Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, December 21, 2009

The 10th Day on My Homeopathic HCG Diet

By Amelia Handley

Day 10 on the HCG Diet is a pretty big mile marker. Don't you think? I'm feeling like I'm getting in the groove. I've lost 9 pounds and I'm happy with the results so far.

I got up and got on the scale today and I was at 162.2. Not horrible (I didn't go up), but not great because I didn't go down either. I told myself that less than one pound of weight lost in a day was meaningless and I wouldn't mention it, but apparently I'm going to anyway. (I did go down by .6 of a pound). I checked and I didn't eat anything too horrible yesterday. I stuck to the diet.

I decided that I need to watch my portions. I've been having a lot of soup and I think maybe I'm overdoing the portions. So I'm going to be more careful from now on. And again...I think I could drink more water.

The huge cups that I was carting around have fallen into disfavor. They've spilled HUGE amounts of water in far too many places throughout my house (and car) while I was carrying them around trying to make sure I always had water on hand. So instead I think I'll try water bottles. That way I can cart them around and keep them wherever I want without fearing that I'll end up with a huge water logged mess.

The water bottle is definitely mobile and it won't spill. I took my HCG 3 times today as required by the HCG obesity protocol. I took my B-Total at lunch time instead of breakfast because I was purposefully laying about this morning. Every now and then it's just relaxing to lay around without any energy for a few hours. For lunch I had the leftover soup that was in the fridge (I measured to make sure the serving size was appropriate before I dug in).

My little girl is having a sleep over tonight with a friend. I made grilled chicken and asparagus for dinner. The sleep over friend would have none of it so she got a cheese crisp and some milk. But the kids ate it alright. Then there was a big calamity. The girls decided making cookies was the perfect sleep over activity. I set them all up, helped them make cookies and then helped them eat a couple. I KNOW! I was very bad. I wasn't quite sure what to do about it after the fact so I just skipped my fruit for the evening. I feel that falls far short of actually making up for the cookie breakdown, but there wasn't anything to do about it after the fact.

So I didn't have the greatest day on the HCG diet. But I'm going to definitely do better tomorrow. (It won't be hard to improve will it?) All I've got to do is stay away from decadent desserts. Sheesh! - 17269

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Simple Steps To Bodybuilding Success

By Charles Ishihashi

More and more guys today are becoming interested in bodybuilding. Whether it's for attracting girls, or entering competitions, or even to participate in the lucrative modeling industry, bodybuilding is quickly becoming more popular than ever before. If you are interested in bodybuilding for any of these reasons, then this article is for you.

The first thing you'll need to consider is what you're trying to achieve. Where do you see yourself a year from now with regards to bodybuilding? How much stronger are you, or how much bigger are you? The key here is to develop as clear a goal as possible. This will go a long way to keep you motivated.

Once you've got your target set up, you'll need to figure out how long it will take to get there. This can be difficult. Many times guys will set up a target that isn't really achievable, and get discouraged. On the other hand, if your target is too far out there, you will lose your motivation. Make sure your timeline is achievable, but not easy.

After that, you'll need to create a schedule, and stick to it. Many guys go to the gym and just do whatever they feel like, without a real plan. The best way to get to a specific goal is to develop a specific plan, down to which muscles you are going to work on which days. Make sure you give yourself plenty of rest time. That is when the muscles do their actual building.

Another obvious factor you'll need to think about is food. What you eat has a profound impact on how well you can build up your muscles. The right combination of proteins, carbohydrates and fats is essential. It's up to you whether you take supplements or not. With the right diet, however, they really shouldn't be necessary.

These simple ideas is all you really need to get started. Remember, Arnold started in his basement with weights made out of coffee cans filled with cement. With a strong enough goal, nothing can stop you. - 17269

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Methods of Determining Protein Quality

By Victoria Isabel

If you are looking to supplement your diet or with protein supplements, but have no idea what to look for, here are some items to consider before choosing one.

Biological Value (BV)

The BV is a value that measures the nutritional effectiveness of the protein in a given food. It is expressed as the percentage used by the body of either the total protein consumed or the digestible protein available. Proteins with the highest BV promote the most lean muscle gains. For example, whey protein has the highest BV value, rating as a 104.

