Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Get Ready To Discover An Exciting Way To Lose Weight And Shape Up Those Muscles Without Dieting

By Katherine Humpheres

If you are tired of dieting, exercising and taking in slimming pills, then you are right about coming to this page. The reason why so many weight loss programs or pills fail is because they are just tricks. Go for Combat the Fat today and get slim the way you want it to be.

This Combat the Fat weight loss program by Jeff Anderson, an expert from the armed forces and who used to be a US military master fitness trainer and weight control specialist is a weight loss program inspired by military fat burning system which can be used by common people. The five fat burning strategies used by the US military are: centered on building up the muscles instead of the usual weight loss approach, not giving up the foods you love, mastering the body weight, not dieting, and not failing by choosing not to.

Does it sound opposite from all the weight loss techniques you've been through? It's much better to find that out in this article. Let's discover how Combat the fat Works and how do we prepare with this program.

First: The body is naturally equipped with fat burning machines. When these are trained properly, it will increase the metabolism and make us develop muscles instead of fats.

Second: We cannot deny the fact that our body naturally craves for various types of foods including fats and sweets. Once we take them out of our diets, our body will not function as it is supposed to be and it will not burn the fat the way we wish it to be.

Third: We should master our body weight. The military does body weight exercises such as sit-ups and push-ups to stimulate the central nervous system and trigger fat loss. Focus on fat will show us how to start out easily and work up to master our body weight even when we never tried these kinds of exercises before.

Fourth: Foods are not the main reason for gaining weight, it's more on how we do something about it, so don't diet. Diets don't really work instead it might even be the cause of weight gain. They don't work because the body needs the right balance of foods including fats and carbohydrates to burn fat and cause us stay healthy.

Lastly: If we really want to succeed in losing weight, we should never let failure win. Combat the Fat is a program that's intended for all and it will surely work for you. Follow the rules with Combat the Fat and you will burn those fats. Be ready for a change!

Many programs in the past might have failed you, but this time around with Combat the Fat, you will never go wrong. You are guaranteed to lose weight because these strategies have long been proven by a lot of people. If it works for me, then it will work for you too! - 17269

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How to Build Bigger Muscle Faster Than You Dreamed Possible

By Harley Radowski

Can you imagine yourself envied by others because you have a lean muscle mass? I'm sure you've been dreaming that this situation will soon come. Millions of people especially men are wondering what is the best muscle building technique. Of course, having a physically fit body is what everyone has been trying to achieve in order for them to have a healthier body. This can also help them increase their self confidence and most of all, attract enormous attention from others.

The system responsible for giving the human body its shape and frame is the musculoskeletal system. It is composed of millions of muscle fibers which when group together will make up the various muscle types. Protein plays an important role in muscle's growth and maturation.

Although protein is essential, the process is not considered complete without the aid of carbohydrates as well as fats. Your body requires that you have an adequate intake of these macronutrients in order to build bigger muscle mass. Caloric intake should be as high as possible depending on your body mass. Keep your diet as balanced as possible and make sure that it is considered healthy. Your body burns your caloric stores during your exercise or even in doing just simple activities of daily living.

Aside from a well balanced diet, you should also establish a routine physical workout. The training includes spending few days in a gym each week.

It is important to keep your workout no longer than one hour due to danger of tearing your muscle strands making them weak and brittle. At first, try to keep your workouts around key exercise movement - bench press, leg press, etc. - then proceed to more vigorous training such as lifting a few weights when your body is totally adjusted to your training.

Overtraining causes sore muscles. Sore muscles indicate muscle growth but it is advisable not to continuously train muscles that are sore. Provide time for rest and allow soreness heal. Rest in between workouts gives your muscles a chance to grow.

Sleeping stimulates your pituitary gland to release growth hormones. These growth hormones include tryptophan, glycine, ornithine, and arginine. It only proves the saying, "muscles grow while you sleep".

Enough rest is as essential as dieting and physical training. Rest is also needed even if you are undergoing a vigorous physical training. Resting is actually the time when your muscles are starting to grow and build.

Superset training system is the use of three or four different types of exercise for the same muscle - the deltoid for instance. This training will allow you to experience an ultimate pump in the muscle belly and an increase in muscle size and strength with repetitive training sessions. People as we know have favoritism. As much as possible they try to focus on a single body part when working. This attitude may put them at risk of muscular imbalances.

