Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, November 9, 2009

Quit Smoking Program - Your Health

By James Morley

Quit Smoking Programs
People know the harmful side effects of smoking, yet they are unable to get rid of the habit. The reason being the dependency on nicotine which is a drug found naturally in tobacco.

There are many online cessation groups too that offer information to
smokers through their forums, regarding the ill-health effects of
smoking. As there is an element of anonymity on the internet, people
who want to quit can relate to these online groups without fear of
being identified.

Counseling is a part of any cessation program. This includes understanding the smoking status of the patient, advising him/her to quit, citing the side effects of smoking, assessing the willingness of the patient to quit, assisting the patient in quitting, if he/she shows willingness and finally arranging for regular checkups and monitoring to check whether the patient has really quit smoking or not. Counseling refers to any form of interaction of a smoker with a health care rofessional or a doctor who can provide medical advice related to the
health of the smoker.

Smokers who want to quit must understand why they smoke.
what are the complications of smoking? Why should they quit and the
like. The programs must educate the smokers about the behavioral
changes that are associated with the withdrawal process and that this
is a temporary phase.

Quit Smoking Programs
People know the harmful side effects of smoking, yet they are unable to
get rid of the habit. The reason being the dependency on nicotine which is a drug found naturally in tobacco.

Smoking cessation programs or quit smoking programs are services
provided by individuals or groups who want to help others in getting out of the habit of smoking. These programs employ a blend of counseling, coaching, motivational interviewing and behavioral therapies to ease the process of quitting. But with the abundance of so many quit smoking programs it becomes difficult to ascertain which program is the best. For this the smokers must understand a few basic principles and must look for them when choosing a program.

There are many online cessation groups too that offer information to smokers through their forums, regarding the ill-health effects of smoking. As there is an element of anonymity on the internet, people who want to quit can relate to these online
groups without fear of being identified.

What to look for in a quit smoking program Nearly all smoking cessation
programs are similar in nature and offer similar options, but the approach of each program may vary. The most important aspect of any smoke cessation program is to offer understanding, support and
education services. - 17269

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Diabetes and Obesity

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Like Scylla and Charybdis, the twin sea monsters of Greek mythology, diabetes and obesity are the twin medical monsters confronting America's children. Diabetes and obesity have even been featured as the story line in a recent episode of Law & Order, a show well-known for focusing on issues that matter.

What's going on? Diabetes and obesity are twin raging epidemics endangering the health and welfare of our nation's children. In New York City, by the age of 4, there is a one in three chance that the child will be obese. More than 40% of children are at an unhealthy weight at ages 2 and 3.1 National statistics are similar.

Type II diabetes, long known as "adult-onset diabetes", is now being recognized as a significant juvenile disorder. Up to 45% of children diagnosed with diabetes have the type II form.2 And the numbers keep increasing.

Type II diabetes and obesity are closely related. And being overweight is one of the two major risk factors for developing type II diabetes. The other major risk factor, not surprisingly, is lack of exercise - not being physically active.

Why be concerned? Both diabetes and obesity contribute to additional severe health issues. Obesity is the leading cause of pediatric high blood pressure and increases the risk of coronary heart disease. Uncontrolled diabetes, over time, can lead to heart disease, kidney disease, neurologic disorders, and blindness.

So we are very concerned for our children's well-being. The good news is both conditions are lifestyle-related. Bad diet and lack of exercise cause both conditions. This is well-known. It is also well-known that maintaining a healthy diet and getting regular exercise prevents obesity and prevents or delays type II diabetes.3,4

As parents, it's up to us to set the standards. If we're eating healthy, balanced meals, our kids will do the same. If we exercise regularly and keep ourselves fit and trim, our kids will exercise regularly, too.

1"Child obesity picture grim among New York City poor", The New York Times, April 6, 2006.

2Fagot-Campagna A: Emergence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in children: Epidemiological evidence. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism-(Suppl 6): S1395-S1402, 2000.

3Hamman RF, et al: Effect of weight loss with lifestyle intervention on risk of diabetes. Diabetes Care 29:2102-2107, 2006.

