Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Looking for HCG at a HCG Weight Loss Clinic?

By Amelia Handley

Looking for HCG injections? Or are you really just looking for the weight loss results. No one blames you if that's the case. 1 to 2 pounds of weight loss per day is absolutely amazing. And it's unbeatable in the industry. And considering the amount of products and supplements and diets and procedures flooding the weight loss industry that's really saying something.

So if you're looking for the results offered by what many refer to as HCG...where should you look? HCG Weight loss clinics? Many are looking at the HCG weight loss clinics. In fact...they're nearly as flooded as the weight loss industry is flooded with products. If you're going to look for weight loss at one of the HCG weight loss clinics make sure you head to a reputable clinic. Check pricing and make sure that they are competitive. If they are too high you're wasting your money. If they're too low...you might not be getting the full story.

Once you've determined which clinic is appropriate; make an appointment. I'd suggest that you be ready for a waiting period or even a waiting list. HCG weight loss clinics are busy right now. The drastically increased interest occurred basically overnight and they are having a hard time keeping up with the demand.

After you've endured the waiting period and it's time for your consultation be prepared to make future visits. HCG weight loss clinics require frequent visits...and by frequent you can assume that I mean daily in most cases. The HCG injections have to be administered on a daily basis in combination with the low calorie diet. So be aware that you'll be paying for subsequent office visits in addition to the HCG.

So if you make the appointment and the date has arrived make sure to take something to entertain yourself: a book or a handheld game. You'll most likely be waiting around. The waiting rooms at hcg weight loss clinics are notoriously packed with people because...again, you're not the only one interested in this particular solution. With the wildly increasing demand for HCG weight loss methods the clinics often over schedule resulting in substantial waits the day of the appointments.

Now...if as we discussed earlier you are only looking for the fantastic results you've heard about in relation to HCG weight loss clinics don't lose hope. You can have those results. And you can have them today without patiently waiting your turn for a consultation or enduring the over crowded waiting rooms. And without any daily visits to expensive offices. All you have to do is take advantage of the HCG Diet Direct homeopathic weight loss formula. It's first benefit is that it offers the same results as the HCG methods offered at HCG weight loss clinics: 1 to 2 pounds per day. It's second benefit is that it's available online for immediate purchase and delivery. So if that makes as much of a difference to you as it does to me...get your's today. And be prepared to buy a few new pairs of jeans or at least a belt or two. Most dieters lose up to 10 pounds in the first week. - 17269

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The Secret To Why You Don't Like Exercise - Exposed by Washington, DC Personal Trainer

By Will Branden

Have you ever tried to analyze why you try to avoid exercise when compared to that lean person sitting next to you? Washington DC personal trainer Josef Brandenburg is also a researcher who evaluates the mentality and reasons why people have an aversion to exercising. As a well known Washington, DC personal trainer, this is not his only worry. However, there are a few hypotheses which he and others have put forward that can actually change your outlook about your own fitness programs and the reasons for which you dislike them.

Is it because of Laziness?

One philosophy that runs through everyone's mind when they come across someone who rarely exercises but consumes more is that they are just plain lazy. Washington DC personal trainer Josef Brandenburg has confessed in his writings that at an earlier stage even he had similar perceptions.

But, later researches conducted by him have made it very clear that being lazy may not be the sole criteria for this problem. To be more specific, people who exercise rarely may lack durability when compared to the healthy people who exercise regularly and not because they are lazy.

What does Durability mean?

Let's look at what durability is without making it complex. Durability is an indication of how well you move. It can be measured with the help of the functional movement screen. Josef Brandenburg, Washington DC personal fitness trainer adopts this method for all his clients to measure the movement of their body. The scores indicate how well an individual may or may not move his body. As already mentioned, this is only used to determine durability and the scores range from 0 to 21.

