Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Benefits Of Liquid Calcium.

By Neil Butterfield

Together, calcium and magnesium make an unbeatable pair that improves your health in many ways. Calcium, of course, you've heard of, but without magnesium, calcium cannot do the job it's meant to do. Liquid calcium is better than pill forms of calcium, and it's time you knew why.

Thanks to marketers, many people believe that pills are as good as liquid calcium. In actuality, with pills, less than 25% is absorbed by the body, whereas with liquid calcium almost 100% can be used.

We loose calcium through our urine which is one reason why many people are actually calcium deficient. Protein rich foods cause calcium to be secreted through the urine. Liquid calcium reduces this problem significantly because the calcium is so quickly absorbed into the blood stream. And the very best liquid calcium is liquid ionic calcium.

If you think you don't need a liquid calcium magnesium supplement you are mistaken. Even with proper diet and low meats, it's still impossible to get all the calcium you need just from food. In fact, getting enough calcium can solve all sorts of problems.

Liquid calcium magnesium helps with heartburn, indigestion, and constipation. It's actually good for your digestive system overall, and the best time to take it is after you eat.

Many are not aware that calcium plays a role in blood clotting and in nerve impulses. It is also involved in stimulating contractions during labor and in the production of milk.

We all know that not getting enough calcium leads to osteoporosis as we age, but did you know that in children it can cause rickets? A much more serious condition for adults is osteomalacia (the softening of bony tissue.)

Modern studies show a link between a lack of calcium and high blood pressure and colon cancer.

Common symptoms of a lack of calcium are numbness, as well as a tingling around the mouth and the fingertips. It can even cause muscle spasms and painful aches.

Calcium can even aid in weight loss. If you're not getting enough calcium, your body thinks it's starving, so you will not be able to loose the extra weight without it.

Calcitriol is a main cause of high blood pressure. Calcitriol is a hormone that constricts your arteries putting excess pressure in your heart. When you aren't getting enough calcium, calcitriol levels increase drastically. Calcium is good for your heart a good for your nervous system.

When it's that time of month, were all familiar with the irritably, cramps and a depression that comes with PMS. Adding more calcium to your diet can regulate your hormones and ease you through this difficult time.

You're getting five times the amount of protection from liquid calcium than youd get from pills for diseases like colon cancer and polyps.

Since almost every American is actually calcium deficient it would only make good sense to start taking a liquid calcium supplement right away. After all you are going to do a lot for your health. - 17269

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How to Lose 100 lbs, Simple steps that Will Make or Break Your Success.

By Ryan M Hall

So you want to lose 100 lbs or more, but you don't know where to start. Well, you've come to the right place. Losing 100 lbs may seem like a huge and overpowering goal, but it doesn't have to be once you are committed and have a good serious plan. Just remember that every choice you make each day will add up to give you huge results in the long run. You can lose 100 lbs if you follow a plan and do the work. It's obviously not going to happen overnight, but it will happen if you stay committed. Here are a few guidelines to follow as you lose your weight.

In order to lose a lot of weight, you need to set a very specific goal, and while "lose 100 lbs" isn't as specific as it sounds, there is a better way. The best way to set a goal is to state it in the positive. Focus on how much you will weigh after you lose your weight. So, if you weight 300 lbs now and you want to lose 100, you will weigh 200 lbs when you finish. Instead of focusing on an abstract action, losing weight, focus on how much you will weigh when you finish.

Can you picture what 100 lbs of fat looks like? Can you actually picture losing 100 lbs? or does your mind try to figure out what you will look like AFTER you lose 100 lbs? It's probably the latter. This is how your mind tries to relate "lose 100 lbs," it tries to apply it to you, so why not make it easy on your mind. Focus on how you will feel when your body is thinner, lighter and healthier. This gives your mind an actual target, with feelings and pictures, to focus on. Make achieving this goal, this thinner happier you, and you are much more likely to make it happen.

When you decide to lose any amount of weight, it is best that you have a good proven system. It is best that the plan you choose is guaranteed and will keep you losing weight consistently, without weight loss plateaus.

Be sure that the system you choose includes both a diet plan and an exercise plan so that you will be doing everything in your power to slim down quickly. I'm sure you want to reach your goals sooner rather than later, right? Stay committed to your plan and you will. Too many people don't stay committed to their plans, they start then quit and fail. Don't end up like them. Be sure when you start your plan that you will be able to follow it through to the end.