Thus proper balance is encouraged, this involves training the lacking muscle first or the one needed the most attention.

One of the best ways of building a lean muscle mass while burning fat is performing Cardiovascular exercise. It is necessary to perform this exercise early in the morning basically before eating breakfast. Cardio carried out about once a week or to a maximum of once every two weeks.

But don't push your boundaries; performing cardio beyond these limits can take away the quality of muscle gains, resulting in a much smaller muscle size.

For novices and hard gainers, long patience is a must if you are wishing to achieve the muscle mass you've always wanted. Lack of patience is a big no if you are taking workouts. Strong eagerness to gain muscle mass early on will do nothing.

Patience is the only key to success. You should also keep in mind that consistency, discipline, knowledge and determination will also help you in achieving your goal. - 17269

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Why Natural Bodybuilding Is Your Best Option To Build Muscle

By Ricardo d Argence

Whenever you are ready for a better and healthier body you should take a look to Natural Bodybuilding. Natural body building is when you only use natural supplements, and do not resort to enhancing drugs such as HGH or steroids.

When you take substances like that, you are putting your progress and your health on the line. When you want to see steady improvement and the ability to maintain the shape that you are in, it is time to turn to Natural Bodybuilding.

Natural Bodybuilding can be a considered a return to something much more basic to our bodies. After all, in nature, we do not require steroids or HGH to build up our muscles. We developed our muscles because we needed them and because the things that we eat can encourage the growth of our muscles.

With that in mind, it is easy to see why Natural Bodybuilding is so good for you. You are taking things at a speed that your body can handle, and you are also in a place where your body can move forward and keep the shape that you get into.

Make sure that you remember that natural Bodybuilding will take a holistic approach toward all of the work that you are doing. You should keep a close eye on your eating habits and how your body is affected by them. Because of this, considering your diet is essential. You'll find that whole grains, fresh vegetables, and lean meats all top the list of things that you should eat.

You will find that you are going to want to avoid eating foods that are too sugary or too overly processed and that you will want to pay special attention towards looking at the role that protein plays in your eating habits. Eating too many sugars and processed food you're just adding fat and not muscle. Instead, concentrate on proteins and what they can do for you. The only way to heal torn muscle fiber from a hard work out is natural protein.

When considering Natural Bodybuilding, you should remember that there are not any shortcuts. Contrarily, you acquire a lifestyle program. You will make real progress, rather than something that is going to disappear when you break a cycle.

By doing this, you are building strength in a healthy way. You are not hurting or damaging your body, and this is important to take into account.

It is very important to work towards the body that you want, and while there are a lot of different ways to get there, make sure that you take a look at Natural Bodybuilding and see what it can do for you! - 17269

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Fastest Way to Build Muscle with Foods that Build Muscle

By Wakelin Smith

Eating to build muscle is an important part of your bodybuilding program. Eating food that helps build muscle will ensure that you are not wasting all that hard work you are doing in the gym.

Lifting weights forces your muscles to work hard, and can also cause minor injury to muscles. Although those injuries can heal very quickly, eating the right foods that build muscle can really speed up the process. Food supplies fuel that the body needs, and the right food can do wonders.

A diet that is low in fat goes without saying with any serious bodybuilder. Protein provides the building blocks to build that muscle. What types of protein are best? Chicken, eggs, steak (with the fat cut off), fish, cheese (especially cottage cheese), and nuts are all great sources of protein.

There is an optimum amount of protein that your body needs for building muscle effectively. Do you know your lean body mass weight? Yes? Great! If you do not know your lean body mass weight, you will need to apply one of the formulas that calculate this.

Carbohydrates are also important foods that build muscle - or rather carbs are important components of foods that build muscle. Choose foods that are high in carbohydrate that are also high in fibre - oatmeal, rice, and potato are all good.

Fats need to be reduced when you are consider what foods build muscle mass. Fat can never be eliminated completely (and nor should you try to do this), but reducing fat can have a healthy effect on your attempts to build muscle mass. Most foods that contain protein also contains fat, so when choosing your proteins, providing you opt for the ones that are low in fat, you will be on the right track.

You may argue that drinking has no effect on what to eat to build muscle. Hydration is critical to general health and wellbeing. All the more so when you are working to build muscle mass!

Knowing what to eat to build muscle is great, but if you do not combine this great new diet by building muscle mass with weight lifting exercises or other bodybuilding routines, you will not be able to build muscle fast. So you really must do both - eat foods that build muscle, and undertake bodybuilding workouts, and you will end up with a body you will be proud of. - 17269

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When only the Best will do-Breville Elite Juicing Machines!