With the help of durability measuring tool and a bit of research Josef Brandenburg, Washington DC personal trainer has come up with the fact that durability has an effect on a persons exercising mentality. Simply put, people who are more active physically and like to exercise regularly have high durability scores while the durability score is found to be lower for people who dislike exercising.

The same concept works for understanding body fat composition as well, according to your personal trainer from Washington DC. If you have higher scores on the Functional Movement Screen, you are likely to have low body fat composition when compared to those with lower scores.

What can be done?

According to Washington, DC personal trainer Brandenburg, the worst thing an individual can do to combat their body's durability is to push themselves through the pain they may be feeling when they exercise. Since the body is essentially protecting itself from harm, doing so will only make things worse. Taking a visit to a Functional Movement Screen specialist should be one of the first things on your list if you think you may have this problem with your body.

To conclude, your negative mentality towards exercise is not because of being lazy but has something to do with your durability. Your Washington DC weight loss expert along with others have come up with the idea that durability is just your body's self protecting function with a view to avoid pain which may otherwise lead to a mentality to avoid exercising. Working with a Washington DC personal trainer or any other expert who is knowledgeable about body durability and other specific techniques required will be your best option, if you face a similar situation. - 17269

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An Overview Of Weight Loss Supplements From The Dark Side

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Most fat loss supplements do not work. Others, can have profound and lasting effects on your body. And pretty much anybody with money can buy these supplements.

How is it that these things are so readily available? Well, first, the US government decided to deregulate the supplement industry over a decade ago. And, second, there are multiple websites that can get you the goods with little chance of detection.

Thus, here are some dangerous fat loss supplements that you should be aware of:

1. Anabolic steroids. Despite what some people in the medical community say, steroids work. Period. However, they have some very serious consequences. Heavy users experience serious alterations in their endocrine system. They can exhibit deep cognitive changes, liver damage, long term joint degradation, etc.

2. Androstenedione. This supplement was made popular by Mark McGuire and Sammy Sosa back when they were hitting countless homeruns. A less powerful form of a steroid, this supplement can have the same negative side effects. Considered a powerful aid, many companies can sell similar substances with little regulation.

3. Human growth hormone. This one is the fountain of youth. It burns fat, builds muscle and keeps your skin supple. What more could one ask for? Well, it can also cause acromegaly. A condition in which all tissues and organs in your body grow too much.

4. TRIAC. This supplement gained a lot of popularity in Europe when it first hit the market. Its main function is to increase output from the thyroid. Doing so increases your metabolism. A faster metabolism accelerates weight loss. Unfortunately, this can seriously damage your heart.

5. Herbal steroids. Lots of supplement companies have jumped on the steroid bandwagon and begun selling herbal preparations that allegedly increase levels of endogenous steroids. Well, the truth is that said herbs do NOT have an effect on your natural levels of hormones. So save your money.

The entirety of the supplement industry is heavily unregulated. And if you decide to take powerful hormones like anabolic steroids or HGH, the risks mount exponentially. So please do NOT assume that just because something comes in a bottle it is safe to consume. - 17269

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Caralluma Fimbriata and Weight Loss

By Alice Drew

We all know that to lose weight, one needs a strong resolve to help lose the desired weight to get to the point where one looks beautiful and no longer needs to concentrate so much on the desire to lose that weight.

So, what is there to do besides just go at it? Well, there is a lot you can do to keep you going and make sure things are actually more efficient than if you were just trying to stop eating all together.

So, what do I mean exactly when I talk about losing weight and this life long commitment and everything else about shortcuts and all the rest of it.

There are substances such as vegetables out there that can help you lose weight faster because their inherent properties make it so that your metabolism increases.

Let's take a look at one of these substances that is particularly powerful in giving you that weight loss that you need.

There is a plant, for example, called caralluma fimbriata which is very powerful in helping you lose weight. It is not known very much in America or other parts of the English speaking world because it is not native to those parts.

