Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Cellulite Diet Tips - Get Smoother Skin!

By El Bilson

Here are some cellulite diet tips and the best foods to incorporate into your diet. To follow a diet that is specifically to reduce cellulite does not involve weight loss as much as it does minimizing the amount of toxins that food intake can cause.

With a diet for cellulite, a person needs to include as many iodine rich foods as are available to them. Among other things, iodine is required for normal functioning of various organs including the thyroid gland. Iodine is needed by the thyroid so that it may produce T3 and T4. These substances are required for normal body functions.

It is important to remember that yo-yo dieting is thought to make cellulite worse. When planning a diet for cellulite be prepared to make permanent changes in the foods you eat. Some of these changes will be easy because they are foods that are healthy and you enjoy eating them. The challenge is in avoiding the foods that are not a part of the cellulite diet. Change the foods you eat permanently for long term results in reducing the appearance of your skin.

If you are serious about a cellulite reducing diet, you may want to consider investing in a juicer. Juicer extractors come in a variety of shapes and sizes. It is important to find one that fits your needs and is within your budget. Vegetable and fruit juices extracted from fresh produce are one of the best ways to get the nutrients the body needs. Regular consumption of vitamins and minerals can lead to healthy skin and detoxification of the body.

Many of us know we should be regularly consuming water. Water is needed in order to flush out toxins from the organs. It is important to be well hydrated for the body to function correctly. The rule of 6 to 8 glasses of water a day is a good rule of thumb. However if you would like a more personalized requirement amount, you can divide your body weight in pounds by 18. This will give you a daily water consumption requirement.

Eggs, cheese and milk"eggs are high in protein and easy to prepare but have them boiled or poached. Stay away from frying them in oil, butter or margarine. Cheese is okay but choose the low fat kinds. For example, cottage cheese contains about 4 grams of fat per 100 grams. And regular cheddar cheese contains about 32 grams of fat per 100 grams serving. Milk is high in calcium but a good rule to follow is to always choose skim or 2%. Some people feel diary may cause cellulite - you may want to avoid it all together.

Fresh fruits that are water rich such as melon or cantaloupe are great snacks. Due to their high water content, they will aid in the detoxification process. Other fruits to include are bananas, strawberries, grapes and pears. Vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals. Try raw veggies thinly sliced in a salad to add crunch. Since they arent cooked they retain all their nutrients. Vegetables to include are radishes, asparagus, carrots, tomatoes, spinach, leeks, artichokes, turnips, onions, watercress, string beans, mushrooms and lettuce. You can even grow your own veggies in a garden! Look to buy organic fruits and veggies as much as possible. Pesticides can remain in the body and lead to cellulite.

Protein is needed by the body for proper functioning. Always choose lean cuts of meat and remove any excess fat or skin from poultry or meat. Fish and seafood are iodine rich and contain the omega fatty acids. Omega fatty acids are very beneficial to the skin. Seafood is also high in iodine to boost thyroid functioning. Be sure you try a vegetable source of protein such as soy or tofu. You might enjoy them and they can be used in many different recipes.

There are many foods to avoid consuming when on a cellulite diet. These include processed foods such as chips, pretzels, pickles and candy. Also anything with a high salt or sugar content, and large amounts of caffeine should be avoided. I know this is a wide range of the foods available to us - it can be hard to eat healthy! When eating out, ordering a salad is a good choice. You should be aware that most salad dressings at restaurants contain MSG, a high sodium preservative.

If you are taking vitamin supplements to help aid cellulite reduction, always take them with meals for maximum vitamin and mineral absorption. Be sure to consult your physician before starting a special diet, especially if you are on any medications or have health concerns. - 17269

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Smoking and Cellulite

By El Bilson

You may have wondered if smoking and cellulite go hand in hand. Smoking is one of the most widely practiced bad habits in the United States. The habit slowly destroys your lungs and leaves you at greater risk for lung cancer, throat cancer, and mouth cancer. And while smoking causes problems with all organs of the body, it also deteriorates the quality of your skin.

Cigarette smoke contains various toxic chemicals - among them, cyanide, benzene, formaldehyde, methanol, acetylene (the fuel used in welding torches), and ammonia. Each of the chemicals are harmful to the body. Some of them are lethal if consumed in any other form, so its no surprise that these toxins can lead to skin problems including cellulite.

