Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Which Foods Are a Good Source For Resveratrol?

By Jeremy Lucas

In order to protect themselves from bacteria and other outside attacks many plants produce a substance called resveratrol. There are also some initial indications that this compound can be very beneficial to humans as well. Studies on this substance began when scientists looked into why red wine drinkers were less prone to develop heart disease. Even though resveratrol is very powerful, it really is not found in many plants.

What foods have the most resveratrol in them?

Resveratrol is most prevalent in the red and purple varieties of grapes. Other dark berries such as mulberries and cranberries are also good sources, along with peanuts. Areas that get a lot of rain produce more plants with resveratrol, because the substance is produced to fight off attacks from the outside.

If a grape is grown in cool or rainy climates, or if it is organically grown, then it is likely that it has a higher resveratrol content than if it was grown in nice weather. This is because it is produced by plants to protect themselves from the outside world, and if it is grown in nice weather and has pesticides to protect it, then it will not need to do as much to protect itself. North Carolina is known as having grapes with the highest content of resveratrol.

Do not make the mistake of destroying the resveratrol content by heating up the fruit. Applying heat can drastically reduce the amount found in the raw food. Also, to get the most bang for your buck do not remove the skin of the food, as this is where most of the resveratrol is found. The best way to eat your grapes, berries, or peanuts is to eat them with their skins on and raw.

Resveratrol can also be obtained via Japanese Knotweed supplements. This can help you get a higher concentration that is hard to get by eating grapes and nuts alone. This doesn't mean you should ignore these, because it is best to get nutrition from the foods you eat and not just through supplements.

Red wine is known to contain more resveratrol than grape juice, but if you are not comfortable having one glass of alcohol each day, it is also an option. If using grape juice, fresh and organic is the only way to go. Avoid all the juices that are packed with refined sugar, as these will do more harm than good.

If you stock your fridge full of grapes, peanuts, and cranberries you will have plenty of healthy snacks that contain good doses of resveratrol. This is a great substitute for anything containing refined sugars or high fructose corn syrup. This will help ensure you stay looking healthy and young for many years to come. - 17269

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The Acai Capsules

By Carter Sinclair

Oprah recently featured the Acai berry on her show naming it the number 1 superfood on the market today. It has recently taken the health and food industry by storm. Ads have been promoting the Acai juice and lately also the Acai Capsules.

Acai berry contains around 3870 ORAC and doctors suggest you should have at least 1600 ORAC a day which means Acai contains more than double the amount. The ORAC is Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity which measures the level of antioxidants in foods. Acai has one of the highest levels of antioxidants of foods out there.

What does this research suggest? To make it simple Acai can lower your risk of a heart attack, make you look and feel younger, and help prevent you from cancer. Pretty good results from a berry so small.

Omega 3, 6, 9 essential fatty acids help your brain function better, lowers cholesterol, improves your mood, and increases blood circulation. Acai contains high levels of all these essential fatty acids. In addition, you will also get an increase in your energy levels and feel better than coming down from a sugar or caffeine high.

With all of these health benefits it's easy to see why so many people are jumping on the Acai bandwagon. Acai can provide numerous benefits whether you are young or old, healthy or sick, or just looking for a boost in energy.

The Acai fruit does not hold up well to transport, so you will probably never see it available in the produce aisle. That means in order to obtain the amazing health benefits of Acai you must purchase it as Acai juice, Acai powder, or in Acai capsules. If you enjoy the taste of Acai (it tastes like a mixture of berries and chocolate) the juice is great, but Acai capsules are also a good option for those of us who are in a hurry. - 17269

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How To Get A Six Pack - Lose Body Fat

By Jose Loni

The best method to getting a six pack is one that will melt your whole body fat not just abs. We are always seeing ads that claim great results with their ab machines or ab exercises. The most effective way is to train your metabolism by training with resistance and watching your diet - it will melt the fat off your whole body.

The many ab machines and exercises that we see in the media all work on the same principle, which is spot reduction. The fact is, spot reduction does not work. You can train the abs directly but it will only make it stronger and not necessarily give you more definition.

Let's keep it simple. To lose body fat, train the whole body by increasing the body's metabolism. Resistance exercises are the best ways to increase metabolism and burn more fat.

This type of training should be done at least 4 times during the week and require high intensity, and lower repetitions. The resistance workout will incorporate multiple body parts and muscle groups to really burn calories.

A sample exercise session can be doing squats, lunges, push-ups, chin-ups and step-ups (can be done with weights or not). Do these exercises intensely for 20 seconds each continuously, then stop for a short rest after the 5 exercises are completed. This series of exercises can be repeated for 5-6 times per session and done 3-4 times per week.

