Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Guide to Acai

By Walter Fry

Like many of the other superfruits, the acai tree is native to hot, humid and tropical climates like those found in Central America, South America and Brazil. The purple berry that it produces has a berry-chocolate flavor to it. The inside of the palm, the soft part know as the heart of palm has been used in salads, eaten alone and in other dishes.

The acai palm tree and its; fruit have been a staple food for the Amazonian (mostly Caboclo) civilization in the Amazon for countless years. The use every part of the tree, with no part of it going to waste. The fruit is picked and made into juice or pulp products three different times each year. The palm hearts are harvested and eaten, locally or as an export. The leaves have been used for mats, baskets brooms and other items. The leaves have also been used for centuries to thatch the roofs of their homes and huts. The trunks of the trees have been harvested for their wood, used in local home building.

You've seen it on many infomercials and talk shows. The berry is claimed to have many properties that the health food buff or dieter needs. They claim it can energize you by boosting your metabolism. However, to the natives where this tree grows, their concern was using it as a staple food and other uses, since they found they could use the whole tree. They have taught its use to their children, passed down from one generation to the next.

Since the popularity of this tree has risen over the years, many natives have started farming and harvesting the palm as a way to make a living. They utilize what they need and sell the rest to health food companies, exporters and manufacturers of juices. Across Brazil this berry juice is served in the form of sodas, smoothies, sorbet, juice and a flavoring in many drinks served in gourds. They also flavor it with salt or sugar to taste, depending on the individuals preference. It is now produced in Brazil in powdered and freeze dried form for export. The seeds are harvested and planted for more trees. The time for seedlings to sprout is several months, but in comparison to other crops, is considered a short period of time. Extra seeds are ground up and used to feed animals. They also take the ground up seeds and use them as a potent fertilizer.

A couple of recent lab studies have indicated that the level of antioxidants once advertised for this berry is not as high as it was first stated. They had claimed it as being among the very highest in antioxidants, however the studies they have been performing lately in comparison to other fruits and juices, shows this berry as coming up short of the peak. It may not have as high a level of antioxidants when compared to several frozen fruit juices, red wine, strawberries, mangos, blueberries, dark-colored grapes and pomegranates. If they are correct, acai may only run on an even keel with cherries and cranberries, but is still higher in antioxidants than oranges and of course apple juice.

Even without the huge antioxidant component, there is little doubt that acai is an awesome nutritional boost to your body. Many studies have indicated that this berry may be a future treatment for leukemia, diabetes, heart health and high blood pressure, as well as many other difficult-to-treat illnesses. If fact, they are already using acai as a contrast agent in MRI's for gastrointestinal scans! - 17269

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Don't Rule Out Acai Yet

By Kevin Smithson

Acai is actually a type of Palm tree that is native to South America, in a climate that is very warm and humid. It produces a berry-like fruit that is dark purple, with a mixed taste of berries and chocolate. This fruit is known as the acai berry. The heart of the palm, the soft inner part of the upper palm tree, is also harvested and used in salads and dishes.

It has, for centuries been a staple food for civilizations in the Amazon, Brazilian, Central and other South American countries. All parts of the tree can be used for something. Nothing is wasted. The hearts of palm are harvested, eaten by the natives and exported as a delicacy to other countries. The leaves have been harvested and woven into mats, baskets, brooms and roofing thatch for years. The trunks of the trees have been chopped down and cut to use in building structures all through these countries.

The fruit has become very popular in nutritional circles, both for age-defiance and for simple, healthy dieting. Acai's proponents claim that it will help boost your metabolism while giving you all of the nutrients that your body needs. The natives of Brazil have been eating the hearts of palms and the fruit from this tree for centuries, as it has been a staple food for them passed down from generation to generation.

Since the popularity of this tree has risen over the years, many natives have started farming and harvesting the palm as a way to make a living. They utilize what they need and sell the rest to health food companies, exporters and manufacturers of juices. Across Brazil this berry juice is served in the form of sodas, smoothies, sorbet, juice and a flavoring in many drinks served in gourds. They also flavor it with salt or sugar to taste, depending on the individuals preference. It is now produced in Brazil in powdered and freeze dried form for export. The seeds are harvested and planted for more trees. The time for seedlings to sprout is several months, but in comparison to other crops, is considered a short period of time. Extra seeds are ground up and used to feed animals. They also take the ground up seeds and use them as a potent fertilizer.

There have recently been a few questions raised on the actual nutritional value of the acai berry. It was first declared to be an extremely high source of antioxidant content, but other researches claim that acai actually falls below the pomegranate, and eleven different frozen fruit juices, including the mango, the strawberry, red wine, blueberry juice and concord grape juice. They say it ranks on average with black cherry and cranberry juice, but has a higher amount of antioxidants than orange and apple juices.