4Knowler WC, et al: Reduction in the incidence of type 2 diabetes with lifestyle intervention or metformin. New England Journal of Medicine 346(6):393-403, 2002. - 17269

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Uncover Good Health And Dietary Supplements Immediately

By Sandra G Martin

Every grocery store, national shopping chain and even thousands of online stores all market nutritional supplements like multivitamins, single vitamins, minerals and even herbs. People often utilize supplements since they grasp that they are not receiving the suitable nutrition that their bodies require from their day by day diet and dietary supplements fill in the gap.

There is great argument about which dietary supplements if any are helpful for human health because of worry over the body's capability to take in crucial nutrients from a pill or capsule form. However, there have been some significant findings that normal and continual use of multivitamins and other supplements can boost good health and thwart ill health and disease.

It has been publicized that the prolonged use of nutritional supplements like folic acid contributes to the noteworthy decline of neural tube birth defects in newborn babies. Other supplements such as calcium have shown positive effects such as improved immunity and the lessening of weak bones in elderly adults.

In a review of over 10 years of diverse studies on the health benefits of multivitamins and other nutritional supplements including Vitamin D, Omega-3 fatty acids, Calcium, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin B-6 Calcium, antioxidants, and folic acid the Council for Responsible Nutrition released a report called The Benefits of Nutritional Supplements which established that the extensive use of different nutritional supplements and multivitamins provides a durable health advantage for.

The studies cited in this report also found that if all females of childbearing age took a multivitamin or even just a folic acid supplement it may be workable to diminish the incidence of neural tube birth defects by as much as 70%. They additionally found that the elderly patients who took supplements reduced the peril of hip fractures and enhanced their immune systems. The studies also indicated that the better wellbeing from taking nutritional supplements could trigger considerable health savings by postponing or entirely preventing illnesses and disease.

But not all of the studies and information concerning supplements is good. Numerous orange foods contain beta-carotene, which is an antioxidant that converts to vitamin A in the body. Studies found that beta-carotene from food sources reduced the threat of cancer and heart disease, boosted immunity and supported good vision. Because of the notable results on this antioxidant, numerous dietary advisors began recommending it in supplement form.

But soon after that, two exceptional studies showed that beta-carotene supplements in fact did more damage than good more than ever in smokers. The studies took persons who were at a high peril for lung cancer-smokers, former smokers and people exposed to asbestos and gave them either the beta-carotene supplements or a placebo. The study was discontinued when it found that the people who were given the beta-carotene supplements actually had a advanced proportion of lung cancer and a higher mortality rate than the placebo group.

Here is something else you might not know, Beta-carotene and other antioxidants and nutrients are safe and advantageous when found in foods but not always when found in supplemental forms. On the other hand, many of today's diets do not grant adequate nutrition to preserve excellent physical condition so supplementation may perhaps still be a good solution. - 17269

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Healthy Food Choices " Where You Make It or Break It

By Thong M. Dao

I know it's hard to prepare healthy food meals for your families, when you do not know where to start. But it's easier than you think. Start out by choosing the most healthy foods, then create a healthy eating menu and healthy meal plans.

This list will make this task a breeze.

1. Grains. We should consume 6 ounces of grains per day. To do this, we can eat whole grain cereals, breads, rice, crackers, or pasta. We can get an ounce of grains in a single slice of bread.

2. Vegetables. Remember that vegetables are a must-have. Consume approximately 2 cups and a half daily. Spinach, broccoli and collar greens are highly ranking. Just remember the darker, the better. Beans, like baby Lima or even peas, are on this list.

3. Fruits. 2 cups daily will do just fine. Fruit juice is great, but keep it to a limit. Fresh fruits are always the best choice.

4. Milk. Milk is another excellent food. Your bones need calcium and milk is calcium-rich. So, for adults 3 cups a day and 2 cups for your kids. As you want to lose weight, keep in mind that you need to select fat-free or low-fat dairy products. There are lactose-free products for lactose-intolerant folks.

5. Meat. Eating 5 ounces a day is great, and we should go for lean protein. When eating meat, remember to bake, grill, or broil it, as this will prevent grease from adding to the equation. Try to vary our protein as well, with more fish, beans, peas, and nuts.

As you are planning for healthy eating, bear in mind that butter, margarine, shortening and lard add cholesterol and that's not good.