By Jason H. Blacksmith

If I had to choose which juicer was the best of all the rest, I would without a doubt choose the Breville Elite Juicer 800EXL. If you compare your kitchen to a town, this juicer would be the beating heart - the most important element in the kitchen by far!

Efficiency is key with this model, you have plenty of time left over to find your husband's tie, chase the kids around the house, and still get to work on time. The best part is, you're "juiced" and ready to go. There is a 3" opening, so you can shove just about any natural plant you can think of into the juicer. The powerful 1000 watt motor doesn't bulk at the harder to grind materials. After you're done grinding anything and everything you can find, the parts are dishwasher safe, saving you even more time! The Breville Eilite Juicer had your sanity in mind when they made this product.

This juicer reduces the amount of pulp and buildup by grinding down everything put within it to little pieces. No need to stop and clean it after each piece of fruit you put within. The Breville Elite Juicer provides the best quantity of tangible juice from the vegetables and fruit, which really saves you cash over time. Rather than using a few apples you can use less, and still get all the vitamins you need from this amazing juicer machine!

Your Breville Elite Juicer will be reasonably quiet, it isn't going to wake up the whole house when you want some juice early in the morning. It really reduces the froth that you typically see at the top in juicers. Truthfully , the froth isn't a particularly mouth watering part. This juicing machine removes that froth, so you will hardly see any at all!

If you're like me, and you don't like pulp, the juicer contains most of it in the machine itself. I know some people have to strain their juice twice when using other machines, but I have yet to hear anyone say that about this one.

Juicing benefits are numerous, the antioxidants and vitamins obtained from fresh fruits and vegetables cannot be replicated in any pill or canned form. There is just something to be said for the Breville Elite Juicer 800EXL. If you need less chaos and more serenity in your life, this juicer comes highly recommended, it cleans up easily and even comes with a warranty. The less you have to worry about the better. - 17269

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The Acai All Natural Weight Loss Diet

By Bryan Hooper

There are countless varieties of weight loss supplements and pills to found in many stores and pharmacies.The majority of these pills contain harmful stimulant additives, like caffeine and ephedra. The use of these stimulants usually cause a person to feel wired, have higher anxiety levels, lose sleep and they also add toxins into your body.Thes toxins can cause extreme damage to the human body. The all natural alternative is to implement the Acai Weight Loss Diet.

The use of acai for weight loss is considered the most effective and healthy way to known to lose weight. Acai berrys contain no toxins, in fact acai has an extremely high antioxidant content, 12 times higher than grapes. The potent effects of the antioxidants in acai are also known to act upon the digestive tract by cleaning and removing unwanted toxin build up from your body and your colon. The Acai has many nutritional properties like the fatty acids omega 3,6 and 9; vitamins a,b,c,and e and is also high in fiber.

Antioxidants are a main factor in the protection and repair of damage that the human body experiences from external sources,like the daily damage caused by the introduction of free radicals.

The antioxidants that we take in perform wonders for our bodies.They accelerate the repair process and they disable the attack of the free radicals. The benefits besides weight loss are a strong immune system that can protect us from virus and diseases.

The weight loss that happens while using the acai berry can be explained. The antioxidants in the acai speed up the metabolic rate in our bodies which in turn burns fat quicker and increases our energy level.The acai has also been known to slow down the aging process and helps cells recover quicker from damage. Plus there are no toxins or side effects.

Other benefits reported from the acai supplements are lower blood pressure, better sleep, lowered cholestorol, and gently eliminates chemicals and toxins that are stored in the colon. The high fiber content balances and mends the digestive system, while gently cleaning the colon system.

It appears that whether you are on a diet or not, the addition of acai bery juice or supplements to your daily routine would be a wise choice for any one at any age group.

Our bodies are constantly being attacked by toxins and free radicals, wouldn't you like to give your body a chance to fight back with the worlds most powerful antioxidant?

Visit my website to learn more about Antioxidants and weght loss. - 17269

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A Simple Jump Higher Workout

By Bart Icles

If you are an avid basketball fan or basketball player, then you might have and most possibly thought of learning how to jump higher once in your life. Indeed, there are tons of jump higher programs available in many gyms, sports journals and magazines, and even in the internet. However, not all of these jump higher programs work the same for everybody. It is recommended that before you take on any jump higher workout, you should try to determine what your needs are first. You will also need to identify what specific improvements you would want to achieve so you can better make the most of any jump higher program.