The Net Protein Utilization (NPU for short)

Net Protein Utilization is a comparison between the amount of nitrogen taken into the body versus the amount retained. NPU is a percentage value of 100% as the highest utilization of dietary nitrogen as protein. An example of this is whey protein isolate.

The Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER for short)

Protein efficiency ratio measures the gain in body weight divided by the weight of the protein consumed in infant laboratory rats. The FDA uses the PER to determine the recommended daily allowance of protein on food labels. Do note, however, that rats handle protein differently than humans, causing calculation errors.

Amino Acid Score or AAS

AAS is a measure of the actual amounts of individual amino acids in a protein, relative to a reference protein. This form of measurement does not indicate whether the protein is digestible or not. One or more values mean that the food contains essential amino acids that humans require. Example: Wheat flour Lysine (21), threonine (54), tryptophan (72), valine (75)

Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS)

This makes a correction for the shortcomings of the simple AAS and PER described before. It evaluates food protein property based on the needs of humans (rather than rats) and measures it based on the amino acid requirements adjusted for digestibility of a 2- to 5-year old child (determined the most nutritionally-demanding age group). A protein with a low score of 25% PDCAAS, means that the food provides only 25% of protein synthesis for the human body, such as wheat gluten (.25).

Amino Acids - Essential and Non-Essential

Essential amino acids are amino acids that cannot be made by the body. Therefore, they have to be provided for in the diet.

Glutamine - a non-essential amino acid

Glutamine is a non-essential amino acid. It increases muscle cell volume and growth hormone levels. This leads to the muscle using fatty acids for fuel rather than blood sugar. Your body also uses glutamine to transport nitrogen to your tissues. I recommend consuming 3 to 5 grams of glutamine, 3 times per day if you are looking to build muscle. Look for proteins with high concentrations of glutamine.

Arginine - non-essential

Arginine is a non-essential amino acid that thwarts both physical and mental fatigue. It releases both growth hormone and insulin in the body during intense exercise, thereby promoting muscle growth. It is also involved in the metabolism of ammonia and nitrogen transport. Arginine may also increase fat metabolism and lower LDL cholesterol levels in the bloodstream.

The twenty-one standard amino acids are either used to synthesize proteins and other biomolecules or oxidized to urea and carbon dioxide as a source of energy. About 10 are essential. This means that they need to be included in the diet for a complete protein source. You may combine two or more incomplete protein sources such as rice and beans to make a complete source.

A diet that contains adequate amounts of amino acids (especially those that are essential) is particularly important in some situations: early development, puberty, pregnancy, lactation, or injury and for building muscle. For muscle building, pick a protein supplement or add to your diet foods that score high in several of the standards mentioned here. - 17269

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Quick And Safe Weight Loss Can Be Achieved With The HCG Diet

By Wesley Van Zyp

There is a new diet sensation sweeping across the nation and it is only a matter of time before it goes global. HCG, a fertility hormone, has now been proven to be very effective in aiding in massive amounts of weight loss when coupled with a low calorie diet. When other diets are pretending to be the real deal, the HCG diet actually does melt away the pounds.

HCG is an acronym that stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. The hormone occurs naturally in both men and women, but it is most common in pregnant women. Typically, HCG is used as a fertility drug. Injections of HCG can be used to help women who have trouble ovulating or to help men increase their sperm count. This same hormone, which can be produced naturally or synthetically, can actually be used as a dietary aid.

The HCG diet works by sending the HCG hormone to the hypothalamus gland. The hypothalamus is the gland in charge of regulating metabolism and body fat storage. When the HCG hormone reaches the hypothalamus gland, the hypothalamus sends the body signals to release excess body fat.

After the body fat is released, the body will use it as a source of energy. Because the HCG activates this and the HCG diet has a limited amount of calories, the body will burn off massive amounts of fat over a very short period of time. While the diet will fill you up and provide protein, it stays away from fatty foods and used what you have in storage.

Many diets that have low calorie counts are not very intelligent diets. They will be low calorie, but also the wrong types of foods (remember the cookie diet?). When a diet is this low in calories, it is essential that is contains the other nutrients that the body needs in order to perform. However, even though this diet is packed with the right nutrients, it is still not recommended to do cycles back to back.