Warning: Diets that tell you to cut out important nutrient groups like carbs or fat may get you quick results, but they will lead to more weight gain later down the road as your body adjusts to them.

It is true that cutting carbs will help you lose weight at first, but what is the cost? When you drop carbohydrates, your body goes into dietary ketosis, which is a condition where you lose water weight, then your body begins to convert fat and muscle into nutrients it can use in order to keep functioning properly. So, why is that bad? The reason is that even though you are cutting fat, you are also losing muscle tissue. You will be much better off if you get a diet system that is well balanced. There are a lot of diets to choose from, and when it comes down to it, it's best that you find one that works for you, after all, making sure that you achieve your goal is the most important thing to consider here.

While it may be tempting to go to lunch with friends or over eat at business lunches, you need to stay focused if you actually want to reach your goals. This is sometimes easy, but most of the time, when it comes to food, it?s hard.

Junk food is just good, we can all agree on that, that's why we buy it and that's why we love it. That's why McDonald's does so well. We all know it's not good for us, but we all sit in our cars at the fast food drive through and eat it anyway, because it tastes good. This is fine every once in a while, but it's not such a good thing if we do it too often. That's when the problem starts.

Another thing you need to consider is getting rid of any vice food in your house. Whether it is ice cream, chocolate or potato chips, you need to get it out of your home so it can?t tempt you when you?re feeling weak. This is one of the biggest saboteurs in any dieters plan. Send it down the road, and you?ll thank yourself later.

Let your friends and family know what you're doing. Tell them your plan to lose weight and let them know that you are serious. Ask for their help to stay on track. If your friends or family are also struggling with their weight, let them know that you are going to achieve this goal no matter what. This way they will be less likely to invite you for a sweet snack or an unhealthy meal. The problem is that they might not have the same level of committment as you, and this could spell disaster if they try to tempt you. It's often the closest people who will try to tempt you, but they aren't you. Ask for their help to stay on track.

When you do this, some of your friends may surprise you and jump on board with you. Others may just sit back and not interfere. These friends and family will be the ones that make or break your success.

If, however, your friends or family meet you with resistance, get yourself a coach, mentor, or even healthier friends to help you lose your weight. If worse comes to worst, you can charge forward alone. After all, you're the only one that can do this and you are the only one that is going to be losing the weight.

Even though you have to stay on track, it's important to indulge occasionally. Get a plan that keeps you burning fat constantly so you can't get discouraged, then you are able to occasionally fulfill some of your cravings. If you don't, you will fall off the wagon eventually, and when you do, it will be harder to get back to it. That's just not worth it, this is your health we're talking about, but it's also your life, and life is for living. Get a diet plan that allows you to eat some of your favorite foods. Despite what most diet plans think, you aren't a robot.

It?s okay to have a little cake, or go through a drive through sometimes, but doing so at the wrong times can put a screeching halt to your weight loss efforts. You need flexibility and the option of having an ice cream sundae or a slice of pizza sometimes. Some diet programs actually give you a chance to eat these things and still lose the weight.

The simple steps outlined above will help you lose 100 lbs safely and easily. Just follow the steps, stay committed and get a good plan. It's up to you to take action and when you do, you will be amazed by the results. Think about how nice it will be when you're lighter, healthier and feeling great. If you can imagine it, you can do it. - 17269

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You Will Never Build Muscles Without Quality Protein

By Ricardo d Argence

If you have been looking into bodybuilding and thinking about how you want to tackle it, you'll find that one thing that you keep running into is mentions of protein.

There are many different types of proteins out there, but at the most basic level, you are going to find that they have essential amino acids in them that are vital for the growth and the health of the cells, tissues and muscles in your body.

There are a ton of reasons why you should look into the benefits of protein, especially if you are an athlete, bodybuilder, or even just a fairly active person.

Protein is one of the most important things that you can think about when you are looking at bodybuilding. Although it is exhausting right now, it's necessary for your good health for the long haul.

You'll find that small amounts of damage are common, if you are doing everything you can to make sure that your muscles grow at the fastest possible rate. Protein is what your body uses to repair the muscles that are damaged in the average workout, and you'll find that they also make you stronger than you were before.

There is a variety of places where you can get a good source of protein. Whey is rich in potassium and amino acids, and is a favorite protein source for many bodybuilders.