Indian tribes chew caralluma fimbriata when they go on hunts in order to suppress their hunger for long periods of time when they are unable to really eat much at all.

It is also used in South India by laborers in order to keep working all day so that they do not have to stop for meals.

Caralluma fimbriata is a vegetable that is used for great success in weight loss. If you are interested in this kind of weight loss to aid you along, you may want to look around for this great plant and add it to your diet. So, have a look today. - 17269

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Tips And Solutions For Dieting Teens Wishing To Achieve Weight Loss

By Josh Wintrop

When we think of being overweight and dieting in order to lose weight, we rarely associate the thoughts with teenagers. However, there are millions of teens who struggle with their weight every day in this country. The following paragraphs will provide some natural weight loss tips for teenagers who are overweight.

Developing a regular exercise regimen is one natural way for teenagers to lose weight. In this day and age, many teenagers spend most of their spare time playing video games, watching television, and surfing the internet. Almost every household in America who was a teenager also has some sort of gaming system and a home computer. This leaves teenagers very little time to concentrate on regular exercise habits.

In order to burn off calories, physical activity is necessary. This means that when teenagers decide to engage in regular physical activity, it can help on their quest for natural weight loss. On the other hand, when a teenager decides to remain physically idle most of the time, weight loss cannot be achieved.

While an exercise program of some sort is necessary for a teen to lose weight, the program is not required to be extensive. Teenagers can start out small, like walking to school and back a few times a week, and work their way up to more extensive work outs. Riding their bike around the block in the evening can be a good exercise plan, as well.

Another way teens can achieve natural weight loss is to decrease the amount of calories they are consuming in a day. When too many calories are consumed, it equals weight gain. When we decrease our calorie intake, we can naturally shed extra pounds we may be carrying around.

Fast food chains are a factor in why so many teens are currently battling with weight problems. Many high school aged teenagers tend to leave school for lunch, and have fast food instead. If teens decrease the amount of fast food they consume, or eliminate it all together, they will be impressed with the amount of weight they are likely to lose. School food is not known for being the most appetizing meal available, but it is far more healthy than the fried food normally offered by fast food chains.

The calorie content of fast food is not the only thing overweight teens should be concerned with. Most items offered at fast food restaurants are also very high in fat content and cholesterol. If an overweight teen does not prefer what the school has for lunch on a particular day, they always have to option to bring a lunch from home. The elimination of fast food from a teen's diet is sure to give him results that will be well worth the sacrifice. - 17269

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Stay Healthy With Bodybuilding Exercises

By Jace P. Andersen

The only way to stay healthy is by doing body building exercises. This is a well known fact and it can't be denied. Exercise is the basic methods that keeps the body fit and trim thus avoiding ill health and sickness. From the youngest to the eldest, everyone needs exercise to keep their body healthy. If the body is healthy the mind is healthy too. Apart from dieting the type of food that one eats is more important than the quantity that is eaten.

Food rich in vitamins and proteins should be included in one's intake. Along with this exercise too should be done. Vitamin D is vital for the growth of bones and teeth in a strong body. Body building exercises are many but the main ones are the chest exercise. The chest encases the most important organ the heart. It also is the most prominent part of a body. When one does chest exercises the shoulders, biceps and triceps automatically get built up. The back too attains that envious 'V' shape from shoulder to waist.

Every man and woman today craves for bulging arms. The arm exercises not only add masculinity to the body it also gives the body that excellent structure. Creatine is a muscle building supplement that adds that extra bulge to the arm muscles.

With a perfect chest and bulging arms are not all for a good physique. What about the six-pac effect for the belly? The unwanted fat around the belly should be taken care of too. A well balanced diet along with exercise should be followed to do the trick of obtaining a flat belly.

Apart from all these exercises to each part of the body, the three main and most important hidden benefits of body building exercises that not everyone is aware of are confidence, dedication and a healthy heart. If you have these three, then your body is well built and healthy too. Dedication is something that each and every individual should possess. Whatever the type of work you attempt to do only if you are dedicated it can be accomplished. Similarly work out sessions initially gains much attention then gradually it fades.

