Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, November 23, 2009

Helpful Tips To Help You Get That Good Night's Sleep

By Dr. Robert A. Simmons

The majority of people have a problem with sleeping for any number of reasons; although the biggest reason is the kinds of schedule people tend to keep. Most people interchange the words sleep and rest when talking but they actually have two different meanings. Sleep means the number of hours spent in bed and rest means the completion of the body's recuperative method. Rest allows the body to reenergize and heal itself during the overnight hours.

There are basically two types of sleep. These are rem (rapid eye movement) and non-rem. Rem sleep is know as the dreaming state. Non-Rem is referred to as the quiet sleep. In rem sleep the brain is active. This is when you can observe the eyes moving rapidly. Rem sleep helps to restore your mental functions. Non Rem sleep is more of the deep sleeping and helps to restore body immunity and other processes.

People's lives are busy, which can interfere with them getting the rest they need to recuperate properly. Studies were conducted on the interference of electronics on sleep and it found that televisions, computers, smart phones, video games and more tended to interfere with the brain's need to slow down and rest during bedtime.

Be aware of what you consume before bedtime. Avoid caffeinated drinks before bed. This includes coffee, sports drinks and soda. Even some teas have caffeine, so be sure to read the labels.

If you're not an active person, you may suffer for it when you try to rest. It's important to put together a workout plan that you will follow through since exercising helps to develop better sleep patterns along with boosting your quality of life. Not sure how to go about this? Then hire an exercise trainer to work with you. By understanding their experience, you can keep yourself from doing the incorrect exercises.

Another way to get some good sleep is to deal with your bedroom. Do you have a television that you go to sleep by? Do you think of your bedroom as just another living room but with a bed instead of a couch? If so, then you may need to do something about this. Remember your bedroom should be a place to relax.

When a person uses their bedroom as another "living room", their body associates this room with that concept. If a person were to remove these items, they could retrain their minds to think of it as a bedroom. While a person may really like their bedroom to be an entertainment center, it's one of the worst things they can do for themselves.

Recognize the amount of stress you are under. Increased amounts of stress can lead to depression. In fact, one of the signs of depression can be the inability to sleep. Ask yourself what do I think about when I am sleeping? If you have an answer to this question you are probably under a lot of stress or pre-occupied. The reasoning being that you should not be thinking and sleeping at the same time.

If you want a good night's rest, then implement a nighttime routine that will help you relax before you lay down; 30 minutes is generally sufficient time to get your mind to relax. As time passes, your brain will realize that you're ready to end the day and go to sleep.

So what can you do to make your brain slow down and relax? Consider picking up a book and drink a decaffeinated cup of tea; maybe peppermint tea. Instead of using lamps and the room's overhead light, use candlelight. Be aware that you'll need to blow these out before you go to sleep. A very relaxing scent to use is lavender.

Change can be hard but if a person wants to improve how they feel in the morning after they sleep, it's important to change the habits that's hindering them from getting that good night's sleep in the first place. - 17269

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My Very Own HCG Diet Plan

By Amelia Handley

I'm tying up all the loose ends so I can get moving on my own HCG Diet Plan. I decided to use HCG Diet Direct's homeopathic HCG weight loss formula. That way I could purchase it online without a prescription. I decided to use their cookbook and B-Total Sublingual in addition to the required formula. (If you've read my previous articles you already know this much). You also already know that it was hard to only get 2 additional products because they all looked and sounded pretty fabulous.

In a few past articles I gave a short break down of the benefits of the products that I didn't choose to include in my personal HCG diet plan. That way you'll be able to have just as hard of a time deciding which one to include in your own HCG diet plan as I did. I wouldn't want to make it too easy on you!

Most of the products have already been discussed in past articles. I've only got two left to mention: the Thyroid Function Supplement and the Hormone Balance Supplement. As is obvious by their names...they both have very specific benefits. And they could definitely be the best choice for a lot of people depending upon their own personal situation.

HCG Diet Direct's Thyroid Supplement is manufactured by NuLife Herbs. It comes recommended by HCG Diet Direct and many dieters as a beneficial product for use before and after the HCG diet plan as well as during the course of the diet. It aids in healthy thyroid function by providing the correct nutrients to the gland. Healthy, functional thyroids are widely believed in the medical industry to promote weight loss. It is also commonly accepted that a healthy metabolism increases dieters' chances of maintaining a healthy weight.