Nevertheless, there is a certain jump higher workout that can work for everybody. It is a simple jump higher routine that you can observe even if you are just at home. That?s right; you need not lock yourself up in the gym for you to simply learn how to improve your vertical jump. All you need is to follow a few simple exercises and you can already be well on your way to jumping higher. However, you should not expect to achieve the same results as what everybody has.

You will need to start with a brisk aerobic exercise. You can either walk briskly or go for some jogging. You can also opt to jump rope for five to ten minutes. This should get you all warmed up for the different exercises ahead. Every other session or so, you can add ankle weights into your warm up regimen but you should not do it every time. You will then need to do some brief stretching and flexing exercises. These can help reduce the possibility of sustaining injuries while performing more complex exercises.

To begin the bulk of the jump higher workout, you will need to lift some weights. Remember to this properly and focus on key muscle groups like your calves, hamstrings, and quadriceps. Do not overdo weight lifting - only lift weights that will allow you to complete 8 to 10 repetitions with some effort. You will also need to do some crunches and push ups to help strengthen your abdominal muscles.

Most importantly, try to insert high intensity aerobic exercises in between weightlifting sets. Your jump higher workout will also need to cover strengthening your toes. You can do so by doing toe raises. In this manner, you can give the different muscles involved in jumping some much needed workout so you can increase your vertical jump. - 17269

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Build Bigger Muscle with the Right Weight Training Exercises

By Wakelin Smith

When super slim body shapes are in, it may seem strange to those wanting to lose weight, to find some people work for a body builder look. To build bigger muscle is not for the sole intention of looking good, but rather to have a healthy and energetic body.

The surest way of getting the results you want would be to go on a full time body building program. These programs though are geared towards weight gain first then will be revised for muscle toning and building. The programs include weight training, nutrition, supplementing, and proper procedures to fend off injuries. The steps are quite routine but fun to follow. If you have a trainer be sure that he or she is a certified professional since there are a lot of people out there who say that they are trainers but would prolong the program than necessary.

There are those who say that homemade is best made. It's still applicable to losing weight and toning muscles. You can do the best muscle building techniques in the privacy of your home and still get the best results. It's not necessary that you submit yourself to a grueling trainer and get stuck in a cramped gym environment. You can use common techniques like calisthenics. You can do push-ups, pull-ups and some crunches daily. You can do these with a couple of weight lifting, starting from an empty bar and progressing toward heavier weights. All of these are done in the privacy of your home where you can have peace of mind and comfort.

You can also work on building your muscles and boosting your stamina by lifting free weights instead of having machine-aided exercises. You should remember that barbells are good when you aim for the heaviest weights that cause stress, which in turn helps form muscles. When it comes to dumbbells, they are for assistance exercises, instead of major lifts.

Once you have that goal of having the body of a bodybuilder, you have to work on it from scratch. That means you have to begin at doing compound exercises that will work on your body's different muscles. Those isolation exercises can come after you have finished building a solid base. That's why it's called a systematic process.

One thing a person should remember when he wants to be a muscle builder is to have regular squats for leg training. He has to do it as frequently as 1.5 times his body weight. When he does the squat he should do it with his hips lower than his knees. Some people who like to form muscles are working for brawns more than health, but even so, there are reasons why body builders are called health enthusiasts. These people know it by heart that rest, balanced diet, sleep, and drinking enough fresh water are great help in muscle formation than sheer tedious physical exercise without the right sustenance.

The easiest and best muscle building technique is to work on gaining weight through eating a lot of prescribed foods. You might think it is heaven to do so, only that you have to double the dose of protein-rich foods in your diet. Those who don't eat breakfast to trim fats have no room in any muscle building initiative. So don't skip breakfast. Eat some fiber rich carbohydrates. You have one major thing to think about to build bigger muscle, and that is persistence. Sometimes when lifting weights is like asking for death, think about being clad in your sexy swimwear out in the sand of some fabulous beach with the full attention of every guy and gal on the beach. - 17269

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The Health Boosting Properties of Citrus Juices

By Jade Howarth

Many people are aware of the positive aspects of juicing but don't know the significant positive aspects that citrus juice has to offer. Most people are aware of Vitamin C and some of its positive aspects. Human beings are one of the few species that does not make its own supply of Vitamin C.