The great thing about this type of training is the body will work hard during the workout, but it also has residual effects and causes the body to work hard throughout the day burning fat and fueling muscle activity as the muscles are replenishing and repairing to prepare for the next bout of exercise.

Eating healthy meals also help the body burn more calories and prevent more calories from being stored as fat. The body is able to burn calories of complex carbohydrates and lean proteins better, while fatty foods, sodas and sugary snacks are so high in calories, that the excess calories are stored as fat on the body. Eating 5-6 times throughout the day will help keep the body's energy levels stable and help you watch the calories that you eat.

Getting six pack abs is about the whole body. Melt the whole body's fat and you will get the full effect of your training. Kick start the metabolism and rock hard abs can be achieved very fast! - 17269

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Rock Hard Abs - Muscle & Fat Loss

By Jose Loni

Here is a simple principle that will get you rock hard abs. Increase muscle, lose fat - get rock hard abs. The ads we see, talking about a new ab machine, or an abdominal exercise. They all promise fantastic results. If you want great rock hard abs, increase your muscle mass with resistance training and lose the fat at the same time.

Those machines and exercises we see on TV, give you the impression that by training the abs directly, you can spot reduce and have rock hard abs. They give the illusion that you will look like the heavily muscled or the super trim model that they have demonstrating the machine or exercise.

In reality, we will not look like fitness models in just a few weeks of using the product.

Let's keep it simple. Increase muscles to increase your overall metabolism, which will in turn burn body fat.

You see, when we train our body to build muscles, the muscles will adapt to the increased demand and be forced to increase its activity level. This increased activity level requires more energy to function. The body must then provide the muscles with fuel to keep the body moving.

The body will go and look for sources of energy to supply the muscles. The body will consume the food we eat and use that first. Then when more energy is required, the body will take the stored body fat and convert that into fuel for the muscles to use.

During training, the muscles are worked so hard that they function in a lowered oxygen state. The moment the body has a chance to bring oxygen to the muscles; it forces the muscles to increase its activity by nourishing and repairing the muscles as well as removing the accumulated waste products in the muscles.

The repair and nourishment of the muscles continue to occur, even for several hours after the exercise activity is over. When this occurs, the body becomes a fat burning machine and becomes more proficient at it.

Then after a few days of training, the muscles increase in size, which then causes the muscles to increase its activity even more.

More muscle means less fat, which inevitably means rock hard abs. It is really that simple! Train hard and lose the fat. - 17269

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The Acai Berry: A Small Berry Packing A Huge Health Punch

By Marcus C. Evans

Within the rainforests of South America a palm tree grows, and at the top of this species of palm tree you will find an amazing berry that tastes like a mixture of berries and chocolate. They are called Acai berries (pronounced ah-SIGH-ee) and it is not just because of their taste that these berries have taken the world by storm!

For thousands of years the small Acai berry has been a part of the diet of the Amazonian tribes people, who not only recognized its energy giving potential but also its amazing medicinal qualities as well.

For hundreds of years the people of the Amazonian rainforests in South America would climb up to the very top of the palm trees in order to pick the amazing Acai berries. And now, people around the world, even as far away as Australia, are extolling the incredible health benefits of these small, dark purple berries. Even athletes claim that the Acai berries are their secret weapon as they excel in their chosen disciplines.

The Acai berry is full of amino acids, antioxidants and essential fatty acids. These are all of vital importance in maintaining a healthy diet. Here is some very good nutritional information that will tell you why the Acai berry is so good for us to eat:

This berry is full of amino acids and has more proteins than one egg. Its fatty acids are similar to the ones that are found in olive oil and it contains twice the number of antioxidants as blueberries and ten times that of grapes.

Acai berries contain over 16 phytonutrients and antioxidants, 30 times the amount of anthocyanins as found in red wine and pack in 44.2g of fibre per 100g of berry. On top of this acai berries have a low glycaemic and are high in macro and trace minerals and vitamins.

The Acai berries are so full of health benefits because of their nutritional makeup. As already stated they contain antioxidants, but these berries are also antibacterial and are antimutagenic. They are excellent for our cardiovascular system and contain anti-inflammatory properties as well. As far as bad cholesterol that may be in our blood is concerned, the Acai berries actually work at lowering those levels while at the same time maintaining our levels of good cholesterol. The Acai berry is known to lower the harmful levels of cholesterol found in blood plasma.

The Acai berry is a rich source for anthocyanins which are very good for the blood vessels, eyes, nervous system and connective tissue. The flavanoids in the Acai berry help protect your body against disease. The berry seems to strengthen visual acuity in the eyes and helps prevent macular degeneration and glaucoma.