NuLife Herbs also created the Hormone Balance Supplement. It's got its own unique qualities. It's a natural aphrodisiac so it's sometimes referred to as Love Passion #9, but it's highly recommended for female HCG dieters for different reasons. It's very effective in balancing out the hormones. Maca is a main ingredient in the supplement; it's a Peruvian root vegetable. This particular Peruvian root vegetable is called one of the most potent hormone balancers to be found in nature.

Now that I've given you all a run down of the various products offered by HCG Diet Direct I don't feel so bad about publicizing which 2 additional products I chose to use to accent my HCG diet plan. And we can move on...whew! It's a good thing because I think my friend that I talked into considering doing the diet with me needs a little bit of intense focus on my part. She's being a total baby about the food limitations. Sheesh! Like it's any surprise that on any effective diet you're not going to be able to eat french fries. She definitely needs me to remind her of the significant weight loss possibilities. I'll let you know how it goes! - 17269

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Before Starting the HCG Detox

By Amelia Handley

I hope you've been enjoying my string of articles detailing my progress in researching and preparing for my own personal HCG Detox Diet. I had a hard time limiting myself to 2 additional products when I accessed the full product line offered by HCG Diet Direct. The homeopathic HCG weight loss formula is a vital purchase, but I picked to more products to use in addition to the formula. I chose the cookbook and the B-Total Sublingual. They seemed like the best options for me.

But all the other products were great, as well! So I've been doing a quick rundown of their benefits for you so you can make your own choice when the time comes. In my previous article I told you all about the Metabolizer and Energy supplement that a lot of dieters incorporate. There were dieters who claimed it was what got them through the diet. Others claimed it was beneficial both before during and after the diet.

Today we'll talk briefly about HCG Diet Direct's Remote Doctor Consultation. It seems like a popular option even for those who aren't yet working with HCG Diet Direct. You buy the consultation and get an email requesting a time for a phone conference. Then you get to talk to a doctor live by phone and ask whatever questions you might have about the HCG Detox Diet.

HCG Diet Direct urges dieters who are going to take advantage of the phone consultation to write down their questions prior to the scheduled phone conference so they are able to get all the answers they are looking for within the doctor's schedule. If the doctor requires time to research any of your questions he/she will call or email you back with the answer in a reasonable amount of time at no additional cost.

While many avoid the hcg diet clinics and weight loss specialists due to the cost of in office visits...some really appreciate the opportunity to get a doctor's opinion. They can ask the questions that are on their mind and know they have a qualified medical professional on hand to provide them with the exact answers they need.

This option seems like a good choice if you are unsure about any specific situations and the possibility that they could be effected by the HCG diet program. Whether your questions have to do with medications required for personal medical situations, family history, or the effect of limiting your foods while on the diet...the Remote Doctor Consultation seems the perfect way to go. It will provide you with accurate answers specific to your situation in the most economical, convenient way. So while I didn't choose to make it a part of my HCG detox plan if you have any desire to hear a doctor's opinion about your plan to engage in the HCG detox...I'd suggest you give it a try. - 17269

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Almost Ready to Start My HCG Diet Plan

By Amelia Handley

So I feel like I'm almost ready to get started on my HCG diet plan. I've decided to order the homeopathic HCG weight loss formula, HCG Diet Direct Cookbook and B-Total Sublingual drops from HCG Diet Direct. If you've read the previous articles that have already been released you know what I'm talking about when I say that the decision was not really an easy one! There are so many great products that I had a hard time sticking to my self-imposed limit of 2 on top of the required homeopathic HCG weight loss drops for the HCG diet plan.

In a few past articles I gave a short break down of the benefits of the products that I didn't choose to include in my personal HCG diet plan. That way you'll be able to have just as hard of a time deciding which one to include in your own HCG diet plan as I did. I wouldn't want to make it too easy on you!