Similarly, egg whites are another good place to get protein and getting some is as easy as a stop to the supermarket. If you are a vegan or a vegetarian, you may find that soya beans are going to work best for you. In general, if you have no dietary restraints, you'll find that that lean red meat s a great way to get protein into your diet.

Someday you may not have time to prepare food a special way which is why supplements are included. Additives are generally found in mix form so you are able to make them into beverages, and they are available in capsule or pill form. If you are looking at working out on a regular basis, this is a great way to make sure that you regain those vitamins and minerals that you can lose, and this is a good idea when you are on the run and don't have time to do shopping.

A huge chunk of body building is caring for your overworked or impaired muscles. A good way to make sure that you are on the right track and that you are going to get stronger, faster, are protein supplements. - 17269

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Foods that Build Muscle Quickly

By Harley Radowski

Ensuring that you give your body the fuel it needs to build muscle is an important part of bodybuilding. Eating to build muscle is just as important as your weight lifting program or other bodybuilding routines.

Lifting weights in the gym forced your muscles to work, but guess what? Working your muscles uses considerable energy, and energy is supplied by your food. Correct nutrition also helps heal muscle injury that often occurs while you are working out. You may not even know you have caused injury to your muscles, but your body knows, and your body needs fuel from food that helps build muscle in order to repair that muscle.

Food that helps build muscle - what it is? Well, to begin with, protein. Protein is probably the most important nutritional component in a muscle building program. You probably thought the most important component was cutting out fat, in order to reduce your body fat, didn't you? Well, it is not. Protein is essential. Without protein, your body withers away to nothing. So make sure you include protein foods that build muscle such as chicken, lean beef, eggs, fish (don't like fresh fish? Try canned tuna - it's perfect), and cheese.

Figuring out how much protein you should be eating can be tricky. Too much protein is bad for your health, and puts a strain on your system. But you need to eat a lot of protein and not much else for that to happen. Ask at your gym as to your daily protein requirement. It depends on your weight, and on your lean mass weight (basically the weight of all your bones and organs, minus all body fat).

Foods that build muscle include carbohydrates. Many uninformed people believe that all carbohydrates should be eliminated in order to obtain a fit, lean body. Nothing could be further from the truth. So long as the carbohydrates you ingest include plenty of fibre, carbs will contribute to building muscle mass - not body fat. Great carbohydrate based foods include rice, oatmeal, bananas and other types of fruit such as apples and pears.

Reducing fat in your diet is of course necessary to build bigger muscle on a body that appears lean and has a low body fat ratio. If you are focusing on what foods build muscle mass, you also need to bear in mind that it pays to reduce fat as well. Although proteins are essential (as we talked about earlier), it is really important to select proteins that are low in fat, or that you can cut the fat off. So eat your chicken without the skin, and go for lean steaks rather than more fatty cuts of meat. Opting for cottage cheese or other reduced fat cheeses, and low fat milk also helps reduce your fat intake.

Drinking sufficient water with your meals, between meals, and while you are working out is also very important. Without sufficient water you will dehydrate, and you will be tired and lacking in energy, which gives no assistance at all to building your muscle with the right type of food.

Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water a day (even 12 glasses) is absolutely essential to allow your body to properly digest all the good food you are eating. For those who just cannot stomach the taste (or lack of taste) of so much water, other types of liquid although not quite as good are still acceptable as water substitutes ? fruit juice and even soft drinks can suffice as long as you (preferably) drink some of your liquid intake in water form.

Foods that build muscle are one of the two essential components to having the body of your dreams. The other component is your weight training program or other type of bodybuilding workouts that you engage in regularly. Just because you have found foods that build muscle does not mean you can start to slack off with your weight training. - 17269

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Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) - A Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herb

By Markho Rafael

Reishi extract is commonly used in Oriental Medicine as almost a cure-all. Both medical practitioners and regular people use it for things as innocent as stress and the common cold to more serious afflictions like asthma and cancer.

Working with cancer research at the Linus Pauling Institute of Science & Medicine is Dr. Fukumi Morishige, a strong proponent for the use of reishi in cancer treatment.

Below follows seven cases described by Dr. Morishige during a speech, later reprinted in the publication, Chinese Traditional Medicine Part III.

Growing up in Japan as Dr. Morishige did, it was impossible not to have heard of reishi. But he dismissed it as a mild herbal remedy to be used with limited results for non-terminal illnesses, not as a viable option for treating terminal conditions such as cancer. His curiosity arose when two of his cancer patients showed signs of remission, which they themselves claimed were due to their use of reishi.

