Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Wu Long Tea Health Benefits

By Digby Wong

The consumption of wu long tea appears to beneficial to the body but should always talk with your doctor about the health benefits of wu long tea before adding the brew or other varieties to your daily diet for therapeutic purposes. Researchers at the Suntory Research Center in Osaka, Japan found that drinking wu long tea 15 minutes before eating foods high in carbohydrates curbed rises in insulin, thus reducing some of the fattening effects of carbohydrate intake.

Regarding weight loss Scientists from a Japanese University Medical School have found that people who regularly consumed oolong tea/ wu long tea experienced more than twice the calorie-burning results compared to those who drank green tea. Wu long tea directly after a meal increased energy expenditure by around 10%. This compared to an energy expenditure of 4% for green tea drinkers and 0 for water drinkers. Researchers at the Suntory Research Center in Osaka, Japan found that drinking wu long tea 15 minutes before eating foods high in carbohydrates curbed rises in insulin, thus reducing some of the fattening effects of carbohydrate intake.

Researchers at the Suntory Research Center in Osaka, Japan found that drinking wu long tea 15 minutes before eating foods high in carbohydrates curbed rises in insulin, thus reducing some of the fattening effects of carbohydrate intake.

Researchers from one of Japans prominent University's of Medical Science found that drinking wu long tea each day helps to clear up skin problems within one month. In California a university study found that people who drank wu long tea on a daily basis experienced a fifty-percent reduction in free radicals within 2 weeks. Free radicals are damaging substances in the body that contribute to signs of aging, including wrinkles and dark spots that are caused by ultra-violet rays, chemical food additives, pollution and stress. Regular consumption of wu long tea is shown to assist in enhancing the skin condition.

Healthy teeth is one of the their great benefits. A study by a Dentistry Department at a Japanese University showed that regular consumption of oolong tea strengthens teeth and helps prevent tooth decay by inhibiting the build-up of plaque.This is definitely better than the discoloration of teeth that regular consumption of coffee can cause.

According to a study published in Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, test subjects who regularly consumed wulong tea were found to have stronger immune systems and a reduced risk for infections.

According to a study published in Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, test subjects who regualrly consumed wulong tea were found to have stronger immune systems and a reduced risk for infections. - 17269

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The Calories In Sushi

By Daniel Jackson

I became a big fan of sushi because of a recent shift to working out and trying to lose weight, so whenever i go out with my friends i try to avoid the junk and richer sort of food and look for the healthiest options. It was after hearing about the health benefits and calories in sushi that i became a fan of it.

Japanese food, and sushi as an extension of it are one of the healthiest foods you could ever find, mostly due to the high usage of seafood. So many rich nutrients and fatty acids along with massive amounts of protein give this a rare combination of positives.

What is the fat in sushi?

Omega 3 fatty acids account for the majority of the fat found in seafood and thereby sushi as well. While also possessing the promise of curing certain ailments, omega 3 fatty acids are a basic nutritional requirements for humans which we are always in deficit of.

How many calories in sushi?

Lets have a look at just sushi rolls. This is the most popular type of sushi and with the lowest calorie count coming in at 140 for an avocado roll it makes for a very good meal to be eaten out. If protein is what you are after then eat tuna roll, it gives you 20 grams of protein.

The next time you go out, you know where to go and what to eat. - 17269

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Are There Foods That Help You Lose Weight?

By Brian Paul

A tremendous amount of money is spent on weight loss products and programs. This is because the diet companies that are supposedly interested in your health and well-being are typically only trying to really empty your pockets. Yes, some individuals have seen fast results by using these various diet companies but unfortunately, the results are far too often short-lived.

Most of these programs are designed to help you lose weight fast, which is not healthy and will not be sustainable. Does this mean that there are no foods that help you lose weight quickly while maintaining your health?

You can actually do something simple that will help you lose weight without sacrificing your health or a lot of money. Follow the glycemic index of foods and you will make big strides in your weight loss goals. The glycemic index is a simple way for you to tell how quickly sugar enters into your bloodstream from the carbohydrates that you eat. Water is 0 on the glycemic index, whereas refined white sugar is 100. The higher something resides on the scale, the faster that it releases sugar into your bloodstream. Your health and your weight will suffer as a result.

The reason why this is the case is because the pancreas is designed to release insulin into your system as a result of the sugar that resides there. Your pancreas is cranked into high gear to make insulin when you eat a lot of sugary foods.

