Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, December 14, 2009

Three New Acai Berry Recipes

By J Anne Moore

Rachel Ray acai berry recipes are hard to find. After searching off and on for a number of days I gave up searching but I hadn't given up hope. I decided to experiment in my own kitchen. Often some of my favorite recipes are those I've stumbled across when I've had to switch one ingredient for another in a pinch.

The first recipe I wanted to try is "Acai Berry Marinated Bar-B-Q Chicken". As a starting point, I used one of my most popular marinade recipes, which includes a lot of citrus and white pepper. I thought that I could replace the citrus with the acai berry, and add a few other ingredients to balance the different taste the acai would have.

I cut the chicken breast into strips and pour acai juice and some extra virgin cold pressed olive oil over the pieces. In an effort to cut the sweetness, I added some sea salt and crushed capers. The result was interesting and got fairly good reviews. I didn't like it as much as my stand by marinades so I won't be likely to repeat this recipe. Also I ended up tossing much of the acai goodness down the drain which entirely defeats the health benefits of acai berry juice. Additionally, acai is more expensive than lime juice or orange juice so it was a slightly expensive experiment.

So my second recipe that I came up with actually turned out a lot better. It maintains all the health benefits of acai as well, so that is good. Start with a container of plain yogurt. You can use low fat if you want to reduce the calorie and fat levels of this dish. Add one cup of some sort of acai drink - either juice or a pre-mixed smoothie, and mix well. Then take this and put it in a strainer with 2 layers of cheese cloth and set it over a dish to drain. Let this sit in the fridge for 24 hours to allow all the liquid to drain off.

I pealed the acai/yogurt mixture off the cheese cloth and into some Tupperware. I then froze the mixture for 8 hours. It was delicious! It was tangy from the yogurt and had the rich berry taste of acai. The amount of freezing depends on how you like to have your frozen yogurt. I prefer it softer rather than harder and therefore 8 hours worked well for me.

Finally I tried my own version of the classic fruit recipe - the smoothie. For my version I added the following to a blender: 3 ice cubes, 1 frozen banana, 1/2 cup low fat yogurt, and 1/2 cup acai berry juice. Blend this on high until the ice has been blended and the whole thing is smooth. Freezing the banana beforehand ( I cut it in chunks before I freeze it) makes this drink extra thick and creamy. If you want to add some additional healthy ingredients, add some wheat germ or flax meal. Both add some fiber and a nice nutty flavor.

With a little imagination acai can be incorporated into many different recipes. Without much thought I was able to create a main course, desert and a smoothie. Although Rachel Ray acai berry recipes do not seem to currently exist I will continue looking and in the meantime I will be creating and writing about my own recipes. - 17269

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My HCG Low Calorie Diet

By Amelia Handley

Well...today was my third day on the HCG diet. So it was my first day on the very low calorie diet that accompanies the homeopathic HCG weight loss formula. It was pretty tough to stick to the calorie limitation. But I expected that after all the homeopathic HCG reviews I read before deciding to do it. I also read homeopathic HCG reviews that indicated it was really hard to take in enough water as required by the diet, but now I know what they were talking about. I'm definitely going to have to work on drinking more water.

I was up one pound when I weighed this morning. So I'm at 171. That's not that big of a deal since my weight goes back and forth a lot. And it's doubly not surprising because I've been loading for two days (as required by the HCG diet). I immediately got rid of all the Thanksgiving day leftovers (I fed them to the kids).

Then I had some water. I tried some green tea sweetened with Vanilla Creme Stevia. It was alright, but I'm not attached. And it would definitely be nice if I was attached since it's basically the only freebie on the HCG diet besides water. But I figured I couldn't go wrong by drinking water since according to a lot of the homeopathic HCG reviews that's one of the easiest mistakes to make; not drinking enough water.

So by the time lunch rolled around I was starving. From now on I definitely need to make lunch before I'm starving. By the time it was done I absolutely scarfed it down. My kids are home from school for the holiday so it was an added difficulty to make their food (they wanted grilled cheese sandwiches).

But I stuck with my own lunch. I made myself I romaine lettuce and tomato salad. I sprayed a pan with non-stick cooking spray and threw some chicken seasoned with Creole seasoning (no sugar) in to cook. It turned out really good. I was starving, but I think it really was pretty amazing considering how simple it was to make. I'm really liking that Creole seasoning. With the chicken and salad I had strawberries.