First was a 39-year-old woman with lung carcinoma. The hospitals she had visited all told her she was too far gone and there was nothing they could do to help her. As a serious secondary complication, she also exhibited chest cavity edema. None-the-less, by the time she had her first appointment with Dr. Morishige, the symptoms of her illness had disappeared. The woman credited her recovery to the use of reishi, which her husband had administered to her at 4 grams per day.

The second case was a young boy suffering from congenital liver cancer. At the age of 5, his attending physician determined that the condition was terminal and discontinued any further treatment. At 9 years of age, the boy's parents brought him to see Dr. Morishige who could then find no remaining traces of the cancer. The parents explained to Dr. Morishige that they had been feeding their son reishi via a naso-gastric tube. It was at this point Dr. Morishige determined that reishi's effect on cancer deserved further study.

Listed below are five of Dr. Morishige's cases. Reishi and Vitamin C (for side effects) was used:

Case 1: A patient with a 5 cm (2 in.) brain tumor who had lost consciousness was placed on 6 gm of reishi per day in June of '86. By September, this 70-year-old-male patient had emerged from his comatose state. The reishi was decreased to 3 gm per day. Another three months later, December of 1986, scans showed diminishing size of the tumor. After it shrunk to 1 cm (0.4 in.), the hospital released the man to return home and live with his family.

Case 2: A 50-year-old woman who had lung cancer and was coughing up blood was put on 6 grams of reishi per day. After six months, the tumor had disappeared. At the onset of treatment, she was unable to climb stairs. At the end, she was able to climb stairs with little effort.

Case 3: Patient with breast cancer metastasized to bones was in excruciating pain and unable to move below the head. She was put initially on 9 gm of reishi per day, which was later increased to 20 gm/day. After two months she reported as pain free and was released from hospital after demonstrating progress in her ability to walk.

Case 4: A patient with rectal cancer, which had metastasized to the liver, was administered 6 gm/day of reishi. CT scans taken 6 months later showed tumor shrinkage and patient reported feeling better.

Case 5: A patient with pancreatic cancer and short life prognosis was put on 9 grams of reishi per day, orally, and 30 grams of Vitamin C, intravenously. Twelve months later, he reported that he longer experienced any symptoms and was back to work. He said he'd continued taking 5 grams per day of reishi after leaving the hospital.

Note: This article is provided for scientific and informational purposes only. This product has not been tested by the FDA and should not be used for self-treatment of tumors. Never use any herb for medicinal purposes without consulting a licensed medical doctor.

Reference: Morishige, Fukumi, 1987. Chinese Traditional Medicine Part III, Page 12 - 23, ISBN4-88580-053-6 C-0077 - 17269

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Easy And Free Weight Loss At Home

By Ron Cripps

There is a special occasion and you have to wear that old dress or suit but it does not fit so now you have to lose weight fast. Lose weight too fast and you could harm your body. A loss of muscle tone or even heart disease and issues with other internal organs can result from fad diets, miracle pills and extreme fasting. Here are some tips to safely lose weight fast.

Because losing weight is simply expending more calories than you take in, figure out exactly what you take in. Maintain a written record of every morsel, for at least a week. Don't take short cuts that's cheating. Cheating on this only harms you. Then write down the calories in each of these foods and drinks. There are many sources such as http://www.mypyramidtracker.gov that can help with this.

Now that you know the calories you consume, start reducing. This can be as straightforward as cutting down on portion sizes. Serve sizes are generally too generous both at home and in restaurants. There are a lot of other easy cuts that you can make that don't extensively modify what you eat and your lifestyle. These include salad dressing, butter, candies, as well as juice or soda. Salad dressing is the prevalent source of calories on most dinner tables! Getting used to the delicious taste of a salad with a pinch of lemon juice makes a large difference to your diet. Also note that empty calories such as sugars and white breads (carbohydrates) are the earliest things to reduce. These can with no trouble at all be substituted with sugar substitutes and whole grain breads.

But I really like the side dish? This part of the meal is often a minefield of bad food choices including French Fries, macaroni and cheese and potato salad. Replace these items with healthy alternatives such as steamed vegetables, cottage cheese, or salad (minus dressing.)