A lot of the illnesses we suffer from today, such as cancer and viruses, are often thought to be caused by the lack of Vitamin C in our diet. This is in large due to the fact that this chemical destroys a lot of the free radicals that enter and attack our body by harmful the cells. We ate much more fruit in the past than we do today. We have hands that are made to pick and grasp fruit and so this was an easy food source for us to obtain.

Many experts in the filed of nutrition believe that we stopped making Vitamin C as it was so readily available in the diet. It is believed our bodies compensated by producing less of this important vitamin until today where we produce none. This causes us a problem as the modern diet contains very little fruit and, as such, our Vitamin C intake is insufficient.

We can reverse this trend by fruit juicing which allows us to take in our essential nutrients. It is a natural way of increasing our intake of essential nutrients. It can also save you money as there is no need to spend money regularly on expensive vitamins and nutrients.

Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling has been 1 of the greatest supporters of Vitamin C and the health benefits it has to give. He was a firm believer that many of the illnesses we suffer from today were due to a lack of this chemical. He did, however, recommend very large amounts which has been generally thought nowadays not to be required.

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, can be found in large amounts in oranges and lemons. Oranges contain about 50mg of ascorbic acid per 100g of fruit and about 70mg per fruit slice. Compare this to the suggested daily allowance of 60mg. This, however is the amount recommended to prevent scurvy, that classically causes bleeding gums.

Buying a citrus juicer or juicer such as the Jack Lalanne Juicer is a good way to start juicing and investing in your health. This article demonstrates that many of the essential nutrients we require can be obtained in a healthy and natural way. - 17269

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See Antioxidants With An Overview Of Super Foods

By Jay Nichols

Food provides us with organically occurring antioxidants. Antioxidants are nutrients that guard the body and the immune system from harmful molecules called free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that take place as a result of oxidative processes such as the burning of sugars for energy, the release of digestive enzymes to break down food and the processing of environmental pollutants.

The term "free radical" actually refers to an atom or molecule that has at least one unpaired electron. This unpaired electron is particularly reactive to other atoms or groups of atoms and therefore disproportionate free radicals can impede with the cells capacity to function naturally. At high levels, free radicals can also cause cell damage which is a issue in many health woes, including age-related conditions such as Alzheimer's and the development of cardiovascular diseases, cancer and other conditions.

Antioxidants work by matching up with the unpaired electron thereby neutralizing the free radical. Antioxidants can also avert the oxidation in the first place. In this progression of neutralization the antioxidant will become oxidized itself so therefore antioxidants need to be continuously replaced. Preventing destruction from oxidation is critical, however, preventing oxidation completely is not achievable because oxidation is a normal process of living and it cannot be avoided.

Some widespread foods that supply antioxidants are citrus fruits and strawberries, which supply vitamin C, orange fruits like pumpkin and butternut squash give us vitamin A and Carotenoids. We get Vitamin E from nuts, seeds and whole grains. Selenium is found is fish, shellfish, red meat, eggs and chicken. There are also diverse phytochemicals including Flavonoids and polyphenols, which are also classified as antioxidants and can be found in soy, red wine, grapes, cranberries and tea. Tomatoes and watermelon provide Lycopene and Lutein comes from dark green vegetables like spinach, kale and broccoli. Lignan is found in whole grains like oats, barley and it is also plentiful in flaxseeds.

There are also vitamin like antioxidants including Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and Glutathione and antioxidant enzymes made by the body including superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase and glutathione peroxidase.

Antioxidants are vital to our bodies and our health. In the past few years many antioxidants have become accessible in the form of supplements. While some antioxidant supplements have proven to be quite safe, for example vitamin C tablets, other antioxidants have proven to be injurious. No single antioxidant can guard the body and it is the synergy of nutrients that provides the value rather than the individual antioxidant.

So the top way to get your antioxidants is by consuming a diet of wholesome, nutritious food with an emphasis on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and fish. It is suggested that we consume at least 5 or more servings a day of fruits and vegetables and more may even be better. After all most fruits and vegetables are lower calorie and nutrient dense and there is no risk from consuming your antioxidants via food as opposed to supplements.