So dedication to do the workout sessions and sticking to the diet and routines is very important. The next aspect is confidence, one should be confident in one's decisions on exercise and take firm decisions with pride and confidence that it would be accomplished no matter what happens. Confidence is controlled by the mind of each individual.

Once again, the heart is the factory for receiving and sending pure and impure blood. This needs to be done at a regular basis. Together with blood oxygen too has to be circulated at a fast rate in order to maintain a healthy body. So the heart needs to be safeguarded the most with regular exercise.

Body building exercises surely allow you to keep fit mentally and physically. It is very essential for all ages. Its benefits are many some that are seen physically and some that are hidden in the mind. All these add to a healthy and strong body. - 17269

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Raw Vegan Recipes - 3 Ways to Enjoy Warm Raw Food

By Alistair Bedingford

The concept of a hot raw meal is counter intuitive, how can a meal be hot and yet be considered raw. Hot raw meals are possible because of how raw food is defined. Most definitions of raw food state that food is considered raw as long as it is not heated above 115F, the reason for this that enzymes found in food, breakdown at 115F. Here are some methods to enjoy a warm raw meal.

Method #1 Raw Food Dehydrator

A food dehydrator is one of the most common methods to achieve a warm cooked taste in raw food. It works by using low heat to extract water out of food. To ensure that enzymes are not destroyed, be sure to keep the temperature setting on your dehydrator to under 115F. Using a dehydrator you can make raw crackers and even raw cookies.There are many great raw dehydrator recipes out there.

Method #2 Use Hot Water to warm raw food

Warm water is another method that is used to produce warm raw meals. Simply combine warm water with veggies to make raw soups. Just make sure that the water is under 115F, this especially great during the winter or a on a cold day.

Method #3 Use a Stove to Heat Raw Food

Another way to make a warm raw meal is by using the lowest setting on the stove. A good way to make sure that the food being heated is not too hot is by sticking a finger in it, if you can stick a finger in it is probably under 115F. Some people prefer to use a thermometer to ensure that the temperature stays under the 115F threshold. The stove is a great way to prepare a warm veggie chili.

The dehydrator, warm water and low heat on the stove are three great ways to expand your raw food cooking. Enjoy using these methods to explore new tasty warm meal recipes. - 17269

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Having The Right Dumbbells For You

By Benedict Perez

Dumbbells are not doubt one of the oldest fitness equipments that are still a big hit even in this modern times. Regardless of what reasons and motives you may have for using these fitness tools it is really important to carefully choose the right one for you. People who want to shape up have varied reasons in using this fitness tools. It has been there for many centuries yet these tools are still among the most favored in this new generation.

It is really essential for you to have not only the best but also the right and perfect dumbbells suited to your need. But safety and efficiency should always be your top priority in choosing the right dumbbells you expect to address your needs. Being able to maximize these fitness tools to what it is being made for should be among your concerns when you need to purchase this stuff.

But being laden with a wide array of choices of different types of modern dumbbells will surely create some confusions of picking up the right pieces. You can only make it a little easier if you have to set some important parameters in dealing with your choices. You do not need to seek assistance form fitness guru pertinent to this matter.

One important thing you need to consider is the amount of weight you need to work on. The durability and flexibility of this kind of fitness tool should also be taken in consideration. You can always set your own parameters in choosing the right dumbbells for your needs.

Above all this you also have to take its price as among the top concerns when you need to purchase one. Always remember that you need not have to drain your wallet just to shape up with this fitness tool. You must also take the kind of personality you have in choosing your own sets of these stuffs. If you are on the go then by all means try to have one that you can tag along anywhere and one that you will be able to use anytime with all ease like the aqua dumbbells. - 17269

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Six Reasons Why You Are Affected By Easy Bruising, Reason 3 - Diet!

