Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Eating a Healthy Diet

By Nathalie Booth

It's not a secret that diet and what we eat affect our health. Diet has an impact on our body weight and "bad" diet can increase health risks. Eating healthy for many of us is challenging because many foods we love may be forbidden.

We like, dislike and even hate different foods, that's why healthy diet may vary for each individual. Some people (many actually) don't like bananas, so hate garlic and some just can't stand fish so each of us have to choose something from the range of healthy products we can eat.

There's plenty of information around of how a healthy diet should look like which is a great thing, but bellow are few simple things that can help start eating healthier today.

1) Choose products of different colours. This may sound crazy but it does make sense. As you may know different foods have different nutritional values. Some are rich is carbohydrates and some in fats.

Same is with colours. Colours will make your choice easier while you shop. Pick as much colours as you can and you will have wide variety of nutrients. This principle works, especially with vegetables and fruits.

2) Eat all product groups. Despite many diet program recommendations to cut out many products, keep your diet varied. This will ensure that you get all important nutrients your body needs to stay healthy.

Your body needs nutrients like carbohydrates and fat. Keep your diet balanced. Fruits and vegetables should be the main part of your diet but don't forget also about fish, some meat and potatoes.

3) Start healthy snacking. Nothing's wrong with having a snack it's just all about choosing right snacks. By swapping your usual snacks like crisps or biscuits to something healthier you can help your weight loss a lot.

Healthy snacks include veg, any fruit, seeds and nuts. These should suppress your appetite so you don't think about food until your next meal.

Healthy eating is a rule number one of healthy weight loss. Healthy diet is not a good way of losing weight but also it improves your health and makes you feel better. - 17269

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Great Way to Burn Fat With Cardio

By Piotrus Kaczmarzus

With cardio, burning fat, can be a very difficult thing to do. The common idea in most people is that losing fat is the heart of the fastest way to burn fat. Unfortunately, with cardio can burn fat actually slow your results if you are not correct!

Why Use fat-burning cardio might not work

The most common way to use cardio to burn fat is called "steady state" training. This involves going to the same speed for long periods of time. This type of cardio workout is the most common thing I see most health clubs that I had to endure.

A large proportion of people who are steady-state cardio training method rarely lose, no fat, if they use on a very restricted diet. The reason, Steady-state training is not the best way to cardiovascular burn is fat is anything to your metabolism back.

As you probably know, your metabolism is how your body burns calories. The higher your metabolism, the more fat you burn. The best ways to increase metabolism through exercise is to add muscle mass or use intervals of high intensity while doing Cardio. Steady state cardio can burn some calories while you do, but has little effect on your metabolism!

Not only that, but your body adapts very quickly to training cardiovascular steady state, which may make it difficult to burn fat by this method. The first time you get on a treadmill, elliptical, bike, etc, is very exercise with just a little work. But as the progress of your body adapts more and more. You get to the point where your body is so attuned to the same routine of steady state is going to more and more difficult to maintain a challenge it!

Solution Cardio to burn fat

As you can see, do steady state cardio to burn fat is not the best option. If you want to burn fat with cardio, a great alternative to the state of equilibrium is called interval training. Interval training is different to that of steady state cardio, and will play an important role in burning calories and most importantly, increasing your metabolism.

Interval training is a good way to burn fat, because it comes with cardio alternating back and forth between high and low intensities.

Here is how to burn fat with interval training cardio training ...

Use a stationary or recumbent bike, if you are a beginner.

1. Start by heating for 5 minutes. 2. Then slightly increase the pace and strength for the next 2 minutes. 3. Then go quickly for 30 seconds - 1 minute - almost as hard as you can. 4. Repetition 2 minutes late - 1 minute intervals 3-6 times faster. 5. Eventually cool for 5 minutes.

If you do this kind of cardio workout try to burn fat, you will see how much better than steady-state heart. Through the use of interval training as a cardiovascular way to burn fat is to see how the changes in intensity every minute or two really makes the whole training go much faster. As I have already mentioned, the best part about the use of interval training as a cardio workout, burn fat, that it is up to speed up your metabolism for optimal fat loss!

Remember to consult a physician before beginning any exercise program is to do cardio to burn fat. So try interval training, cardio training as close to burn fat. Work hard, train hard and be safe! - 17269

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Breville Juicer: The Healthiest Thing You Can Own.

