Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, October 23, 2009

Supplement Your Workout With These Muscle Building Techinques

By Larry Floyd

Weight lifting, for it to be efficient should require some helpful muscle building techniques. These techniques are intended for advanced body building who have achieved specific plateaus in their workouts. The following techniques are drop sets, super sets and negatives.

The drop set technique involves forcing your body to continue lifting non stop, every time dropping the amount of weight you lift. As an example, you may do some military press at 100 pounds for 10 reps and then proceed to lift at 90 for 10 reps and so on.

There are some extremists that actually go to the degree of reducing 10 pounds at a time until they are left with just the bar. These should not be practiced by all though and are only suggested for advanced weight lifters with a training partner. A very successful muscle building technique.

The next useful technique are supesets. They are essentially two or more workouts performed back to back, targeting opposite muscle groups with no rest between the exercises. Supersets are efficient because they shock your muscles due to the immense amount of effort needed to perform them. This results in a very efficient workout for your muscles.

A great example would be performing some bench press followed by some bent over row or single arm curls followed by tricep extensions. You can construct your own superset as long as the muscles you are working on are complement of each other.

The last technique called negatives are the most effective of the three. A negative is what most people don't think about when they are weight lifting. When you lift weights and you push the weights away from you, your muscles contract and perform a positive. As you lower the weights or let go the tension you are performing a negative. You in fact work the tendons more in a negative movement than you do a positive. This is the reason why I consider negatives as the best muscle building technique. This on the other hand makes it the most challenging technique to perform.

To sum it all up, weight lifting is not all about who can carry the most, there are also techniques involed like all other sport. The three I've mentioned above are what I believe to be the best muscle building techniques for more experienced weight lifters. I wouldn't suggest this for starters as they could be shocked by the amount of effort they require. Nonetheless, you can choose to try the techniques for a day with the help of a trainer and see how your body reacts to the exercise. - 17269

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Maintaining A Proper Diet Is The Key Point To Building Muscle And Maintain Proper Weight

By Tony Gates

Proper diet should be the first thing to consider if you desire lean tone muscles. Many diet plans sold on the market will offer many different method to help keep muscles toned. To be able to build muscle growth, eat more high protein and low calorie foods. Before you start on any diet plan, be sure to plan your meals first. The amount of protein, carbohydrates, and calories should be considered.

Consuming less of fat and more protein is essential to maintaining a balanced diet. Consumption of high protein food and low in fat are always best, as it will get the metabolism running consistently. Boneless chicken meets the requirement as well since it's packed with high protein and the nutrients the body needs. Other good food to consider are baked potato, green beans, and corn. Each meal should at least have meat and two vegetables.

Condiments are not your friend. Try staying away from adding anything extra to foods. Adding items like butter, ketchup or sauces is not a good. They are OK in moderation but even better if eliminated. Mustard and salsa are good condiments to add. Try having a baked potato with salsa instead of butter, sour cream, and cheese. The salsa offers a low calorie tasty topping.

Other low calorie and low in fat food are fruits. Some food that gives good protein to the body are wheat thins with low fat cream cheese, fruits, or even a vegetable. Another thing to try could be adding fruits to cottage cheese which is a good healthy snack that provides considerable protein. These food tips will help build the muscles naturally.

A thought out plan that includes a very well balance diet should include the right amount of protein that your body will consume. Thing is, it will give the body much more energy to build muscles quicker. Don't waste time, eat low calorie foods and high protein foods to have a positive effect in the workout. - 17269

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A History of Coffee Adoration in Recent Times

By Damian Papworth

Who could have ever guessed that one of the next big things in gourmet movements could be coffee for such a long time? It used to be that coffee was just part of a meal, but now knowing about it is an important part of most foodie repertoires. But more important than if you know some Jamaican Blue from some Java beans, coffee is a beverage for socializing, and a love for coffee helps make it easier to meet people worldwide.

Even in other countries, where the coffee might taste a lot better, it's not that everyone knows the whole history of their perfect shot of espresso. It's just that it's there and it's tasty and everyone is used to it. Ask around and be surprised at how many people who really enjoy fancy coffee actually don't know that much about how it's cultivated or made.

A bit of history on coffee: it's not something that every country can make, which is why a lot of countries were a little late to the game, or had some seriously sub-par beans for quite some time. And a love for coffee doesn't mean that you even have tried that many varieties. From Columbia to Jamaica, Kenya to Java, a number of locations all develop their own special types of beans, which can only grow in those climates.

