Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Belly Fat Diet - Your Final Guide

By Glenn Atkins

Whatever you do though, there are some top dietary tips that you should remember.

What makes a perfect belly fat diet? First, off : cut down on calories, load up on full grains.A contemporary study proved that a diet that is low calorie-wise and loaded in whole grains effectively trims undesired stomach fat. In the recounted study, revealed in the North American book of Clinical nutrition, the subjects were split into two groups. The first group was subjected to a diet of solely whole grains, among other foods, while the second was subjected to a diet of refined grains. The first group ended up usually losing more inches from their waistline. The experts' explanation? A diet that is's loaded in entire grains and low in refined carbs changes the way insulin and glucose responds to food intake, so facilitating the burning of fat deposits in the stomach.

Stay away from anything "refined." Eating refined foods causes a rise in blood sugar levels, which, in turn, signals the body to produce more insulin. As a consequence of this increased insulin reply, the body causes fats from the food intake to be deposited more quickly.

The more fiber, the better. In contrast to the effects of refined foods, fiber-rich foods stabilise insulin reply, causing the body to be able to utilise glucose in the blood. This, in turn, helps lower blood glucose levels and prevents or minimizes fat deposits. Another sound reason to go for fiber : fiber-rich foods keep you feeling full longer, so you typically metabolize faster even when you eat less.

When you have to have fat in your belly fat diet, select monounsaturated. Fats found in fruits, veg and natural oils and extracts like canola and olive oils are examples of monounsaturated fatty acids that will help you keep your tummy trim. Aside from its belly-friendly benefits, monounsaturated fatty acids also keeps the body healthy and lowers the danger of heart sicknesses. Remember though that anything in excess-including good fatty acids-is bad for the health. At the end of the day, monounsaturated fats are still fats packed with 9 calories in each gram. The key to enjoying peanuts and almonds, along with olives and olive oil, is moderation.

Finally, and to reiterate the final point, keep everything moderately. Allegedly, you can still enjoy all of the goodies that you love, but in decent servings. You see, a belly fat diet does not need to feel and spell "deprivation. - 17269

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How Can Vitamin C Help Me Overcome My Easy Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

When most people think of vitamin C, they start thinking about lovely tall glasses of fresh squeezed orange juice; while this is certainly tasty and good for you, you do need to keep in mind the fact that vitamin C is found in many foods and is in fact essential for the functioning of your body. Getting enough vitamin C is important, and when you do not get enough, your body is sure to let you know. How much vitamin C are you getting in your diet, and is your body telling you that you need to get more?

It is important to think about where vitamin C is coming from. Oranges are not the only source to provide your body with vitamin C. Practically any citrus fruit contains vitamin C, but nearly all fruits and vegetables will have at least some vitamin C in them as well. Brussels sprouts, mangoes, spinach, guava, persimmons, and melons are some of the other foods that contain a large amount of vitamin C in them. There are also some animal products that can provide some vitamin C, with animal liver as one example. To be certain that you are obtaining the recommended amount of vitamin C, a multivitamin or supplement program can prove to be helpful.

You should learn how vitamin C works with your immune system. If you have ever used vitamin C when you felt a cold or flu coming on, you probably already recognize that vitamin C can help you fend off the cold or flu, if you get enough of it. Vitamin C acts as an impressive immune system booster, and if your body needs more of it, your body has ways to let you know of its need. Feeling weak, irritable, or sick, or just being more susceptible to infections and to illnesses could be your body telling you of its need for more vitamin C. A deficiency of vitamin C in babies and young children can actually slow their growth process.

Scurvy is an extreme condition caused by a vitamin C deficiency, which can involve subcutaneous bleeding, loosened teeth, and the appearance of spectacular bruises. Anemia may also arise from this deficiency condition, and you could continuously feel tired and ill, even if there is nothing else really wrong with you.

If you want to make sure that you are getting enough vitamin C in your diet, you will find that for men, it needs to be around 75 mg per day, with 90 mg as the ideal dosage. For women who are pregnant, it will be 10 mg more than that, and then for women who are breastfeeding, adding another 45 mg on top of that is ideal. A smoker, whether they are male or female, should have at least 100 mg of vitamin C a day.

Are you getting the right amount of vitamin C in your body? If you are feeling tired and lethargic all the time, the answer might be no. Consider the symptoms above and make sure that you are getting the vitamin C that you need. This is something that can make a huge difference to how healthy you feel and your daily energy level.

Many people with a vitamin C deficiency develop the tendency to bruise easily. By following a daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned, which contains vitamin C and other bruise fighting ingredients, many folks have been able to overcome their condition. Bruises Be Banned has proved repeatedly that it can help you reduce bruising easily. - 17269

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Increase Your Metabolism Instantly: 9 Foods For Overdrive

By Mitch Graves

You may ask "why do I need to increase my metabolism when I want to gain weight and build muscle?:

Here's why.