We already talked about most of the additional products and supplements that many HCG Diet Direct dieters include in their HCG diet plan. The only two left to talk about are: Thyroid Function Supplement and Hormone Balance Supplement. Both have specific benefits. Depending upon your personal situation they could be the right choice for you. All the products are designed to add to the probability that dieters will successfully reach their weight loss goals.

HCG Diet Direct's Thyroid Supplement is manufactured by NuLife Herbs. It comes recommended by HCG Diet Direct and many dieters as a beneficial product for use before and after the HCG diet plan as well as during the course of the diet. It aids in healthy thyroid function by providing the correct nutrients to the gland. Healthy, functional thyroids are widely believed in the medical industry to promote weight loss. It is also commonly accepted that a healthy metabolism increases dieters' chances of maintaining a healthy weight.

NuLife Herbs also created the Hormone Balance Supplement. It's got its own unique qualities. It's a natural aphrodisiac so it's sometimes referred to as Love Passion #9, but it's highly recommended for female HCG dieters for different reasons. It's very effective in balancing out the hormones. Maca is a main ingredient in the supplement; it's a Peruvian root vegetable. This particular Peruvian root vegetable is called one of the most potent hormone balancers to be found in nature.

And that's that! I have now provided you with a full run down of all the options when it comes to tools and supplements available for purchase that you can use in combination with your homeopathic HCG weight loss formula to succeed on your own HCG diet plan. I'm so glad I'm done because I still haven't heard back from my buddy that was going to start the diet with me (with a little side bet to encourage us to do well). I'm going to need to take some time to go talk her into it. Keep your fingers crossed that I can get her on board. It will make it more fun for all of us, I'm sure! - 17269

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Following HCG Protocol

By Amelia Handley

So you've heard of HCG. Of course...you're desperate to get some, but do you know the basic HCG protocol? You've obviously heard about the fabulous average weight loss results, but you should at least know the very minimal basics before you jump on the band wagon. And believe me...you'll jump on this band wagon. Who doesn't want to access 1 to 2 pounds per day of weight loss?

And it makes the average weight loss numbers even better when you hear the length of the HCG diet. There are a few choices when it comes to the length of the program you take on, but all of them are relatively short. The length of the program would depend upon your ideal body weight, your current weight, your personal weight loss goals, etc.

To lay it out for you is very simple...HCG protocol isn't tricky. First you need to listen to the rules you are given regarding administering the HCG. For instance, with HCG Diet Direct's homeopathic HCG weight loss formula you take the oral drops 3 times per day. You do this every day without fail. The diet depends upon it. That's why it's called the HCG diet.

The next piece of HCG protocol you've got to remember (and stick to) is the food limitations. You are only allowed a short list of approved foods while on the diet. Yes...it's a bit boring. Yes...there are no free days. Yes...there are no free foods. Everything counts. There's definitely not a wide variety of yummy foods while on the diet. It's VERY limited.

Another vital element of the HCG protocol is the calorie limitation. You're going to have to control your portions. Even if you are only eating foods on the approved list you still have to eat small amounts of those approved foods. You'll probably have to actually measure your portions. You'll probably feel like you should get to eat more. But lucky for you one of the benefits of the HCG is that you won't have hunger pains. So you'll be able to function even though you actually only get to eat 500 calories per day.

Now isn't that simple? Only 3 basic rules to follow. You'll definitely know if you've stuck to the HCG protocol or not. It's hard to "forget" a rule or stipulation when the rules are so simple and easy. That's what makes this really tough diet one that people are actually capable of sticking to. You know what to do and you know if you do it you'll benefit. And the benefits are immediate and drastic. That makes sticking to the HCG protocol even easier, don't you think? - 17269

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Weight Loss Takes Minor Changes To Your Daily Routine

By Josh Wintrop

Everyone is getting fatter and we all need better solutions for burning fat. There are many solutions for losing weight everywhere you look, but most are not great solutions. The true secret to losing weight is all about lifestyle commitment and using natural methods that fit into your daily habits.

There are many ways to develop a healthy lifestyle including by adding exercise to your schedule and your daily routine. You can also burn fat and drop weight by changing what you eat and when you eat. Minor changes to your daily routine can increase your success in weight loss and living healthy.

