Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Burn Fat And Lose Weight Without A Diet

By Danny Gutierrez

Let's talk about two things you can start doing today to instantly start losing some weight while at the same time melting the existing fat on your body.

Now generally speaking to lose weight you have to diet because in order to lose weight you have to reduce the amount of calories you consume. In a nutshell, you have to burn more calories then you consume in order to lose weight. This article will show you how you can reduce the amount of calories you consume pretty dramatically and how you can do it without dieting.

One of the fastest and most effective methods for dramatically reducing the amount of calories you consume is to completely replace all of the drinks in your diet with water. That means cutting out the sodas, the iced coffees, the juices and pretty much all the sugary drinks loaded down with a ton of calories and replacing them with water.

A twelve ounce can of soda contains 155 calories and by replacing all of the sugary drinks you currently consume with water, which contains zero calories, you'll essentially be dieting. But more importantly you'll be reducing the amount of calories you consume without altering your food diet one bit.

Snacking between meals is another common pitfall for a lot of people and one that can be very easily remedied. The key is knowing that most of the time when you're feeling hungry between meals you're really just thirsty and your body is probably dehydrated.

The next time you feel like snacking between meals the first thing you should try is an ice cold bottle of water. Obviously if you still feel hungry after the water then you can have a light and healthy snack but you should first try the water to avoid any unnecessary snacking.

As effective as drinking water to reduce your caloric consumption can be it still doesn't account for the existing fat that is on your body. So the next step is to begin targeting the fat on your body so you can have a more lean and toned appearance.

The fastest way to begin melting fat off your body is to do some form of medium intensity cardio workout first thing in the morning before you have anything to eat.

The reason you do your workout before you eat is because you just woke up from sleeping and your body has essentially just fasted for the past 7-8 hours. Your body is low on glycogen because there is no food to digest in your stomach and your body is basically looking for fuel to burn so it turns to the fat stored underneath your skin for fuel.

Putting your body into fat burning mode isn't as easy as most gym goers think unfortunately. It requires a special kind of workout. As a rule of thumb you basically want to be able to maintain a conversation with someone while working out. You want to do a medium-impact cardio workout. Nothing to rigorous if you want to burn fat.

So there you have it. These two tips will have you on the fast track to a leaner body almost from the day you start working out! - 17269

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What Is Brazilian Acai Berry?

By Carter Sinclair

From the acai palm the acai berry is grown. It is found in South America and Central America, also in Brazil and is a very fast growing palm. Many have added this Brazilian fruit to their diets and it is quickly becoming more popular. Others are asking what is this Brazilian acai berry?

The acai berry is very small in size and grows in clusters just as grapes do. It is grown in floodplains and swamplands in Brazil and is starting to be grown in forests too.

The major difference between acai berries and grapes are the size of the seed. The acai berry seed is much larger than a grapes. The seed makes up about 80% of the berry. Also, the berry has a lot darker color.

Acai berry contains some amazing benefits from the powerful antioxidants it contains. Anthocyanin the antioxidant also found in red wine, is very high in concentration in the acai fruit. Anthocyanin plays an important role is protecting your body from free radicals which cause aging and cell damage.

It plays a major role in the diets of many natives in Brazil. It is important to them because it also contains high levels of vitamins, fiber, iron, and calcium. These are very important nutrients to our bodies health.

The acai Brazilian berry can be found in a lot of places. It has generated a lot of popularity so you can see it sold as a drink, smoothies, supplement, powder, and many other products. Acai is very good for your health so in any form it will be great for your diet. Next time you go shopping don't be afraid to add this extraordinary fruit to your shopping cart. - 17269

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Neutrogena Anti-Wrinkle Cream for Youthful-Looking Skin

By Jodi Nephali

As you age, your skin will inevitably develop the characteristics which will make you look older. You'll find that crow's feet will start forming around your eyes, lines will develop around your mouth, and you'll also start seeing dark under-eye circles and age spots. No one wants to see this happening to them, because on the inside they still feel young. If you feel a shock when you look in the mirror and see the telltale signs that you're growing older, then you undoubtedly would like to find a way to reverse the trend and give your skin back that healthy glow it had when you were young. This is a time when Neutrogena Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle Cream with Retinol will create visible results.

