Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, August 14, 2009

Importance of Eating Fat Burning Foods

By John Knight

We need fat burning foods in our body. The right and healthy ones come from omega-rich fish like small wild salmon, sardines, herring and mackerel. You also get more from nuts, pecan and pumpkin seeds. Most trans or hydrogenated fatty foods block our metabolism, slacken the fat-burning process, increase fat storage and intensify food cravings.

The foods that you eat affect the function of your metabolism. Metabolism is actually your hormone balance and your biochemistry. The different hormones in your body work hand in hand to affect the manner that you lose weight with the process how you age and health. The way you eat and the things that you eat can affect your hormone balance. There are also hundreds worth of dollars face creams in the market that contain toxic and hazardous elements to your body.

Your skin is trans-dermal which means that is anything you apply on your skin is like putting in your mouth. Through your skin these thing you apply are going into your whole system. It is therefore important that you should be mindful and careful of what you put on your skin. There are lots of products that contain harmful ingredients such as sodium oil or sulfate which is an extremely harsh detergent. There are also parabenz or preservatives in most beauty products and these things are linked to autoimmune diseases, cancer and genetic mutations. The parabenz can produce zeno-estrogens that can lead to breast cancer and ovarian cancers. Zeno-estrogens make you sick and fat.

Your lifestyle is another factor which includes beauty products, cleaning supplies, sleeping, eating and exercise. Refrain from having carbohydrates before bed for they limit the ability of your body to produce human growth hormones because these release insulin. Eating fat burning foods communicate directly with your fat-burning genes to maintain lean muscle and prevent the production of stress hormones like which keeps your body from unnecessarily losing weight.

You can also ask online from the nutrition experts about these. Eating and using natural and organic substances are healthy and manageable and can make you more beautiful. Olive oil is cheap and great for you. There are simple and natural solutions which are cheap. You can use Shea butter and apply that on your body. You can do your research online for healthy foods that make you glow. You find on the internet the natural and organic fat burning foods. - 17269

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Ways to Build Muscle Fast

By John Knight

It is not that easy to build muscle fast for building it involves a well-structured regimen. It needs the right amount of stress and time with adequate rest. The right amount of protein is also needed for structural enhancements. Creatine is currently the most popular and effective supplement for bodybuilding. Other popular substances are L-cranitine and chromium.

Creatine is normally given loading in daily a large dose of many grams for a couple of weeks, and then trimmed to a maintenance dose. Carnitine is expensive, but is also the only substance in the body that handles the final energy-production step in the body of carrying fats from the bloodstream into the energy factories of the body. The body naturally produces L-carnitine but body-builders need for really high demands for their muscles.

Findings show that MGF can treat age-related loss of muscle strength which can lead to increased fragility. MGF may help people who cannot perform intensive exercise due to diseases like muscular dystrophy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or ALS, kidney disease or cancer. Mechano growth factor even helps to slow down muscle loss among astronauts during space travel spending long hours in zero gravity. Mechano growth factor or MGF is another growth hormone that increases muscle mass when applied to elderly men who exercise.

The downside effect of MGF in terms of sports is its great potential for doping. Mechano growth factor is produced naturally when muscles are stretched during exercise, activating the stem cells present in the muscle tissue. Once the stem cells are activated, they begin to divide and create additional muscle fibers that cause the increase in size and strength of the muscle. As people age, the levels of MGF also declines more particularly when inactivated due to lack of intense physical activity. These factors may cause muscle wasting in the elderly people thus treatment with the growth hormone may be beneficial in such cases.

Your physicians must be consulted first before taking anything to avoid complications. You can also find on the internet a new version which is also expensive but very effective. Professional advice is necessary before undergoing a stressful regimen as well as taking any drug or growth hormone to build muscle fast. - 17269

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Finding the Best Way to Lose Weight

By John Knight

The best way to lose weight is eating a well-balanced diet and to exercise regularly. Dieting can harm your teeth! Be careful how you do it or your weight-loss efforts could become a dental-health nightmare. Sad to say, a number of people find problems in keeping to such schedule and may try extreme methods to slimming down, with potential negative consequences to their oral health.

If it is your practice to purge or vomit after meals, you are bringing up stomach acids which are corrosive to any kind of tissue outside the stomach and that include your teeth. People with bad eating habits and practices purging after eating slowly destroy the enamel of their teeth due to constant exposure to stomach acids. Drastic changes in how you eat to hasten weight loss may put your teeth at risk. Taking diet pills decrease the flow of saliva and pose a risk to your oral fitness.