You can get the afternoon slump and feel very sluggsh, and you can also be adding more fat to your body. Does this seem counter intuitive? The sugar that your body cannot use right away gets put away for later and is stored as fat.

One way to fix this is to eat foods that are under 50 on the glycemic index. These could become your newest best friends.Your pancreas will thank you if you eat foods lower on the glycemic index, and your insulin levels will be more stable.

This way you will not have a slump in your energy level, and you will not feel so hungry between meals. Not only is this an easy way to lose weight, it is good for your body too. - 17269

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5 Big Reasons You Must Try Boot Camp

By Curtis Ludlow

If you want to improve nearly every aspect of your life, you may want to consider trying the newest fitness craze, boot camp workouts!

The benefits of boot camp workouts are too numerous to list here. However, here are five big benefits of boot camp workouts that you may not be aware of.

1. You will have a new social circle of friends.

We hear this all of the time at camp. Some of the best friends you'll ever meet, you'll meet at camp. You see, boot camp is all about teamwork. And if you work together as a team, you'll grow together as friends.

2. Boot camp can help you lose fat.

This one's a no-brainer. When you exercise, you burn calories. The more intensely you exercise, the more calories you burn " and the easier it is to keep your weight under control. Boot camp classes are by definition intense exercise sessions. This means that you will burn more calories and potentially lose more weight.

3. You will sleep like a baby.

Struggling to fall asleep? Or stay asleep? Boot camps will help you fall asleep and stay asleep.

4. Better sex.

Boot camp will give you more energy and you will look better, this alone can improve you sex life. However, there is more to it than that. Boot camp exercise improves circulation which can lead to more satisfying sex.

5. Boot camp is fun!

Most people are scarred of change. Even if they know that their life would improve immeasurably from the change, they still don't change. They tolerate the life that they're living. Don't be like that. Take a step outside of your comfort zone and realize that most boot camps are not militaristic. They are actually fun, friendly environments where you will be stretched to achieve your best. And if you stick with the program, you will have your dream body faster than you could have imagined!

Are you ready to make the change? Google "boot camp" + the name of your city and pick a boot camp program that's a good fit for you! - 17269

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Jump Start Metabolism - How Metabolism Affects Our Weight

By Dan Beckwith

Have you ever wondered why it is that some people can eat whatever they want and never gain weight, while others spend their whole lives dieting and trying to lose weight with no success. No - they don't lead a charmed life. Maybe you need to jump start metabolism.

Your weight loss issues have to do with your metabolism. Each person has their own metabolic rate that is unique.

Metabolism is the process by which calories are used in the body. Your body always uses calories, but metabolism determines the rate at which they are used as energy or stored as fat. Muscles cause more calories to be used by the body, even when at rest and are therefore called "metabolic reactive". To jump start metabolism, just get more muscle.

The more muscle you have, the more calories they burn. That's why any healthy diet program will say you need to exercise.

What we eat and what we do determine our metabolic rate. Healthy foods jump start metabolism metabolism, while bad foods slow it down. There are other influencing factors, though, such as:

Age makes a difference - as we age, our metabolism tends to slow down.

Also influential is stress. Studies are being done that show over and over that there is a link to stress and obesity. The tendency to eat more when stressed plays a role. However, stress also has been shown to induce chemical reactions in the body that slow metabolism. To jump start metabolism, try yoga!

Another factor is sleep. Studies show not getting enough sleep or even getting too much sleep can interfere with metabolism. To jump start metabolism, most people should aim to get between seven and nine hours of sleep a night.

Metabolism can be affected by our genetic make-up and various health issues. (Like an over active thyroid.) So, that's one good reason to always see a doctor before starting any weight loss or exercise program. It never hurts to get a little peace of mind, knowing that you don't have any health issues that will hurt your efforts to jump start metabolism.

Water is a factor, too. You have probably been told to drink more water. The reason given for this is that water fills you up and makes you feel full so you eat less. That sounds good, but the real reason is that water keeps you hydrated. Dehydration slows metabolism. Drink enough water and your metabolism stays high. Plus water flushes toxins from the body and stops water form being stored in the body to lead to weight loss.