By Debbie Wood

The Breville Juicer is becoming one of the more popular juicer on the market as people from all over the world are now taking advantage of this great item. People are taking their health more seriously and fruit and vegetable juices are two of the healthiest things you can have. It does not matter if you drink a glass in the morning when you wake up, with your lunch, or before you go to bed, as these juices will do your body some good at any hour of the day. The benefits of using one of these juicers are endless, which is reason enough to give one a try today.

There are several reasons why the popularity of the Breville Juicer is growing so rapidly. Among these reasons is the fact that it has most of the same functions as many other name brand name juicers, but it is much less expensive. People who find out what they cost are often shocked by just how affordable a Breville fruit juicer is. You will definitely save money if you decide to buy a Breville Juicer. When you take into account the fact that the motor this juicer uses is one of the most powerful juicer motors on the market, it is easy to see why this brand is becoming so popular.

This is a fruit juicer that is very easy to use. All you do is turn it on, then use the pusher to feed fruits and vegetables inside. Your glass will quickly be filled with fresh juice and you will be enjoying it in a very short period of time. Your Breville Juicer also comes with a fruit juicer recipe book which includes some perfectly designed recipes, saving you the trouble of looking for the right combinations yourself.

Cleaning is remarkably easy as well. The Breville Juicer easily comes apart and includes its own special cleaning brush. After you brush out the excess fruit or vegetable pulp, you can wash the juicer using soap and water. Sometimes you might only need to give it a quick rinse. One reason why this juicer is so highly trusted within the industry is the fact that it does not hide behind celebrity endorsements or flashy features. Instead, you simply get a juicer that is one of the premier products on the market. What more would anyone want to ask for?

Your life will become much easier when you use a Breville Juicer. You will be able to enjoy fresh fruit and vegetable juices anytime you want them. People who are truly serious about leading a healthy lifestyle simply cannot do without a fruit juicer. A Breville Juicer will provide nearly instant access to the vitamins and minerals that are essential for good health. There are many other juicers on the market, but you will not be able to find one that is as complete as the Breville. - 17269

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Cabbage Soup Diet For Fast Weight Loss - 2

By Lee Reid

The cabbage soup diet is a diet designed to promote quick weight loss in seven days. The cabbage soup diet is ideal to boost weight loss for a week. Nonetheless it should not be followed for more than a week. Therefore if you need to lose weight fast, or are looking for a way to motivate yourself to lose those pounds then the cabbage soup diet is the diet for you.

However, it should be remembered that the cabbage soup diet is not a recommended long term weight losing technique.If you follow the cabbage soup diet for a week, then take a break from it for a while before following it again for another week.

How the cabbage soup diet works is by allowing you to eat certain foods and limits other types of food.The cabbage soup diet is a high fiber low fat diet so it would be a good idea to also take some vitamins when following this diet.

The biggest advantage the cabbage soup diet has is its fast results. When you notice a difference after just the third day, you are heartened to carry on with the diet.In addition, it is easier to stick with the diet as it is only for seven days.Furthermore, the cabbage soup diet actually encourages you to eat as much soup as possible and therefore, you would be full and be unlikely to give up the diet pretty easily.

The bland taste and the feeling of weakness or the inability to concentrate felt by some people are the disadvantages of cabbage soup.Nevertheless the cabbage soup diet is still worth it, even with these disadvantages as the significant weight loss you would experience is worth the effort.

To make sure you get the maximum out of the cabbage soup diet you have follow the guidelines carefully.Eat only what is allowed in the cabbage soup diet and also make sure you drink plenty of water to flush out all the toxins in your body.

You could use different herbs and spices to spice up the soup, if you find the taste of it to be bland.If you properly follow the cabbage soup diet for a week, you will notice that you have lost a significant amount of weight which would gratify the week of dieting. - 17269

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Aging Persons Will Want To Find Out How Can I Overcome The Embarrassment Of Easy Bruising?

By Jan Doan

Sometimes when people begin to age they develop a peculiar problem which is that their skins bruise all too easily and if this is your problem then you must learn about how can I overcome the embarrassment of easy bruising? When you age you might notice that simple bumps on your skin can easily become the cause of embarrassment because the bump will turn into a very ugly bruise.