Build up some muscle to amplify your muscle mass and metabolism. It's a decent way to burn more calories and will help you to burn calories even when sitting still. Aerobic working out is the best for calorie and fat burning. A lot of experts say to perform aerobic activity for 30 minutes a day 3-5 days a week. Don't pay attention to the 3-5 times a week school of thought on working out. Find an exercise you can sustain for seven days each week, forever and that you enjoy..

You have your orders. So get moving! - 17269

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A Newbie's Guide to Different Popular Coffee-Related Drinks

By Damian Papworth

Just like anyone looking to develop an expert knowledge of wine needs to learn a little bit about the different types and how they're made, anyone who wants more than just a Starbucks-level understanding of all the different coffee drinks and processes out there needs to look beyond "tall," "grande," and "venti" to discover the way that coffee drinks really work. There's a world of difference between a latte and a cappuccino, and this helpful guide is going to make sure you understand what that difference is.

First up, here are some of the names of average drinks, but this time, instead of not understanding what they mean, you're going to learn what the heck the difference between an Americano and a Latte really is.

Caffe Latte Also referred to as Cafe au Lait, depending on where you're ordering your drink, this is one of the most popular styles of coffee worldwide, and is really just a fancy way of saying espresso with milk. A single shot of espresso is made with steamed milk, and then served with an extra inch of frothed milk (foam) on top.

Americano Americans are known for their version of coffee, which critics say is usually really watered down. But there's a variation that makes everyone happy, and combines styles of coffee to suit everyone's taste. With an Americano, one ounce of strong espresso is combined with some boiling water, usually a cup's worth. Voila. A short drink designed to be taken like a shot now is large enough to be sipped, with not so much added in between.

Cappuccino Probably the most popular drink that people order but have no idea what they're actually getting, the cappuccino is simply one third coffee, one third milk, and one third creamy and thick froth, from milk, too. Rather than being a pompous addition to spice up a simple coffee drink, it's named after the Capuchin, which is the white and brown hood that monks wear.

But half of what makes coffee is actually the style in which it's brewed, not the ingredients added for it to be served to you. Here are a couple of the processes that you might also not know what the heck their names mean:

The French Press It's known but a bunch of different names, but the concept is always the same. A glass container has a wire part and a plunger. The coffee goes in, almost-boiling water goes on top of it, and then you physically press the coffee with the plunger part. You use coffee that's ground a little rougher in here, and basically are filtering the coffee to make a more delicious cup at home. Surprisingly, it really works.

The Fully Automatic Espresso Machine This is what makes the drinks that you pay the money to buy in a cafe. Machines in some spots in Italy are over a hundred years old, and they're worth every penny because here you have something that grinds the beans, places the right amount of ground beans into the brewer, and then highly compressed water is pumped through. Amazing, and incredibly tasty. Much better than drip coffee, any day.

For the at-home folks, there's also a stovetop version of an espresso machine, which is a cross between a coffee pot and a percolator. Of course, the Americans amongst us are used to a different style of coffee entirely, with the Mr. Coffee drip system, which unfortunately is accurately known for producing slightly sub-par tasting cups of coffee, even when great beans are used.

So the scary world of coffee vocabulary is actually nothing more than a few fancy foreign language words used to describe strong coffee, hot water, and milk in various stages of being heated. Stop worrying, and start drinking. You'll be a coffee expert in no time. - 17269

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The Best Exercise For A Flat Belly, 3 Things You Must Do To Tighten Your Stomach

By Ryan M Hall

If you want to get fit, doing a bunch of crazy ab exercises for a flat belly won't do as much as you might think. Honestly, most ab exercises do very little to actually flatten your midsection. This is because they work like any other muscle building exercise. They break down the muscle with stress and force it to rebuild. That's it. The myth that they will turn a beer belly into a six pack is silly. But if you want to look and feel better, what are the best exercises for six pack abs?

First, get your diet in order, and once you have your eating in line, getting back to the basics of a simple workout plan can do more for your stomach than most fancy ab exercises or ab machines ever will. Doing muscle building exercises will get your body burning more fat which will get your belly flat faster.

When you have been working at a good exercise plan, you will want to add some exercises that build your abs and help you burn more fat. That way when your belly flattens, you have a 6 pack to show off.

Here are some of the best ab exercise I've found:

1. Squats or Dumbbell Squats

Place the squat bar on your shoulders or use dumbbells and hold them at your shoulder height next to your head. Then just perform a normal squat. The reason this works so well is that your abs have to work extra hard to stabilize the weight at your shoulders. This keeps them tight and working hard throughout the whole movement.