Anyone with a real love for coffee also knows that you don't have to start with espresso but rather, can enjoy some regular coffee with plenty of room for milk and sugar. If you simply must start right out with espresso, be aware: the good kind is much thicker than regular coffee, comes in a small cup, and should have a foamy upper layer that can hold a packet or spoonful of sugar, easy.

In fact, ordering coffee is one of the biggest parts of learning to drink it, and if you're going to be using coffee to socialize in new and exciting places, you should probably know what you're getting yourself into. Except early in the morning on the way to work, when you stand at the bar and do a shot of espresso, drinking coffee in Italy is going to set you back at least an afternoon. The same is true in France. Those are a couple of the only countries where you can order a shot of espresso and make it last for a couple of hours, so order accordingly.

But part of a love for coffee is appreciating all of the fun and fancy versions of drinks that have been developed, and trying them all out. Depending on where you are in the world, or the style of coffee you're sampling, a number of different things are used for flavor. Whether it's enjoying the taste of chocolate in a mocha or drizzling some sweet caramel-like sauce down in Argentina right into the coffee, it doesn't have to be a bitter-tasting drink experience.

Want to make sure you don't make any mistakes when you're out drinking coffee in public? Just order a simple beverage, and pay attention to what everyone else is getting. If they get elaborate foamy drinks that take a while to drink, and you're stuck holding a shot of espresso that's not designed to be sipped, then you're going to throw the balance off. Order a big drink when other people are ordering big drinks, and a small drink when people are ordering small drinks, and if in doubt, just add as much sugar as you want.

And if it all seems like too much, just remember: a love for coffee is made, not born. You've got time to figure out which version is best for you. - 17269

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Taking Care Of Your Constipation And Loving Yourself Once More

By Sarah Stellings

Got constipation? Well nearly everyone of us do on occasion for some and continually for others. In this piece of writing we shall study how you might get all the constipation support you could perhaps need.

While this doesn't have on its own, you can try other methods to get the help that you may need for constipation. A lot of people who get constipated will let you know just how uncomfortable it is. There are many reasons why people are constipated.

1: Consumption of fast foods and foods that lack masses of fiber.

This is the cause of the majority of constipation cases. Since this is a time of instancy, fast foods have become commonplace. A lot of people have no idea how to eat well.

As long as you can grab some sandwich, burger or fried chicken and the stomach feels full, all is well. Due to this, foods are not digested readily. All of the fiber required to promote bowel movements are nearly non-existent.

2: Not drinking enough liquids.

Recently people have not been drinking a lot of fluids, at least not the amount their bodies need. So when the feces reaches the rectum it soaks up what little moisture is left. It's difficult to pass stool with no obstructions because moisture is a necessary element of creating easy passage. That's why, when you're trying to eliminate the waste, a great effort is involved.

3: Leading a sedentary life.

People who neglect taking care of their health tend to develop constipation and are not involved in any sort of exercise. Constipation can be helped by exercising. Bowel movements and quick constipation relief is improved by how you move around.

4: Women with hormonal imbalances.

Pregnancy can cause constipation both because of the change in hormone levels and because of the pressure from the uterus on the intestines. Because you have read about some of the reasons, it would be best if we continue on so you can have the help you need with constipation.

Lots of fiber can be taken.

Bulk forming laxatives or dietary fiber is obtained by eating fruit and veg. Increasing the quantity of fruits and vegetables in your meals and cut down dairy and meat products, it is the easiest way to incorporate this into your lifestyle.

In some situations nevertheless, some people might think it is difficult to deal with the amount of fruits that are required. Fiber supplements like wheat bran, oat bran, psyllium seeds can be used to improve the daily diet that you have.

To make this routine easier, when you have the itch to grab a snack, pick a fruit instead and you're on your way to relief. The only downside to this method is if the patient has strictures and adhesions. In this circumstance, it is advisable to consult a physician before getting on in the treatment.

Diabetics need to stay away from fiber sources that contain sugar. It's best that the patient receives sugar-free fibers when this happens. It's not a good idea to suddenly ingest fibers in large amounts. It's advised to begin with a small amount.