Your saliva plays a crucial role in neutralizing acids associated with dental plaque. When saliva dries up, your teeth are at greater risk for decay and associated conditions like gum disease and oral fungal infections. Using diet pills lessen salivary flow which causes a parched mouth.

According to the Academy of General Dentistry, certain vegetarian diets when done for a long period of time may raise the risk of dental erosion and gum disease. Fasting to lose weight can lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies that can be detrimental to your teeth. Your teeth need certain vitamins and mineral like calcium, protein, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D and other key nutrients needed by the body.

A well-balanced diet is vital in maintaining good dental health in particular and a healthy body in its overall totality. A regular exercise of ten to fifteen minutes a day is good enough to burn down those extra calories and shed off those unsightly pounds. Do not rush things for that can be fatal and above all, that is not the best way to lose weight. - 17269

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Organic - Hype or Real?

By Dick Murray

The "Green Movement" has taken over the world's conscience, but with every one hopping on this bandwagon, what does tomorrow hold for the food we consume?

Agribusiness and the multinational food producers over the years have done an excellent job of providing substantial amounts of nutritious food for a growing world population, but is this scenario of farming sustainable? Currently there is a tremendous amount of debate between organic farmers and conventional farmers who are looking for common answers to this question.

In many countries including the United States, China and most of Europe; organic farming is defined by law, so that the commercial use of the term organic is regulated by the government. Unfortunately, these laws are constantly usurped by greedy and unscrupulous parties.This is due to the fact that families' demand for organic products in developing economies has grown at about 20% on an annual basis due to of increasing awareness of organic farming methods.

Organic pest control, one of the mainstays of organic farming allows for a certain amount of pest crop damage, it encourages or introduces beneficial organisms, utilizes careful crop selection and crop rotation and mechanical, thermal and mulch controls for weeds. Organic pesticides; which are derived from plants and not chemicals, allow for the use of natural methods of protection.

Conventional farming requires farmers to precisely apply only those necessary fertilizers to the soil in order to minimize waste pollutants. Organic farmers on the other hand do not have that option because they depend on natural supplements such as manure, which contains fixed amounts of various elements which can not be adjusted. The most common problem is over application of these organic fertilizers because of their relative lack of potency. These over applications will very easily lead to pollution of the water supply.

Organic farming advocates claim that the impact of laboratory genetic engineering on food quality and plant and animal health is not yet fully understood. Proponents argue that genetic engineering is vital to create higher volumes of produce in the fight to end world hunger without requiring additional land. Often forgotten in this debate, is the fact that some classical genetic engineering such as grafting and plant propagation, has been used for thousands of years, and has done much good for mankind.

The pro-organic point of view regarding the environment in is that modern agriculture is depleting our natural resources such as fossil fuels and fresh water and is polluting our air, soil and water. The large quantities of chemicals, water wastage through high-volume irrigation and the heavy use of fuels for the farm machinery and long-distance transportation are some of their arguments. On the other hand an organic farm is not beyond fault, by the use of natural compost and manure on a large-scale may cause as much damage to groundwater and soil as does manufactured fertilizers.

Even though there are laws that ensure that the playing field be level for all of us, these laws have been found to be full of loopholes that have led to serious charges being leveled against major government agencies such as the FDA and the USDA. Organic farming is now at a crossroads.

When America's agribusiness converts to large scale organic farming will they have a viable chance be able to make a profit without hiking the consumer cost to unaffordable levels?

The current food distribution system favors large farming corporate operations and cannot be easily altered. What we presently know as organic farming may be entirely different in the coming years. A growing and educated consumer market is normally one of the main factors will convince conventional farmers to change over to organic agricultural production methods.

While this debate goes on, families are making their own decisions regarding this subject by doing the sane and sensible thing; growing their own foodstuffs. The "Green Movement" is more than a slogan. It has become a way of life for those who are choosing to join in to make this world a better place to live. - 17269

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Get Taller in Just 2-Minutes - Guaranteed

By C. Ludlow

I'm really not exaggerating. You can appear 2-inches taller in just 2-minutes.

It's simple to grow taller. First, however, let me show something to you. Go stand in front of a mirror. If you look at yourself from the side you'll notice that if you're like most American's, your head is jutting forward. This is from excessive time sitting with poor posture.