Of course, weight loss depends heavily on the user's ability to adhere to the 500 calorie diet. Once the desired weight is reached, the dieter can back off of the diet plan and begin to resume a normal diet. At this point, experts advise gradually upping the daily calorie intake while simultaneously taking care to maintain a healthy diet.

When quick weight loss is needed, there is no better diet on the market than the HCG diet. This is the only SAFE rapid weight loss plan that is available that does everything that it promises to do. Dieters will not only experience rapid weight loss, but they will learn better eating habits that will allow them to keep the weight off permanently. - 17269

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Avoid Gout Pain with the Right Interventions

By Bart Icles

No one wants to have gout. It is one of the most painful forms of arthritis. People acquire this when there is a huge amount of uric acid in the body. When a lot of uric acid is present in the body, it can crystallize and turn into urate crystals and occupy in some parts of the body, more specifically tissues and joints. The presence of these crystals in the joints could be very painful which is why a lot of people who have this really try to find different ways to avoid or treat gouty arthritis.

To be able to avoid this very painful condition, one should take note of the causes of gout. According to studies, eating food high in purine could really contribute to the formation of urate crystals. With this in mind, one should maintain a gout diet and avoid high amounts of uric acid or avoid food which have a high purine content.

Foods which are high in purine should be eaten in moderation. According to Johns Hopkins, such examples of food which are very high in purine are hearts, herring, mussels, yeast, sardines and sweetbreads. Those who are at risk of having gouty arthritis should try to stay away from these. If you don't want to feel that excruciating pain that gout brings, then you must discipline yourself to not eat these kinds of food.

There are also certain types of food that may have fairly high purine content, yet, can still be eaten in moderation. Such examples of this type of food include anchovies, liver, veal, bacon, goose, scallops, turkey and a lot more.

If you are at high risk of having gout or already have gout, you should really try to maintain a gout diet. A gout diet would probably involve food which

Aside from maintaining a gout diet, people trying to prevent this or trying to relieve gout symptoms should also include exercising in their daily activities. Perhaps a more active lifestyle could help you avoid these joint problems. If you are already experiencing pain almost beyond control, visit your physician right away. Your doctor will probably prescribe you medicine which will help with the pain and control the formation of gout. Prevention, as what they say, is always better than cure. Try different interventions so that you won't have to suffer the irritating symptoms gouty arthritis brings. - 17269

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Effects of Alcohol on Muscle Building

By Homaide Germaico

Alcohol is a major barrier in the way of accomplishing a charismatically brawny build. It has a great influence in the development of a muscular body. It certainly brings a considerable decline during the process of muscle building. So, the use of alcohol should be evaded or else it should be driven down to a significant level.

Everybody should be aware of the fact that muscle building is dependent upon the evasion as well as ingestion of diet. Alcohol is also a dietary element but its evasion at all costs is a must for those guys who're in the process of bodybuilding. In most of the cases, it is found deadly and it can damage your muscles too.

Unawareness about the disadvantages of alcohol has created many problems for the people. Most of them are not fully aware of the exact dangers of alcohol. It should be avoided before the situation gets beyond our control. Moreover, for achieving a truly in-shape body, alcohol avoidance is a must.

Following points will give you a clear idea about the exact drawbacks of alcohol:

1.Affects on protein synthesis: Massive alcohol utilization can inadequately hold up the process of protein synthesis with at least 20%. Because our muscles are fabricated of proteins, thus we can see that how this can impede in muscle enhancement process.

2.It bring incline in Hormones and decline in Testosterone: One of the most significant hormones that brings improvement in muscles, is Testosterone. Declining intensity of this hormone can be extremely fatal in the process of body building. Similarly, testosterone is a major element they reveals the power of muscle gain in human body. Moreover, inclining intensity of this hormone is also fatal.

3.Alcohol may bring about 'Dehydration': Kidney in human body is aimed at sorting great amount of water that falls down level of alcohol and saves the body from dehydrating. H2O is well thought-out a major factor in the process. Astoundingly, 70% of its reservoirs in the human body make up a muscle. Consequently, even a minor dehydration can also be catastrophic.

4.Diminishes Vitamins and minerals: Utilization of alcohol washes out a lot desirable amount of Vitamins and minerals from the body. They both are considered as the strength of character in the development and preservation of muscles. In addition, they also assist various functions of human body. As we have shortage of vitamins and minerals we will not be able to build muscle as we desire.

