005 - 17269

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HCG Diet Drops: A Safe and Easy HCG Diet

By Joshua McNeill

HCG diet drops are quickly becoming the hottest diet plan in the United States. They work quickly and effectively to literally melt pounds off of your body. Instead of having to take as many as 12 pills a day or going through painful injections, these diet drops are absorbed and get to work with no pain or fuss.

HCG is a hormone found naturally in both men and women. The hormone is most common in pregnant women and is actually used as a fertility drug to increase sperm count or to help women ovulate. However, it can also be used as a miracle dietary aid. Make no mistake, HCG works, and it works quickly.

Traditionally, HCG is administered as an injection or as an oral pill. HCG is produced naturally, but can also be produced synthetically. The HCG drop is not an injection or pill, but rather a liquid drop administered under the tongue. The HCG drop is also chemically different from traditional injection HCG.

The HCG diet drops solution is full strength HCG that has been slightly diluted. This allows a safe mixture that puts the dieter at no risk whatsoever. It is the ease of this plan that makes it very attractive for the dieters as it is much easier and much less costly.

As far as the diet is concerned, it works the same exact way. A nutritional outline is there for everyone as far as what they recommend is eaten. Looking at the diet, the first thing that is immediately noticeable is the fact that there is no fat in the diet. This is because they load you up with proteins and fiber that the body needs to stay strong and eliminate the fat so the HCG can work naturally with the body to burn off all of that excessive weight.

A normal diet period generally lasts between twenty and thirty days, however the diet can be extended longer if necessary. It is not recommended to extend the diet beyond forty days as any prolonged diet can lead to difficulties. Also, it is recommended that dieters abstain from heavy exercise for the first three weeks. When adhering to the low calorie diet it is important to increase your fiber intake and stay hydrated by drinking lots of water.

Diet drops are a great option for anyone looking for an affordable and safe way to start and HCG diet. HCG diet drops are perhaps the best option for HCG dieting because the dieter does not need to administer a daily injection. Diet drops offer all the benefits of an HCG diet at a reduced risk and cost. - 17269

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Learning About Healthy Food

By Amy Smith

he 10 healthiest foods differ depending on the country you live in. In the United States of America, there is some debate over the 10 healthiest foods by experts. However, one thread consistent is that the foods all meet a standard in terms of nutrition. The foods referenced in this article are recommended by clinical sources.

One recommended food is the apple. The saying "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" should not be taken in vain. The apple is a wonderful source of Vitamin C. They are also high in fiber. Almonds are another extremely healthy food. Like apples, almonds are high in fiber. They are also an excellent source of vitamin E. Blueberries are a good source of fiber and vitamin C. They are also crucial in promoting healthy aging and preventing infection. Broccoli is said to be another very healthy food. It is known as a great source of vitamins A and C. Broccoli also helps prevent diabetes and heart disease. Beans are an excellent source of fiber and protein. They are very low in fat and cholesterol and help prevent against cancer.

Another of the 10 healthiest foods is salmon. While most fish is known to be healthy, salmon is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. It also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and an excellent source of protein. Like broccoli, spinach has high levels of vitamins A and C. It is also said to promote healthy nails, skin and hair. Sweet potatoes are misleading because of the amount of sugar people think they contain.

They are actually very good sources of potassium, vitamins B-6, C and E. Vegetable juice is a wonderful way to capture of the nutrients and vitamins of whole fruits and vegetables that are lost during cooking. There are many varieties and people tend to find it easier to drink juice than find servings of cooked vegetables and fruit throughout the day. Another of the 10 healthiest foods is wheat germ. Wheat germ has good levels of potassium, vitamin E and iron.

While the 10 healthiest foods are debatable, it is important to keep in mind that the way the food is prepared could be just as important as what the food actually is. Food that is eaten whole has the best nutritional value. If the food has to be cooked, steaming is the best method to preserving nutrients. - 17269

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Muscle Might Will Help Add Muscle Mass

By James Langerson

Are you a bit overweight? Does that affect your confidence level? If yes, it is high time that you buy yourself a product that will help you get that body; you have been long yearning for. Muscle Might is a supplement that will not only help you build muscle but also shed those extra pounds and look irresistible. In this immensely competitive world it is not important only for women to look good, men must look equally fit and appealing. Hence a muscle building supplement can be of great help.