Modern have dictates that you will spend most of you time sitting. Unlike our ancestors who spent most of their time doing physical labor, we spend most of our time on our rears. In our cars. At the office. All day long we're sitting.

Sitting, unfortunately, causes muscle imbalances to occur. When you sit with poor posture for too long the muscles on the front of your body become tight. The hip flexors and muscles of the neck, in particular.

Now, back to the mirror. When you look in the mirror, sideways, you noticed that like most people, your head is forward and so are your shoulders.

All of this sitting around makes people appear as if they have shrunk. I was talking with a client of mine some time ago and he mentioned that after visiting his doctor he was told that he was an inch shorter than he was 10-years ago. Why is this? Well, his posture deteriorated. He didn't shrink.

To grow taller in two minutes all you have to do is think S.B.D.

SBD or shoulders, back and down is little mental affirmation that you can say to yourself that will revitalize your body and mind. It will give you energy and height - of all things. What you should do when you say it is push your shoulders back and down into your back pockets. This will make you appear and actually become taller.

This will make you two inches taller. Youll also feel more confident. If you already have perfect posture and are confident, then this will make you arrogant (joking). Anyway, thats all there is to it! - 17269

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The Reasons for Swelling after Workout

By Jesse Regan

Most of us have probably experienced muscle swelling or soreness after a workout. Although this doesn't happen all the time, muscle swelling often happens after having intense work outs. But what causes muscle swelling in the first place?

Swelling of muscles is the most definite result of very intense work outs like great speed on the tracks, ever tiring star climber, and heavy weight lifting. Every time our muscles work, lactic acid is released as a byproduct of muscle metabolism. This certain byproduct goes through the muscles that produce an effect of discomfort leading to muscle swelling. Fortunately, muscle soreness caused by the said byproduct only lasts for a few hours or less than a day. When a certain muscle swelling is observed for several days, it has a totally different cause.

Whenever we try to subject our muscles for work outs much more than their capacities, they tend to get some damages. When this happens, white blood cells, prostaglandins, and other fluids and nutrients flow to the muscles to repair the inflicted damage. The sudden influx of these elements causes the swelling of the muscles. These said elements continuously flow through the muscles until they are fully repaired. The damage in the muscles being referred to are microscopic and it depends on the intensity of the work out. This explains why there are some muscle swellings that last 2 days while there are those that can reach of up to 5 days tops.

Some gym goers believe that muscle swelling is a vital factor for the development of muscles. However, whether you have muscle swelling or not, muscles still do grow as well as your strength. On the other hand, there are certain bad effects that are caused by muscle swelling like limited strength, difficulty in walking, and being uncomfortable for several days.

One common remedy for muscle swelling is an anti-inflammatory drug. But this type of drug has a varied effect depending on its timing. Previously conducted studies have shown that taking an anti-inflammatory drug like ibuprofen before a workout has more positive effects on the swelling compared to taking the drug after the exercises. Another wrong belief is that some people trust solely on pre-stretches in preventing some muscle swellings. But there were some studies that have proven the ineffectiveness of pre-stretches with regards to muscle swelling.

Another good remedy on muscle soreness is a massage. There were also some conducted studies that showed the effect of 30% less muscle swelling for those who have received massages after their work outs compared to those who have not. In other cases, there are several people who still want to go on with their work outs even with a muscle swelling. In order to do so, one must first determine the specific muscle affected by swelling. After which, you can then use the muscle on lighter exercises and see the effects. If the soreness of the muscle happens to have no reactions with the work outs, you can go ahead with the full extent of the exercises. But if the swelling happens to become worse, it is best to immediately stop your work out and take some rest. Keep in mind that a damaged muscle needs more time for it to get full recovery before it starts to grow. When you want to be robust in health, you have to know information on workout video . - 17269

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Which Farming Method Will Prevail, Conventional or Organic?

By Richard Murray

People all over the world are extremely concerned about our environment especially as how it relates as to what we put into our bodies and also how it affects our earth. Many are turning to organic, holistic, natural, back to the earth, and homesteading, which are all disciplines of agriculture that are growing in popularity each day.

Large food producers over the years have done an excellent job of providing substantial amounts of nutritious food for a growing world population, but is this scenario of farming sustainable? Organic farmers and conventional farmers are looking for common answers to this question.