Get all the facts about how to jump start metabolism and losing weight on my website and through my FREE mini-course " Fast Weight Loss Tips! - 17269

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The Role of Protein in Muscle Gain

By Ricardo d Argence

Are you ready to see where bodybuilding can really take you, or are you interested in investigating how to get started? When you want to learn about bodying building, you will find that you need to think about protein.

You might find that you are told about protein enough that you start rolling your eyes. Yes, you know it is the building block of your muscles, but the issue is that so few articles will tell you why. It can be hard to take something seriously unless you know what it does and if you are looking to really make sure that your bodybuilding is effective, you need to consider how bodybuilding can work for you.

First, let's start by thinking about what proteins are and why your body needs it to build muscle. Proteins are essential organic compounds that are made of amino acids and they add to the bulk of your muscle. They are the material that take care of the growth of the muscle cells and you'll find that they are going to make your body grow as well as making it much tougher as it does so. This is why the ingestion of protein is so important when you want to see more muscle development.

When you are thinking about making sure that you are getting foods that will keep you strong and healthy, consider starting with good proteins. Any active person can benefit from the reasonable consumption of proteins if they live an active life. Martial artists, sportsmen and athletes can all benefit from good protein in their diet.

The reason why protein is so necessary for bodybuilders especially is due to the fact that bodybuilders put their bodies through a lot of different things on a regular basis. When you work out, your body needs a certain amount of repair.

If you can get the right amount of protein into your diet, you are going to be able to put yourself on a more balanced and effective path that will help you build up the muscle tone and definition that you are after, as well as the bulk.

Do you want to build muscle, and do you want to make sure that it lasts? This is where looking for good sources of protein comes in. Lean meat is going to be instrumental in your attempt to get the right kind of protein into your body as are egg whites. These materials are important when you want to get your body built up right and they can make a great breakfast to boot.

Remember that soya beans are also a great source of protein and that they have less calories in fat to be concerned about.

Protein shakes are a wonderful option for you when you want to make sure that you are eating healthy but don't feel like cooking at all. You can whip yourself up a shake as you walk out the door, and you can even take them as a powder or a capsule. There are many different options here.

Take the time to make sure that you make good protein the cornerstone of your bodybuilding experience; this can go a long way towards helping you down the path to a healthier, stronger you! - 17269

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Cure Insomnia

By Laura Croff

Not getting enough sleep can have a wide range of negative effects on your life. After a night without much sleep, the next day you find that you cannot function at your optimal level. Your general sense of well-being is decreased and you find it difficult to concentrate on the tasks that you need to do. Additionally, your appearance worsens and it is difficult to handle the various problems that may come up through your day.

Perhaps your sleeping troubles come from one of a few types. In the evening, you may find it difficult to fall asleep after getting into bed. Or, you may fall asleep quite quickly only to wake up some hours later and find that you cannot fall asleep again no matter how hard you try.

If you are having trouble sleeping, Somniem PM Natural Sleep Aid may be the aid that can greatly help you. If you have ever tried prescription sleeping pills, you know that often times they leave you feeling "hung over" the next morning when you wake up. Because Somniem PM uses all natural ingredients including melatonin, the same ingredient your very own body uses to help you sleep, you can get a peaceful night of sleep without worry.

Many scientists believe that the main reason for a night with poor sleep is that the body produces a low amount of melatonin before bedtime. Many factors can influence this low production from stress to caffeine to alcohol. With a natural melatonin based supplement like Somniem PM Sleep Aid, you encourage your body to produce more melatonin and thus are able to sleep better each night.

By encouraging the body in a natural way, Somniem PM can help your sleep cycle correct itself so that you can have a restful night of sleep each and every night.

Unlike prescription sleep pills, Somniem PM has no side effects and is non-addictive. Somniem PM will leave you feeling refreshed the next morning instead of "hung over" like most prescription sleep pills do.

Given its natural ingredients, Somniem PM is a viable option for those who are looking to get a good night's sleep based on its proven effectiveness. - 17269

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You Can Grow Tall, but Not With A Scam

By Shaun Davids

There are many sites out there that try to scam people out of their time and money by selling DVDs and instruction manuals about exercises to grow tall. These stretches and exercises are not only a waste of time, but they can also be very harmful, resulting in slipped discs and torn tendons. Similarly, those that claim their special vitamin pills and supplements will improve height growth are most likely selling you lies. These are to be avoided.

But does this mean that doing stretches to grow tall does not work? No. It is simply more beneficial to do them when your body has not stopped growing.