Muscle Might is a body building supplement that contains L-Arginine combination of amino acids. This product will help you get oxygen to your muscles while working out. Muscle Might does this by improving the nitric oxide levels in your body. Muscle Might doesn't help you get bigger by using steroids. Muscle Might contains natural ingredients that are safe to use.

Generally when you work out the oxygen level in your body keeps getting exhausted and results is a slower process of formation of muscles. Muscle Might is an amazing muscle building supplement that increases oxygen supply to your muscles when you work out thus leading to faster muscle growth and even increases your strength. Make use of this wonderful product and you shall surely get noticed no matter where you go. This will boost your confidence and make you look exactly the way you have wanted to. Muscle Might also strengthens the immune system thus increasing the ability of your body to fight diseases. It means you shall be healthier and more active.

Using Muscle Might while you workout will enable you to workout longer and harder. If you've felt slow at work and often feel exhausted while you workout, this body building supplement will help you throughout the day and during workouts. Within no time, you should expect to see and increase in muscle mass and notice a cleaner physique.

There are various websites on the internet where you can buy body building supplements, however many do not use the natural and safe ingredients that Muscle Might uses. Various websites also offer testimonials from the users of the Muscle Might supplement. Give Muscle Might a try during your workout and see if it works as well for you as it has the tons of other users of the product. - 17269

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How Good Prenatal Nutrients Can Play An Important Part During Pregnancy

By Keith Woolley

If you are pregnant, congratulations! It is a wonderful journey and one that you will not forget. Part of enjoying your pregnancy is staying as healthy as possible and prenatal nutrients can help with this. There are a few nutrients that you need to make sure any supplement has, and you need to look for them when choosing which prenatal vitamins you will take.

Folic acid is important because it helps your baby form a proper nervous system. It helps the neural tubes which are important to the nervous system form correctly and allows the skin to close over the spinal cord at the right stage of development. If the nervous system does not form properly, the baby can develop a serious and life threatening disease. Because the nervous system is formed in very early pregnancy, health care officials are recommending that women take folic acid supplements before they become pregnant so that there are the proper levels of this nutrient in your body. You should also try and eat foods that are high in folate, a natural form of folic acid.

This disease, spina bifida can have a number of negative results. The baby can be born with fluid on its brain and this can lead to mental retardation. It can also cause the spinal cord to be left exposed to the air which can cause paralysis and underdevelopment of the legs and lower body. The leak of cerebral spinal fluid can result in other very serious health problems as well.

Another nutrient which many women are low on during pregnancy is iron.

You are building blood for yourself and the baby and if you do not have enough iron in your system, you can rapidly become anemic and this can become quite serious if left untreated. There are two types of iron that are available in prenatal vitamins. They are ferrous fumerate and ferrous gluconate. The problem is that some women have a hard time keeping one or the other down. If you find one makes you queasy, you should try switching to a prenatal vitamin that contains the other form of iron. You may find it can reduce your morning sickness.

In addition to forming blood, your body also will need calcium to help form the baby's skeletal system. Many women have found that if they do not have enough calcium in their diet they will actually end up having calcium pulled from their bones in order to accommodate the needs of the growing baby. In addition to eating and drinking dairy products, a good prenatal vitamin supplement can help you stay as healthy and bone-strong as possible.

One of the best ways to get any nutrient is through a balanced diet. This is not always possible for all pregnant women but you need to make sure that you try as much as possible. In the early days, when morning sickness is a problem, a vitamin supplement is even more critical.

You can get liquid vitamins as well as vitamins that are powdered in case taking a pill or capsule by mouth is too much to handle. Changing the vitamin formula you take or taking the pills right before bedtime when you can sleep through the queasiness may also help you to keep the vitamins down.

If you are a vegan, you may think it is impossible for you to find vegetarian supplements that do not contain animal products. These are becoming easier to find in many health food stores. Make sure that you speak to your health care provider so that they can evaluate the vitamins and make any recommendations about taking extra supplements. - 17269

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Why Is Nutrition Important?