These berries have been used for centuries to also cleanse and to rid the body of harmful toxins as well. But now it would seem that even people who require a good sleep can benefit, because the Acai berries even help to provide a more natural sleep for the body.

Wow! This little berry is a nutrient goldmine. You can either take the Acai berry in the form of capsules or you may drink the pureed pulp. Either way, you are sure to feel the many benefits of this amazing berry as it works its wonders on you! Give it a go and see for yourself. - 17269

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Fat Loss - What Works And What Doesn't

By Dan Solaris

Companies specializing in health products are making huge profits these days. They sell anything from fat-burning pills to expensive exercise contraptions and people are snapping them up. With almost 65% of the populations in the countries of the West overweight, it's no big surprise.

More and more people across the globe are becoming obese as the fast food culture reaches other shores. Drive thru burgers and dial-up pizzas are finding more fans and fattening countless bellies.

Overhyped fad diets are also gaining fast popularity because people that over-indulge in high-cholesterol food are looking for a quick solution to their unsightly midsections. The benefits that can be had from cutting back on calorie intake are usually temporary however and the pounds eventually find their way back.

Getting rid of excess fat is only a matter of burning more calories than our body takes in each day. Office work and commuting takes up most of our hours and this means we're on our butts for most of the day. Losing weight then by just cutting back on food intake won't be very successful without regular workout sessions.

Fat loss happens faster when we exercise and use up a larger amount of caloric energy than we get from our daily consumption of food. Aside from improving our physique, working out regularly also conditions the cardiovascular system and produces endorphins which improve our mood.

Attempting to lose weight by dieting alone isn't really smart because restricting the amount of food we eat makes us feel deprived. Self-deprivation can lead us to binge the next time we see a bucket of extra-crispy chicken or a plate of hot chili cheese fries.

Experts say it's more effective to eat small portions whenever we get the munchies rather than stuffing ourselves every meal. Doing this can also keep our metabolism high and lets us burn calories more efficiently. It's been discovered that our metabolic rate slows down considerably when our body senses a shortage of food.

Having healthy eating habits and sticking to regular fat-burning exercises (cardio and strength training) will help speed-up fat loss and keep metabolism high. Raising the body's metabolic rate means less calories transformed to fat. - 17269

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Healthy Food Choices Made Easy

By Thong M. Dao

In order to create healthy eating habits, it's crucial that you make a list of healthy food choices, then create a healthy menu and meal plan based on those. It's not as hard as you may think.

Here's the list you might have been looking for.

1. Grains. We should consume 6 ounces of grains per day. To do this, we can eat whole grain cereals, breads, rice, crackers, or pasta. We can get an ounce of grains in a single slice of bread.

2. Vegetables. Remember that vegetables are a must-have. Consume approximately 2 cups and a half daily. Spinach, broccoli and collar greens are highly ranking. Just remember the darker, the better. Beans, like baby Lima or even peas, are on this list.

3. Fruits. Fruits are very important. We should aim to eat 2 cups of them each day. Focus on a wide range of fresh fruits. We can drink fruit juices as well, though we should keep it in moderation.

4. Milk. Milk is another excellent food. Your bones need calcium and milk is calcium-rich. So, for adults 3 cups a day and 2 cups for your kids. As you want to lose weight, keep in mind that you need to select fat-free or low-fat dairy products. There are lactose-free products for lactose-intolerant folks.

5. Meat. Eating 5 ounces a day is great, and we should go for lean protein. When eating meat, remember to bake, grill, or broil it, as this will prevent grease from adding to the equation. Try to vary our protein as well, with more fish, beans, peas, and nuts.

When cooking food, don't forget to limit solid fats such as butter, margarine, shortening, and lard. These may add flavor to our dishes but they can also raise our cholesterol as well. Therefore, it's advisable to limit these foods and any foods that contain them.

When you shop for foods, take the time and look at the nutrition label. Each item has its nutrition label located on the back or sides of package. High saturated fat, trans fat and sodium are what we need to avoid.

By picking the most healthy foods for our healthy meal plans, we'll control our lifestyle. Exercise is great as well, as it goes along perfectly with healthy food choices. No matter what our age may be, eating healthy will help us keep the active lifestyle and good health for years to come. - 17269

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Fast Abs Workout - Core Strength Counts

By Dan Solaris

Efficient food production in the world's top economies has caused a glut of quick, irresistible food that's more often than not cheap and loaded with calories. Fast food tends to be unbalanced and is deficient in fiber and other nutrients found in fruits and vegetables. It's not surprising then that a high percentage of the populations in the Western countries are living on an unhealthy diet and suffering from obesity.