No matter if it has the most antioxidants or not, there are plenty of other health benefits from the acai berry to make it worthwhile. For instance, other research on acai berries indicates that it could likely help in the treatment of leukemia. The juice is already being used in some instances as a contrast in the gastrointestinal area for MRI's. Don't count it out yet, research on this tasty berry is still young and it has plenty of room left for surprises to throw at us all. - 17269

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Best Way To Lose Weight? Examine Your Alcohol Habit!

By Henry John

'Alcohol makes you fat'. How many times have you been told that? It's usually used to warn people off from drinking too much, but is it a true statement? No, it's not strictly true, alcohol doesn't make you fat, it actually prevents you from losing weight. It stops your stored energy being used. If you're looking for the best way to lose weight, it would be a very sensible thing to understand about alcohol.

The fact remains that alcohol doesn't contain any carbohydrate so the body can't store the alcohol energy. It doesn't know what to do with it so it tries to get rid of it as quickly as possible. It does this by converting it into acetate energy. This acetate stays in the blood stream and is used in preference to the energy you body would normally use, i.e. the energy it has stored as fat.

It's easy to see that if you drink a lot of alcohol, you are not going to burn fat, in fact you will accumulate fat. If you stop drinking alcohol you will be able to lose weight more effectively. It's as simple as that.

To most people drinking alcohol becomes a habit. Too much alcohol like too much food is a bad habit. If you want to lose weight and keep the weight off, you have to get rid of all your bad habits.

The most important thing you have to do if you are serious about losing weight and keeping it off, is to make sure you are aware of your bad habits. As soon as you are, you will find the process so much easier. The key to permanent weight loss is to learn new habits, slim habits.

Losing weight is all about making change. If you don't make change then you will never lose weight. So, if you are drinking more than you should or alcohol has just become a habit, then you need to change your behavior. How do you do that? You do it by learning new habits, slim habits. This way you can make the change you want and get on the path to permanent weight loss. It's not difficult, you just need to commit yourself to doing it, and it will happen! - 17269

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Core Strengthening Exercises: Your Back Will Love These

By Erik Helms

Core stability and core strengthening exercises are a much overlooked, but vital, part of a comprehensive workout routine and back health maintenance.

Every day, our daily activities are filled with all kinds of abuses to our back. We twist, turn, bend, pick up things incorrectly. Most of us spend almost all day sitting for our jobs. In order for our core muscles to adequately support our back and internal organs, they have to be in pretty good shape. As soon as we start to get lax in our efforts to stay in shape, our back begins to "talk" to us. Bending over becomes a chore, we hurt all the time, and life becomes more and more miserable.

And our workout routines become ever more risky; we always are on the edge of straining our back.

OK, then, what are some really good core strengthening exercises to do?

* Pilates. You can do any Pilates workout and you will come out ahead. I've used Pilates for years to keep the old middle tight and strong. Pilates has a sort of "girls only" reputation for some reason, but take it from me, guys; this is serious exercise.

* The Farmer's Walk. This is really a whole body exercise, but your core will work real hard, as will your back, legs, arms and hands. Just go pick up two very heavy dumbbells, and carry them over to the other side of the room and back again. Maybe another time. Your core will work overtime to keep you balanced and stable.

* The Wood Chopper. Grab a medicine ball. Hold it over your head and off to one side. Now swing it down and over toward your opposite foot, like you were chopping wood. Then swing it back on the same line. Repeat several times, and switch sides. Be sure to engage your hips and legs to keep your back fairly straight. That makes it harder.

* Saxon Bends. These are tough. Take that ball again, or a weight plate if you need more weight, and hold it over your head. Now bend over to one side, without bending your back from front to back. You're just going side to side. When you've gone as far over as you can, head on over to the other side. Back to center again is one.

These exercises are a great warmup for a weight training workout. They'll warm up the whole body, and you can step away from the treadmill. Or, just devote a whole workout to core strengthening exercises; your back will thank you! - 17269

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Advance Wellness Research Promotional Offers Info

By Linda Kemp

Imagine never missing taking a dose of your favorite health supplement because you ran out and forgot to get more. Advanced Wellness Research knows how frustrating that can be, which is why they offer a convenient auto-ship program. With auto-shipping, you choose what product you want and when you want to receive it.

Then, Advanced Wellness Research delivers it to your door according to your schedule. Advanced Wellness Research offers a variety of products designed for your health and wellbeing. Products like: Acai Berry and the Bright Teeth Whitening are just a few.

What about safety? Advanced Wellness Research puts every product they sell through a strict screening process to ensure their high quality and safety. They promise never to sell anything that they wouldn't give to their own families. If you're still not sure,

Advance Wellness Research offers all of their products on a risk-free trial basis. This ensures that you're getting only the products that benefit you the most.