By Juliette Crane

There are many changes that occur when your body begins to age. Many times activity levels slow as does the metabolism and bit of rounded belly begins to show. Foods that you once hated now sound appealing because your sense of taste and smell diminish through the years. Your body doesn't process the food as well since stomach acid and saliva production diminishes and vitamins like B6, B12 and folic acid diminish because of reduced absorption. The body slows or ceases production of many enzymes and coenzymes that create needed building blocks or aid in the digestion of food. If this all sounds way to grim, don't worry. There are simple remedies to keep you in the pink and get your body up to optimal operation.

Start your day with a balanced breakfast. Most people learn over the years that breakfast is the most important meal of the day but they don't take heed because it is also the busiest time of the day. Don't overload your plate with heavy fatty foods but keep the meal light and healthy. Fresh fruit, oatmeal, toast and a cup of coffee, decaffeinated preferred is a well balanced meal.

Fruit should be your first choice for a mid morning snack. Full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants as well as high in vitamins, fruit is a great immune system booster. Smaller meals eaten more frequently, whether fruit or otherwise, make digestion easier and speed up metabolism making it less likely that you will gain weight as you age. Frequent, small meals also help to control blood sugar levels and prevent hunger.

As well as a good breakfast and a healthy morning snack, a light lunch is important to keep you feeling well. Healthy wraps, salads and soups are good choices for your midday meal. However, it is a good idea to avoid creamed soups and other foods containing dairy. The body produces the enzyme lactase which is necessary to break down lactose or milk sugar. As you age, your body produces less lactase and consequently it becomes more difficult to digest milk products. Cheese which has been aged for more than sixty days contains a minimal amount of lactose and is usually fine.

As you age, if you begin to show signs of food allergies that you never had before, they may not be food allergies at all. If your body is not able to properly digest certain foods, the symptoms can mimic those of some allergies. For example, gluten intolerance can cause real health problems that can often go undetected unless a physician asks the right questions. Wheat and many grain products contain gluten.

Supplement your diet with additional vitamins and minerals. Several companies produce vitamins created specifically for seniors. Try capsule forms for easier absorption. There are abundant amounts of coenzymes and enzymes that are available for purchase. One particularly interesting coenzyme is CoQ10. The Co stands for coenzyme. This is normally produced by the body but the production diminishes as you age. Many studies found this beneficial to those on cholesterol lowering drugs and people with beginning Alzheimer's or heart damage. Even though there has been no harmful side effects reported, it is always best to consult your doctor, particularly if taking other medications.

Keep your processed sugar intake down as each year passes. When you ingest sweets, make them healthy and in the form of fruit. When you eat right, your body tells you with increased vigor and stamina. Add a bit of exercise, whether it be walking, biking, yoga, swimming or anything else to grease the joints and you find that you feel a lot fitter.

More than anything, it is important to be positive, happy and enjoy life. Maintain an active life and stay interested in people and life in general. By simply changing your approach to eating, you can develop a new outlook to life. You can learn new healthier recipes, create interesting healthy menus and begin to enjoy food in a different way. Your generation changed the way youth was viewed and experienced. Are you ready to change the future of aging? - 17269

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Natural Colon Cleansing: Best Way to Enhance Life

By Jen Lakeshield

When we face recurring headaches, fatigue, constipation, low energy, excessive weight at such a time it becomes necessary to undergo colon cleansing. Colon or the large intestine is an organ where feces or body excreta is stored. Due to regular exposure to toxins, pollution, heavy metals, parasites our colon can get damaged. Damaged colons are highly dangerous as it is well known phrase that "death begins in the colon". Therefore, colon cleansing has been confirmed as a necessity by global scientists. There are two types of colon cleansing methods, first is the auto-cleansing or natural cleansing and the other colon cleansing method is colon irrigation. Natural colon cleansing involves oral intake of products such as enemas, laxatives, enzymes, powders and anti-parasite capsules. Colon irrigation technique involves a colonic hygienist or a colon therapist who uses a machine that fills 20 gallons of water with the help of a tube inserted in your rectum. When the water enters your colon the hygienist generally massages the abdomen and then takes out the water using another tube.