You'll want to use a product that contains Retinol, because it has been clinically proven to work deep in the skin to reduce the occurrence of wrinkles, creases, lines, and age spots. Neutrogena Healthy Skin contains this important ingredient as well as vitamins B5 and E and additional moisturizers to keep your skin hydrated, smooth, and supple. As you get older, your body no longer produces the natural oils that help keep skin moist, so the skin gets dry. Dry skin is prone to more wrinkles and will look old much sooner than skin that is kept adequately moisturized.

You'll love the feel of Neutrogena Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle Cream. It goes on smooth and creamy, and it's easily absorbed into your skin. It can be worn by itself or as a make-up base, because it is so lightweight and has no oils in it. You need to be patient, because it can take up to 8 weeks before you'll begin to see the results, but in the end you'll be very happy with the face you see. In the meantime, if you purchase the right formula, you can enjoy the protection of an SPF 15 which will keep the sun from doing further damage to your delicate facial tissues.

Neutrogena Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle Cream is also available in an intensive night cream formula. Although the tube you get seems small, it will actually last you up to 2 months. You only need to use a drop the size of a pearl to get all the effects this product can give you. If you have sensitive skin you'll like the fact that there are no oils, fragrances, or dyes in this cream to cause you skin irritation. You'll also enjoy the fact that the cream is very lightweight to wear, and it's guaranteed not to clog your pores.

If you still aren't convinced that this is the right anti-wrinkle cream for you, you need to know that it is the #1 product containing Retinol that is recommended by dermatologists. Unlike many of the anti-aging products on the market, Neutrogena Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle Cream has been clinically-proven to work as advertised. In addition, by looking online you'll find a multitude of customer feedback comments, and the majority of them consider the product to be a real asset in their lives. Therefore, don't you think you owe it to yourself to at least give it a try? You're going to be glad that you did. - 17269

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True Story - Magnesium Oil Took Away the Pain

By Lydia Peru

Have you ever had an ache that just will not go away? My sister has that, in fact several areas that hurt almost all the time. During a recent visit I could tell she was not comfortable, even though she didnt talk about it. From the car accident to the fall several years prior, there was rarely a time that she was free from pain.

Once I noticed that she was feeling the achiness in her knees I decided to make the offer. After dinner , when she was preparing for a warm shower, I handed her a bottle of Transderma magnesium oil. I told her to massage it in to the sore spots after her shower.

The evening continued on with a quiet relaxed movie on TV and a little fun teasing back and forth, just like the old days. Then out of the blue my sister told me her how much her right leg was bothering her. I thought the magnesium oil didnt help, but then she told me she put it on her left leg. The pain went away in her left leg, and now the pain in her right leg really stood out.

I was really surprised that the magnesium oil worked as well as it did. I think my sister decided to wait until morning to use the topical Transderma oil on her other leg so that she could enjoy the feeling that this stuff really worked.

Since our skin is porous we are able to absorb some nutrients through our skin. Thats what transdermal means, being able to transfer through the dermal layer. The magnesium oil was rubbed into the skin around the painful areas, absorbing quickly.

I still wondered how my sister could treat one side with the Transderma magnesium oil, get such good results, and still not apply it to the other side. All she had to say was that she was amazed to find out how much it really did bother her before she used the magnesium oil. I guess the comparison gave her a good idea of how much pain she carried all the time, in both legs. - 17269

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Shed Off Extra Pounds Quickly with These 6 Easy Steps

By Thong M. Dao

Do you want to lose fat? Have you tried different diets and failed consistently? If you answered yes to these questions, you are in good company. There are a lot of people who have been trying fat loss diets over the years and have failed. The reason they have not succeeded is that they used gimmicks and lose-weight-fast diets that do more damage than good. Here are some sensible things to keep in mind when you try to lose weight.

1. Check everything you eat from the food itself to what you top it with. Condiments and garnishments may destroy a healthy meal since they're generally high in fat.

2. Get a handle on the sweet tooth. This doesn't mean you can't have your sweets; just don't eat them as a meal. Always remember that these sweets end up adding to an area that you don't want them to add to. Don't deprive yourself either though, because then you'll eat twice as many as you should.