By Carolyn Cooper

In your self evaluation about why you are bruising easily, you have to give a great deal of consideration to what you introducing into your body. Your body responds directly to the food that you put into it, and you will experience problems manifesting themselves from having a bad diet. If you find yourself having to deal with a lot of easy bruising lately, one of your first considerations should be whether your diet may have something to do with your bruising easily.

In any evaluation of what you have been eating, be sure that you closely examine what level of highly processed foods are part of your current diet. If you are eating a lot of junk food, your body will function at a level substantially below its optimum level. Almost everyone is aware that you should reduce most fats from your diet, so considering your fat intake in your existing diet is essential.

Many people think that having a lot of carbohydrates as part of your diet can bring about a multitude of difficulties, but in actuality, carbohydrates are essential to your body's functioning properly. They help your body do everything from maintaining your cellular health to storing and transporting energy. Carbohydrates are also critical in keeping your immune system functioning properly and operating well.

If you are going to add the proper amount of carbohydrates to your diet, keep in mind that the source of your carbohydrates can also be very important. Beans, whole grains, and fruits are ideal choices, and these choices will make it easier to provide your body with the proper type and amounts of carbohydrates. These foods provide you with a healthy amount of carbohydrates, and they have the added benefit of giving you important vitamins that are beneficial as well.

Don't forget that eating too many highly processed carbohydrates can have a negative effect on your body, including making it easier for you to contract diabetes. Diabetes is partially caused by high levels of blood sugar, which is closely linked to the consumption of highly processed foods like sugared sodas and fast food.

High blood pressure is exacerbated by sodium and because of this, it is important to make sure that you are reducing the level of salt that goes into your diet. The high blood pressure will also increase the likelihood of easy bruising when combined with more fragile capillary walls. Taking the time to consider what your options are to decrease your sodium intake is a worthwhile exercise.

Finally, keep in mind that diet does not just include solid foods. Knowing how much water you drink when combined with the fact that getting enough water is essential to the healthy cell growth and maintenance is an essential part of evaluating your diet. Healthy cells resist breakage and injury, and being aware of this, you should be certain that your water consumption level is proper.

Being aware the pros and cons of your diet, you will be able take the proper steps to improve it. Your bruising easily can be greatly influenced by the type of diet that you follow, so educate yourself and consider on what options are best for you to move ahead with an improved diet.

Even after you have optimized your diet, you should also give some consideration to the benefits of adding an all natural supplement program like Bruises Be Banned to your every day regimen, which can improve your ability to reduce easy bruising or prevent bruising easily altogether. - 17269

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Discover Some Great Fat Burning Secrets

By Christina Carey

We all want to believe that there are some fat burning secrets that will help us lose weight. The truth is that no matter how bad you want to lose weight; there are no secrets why you and millions of other people are constantly struggling with weight loss.

Most people will tell you that they are unaware of all the fat burning secrets that will help them get thin. However the only thing that you should be aware of unless you are willing to begin taking action to shed the weight; chances are you will never get rid of those extra unwanted pounds.

Unfortunately the weight is not just going to fall off your body magically. People who decide to set goals to lose weight become extremely excited at the thought of it in the beginning. However after several weeks of doing regular exercises and eating the right types of food; they tend to become frustrated after a while because they are not noticing any difference in their bodies.

If you have ever tried to lose fat from your body then you know that it can be very difficult. Here is one of the only fat burning secrets that you need to know; you have to keep persisting until you reach your weight loss goals.

Millions of people are not willing to do whatever it takes to reach their goals. This is the reason that so many people are overweight in our society.