From then on, it can slowly be incremented as long as the patient finds the need. You're best spacing about a week for every level of upping the fiber intake. Several sources of fiber are fruits, vegetables, Citrucel, Konsyl Fiber and Maltsupex. - 17269

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Losing Body Fat Takes Minor Changes To Your Daily Routine

By Josh Wintrop

Obesity rates are on the raise and so are the numbers of available "solutions" for losing weight. There is a secret to losing weight, burning fat and reducing fat intake. Successfully losing weight takes a lifestyle commitment involving natural methods, which you can add to your daily routines.

Here are some things you should know about burning fat naturally to help control your weight. You can use exercise - by increased exercise during the day or even just by changing your daily routine. You can change the way you eat and add more healthy foods to your diet. Most importantly, healthy weight control comes from small changes to the way you live.

Exercise can be difficult to add into busy schedules; however, if you can you should add in some exercise every day. For example, you can walk, visit the gym, do yoga, or even use exercise videos. Consider making small changes to your schedule to increase short time exercise activities.

Things you can do to add short time activities include using parking spaces further from your destination, making the walk slightly longer. You can even use 15 minutes during your morning coffee to stretch out your muscles and get them ready for the day. Another option is to walk during breaks at work, such as lunch breaks. This will get you away from your desk and into the fresh air.

Small changes to your eating habits can go a long way to weight loss success. For example, you can drink flavored waters instead of carbonated drinks. Look for beverages that are high in vitamins and minerals but low in sugar and fat. You can even save money if you pack your lunch instead of ordering out.

You can also add healthy foods in small quantities to your diet that will help you burn fat and make your body healthy. Some things include eating breakfast, oatmeal and Cheerios can be very healthy low sugar breakfast foods. Eat a tuna sandwich instead of a cheeseburger for lunch. Less calories and more fat burning will help you reach your weight goals.

Your lifestyle commitment to weight loss will be easy to accomplish with a few minutes a day. If you make your meals smaller and more often you can even stay full all day. Do this with five meals a day that are smaller.

Weight loss requires burning fat, and small changes to your daily routine will assist you in meeting these goals. Change a few things you eat a day, a few things you do, during the day, and you can drop weight successfully. Lifestyle commitments to your health will remain with you all of your life. - 17269

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Reducing Stress and Extreme Tiredness through Safe Zones

By Cecil Kelly

Everyday we learn more about the serious toll stress can take on the human body. Stress can cause dangerous health conditions. It is also a major cause of severe fatigue.

Stress can come from any number of things in your life. Deadlines, office politics, and pressure from the boss cause you stress at work. Bills, household duties, and family issues increase your stress at home. Stress can even be caused by happy events like planning a vacation or a family gathering. With stress surrounding you everyday, it is easy to let it take control of your life. It will drain your energy and leave you with constant tiredness.

If stress is causing your excessive tiredness, a great anti-stress technique is to create a safe zone. A safe zone is not as complicated as you may think. When done correctly, you will find that a safe zone is a tremendous way to decrease your stress and fatigue.

Safe zones are 70% mental and 30% physical. A safe zone can be created anywhere and works best where you are most stressed. Safe zones can be in your car, office, kitchen, or wherever you need it. It is best to create a safe zone where you are stressed, such as in your office, versus changing locations, such as stepping out into a hallway. Changing locations sends a "retreat" signal to your bran that will actually increase the release of stress chemicals. Instead, try to take a mental stand against your stress.

Next, you need to control your breathing. Breathing shallowly signals "danger" to your brain and will increase your stress. Breathing deeply signals "safety" and reduces your stress. Put your feet firmly on the floor and breathe through your nose slowly. Breathe more deeply and slowly with each breath. Begin to focus on lowering your heart rate and releasing your muscle tension with each breath.

Once you are controlling your breathing, begin clearing your mind of panicky, scary, tense, or negative thoughts. Instead, think positive, attainable thoughts. Think simple thoughts like "I can handle this situation," "This will be okay," "Things will get better soon," and "This will be over soon." You will begin to feel yourself take control over the situation. You will feel calmer, safer, more rational, and able to resolve your problem without additional stress.

A safe zone helps you mentally retreat and regroup. This can be a miraculous way to escape stress and improve how your brain responds in these situations. It will also greatly reduce stress-related toxins in your system.