The nutrition label on the back of each product will give you information about saturated fat, trans fat and sodium content. Keep your intake of these as low as possible.

By picking the most healthy foods for our healthy meal plans, we'll control our lifestyle. Exercise is great as well, as it goes along perfectly with healthy food choices. No matter what our age may be, eating healthy will help us keep the active lifestyle and good health for years to come. - 17269

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Washington, DC Weight Loss Expert Reveals The Body-Fat Master Key

By Josef Brandenburg

Are you on a Washington DC weight loss program? Losing weight may be your target but if you are not be aware of how the whole concept works, you may overlook the steps of losing weight. What is the reason behind body fat? Most of us do not realize why we feel exhausted in spite of eating healthy food. Insulin is the main cause of this. This is a hormone that is naturally produced in the body. All those who complain of accumulating extra body fat and low energy levels are suffering from insulin resistance.

What Is Insulin?

Insulin helps to convert sugars into energy. Insulin released by the body helps in maintaining blood sugar levels which is vital for overall health of an individual. In an insulin resistant person, the body is not capable of maintaining blood sugar which might lead to several health related issues, risk of stroke being one of them.

The Body Fat Trigger?

A Washington, DC weight loss professional can help you to understand the correlation between these two things: body fat and insulin. Here is an example of what could happen within your body on any given day.

* You get up and enjoy a healthy breakfast of lean bacon, eggs and spinach.

* After using the energy from this food, your body turns to the stored fat in your body to use as energy. That is good and it is what you need in order to lose weight.

* For lunch, you have a sandwich. The bread from within the sandwich causes carbohydrates to rush into your bloodstream. These have to be handled by the body to be used as energy.

* Our body's response to this is to produce insulin. The fat which was supposed to be used by your body as energy gets sent back and your body gets it energy from the carbohydrates in your blood instead. This is done in order to avoid a sudden rise in your blood sugar level.

Your Washington DC weight loss trainer can explain to you the problem here. Your body does not react correctly, if your lean tissue is insulin resistant. If that is the case, it will not handle the carbohydrates which results in increase in the level of blood sugar.

Understanding what happens to lean cells, is another way to look at the situation. These cells starve due to carbohydrates released in the blood. Since the fat has been pushed back to your cells, your lean tissues is left with nothing to burn and this results in a drop in your energy levels. The end result is that you feel famished and worn out. This is a continuous process.

You need to lower your carbohydrate consumption, to steer clear of issues with your blood sugar, as recommended by your Washington DC weight loss specialist. - 17269

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The Enjoyable Way To Add More Antioxidants To Your Diet

By Lillian G Griffin

Antioxidants are vital elements to decent health. Luckily, you can find many foods that are high in antioxidants at your supermarket in the produce aisle and at your local health food store and farmers markets.

When our bodies make use of oxygen in the process of life, oxygen free radicals are formed. A free radical is basically a molecule that is missing one or more electrons. This makes it very volatile and damaging to our bodies. Free radicals create inflammation, which is a cause of many ailments from heart disease to wrinkles. An antioxidant reduces inflammation by donating the absent electron thereby stabilizing the molecule. Antioxidants are essential for reducing inflammation.

The antioxidants in food are measured by how well they can counterbalance free radicals in a test tube. This is referred to as the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity or ORAC. A number is assigned referring to its ORAC levels, the higher the number, the higher the antioxidant faculty of the food.

Certain spices position the very uppermost on the ORAC scale but the two top foods are the acai berry from the rainforests of Brazil and dried, unsweetened cocoa. Dark chocolate with 60 to 70% pure cocoa is one of the record antioxidant foods that you can consume.

The acai berry is also luscious, having been described as tasting somewhat like a berry dipped in dark chocolate. It is available in juices, smoothie mixes and even tablets and capsules. It has only been on hand all over the world within the past few years, mostly because it is extremely perishable and it is only recently that processing methods have advanced to the degree that this little berry can be presented farther than Brazil.

One more food that is delicious and satisfying but also exceptionally high in antioxidants is red wine. Red wine is excessive in a compound called anthocyanins, which is actually the pigment that produces the intense dark colors of nature, including the red grapes, deep blue blueberries, and the blackish purple of blackberries. Red wine is helpful in sensible amounts as even though there are immense health advantages with alcohol, there is also the hazard of serious troubles caused by over-consumption. In spite of this, if you can limit yourself to one glass of wine a day it can be a satisfying way to get a excellent amount of antioxidants.