5.Alcohol inclines amassment of body Fats: Heavy drinking no doubt drives down blazing of fats. Disruption in the Kreb's Cycle can actually be the cause of all this. - 17269

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How to Lose Weight and Keep it off

By Dyan Pascal

There's a lot of conflicting information on weight loss on the internet. Most people who follow traditional advice of avoiding high fat foods will find that it just doesn't help, period. Once you start eating unhealthy, your body starts to build up an ugly gum-like residue. Even if you switched to eating healthier, your body won't start to lose weight overnight, because of this buildup.

This gum quickly turns into plaque and can even lead to parasite infestations. The plaque and infestation have a long term effect on your body. It can be very difficult to get rid of this buildup overnight.

Imagine if you had been eating sweets all your life. One day you look in the mirror and you see that one of your teeth is turning yellow. Even if you started to eat healthy, it could be ages before your tooth starts to look healthy again.

The good news is that your digestive system can be cleaned up a lot faster than your teeth. The secret is to use a special diet that will naturally clear out all the gum, plaque, and parasites that have built up in your body over the years. Once your system is clear, then you'll start to drop those pounds easily and painlessly.

Once you get the unhealthy "gunk" out, you have to keep your body in healthy condition. If you start eating unhealthily again, the gunk will come back just as quickly. Having a good, easy diet plan is the only way to make sure that your system stays in great shape. You need to construct an easy diet plan that you can follow for a long time without too much effort.

When people set out to lose weight, they want it to happen overnight. and don't want to ever have to think about it again. That's not how it works. The reality is that if you go back to eating the same way as before, your weight will come back -- just like before. The diet you use in the long run should be healthy and fun, so that you'll be more tempted to stay healthy than to overeat.

If you take up this natural method of losing weight, you'll find that you never have to go near a diet pill again. Most people underestimate how unhealthy diet pills are. Generally, diet pills either reduce your appetite for food, or destroy fat cells in an unnatural manner. The only way to really lose weight and keep it off is to clean out your system and start nourishing it.

Once you understand and start to adopt this method of weight-loss, you'll find that your weight will naturally drop, pound by pound. The weight you lose will also stay off, because what you're doing is actually healthy and nourishing. You'll get to enjoy the inner satisfaction of knowing that you're treating your body well. - 17269

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Article 19: Still Going on the HCG Diet

By Amelia Handley

Day 7 of the HCG diet and I'm still here and still kickin'. I'm fully surviving the 500 calorie limitation. And I'm surviving it happily. I lost 6 pounds already so I was already within the HCG weight loss system averages of 1 to 2 pounds per day.

When I weighed myself on Day 7 I'd lost 2 more pounds. Wahoo! That was pretty exciting because yesterday I went up one. So it was extra exciting to see myself drop a bit more. I'm currently at 162 pounds. And that leaves me at an official pound a day average for my first week.

After I weighed myself I took my B-Total and HCG drops. I totally agree that the B-Total is a fabulous addition to the HCG weightloss system. I like the added energy. I keep my B-Total in the bathroom so I take it when I put on my makeup. And I keep the HCG in the fridge (it needs to be kept in a cool place) and I take it when I'd normally be eating breakfast. I keep the scale under my bed. Sounds odd, I know, but my 9 year old (totally adorable and skinny daughter) went through a phase of being obsessed with weighing herself. So I don't like to keep scales around the house.

Regardless of why...I like that the scale is underneath the foot of my bed. It's so easy to whip it out first thing and weigh myself. I haven't forgotten yet. And I figured I would forget sometimes because I'm definitely the forgetful type. I'm not that big on the whole "daily routine" thing that people are always bragging about and saying is so wonderful. It sounds kind of boring to me.

I took my HCG again around 11 and then had lunch. Today I made the Turkey burgers that are in the cookbook. It's basically ground turkey and green onions with lettuce as a bun. And you're probably getting tired of hearing it, but it was so good! It might be my favorite of the recipes so far. With that I had half a grapefruit. I have Stevia to use for sweetener, but it happened to be sweet enough on its own. If I get the pink ones I don't always need to add something to make it sweet enough to eat.

