Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Kids Healthy - Abrasions Cuts and Scratches

By Soraia Bauer

Sometimes abrasions, cuts and scratches result in dire consequences if they aren't taken care of at the right time. Children run around the house and drop vases and other glass material, which can result in scratches or cuts. Outdoor activities should be supervised carefully, otherwise abrasions caused by a surround or a rock is unavoidable. There are slight differences among the three and most of the time children get them while playing.

Cuts are caused by sharp objects, which can penetrate into the skin or damage the skin on the surface. Scratches are mild form of cuts. They are also caused by sharp objects such as a piece of glass, thorn or a knife. Even fingernails can cause a scar. Abrasion is caused by friction or rubbing of the skin with a rough surface. Rug burns and board burns are also examples of abrasion, because they are caused by friction.

Also, in all three cases, the wound can bleed. It bleeds when the tiny blood vessels located underneath the skin gets ruptured. Platelets form clot to stop the bleeding and a scab can also form, which should be pulled out as that will interfere with the healing process of the body. If the bleeding isn't stopping, the wound should be covered with a soft cloth. After that the wound should be cleaned using lukewarm water and mild soap. Antibacterial ointment should be used to clean the wound and it should be covered with a bandage. The antibacterial ointment helps kill germs. The bandage will prevent bacteria from getting within and prevent the wound from getting bothersome. But the bandage should be changed everyday and the wound should be kept dry.

The good thing is that abrasion, cuts and scratches don't require any special attention in most cases. But if the scratch is prefabricated by animal claws or abrasion is caused by a rusty metallic surface, a doctor should be approached immediately, because the animal could have rabies and the rust can cause septic. Depending on the situation, the doctor would prescribe antibiotics, lotion or even shots. It is also a good intent that parents make sure that their kid is given tetanus shot on a regular basis. Sometimes, the wound won't be caused in chanceful circumstances, but because of negligence, the wound will get infected by bacteria. If it the wound is infected, it will show symptoms such as redness, swollen skin, and production of pussycat which can be of the colour yellow or either green.

Cuts can sometimes be too deep and even long. In such cases, stitches should be certainly opted for. It is a very simple procedure. The area of the wound is prefabricated numb using some kind of anaesthesia. It can either be injected or simply applied directly. Then the doctor will sew the cut edges together using certain needle and thread. If the cut isn't big enough, the cut is sealed using a special kind of glue, instead of the stitches. The glue will hold the edges together so that the skin underneath will heal and over a period of time, the glue will dissolve. Kids need to check with the doctor every week, so that the doctor will be healthy to analyze the improvement.

And when the wound is completely healed, the stitches are cut open using scissors and then the threads are pulled off gently. In majority of the cases, the wound doesn't leave behind a scar. This totally depends on the method and effectiveness of the treatment. - 17269

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Tips - Do You Need to Lose Weight

By Marc Bauer

Each day in a United States, million of Americans contend to them "I need to remove weight." Have been we a single of those individuals? While most of a people who discuss it themselves which they need to remove weight do need to remove weight, not all do. So, a subject which most asks themselves is "do I unequivocally need to remove weight?"

One of the many signs that you may need to lose weight is if you are obese. Many individuals do not realize that there is a difference between being overweight and being obese. While different healthcare professionals have different definitions for obese, it is often said that those who are thirty or forty pounds overweight are obese. If you are obese, you shouldn't only be worried about your appearance, but your health as well. Obesity has been linked to multiple health complications, including the early onset of death.

Another single of a most signs which we should remove weight is if we have been told which we need to do so. Whether your medicine endorsed losing weight or if someone which we know upon a personal turn has, it is suggested which we during slightest take their suggestions in to consideration. Unfortunately, most people have been broke or turn disappoint when they have been told which they need to remove weight. What we need to recollect is which a particular referring to your weight to we expected isn't as endangered with your coming as they have been with your health.

Another sign that you may want to think about losing weight is if you are finding that your clothes no longer fit you. Of course, it is normal for some individuals to gain weight or to have their weight fluctuate, but you may want to think about joining a weight loss program or developing your own weight loss plan if you find that your clothes no longer fit or are difficult to get into. Unfortunately, many individuals do not just have a small weight gain. Small weight gain often leads to more, which could have a negative impact on your health. It is also important to mention the cost of new clothes, which you may not be able to afford.