Exercise is the best way to burn fat and you can add just a few minutes to your schedule every day to include exercise. Some things you can do include walking, yoga, exercise videos, or even going to the gym. If you do not have time for those, try these ideas.

When you go to work or to the store, park further away so that you can add a couple minutes of walking to your routine. Use lunch break for a walk around the building. While the coffee is brewing or the breakfast is cooking, spend 15 minutes stretching out your muscles. Just a few minutes when you have time will be a great benefit.

Small changes to your eating habits can go a long way to weight loss success. For example, you can drink flavored waters instead of carbonated drinks. Look for beverages that are high in vitamins and minerals but low in sugar and fat. You can even save money if you pack your lunch instead of ordering out.

You can also add healthy foods in small quantities to your diet that will help you burn fat and make your body healthy. Some things include eating breakfast, oatmeal and Cheerios can be very healthy low sugar breakfast foods. Eat a tuna sandwich instead of a cheeseburger for lunch. Less calories and more fat burning will help you reach your weight goals.

Your lifestyle commitment to weight loss will be easy to accomplish with a few minutes a day. If you make your meals smaller and more often you can even stay full all day. Do this with five meals a day that are smaller.

Burning fat is essential to weight loss. When you need to burn fat consider small changes to your daily life anywhere you cannot add big changes - such as if you cannot make time for exercise each day. If you make lifestyle changes, including eating habits, you can successfully maintain a healthy weight and look better. - 17269

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Learn How to Get Fit and Stay Active After Fifty

By Scott Fisher

If you are over 50, you are probably wondering about what is in store for you in the "Golden Years" to come. You probably have been working hard for several decades and now the prospect of so much free time makes you both happy and nervous. If you want to get the most out of your retirement, you must focus on becoming healthy and active.

You have seen the ads targeting people your age. You see pictures of seniors hiking, swimming, and even rock climbing. Your peers talk about time on the tennis courts and golf courses. So many senior men and women enjoy activities with loved ones such as bicycling and ballroom dancing. Many have lives that are full and active, but you may wonder how you can enjoy retirement in that way. The secret to having the best years of your life is to achieve fitness over 50.

You may be out of shape after decades of stressful work every weekday or more. Many people enter their 50s sedentary, overweight, unfit, and unhealthy. If you do not become active in your retirement, you will find that you quickly become unhealthier. Your sedentary lifestyle can have potentially fatal repercussions like heart disease, diabetes, or cancer.

If you begin a fitness program tailored to your over 50 needs you be able to get the most out of your retirement and avoid illness. It is not hard to become fit, so do not be intimidated by your age. You may not start at the same intense level you would have in your youth, but you can still get the same fantastic results. The first step is to design a quality exercise regiment.

Strength training or bodybuilding over 50 should be a major component of your exercise program. Bodybuilding increases your muscle mass, which will make you stronger for all of the activities you want to do when you are older. Rock climbing, long hikes, and family bike rides require you to have strong muscles that will not give out on you. Bodybuilding can prepare you for this activity and keep you healthy enough to stay free and independent for many years to come.

Cardio and Flexibility workouts are also essential. Cardio exercise improves your heart, lungs, and blood circulation. It builds endurance for activities like tennis matches and swimming. Yoga and other flexibility exercises keep your muscles stretched and joints limber for enjoyable activities like an evening of ballroom dancing with someone special.

Good nutrition and positive lifestyle changes are equally important components of fitness. Try to reduce how many sugary carbohydrates and fats you consume. Increase the protein, nutrients, and water in your diet. Reducing areas of stress is a very positive lifestyle change. You should also eliminate alcohol, cigarettes, or other substances that harm your body.

You have complete control over your level of activity. The healthier you are, the easier it will be to do all the things you dreamed of doing in your retirement. If you want to have fun in the "Golden Years" to come, today is the day to start a fitness program. - 17269

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The Value of Workout Analysis for Over Forty Bodybuilding

By Scott Fisher

Fitness experts and competitive bodybuilders all over the world insist that keeping an exercise journal was a pivotal part of their success. This is because an exercise journal allows you to track and analyze your progress. If you are able to analyze what puts you ahead and what sets you back, you know how to adjust your training program in order to make yourself stronger, healthier, and better.