Lisa (my HCG dieting buddy/competitor) came over for dinner. We had Shake and Bake Tilapia. We got the recipe from the HCG Diet Direct Cookbook and it was really good. Even the dinner guests who aren't on HCG were loving the fish. Amidst the yummy HCG approved foods I was able to successfully maneuver so that I got the HCG drops in as required and I took my B-Total Sublingual in the morning. I'm giving myself an A for Day 3. - 17269

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Miracle Study: Resveratrol Grape Seed Extract

By Thomas Sinclair

Most people know Resveratrol as the compound found in wine that helps to prevent heart attacks. But, there is more to this compound than that. The compound is found in many plants. And, science is finding that Resveratrol benefits reach far beyond just helping to prevent heart attacks.

While Resveratrol is found in grape skins and seeds, it is also found in many other plants. It's a phytoalexin (plant antibiotic) that is also usually found in peanuts and peanut butter. The Resveratrol acts as an antibiotic when plants are attacked by pathogens like bacteria and fungi. So, it makes perfect sense that it would do the same thing in humans to some extent.

Extensive studies are being done on the effects of Resvertrol in humans. Studies that have been done on mice have shown that the benefits of using the compound are very significant. Current research is being done to see how beneficial Resveratrol will be on colon cancer and melanoma in humans because the studies in the lab have proven so dramatic in mice and rats.

If used in a cream form, Resveratrol benefits are found on many types of skin cancer. The affects resulting when the cream is used on any kind of virus or bacterial skin condition are very significant.

The element has been found to diminish plaque formations in the brain and aids people such as Alzheimer's. As a health supplement it minimizes blood sugar, aids the skin, assists with weight loss, and boosts the metabolism. Resveratrol also works as an anti-inflammatory and assist in anti-coagulation.

The doses required to get the best results are being studies because different conditions respond better to different doses of Resveratrol. However, they have shown that the amount of the compound that one gets from drinking a glass of red wine each evening is not enough to have a significant effect.

As research and study continues there will be more Resveratrol benefits found for humans. Over the next few years the research and studies will have solid data that will show the benefits that can be attained by including Resveratrol as a supplement in one's diet. - 17269

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How To Lose Weight And Fat Quickly

By Melissa Newton

A lot of people are now searching for the right answer to the question on "how to lose weight and fat quickly". This is mostly asked by people who have significantly gain weight as a result of unhealthy diet and lifestyle. With ease of access to various unhealthy foods like the ones offered in fast-food outlets such as the crunchy French fries and delicious hamburgers, canned products, and processed goods which contain elevated levels of salt and other harmful chemicals; many people nowadays are indulging in diet not beneficial for their health. Along with sedentary lifestyle, they are at high risk of gaining more pounds toward obesity.

Let's take a look at the bright side, many more people are realizing the high health risks with these diet and lifestyle choices, leaving them wondering how they will lose weight and fat quickly to lower their risk of obesity.

The rise of heart attacks in obese people has made losing weight more fashionable for people who wish to lower their body mass index and their risk of obesity related health problems. It is also becoming more trendy to be thinner which leads people trying to lose weight to be sexier and more lean.

There are several products on the market that will help you lose weight and fat quickly, it is becoming harder to find what will work for you due to the high demand and high product volume. All products claim that they are the best, and most have received a lot of negative attention. Some guarantee results in days without changing your lifestyle habits while others promise to burn fat in less than a week without any exercise program.

Keep in mind that the proven and effective weight loss programs will require you to exercise and change your eating habits. Several government agencies request people not to consume products that promise weight loss without the use of an exercise regimen because exercise is necessary to lose weight. When you find a program that you think will help you lose weight and fat quickly remember that it should be done with healthy eating and regular exercise. - 17269

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What's In The Truth About Abs Program?

By Jane A Moore

I don't often write reviews, but I've made an exception in this case. I believe there is more than just hype to the well known abs program 'The Truth About Abs'. Most 'lose fat' information on the web tends to be just a lot of sales copy in front of a gimmicky product or crash diet. The reason I want you to read this whole article is so you can see that there is actually some solid information in this plan, and if followed will change your success with your get fit and stay fit endeavors.

While the book by Mike Geary, "The Truth About Abs", is branded as a manual to creating 6 pack abs, it's really much more of a lifestyle manual. The Truth About Abs is an easy to follow guide to changing how you eat and how you exercise in order to achieve the results you have always dreamed of. Mike's 161 page book is broken down into 3 broad sections which are as follows:

1. An introduction and important general information about leanness, metabolism, body fat %, effective abdominal training, and lean body mass.