But, colon irrigation method includes a risk; natural colon cleansing technique that has been is highly convenient. If natural colon cleansing is done on a daily basis then troubles caused due to the colon can be prohibited. Before we get familiar with natural colon cleansing benefits, let's look into the health hazards occurring due to a contaminated colon.

Health hazards of an unclean colon:

Constipation happens when the excreta goes through the colon in a very slow pace, due to this the colon absorbs a lot of water making the excreta hard and dry resulting in unbalanced stressed bowel movements.

Fatigue is the feeling of extreme exhaustion and lack of energy. Skin troubles involve irritation, acne and signs of before time aging like wrinkles.

We tend to yearn for our most favorite food items, though; they are actually bad for health.

Slower metabolism and accrual of feces gives excessive weight. When toxics are accrued in the colon, very bad headaches are experienced by the person.

Bloating of the stomach happens due to excessive accrual of gas in the colon. Postponed excretion of body waste can result in extreme built up of gas in the colon.

These are some mild ailments caused due to an unclean colon. However, upon negligence of these ailments, development of serious health hazards cannot be avoided. Therefore, it is essential that colon cleansing done within time.

Why choose natural colon cleansing?

There are numerous reasons to prefer natural colon cleansing. Primarily, it is the most practical process of colon cleansing. Natural colon cleansing is undertaken by using green tea, enemas, laxatives, enzymes, powders and anti-parasite capsules. Therefore, they all can be taken through the mouth. Other than this, it is a cost- effective or free process of colon cleansing. There are lowest chances of errors or any types of side effects. Thus, preferring natural colon cleansing process is useful and cheap as well.

Health benefits of natural colon cleansing

Getting rid of constipation, losing weight up to 10-30 pounds, preventing wrinkles, acne, pimples, diabetes and giving you an energetic, youthful and beautiful life are some of the benefits of natural colon cleansing method. - 17269

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Importance of Diet When Losing Fat and Building Muscle

By Haymerae Freend

Healthy build is thought to be a significant trait of one's personality. Strong abdominal muscles along with the combination of biceps and triceps play a pivotal role in the enrichment of personality and other bodily features. These aims can only be accomplished by proper utilization of balanced diets along with the exercises on daily basis. Similarly, your willpower and uphill struggle also play their part.

Without a doubt, in the process of muscle building and losing extra weight, balanced diet takes a real part. However if you regularly do workouts then this will also help you and you will see substantial outcomes in just 42 days. All you need to do is, follow the instruction given by specialist or medical doctor.

The food you intake must be rich nutritious components like carbohydrates, fiber, protein and calcium. Try to add up fresh fruits, vegetables, white meat, wheat, whey, eggs, fresh juices, pulses, oat meals, green tea and low fat milk and always cook in olive oil. There are tons of food items which really help you in the fight against weight and muscles.

Avoid such meals or food stuff that can be harmful for your muscles. Try to decline level of eating excessively fat-oriented food items. They may include sweets, meat like red meat and other sugary items. Similarly, you should say no to the carbonated drinks. Keeping in vision the harmful effects of alcohol, it is advised to slash alcohol as it worsens your diet.

Water consumption in large quantity is highly desirable. It is one of the most efficient things that contribute to your muscle building process. Two-to-three glasses of water early in the morning could be a lot beneficial than anything else. It helps in flushing out traces of harmful toxin from your body and eventually boosts up your muscles.

Having extra weight in your body is the real cause of many diseases and problems. When you lost weight, it not only gives you the feeling of looking good but, also, it keeps away many health risks from you. Hence protect yourself and avoid unhealthy routine in your life.

Factually, those who have slim and smart body always enjoy their life as compare to people with obesity. In addition, slim people have minor possibility of getting different kinds of sickness. They are also following good lifestyle, with good quality food and daily workouts.

Being slim and smart is not just a trend, but an essential requirement for your health. This will keep you away from health issues and will bless you with a healthy body and life. According to your body type, you must uphold a fixed weight. Remember it is truly achievable; you simply need to make a routine of good balanced diet and proper workouts. - 17269

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