The only thing that can counter the nutritional quagmire that we're in is constant exercise. Sadly, a lot of people find it a challenge to stick to a regular exercise program and thus are suffering from all sorts of health problems from diabetes to high blood pressure and heart disease.

Most folks start workout programs but eventually stop after a few months. Slow results and boredom are the major hindrances to consistent exercise. The solution is a workout program that brings results that can be seen quickly.

A majority of gym goers or fitness aficionados start workout programs to lose body fat and get flat six pack abs. When results come too slow, this results in boredom and because they become disheartened, a lot of people give up exercising regularly.

To speed-up the effects of working-out and see something come out of your fat-loss efforts in a shorter amount of time, modified exercises that isolate the core muscles should be done. A program that develops core strength together with body-fat busting cardio exercises is the key to fast abs and a lean physique.

The core of the human body refers to the muscles in our center. That means the upper and lower abs, the obliques on either side of our midsection and the lumbar muscles. Most fitness buffs make the common error of putting too much focus on the abdominal muscles and ignore the muscles on the lower back. A highly-developed abdomen would be useless without an equally strong back because injury can result from this imbalance of support.

Using round surfaces (as opposed to a flat bench or floor) while doing core strengthening exercises will result in a faster abs workout. The unstable surface forces all the muscles around the midsection to work together to maintain balance. This will result in a stronger core faster and improve flexibility and endurance.

Another reason more calories are burned when working-out with the aid of a Swiss ball or a Bosu ball is the fact that more muscle fibers in the abdomen are actively working. Our spine's natural curvature and lying back on a rounded surface will mean a wider range of movement and this ultimately results in more efficient calorie-burn and faster results from our weight-loss efforts. - 17269

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The Results Of The Acai Berry Research

By Ron Duckett

If you turned on your TV or flipped a magazine and discovered the Acai berry, you probably asked yourself what it is. There are now numerous institutions that involved themselves in uncovering the secrets of this fruits along with the goods related to it. This is due to the fact that this has really popular in the world. If you are clueless about it, this is a fruit from the family of Amazon palm berries and they are usually produced in the rainforests of Brazil. If you are wondering what it taste like, it is a blend of berries and chocolates, which is truly appetizing and even provides energy for active people. There are also statements from other people that these contain amino acids, antioxidants and good fats that are necessary for your well being. With all these nice things being said about it, you might wonder if these or true or they are merely tricks to lure people to buy the products.

Checking with the results of the Acai berry research, it has been resolved that they truly contain a lot of advantageous elements for our bodies. By drinking or eating Acai berry products, you will be able to avoid the early signs of aging not only in our external looks but also in the way we think and move. There are many people who compare this to red wine but they do not know that there are about ten to thirty times more antioxidant levels included in Acai berry. Those who are watching their diet may even take this since it only contains fats that are good for the body, which is known as the monounsaturated fats. It also provides fibers that work together with the digestive system and phytosterols that helps your heart perform well.

The results of the Acai berry research have been released to the public and though they are quite hard to believe, they indeed give a lot of benefits for our health. If you are one of those persons who look and feel old, you can now combat this with the Acai berries since they prevent untimely aging. In contrast to the antioxidant properties of red wine, the Acai has about ten to thirty times more. There are also monounsaturated fats, dietary fiber and phytosterols, which are good elements that boost the performance of the heart and the digestive systems.

Acai berry juice, along with the other products, has given way for the people's maintenance of their health and energy. Ever since the Acai berry research came out, more and more individuals became aware and eventually improved their lifestyle so that they can entirely focus on their physical condition. Now the people are including the Acai fruits on their diet. Well, why not? There are a lot of benefits that you will surely be fascinated with.

Also according to the research, the fruit and the goods related to it are a good source for anthocyanins, which belong to the flavonoids class. This pertains to the red or blue phenols that potentially contain antioxidants. They are particularly found in red wine, which are believed to play a part in the French paradox since it is said that France has the lowest number of individuals who have heart problems.

As we move to the next generation wherein we truthfully need protection from certain diseases, the Acai berry juice and accompanying products will help you as you battle against sickness and dreadful illnesses. - 17269

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Why power colon cleanse is a better weight loss solution.

By Collin James

Power colon cleanse is not another fad diet like the acai diets that are out there right now. With power colon cleanse being100% all natural and effective, you get bet that you will lose extra weight and start feeling better about yourself.