You can often reveal the antioxidant level of a fruit based upon its color. The deep colors of nature supply the highest levels of antioxidants. So have deep purple blueberries, bright red tomatoes, deep green kale and spinach, orange oranges and pumpkins. The more colors you consume the higher your antioxidant intake will be. - 17269

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Discover The Five Top Fat Loss Rules For The Resistant Dieter

By Irene P Price

Some people believe that "all diets work" and that our difficulty is not that we can't lose weight it is rather that we can't keep it off after we lose it. We go on the diet and lose the weight then we go off the diet and the weight comes back. Except for the resistant dieter who never loses a pound in the first place.

I have long tried various diets and many different ways to lose weight. I would religiously follow the diet program and the scale would not move. Not a pound dropped off. Some women's bodies are completely resistant to weight loss.

Biology has made it more challenging for women to lose weight. It is always easier for a man to lose weight because nature has designed women to hold on to fat. That is because in the case of a famine, a woman not only has to be able to keep herself alive but she must also be able to keep any offspring alive. Biology has just made it more difficult for women. It's a fact of life.

But as you go you learn what works for weight loss and what doesn't. Here are the top five weight loss rules for bodies that are resistant to losing.

First rule is to Eat. That's right; do not starve yourself if you want to have lasting weight loss. Eating regularly will keep you from getting over hungry which in turn will keep you from eating everything you see later on. It also keeps your metabolism going and your body will keep on burning calories. If your body believes it is starving it will shut down your metabolism and save the fat so eat, at least 3 meals and as many as 6 small meals a day.

The second is to consume only quality food. That means nutritionally dense food that will benefit your body. Eating food that is deficient in nutritional value is a sure way to pack on the pounds. Also many cravings are actually caused by a nutritional lack so steer clear of any food that does not provide decent nutrition.

The third rule is to have protein at every meal. There is a reason why high protein diets tend to be successful. It's not because they are highly nutritious but rather because protein does not cause sugar spikes and it is digested slower than carbohydrates, especially simple carbohydrates. Therefore, when you add protein you don't get anywhere near as hungry and you don't eat nearly as much.

The fourth rule is to pick your carbohydrates wisely. Simple carbohydrates like sweets, candy and actually anything made out of white flour will just spike your blood sugar, make you hungry and add to your fat deposits. Choose complex carbohydrates like whole grains and vegetables. These will add fiber, which will also keep you fuller and will keep your digestive system functioning at its highest levels.

And the fifth rule is to begin moving. Start an exercise program. You can begin small by taking short walks and ease up to more challenging workouts. But exercise is critical for successful and healthy weight loss. Exercise is beneficial for your heart and your soul. So begin an exercise program.

Long- term weight loss has to be a lifestyle change. Few people who have had weight problems in the past are able to just lose it once and be done with it forever. It is an everyday, lifetime commitment. But if you adhere to these rules most of the time you will be on your way to permanent and healthy weight loss. - 17269

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Guidelines For Extreme Dieting

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

As much as I am against crash diets, I understand that some people are going to do them regardless of the consequences. So I have decided to provide some tips on how to crash diet while minimizing the negatives.

What is the worst part? The massive regain of weight once the person stops. This happens because of certain enzymes and because of a damaged metabolism.

So here is how to minimize the damage of drastic dieting:

1. Understand how to transition away from the diet. The biggest mistake extreme dieters make is to simply resume eating the way they used to once they hit their target weight. Huge mistake. You have to slowly phase out of the diet or else you will rebound with a vengeance.

2. Take a multivitamin. Any extreme diet is going to leave you lacking in certain vitamins and minerals. So you absolutely have to supplement with a high quality vitamin supplement.

3. Identify your circadian rhythm alerting. Your biological clock will grant you with two times of day when you are most alert. Figure out when they happen and do your most mentally demanding tasks when they activate.

4. Use distraction when the hunger strikes. Go to the mall, do some gardening, watch a movie, etc. Anything that gets your mind off of the hunger. Some top wrestlers usually play video games to get their minds off of the extreme pre-competition dieting.

5. Accept that there will be a rebound. No matter how well you transition off of your diet, there will be a certain degree of weight gain rebound. Expect this and do not get frustrated when it happens.

6. Short term use only. Sticking to a drastic diet long term is a metabolic death wish. You can seriously alter your metabolism in a very negative way. So make sure you use a drastic diet sparingly for short bursts ONLY.

Crash dieting is very tough. And in most cases it is not worth it. Nevertheless, if you decide to go on an extreme diet please follow the tips in this article so that you can minimize the damage. - 17269

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