When you are keeping an exercise journal, make sure you make a detailed record of the muscle group trained, the specific movements used, and how many reps you performed. For example, if you are focusing on your triceps through arm extensions and dips your journal entry should be similar to this: Triceps- Dips (6 reps), Arm Extensions (14 reps). Also, you will want to note the total time trained and how much time spent on each movement.

The more information you provide, the better you will be able to track your progress. If you are a beginner at fitness over 40, you cannot include too many details. Once you learn how your body responds to strength training, you will know which information is most helpful and you can modify your entries accordingly.

If you keep a detailed training record, you will also be able to quickly identify when you have overworked a muscle group and change. Often, if you are overworking in the beginning of a session you will notice that you are not able to do as many reps later in the session. If you notice unusual soreness or that you need longer rest, you will be able to identify which parts of your training caused the injury. When you can prevent repeating the injury you can prevent more critical damage.

Make sure you include your warm-up stretches, cardio, and weights in your journal. If you are not getting your desired muscle gain or if you feel pain afterwards, this could be from a lack of adequate warm up. You will be able to compare the warm up of periods when you saw positive results to the warm up of periods when you made no progress. Analysis of these two periods should help you adapt your workout accordingly.

Expert bodybuilders also chronicle their nutrition, such as their daily intake of proteins, carbs, and fat. If you are bodybuilding over 40 then you will need to pay special attention to your nutritional intake because of your changing metabolism. You will also track the number of calories you consume and when. If you are having difficulty building muscle, you may not be consuming enough calories to counteract your training. If you are putting on unwanted weight, you may have to consume fewer calories or do more cardio.

It is also good to track your energy levels and motivation. Create a numbered rating system to describe your mood. Everyday, especially the day after training, record your number. Pay attention to the days you have the most energy and, more importantly, the days when you feel sore or sluggish. If you notice that changes you have made to your training program overly exhaust you or cause pain, you may have to lower the intensity a bit until your body adjusts.

No matter how much you have prepared for bodybuilding over 40, you are probably not going to start with the perfect program. Most competitive bodybuilders know that they get the maximum results when they use exercise journals to track and modify their progress. If you keep a journal, you will have a tool to create a great fitness plan tailored to your body, your life, and your fitness goals. - 17269

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The Number One Meal

By Susanne Marra

A smart idea to get off to a good start is breakfast. You must have heard this when you were a kid. I do not mean sugary cereal! Protein is the best choice first thing in the morning. It will give you the energy to go on until lunch .

I love a shake with protein for breakfast. It is the fastest, easiest, quickest way to get the nutrients my body needs. You can not beat organic protein powder. Organic is the best choice since you can be sure it does not contain hormones, antibiotics or pesticides like some of the other types. We must try not to put these things in our body.

Another good option is egg white and turkey on wheat bread rather than white bread. You will get added fiber with whole grain bread and turkey is a great source of protein.

If you love cereal try oatmeal. Oatmeal has a low glycemic index so it will keep you feeling full for quite a while. If you are trying to lose weight is a good choice, especially if you currently eat sugary cereal. You should buy plain rather than flavored oatmeal. The flavored type can have too much sugar in them, or artificial sweetener. You can add a few raisins, apple chunks, and even almonds. All these add great flavor and should keep you satisfied for a while.

A good way to keep you metabolism up is to eat several small meals throughout the day. Grapes are an excellent option with a low glycemic index and high water content, ideal for hydration. Make some healthy snacks to eat during the day. You should always drink water during the day as well. we all need water! Here you can find great information on the water. http://thewatercure.com water. This site contains great information on the benefits of water - 17269

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How Colon Cleanse Reviews can Help Us

By Bart Icles

It is important that we keep ourselves fit and healthy so we can be free from diseases and illnesses. We often follow diet and exercise plans to keep ourselves fit and healthy; but there are certain parts of our body that we tend to overlook. Many of us often forget that having a healthy colon is an important aspect of being healthy. A healthy colon paves the way for better digestion of the food we eat so we can better absorb all the nutrients that we need to live through the day. Our colon also helps us in eliminating toxins and other waste products that can bring harm to our body. All these make colon cleansing and detoxification a significant part of our health and fitness regimen. To help use select the best colon cleansing solution, it is recommended that we read about colon cleanse reviews.