I took the last set of HCG drops before dinner. I finished off my leftover chili for dinner along with an apple and some crackers. My kids wanted some chili, but I only had one serving left so they had to have cheese Quesadillas. Poor kids, right? I'll have to make a big pot of the chili so they can enjoy it with me next time. I wasn't sure they'd like it, but they loved it. (I did spare a couple bites for each of them). - 17269

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The Many Side Effects Of Creatine

By Christian James

Very little is known about creatine and its effect on the body. Most of the people who take it in the form of supplements are unaware of the possible side effects of creatine supplements and continue to abuse them. The truth is that people who act better if they knew better.

To the layman creatine is a substance that the body produces and stores in the muscles. In actual fact it is a building block of protein, an amino acid that helps to build muscle tissue and body mass. It is produced by the kidneys and the liver in a natural form but it can be taken as a supplement that is manufactured in the lab.

When you take creatine supplements carelessly you can pollute your body with creatine. Now when creatine is in the body it has a natural ability to absorb water. So when you have too much creatine in your system the absorption of water from different parts of the body can lead to muscle cramps owing to dehydration.

On the same footing the absorption of water by creatine eventually leads to the gaining of weight in areas of the body with excessive creatine. The body mass of a person taking creatine supplements can thus switch from muscular to obese if caution isn't taken.

Here is where you have to pay attention to detail. When people take creatine supplements they take glycemic sugars as well. Glycemic sugars actually make it easier for the body to absorb creatine. But these sugars increase the blood sugar levels in the body to the point where natural body insulin is not enough to break them down. So when these sugars build up in the body diabetes can be prompted or aggravated.

In addition to this a person can experience damage to their kidneys; liver; blood vessels and nerves because of diabetes and the body's resistance to insulin. Apart from these kidney stones and heat exhaustion are well known side effects of creatine. - 17269

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Important Information On How To Stay Healthy

By Tina Peters

Health is a concern for all of us not just a select few. We have to remain healthy in order to live longer, stay in the best of shape and to continue doing what it is we like and love. Without our health none of us would be able to do anything that we normally enjoy or not enjoy but do for the sake of working. If we lived in an unhealthy society we would have reduced production if any at all and our life spans would be drastically reduced. If anything it is also important to stay healthy for your own reasons of not suffering or enduring unnecessary pain.

The best way to fight disease and to remain as healthy as possible is to watch what it is you are consuming and the amount of physical exercise you are in fact getting. It is generally recommended to do both of these activities to remain in the best of health. Watching what you eat is relatively straightforward.

The more you spend your life eating unhealthy and not exercising the more problems that could arise from not giving your body the proper and necessary things it needs to continue without complications. Most of the physical problems or diseases we can run into in life can actually be avoided or lessened to various extents.

The other thing to remember when talking about health is to also talk about mental health. Mental health is also as important of an issue as physical health. The two go hand in hand really. If you are ever feeling like you may be having an issue with mental health that it is highly advised to consult a mental health counselor to help work out any issues you are having.

In my opinion it is rather common knowledge on what to do to stay healthy. As long as you aren't doing unnecessary harmful things to yourself and eating healthy along with exercise you should stay in relatively good health. - 17269

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Mind Over Muscle Mass, Use Your Mental Capacity to Create Muscle Mass

By Klint Newton

Everyone has heard of the placebo effect, but most people haven't thought about putting their mind over muscle, or using their mind to help build muscle. The truth is most people experience the placebo effect with their supplement usage. The placebo effect is basically when someone is in need of medicine and they are given a substance other than medicine, but told it is medicine. That substance then puts their pain at ease, but how can a sugar pill kill pain?

The explanation is actually quite simple. The patient thought they were getting the real medicine, they had no doubt about it, it never crossed their mind that they were getting the real medicine. So, they thought that their problem would fade away because the medicine was going to take care of it. What worked is not the "medicine" but the person's belief that it would work. Even Jesus Christ told his disciples over 2000 years ago that if they had strong enough faith they could move mountains. One of his disciples, Peter, even walked on water because of his faith.

Mind Over Muscle and The Placebo Effect So how does the placebo effect relate to building muscle? It has a lot more to do with it than you might think, especially when you add supplements. Everything that occurs within the body must start or be allowed to continue in the brain, and you can control your brain with your thoughts. It goes like this:

Our thoughts directly, or indirectly, control our brains, and our brain directly controls your body, your body gains muscle, if the brain lets it.

