Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

3 Astounding Benefits of a Raw Food Vegan Diet

By Alistair Bedingford

A raw food diet is one in which at least 75% of food consumed is not cooked (above a temperature of 115F). The consumption of "living" or raw food has myriad benefits. Here are three.

Benefit 1 - Rapid Weight Loss

People who eat a raw food vegan diet experience rapid weight loss. This is due to the fact that the vegan diet has a lot of fiber and few calories. The fiber gives you the feeling of being full, hence people on raw food vegan diets eat their fill and yet drop pounds.

Benefit 2 - Improved Health

In addition to making you slimmer, which alone results in less chance for many diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease, a raw food vegan diet has many other health benefits. Many vitamins, healthy bacteria and digestive enzymes are destroyed when food is heated over the 115F threshold. Raw food eaters benefit from such nutrients, which ease digestion, boost energy levels and improve skin. Processed food is loaded with sugars and preservatives, which can cause a low energy state.

Raw foods lack the preservatives and refined sugars of modern processed foods and the low energy sluggish feeling that accompanies consumption of such types of food. Hence a raw diet can drastically improve your health and lifestyle.

Benefit 3 -More Environmentally Friendly and Ethical

The vast majority of the meat consumed comes from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO). These industrial operations are notorious for very unethical animal treatment, significant environmental degradation and disease. An organic raw vegan diet is a vote against a system that is unhealthy, unethical and unfriendly to the environment.

Raw vegans need to take B12 supplements since B12 can only be found in animal products.

So be healthier, look better and do something that great for the planet - 17269

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The Best Beachbody Products

By Jesse Regan

More and more people are putting great emphasis on keeping themselves fit and healthy. This is mostly because the rate of obesity and the health problems that are connected to this problem. People are now adopting a healthier lifestyle, including eating a proper diet. Exercising is another good thing that you can do in order to keep your fitness level up. Going to the gym and hiring a personal trainer is a common thing to do. However, the economic and financial crisis that we are experiencing today makes doing so is a bad idea since memberships to great gyms and hiring a good personal trainer can cost a lot of money. The best way that you can keep yourself fit and not spend too much money is to do your workouts at home, in which you can enroll in an online program which can help you in your workout routines.

Now, it may sound like it would cost a lot of money but it is not. On the contrary, involving yourself in such an endeavor would even be a good opportunity for you to earn some money. The Beachbody Program is such. Simply put, the Beachbody program is a fitness regimen created by a company which manufactures and sells popular products and brands like P90X, Turbo Jam, Power 90, Slim in 6, Hip Hop Abs, and so much more.

Many satisfied customers say that the Beachbody products are really fun and have very effective outcomes. The users of the Beachbody program are awed by the things that they experience from using these intense yet very easy to follow workouts and the products that they used as well.

So, what are the most noteworthy Beachbody products? First off, there's the P90X workout series, which is one of the company's top best sellers. The P90X workout series is presenting their customers with the capacity to obtain super fit, sexy and sculpted healthy bodies in a period of ninety days. This product boasts of doing so from the comfort of your own home with no need to use any heavy and expensive equipment.

Another noteworthy product in the Beachbody program is the Shakeology program. This product is a tasty shake that you drink as a replacement for one of your meals in a day. The system comes with a DVD with instructions and a workout routine that you do three times per week. By following this and eating healthy, you will loose weight and get a fit body in no time.

The Shakeology program also has a supplement product, the Fiber Boost. You can just add this non gritty and relatively flavorless powder that is very easy to mix into your daily Shakeology shake or any other shake or drink. You will be losing weight and adding more fiber to keep your colon healthy.

The Beachbody Company workout accessories are verynoteworthy too. Top sellers are the Plyometrics Mat, which are creafted for safety, comfort, longevity and performance. There is also the Beachbody Squishy Ball, a small but very effective resistance ball used to tighten up and tone the abdominal muscles.

These are some samples about beachbody information that you can enjoy online. - 17269

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HCG Diet Direct's 500 Calorie Diet

By Amelia Handley

Yes, I said 500 calories. And yes, most people hear that and move right along looking for some other solution to their problems. But before you move on...just imagine how much weight you'd lose if you actually stuck to this type of calorie limiting diet. Think about all the things you miss about weighing less: running, jumping, slouching in a chair and not feeling as if you just bust out of your pants, finding that perfect swimsuit, sitting cross legged...