Organic farming can be defined as not allowing the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, plant growth regulators, and livestock feed additives. Organic farmers rely on tried and true methods such as crop rotation, crop residue recycling, animal manure and mechanical cultivation to maintain the soil and to control weeds, insects and other pests.

Enhancing and maintaining soil health and productivity is the mainstay of organic farming. Many natural methods are employed including crop rotation, green manure, cover cropping, application of compost and mulching, Organic farmers also use certain fertilizers such as seed meal and mineral powders such as rock phosphate and greensand which are naturally occurring forms of potash.

Organic farming began as a reaction against the industrialization of agriculture in the early 20th century. Scientific research produced hybrid seeds, fields grew in size and cropping became specialized to make efficient use of machinery, irrigation, fertilization and the use of pesticides. Cheap fertilizer was available in the form of nitrates produced as explosives and converted to fertilizer as a source of nitrogen.

As a means to insuring a successful crop, the usage of genetically modified organisms (GMO), human growth hormones (HGH), sewage sludge and antibiotics in the production of our food supply gained a foothold and can now be considered a threat to our health.

Conventional farming allows farmers to precisely apply only the necessary fertilizers to the soil in order to minimize waste pollutants. Organic farmers do not have that option because they have to depend on natural fertilizers such as manure which contains fixed amounts of various elements which can not be adjusted. The most common problem is over application of these organic fertilizers because of their relative lack of potency. These over applications can very easily lead to pollution of the water supply.

Can agribusiness change to large scale organic farming and still be able to make a profit without raising the consumer's cost to unacceptable levels?

The current food distribution system favors high volume production with large farming corporate operations and cannot be easily altered. What we know as organic farming may change very dramatically in the coming years but it will take a growing consumer market encourage conventional farmers to convert to organic agricultural production methods. I believe this will happen. - 17269

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The Tradition of Shiatsu Therapy Is Simulated In Massage Chairs

By Eric Donnely

Shiatsu actually evolved from the roots of acupuncture which targets certain trigger points throughout the body. These triggers points are thought to regulate the flow of energy in the body. Blockages can occur which hinders the flow of energy. Shiatsu applies pressure with different motions and firmness to help manipulate the energy flow. Shiatsu is a strict tradition, which found its way into mechanical versions with the rising Japanese manufacturing prowess. Now you can find shiatsu massage therapy in a massage chair with finese of a Japanese master.

Shiatsu massage has been found to have many benefits. It is based on enhancing the energy flow in the body via acupressure points. Shiatsu massage therapist manipulates the body's natural trigger points to unblock energy constraints. The acupressure massage component is complimented with chopping and kneading actions. This helps to stimulate muscles to restore flexibility and increase blood flow. Shiatsu is very effective in reducing soreness throughout the body.

The evolution of technology includes robotic massage chairs capable to imitate a shiatsu massage therapist. The most advanced models locate acupressure points by making a scan of the body. The chair then accurately pinpoints an individual's acupressure points. These shiatsu massage chairs can deliver a full body shiatsu massage including the acupressure points which induce whole body relaxation.

Massage chair companies continue to refine and perfect the long standing traditions of shiatsu massage. They have overcome many technological hurldes to deliver truly amazing and effective shiatsu massage. From the development of finger like appendages to sophisticated software programs that can map over 100 acupressure points on the back alone. These technologies are advancing rapidly to make these robotic masseuses more like the human touch.

There are various subtle massage techniques with shiatsu massage. Shiatsu uses the fingers and thumbs to penetrate into pressure points to release energy. The energy can become blocked and cause the muscles to tighten. Shiatsu seeks to reverse this process. Through the use of the body's trigger points, the energy flow is once again restored. Shiatsu has been shown to increase alertness and relaxation. It also relieves aches and pains in the muscles.

Shiatsu is geared to reverse the process of the body under tension. When the body is under tension, the vital organs kick into high gear to support the body. This stress tightens muscles for action. Shiatsu works to stimulate the acupressure points to relax the vital organs. This helps the whole body to relax. The kneading and tapping actions help to stimulate the muscles. These techniques have been imitated quite precisely in the best massage chair recliners.

Shiatsu is the traditional massage of Japan. The Japanese originated massage chairs and first integrated shiatsu. They continue to find innovative methods to deliver more realistic and effective shiatsu. Let a mechanical shiatsu master work over your whole body. These massage recliners know how to target your acupressure points and hone in on tight, aching muscles. Relief is at the touch of a button.