If you find many simple tasks or activities, like walking up a flight of stairs, difficult, you may want to think about losing weight. Of course, becoming out of breath from simple activities may not necessarily just be a weight problem, but there is a good chance that it is. When you lose weight, even just a little bit of it, you will likely find it easier to do many of the activities that you love or even the tasks that you need to do, like take your kids to the park.

There have been a series of weight detriment products upon a market, similar to diet pills or practice equipment, which do not work. To save yourself income as great as to strengthen your health, we might instruct to cruise consulting with your medicine prior to starting any weight detriment program, even a single which we raise yourself. - 17269

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Stackers, all the ins and outs revealed!

By Rossane B.

Some very popular Stacker fat burners are Original Stacker 2 and Stacker 2 Lite. Stacker Fat burners contain ephedra and caffeine. The caffeine makes the ephedra work more effectively. If you are interested in using a stacker fat burner you should understand how they work.

There are ephedra free products but the replacement product works like ephedra. The combination of ingredients is what makes the stacker fat burners so effective at weight loss. The components of the stacker fat burner are all derived from herbs and herbal products. However if you take the herbal supplements separately you will not have the same effective as stacker fat burners are specially designed to burn fat.

Stacker fat burners cause weight loss by decreasing your calorie intake and suppressing your appetite. They also can control your cravings, which is the difficult part for many individuals who are trying to lose weight. Stacker fat burners also make you uninterested in high fat food so you are also decreasing your fat consumption. Besides effectively decreasing your appetite stacker fat burners also inhibit fat storage in your body.

Stackers fat burners increase your metabolism by slightly raising your body temperature. This causes your stored fat to be converted into usable energy. By using the fat in your body you will feel less hungry and quickly lose weight.

Stackers fat burners also contain additional compounds that assist in fat burning like Chitosin. As with many dieting aids there are some side effects, particularly with products that contain ephedra. You should remember that not everyone experiences side effects, as everyone is different. If you are allergic to shellfish then you shouldn't take any products with chitosin as chitosin comes from shellfish.

Ephedra does affect some individuals and some known side effects are, loss of appetite, increased blood pressure, restlessness, hyper-activity, nervousness, insomnia, excitement, dizziness, and increased heart rate. As with every drug just because there are side effects does not mean you will experience any. Each individual is different and some may or may not have side effects. Stacker fat burners can also boost your energy. If you are concerned about side effects then you should speak with your doctor.

To maximize your weight loss effort and keep the weight off you will need to make some life style changes. You will need to change your eating habits to decrease high fatty foods and increase low fat and high fiber foods, particularly fruits and vegetables. If you aren't willing to change your eating and exercise habits then you will probably gain the weight back after your lose it. Stacker fat burners were first popular with body builders but have since become a popular diet aid for all.

Because of the effects of ephedra more stacker fat burners that do not contain ephedra have been developed. Some ephedra free products are Stacker 2, Hydroxycut, Xenadrine Trimspa, Ripped fuel, Metabolife and more. Some ephedra-free products work by increasing your thyroid gland hormone products, which triggers weight loss. These ephedra free products to work but do not have the effectiveness of ephedra products. You will still lose weight, just not quite as quickly as with an ephedra product. You may be able to make life style changes first and then see if you should take a stacker fat burner. - 17269

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What Omega 3 Fish Oil Daily Dosage Is Ideal?

By Michael Byrd

The omega 3 fish oil daily dosage needed by your body totally depends on you.

It should be grounded on what you are eating, the level of well-being that you want in the future and your current state of health.

So let's forget about the rules and regulations set up by those mighty guardians of the "daily allowance" and follow only what is sensible and realistic to us.

We'll be able to know the omega 3 fish oil daily dosage that's suitable for you as soon as we unveil your lifestyle. Now let's proceed with basic nutrition 101.

What you put into your body by and large will make or break your health in the future.

We all make our own choices. These choices then are attributed to the different illnesses, such as heart disease, diabetes or cancer that our body may develop over time.

So get your pen and paper out and write down all the health descriptions you would like to have when you reach the ages of 80, 90 or 100 years old. These may include terms like healthy bones, strong, energetic, pain-free, great memory and sexually active.