2. Mountain Climbers

These are great for lower abs, and can be done virtually any where. Remember though, they have very little effect if performed with the wrong cadence. To do it right, get on your hands and toes as if you are going to do push ups, then lift one knee to your chest and put it back down, repeat with the other leg until you've don a full set. This works the butt, back, abs, obliques and hip flexors.

3. Full Body Crunches

With a full body crunch, you use your legs and your shoulders to crunch which makes your body flex your entire midsection. Lie on the ground as if you were going to do a normal crunch, but when you lift your shoulders off the ground, bring your knees to your chest at the same time. Then as you lower your shoulders, extend your legs completely in front of you, this will get your abs burning in no time.

If you want to move on to some advanced routines, try cable crunches or weight crunches for a set or two.

Ab exercises will strengthen and build your ab muscles, but they do very little to flatten your midsection. If you want a flat belly, you have to focus on total body fat and good nutrition. This is the only way to get a flat stomach and let the 6 pack abs you build show through. - 17269

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Body Building Tips to Build Muscle Fast

By Wakelin Smith

If you want to learn how to build muscle in order to have a great body, there are some basic precautions you should take to get the best results and avoid injury.

Here are the top ten body building tips for your next workout.

1. Lift Heavier - Weight lifting helps increase muscle mass, and heavier weights do more. Lifting weights that are overly light for your workout reduces its effectiveness and is better for people who want to stick to toning.

2. Good Technique Is Vital - Working out and lifting weights isn't very useful if you're doing things incorrectly. You won't get a good workout, and you could injure yourself pretty seriously. Make sure you have correct technique and take your time to get the best results.

3. Take It Slow - While repetitions can get boring fast, don't fall prey to the temptation to rush through, the way most people do. Taking your time and doing each lift steadily and slowly will give you the opportunity to build a lot of mass very quickly.

4. Do The Right Number of Reps and Sets - Cutting the number of repetitions or sets you're doing can get pretty tempting if you have a long workout, but that can be self-defeating. Of course, you shouldn't go too far the other way, either. Going overboard and doing more sets than you should won't speed things up - it'll just cause damage.

5. Make Your Training Intense - No matter how many reps and sets you do, you need to make sure your sessions are still intense. Don't stop at seven reps if you feel like you can easily do ten. Be certain to work hard at each set until you can't do one more good form repetition.

6. Limit Cardio - Keep cardio sessions to a minimum, since they burn calories you'll need to build muscle. Too much cardio will cause you to lose weight, not gain muscle mass.

7. Stay Well Hydrated - Water is an extremely important component of any body building program. Make sure to drink a lot of water daily to keep yourself hydrated and remove toxins from the body. Water can also help improve circulation.

8. Build By Section - Never try to do your whole body in one workout. Instead, work on different areas on different days. That means you can do the shoulders and arms one day, then pick out a different day to do legs. It gives each muscle area time to recover and improves your workout.

9. What To Eat - Keep a good eye on your food intake to make sure you're eating things that promote the growth of muscle. Carbohydrates are a real help - try bananas, rice, apples, oatmeal, potatoes and whole grains on a daily basis. They give you the moment to moment energy you need for a really intense workout.

Lean proteins, including fish and chicken, are also excellent for building muscle. One popular choice is tuna, since it's low in fat and carbohydrates, costs very little, and has a lot of protein. It's great for any body building plan.

10. Rest - Building muscle requires you to get plenty of rest, too. You'll need enough time to recover and get your strength back before your next workout. - 17269

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Build Muscle With These Power Foods

By Mariana Coshner

Choosing the best high-protein foods is the most important aspect of your muscle-building diet. Not only will high protein foods contribute to increased muscle, but they will also lead to better overall health. The best high protein foods are low in saturated fat, and contain "complete proteins.? Complete proteins contain the amino acids that the body needs to build muscle.

Eggs are one of the best and most readily available sources of protein. There are so many delicious ways to prepare eggs. They can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but do not leave out the yolk. Not only are egg yolks full of quality protein, they are a major source of vitamin B12, which breaks down fat and assists with muscle contraction. Eggs are also a key source of riboflavin, folate, vitamins B6, B12, D, and E, in addition to iodine, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, calcium and iron.