Just as a person's belief can make them feel better, it can and usually does. Now, just as trainees believe that taking a supplement will result in muscle growth, they are right, it can and usually does. Actually, what really worked wasn't the supplement but your mind. What happened is the person's mind told their brain, "This stuff really does it, I saw it in XYZ magazine. I AM going to gain muscle, thanks to this supplement."

When this happens, your mind is telling your brain what's going to happen, and your brain does all it can to make it happen. Guess what, your brain is in charge of gaining muscle, if it wants too, you will gain muscle.

Take Advantage of It: You don't have to dump a gallon of overpriced powder from a fancy looking, expensive, half full supplement down your throat. All you have to do is believe in your body and mind's ability to create muscle. The placebo effect usually only works when you don't really know what you are getting is fake, but you can use the underlying principals to your advantage.

The underlying principle is that you KNEW it would work. Imagine what you could accomplish if you could KNOW that you could gain muscle whenever you wanted. I'm here to tell you, you can, and it's easy. Here are a few guidelines to follow to maximize your mind's ability to gain muscle.

1. Before your workout: Know that the workout you're about to do will add another layer of ripped, strong, solid muscle. 2. While working out: Know that the lift you are doing IS building huge amounts of muscle. 3. After your workout: You guessed it, feel good, knowing that you just sparked incredible growth in the worked muscles. Also, look forward to your next workout, knowing that it will also build even more muscle.

You need to actually think about what you do to help you gain muscle. You need to realize how every bite of nutritious food is helping you gain muscle. Realize how every hour of sleep is adding more muscle and helping recovery. Basically, every muscle building activity needs to be coupled with positive thoughts about how it will help you gain mass.

Gaining muscle mass is undoubtedly a physical thing, but everything that is a physical thing starts as a mental thing. Your brain takes instructions from you through your thoughts, it does what you tell it to do, through your mind, whether you know it or not. You have to constantly be giving it good instructions and make it known that the things you are doing WILL help you build huge amounts of muscle. Take the credit and placebo effect from supplements and master the mind over muscle. - 17269

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Best Ways To Burn Belly Fat

By Brad Setti

The question is always asked "In order to lose my belly, what is the most efficient way?" Aerobics, strength training, cardio, or intervals?

I have to say, I've tried them all!

I have spent, at least, 15 years of training in the gym, both for myself and sports and used laboratory research showing many exercises. I can tell you now what works best and what you should not spend time on.

Some people can spend 90 minutes per day on exercise and others cannot. I want to help those of you who are limited on time. Let's see what works best for you.

People read in magazines that we need to spend so much time on this and we disconnect.

For someone who is not a triathlete and just wants to tone and lose weight you don't need to work out 6-8 hours/week.

Therefore to get a better body, you need...

Your best results will be through warming up with your own body-weight. Use strength training for muscle buildup. And use interval training to finish up and burn fat fast. This system is structured for you to workout 3 times/week and be in and out of the gym in 45 minutes.

Warm up using 5 minutes of bodyweight exercise. This will be much more effective than walking on a treadmill. Walking on a tread mill will only get you ready to walk more on a treadmill.

Then we move into the strength training supersets, where we use two exercises performed back to back with minimum rest between each. This cuts our workout time, while still giving us maximum results. We only need 20 minutes for this, and we'll use basic exercises, and sometimes even more bodyweight exercises, depending on the client's goal for muscle building.

And finally, we'll do 18 minutes of interval training. A warm-up, followed by six short intervals at the appropriate fitness level for the client, interspersed with short periods of low-intensity recovery. Finish with a cool-down. And that's the workout. Again, about 45 minutes total.

Most people run, cycle or ride a cardio machine for 45 min. straight which will burn calories. But won't get you that six pack.

In fact, there are a few "dark sides" to long slow cardio, including less-than-optimal results, the potential for overuse injuries, and it is an inefficient form of exercise. If you only have 30-45 minutes for your workout and you spend it all on a cardio machine, when are you going to train the rest of your muscles and sculpt a better body?

So the best way to burn belly fat is with a combination of strength training and interval training. It's fast, it works, and it's fun! - 17269

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