One of the ways smoking damages your skin is by affecting collagen. Collagen is the main structural protein of the skin. It helps keep the skin firm and taut. Collagen is also a component of everything from blood vessels to organs. Naturally as a person ages, the cells of the body gradually produces less collagen. Smoking accelerates the breakdown of collagen in the skin and in the body. Collagen breakdown starts at a younger age and a faster rate for regular smokers.

Smoking also affects the bodys production of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a compound produced in the body that adds fullness and tautness to the skin. It helps prevent the hollow look that is often seen in older skin. It works by helping the cells retain moisture. As with collagen, the body naturally produces less hyaluronic acid as it ages. But the free radicals that are either present in cigarette smoke breaks down the chains of hyaluronic acid, leading to skin that is more dry and haggard-looking.

Both of these problems have great effects on cellulite. Skin that is more firm and able to retain moisture (and thus smoothness) will be able to better hide the fat that cellulite is present. Think of skin like fabric. Healthy skin is like denim, and can better hide cellulite infected thighs. But skin that has been ravaged by years of smoking is more like spandex - stretchy, weak, and unable to hide anything.

Smoking also affects the quality of the blood and lymphatic vessels. This is due to the fact that both compounds are major components in the pipes that support our blood and lymphatic fluids. The skin is damaged due to the vessels in our body being less able to transport nutrients to the organs that need them. Smoking also affects blood flow by constricting the vessels. Both of these side effects contribute to poor nutrient transport and fluid retention which can lead to an increase in cellulite.

Fortunately, the effects of smoking are not seen always immediately seen. In fact, if you are a younger adult, many of the physical problems that come with smoking may actually be reversed by leading a more healthy lifestyle. In addition to quitting smoking, eating quality foods and getting regular exercise will help your body as well. However, the longer you wait, the more irreversible damage that will be done to your body. - 17269

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Natural Dental Care - Hygiene Of The Mouth Is Essential

By Dawn Enstruthe

Taking care of your teeth and mouth is the same as taking care of your body as the one compliments the other. If you have a healthy mouth which is free from disease this will also lesson the changes of degenerative diseases and in today's world more people are choosing to the root of using natural dental care products.

In the event that you are maintaining a healthy diet packed with all the vital nutrients it will reflect itself in your mouth by displaying healthy gums and teeth and should your nutrition be lacking you will almost certainly end up with gum disease. Natural dental care products are now being used globally to preserve oral hygiene as opposed to some of the products which contain harsh and abrasive ingredients.

Poor periodontal health causes illness and affects the entire body particularly when there is periodontal disease which according to dental practitioners can result epidemiologically causing bacterial pneumonia babies been born prematurely and cardiac problems as well as strokes in patients.

The same microorganisms that are responsible for periodontal disease are able to carry themselves into other body tissue parts in addition to the heart muscle causing major illness. Recent research has identified that two out of every five people suffering from periodontal disease have also presented with cardiovascular disease. It is now being thought that periodontal disease might be causing majority of degenerative diseases.

Natural dental care means making use of natural products such as aloe vera which is well recognized for its curative and calming properties and you can now acquire an aloe vera mouth rinse which heals gum tissue in addition to preventing gingivitis in that it lowers plaque build-up. Included in the mouth rinse is also grape seed extract known for its cleansing properties and Xylitol which is a sweetener and cleaning agent.

Just brushing your teeth everyday is not adequate to maintain good oral hygiene as brushing doesn't eradicate the bacteria which are lodged between the teeth and eventually gum disease will develop. Making use of a mouth wash will help prevent the bacteria from growing and will keep freshness.

Standard toothpastes that we have all been making use of for years are relatively harsh and abrasive and in addition contain fluoride which could be harmful to the human eventually. More folks are choosing natural dental care products that are fluoride free and that prevent bacteria from growing in the mouth ensuring optimal health. It is a known fact the young children do need a certain amount of topical fluoride in order to prevent cavities however in later years can become damaging to the system.