If you are looking for a tasty and easily digestible source of protein, try adding fish to your diet. Fish contains very little saturated fat and carbohydrates. Your best bet is cold water fish varieties like salmon, trout, or sardines. These varieties are major sources of the muscle building essentials omega 3 fatty acids, iron, zinc and calcium. Salmon is also a high-quality protein food and abundantly rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce muscle-protein breakdown after you work out and may also improve insulin resistance.

Don?t forget to add beans to your shopping list next time you go grocery shopping. Kidney beans are low in fat, but high in fiber, folate, manganese, iron, phosphorus, copper and potassium. One single cup serving of kidney beans has an amazing 14 grams of protein and 11 grams of fiber.

An excellent source of iron and zinc, two essential minerals for muscle building and cancer-fighting selenium, beef is also the best source of creatine, which supplies your body with the energy it needs to create muscle. Extra-lean cuts of like round, loin, or flat iron varieties are among the best choices.

A muscle-building diet is incomplete without the vital addition of unsaturated fats. Unsaturated fats support nerve transmission and support the body?s ability to absorb nutrients, foster proper hormone function and advances overall cell health. Choose plant whole food sources of unsaturated fats in the form of fresh avocado, olives, flaxseed, almonds and peanuts. - 17269

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Best Tips To Natural Weight Loss

By Jim Evans

Losing weight naturally is the key to all healthy diets. Many people try using fat loss supplements that helps the body stabilize metabolism and suppress the appetite. Some supplements are good if taken the right amount of dosage and can be very beneficial. Food suppressants that help the body's desire to eat are also very good. Body builders should look more into non-stimulate fat burning supplements.

Drinking at least a gallon of water a day is very beneficial to your weight loss and health. By consuming water throughout the day you are allowing your kidneys to its job and turn fat cells into energy. By decreasing your water supply, the liver will be forced to work overtime for your kidneys and your weight loss will decrease.

When you start your body building diet, try your best to consume at least 5-6 small meals a day. By consuming these amounts you are speeding up your metabolism and burning more fat cells. Foods that are the most beneficial to your diet are ones that are high in protein and carbohydrates. Protein helps your body build and repair muscles and the carbohydrates give you the energy to do so. Foods that are rich in protein are fish, red meats, poultry, dairy products, beans and egg whites. Remember that as a body builder your food is more beneficial and healthier raw.

The one thing that always gets to all of us is stress. Stress is one of the top concerns for weight loss. By eliminating stress, you will be able to focus and eat right. Overeating is very common among every individual and can be seen everywhere but these people just don't realize it. Stress will cause the digestive system to shut down and store extra fat which is not good for your health.

Fast walking or jogging is a good way to tone down the fat in your body. Walking is fine but it will take way more time than jogging. Perhaps age is the factor, fast pace walking is very good with a small weight dumbbell. Jogging is the best to expand that diaphragm. Learn how to control the breathing rhythm so the lungs don't overwork too hard. Also, doing this in under one month will be small results, if done for quite some times then results will be very visible. - 17269

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Kava Kava

By Anita Soporova

Tired and stressed? Looking for something to relax you? Try kava kava. For a long time, this has been a favored drink for the Fijis, who have discovered how useful kava kava is in helping one unwind and loosen you up (without the dreader hangover!). So drink up. Kava kava is filled with kavalectones. These work with neurotransmitters like GABA, norepinephrine and dopamine. These are neurotransmitters that help in relaxation and the feeling of well-being.

Kava kava helps you deal with insomnia. After a drink of this brew, you can get your zzz?s without so much of an effort, and the kind of sleep you do get is the restful and satisfying kind. The quality of sleep is also improved: you sleep longer and not just more quickly.

Kava kava also improves your moods, concentration and mental performance. Also, kava kava is said to have the same calming effect in the mind as diazepam. You will also have less palpitations, anxiety and panic attacks.

When you also drink kava kava, it curbs your appetite and flushes out the liquids in your body, thus you are slimmer and your body has more definition. And since kava kava is a relaxant, it decreases the pain that results from muscle spasms. In fact, it is so effective as a pain reliever that it works better than aspirin. That goes for pain from fibromyalgia, a sore neck, backaches and cramps.

Kava kava can help you with your health problems. Yes, you can use this as an aphrodisiac, to treat bladder problems, urinary tract infections and symptoms caused by menopause.

Please be reminded, though, that kava kava is to be taken in moderation. It is also known to have side effects, especially with improper use. Side effects include blood clotting problems, hypertension and the inability to control your muscles. - 17269

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