If your list of words is below optimum health and you don't even bother to stay fit then you only have yourself to blame if one of these days you wake up in the morning with a degenerative disease.

But if you wish to have optimum health then you need to look at what you are eating today and check if these foods, sodas, white bread, snacks, and desserts will help you attain your health goals in the future.

If they don't, then now is the time to make more than a few changes.

This is why I said that omega 3 fish oil daily dosage largely depends on you. If you decide to live a healthy life and make a positive commitment in attaining that goal then you will begin eating only what is needed by your body.

Since there is confusion as to how much omega 3 is needed by our body then here are some helpful tip that you'll be able to follow as long as you are committed to your future health.

Studies show that those who eat between 1 to 3 servings of fish in a week are able prevent or reduce nasty diseases by a small percentage while those who eat between 3 to 5 servings weekly are able to do even better.

Take note however that in order to reduce health risks you need 5 or more servings of omega 3 fish oil daily dosage every week taken from oily fish.

Further studies on ADHD, depression, heart disease, cancer and other illnesses specify that the needed daily amount of omega 3 fatty acids from fish is between 1g and 3 g.

So make that decision now.

If it's adequate and not optimum health that you want then you only need to have around 1 to 5 servings of fish weekly.

Hence if you want to have good health, look your best, feel great and stay fit, then you need to eat more fish and supplement your diet with pure and high quality omega 3 fish oil in capsules of 1g to 3g. - 17269

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Vemma Mangosteen Juice And High Blood Pressure

By Julieanne van Zyl

Vemma Mangosteen Juice may help with your high blood pressure problems. Hypertension, the medical term for high blood pressure is a condition that involves higher than normal pressure in a person's arteries. This means that the pressure required to pump the blood through the body's organs and blood vessels, is higher than normal. The blood is transported from the heart to every cell of the body. A normal blood pressure is recognized to be 120/80. Anything above 140/90 is thought to be too high.

In most cases the reason for hypertension is obscure. Thus it has become recognized as "the silent killer" because there are often no signs or symptoms and many individuals will be unaware that they have it. It is generally only recognized for what it is on a routine physical examination and then is closely monitored by your primary care medical practitioner. However, some individuals do have symptoms of this condition that come in the form of blurry vision and general visual disturbances, severe, frequent occurring or persistent headaches, dizziness, and/or nausea.

Medical practitioners usually treat high blood pressure with medication and recommend lifestyle changes. However, natural remedies for high blood pressure can also be really effective. various natural remedies for high blood pressure would include:

Abstain from smoking. A healthy, well-balanced diet. Abstain from excessive alcoholic consumption. Take regular exercise. Reduction of stress Restrict intake of sodium/salt Maintaining healthy weight to height ratio, with attention to diet.

Many foods have natural remedial properties for hypertension. For example, a supplement like Vemma Mangosteen juice is also known to help in a number of cases. Foods that are known to help are:

Mangosteen fruit, dried apricots, broccoli, cantaloupe, sweet potatoes, cayenne pepper, green vegetables, milk, orange juice, raisins, squash .....and more!

Stress as mentioned earlier, plays a huge part in your life and can be the cause of many conditions including high blood pressure or hypertension. Stress, rarely, can be eliminated totally, as it is everywhere. There are some measures we can take to decrease our stress levels. These stress reducing activities can help you to relax thereby reducing your stress, which should in turn help at keeping your blood pressure at optimal levels. Take time every day to exercise, put yourself in a silent place away from all noise and distraction, perhaps the bathtub, and think of nothing at all. Many people also use meditation as a form of relaxation to soothe their frazzled nerves. Whatever works for you is always best.

High blood pressure or hypertension, if untreated, creates a more elevated than normal risk of suffering from a stroke or a heat attack. If you experience any of the symptoms that are stated above you should see your primary care doctor straight away. Routine physical examinations are a good idea as well to make sure that you are in general good health and to monitor any health conditions that you may have. Remember, any condition that you may have is always easier to treat in the early stages and even better to prevent in the first place. - 17269

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TENS vs. Muscle Stimulator: What's the Difference?

By Amy Nutt

You've probably heard a lot about muscle stimulators recently and chances are, you've heard TENS being mentioned, as well. They are both commonly advertised machines that you can get easily for home use. But what is the difference between these two treatments? If you aren't sure about this then you won't be able to make the best purchase decision.