Browse online and see the many natural dental care products available. You will also note that there are natural dentists which you can discuss with with regards to natural dental care. Keep in mind your smile says it all. A healthy balanced diet in addition to regular oral hygiene will ensure peak health and striking teeth. - 17269

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Why I Make My Own Ice Cream And You Should Too

By Mia Kane

People are always asking me why I make my own ice cream (I have done so for years and have a neighbourhood reputation for it lol). So in short and very simply, this is why I never buy ice cream any more and why I am always telling people to stop buying and start making.

1. My family and I love ice cream. We eat a lot of it all year round not just in summer. On a regular basis I found buying ice cream adds up, and on a monthly grocery bill, well lets just say I got a real shock. When I make my own, I make it a lot cheaper (but just as tasty, even tastier) than store bought. So I save on my food bill.

2. Having kids I am now more conscious of being 'green' and kinder to the planet. Making my own ice cream, is one way I can decrease my food miles. And instead of paying for ice cream to travel halfway around the country to me, everything I use for it I get on my own doorstep.

3. I get to know exactly what is going into my kids mouths. There are no additives or preservative in my home made dessert. Only natural goodness no artificial rubbish.

4. I know so many people, my kids friends especially with allergies of all sorts. I can leave them out of the ice cream, so everyone get to enjoy it.

5. I'm never stuck for something to bring to a friends for dinner. I usually make up a batch specially to bring along for dessert.

6. Getting the kids involved is a great way of involving them in what they eat. It sparks an interest in how things are made, not to mention it can keep them and their pals quite on a wet afternoon.

7. For me it can be a great way of getting in some sneaky nutrients into their diet. They love fruit on their ice cream in funny shapes, I sprinkle nuts over it, and I even sprinkle oats on it sometimes.

8. I never make full fat anymore. I started gradually using lower fat produce and no-one even noticed the difference. So I have no worries about the kids getting chubby.

So there you have it in a nutshell. It tastes great and you get to experiment with all kinds of flavors. So I say to all my friends, stop paying for all that artificial rubbish in fancy cartons, and have a go at your own. - 17269

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What Are Yoli Blast Caps?

By Jeff West

Yoli Blast Caps are patented technology from Yoli International that has the MLM distribution community in a buzz about the upcoming launch in September 2009. With many popular figureheads from the MLM distribution community including Robby Fender, Michael Prichard, Daren Falter, Rick Eisele, Bobby Jones and Corey Citron, the Yoli Dream Team has effectively manifested itself among the world of health and energy drinks with quite a stir.

Prior experience and business know how gives these great individuals what they require to be able to start Yoli off with a new look to the beverage market. Focused on perfection and assisting to teach the public about current health and energy drinks, Yoli International wants to distribute Yoli Blast Caps to people that are searching for an alternative to health and energy drinks. People everywhere will appreciate the distinct difference in taste and nutrients found in Yoli Blast caps.

What is generally known about health and energy drinks is what is available for us to read on the labels of the drink themselves, however there is some crucial things that we do not know. What we are not aware of is that those labels state the condition of that specific beverage at the time of bottling only and not when it is on the shelves at the store. A lot of time and effort has gone into researching health and energy drinks and Yoli International has found one important truth that makes all the difference in which energy drink you choose.

Much of the vitamins and minerals in favorable energy drinks can lose up to 80% of their potency after only 30 days of sitting in water. This includes the time it takes to bottle the drink and put it on your supermarket's shelves. We certainly want to get all the benefits that these energy drinks offer, and not stale ingredients that are not effective. No one wants to be misinformed when buying an item, but with so many energy drinks losing their potency, how can we be certain when those vitamins and minerals were added to the water of our preferred health and energy drink? With Yoli Blast Caps, we can be sure that we are getting fresh vitamins and minerals every time.

The amount of nutrients found in Yoli Blast Caps are beyond belief. This drink will give people a good dose of their daily required vitamins and minerals. They are made with a whopping 200% of our daily vitamin C intake and 100% of our daily zinc requirement. This energy drink also combines over 17 other vitamins and minerals all from natural sources with a concentration of 25% to 50% of our daily needs.

Boasting 200% of our daily Vitamin C intake and 100% of our daily Zinc requirement, Yoli Blast Caps also harbor over 17 other vitamins and minerals all from direct plant sources ranging in concentration of 25% to 50% of our daily necessity. With such a blend of anti-oxidants, live enzymes and boosters, ph enhancers and even calming probiotics, Yoli Blast Caps are the new face of health and energy drinks today. You can be sure you know exactly what you are getting in your drink when you want it and not before, unlike others on the store shelves today.