As your body is exposed to less stress-related toxins, you will begin to feel increasingly better. You will also be able to control your stress in order to better achieve your goals and confront your problems. In fact, the safe zone technique will not only help stop your fatigue, it will improve your quality of life. - 17269

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Body Building Tips, Easy Ways To Help You Build Muscle Faster

By Ricardo d Argence

Utilizing the right bodybuilding lessons is one of the major contributors so you can build muscle fast. Add in a drug free training and you have yourself the right approach. Getting lessons from a trainer on steroids isn't really going to do you any good.

There are various ways to build muscle faster, but today we want to cover only one. It all starts with working out as hard as you can.

There are some things that you will need to consider when it comes to working out that will help you in your quest to build muscle fast. Having a workout partner to help encourage you while you are a doing a set is a great thing to have, so that you try and push yourself at all times.

One of the biggest reasons individuals have a hard time building muscle is they aren't focused enough. Take a few moments and look around. Do you see everyone else's training intensity? Most of them are worried more about what looks good and who's looking buff.

One of the biggest keys to getting results is pushing yourself to the limits. If you can't do that regularly you will always have a problem getting the results you are looking for. Here are some things that you need to do while in the gym:

1) Begin every set as if it's your last set for the workout.

2) Treat every single training rep as if your life depended on it .

3) Always time your rest periods between sets, with a stopwatch.

4) Make sure you do not stand in front of the mirror while not working out, continually checking yourself out.

5) Make sure you hook up with an intense trainer to help push you.

Something that seems to work for a lot of people is making sure that you understand what helps create muscle. A quote that we like to use is "You get what you focus on".

Keeping your body guessing is something that is very important as well. If you train the same way everytime your body will become immune to the effects and you will find yourself not getting many results.

Here are 2 forms of things that you will need to do while training to make sure that you build muscle fast. Read Carefully.

1. Heavy weight. You need to put everything into lifting heavier free weights, and focus on getting as strong as possible.Its important to utilise one compound exercise per major muscle and go for at least five percent change in muscle gain every week.You then have the best possible options to build muscle, as it is ensuring neuromuscular growth.

Speed- If you can push your body to do as many sets as quick as possible you're in for a ride. Your body will be under hard work, which means the quick growth of muscle will take place. However, you need to arrive at the best balance of effort and time.

Once you have decided upon a workout regimen then you need to stick to it. The worst thing you can do is to take days off or not do certain exercises.

If you can complete your chosen program, including all the lessons to your guide, you will be able to build muscle fast. We have several website reviews of the best bodybuilding programs available. Plus an inside look at how to build muscle fast. - 17269

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Texas Chooses to Lose Weight with Homeopathic HCG Weight Loss Formula

By Amelia Handley

The state of the nation when it comes to obesity and overweight averages is far from healthy. The states with the three highest percentages of obesity are: Mississippi, West Virginia and Texas. Texas comes in 3rd at 24%.

Their high ranking in comparison to other states when it comes to obesity may be the reason that Texans are some of the most frequent customers when it comes to HCG for weight loss. Homeopathic HCG offers the best results in the industry with the exception of select surgical procedures. Average HCG dieters lose 1 to 2 pounds per day while on the program.

This particular weight loss formula is a serious, low calorie diet that has to be strictly followed for a limited period of time. Dieters can choose between two programs: one lasting 25 days and the other lasting 40 days. Both are followed by the maintenance period. The maintenance period is said to be one of the main benefits of the formula and the single most important factor in making sure the weight loss is long term.

Since Texas ranks so high among the states of the nation it really isn't a big surprise that Texans are becoming a large consumer group all their own when it comes to homeopathic HCG weight loss formula. The formula includes HCG: a natural element that is reintroduced into the body resulting in an adjustment of the way the body treats fat cells to a more healthy ability to absorb empty fat cells. It also stimulates the hypothalamus which interacts with the eating/drinking portions of the brain and creates an opportunity for dieters to eat less without feeling so deprived.

Many dieters try and try and try to lose weight and while some are successful they are the minority. And of the minority that actually succeeds in losing weight...they gain it back right afterwards because they've got all these empty fat cells hanging around looking for fat to pick up! This doesn't happen with the homeopathic HCG weight loss formula because the body re-learns the natural process of absorbing fat cells when they are empty.

Texans looking to lose weight are choosing HCG because it works. And Texans don't mess around. If they have something that needs doing; they get the job done. Hopefully the introduction of HCG into the realm of public weight loss methods will cause a turn around in the state of obesity not just in Texas, but across the nation. It's about time the dieting and weight loss industry offered a method that will really work. - 17269

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Do People Prefer Coke or Pepsi?