The human touch is difficult to replicate. It is a complex challenge. However, many of the subtle movements of the hand have been imitated. Many massage chairs can perform many of the same tasks. The flexibility of our hands is quite amazing, but massage chair designers keep finding more innovative ways to make them realistic. However, these robotic massage chairs do have advantages over massage therapists. You can use them anytime and they do not get exhausted. Many have features such as heat therapy, music, lower body stretching, and of course full body massage capabilities. A shiatsu massage chair is a compliment to the long tradition of the shiatsu massage technique. - 17269

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Nerve Regeneration by Wild Mushroom Lion's Mane

By Dr. Markho Rafael

Out of the kitchen, into the pharmacy, the gourmet mushroom Lion's Mane (Hericium erinaceus) with its unique flavor resembling lobster or shrimp appears to also possess likewise unique medicinal properties. It has been found to stimulate nerve and myelin regeneration, which may be beneficial in many neurological conditions. World renowned medicinal mushroom expert Paul Stamets suggests its potential application in conditions such as Alzheimer's, dementia, multiple sclerosis and muscular dystrophy. [134]

Hericium erinaceus (Lion's Mane) is known to grow in Europe, North America, Japan and China. It can be found on many broad leaf trees, from oaks, maples and sycamores to beeches and walnuts.

"Erinacines" is the name of the medicinal compounds from Hericium erinaceus that are being researched for their neurological health benefits. They are small enough to pass through the blood brain barrier, which or course is a requirement in order to effect any healing on the myelin sheaths or neurons. [152, 153, 154]

Two Japanese patents exist relating to Hericium erinaceus extracts; one from the 1990's for an extraction process of these compounds yielding an extract known as "Nerve Growth Stimulant Factor." [150, 151] A more recent one from 2004 is for a water extract of Hericium erinaceus, also used for its nerve regenerating properties. [155]

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Hericium erinaceus has historically been prescribed not only for neurological conditions but also for ailments of the digestive tract, in particular for cancers of the digestive organs, such stomach cancer and liver cancer.

Two modern studies have confirmed this ancient wisdom. One done in 1985 showed positive results for treating atrophic gastritis. Another conducted a decade later, in 1995, showed some ameliorating effect on hepatoma, with a marked life extension of treated patients. [156]

To conclude, some additional areas where modern medical research has indicated that Hericium erinaceus extract may have a therapeutic effect include: Immune support [157]; inflammation [134]; antimicrobial against Aspergillus and Candida [158]; anti-tumoral [159]; stomach cancer. [134]

Note: The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Never use any medicinal mushroom or herb without prior approval by medical doctor.

Credit to Paul Stamets for research and source material. - 17269

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Top 10 Benefits that Make Acai a Sure Winner

By George Alarcon

The benefits of the Acai berry are simply outstanding. They contain ten times the antioxidants of grapes and two times the antioxidants of blueberries. The latest craze over the Acai berry is not without justice. They are naturally rich in amino acids, electrolytes, proteins, omega fats, and several vitamins. This wonder food grows in the rainforest of Brazil where it is used in a variety of dishes. Outside of its native country it is more difficult to find the Acai berry in its natural state as a fruit, but the benefits have been extracted from it and are often available in juices and pill form. Here are simply a few of the top benefits from the Acai Berry.

1. Acai berries give people increased energy and strength without suffering through the crashing side effect that follows from coffee and artificial energy drinks.

Weight loss seems to be the an important reason why most people seek out these little berries. The essential fatty acids and amnio acids that work together to help your body function and burn fat more efficiently.

3. Acai berries provide increased energy. As a source of protein, the berry increases energy.

4. Acai Berries do not just strengthen the heart muscle, but all the muscles and bones in the body. In case of an injury, Acai can reduce recovery time and help the body to heal more fully.

The Acai Berry also has a large amount of fiber, therfore it not only helps digestion, but also is very good for helping to detox the body.

6. Acai berries improve digestion. The high fiber and Omega fatty acids contained in the berries expel toxins and break down food in the digestive system.

Many health professionals have also noted that Acai Berry can diminish a great number of free radicals the body has in the blood stream, thus making it very capable of slowing down the physical aging process.

8. Acai berries improve heart health. The acai berry contains fatty acids that help keep good cholesterol high and bad cholesterol low. The presence of beta-sistosterol in acai berries prevents cholesterol from depositing at the heart.