3. Determine meal time and adhere to it. Attempt to eat your meals at given times. An eating pattern can assist you to take control over what you consume and when you consume it. Besides, it actually is best to have 5 small meals per day instead of just 1 or 2 big meals. Only eating once per day makes your body feel like it's malnourished, which puts on weight rather than burning it for fuel. In addition, do not wait till you are starved to eat. It just makes you gorge till you are stuffed.

4. Eat only if you're hungry. Make certain to consume a glass of water first to find out whether you truly are hungry or thirsty. A lot of folks have the inclination to eat whenever they see foods. This does not mean they're hungry; they merely wish to have them. Do not eat whatever you are offered unless you actually are hungry. When you feel you must have it out of being polite, simply nibble, do not consume a meal.

5. Try not to snack between meals, but if you must have a snack make sure it is a healthy one. If you travel a lot try to find healthy snacks and not junk food.

6. Veggies make great snacks. They can get you through the hunger pangs if you are having them. Carrots are great because they satisfy hunger and they are packed with nutrients. - 17269

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Lose weight the right way with the right supplements.

By Calvin Coarse

In this brief review you will see why Dual Action Cleanse is the perfect weight loss cleansing supplement to start your diet off with.

Dual action cleanse has been one of the top performers in the weight loss supplement community as the results fall short of nothing but amazing. We are going to cover the benefits of there middle package in today's review which also includes a free bonus gift at the end.

There has always been one difference for me that has made Dual Action cleanse stand above the rest and that is the fact that they don't claim to have one supper pill that does everything. They have a system in place that works and works very well.

When doing a colon cleanse, there are steps you need to take to insure you are getting the best results possible.

Here are the benefits of the Dual Action System.

Remove Toxic Build Up

More energy and clarity

Less Bloating (actually a lot less bloating for me)

Much clearer Skin and hair - 17269

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Supplementing for a Fit Body Made Easy

By Thong M. Dao

The supplements that we take also help us stay in positive health and not merely the workouts we carry out. It's definitely the truth that not all supplements for sales are competent in quality, but using the right ones can really help to determine a healthy and well balanced physique.

Let's take a look at a a couple of things that we can pick out which can assist us in this way. It may astound you to discover one of these will also work for you.

Supplements that result in natural metabolic stimulation are recommended if you are looking to slim down. There is a way to lessen your appetite in a natural way by taking something.

Green tea extract or tea bags will do a lot for your metabolic process and assist you to burn fat on a consistent basis. One cactus that lives in some desert regions of Africa is Hoodia Gordonii. This plant naturally plays tricks on your mind making you think that you are full, because this is an effective appetite suppressant.

It might also be essential for you to balance your system out in one way or another with the use of supplements. Except for those who have been consuming supplements for a period already, we all have vitamins missing from our bodies.

Make sure that you're having plenty of vitamin C and vitamin B in your daily program. These will help you obtain your fitness ends and help keep your body in balance. You should take these for your whole life so that you keep your body's vitamin and mineral balance.

Supplements can also help to flush free radicals from our bodies. In our bodies, free radicals are a consequence of environmental exposure and bad dietary selections.

This will damage tissue and flip your body out of balance. Employing strong antioxidants, for instance, green tea, will aid in making the body physically fit and well with some working out. - 17269

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How To Get A Six Pack - Melt Your Whole Body, Not Just Abs

By Jose Loni

The way to get a six pack is to lose body fat. We see all the ab machines and ab exercises claiming their product will get you results fast. The only way to get results fast is to lose body fat by increasing your metabolism through resistance training and incorporating healthy eating habits.

People think that spot reduction is the answer to getting six pack abs. That is why we see so many ads showing their exercises or machine targeting the abs directly. The abs will get stronger, but they won't become more defined.

Boost your metabolism and see that body fat disappear. Training with resistance, whether it's with weights or the body, will help increase the body's metabolism, which will burn fat.

Training with resistance can be done either with weights or using body weight. The main part of training with resistance is to have a regular training session 4 times a week, keeping the intensity high and having low repetitions.

A workout session can consist of lunges, chin-ups, squats or step-ups, which can be done with or without weights. These exercises are to be performed at high intensity for 20 seconds, moving from one exercise to the other with no rest, then resting briefly when the last exercise is done, then you repeat the sequence of exercises 6 times during each workout.

The body will work extra not only during the exercise session but also afterwards as well as throughout the day. Because the exercise was very intense, the muscles need to work hard after the exercise bout to repair and help replenish. The body must also look for sources of energy for the muscles to maintain its metabolic activity, which results in greater fat burning to provide energy to the muscles.