Proper dieting has to start from with in, cleansing your body of harmful toxins and waste that is built up in your colon and digestive system is the best place to start. Regular dieting and exercise can not remove the build up that forms inside your colon, you need to do a cleanse to flush it out.

This is why Power Colon Cleanse works so well!

Using supplements that are 100% all natural is always a better way to go. Power colon cleanse uses nothing but the best ingredients in there supplement o insure that the users of power colon cleanse have success.

Colon cleanses that are in pill form take twice as long for you to see the effects from. Cleansers that you have to mix with water, act faster and contain more nutrients, thus work better for you. Power colon cleanse is in powder form. - 17269

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3 Easy Walking Tips You Can't Afford to Miss

By Thong M. Dao

If you thought losing weight was difficult, maintaining that 'lost' weight is even more difficult. I cannot tell you how many of my friends were able to lose weight successfully, only to regain back all the 'lost' pounds after a few weeks.

Our weight fluctuation is our own fault. Don't make that mistake! Stick with your diet plan and exercise program on a regular basis, you'll never gain weight.

It's critical for you to stay on your diet and exercise routine even after you have reached your desired weight. However, many folks don't. Guess what? The weight is back in town.

If you do not want to go to the gym, fine. Then walk to lose weight and maintain the weight you've lost. Here are 3 "weight loss by walking" tips.

1. Visit your doctor: Before starting your walking schedule, it's advisable that you visit your doctor.

Your doctor will be able to structure a regular walking schedule for you based on your current health situation. He might also recommend some other activities besides walking.

2. Track your steps: Walking for weight loss requires you to know exactly how much it takes (i.e. how many steps a day). It's impossible to know if you walk one mile today and a half tomorrow. The best way to find out is to purchase a pedometer.

Pedometers can be found at most sport facilities and they're not very expensive. They take the guessing out of how many steps. So each day you can improve your "walking for losing weight" adventure.

Just remain committed to your "losing weight by walking" schedule and see how better you feel!

3. Put on the right clothes: walking to lose weight would be pretty uncomfortable without proper clothing. Loose-fitting clothes will allow air to move through easily. Avoid tight and heavy clothes.

Proper shoes are highly important as you are walking. If your shoes make your feet hurt or uneasy, do something about it and keep on walking! - 17269

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How to Plan and Realize Your Weight Loss Ambitions

By Matthew Roberts

To achieve your goal of permanent weight loss, it's important to understand that the approach you take can make or break your success. In order to lose weight, you must set the proper daily goals and use effective strategies for implementing your plan and evaluating your results. This will allow you to make any necessary modifications based on the results you see.

What is a realistic weight loss target? First, recognize that your goal-setting must always be realistic in terms of the amount of weight you expect to lose in a certain time frame. If you choose an unattainable goal, you will soon become discouraged and give up. So, what can you do to make sure you choose a realistic target?

1. Avoid trying to rush your way into weight loss. You didn't gain weight over night, and you shouldn't expect to lose it over night either. Most professionals say that losing around 5 to 10 percent of your weight is a good target. As an example, try losing about 7.5 to 15 pounds for a starting weight of 150 pounds. This will help you stay healthy through the process.

2. Run some numbers. It's critical for your physical and psychological health to make a realistic assessment of the time required to achieve your goal. Shoot for about 2 pounds per week. For example, 5 weeks is a reasonable target date to lose 10 pounds. If you plan to lose 20 pounds, allow yourself at least 10 weeks.

3. Focus on setting short terms goals. Think about your goals as a series of stages. If you focus, for example, on losing two pounds this week, you're more likely to stay motivated and on task to make sure you hit your target. If you are too focused on the long term future, it can be tempting to cheat and think you can make it up later. Also, it's worth repeating that slow weight loss is healthy weight loss. The changes that you make in your eating habits are just as important as losing weight itself. Without integrating these chances into your routine permanently, there is no way you can maintain your weight loss.

One other important consideration is self assessment.

Assess your results. Make note of your weight regularly. Daily or weekly weigh ins are most common. Do be aware that your weight will naturally fluctuate due to fluid intake and retention, among other factors. If you are not meeting your targets, your exercise level or diet will likely need to be adjusted.

Consider keeping a food journal. Research indicates that people who keep a food diary can lose up to twice as much weight. A food diary is like a map that can help you identify patterns in food and caloric intakes. This will allow you to more easily make adjustments if you find you are gaining weight, or are not losing quickly enough.

Understand that losing weight won't happen overnight, and you should not try to rush things. If you enjoy the process by taking things slow, you are more likely to succeed. Remember that you aren't just getting a nicer body; you're also investing in your long term health. - 17269

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