Made with natural sweeteners rather than refined sugars, Yoli Blast Caps are safe and effectively used by those suffering from Diabetes or following a strict low carbohydrate diet. Included in the Yoli Blast Caps is an Alcaplex formula that helps alkalize the body due to the acidic nature of our body's makeup due to external toxins.

The products of Yoli International including Yoli Blast Caps are created to enhance lives and give people the pizzazz that they are searching for in their health and energy drinks. With such great benefits to the body, and freshness, this drink is sure to be popular with people. Make sure to taste the Yoli Blast Caps and discover precisely what a difference fresh vitamins and minerals can make for you in your preferred health and energy drink. - 17269

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Outstanding Food Combinations That Heighten Your Nutritional Value

By Jay Nichols

We all know how essential nourishment is to our healthiness and well-being. The foodstuff that we consume offers all of the significant vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are imperative to our long-term wellbeing. Consuming vitamins, minerals and antioxidants as supplements is also effective to our healthiness but research has revealed that consuming a beneficial and diverse food intake is more valuable to our wellbeing because of the synergy between fare.

Foods from nature are abounding in significant phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. If you combine them together, rather than just taking them individually, they function even better. When you blend specific foods it exponentially increases the healthiness benefits of either food on its own. This nutritional synergy greatly enhances the health-promoting capabilities.

The synergy of the nutritional value from a selection of fruits and vegetables appears to be something that can't be duplicated in a laboratory. Not even the most top-quality multivitamin can replicate this dietary synergy. As of this time there is not a supplement on earth that can reproduce the usefulness of consuming an really good for your health nutritional regime because nature proffers the excellence in nutrition that our bodies require.

Some of the combinations that are very useful together are tomatoes and broccoli. While both of these vegetables are extremely healthful on their own when combined they tender supercharged cancer fighting capability. Tomatoes have lycopene, an significant nutrient that is a inherent cancer preventative. The sulfur contained in broccoli helps to reduce tumor-causing toxins. Together they provide a powerhouse of nutritional fortification.

Green tea and lemons are both very nourishing on their own but if you include some lemon to your green tea you can end up absorbing up to 13 times the antioxidants that you would receive from the tea alone. Lemons contain citric acid and vitamin C, which assist to increase the usefulness of the catechins contained in the green tea. This boosts immunity, which in turn drops the menace of cancer, cardiovascular diseases and Alzheimer's disease.

Spinach and oranges are both contemplated to be superfoods because of their antioxidant capacity and enhanced nutrition. But if you in fact want to further your capability to soak up the iron that is contained in your spinach salad, add some oranges to it. They taste wonderful together but more significantly the vitamin C will assist your body to soak up up to twice as much iron from the same total of spinach.

Mixing apples with berries can be a very successful nutritional plan. Apples are elevated in quercetin, a great antioxidant. When quercetin is pooled with the catechins in blueberries, grapes or acai berries, they act in response together in the body and prevent platelet clumping, which can inhibit heart attacks and strokes. By combining the two you can realize much more of the nutrition in a much less significant serving than if you were to consume either on their own.

There are also many other very nourishing combinations of fruits and vegetables. The important thing to consider is that even while all of these highly nutritious foodstuff are tremendous on their own, when you combine them the synergy of the combinations working together is even more valuable and your body will take up even more of the fundamental nutrients. - 17269

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Activity Bursts

By Dr. Jason Fowler

We all know that 30 minutes per day of strenuous exercise will provide many health benefits. Recent Federal guidelines from the Department of Health and Human Services1 have even made this official. The real question for most of us is how to find the time to exercise regularly and consistently. All we have is 24 hours each day to get done all the things we need to get done. Exercising often takes a back seat to work, shopping, cooking, cleaning, getting the kids ready for school and ready for bed, and all the other million-and-one little details that demand our attention every day.

Most of us have the motivation to exercise2 - we want to do it and we know it's important and good for us.3 But when to fit it in? A few hardy souls bite the bullet and get up at 5:00AM - making more time in the day by getting less sleep. Others exercise at the end of a long day, but sometimes that's stressful and counterproductive. However they do it, many people make real efforts to exercise a few times each week.