Even though red wine is high in anthocyanins, the acai berry actually has 10 to 30 times the amount of this necessary antioxidant. Anthocyanins have been proven to be beneficial for the hindrance of cardiovascular disease and even for possible weight loss in certain studies.

You can discover acai berries in luscious juices, smoothie mixes and even capsules and pills. Add in an ounce of dark chocolate every day, and relax with one glass of red wine, each day and you have received a excellent quantity of good for your health antioxidants in a yummy and pleasurable means. - 17269

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3 Sub Categories of the Raw Vegan Diet

By Alistair Bedingford

A vegan is someone who does not eat any animal or animal output (i.e. milk, eggs). A raw vegan diet is defined as a diet in which at least 75% of the time only vegan food that is never heated above a temperature higher than 115F is consumed. Although this seems like a very specialized diet there are actually further sub categories of raw veganism.

Sub Category 1 - Raw Fruitarians

Fruitarians believe that their diet should not cause the death of any living plant. This means that foods such as broccoli and lettuce are off the menu. A fruitarian a diet consists of only food that can be harvested such as seeds, fruits and nuts. Mahatma Ghandi was briefly a fruitarian. People who follow this diet need to ensure that they consume enough protein.

Sub Category 2 - Raw Sproutarians

As the name suggests Sproutarians only eat food that has sprouted. They believe that by eating this living food they are getting more of the foods life energy. Sproutarians feel that eating a germinated food is very healthy because it contains all elements that a plant embryo requires for life. Most legume, seed or grain can be sprouted.

Sub Category 3 - Raw Juicearian

Juicearians are another subset of raw veganism. A Juicearians diet consists mostly of juices from fruits and vegetables. It is very important that these juices are made fresh, store bought juice will not do.

Wheat grass shots are very popular in the Juicearian diet. Since wheat grass can live potted on a counter top it can be harvested juiced and consumed in a matter of minutes. This is done to get the largest amount of life force from the plant.

Juicearians, Sproutarians, and Fruitarians are 3 different subcategories of veganism with different methods and beliefs. Enjoy learning more about veganism and the health benefits that result from a raw diet. - 17269

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Washington, DC Personal Fitness Trainer Gives Away 7 Reasons NOT To Run

By Josef Brandenburg

Although many trainers will state that running is great, a Washington, DC personal fitness trainer may tell you different. In fact, there are several reasons why running should not be top of your list of exercises. These seven reasons prove it!

#1: Runners rarely look good.

The main reason why most of us try to lose weight is to look good. But, have you ever observed that runners look terrible. Some of them may look heavy while others look worn out. You may still look better if you attempt to run over shorter distances. The reason being, short distance runners are lean with tight abdominal muscles. Any good Washington DC personal trainer would reiterate this fact to you.

#2: Running has adverse effects on your hormones.

Hormones are generated while running. These hormones can damage muscles, make you sick and enhance the amount of fat storage in your body. By running, you will work against your hormones. To put it in simple words, if you want to lose weight, then quit running.

#3: Running has a negative impact on your muscles and also lowers metabolism.

Metabolic rate is partially influenced by the amount of muscle mass in your body. Fat burns faster if you have more muscle mass while you would be able to burn few calories if you have less muscle. Twitch muscles help you run at a faster pace and are crucial for a great body and higher metabolic rate. Endurance training aids in invigorating slow twitch muscles that do not affect your metabolic rate.

#4: Running worsens your athletic ability for other sports.

Endurance training's job is to allow you to run at a steady pace for a longer period. In most sports, the goal is to get from place to place faster than the other person does. These sports are interval workouts, with short bursts of activity. Endurance training de-conditions your fast twitch muscles! This makes you a poor athlete outside of the long distance run.

#5: Running is painful, a Washington DC personal fitness trainer knows.

In fact, as an overweight person, you can say that long distance running is the worst thing for your joints. Short distance running, such as sprints, do not hurt the knees, as many people often worry. In fact, those who want to run for a long time can count on having damage to their knees. Anything longer than 30 second sprints is too long for weight loss.