Those are the very things you need to think of when you consider...possibly...taking on a 500 calorie diet. So I hope you are now thinking about tackling the prospect seriously! And I'll tell you what a lot of people don't know. You can absolutely do it! Everyone is capable of completing the requirements of a 500 calorie diet; they just need to approach it with the right tools in hand so you can control how your body handles the calorie restriction.

Don't think that you can just decide to lose weight and just stop eating. It won't work. You can't even just decide to drastically lower that amount of calories you intake each day; it won't work. You'll just feel hungry all day long everyday.

That is the exact reason that makes the HCG Diet Direct homeopathic HCG weight loss formula a vital addition to the 500 calorie diet. The introduction of a very low calorie, 500 calorie diet, without the help of the formula is a very, very bad move. Without the help of the formula from HCG Diet Direct you'll feel hungry constantly and you won't be able to fulfill your daily obligations. You also won't lose weight like you want to; your body will treat ANY intake as if you're starving and will likely store it as fat immediately.

All that suffering for nothing. Don't put yourself (or your poor, unsuspecting body) through such turmoil. It's one of those obvious mistakes that everyone warned you about that you'll regret in the morning. But if you pair the 500 calorie diet with the homeopathic HCG weight loss formula you'll experience a wonderful sensation. You won't be hungry. Your body will not treat itself as if no more food is coming in the near future. And you'll lose a significant amount of weight.

Isn't it beautiful? The all natural, homeopathic weight loss formula from HCG Diet Direct interacts with the body enabling it to do a couple of really fabulous things. It stimulates the eating and drinking part of the brain (through the hypothalamus) so you don't feel hungry. And it also interacts with the body to stimulate appropriate action when fat cells are emptied. Normally they just hang around empty until there's available fat to refill them (making it really hard to keep weight off), but with the formula the body absorbs empty fat cells. YEAH! Right? So...get moving. You can order it delivered to your door. Don't sit around and think about how fabulous that would be if you actually did it. Just do it! - 17269

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Feed And Hay - A Scientific Formula?

By Amy P. Cunningham

If you are looking to set up a feeding program for your horse or horses there are a lot of choices available to you. There are so many choices that the decision can be overwhelming. Of course any good program is going to begin with hay. Horses are grazing animals, and their digestive systems are meant to process the roughage found in hay.

Alfalfa hay has been a staple of horse diets since time out of mind. While it has many benefits, it also has many drawbacks as well. It is so rich and full of nutrients that it can actually overwhelm the horse's digestive system and potentially cause health and even behavioral problems. Using a little bit is better than using a lot. It goes a long way.

A good grass based hay, such as Orchard grass, Timothy, Alicia, or Russell hay, is a good place to start looking for quality forage. Timothy tends to contain a bit more heavy stalks if it is baled late. A lot of horses seem to prefer the softer, wider blades contained in the Orchard grass type hay.

Alicia and Russell hay, grown primarily in the south east, are good forage choices as well. Alicia hay is a finer grass, that tolerates heat and drought quite well. Russell hay is a bit thicker, with an overall higher protein content. Coastal Bermuda hay is also an excellent choice for a nice grass type base to your feeding program.

When looking for a quality hay make sure to inspect the hay you are considering for purchase. Good quality hay should have a nice green color and a fresh smell. The hay should be free from dust and mold. It's worth the extra expense to make sure you are buying high quality forage to insure the health and well being of your horse.

Having the hay tested by your local agriculture extension agency is also a good idea. With this information, you will be able to examine your feed options, and set up the most balanced, comprehensive feeding program for your horse.

You must take your horse's age, breed, and activity level into account when setting up a feed program. Hardier breeds require more supplementation to maintain healthy weight. Know your horse's needs and plan accordingly.

Feeding a horse for optimum health is not really rocket science. Find good quality hay, and let your horse eat as much as they choose. Supplement as needed, and balance the nutrients to the hay. Provide a mineral block, fresh clean water at all times, and exercise, and the chances are you'll have a very healthy horse for a long time! - 17269

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How To Harness The Power Of Red Wine Without Drinking It

By Alex Ariel Sanders

Resveratrol is a constituent of red wine. It came to public attention following a report that French men who drank red wine did not have some of the age related diseases that their American counterparts in the same age group suffered frequently. Resveratrol is also found in small amounts in berries, peanuts and grape skins. The above report has ignited an interest on how we can live longer with Resveratrol

Basically, Resveratrol is a natural antioxidant. An antioxidant is a compound that has the capacity to lessen the amount of free radicals in the bloodstream. Free radicals are considered to be the waste output of cellular functions. They are popular in the world of weight loss as a very helpful aid in shedding off a pound or two. More so, a good number of diet products are known for having Resveratrol as their main component. However, scientific studies have demonstrated numerous other health benefits of Resveratrol.