A diet that consists of lean proteins and complex carbohydrates will allow the body to consume the calories easier and prevent any excess calories from being stored as body fat. Eating several meals throughout the day will help stabilize the body's energy levels and help monitor calories. Eliminating fatty foods, snacks and carbonated beverages will also help keep fat from being stored on the body, as these foods are very high in caloric content.

Increase the body's metabolism and have it working for you! Kick-start your metabolism and your body will burn the fat for you even while you are sitting at work, talking to clients or even sleeping. Regular exercise and healthy eating will get you six-pack abs! - 17269

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Quick and Easy Weight Loss Tips To Take The Edge Off

By Herb Mansfield

There are so many quick and easy weight loss tips out there to choose from, you need to make sure that you are picking the ones that aren't gonna mess with your health.

You usually lose weight for two reasons, to look better and to feel better. However if you follow quick and easy weight loss tips just to look better then chances are you will be doing damage to yourself in the long run so be certain that you follow some healthy quick weight loss tips that can be effective and help you get to your personal weight loss goals.

Put Down the Remote and Get Active

Many people start to look for quick and easy weight loss tips as a way to get out of exercising. Unfortunately, you wont lose any weight healthily unless you follow some kind of exercise regime. Even it is only light prolonged activity.

Remember that too much exercise too quickly can be dangerous and even fatal so start out slow and build your way up.

If you are used to sitting behind a desk all day and the most exercise you normally get in a day is the walk from your house to your car in the morning then a brisk walk around the block once a day should be sufficient to get your system going and help you lose weight.

These types of quick and easy weight loss tips are good for people that like to be active or feel that they need to be active.

Rubbish InWont Get You Thin

You may have decided to look for some quick and easy weight loss tips as a way to avoid cutting out all your favourite foods, snacks, and treats. Well you're in luck, you wont have to cut them all out. But moderation is the key.

Truth be told that cutting back on sugar and starchy foods will perpetuate your weight loss efforts into a league of their own.

An easy one is to cut out fizzy drinks if you find you are drinking more than 1 a day. Replace them with smoothies or fruit juices.

Junk food is the next thing to go if you really want to get those fast and rapid weight loss results that you so desperately desire.

You would be shocked at how much weight you will lose if you just cut out the sweets you don't even realize you are eating on a daily basis. That candy bar you eat for energy in the afternoons can get replaced with an apple or banana and then watch the pounds fall off.

Will Power

With quick and easy weight loss the one thing people never bring up is will power.

Without will power all quick and easy weight loss tips that you try are useless so before you even look into quick ways to lose weight be certain that you are really ready to lose weight and will stick to a program you are given. - 17269

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Learn Why Anti Aging Vitamin and Health Supplements Aren't All They Claim To Be

By Brett Seagrott

The nutritional supplement industry has created an enormous market playing, in part, on consumers fears. As a result of a widespread increase in the publics dietary knowledge, there has been a rapidly increasing demand in the use of nutritional supplements as a form of preventative health-care and protection from serious disease.

The ease of access to information has educated far more people in basic nutritional health, helping acknowledge the tragic state of our mainstream health. Consequently, there has been a huge upward trend in the use of nutritional supplements as a kind of self health-care to guard against the destructive health effects of twenty first century living .

Processed food accounts for approximately 90 percent of the US food supply. Living in the modern world is subjecting us continuously to environmental and nutritional toxins / stressors. The effect has been a speeding up of our aging process which inevitably leads to a gradual descent into degenerative disease. Premature aging is the single greatest health threat now faced by most developed western nations.

Nutritional supplement manufacturers base a large part of their marketing literature on 'indirectly implying' their products will create the healthy and happy lifestyle people so desperately want without the need to make any other changes to their lifestyles.

As a result, nutritional supplement companies are playing on this desire for all it's worth and indirectly promoting health nutritional supplements a type of 'magic nutrition pill'!

Unfortunately the extent of mistruths and 'souped-up' product claims for health and vitamin nutritional supplements is nothing short of disgusting! Professional marketing spin along with mis-leading statistics in highly sophisticated presentations, are able to lead consumers into the purchasing decisions which the manufacturers want.