Your Health - Your Schedule - If you're using health supplements to lose weight, feel better, look better or have more energy, then you know how frustrating it is when you get off schedule because you're supply is out.

Getting to the store can be tough with a hectic lifestyle, and ordering online can take weeks for delivery. Advanced Wellness Research, Inc. wants to be sure that you get your health products when you need and according to your schedule.

You can choose to receive your products once a month, once every other month, or whatever suits you best. And, you can cancel the shipments any time you want.

Most health experts agree that whatever you do for good health, it's best to stick to a schedule. Advanced Wellness Research will make sure that you do. Begin today. Find out what you have been missing. - 17269

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Why is the Acai Berry a Superfruit?

By Anthony Peterson

If you are looking for something healthy to eat, then the acai berry may have something wonderful to interest you. Over the past years, the acai berry has gone from pretty much unknown to very popular within a very short period of time. People are already taking vitamins and food supplements and they welcome a natural alternative that may do the job as well or even better.

Nowadays, most people have heard of the term antioxidants and free radicals. The acai berry is high in antioxidants that are effective in fighting free radicals especially peoxynitrite free radicals. Some scientists say that the acai berry has the highest amount of antioxidants when compared to other fruits but the jury is still out on that fact. No matter which fruit has the highest level of antioxidants, the acai berry is no doubt one of the top performers.

You may have heard the term anthocyanins. The acai berry has a large amount of anthocyanins in it. The main anthocyanins in the acai berry are cyanidin-3-glucoside or C-3-G and cyanidin-3-rutinoside. These are just two potent antioxidants in the acai berry. There are more antioxidants present which makes the acai berry a good source for fighting again many types of free radicals.

The acai berry contains high percentage of essential fatty acids. This is why some people take the acai berry pills instead of fatty acid supplements as a source of their essential fatty acids. More than 50 percent of the acai berry, based on its dry weight, is good fats. The oil extracted from the acai berry consists largely of monounsaturated fats and some polyunsaturated fats. The fatty acid content of the acai berry is similar to that of olive oil.

Protein is very important in your diet. Unlike other fruits, the acai berry is high in protein. The acai berry's protein profile is similar to an egg. But, bear in mind that the protein content can vary from an acai berry to another. Some acai palm trees bear acai fruits that have higher protein content than others depending on the condition which the trees grow in.

Vitamins are also largely present in the acai berry. An acai juice is usually a good source of vitamin E. Most of the vitamins are found in the pulp of the acai berry. Vitamin E work with other antioxidants to combat free radicals and keep the body healthy. There are other vitamins in the acai berry beside vitamin E such as vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, and C.

With all of the vitamins and minerals in the acai berry, anyone eating the acai berry or drinking good brands of acai berry juices find themselves full of energy and healthy. There are many other nutrients that have not been mentioned such as fiber in the acai berry. Also the acai berry is very low in sugar making it good for anyone on a low sugar diet. - 17269

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Will Goji Reduce Acidity?

By Yousef Singh-Chang

With todays diets we are overloading the body with many acidic foods. Doing this has put our bodies in a state of metabolic acidosis. Doctors today believe that being in a state of acidosis leads to many illnesses and diseases. Dr. Marcial-Vega has been doing a 3 year study on patients with high acidity levels. This study has proven that taking Goji can balance the bodies level, and keep you healthy. I want to share some interesting facts with you about the study.

Dr. Marcial-Vega is a leading researcher on how to keep the bodies alkalinity level balanced. Three years ago he started a study with 86 patients who all had very high levels of acidity. They each were instructed to take 1 to 15 ounces of Goji juice depending on the severity of their acidosis. He noticed that as the alkalinity levels changed so did the reversal of diseases and illnesses including cancer, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, chronic renal failure, and more. Better yet he noticed that 90% of the patients alkalinity levels were reversed just by taking Goji Juice

After seeing that the Goji was doing its job Dr. Marcial-Vega wanted to test if the Goji had any affects on patients who were undergoing cancer treatments. He looked over the results very carefully and was glad to see the Goji did in fact make a difference. Many of the patients had elevations toward normal blood levels. This marked protection of the bone marrow during cancer therapy.

Dr. Marcial-Vega also observed that high cholesterol levels decreased a minimum of 50 points in four weeks in 67 percent of the patients; high blood pressure dropped in 80 percent of the patients, and 50 percent of the patients decreased or eliminated their high blood pressure medication. The best observation was that 85 percent of the obese patients lost a significant amount of weight. Seeing these results he has came to the conclusion that Goji makes a difference and everyone should incorporate it in their daily lives.

The main reason Dr. Marcial-Vega did the study was to see if Goji is effective at balancing alkaline levels in our bodies. Goji worked. The amazing thing was that once a patients body was level, their illness started going away or getting better. This is what really is amazing about Goji berries. - 17269

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