Easily bruised skins can occur without any apparent reason and you won't really understand where the bruise came from which will start to worry you and also your relatives. To learn about how can I overcome the embarrassment of easy bruising it is necessary to get to the root of the problem.

If you are a woman then you will be more at risk of developing easy bruises which will become a regular problem that will last you for the rest of your life. For women it is therefore a lot more crucial that they learn about the reasons for the easier bruising of their skins and they also need to find out what are real causes behind the easy bruising.

The first thing that you need to know is that if you are able to look at the bruise and ascertain its cause you can do something about the problem. Mostly, these bruises that are also called contusions will occur because of thinning of the walls of your body's capillaries and this causes the bruise despite no break in the skin around the bruise.

The bruise becomes a reality due to different types of impacts and if this happens to a person whose skin is light in color then the bruising will appear to be extremely colorful and ugly. These kinds of bruises become colorful on account of blood being allowed to seep into the tissues in the area surrounding the bruise. When the skin becomes too thin and when the capillary walls are also very thin the chances of easy bruising will rise as too if you reach your senior years and beyond.

In a nutshell, easy bruising develops because a person has reached a certain (and late) age in their lives and also because walls of their body's capillaries have thinned too much. To prevent easy bruising and to also minimize its appearance it is a good idea to remove anything that can cause easy bruising.

This means giving up eating of unhealthy foods or smoking cigarettes or drinking too much alcohol which are the main reasons for easy bruising.

If you have been eating unhealthy foods or you smoke cigarettes or you drink too much alcohol then the steps you need to do is get rid of poor foods, cigarettes and your alcohol. Instead, to learn about how can I overcome the embarrassment of easy bruising you should consume a diet that contains virtually no fat and in addition you have to exercise regularly and it also helps to consume natural supplements that help in preventing easy bruising. The older you get you will come to realize that even a simple bump into an object can cause easy bruising. The best way to overcome your embarrassment of easy bruising is to accept that this happens because of old age and there is really nothing for you to be worried about on this account. - 17269

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Green Tea Is A Superb Nutrition Tea

By Aoife Joyce

If you are currently dealing with any minor ailments or illnesses or you just want to keep ahead of things, there is some exciting information you should know about Green Tea. Most people may know that the basics of green tea are that it is very good for you. But for those of you who would like to know more about what it can do in detail,then you will enjoy reading the remainder of this article.

To start, Green Tea originated in China over 4,000 years ago. It is made from the pretty plant leaves of Camellia Sinensis. These leaves are dried by way of steaming. This steaming action allows the all important antioxidants to remain in their original and best state. Speaking of antioxidants, the main and most important one found in green Tea is Epigallocatechin Gallate or in short terms EGCG. This is the antioxidant that has more power than Vitamin C, in fact it is 100 times more beneficial to you than Vitamin C. And interestingly enough it has 25 times more of an impact than Vitamin E, great news for your skin.

Fats and sugars that we ingest are synthesized by the body into a matter called Triglyceride. Triglyceride is used up by the body as a source of energy. If too much sugars and fats are taken in to the body however, there develops an excess of triglyceride. This excess is part to do with what causes obesity. This is not to say that EGCG can remove problems with weight on its own. However it can help hugely with efforts in reducing weight and weight loss diets. It can work in this way as EGCG actually stimulates the enzyme that dissolves triglyceride.

Free Radicals are those evil electrons that can cause havoc in the body. They are electrons that are in an unpaired state. Because of this state, they are basically damaged goods. Some are produced naturally in the body, however most of them that are found in the body are due to factors outside of the body, like UV radiation and toxic substances in the air. They are very reactive because they are unpaired, and so they search around for another electron to pair up with. While doing this, they attempt to latch on to healthy paired electrons. If they succeed in doing this, they end up damaging the healthy pair. They can damage the cell membranes, which allow bacteria's to enter the cell and problems to begin evolving within that cell.

As this continues, one cell after another, it can lead to larger structures becoming unhealthy. Some examples of results of this are cardiovascular diseases, lowered immunity, cancer development and possible DNA damage. All of this can be helped to be prevented by increasing your intake of EGCG. EGCG has the amazing ability of KILLING free radicals. So the more EGCG, in the form of Green Tea and other foods that you ingest, the higher your immunity and body's strength will be to fight off illness and diseases.