Do not forget to visit our site below. It is jam packed with valuable information that will help you burn fat from your body and begin to develop the body that you really love. Sign up for our FREE 10 day ecourse that will walk you through with some tips and advice for getting back into shape. - 17269

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Best Muscle Building Secrets

By Mark Benson

Every person wants to get perfect muscles. It makes them look good while they are wearing trunks, swimsuits or any other kind of a dress. Perfect muscles can change your whole outer appearance. But getting it is not as easy as you think. Weight training, cardio training and proper nutrition are the keys to build your body muscles. All three should be united to achieve maximum results.

I am sure with the help of my tips, an experienced trainer and a good diet; you would surely be able to build your body muscles.

1. Nutritious snacks are must Muscle building is a very time taking process because you need to pay attention to a lot of things. While you are engaged in muscle building process you must take strict care of your diet. Try to keep nutrition snacks like almonds, peanut sandwiches and fresh fruits with you. You must be careful of what you eat, because proper diet can really increase your chances of having a great body.

2. Lose fat before building muscles Before building muscles it is very important for you to loose extra fat. You should do cardio exercises at least for 30 minutes every day. Cardio exercise will burn your fat and would also keep your body well toned. For loosing weight, you should also cut the calories that you intake. Have low fat diet which has fewer calories and more fibers.

3. Proper sleeping habits Try to have proper sleeping and resting habits. Try to sleep for at least seven to nine hours per day. Proper sleeping would relax you mentally as well as physically. Sleeping also relaxes your body muscles and keeps you fit and fine all the day long.

4. Strict to your diet even if you eat out Even if you are going out to eat with family or friends, you should always strict to your diet. You will see that almost every restaurant offers grilled meat and steamed vegetables which are very healthy for you. Avoid eating friend, creamy or oily preparations.

5. Work out with determination Building muscles is not a very easy task and it is not something that you can achieve overnight. You have to work very hard for it and you should never loose hope even if it takes you longer to build muscles.

I am sure the above stated tips would surely help surely prove to be very helpful for you while you are building your body muscles. - 17269

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Nutrition and Immunity " Protect Yourself this Winter Season

By Nanci S. Guest MSc, Registered Dietitian

Along with the shorter days and falling leaves come the colds and flu, however, not for everyone! Survival of the fittest " the fittest immunity that is. We know to wash our hands frequently, dress warmly, get plenty of rest, and of course incorporate daily exercise into our routine, but can the foods we eat really make a difference in our efforts to fight off colds and the flu? In my experience, there is no question that a well-nourished individual is more immunologically competent and better able to cope with illness/infection challenges than those with nutrient-poor diets. So where to start?

Your Foundation Diet

This is what I characterize as your day-to-day intake of the essential nutrients. Its not what you eat Friday nights after hockey or for the occasional birthday gathering, its what your food choice tendency is day-to-day over months and years that really impacts your overall resilience to create a body of health, vitality and strength. Your immune system is what protects you from viral infections, and the foods you eat have a major impact on your immune systems ability to fight off colds and flu. Balance, variety and moderation are three key areas to keep in check.

Balance Balance your meals and snacks by including at least 3 out of 4 food groups in each meal and 2 out of 4 for snacks. In general aim for lean/low fat proteins, unprocessed carbohydrates and healthy fats.

Examples: 1. Breakfast (all four food groups!) a. Grains: choose whole grain cereals high in fiber and low in sugar b. Fruits & Vegetables: sweeten by topping with berries or a sliced banana c. Meat or Alternatives: chopped almonds or walnuts add good fats and protein to your cereal bowl d. Dairy or Soy: Low fat milk or soy milk " a generous amount for a good blast of calcium and vitamin D.

2. Snack (two food groups) carrots sticks and a container of low-fat yogurt

Variety Escape routine and try new foods (plant derived) as often as possible. Phyto -(Greek for plant) chemicals are important nutrients found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds and even chocolate and wine! Each plant derived food hosts its own profile of these powerful antioxidants " the more variety you eat the more of these antioxidants your body can utilize to fight disease and boost immunity.