The effect of resveratrol on the body is not much different to that of a calorie restricted diet. This is also called caloric restriction and is focused on cutting down calorie consumption while promoting foods that are nutrient and fiber rich. Aside from the benefit of losing weight, this has also been found to slow down the aging process. More so, it involves lesser, if not complete absence of, illnesses that are related with aging.

It is believed that resveratrol works to block the absorption of certain fats inside the body and helps to flush them through the digestive tract out of the body. In addition, it bonds with certain bad cholesterol and triglycerides to keep them from building up in the body.

In other studies on resveratrol, there are evidences that support that idea of the said compound working on the genetic level by rendering the aging gene useless. These studies are currently ongoing and have not yet been full-proofed. However, resveratrol is at its running to be the ultimately desired fountain of youth should these studies be able to prove its real potential. Other evidences show its capacity to inhibit and even prevent some cancers, with more emphasis on breast cancer in women.

It has been found that we cannot fully rely on red wine, berries, grapes and other fruits as the source of ample resveratrol for the body. High dosage of this element has to be taken in order for the effects to be possible. This can be found in the form of dietary supplements.

Several tests have been conducted about resveratrol absorption in the body. When taken as a pill or capsule, it should be about 250mg for the resveratrol compound to be measured and the presence to be recognized in the bloodstream about 30 minutes after taking it in. After 4 hours, all traces of it are completely erased from the bloodstream. From this, it can be concluded that the compound should be supplied on a regular schedule in order to have sufficient amount of it in the body to effectively slow down the aging process. - 17269

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Bid Adieu To Eating Problems Forever

By Mark Davies

Samantha used to have an allergic reaction every time she wanted to have one of her favourite foods. She had somehow made up her mind to give it up, realizing that maybe she wouldn't ever be able to have it. But now she has found out an easy way out. She can now eat anything she wants, anywhere and to her heart's content.

So what did she do? How exactly did she get cured? By coming to Cliffside Malibu, which helped her come out of her inhibitions and face her eating disorder head on. The expert staff is experienced in treating people suffering from eating disorders and they have prepared a treatment program that is designed specifically to give you the highest chance at a successful recovery. Overlooking the Pacific Ocean from a very private, two-acre estate, the exclusive Cliffside Malibu eating disorder center offers world-class treatment for debilitating conditions such as bulimia and anorexia.

If you too have such a problem, help is here. But just because you are undergoing therapy doesn't mean you will have to put up with boring food that tastes bland and ordinary. The chef and his staff prepare gourmet meals that are fresh, nutritious and promote good health. Breathtaking ocean vistas from the sun deck and many of the residence rooms, wide range of recreational activities, fitness center, gym and personal trainer will take care of you and your health. Depending upon your needs and preferences, you will get treatment that is specially made for you, by the experienced staff and doctors.

The eating disorder treatment program includes group and family therapy sessions, so that you can adapt to the people around, and come to terms with the improvements going on in your therapy. The staff is dedicated to doing everything possible to help you succeed, supporting you along the way. Bulimia, Anorexia and any other eating disorders are taken care of.

The 24-hour service (everyday of the week) will ensure that you recover and stay healthy throughout your life. Call 800-501-1988 today, and know what it can do for you. - 17269

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The Truth About Hair Loss Treatment

By Chris Dodderson

Loads of hair loss victims start off their day checking their pillows for any hair that they have shed. With appropriate hair loss treatment, this may possibly be avoided. They will take a look at their hairbrushes and combs after each use, making an effort to uncover the exact number of hairs they have lost. They would vigilantly inspect the precise quantity of hairs left behind after having a shower, for instance.

Hair loss sufferers grow anxious, nervous, and scared. How much will go today, and how soon will I begin to look bald to others? They worry about the impressions they will make on bosses, future bosses, friends, co-workers, and even strangers who see them in public places. What a horrible way to live!