9. The digestive system is improved by regular consumption of Acai.

10. Acai Berries provide relief to those who suffer from headaches and dizziness, be it frequent or occasional suffering.

The benefits of the Acai berry are not limited to what is on this list. Other benefits include improved vision, enhanced sexual function, and an improved sleep cycle. Acai can help promote a normal blood sugar level naturally for diabetics, and it can reduce the effects of menopause for aging women. It also fights against arthritis and relieves symptoms for those who are already suffering. The Acai berry is a miracle fruit that simply promotes the overall wellness of the body. - 17269

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Pure Organic Acai Berry Supplements, Be Sure You Get The Real Deal

By Russell Kase

Acai berry fruit harvested in dense tropical jungle in some areas of the Amazon and Brazil. They have come to be recognized as the definite "super food" offering innumerable varieties of vitamins and necessary greasy acids, photo elements and a horde of more dietary paybacks. The downside however, is that the acai berries spoil within a day after it is harvested, so manufacturers had to come up with ingenious ways to process the fruit for distribution, yet retain its natural flavor and all its healthful benefits.

Regarded as the present day generations super food, sensational cure, the crown jewel of the Amazon, the humble acai berry has taken a big leap from the shadows as a palm fruit deep in the Amazon jungle into one of the most reliable health supplements present in the current market The demand for acai berry supplements have increased a thousand fold over the recent years, with health benefits ranging from natural weight loss, lowering cholesterol levels, strengthening veins and blood vessels to possible cures for certain cancers.

The potency level of the acai berry powder and capsules is directly dependent on the freeze drying process that the fresh acai pulp or acai berry extract is made to go through. Here, the moisture is removed from the acai berries using a very low temperature (-20C) and a vacuum. Preserves are natural deep purple color,and freeze drying keeps the nutty-berry flavors of the acai fruit.

Best of all, the freeze drying procedure ensures us that the acai berry powder and capsules have retained almost all of the acai berry's natural vitamins, enzymes and nutrients, mainly carotene, anthocyanin (antioxidant) and vitamin C.

In France, as well as nations such as Italy, Spain and Portugal, red wine practically flows- and is a staple at almost every meal to counteract the effects of fat and sugars and add to their over-all well being and longevity. It is a concentrated source of a kind of flavonoids which is referred to as anthocyanins - this is generally the same phytochemical that red wine possesses, Acai berry juice is simply the best way to obtain the same health benefits provided by acai berry.

Acai berry complements are actually expensive, particularly when you search for certified organic acai berry capsules acai or acai liquid and powder. You have the confidence in knowing your decision to buy was a good one. Cheap imitations with inferior ingredients can hamper and even make the acai berry supplements ineffective. - 17269

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4 Big Nutritional No No's When Losing Arm Fat

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

The food industry is out to make your arms fatter. Ok, maybe this isn't their sole focus, but I can guarantee that profit comes before health when they do business.

You see, a very LARGE portion of what the food industry sells and markets is unacceptably unhealthy for the female body. Combine this with some bad food preparation habits and you have a recipe for arm fat meltdown.

And most women simply do not know how to navigate all the information out there. Unless you have an advanced degree in watch-dog-nutrition, it's impossible to separate the wheat from the chaff.

So here are 4 arm fat nutrition mistakes:

1. Overcooking food. If you cook it till it's blackened, then you're increasing your risk for colon cancer. Charring food is not healthy. Moreover, a lot of blackened foods (ribs, deep fried samplers) also contain an insane amount of calories.

2. Having lunch meat. Lunch meat is ultra convenient. Unfortunately, the convenience comes at a steep price: colon cancer. The nitrates found in most lunch meats are extremely unhealthy. There are far better sources of protein out there.

3. Overindulging low-cal sweeteners. Study after study are beginning to show that low-cal sweeteners are not healthy. In fact, some of them convert into mutagens. Not good. So only consume these in moderation.

4. Water bingeing. Drinking huge amounts of water in one sitting is not a good way to stay hydrated. You are not a camel! Instead, drink small amounts of water in between meals throughout the day. This is the best way to stay optimally hydrated.

Losing arm fat shouldn't be accompanied by unnecessary health risks. In fact, the whole process can be extremely healthy and very manageable. The key is to know what to avoid and what not to avoid. Getting toned arms can be fun and safe! - 17269

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