Moderation Limited or moderate intake of unhealthy food is important too. Stay away from excess sugar and unhealthy fats, such as saturated fat and especially trans fats, which have been shown to suppress immune function. Watch alcohol intake as well, which can impair your ability to fight off pathogens.

Adequate intakes of vitamins (A, B, C, D, E) and trace elements (Selenium, Zinc) are required for the immune system to function efficiently, however there is limited evidence of any benefits unless you are deficient (however in the case of vitamin D many of us might be). Taking a multivitamin/mineral a few times a week is a good safeguard for falling short, but supplements continue to prove their inferiority to a nutrient-rich diet. A variety of Fruits, Vegetables, Whole Grains, Nuts, Seeds, Lean Protein and Essential Fats are your key to optimal immune function.

Vitamin C Supplements

You need vitamin C for a healthy immune system, however you should get it from the fruits and vegetables you eat so that you also get other important nutrients, fiber and other phytochemicals and antioxidants that you won't get from dietary supplements. There is no current scientific evidence to support the idea that taking large doses of vitamin C will prevent or reduce the symptoms of colds or flu, however you can take dietary supplements to assure that you get enough vitamin C on the days you don't eat enough fruits and vegetables. In addition, your immune system requires a constant influx of vitamin C when it's working hard to fight invaders, so drinking 100% juice or eating oranges every 2-3 hours at the onset and during a cold may shorten its duration.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D has made news headlines numerous times over the past couple of years, and growing evidence suggest we need to at least triple our intakes, especially during winter months (unless you're lucky enough to live in the tropics!). Very few foods naturally contain vitamin D, and foods that are fortified with vitamin D (fluid milk/soy) are often inadequate to satisfy an adult's vitamin D requirement. Vitamin D deficiency, aside from poor bone health, has also been associated with increased risk of common cancers, autoimmune diseases, hypertension, and infectious diseases. This is a supplement you may want to consider at 800-1000IU daily.

Zinc Supplements

Zinc is a mineral that is needed for a healthy immune system and is safe to take when ingested through food sources such as seafood, nuts and yogurt but more is not better although it's often sold as an over-the-counter natural treatment for colds. Zinc is necessary for optimal health but most studies show little or no benefit when studying zinc supplements. Zinc sold in a nasal gel form has been shown by several studies to cause a loss of the sense of smell in some patients and should be used with caution. Zinc is often sold as ingredient in lozenges that may help to sooth a sore throat in some. But supplementing with higher doses of zinc, particularly long term, can be toxic.


This herb is available as a dietary supplement and is used to prevent or decrease the duration of the common cold. Most studies show mixed results, however a meta-analysis of several studies reports that taking echinacea supplements may actually be beneficial, and the most effective preparation seems to be the pressed juice of the Echinacea purpura species


These "friendly or good bacteria" help to keep your digestive tract healthy and appear to have some beneficial effect on your whole-body immune system. Probiotics may be found in dietary supplements or as a nutritional ingredient in yogurt (be sure "active" or "live" cultures is in the ingredient list), yogurt drinks (Bio-K) and other foods. Some research does support the use of probiotics for reducing the symptoms and duration of the common cold.

Food First -- the foods listed here will give your immunity a boost, naturally!

For Vitamin C Citrus fruits and juices Apple juice Kiwi fruit Strawberries Broccoli Brussels sprouts Red/green/yellow Sweet potatoes Potatoes Tomatoes

For Vitamin E Vegetable oils Wheat germ Nuts Peanut butter Sunflower seeds Papayas Avocadoes Peppers

For Selenium Brazil nuts Grain products Wheat germ Wheat bran Oat bran Fish, shellfish Meat, poultry Eggs Beans

For Carotenoids Carrots Cantaloupe Sweet potatoes Pumpkin Broccoli Pink grapefruit Tomatoes/tomato products Dark green leafy Veggies

For Zinc Oysters and other seafood Red meat Poultry Fortified breakfast cereal Whole grains Beans Nuts - 17269

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