Do something about the daily concern you have over the loss of your hair: use a hair loss treatment! Consult your doctor to make sure there isn't a physiological reason that can be fixed. Some diseases, such as Lupus and Diabetes, can lead to hair loss. Hair loss can be caused by bacterial or fungal infection, and both of these conditions can be cured.

Worry, anxiety, stress, major life traumas, surgery and pregnancy can cause hair loss. You should be relieved knowing that all of them are either controllable or temporary. But with hormonal and hereditary hair loss, then you should consider a hair loss treatment.

1 - Make a priority of looking after your body by eating well and exercising often. This will help you to maintain good hair without any loss and damage.

2 - Find ways to reduce stress and anxiety. Exercise, Yoga, and meditation are good activities for this.

3 - Take good care of the way you treat your hair. You shouldn't pull excessively, brush strenuously, or apply shampoos that are too strong. Try not to manipulate your hair as much, while reducing the use of chemicals including colorants, as well as hair dryers and curling irons.

4 - Investigate and experiment with the wide variety of hair loss treatment products available. The earlier in life you begin this investigation and experimentation, the better your results will be. Products like Provillus, for example, should be used with the first signs of more than normal hair loss.

5 - Try natural remedies, such as Saw Palmetto - primarily for men, essential oils and herb solutions. These are available at health/nutrition retailers or on many Internet sites. Again, you will have to experiment to find what hair loss treatment works best for you. Every body is unique and will respond differently to different treatments.

Despite how awful your hair loss is, you ought to consider all the choices on the market. Start at once and find out what hair loss treatment is appropriate for you. - 17269

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Burn Fat Fast: Essential Tips for Strength Training

By Brad Morgan

If you want to burn fat fast, you face a big challenge. Everyone who has ever dieted or stuck to a fitness routine has dealt with this difficulty.

The two most important aspects of weight loss? Diet and exercise, of course! While everyone knows this, you may not know about some easy changes you can make to get more from your routine.

The following tips will help you rev up your fat burning engine and get rid of those unwanted pounds more quickly.

Burn Fat Fast with Diet

Everyone knows what to eat for good health: fruits and vegetables, whole grains, protein, etc. The following tips will help your body become better at burning fat.

1. Get enough fiber.

Not only does fiber contribute to your overall good health, it helps your body burn fat. The average American gets about 10 grams a day, which is too little. Aim for about 25 grams of fiber each day.

Eating plenty of whole wheat pastas, breads, and cereals, fruits and vegetables, and nuts can help you get the fiber you need. They are easy to add into your meals, and they can help you see results sooner.

2. Choose a better bedtime snack.

Eating foods with simple carbohydrates (white breads, pastas, cereals, fruit, or juice) before you go to sleep may increase fat deposits and keep your body from staying in fat burning mode. If you have to eat a bedtime snack, choose a vegetable.

3. Eat smaller meals more frequently.

Small meals spread throughout the day keeps hunger pangs at bay. Another simple change: eat your vegetables before your heavier main course.

Eating your vegetables first can keep you from overindulging in less healthy foods.

4. Size matters.

Americans are notorious for having a skewed sense of proportion. We eat until we are stuffed but sustained. By using smaller plates and eating slowly, you can help keep yourself from overindulging.

5. Have a pre-work out snack.

To maximize your workouts, eat a snack 90 minutes before you start. This snack should be high in protein and low in carbohydrates. Adding this to your routine can help you burn more calories and burn fat fast. Make sure not to eat it any sooner than an hour and a half before you exercise, though, because it can decrease the effects of your workout.

Weight loss veterans know that diet is great, but you need exercise to burn fat fast. Your body is made for movement, and exercise provides a vast array of benefits.

6. Inhale and exhale with your nose.

Breathing through your nose helps you maintain a more stable heart rate. This means that you can work out longer ? and of course, burn more calories in the process. It takes some practice, but you'll love the results.

7. Add intense intervals.

For instance, if you are walking, walk for two minutes at a very brisk pace. Then slow down for three minutes. Gradually increase the amount of brisk walking time.

This is also a great way to break into running. You will burn a lot more calories and burn fat faster.

8. Do your weight training first.

Your body takes about 15-20 minutes to warm up. If you do your weights first, by the time you do your cardio, your body is primed to go. You'll burn more calories. Don't forget to do some stretching before you start the weight training.

9. Variety is the spice of life!

Doing the same routine day after day is a good way to keep your body from burning fat fast.