The main difference between the two is that a muscle stimulator is used to cause muscle contraction, while TENS focuses on nerve stimulation and tries to avoid contracting the muscles. Both use electrical pulses to do their job, but have different purposes.

TENS The main use of a TENS machine is for pain relief, particularly in the case of chronic pain. It is most often used for joint or muscle pain that won't go away, but can also be used to help treat nerve problems without resorting to drugs. It isn't uniformly effective, that is, different people will have different results. For some, TENS electrical pulses interrupt the pain signals so effectively that they are literally without pain. For others, the relief is nearly non-existent, but most commonly, this treatment provides considerable relief from the chronic pain that haunts the user.

On occasion, with medical consent, the TENS can be used at the end of pregnancy, to help alleviate the pains associated with early labor. Since this is only recommended with a doctor's permission, it's not a good idea to try this without checking first. TENS can be used for up to 12 hours and consists of two small electrodes that are placed on either side of the area where the pain originates. The higher frequencies tend to block the pain signals, while much lower frequencies will stimulate the body to produce endorphins which naturally reduce pain.

Muscle Stimulation This is a very similar machine to the TENS, also using two electrodes to send electrical pulses through the body. However, the purpose is quite different. Here, the purpose is to cause the muscles to contract and the reason has nothing to do with pain relief. Muscle stimulation has been found to be an effective method of training the muscles. The electrical impulses mimic those of the brain to tell muscles to move. There are two main reasons to use a electronic muscle stimulator. Training: Using electrical stimulation for training purposes is very useful. It allows the person to focus on specific muscle groups by choosing the right frequency and will work just those muscles, working them and conditioning them. This is particularly useful for aesthetic purposes.

Medical: When it comes to therapeutic use, electrical pulses can be used to stimulate muscles that are not being used. This can keep them conditioned and prevents atrophying. It's a useful measure in medical situations. Both TENS machines and muscle stimulators have their uses, but they are very different in their reasons for being used. If you are looking for an alternative to standard pain relief, then the TENS machine is what you should be looking at. However, for the prevention of atrophied muscles and to define specific muscle groups, the muscle stimulator is the way to go.

Now that you know the difference between these two different types of therapies, you'll be able to choose the correct one. These machines can be bought for home use and you can safely use them yourself, as long as you follow the directions and take care not to use them if you have heart problems or a pacemaker. - 17269

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Recommended Natural Diets for People with High Blood Pressure

By Michael Byrd

It is a must for individuals with high blood pressure to have natural diets.

That concept is applicable if they long to live a happy, healthy and longer life.

Here's the reason why. Nutrient-deficient foods that cause high blood pressure are also contributory factors to having heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and arthritis.

So, let us begin with the basics. Be aware that a food that is less-processed is the one that is healthier for you. Precisely because lots of processed food found on the market today are proven to have been stripped of nutrition.

In addition, most processed foods have been injected with additives that are proven to be not healthy for us, such as preservatives, coloring, flavor-augmenting chemicals, and sodium glutamate- among others.

This is the reason why I follow this eating-formula: Eat whole foods

Because whole foods are naturally packed with nutrients, they are certainly much healthier for you. Aside from this, unprocessed foods taste better than the processed ones.

This supports the fact that unprocessed foods help to prevent high blood pressure.

So what are these natural diets that are proven to help individuals with high blood pressure? Here is a simple set of ideas for you.

To start, we have this unprocessed whole grains like brown rice, whole wheat and non-GMO soy.

They do taste a lot better, as well as provide the essential fatty acids and phytosterols. Studies show that these vital nutrients enhance your cardiovascular system. [American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 80, No. 5, 1159-66]

Absolutely true; you can lessen your level of cholesterol, blood pressure, triglycerides and LDLs by putting unprocessed grains as alternatives.

This is probably a good time to discuss the benefits of not eating high glycemic foods, instead the low glycemic ones. For high glycemic foods to increase the sugar level while the low glycemic ones don't.

When insulin is secreted, it coverts blood sugar into fat and then stores it in your body.

This accumulation of fats and repeated insulin secretion cause damage on your arteries which leads to hardening and increase of blood pressure.

Low glycemic foods can significantly help to halting this cycle.