On the same note, Green Tea is not the only place that EGCG can be found. It is found in high doses in foods such as carrots, broccoli, strawberries, spinach, grapes and red wine. However, Green Tea does hold a higher percentage of EGCG antioxidants than all afore mentioned foods. Green Tea also contains Vitamin B2, Riboflavin, which is involved in red blood cell formation, antibody production and cell growth and respiration. This along with EGCG and all the other antioxidants it holds, can help in prevention of many diseases, some I mentioned above, others include strokes, blood clots, skin cancer and many minor illnesses and ailments - age spots, mouth ulcers, gum disease, heartburn, lack luster hair, weak nails, even your memory and vitality. - 17269

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Stay Nutritious Thanks To These Tips

By Adam Welsh

Our health is everything in this world, and what we eat can play a major role in shaping the overall state of our bodies. Foods that are loaded with fat, sugar, or artificial substances all have negative effects on our health.

Aside from giving up foods with no nutritional value, eating naturally organic ones can make a huge difference. I've become a huge advocate of this lifestyle, and the three examples that I'm going to share with you will give you some suitable alternatives to normally unhealthy foods.

Did you know that ketchup uses high fructose corn syrup to give it a sweeter taste? You've probably never thought about this, but that explains why ketchup doesn't taste as bitter as an ordinary tomato would.

Since HFCS doesn't go well with the body, you'd be much better off opting for a natural ketchup that uses organic cane sugar instead. You won't notice any difference in taste, and there's a good chance you'll enjoy it more.

It's not only ketchup that has sweeteners you probably never knew about. The same can be said for bread, which contains several grams of sugar per serving. The sweetener used is customarily corn syrup.

I would apply the same virtues to bread as the ones I just shared about catsup. Inspect the labels of anything you buy and you'll definitely see what it's sweetened with. With this new found knowledge, you'll probably never look at this food the same way again.

Lastly, I always make sure that when I'm getting juice, it's actually 100% juice and not some kind of processed juice drink. There are so many artificially sweetened drinks that give off the impression they're juice, though they're not.

Always look on the bottle to see what percentage juice the drinks are. The ones that are in fact 100% juice will proudly advertise this somewhere on the label. - 17269

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Rock-Hard Abs - What's The Secret?

By Ron Aguilar

Do you envy those people at the beach, with their washboard abs? Are you scared to take off your shirt in public, thanks to the shape of your midsection? What if I let you know that it's doubtless for any one to realize superb rock hard abs? It's true - With a little bit of work and dedication, you can also have the same beach bod that you envy. You will no longer be afraid to show off your stomach!

So, what is the secret? It's not especially just "one secret", but essentially a mix of things that may assist you in achieving the look you once thought was not possible. For you're body to burn fat, you want 2 things : exercise and diet. When exercise and diet is combined and used together as a force, you'll be amazed at how you can turn your body into a fat burning machine!

In order to get your body burning more fat, you need to take in less calories that you're burning. To do that effectively, an excellent great start is to cut your calories slowly, week by week. Also, you would like to eat 5 to six tiny meals a day to hurry up this process. This increases your metabolism ( which helps you burn fat ). The higher your metabolism means the more calories you can burn. In fact, if you boost your metabolism, you will be burning more calories while you are at rest!

Once you get your diet in order, you need an exercise routine to go with it. A useful exercise for abs is kneeling crunches. You'll need special equipment to perform this exercise.

This is where you kneel and contract your abs so that your higher body arches Forward / downward. You hold a rope attached to a pulley with weights for extra resistance. Most gyms will have a rope attachment to the triceps pull down to perform this exercise. The idea is to lock your arms against your higher body so you pull down only with your abs and not your arms.Don't overdo your exercises or overwork yourself.

The problem in obtaining great abs isn't so much building the muscle. It's cutting enough fat from your body for them to show. You probably know by now that spot-reduction of fat simply doesn't work here. In order to show those abs you want overall fat loss. - 17269

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How Is Natural Bodybuilding Different Than Any Other Bodybuilding?

By Argo Ifoel

It seems that there are many designations which will be applied by using the term natural bodybuilding. Some individuals will equate the phrase to mean resistance coaching with free weights instead of machines; others merely use it to explain a regimen that doesn't include protein powders or medicine as supplements.

Natural bodybuilding, for our intention, refers to bodybuilding with no aids whatsoever. For this instance, weights would be termed coaching aids. Thus, our natural bodybuilding is weight-free, processed supplement free, and drug and hormone free. Years ago, the terminology applied to this sort of natural bodybuilding was known as Dynamic Tension.