The huge supplement companies naturally possess the greatest marketing budgets giving them much greater access to resources for building (artificial) credibility and for 'working' their versions of the truth. While the majority of the scientific basis underlying their products is true, it is what they are holding back and not revealing which is the real problem for supplement users. These are facts exposing weaknesses in their product's overall efficacy and highlighting extremely weak value for money.

The large multi-national supplement companies have the largest marketing budgets giving them far greater access to resources for developing brand awareness and trustworthiness as well as for 'spinning' their versions of the truth. While the majority of the scientific basis for their supplements is true, it is what they are not telling their customers which is the real issue. Little known facts revealing shortfalls in their product's efficacy, quality and value for money.

Ninety nine percent of anti aging nutritional health and vitamin supplements have major deficiencies in their formulas, stopping them from achieving, to any substantial extent, the health and lifestyle benefits promoted. These are facts which the companies have gone to great lengths over time to hide. The publics' lack of extensive knowledge of nutritional science, allows the manufacturers of market leading supplement brands to greatly exaggerate their effectiveness.

99% of vitamin and health based nutritional supplements have major weaknesses preventing them from achieving, to a highly effective degree, their published health claims. These are facts which the companies have hidden from their customers for years. The publics' lack of extensive knowledge of nutritional science , allows the manufacturers of market leading supplement brands to grossly exaggerate their capabilities.

Let me highlight once more that the kind of supplements I'm talking about are those marketed as premium level, multi ingredient nutritional supplements. That is, high quality supplements with science-based formulas providing total nutritional balance using a very broad spectrum of ingredients from ALL nutrient categories (vitamins, enzymes, antioxidants, amino acids, ,etc)

At the most basic level these supplements top up any minor or borderline nutrient deficiencies, just as the cheaper multivitamins do but then they go on to do far more by offering powerful anti aging benefits which can slow / normalize your aging and optimize your health to provide heightened nutritional support which prevents the onset of degenerative disease.

The average price range of these types of nutritional supplements is $35 - $45 - A major expense for the majority of consumers, considering that to receive maximum health benefits you will need to continue using supplements for the rest of your life. It therefore makes prudent financial sense to know how to dissect the fanciful marketing claims and determine once and for all exactly which nutritional supplements can achieve these essential capabilities:

A) Completely achieve their marketing claims

B) Provide leading value for your money

Now, from a legal point of view, all these leading supplements can be said to provide these health benefits, 'to some degree', but the sixty four million dollar question is: to what extent? This of course is the part the manufacturers play around with through their marketing spin and clever presentations!

From a legal standpoint these types of supplements can be said to provide their health claims (to some degree) BUT TO WHAT ACTUAL EXTENT? This of course is the part which the manufacturers manipulate and it is the most important issue for savvy supplement consumers.!

So, basically stated, to slow and normalize the aging process you must focus on addressing and treating the causes of aging!


So, now we come to the heart of the anti aging supplement claims:

Now, here's the crux of these anti aging supplement claims:

Here They Are:

* Free radicals

* Free radicals

* Methylation

* Inflammation

Each is scientifically established for the creation of degenerative disease! Therefore, you can only truly be successful with your anti aging program if you address and treat each one simultaneously on an ongoing basis.

The complex task of normalizing premature aging requires a number of very specialized ingredients, some of which are rarely used due to their high cost as well as their need for protection while passing through the acidic environment of the stomach. To evaluate the efficacy of nutritional supplements with anti aging claims, we simply need to look at the names of all these special key ingredients and then look at the level of their inclusion in any supplement formula.

To determine effectiveness and approximate value for money of nutritional supplements (premium level anti aging types), we must know the names of all these special ingredients to examine to what extent they are present in a supplement formula.

So, here's the answer you are properly wondering about: right about now - 'YES', there are multi ingredient health nutritional supplements out there which do include ALL the specialized anti aging ingredients, have an enteric coating, and offer exceptional value for money (with a competitive price tag within a handful of dollars of th prices of all the well known market leaders which are not up to the task.!)

Get all the information related to this topic at www.nutritional-supplement-truths.com Once you've arrived click through to the supplement comparisons and reviews page.

The information you need is all laid out on my 'best vitamin supplements' comparisons and reviews page over at nutritional-supplement-truths.com

Happy Health! - 17269

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Are There Health Benefits of Oolong Tea?