To add, there are other vitally essential fatty acids that can be found in oily fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, anchovies, and herring. These are rich in omega 3 which is proven by a number of clinical studies to be beneficial for your health. This helps reduce the risk of high blood pressure and heart diseases.

Eating more omega 3 fish oil only brings you to good health.

And, increasing the quantity of fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet is another best thing you can do.

Fruits and vegetables give fiber, vitamins, enzymes and minerals.

There are vitamins which help effectively to reduce the risks of high blood pressure. These are Vitamin C complex-help to enhance the resiliency of you arteries-and B vitamins-help reduce stress.

Fruits and vegetables also give phytonutrients, which contain carotenoid, flavonoid and cruciferous compounds. These are special antioxidants which can help in reducing the risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and many inflammatory problems. Remember, the more colorful the fruit or vegetable, the more phytonutrients in it.

That's it-natural diets and there benefits for individuals with high blood pressure.

It is up to you to take it easy or jump right in. Your blood pressure may just be in your control without you noticing it ? the natural way. - 17269

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Antioxidants for damage control

By P.G Mayora

There are more than 1500 recognised antioxidants and related phyto-chemicals in everyday common foods that do an uncommonly good job of combating free radicals in the body - those substances released internally during the process of oxidation and formed externally by environmental forces such as radiation, X-rays, drugs, pesticides, air and water pollutants, hydrocarbons, food additives, alcohol, smoking - you name it. Free radicals damage living cells and contribute to a continuing roll call of complaints, including interference with DNA programming, premature aging, heart disease, AIDS, arthritis, cancer, cataracts, allergies and diabetes.

Here's how the antioxidant force can be with you when you eat. Perhaps the most celebrated of the free radical foes are the carotenoids (named for the carrots in which they were first isolated), of which there are approximately 40, including alpha and beta-carotene (found in carrots, apricots and sweet potatoes) and lutein (found in spinach, celery and kale). The carotenoids are especially potent in blocking cancer, fighting allergies and slowing the aging process. The most powerful members of the antioxidant family are probably the pycnogenols (also known as flavonoids) which are 20 times more potent than Vitamin C and 50 times more active than Vitamin E. Pycnogenols protect against capillary damage, bruising and improve your overall immunity to heart disease and cancer.

Best sources:

onions, green peppers, red wine, green tea and selected herbs. Beyond what it does for the common cold and flu, the vitamin-antioxidant ascorbic acid (vitamin C) can slow the onset of Parkinson's disease, reduce the risk of hardening of the arteries by increasing the amount of protective high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol in your bloodstream, help prevent cataracts by guarding the eyes against oxidation, help lower blood pressure, and protect against a wide spectrum of cancers.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) is a fat-soluble vitamin-antioxidant and important immune system stimulant that helps alleviate fatigue and provides tissue oxygen to accelerate the healing of wounds, burns and skin disorders such as acne and eczema. In partnership with the mineral selenium, it neutralizes free radicals that accelerate cellular and cerebral aging and raise the risk of cancer.


Of the 20 nutrients critical in the prevention of cancer, half are antioxidants. And what's true for cancer is true for heart disease and most other degenerative diseases. If your health's on hold your body's not equipped to fight back because its inadequately supplied with these food-based free radical scavengers. What do you need on a meal-to-meal basis to protect yourself ? Take a look.


Good herbal antioxidants to sip, sniff or cook with include alfalfa, rose-hips, peppermint, nettles, hawthorn, goldenseal and fenugreek, cumin, capsicum (red pepper), cinnamon and basil (all available as teas and tinctures).


Along with other major antioxidants such as vitamins A and C, selenium, and vitamin E, beta-carotene snuffs out free radicals, which cause the cellular changes that lead to degenerative diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, cardiovascular ailments, and cancer. Beta-carotene is the most celebrated and certainly the most visible (it's the plant pigment that makes pink grapefruit pink and oranges orange) of all the antioxidants, but it is only one of the 30 to 50 of the carotene complex, including alpha carotene, gamma carotene, lycopene, lutein, and capsanthin, known to contain vitamin A. While all of the carotenes have the ability to partially convert on command into vitamin A (depending on the health of your thyroid and the presence of zinc and protein in your system) none are as readily found in common foods as beta-carotene. - 17269