Dynamic tension, or natural bodybuilding relies upon calisthenics. Yes, these are all of the exercises you hated in gym category, plus a few. You can focus on push-ups, sit-ups, knee bends, toe touching, shin-ups, and pull-ups. Be happy to add any other sort of calisthenics you like.

There are obvious advantages to this type of natural bodybuilding. The primary, most apparent, is that you can train anywhere. With no specialised gym equipment or free weights, you can train easily from any location. This is often particularly important to someone who travels a lot or works log, odd hours. Next, it does not price you anything. Natural bodybuilding is free. Aside from a bar to line up in an exceedingly doorway for chin-ups and pull-ups, (you'll be able to get these transportable bars at any athletic provide store) you don't want any equipment. You do not would like a gym membership, either. You'll do these exercises in any area, anywhere, at any time.

Calisthenics and isometrics are nice for lean muscle, building endurance and strength, and obtaining some pretty spectacular definition. You can take them a step further furthermore, with a method called doing the hundreds. This process was developed by some weightlifters a while back. They found that they might achieve some completely different physiological results from their coaching if they decreased the number of weight they were using and increased the repetitions. Their repetition goal was one hundred. This method will additionally be employed in natural bodybuilding to produce glorious results.

Another methodology for achieving outstanding results with natural bodybuilding is to use the flex and hold technique. Several bodybuilders speak concerning posing as an exercise, and this is just what that is. When you have got completed a collection of hundreds, flex and hold the muscles that you've got been exercising. Try this as laborious as you probably will for at least a count of ten. This is often generally called iso-tension and it takes the exercise a lot of deeply into the muscles. It helps develop a chiseled feature to your definition that typically solely comes with weight training.

The ultimate ingredient to a really prime-notch natural bodybuilding training is speed. You wish to maneuver through the stations as quick as you'll be able to, cutting rest time between sets to the bone. Some natural bodybuilding trainers take away the remainder altogether, moving in an exceedingly continuous flow from one station to a higher break free. To push this even harder, they train each station to failure and then go at it again. They trigger on seeing how many a lot of reps will be done after failure. - 17269

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Have You Heard About "Eating for Energy?"

By James B. Hussey

Have you heard about these raw food eating plans? It's gaining popularity and buzz, not just to lose weight, but a diet for a long and healthy life. We eat so much in the way of processed food that we don't even consider what we're doing to our health, and how far we've come nutritionally from our ancestral, agrarian roots.

Eating for Energy means consuming food in its natural and untreated form. There are several street-smart reasons for why this is so necessary for health. Processing and cooking food can take so much of the basic nutritional value from the meal. Consider some of the conventional wisdom you've heard about during your lifetime, such as: If you cook pasta just to the al dente (or medium) stage, it will have more calories, yes, but it will have more of the nutrients in it than if you cooked until it was soggy. Or you probably remember hearing not to peel carrots or potatoes so deeply, because most of the nutrients and values are just under the surface.

When you use the "Eating for Energy" system, it means eating unprocessed, raw, organic, whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, dried fruits, seaweeds, etc. It requires a diet that is at least 75% raw! Cooking takes out flavor and nutrition from veggies and fruits. Eating for energy means eating more the way our ancient ancestors did. They didn't cook often, and certainly didn't cook or can fruits and vegetables. They ate them whole. Their water wasn't from a tap; it was natural spring water. Maybe they drank some coconut milk on occasion.

Think of all the grease trapped in grease traps, under every restaurant in America alone. Imagine that's your heart--gross! Is a heart attack a part of your retirement plan? Cancer? This isn't some scare tactic, just pick up a newspaper and read about the rising cost of healthcare, and ask yourself if there's a correlation to our diet. Do you think there just might be a link between obesity, diabetes, cancer and all the other dire statistics--and our diet? Think of "Eating for Energy" as a way out of the mad feedback loop...a way out of the cycle of unhealthy family trees.

Doesn't it just seem right that this is how our bodies were created to eat? It's a way of eating that's in harmony with our design and in harmony with our own common sense. Our bodies were meant to work, and need to work to be efficient. That means exercise, certainly, but it also means eating wholesome, natural foods that require more energy to digest them. - 17269

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