By Lauren Brooks

Depending on who you ask, you may find someone who says that Coke is the best soda on the market, or you may find someone who swears by Pepsi. It all comes down to a matter of personal opinion, though the public is pretty divided about this issue.

Let's take a look at four of the more popular types of soda and see who wins the debate in the most recent of taste tests and surveys. Are your favorites their favorites too?

I should let you know that none of these findings can be considered official, as the sample sizes are really too small to come up with anything definitive. Regardless, let's see what people think..

Many felt that Pepsi was too sweet, while people were generally more neutral about Coke. However, the Pepsi lovers felt more strongly about the drink than Coke lovers did about theirs.

Let's take a look at the diet drinks now. Each bills itself as a healthy alternative to the original formula, free of calories and sugars. In the end, people believe that the taste of diet Pepsi resembles actual Pepsi more than diet Coke resembles actual Coke.

Sprite vs. Sierra Mist. There's 7up on Pepsi's end too, but it looks like Sierra Mist has been pushed harder in recent years. While Sprite enjoys higher sales (probably due to more recognition and a longer track record), people have preferred Sierra Mist in blind taste tests.

The last set of drinks will look at is the cherry colas. There's Pepsi's wild cherry, and Coca Cola's Cherry Coke. In the end, Wild Cherry Pepsi was preferred in taste tests, though people were more likely to buy Cherry Coke.

Clearly, public opinion remains split on this issue, as it's one that could really go either way. - 17269

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Run Away from Fad Diets as Fast as You Can

By Thong M. Dao

Now you're wondering why fad diets are such a big trouble. If you have ever done any research, you might have seen numerous websites that guarantee weight loss overnight or in a matter of days.

These programs, however, do not tell you that the results are only temporary. Approximately, 90% of what you've lost is water. As soon as you rehydrate your body, the weight will be back. And you have no other choice because if you don't, you'll suffer severe health problems and at worst, death.

Some popular fad diets are not what we call crash diets. These diets have been around for a while and what they try to do is to part you and I from our hard-earned money and make their inventors rich.

Good nutrition plans are available. However, why spend money when you can obtain the same information from your doctor for free? On the downside, they can be too difficult to follow, which is why many give up in no time.

The bad of fad diets

1. Here's the fact about weight loss programs that promise you a quick fix. They require you to eat certain types of food. Following those programs means that you're not getting a balanced diet.

They may suggest supplements but many supplements are not absorbed by the body unless they are taken along with the foods that the diet has banned. After a few weeks, if you stick to it that long, you may begin to suffer nutritional deficiencies.

2. Fad diets are often boring and over restrictive. After the first day or two, you'll not enjoy your meals anymore. You'll then start to crave food constantly and break the diet. You may even feel guilty, thinking it is your fault that you did not lose weight.

3. Most fad diets do not follow recommendations of the American Heart Association and similar bodies. The promoters may argue that you'll just follow the diet for a short time. But if you do not reach your desired weight in that time, then what? You either continue with a plan that is not good for your health, or stop and probably gain back what you've lost.

4. Your body needs a wide variety of foods. However, fad diet programs do not always provide you with sufficient intake of fruits and vegetables.

5. Fad diets are nothing but a temporary solution which does not produce permanent results. Permanent results need a permanent solution.

Yo-yo fad diets only make your weight fluctuate. And in some cases, you may end up gaining more weight than you've lost. The up-and-down weight issue hurts not only your health but also your self-esteem.

Whatever the publicity materials may say, these diets will not help you in the long term. The best way to sustain weight loss is to eat a varied and healthy diet, do not overeat, exercise regularly and avoid fad diets. - 17269

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Fad Diets are the Biggest Mistake You'll Ever Make

By Thong M. Dao

Now you're wondering why fad diets are such a big trouble. If you have ever done any research, you might have seen numerous websites that guarantee weight loss overnight or in a matter of days.

Fad diets, yes, will help us lose weight. However, it's 90% water. The water you've lost needs to be replenished or you'll face serious health issues. One of them is irreversible, death.

We also have over hyped fad diets that are not crash diets which push you to the extremes. However, these do not help you lose fat. They only help you lose money.

At best, these are good nutrition plans which will help you lose weight, but which you could probably have gotten for free from your doctor. At worst, they prove too difficult to follow that you will give up after a week.