Most likely - over time - our good intentions get stymied by our daily concerns. Deadlines and scheduling take precedence and the most easy-to-jettison item on our to-do list - exercise - gets lost in the process. And sooner rather than later we're back to not exercising at all. Public health experts and policy makers have been struggling, too, with this apparent no-win situation. The outcome is brand-new recommendations relating to short bursts of activity during the day. These three- to five-minute bursts have been studied and shown to provide real health benefits to real people under real-world circumstances.

Instead of taking coffee breaks at work, people are beginning to take activity breaks. Three to five minutes of climbing office building stairs or brisk walking outside the building or a quick series of calisthenics are all it takes. Six to ten such breaks fulfills the daily requirement of 30 minutes of exercise. No separately scheduled exercise time is necessary. You are already at work, you are already taking breaks. So the breaks become exercise breaks. And you get your exercise done. And you feel great for the entire day, due to bursts of endorphins occurring throughout the day.

These bursts of activity are also ideal for people working at home, as well as for school children. Studies in schools are showing increased attention spans and increased learning as a result of short bursts of intense physical activity. Everyone can do this. And finally, everyone can have a workable system for getting the exercise they need. Your chiropractor is a fitness expert and will be glad to help you design an exercise program that can work for you.

1U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. Washington, DC, DHHS, 2008. 2Vallance JK, et al: Maintenance of physical activity in breast cancer survivors after a randomized trial. Med Sci Sports Exerc 40(1):173-180, 2008 3Heckman GE, McKelvie RS: Cardiovascular aging and exercise in healthy older adults. Clin J Sport Med 18(6):479-485, 2008 - 17269

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Bodybuilding Workout Routines for Your Chest

By Ricardo d Argence

There are some common misconceptions when it comes to building muscle for a solid chest. As with any area of the body it take disciplined work of the pectorals to achieve that much desired chiseled look. Many body builders are under the impression that the best way to do this is through bench presses. While this exercise does in fact work the pectoral, muscles there are other exercises needed to get a truly refined look.

To build a well-defined chest here are a few simple weight exercises you can do.

Low Cable crossovers, is another inner pec exercise, the key is the correct amount of tension. High Cable crossover will work the difficult to reach inner Pecs.

Let's follow with Bench press. Bench press-Wide grip, your wide spaced handling will work the lower pectoral. Bench press-Close grip, this will work the inner Pecs quite well, however the movement will also work triceps and upper chest.

Dips, depending on elbow position, you can work either the inner or the outer Pecs. Dumbbell Flyers works the inner pectoral muscles but you really have to squeeze them together. Alternate this on incline, decline, and flat bench.

These are a few good chest muscle exercises, varying your workout will decrease the likely hood of you reaching a plateau. Now it is important that you also realize that nutrition and rest are equally important.

When you are building muscle, nutrition is as important as weight lifting. When you lift weights, you are actually tearing muscle tissue. To repair the muscle and thereby make it larger your body requires protein and complex carbohydrates. It is also a good idea to increase your vitamin and mineral intake.

Water is also important for any workout routine. The human body needs water to provide nutrients to the cells, process waste, and keep the internal body temperature regulated. Along with all of these, water acts as a cushion for the joints and offers protection for the important internal organs. It is important to increase your daily fluid intake, as intensive workouts can easily deplete vital fluid levels.

Getting an adequate amount of rest is just as important to any other factor when body building. Some product salesperson suggested the thought that sleep is unfavorable to building muscle, claiming that a catabolic phenomenon occurs while at sleep. However it is a false claim by marketers wanting to sell their product on saying that this is where the muscle wastes away. This isn't just a baldfaced lie, it may actually result in grave consequences mentally as well as physically.

Sleep is your body's way of regenerating and healing itself, without sleep your muscles will not heal properly and all your work will have been for nothing. Not to mention the fact that you will be fatigued and enable to complete future training sessions.

Bring all of the above elements together and you will quickly build muscle and have the solid chest you have always wanted. Eat right, diversify your routine, and get plenty of sleep to make the most of your body building sessions. - 17269

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