Colon cleanse reviews can give us overviews of various colon cleansing methods and products. These reviews can give us comparisons of different products so we can learn more about the benefits that they offer. They can also give us a good idea of what side effects they potentially have so we can take the necessary precautionary measures.

Reviews of colon cleansers are also good sources of information regarding how colon cleansing products and methods really work. They also give us ideas on where we can purchase such products or where we can avail of such services. These reviews also provide information on how we can go about colon cleansing, what we can do to prepare ourselves for the whole process and how often should we cleanse our colon.

Indeed, it can be quite difficult to select a colon cleanser that you will use. With help of colon cleanse reviews, choosing a certain colon cleansing product would be a lot easier. These reviews can give us a better look at different solutions so we can better decide which product to purchase and which ones to avoid. They can also give us warnings on how to identify colon cleansing scams so we do not fall prey to their malicious schemes.

Just remember that in choosing the best colon cleansing program or product, you must consider if that certain program or solution can indeed meet your needs. Bear in mind that we all have different needs so there is no single colon cleanser that would best fit all our needs. Starting reading colon cleanse reviews today so you can have a better idea of the different colon cleansers available in the market. - 17269

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Natural Colon Cleansing: Best Process to Enhance Life

By Robertson Kunz

At the time when we are troubled by constant headaches, constipation, fatigue, excessive weight, low energy, it becomes essential to go through colon cleansing. Colon or the large intestine is an internal organ where waste is stored. Owing to daily exposure to toxins, pollution, heavy metals, parasites our colon can get ruined. Ruined colons are extremely risky as it is a famous phrase that "death begins in the colon". Therefore, colon cleansing has been established as a requirement by worldwide scientists. There are two kinds of colon cleansing techniques, first is the auto-cleansing or natural cleansing and the other colon cleansing technique is colon irrigation. Natural colon cleansing includes oral ingestion of products such as enemas, laxatives, enzymes, powders and anti-parasite capsules. Colon irrigation method includes a colonic hygienist or a colon therapist who makes use of a machine that fills 20 gallons of water with the assistance of a tube installed in your rectum. When the water goes into your colon the hygienist usually massages the abdomen and then removes the water using a different tube.

Yet, colon irrigation process is risky; natural colon cleansing method is more suitable. If natural colon cleansing is implemented on an every day basis then evils caused because of the colon can be prohibited. Prior to getting introduced with the natural colon cleansing benefits, we will at first delve into the health hazards caused due to a damaged colon.

Health hazards of a contaminated colon:

Constipation takes place due to the slow movement of the body waste through the colon. The colon absorbs too much water making the body waste stiff and arid that results in troubled bowel movements.

Fatigue is the feeling of intense weariness and shortage of energy. Skin problems involve itchiness, acne and signs of early aging like wrinkles.

There is a propensity to long for for foods that are perhaps your favorite; however, they are bad for health.

Reduced metabolism and accretion of excreta gives excessive weight. When toxics are accumulated in the colon, an individual experiences terrible headaches.

Bloating of the abdomen can be caused by if a lot of gas gets collected in the colon. Delay in the excretion of feces can cause excessive built up of gas in the colon.

These are a few mild health complaints occurring because of a contaminated colon. However, upon neglecting these health complaints, danger of severe health hazards cannot be shunned. Hence, it is necessary that colon cleansing is undergone within time.

Why choose natural colon cleansing?

There are many reasons to choose natural colon cleansing. First and foremost, it is the most convenient method of colon cleansing. Natural colon cleansing is done by green tea, enemas, laxatives, enzymes, powders and anti-parasite capsules. Therefore, they all can be taken in orally. On the other hand it is cheaper or free way of colon cleansing. There are least chances of errors or any kinds of side effects. Hence, choosing natural colon cleansing method is beneficial and profitable as well.

Health benefits of natural colon cleansing

Getting rid of constipation, losing weight up to 10-30 pounds, preventing wrinkles, acne, pimples, diabetes and giving you an energetic, youthful and beautiful life are some of the benefits of natural colon cleansing method. - 17269

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