For effective fat loss, add some variety. Your routine should feature a mix of cardio, strength, and flexibility workouts. By doing the same exercise, your body becomes an expert at it. It doesn't need to exert itself to perform it, meaning you burn fewer calories.

Jumpstart your body by giving it new challenges. Don't ever let anything get too easy.

10. Get more from your cardio with weights.

If you are in a time crunch, do some bicep curls or overhead presses while you're on the treadmill. This will increase the calorie burn and help build muscles.

If you want to burn fat fast, it takes both diet and exercise. Little changes like the ones above can help you reap big benefits. - 17269

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Non Meat Protein For Vegetarians

By Wayne Truter

Although most vegetarians consume a considerable amount of protein, they often do not absorb as much as they would on a nonvegetarian diet. This is because plant proteins are considerably less digestible than animal proteins, which contain amino acid chains that are closer or identical to human amino acid chains.

This reverence for all living things drives some vegans to what nonvegetarians might consider extremes. Some live greatly restricted lives, but for a noble cause: to prevent suffering and death wherever possible.

In order for vegetarians to absorb a healthy amount of protein, they must consume a variety of plant proteins to form complete amino chains. By eating vegetables, legumes, seeds, nuts, fruits, and whole grains, vegetarians can increase the amount of complete proteins they create by combining a number of varieties of amino acid chains.

Fruits and vegetables also contain high amounts of fiber, which helps flush toxins out of the body, further contributing to better skin health.The last health advantage vegetarians enjoy is an increased natural consumption of antioxidants.

These vegans often cite how scientists have bred sheep over the years to generate unnatural amounts of wool for human needs. This breeding has resulted in the Merino sheep of today, which often has enough wool to equal its body weight.

Vitamin C can be found in berries, tomatoes, citrus fruit, kale, kiwis, asparagus and peppers.

Vitamin E can be found in wheat germ, seed oils, walnuts, almonds, and brown rice--all foods that are commonly a part of a well-balanced vegetarian diet.

If you currently are a vegetarian for ethical reasons, take some time to consider whether or not wearing wool compromises your commitment to end or at least stop contributing to animal suffering.

As a vegetarian you have a number of options to boost your protein intake - and you should consider taking advantage of all of them. You should diversify your food selections, drink more soy products, and eat "protein-fortified" breads and pasta. - 17269

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Buying a Fruit Juicer - Easy way to good Health

By Nick Jaggs

One of the easiest ways to get a serving of your five a day fruit or vegetables is by drinking juice made from them. Only drinking one glass of freshly squeezed orange juice will be beneficial to your health, but may well improve your energy levels as well. Although you can purchase juice ready squeezed spend some money on one of the many good fruit juicers now available and make your own instead.

We know that fruit juice is good for us but too much of a good thing can also cause problems. There are certain fruits which contain high levels of sugar and if consumed in large quantities can prove detrimental to one's health. For example if you are a diabetic these types of sugars are able to access the bloodstream a lot more quickly when consumed in juice form. This in turn results in the levels of blood sugar in the body increasing which can result in a diabetic attack taking place.

When you are deciding what type of fruit juicers to buy you need to be aware there are several different types available. You have to choose whether to go for the centrifugal type including the centrifugal injection or if you go for a manual press, single auger, dual cage auger, twin press or masticating one.

People who buy a fruit juicer for the first time tend to go for the oldest model available which is the centrifugal type. The design is very simplistic on these and to extract the juice from the pulp centrifugal force pushes it down against the unit's shredder and strainer. However, although easy to use a lot of people are now going for the centrifugal injection models as well. Again they are simple in design but the sides on these units are more slated and so cleaning this one proves to be a lot easier.

The other type of juicer which is now proving extremely popular is the masticating type. These instead of shredding the pulp chew it to extract the juice and you will discover that the juice made from this contains far less of the fruits pulp in it. Also they run at a lower speed than the centrifugal types so tend to make much less noise.

If you are thinking of buying a fruit juicer then there are certain factors that you need to be taking into consideration before you make your purchase. Along with how much you are willing to spend on the juicer there are other factors which we show below that you need to consider.

1. You need to find a juicer which is not only easy to operate but to maintain and clean after being used. The more compact the model the better and also look for those where the juicing compartments are removable and can be placed safely in a dishwasher to be cleaned. 2. It is much better to purchase a well known (branded) model as not only do these tend to be more reliable but getting hold of replacement parts for these shouldn't be difficult. 3. Another factor to consider is the speed at which the motor runs as the slower they are then much less oxidation will take place as the juice is extracted. So in fact you are able to extract more juice from the fruit and vegetables that you place in them.