By Jared Rothe

Oolong tea, a semi-fermented version of the tea plant camellia sinensis, has a variety of long-term health benefits. Although some claim that it has negative side effects, in truth, the only time that it gives off bad effects is when it is taken excessively. The good news is that oolong has just the right amount of healthy compounds and you can drink up to four cups of it on a daily basis.

Oolong tea is a semi fermented which means it contains much more polyphenols than other teas such as black tea. The polyphenols are called tannin by the scientific name.

So, what are the health benefits of oolong? It contains a wide variety of polyphenols that can bring so many great health benefits to a regular tea drinker. One such effect is detoxification and the reduction of triglycerides.

Triglycerides are the leading cause of obesity. Too many of them can lead to a lot of fat buildup. In China oolong tea has been used as a supplement to weight loss programs. It can aid in weight loss when combined with a healthy diet and exercise.

The polyphenols help to melt fat away that is excreted out of our systems. Oolong tea helps this by metabolizing fats faster than normal.

In an experiment rats in a laboratory were given the same meals and one isolated group of rats was given oolong tea instead of water. The results were amazing, the rats that were given the oolong tea lost significantly more weight than the rats that drank only water.

Oolong tea can help to reduce stress, lower your blood pressure, improve your digestive system, skin, lower cholesterol, and improve your immune system. - 17269

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The Importance of Omega 3 during Pregnancy and Nursing

By Michael Byrd

The EU (European Union) recently recommended pregnant and nursing women take daily omega 3 DHA fatty acid supplements.

For those of you who don't know, the EU committee is comprised of more than 50 nutritional experts from the Perinatal Lipid Nutrition Group (PeriLip) and Early Nutrition Programming (EARNEST); they have unanimously agreed pregnant and nursing mothers should supplement their diets with 200 mgs/day of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) - a long chain omega 3 fatty acid found primarily in fatty fish such as salmon, sardines and tongol tuna/

The decision by the committee was based on the support of seven international scientific organizations, made its recommendation based on two major points:

One - studies conducted by the committee revealed that most western mothers did not eat enough fatty fish; two servings are generally recommended in order to supply the bare minimum of omega 3 DHA for a healthy pregnancy. The committee found that the average DHA intake of pregnant and lactating women in the U.S was less than 18 % of the recommended daily amount and only 2 % of these women meet their daily needs of DHA. Of course, if you are not eating enough fish oil to sustain your daily dosage of DHA then your baby isn't getting it either.

Two - Research studies have revealed that women who have a high dietary intake of omega 3 DHA have much healthier pregnancies and deliver babies that have higher birth weight as well as babies that are full term. Not only that, the research showed the benefits to extend beyond birth as well. Babies who received the recommended amounts of omega 3 fish oils, particularly DHA when in the womb have optimum brain and eye development and motor, thinking and language skills. There is also a decreased risk of these babies developing asthma, juvenile diabetes and ADD/ADHD later on in life.

Speaking for the committee, Professor Berthold Koletxco, Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Munich, stated, "We reviewed a wealth of evidence on the benefits of DHA omega 3 and hope our findings will offer guidance for healthcare professionals on the optimum DHA omega 3 intake during pregnancy and nursing."

In addition, professor Koletzco also shared, "We also hope that new and expectant mothers will be able to use this specific information to ensure that they are getting enough DHA omega 3 to gain the nutritional benefits throughout their pregnancy and during nursing."

The EU committee recommended salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel and tuna as the richest sources of omega 3 fatty acids. The committee also pointed out that even though they recommend 200 mgs/day of omega 3 DHA, studies have shown that as much as one gram/day of DHA can be taken without any adverse affect.

If you are concerned about fish toxicity researchers have found that as long as you stay away from the large predator fish such as shark and swordfish, two or three servings a week of one of the above fatty fish is perfectly safe during pregnancy. In fact, a recent study conducted at Harvard University School of Public Health revealed that any harmful effects of toxicity are far outweighed by the benefits of fish oil as much as 500 to one. In other words, toxicity is not a threat.

Therefore, if you are pregnant, nursing or just thinking about it and want your baby to be smart, and healthy there is no time like the present to start eating more fatty fish and taking omega 3 fish oil supplements ASAP. Your baby will thank you. - 17269

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