A slow metabolism will destroy muscle and store fat. Starving your body or inactivity will tell your body not to build muscle because it takes too much energy to maintain.

In a bulking phase, your body is demanding energy all the time for the heavy amounts of stress you're putting on it by lifting heavy weight and doing intense interval cardio.

Rebuilding muscles require a lot of energy and so does maintaining those muscles. The best way to do this is to eat more. But eating more with the same activity level will make you fat.

The best way to minimize the fat you build is to increase you metabolism. This creates an environment in your body to feed the muscle and starve the fat. Your activity alone such as lifting heavy weights and interval training will shoot your metabolism through the roof.

In addition to your activity, you'll need a dietary boost in your metabolism. The following foods will increase your metabolism as well as help build muscle.

1. Fish High in Omega-3

* Mackerel - 2.5g O3 per 3.5 oz of fish
* Bluefin Tuna - 1.6g O3 per 3.5 oz of fish
* Salmon - 1.5g O3 per 3.5 oz of fish

Omega 3 is a protein which can increase your metabolism by up to 400 calories per day. Talk about a burn.

Eating fish has many nutritional benefits that out weight simply taking a vitamin.

2. High Fiber Veggies

* Avocado
* Beans
* Broccoli

The carbohydrate of fiber isn't digestible, but your body will try, and burn tons of energy in the process.

3. High Protein Meats

* Venison - 34g per 100 grams of meat
* Chicken - 25g per 100 grams of meat
* Lean beef - 25g per 100 grams of meat

Protein increases your metabolism because it takes twice as much energy to digest and metabolize a high protein meal than it does for a high carb meal.

Incorporate these into your diet, and along with your weight training efforts, you'll benefit from a high metabolism around the clock.

Thanks to webmd for some of the information. - 17269

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Conversion Of Goji Berries Into Active Supplements

By Rachel Clark

From past many years, the Goji Berry is known as the most powerful type of anti-aging food in the whole world. Goji berries are rated as #1 on Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) scale that is used to measure the level of antioxidants in food. Basically, this was a test that was developed by USDA researchers in Tufts University, Boston. It is believed that food that score very high in this antioxidant analysis can be used to protect all the cells and their respective components from getting oxidative damaged.

Since many years, Goji fruit is used traditionally to fight against problems like general weakness, aching back & joints, lack of energy, tinnitus, diabetes, dizziness, blurred vision, wet dreams, cough, and sexual inadequacies. However, over the time, studies have found out some more uses of this plant. It can be used very well both internally as well as externally.

Internally, Goji fruit is used to fight against the toxic side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Externally, it is used to treat burns, bedsores, ulcers, frostbites, and furuncles.

Goji fruit constitutes many important nutrients like Physalin, Beta-sitoserol, Cyperone and Solavetivone. Physalin is a substance that is very active in all the leukemia types. This substance is useful for the treatment of hepatitis B. On the other hand; Solavetivone is a very powerful anti-bacterial and anti-fungal compound. Beta-Sitoserol is mainly used as an anti-inflammatory agent that can be used for the treatment of sexual impotence and enlargement of prostate. It also induces cholesterol lowering effect in the body. Cyperone is a substance that can provide many benefits to body organs like heart, liver, etc. and also helps in maintaining normal blood pressure of the body. Since many years, this substance has also been in use for the treatment of the cervical cancer.

For over fifteen years, Goji fruit has proven its excellence in treating eyesight problems that are very common for young age people these days. This is because it contains B-carotene. Besides B-carotene, Goji fruit is also a rich source of amino acids that is available in a free form. Goji berry is considered as a holistic medicine in many parts of the world like China, Tibet, etc. Apart from its traditional properties, there are many new properties of this fruit that have been noticed recently. These are weight loss properties of Goji berries and due to this reason these days it has become very popular in health conscious people like celebrities and many other Hollywood stars.

There are many companies worldwide, which have become aware of the benefits of this fruit and therefore, have begun to work on this fruit. They have enhanced many benefits of this fruit by adding many other natural ingredients to it that serve as Goji Berry Active Supplements. These are designed especially to improve weight loss capabilities and therefore, provide many health benefits. All these efforts have finally resulted in a complete and all-natural active supplement that has been designed in such a way that it can be taken in an easy form as a pill. It does not have any powder form or cumbersome ingredients that are quite difficult to intake. All you need to do is to take them just as per the prescription and then it can help you to lose weight, improve immune functions, and increase body energy levels. - 17269

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