As infants, much of our bones are still only cartilage, which only changes and fuses into adult bone over time. During this time, the number of bones in our bodies reduces from 300 to 206.

In the middle of this, when we reach puberty, cartilage growth plates on our bones start to lengthen gradually. However, once these growth plates are done growing, no amount of stretching or grow taller exercises will make them lengthen by even a centimeter.

However, performing exercises to grow tall while you're young can help make your bones strong. It also releases growth enhancer hormones that help you grow taller faster. Keeping good exercise habits, as well as good posture, will keep your bones strong and healthy even into your older years, preventing bone weakening diseases and shrinking.

Eating the foods is plays a vital role to grow tall. If your body lacks any vital substances such as calcium, carbs, amino acids or protein, it will weaken your bones and muscles, potentially stunting your growth and causing other bone-related conditions. As you get older, the calcium in your bones is often absorbed by your body, leading you to shrink as you age.

That is why having a good diet and regular exercise is vital for height growth when you are young, aiding your body grow to its full potential.

If you are already way past puberty and want to grow tall, there is still hope for you. Beyond diet and exercise, there are numerous height enhancing changes you can make to what you wear to appear taller and thinner.

So do not listen to what those scam artists are saying, but try out a legitimate program to grow tall today. - 17269

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Exercise Videos - Pros and Cons from Langhorne Experts

By Jose Loni

Exercise videos are here to stay. We like them because they make our lives easier, are inexpensive, and allow us the privacy to ease into a healthy lifestyle at our own pace. But what are pros for others become a major con for some especially those who need a more social environment to keep them going.

Exercise videos like Jane Fonda's, Suzanne Somers' and Richard Simmons' have been very popular in the past.

Nowadays, there's belly dancing, pilates, yoga, tae bo the list goes on. No doubt exercise videos have made their mark on us that's why they are still around.

It is more motivating to exercise when there aren't any obstacles to discourage us. That's why exercise videos are better because they are very accessible. No technological issues to deal with. Just pop in and play the video anytime you're ready.

Videos are inexpensive. A one-time cost gives you a lifetime of workouts and if we don't feel like it, we're not pressured to train because our membership is almost up or the gym will be closing in an hour. And there are no monthly fees or hidden costs of gas, parking, and travel time.

In addition, videos allow us to go at our own pace especially when there are certain moves we need more practice with. We're shown how to do it correctly and we can also pause the video at any part and keep repeating the section if we need to.

That said, there are the social butterflies who like the interaction they get in gyms. They prefer real time feedback from their instructors and look for encouragement and support from their peers. In fact, the setting inspires them to achieve their goals.

And so, the pros and cons of exercise videos have been laid out. We love their no-trouble, low maintenance quality, low cost and privacy options, but we do have to consider the lack of social interaction aspect of it. We need to evaluate our preferences in order to make the perfect choice for our lifestyle. - 17269

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Nourishing Nourishment From The Acai Berry

By Judith B Cox

The acai berry is found only in the rainforests of Brazil, yet it is quickly becoming notorious as one of the most wholesome foods in the world. It has only been in recent times that this berry has become obtainable for wide-reaching expenditure because it is so especially delicate and it is only obtainable now because of highly developed processing methods.

The acai berry contains an great quantity of nutrients with a large quantity of antioxidants. All of these antioxidants are vital however two of them have warranted added studies and are being demonstrated valuable for our wellbeing for the deterrence of disease and other problems normally associated with aging.

Quercitin is rich in the acai berry. This is a plant-derived flavonoid that is believed to be moderately responsible for the decrease of cancer, Alzheimer's and other diseases. While the studies so far indicate that it may be advantageous there is no dependable clinical verification on the nutrient or the supplements of it specifically. It is believed to be a causative feature because it has been found that diets high in fruits and vegetables that are high in this nutrient play a part to the significant lessening of illness.

In certain studies quercetin has demonstrated considerable anti-inflammatory activity by inhibiting the production and discharge of histamine and other allergic mediators. It also has potent antioxidant activity as measured by the Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity or ORAC scale.

The acai berry has been found to be exceedingly high in the flavonoid quercetin. Other sources of this crucial nutrient are tea, red onions, apples and red wine.