Above we have shown you the types of fruit juicers you can now purchase to prepare your own healthy drinks at home. But remember to keep the factors in mind when you are looking to buy one to ensure that you get exactly what you want at a price you can afford. - 17269

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Walking for Weight Loss " A Walk a Day Keeps the Fat Away

By Thong M. Dao

Do you feel like you're on an endless weight loss cycle? Losing weight, gaining weight back, losing again, a continuous up and down scale. Many folks share the same problem.

Our weight fluctuation is our own fault. Don't make that mistake! Stick with your diet plan and exercise program on a regular basis, you'll never gain weight.

Folks have a misconception that once they lose weight successfully, they think that they won't gain weight any further, no matter what they do. This is totally untrue! Even after we have lost weight successfully, we will have to follow the same diet and exercise routine to maintain that weight.

If you do not want to go to the gym, fine. Then walk to lose weight and maintain the weight you've lost. Here are 3 "weight loss by walking" tips.

1. Visit your doctor: Before starting your walking schedule, it's advisable that you visit your doctor.

He will give you advice on a proper walking plan according to your health conditions. For example, if you have bad knees, he may suggest swimming in stead of walking.

2. Track our steps: Simply walking is not enough; if we walk just five steps one day and fifty steps on another, then we won't know how many steps we actually need to walk to maintain our slim body. For this reason I would advise that you use a tool called pedometer.

They are not very expensive and you can find one at most local stores. Pedometers will help us count our steps. This way we know how many steps are needed everyday to lose fat effectively.

As you start walking, you will feel much healthier and your energy levels will increase.

3. Put on the right clothes: walking for weight loss won't be an enjoyable experience unless we put on loose-fitting trousers that allow free movement of limbs. Don't wear any tight-fitting dress that makes us uneasy.

Proper shoes are highly important as you are walking. If your shoes make your feet hurt or uneasy, do something about it and keep on walking! - 17269

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How Did We End Up With The First Banana Bread Recipe?

By Ben Cook

Anyone who loves a good banana bread recipe will appreciate all of the evolution that brought it to us. Creating foods has been part of every culture since the Neanderthal. Of course, the more we know about a single food's history the more we are likely to create a palette that coincides with the food's original flavor as well as with today's modern adjustments.

While history is earmarked with culinary revolution from the earliest days to the last days of this week, the dawn of the banana bread recipe is harder to track than some of the other breakthroughs in cooking. Despite the difficulties in pinpointing the exact first banana bread attempt, there is plenty of evidence that can show us how the evolutionary experimentation infolded. This can help us understand what we are looking at and the most likely scenario for that time period.

If we look at the evolution of the basic banana bread recipe ingredients we can most likely gauge when the first actual recipe was handed down and where it was probably developed. All banana bread recipes are quick bread recipes. This simply means that there is no yeast used for rising in the baking process.

12, 000 years ago bread was initially developed and became a staple of the dietary needs. It began to grow onto a more flavorful and delicate recipe much later. The simplest version of bread is nothing more than wheat flour and some water that was mashed together and then placed on hot rocks. In order to speed the heating process, the flat rocks were also covered from the top with hot ash.

The face of bread was changed by the Egyptians. There is evidence that the Egyptians were able to lighten the bread and give it a less dense taste when they realized that the dough made from wheat could ferment. The fermentation process produced gas that created lighter bread. This is believed to have occurred about 4, 000 BC.

Bread was changed dramatically 6, 000 years later when the Egyptians figured out that bread dough made from wheat could rise provided that there was an appropriate place to ferment the dough. This added air, which in turn created a softer more palatable bread.

The banana bread recipes we know today have been significantly altered from the original breads that were made from what we now know and eat today. One of the most significant improvements to the bread included leavening. Instead of fermenting wheat dough, adding water and mashed bananas to cook quickly on hot stones, adding lightness to the bread would improve its taste and desirability

Eventually these first banana bread recipe attempts would grow into what we now lovingly call banana bread through the addition of a leavening agent. In this case, the leavening agent is baking powder. This single ingredient can give the loaf just enough power to rise without turning it into a yeast bread. Baking powder was brought to the United States in 1875. This addition to the ingredients gives credence to the claim that the first banana bread recipe was developed in 18th century America. - 17269

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