The bad of fad diets

1. If a diet program promises you quick and easy weight loss, it's often based on eating certain types of food. However, consuming only some kinds of food will prevent you from getting a balanced diet.

These programs usually recommend supplements. The problem here is most of the times, the supplements they offer can't be absorbed into the body unless you eat foods that are not allowed by the programs themselves. If you're faithful enough to stick to your diet for several weeks, you may notice some changes, feel tired and weak due to nutritional deficiency.

2. Boring and restrictive, fad diets always are. Start a fad and you'll see. Forget about happy eating, the fact is you will not enjoy your meals. If that's not bad enough, food cravings will kick in. You will break your diet, feeling guilty and frustrated as you did not lose any weight.

3. American Heart Association, we all know it. However, fad diets do not follow their recommendations. Promoters argue that the diet is for just a short period. So tell me what happens if you do not obtain your weight loss goal in that time? You'll stop dieting and gain your weight back or you'll continue and run the risk of major health issues.

4. Your body needs a wide variety of foods. However, fad diet programs do not always provide you with sufficient intake of fruits and vegetables.

5. Quick weight loss diets are just a temporary solution and do not help you to make permanent changes to your eating habits. Permanent changes are the only way to maintain your target weight once you reach it.

Fad diets encourage yo-yo diet-binge cycles of fast weight loss and equally fast weight gain. This is worse for your health and your self-esteem than if you stay overweight all the time.

Publicity materials probably bring you hopes for a couple of days, but over time you'll come to find out that what they're offering will not last a lifetime. The best way to lose weight is nothing fancy - eat healthy foods without overeating and exercise regularly. Stay away from fad diets if you don't want to waste your time and money. - 17269

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Building Muscle Safely, How To Do It

By Ricardo d Argence

Sure it is great that you want to workout and build muscle up but at the same time one bad injury, one forgetful moment can put you out of action for months and with possible health and financial consequences.

Many of the traumatic incidents you see in a gym can be avoided by taking the proper precautions. We recommend following the guidelines we've listed below so you can build muscle safely.

1) Barbell collars are more important than you think. Anytime before lifting make sure these are secure. You have to understand that one side can end up being heavier then the other, simply because the collar is loose. This ends up giving you a higher risk of having a weight disc slip off. Once the heavy side takes over, the barbell can swing through the air and cause serious damage.

2) Always use a spotter. Yes, it's understandable that we all take pride in our workouts, but we shouldn't risk injury. Even though you feel there won't be any problems, keeps a person watching over you "Just in case." It's possible you can have an off day and end up struggling. You definitely don't want to be weighted down by a heavy barbell, or be the butt of jokes around the gym.

3) If you're sick, take a day off from the gym. To be honest you won't have a good workout like you would if you were healthy. If you do go, you could end up losing 3 or 4 days because your sickness got worse. You have to remember that working out will actually lower your immune system, which will affect your illness. So steer clear of the gym, you'll be happier if you do.

4) Ensure correct technique is always used. If you do exercises with poor form like swinging barbells using bodily momentum then you risk serious injury but and will also not make much progress due to that fact that you won't be targeting the muscle group specifically enough. Use strict form all the time.

5) Oh, and don't overdue it. If you're new, your first reaction is the lift as often as possible. Even though this is good, most of the time this will be too much for the individual. The end result is you will weaken your muscles, especially if they haven't fully recovered.

6) Utilize the right diet. While working out is a big piece of the puzzle, there are other aspects that make everything happen. When you have the right eating habits, your body will absorb the nutrients. However, if you head to McDonald's then your body will absorb all kinds of bad elements. In order to support muscle growth you want to eat more and high quality nutritional meals.

7) Showing off is a big no-no. If you're lifting too much weight or competing with friends it's great for motivation, but it can also end in disaster. Just stick with trying to beat your own personal scores. Keep track of what you do each day and figure out what you need to do tomorrow in order to be better. It will be enough motivation and it will reduce the risk of injury.

8) Adequately warm up. If you fail to do your muscle are more likely to snap and give-way. This can keep you out of action for weeks or possibly even months. It is very easy to do, 5-10 minutes aerobic work, a few stretching exercises and then a few warm up sets will be enough.

With those above guidelines in mind and with correct muscle building nutrition there is no reason why you should not workout to build muscle happily and safely where ever you train. - 17269

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