The acai berry is also elevated in another vital flavonoid called anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are the deep purple pigment found in such foods as eggplant, purple cabbage, blueberries and of course, the acai berry. Anthocyanins are potentially advantageous for the avoidance of cancer, aging and neurological diseases, inflammation, diabetes and bacterial infections as indicated in initial laboratory studies.

In another recent study a purified form of anthocyanins was given to laboratory mice. This study concluded that the mice in the control group who received the purified anthocyanins were able to lower their body fat and maintain it whereas the group of mice that were given the placebo and another group of mice that were given the actual fruit did not.

These two critical antioxidants are rich in the acai berry and this little berry contains other crucial nutrients. The acai berry contains up to 30 times more anthocyanins as red wine and it is quickly becoming identified as one of the most healthful foods on the earth. - 17269

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The Most Effective Ways To Use Dietary Supplements

By Julie Poundsign

For those of us who are carrying unwanted weight, or those of us who arent carrying enough, obtaining a desirable physique can be very difficult. Simply working out regularly and eating right doesnt necessarily work for everyone.

For people that are too skinny, sessions at the gym seem to achieve nothing except make you feel weaker half the time and you end up tired and frustrated that you have achieved nothing except sweaty pits.

For people who are overweight, working out regularly can be a far more gruelling prospect and will usually make you sweaty, annoyed and breathless before it makes you anything else, so there must be a way to speed the process along?

Well, weve all heard of things like protein shakes and dieting supplements, but do they work? Are they just another product people are desperate to sell you or do they actually have an effect? Well, if you use them properly, then they can make a profound difference in your bodies appearance.

Whey protein and carbohydrate supplements are ideal for skinny people who are looking to bulk up. When used alongside regular workouts, they can aid your bodys natural muscle growth process, but it is important that you keep working out as well.

This will start to make a highly noticeable difference if you are drinking protein shakes as instructed by the particular brand you use. This is because the Whey protein that they usually contain (from experience Whey tends to be more effective than Creatine) can easily be turned into muscle by your body. However it will need an incentive to do so, i.e. regular pumping of the muscles so that they need to be repaired.

For overweight people, a little more effort is involved as you cannot actually turn fat into muscle, the fat cells have to be burned away and then muscle has to be built in its place. An ideal supplement to aid you in this would be one that contains Sida Cordifolia as this increases the bodies metabolic rate, meaning you generally use more energy to do things, meaning you burn off fat cells quicker.

If you take this step to lose weight followed by the previously mentioned muscle gain steps, then realistically youre probably looking at around 8-10 months before your body starts taking shape, but if throughout this period you are active, with regular workouts and exercise, you could not only shorten that time frame, but you will end up fitter, healthier and generally felling better than you have in a long time. - 17269

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Can Breast Implants Stop You From Breastfeeding?

By Vanessa Santos

After having a breast enlargement surgery, many women inquire if it's okay to breast feed. The reply to that is of course, they can breastfeed. According to a significant number of women who went all through breast enhancement, breastfeeding is no more difficult with or without implants. A number of women even thought that breast feeding with implants is easier than without implants.

Currently, more and more women who are still single and who have not started yet their childbearing period are getting breast enlargement surgery. By way of this event a lot now are worried to know if breast implants can affect find out. In past days, mainly women who undertake breast surgery are married and over their childbearing time already so the worry for breast feeding is not given a lot importance.

The first silicone sickness hit the media in 1992, as a result the alarm of endangering the child on breastfeeding with silicone implants became a growing worry. But studies conducted has shown that this is not the case. The explanation was that, the silicon molecule is too big to pass by in the milk ducts throughbreastfeeding.

A few years later, silicone was removed and replaced with saline implants. Even though saline can leach into the milk, it has no damaging effects to the mother or child as it is an inert substance.

The fear of most people at this time are on implant position and incision site. Several consider that it is more optimal to have the implants placed underneath the muscle. It will also avoid the peri-areolar incision. The explanation for this is that with this guidelines, there is less interference with the milk ducts which reside directly below the skin and in the tissue on top of the breast muscle. But, this is yet not guaranteed. There are a lot of women who undergo implants on sub-optimal locations and still are successful in breastfeeding.

To obtain the most excellent possible outcome, it is best to talk about your plans with your surgeon through consultation. With this, your doctor can support you and work with you based on your plans. Even if you are not planning to have children yet anytime soon, consulting this with your surgeon is extremely important. - 17269

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