2. Effective workout plans, information about more efficient ways to exercise, what multi-joint vs single joint exercises mean, as well as a collection of total body work outs. An explanation of why your current cardio program IS NOT helping you lose weight the way you expected; and

3. Diet and Nutrition, including information on blood sugar and insulin, the Glycemic Index, and the thermic (calorie burning) effects of food.

The Truth About Abs training program has two parts : Interval training and Resistance and Weight training. The fitness schedules are easy to follow and are time effective. The program explains how sessions longer than 45-60 are not a good use of your time. The program calls for 3-4 sessions per week, each about 45-6- minutes.

If you really want to get your body toned and in shape, then you should easily be able to find time for this schedule. The bonus is you don't need a gym or a lot of equipment. However, Mike suggests having a set of dumb bells and an exercise ball to most effectively perform the workouts. This shouldn't be a huge investment, $30-40 at the most - way cheaper than a gym, and it means you have created your own gym right at home.

This program advises eating 5-6 smaller meals per day. Mike suggests eating every 3 hours during waking hours. He also suggests that you plan your meals for an entire week, and once per week go shopping only for the items you need for those meals.

There is also a section which explains how to determine your total calorie requirements - along with the more frequent smaller meals, this will help you figure out the total amount of food you should be consuming. This was a great help for me, to know that this is not a fad diet where you are will be hungry over half of the time.

Mike provides meal plans that are easy to shop for, easy to make and very satisfying. These meal plans provide you with more than enough food and you are unlikely to experience any hunger pains. However, you need to be disciplined with yourself and follow the recommended diet plans. One of the first things the book says is: "The nutrition section of this book is vitally important to your success. Let me state this loud and clear... if all you focus on is your training, and your diet is full of junk, you WILL NOT see results! You need to apply BOTH the training strategies as well as the nutrition strategies if you want to make this work."

If you're like me, you've procrastinated on starting a real plan for losing weight for a long time. Mike's program was just the incentive I needed to get started, and he provides so much information and detailed workout and meal plans, it was a lot easier to stick with my goals. - 17269

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Fastest Way To Lose Weight: Is Extremely Easy

By Thaya Kareeson

Losing weight is tiring, but for some it is a must. There are many strategies to have a slimmer body. The fastest way to lose weight is by paying attention to things that are commonly ignored. Not being not energetic will make the fat increase and add heart attacks and other ailments to the issue. If you are planning to lose weight then follow these simple steps that I have outlined.

Drinking enough water daily will help flush the toxins out of your body. The standard number of glasses that you should drink per day is about 8 glasses. Some fitness trainers suggest drinking lukewarm water with honey and a lemon juice added to it. Another suggestion is after waking up in the morning, drink a glass of water and continue doing this for a month to see the results.

Cravings can be hard to resist. However, if you plan to lose weight, then you need to control your appetite. Fruits, according to experts have a higher capacity to burn fats than doing a strenuous exercise. Fruits help in the metabolism of certain intakes, which may result to a faster weight loss. Because they are high in fiber, fruits are often taken before a regular meal. Some expert trainers may require you to eat fruits rather than eating a regular meal.

Drinking tea may help you gain more energy for a faster metabolism or digestion of food. Of course there is no better way than getting a good nights sleep and eating healthy foods. Drinking water as I have said will aid you more energy boost. There are other drinks in the market that may help boost energy also helps metabolism, you could check some of them online.

Metabolic rates vary from person to person. There is the person that has a natural high metabolic rate making them slim and sometimes malnourished, or too skinny. Obese individuals suffer from having a low metabolic rate. In order to counter this problem, exercise may be the fastest way for them to lose weight.

Before doing anything make sure you have already done some stretching and warmed up a little to avoid some muscular problems. Cardio fitness programs need you to sweat more; it also needs at least 35 minutes to do the workout. Most trainers may advise you to do simple exercises for 1 hour a day.

Alternate the food you usually eat especially the ones high in carbohydrates. These are foods that may lower the metabolism of your body. Also avoid starchy foods when you can. Try eating fruits instead and other low carbohydrate meals for rapid weight loss.

Diet pill? Don't waste your time. It is not effective after all. There are other supplements available today that are more potent and will give you the things you are aiming for. Whey's protein is one of the highly recommended food supplements for people who are aiming to lose weight faster. It doesn't have any side effects unlike pills, so it is guaranteed healthy and approved my medical experts. This can help strengthen your muscles and most of all increase your metabolism.

Use these tips together for a healthier lifestyle. There is no substitution in eating nutritious foods that are high in fiber to help fight cravings. Sleep and rest are also important. The fastest way to lose weight starts from the bottom of your heart. - 17269

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