#6: Running is not the best thing you can do for weight loss.

Any Washington DC personal fitness trainer will tell you about the insignificance of running, at-least for the purpose of weight loss. Aerobics, similar to this form of running is worst thing you can do to lose weight.

#7: Running is boring.

One last question you can ask your Washington DC personal fitness trainer is: If they ever had fun while running. Running is usually monotonous and you will probably end up not seeing it through. - 17269

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500 Calorie Diet HCG Inspired

By Amelia Handley

Nothing can get you moving on something like the proper motivation. Losing weight is definitely one of those things that requires motivation...or in other words, inspiration! What's your inspiration? Do you focus on your pre-baby weight? Do you remember your cross country abilities back in high school and dream of at least being able to fit in those shorts? Do you think about being able to navigate your way through a packed dining room without having to excuse yourself to a large portion of diners as you attempt to squeeze behind their chairs? If it's inspiration you're looking for...you might want to listen to the buzz about the 500 calorie diet HCG inspired. Its sheer effectiveness makes it a fantastic inspiration.

And honestly, the 500 calorie diet HCG inspired could not be effective in any other format or program. The only way dieters are able to function on the limited calorie diet is due to the physiological effects of the homeopathic HCG weight loss formula. And the only way the body is able to successfully deal with the very limited caloric intake is also due to the unique physiological effect of the HCG on fat cell absorption.

The 500 calorie diet HCG inspired requires dieters to stick to a very limited list of approved foods. The diet requires that all fatty foods are cut from the diet including fatty proteins. This means that dieters have a very limited variety for the duration of the diet. But this 500 calorie diet HCG inspired comes with handy tools that make "mixing it up" easy when dieters choose to access their weight loss results through HCG Diet Direct.

The 500 calorie diet HCG Diet Direct guides dieters through depends upon the homeopathic HCG weight loss formula. In addition to the formula, the company offers many tools to make dieting successful for all including: eCookbook, online access to general info and FAQ, easy access to advice, comments and suggestions per email. One of the most popular tools is the eCookbook because it offers a wider selection of eating options to dieters without straying from the very limited list of approved foods.

Following the rules to the "tee" is the best way to ensure that you will succeed on the 500 calorie diet HCG inspired. The easiest way to stick to the rules is to eat what you prepare. It's harder to stick to the diet if you are accepting food from someone else or trying to order food that fulfills the requirements. If possible prepare your own lunch and take it with you to work.

Don't worry about your ability to follow the 500 calorie diet HCG Diet Direct outlines for your benefit. You're quite capable of losing the average 1 to 2 pounds per day...the homeopathic HCG weight loss formula makes it a probability. Are you inspired yet? - 17269

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Be Informed To Make Healthy Choices

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Being an informed patient is an empowering concept.1 In the modern healthcare marketplace, the doctor-patient relationship has become a two-way street. It is no longer a situation in which the doctor tells the patient what to do. Today, patients can be full partners in managing their care and well-being.2

What does it take to be an informed patient, one who will participate in a meaningful way and not be merely the passive recipient of the doctor's instructions and recommendations?

The first key is to identify a doctor - a chiropractor or family physician, depending on the circumstances - in whom you have confidence. Here are a few essential points to consider:

The doctor has spent time with you on the first visit. The doctor has focused on you, and has not been distracted by all the other things happening in the office. The doctor has satisfactorily answered all your questions. The doctor's recommendations are clear, and you understand what the next steps are going to be.

The questions you ask are not just to keep talking and capture more of the doctor's time spent with you. An informed patient does some preparation - some homework - before the actual office visit. The Internet offers a lot of valuable information on both chiropractic and medical treatment. And, it is important to remember that not all information is accurate and authoritative - consider the source of the "information".

Consider the author's background and affiliations. You should consider the potential for bias. Is the site itself up-to-date - for example, are there "dead links" on the site.

Do your best to evaluate the doctor's recommendations. First, what are the expected results? How quickly will you begin to feel better? Are there potential side-effects of the recommended treatment? What are the alternatives?

Alternatives may include other forms of therapy within the doctor's office. It may also include consultation with another specialist. The main point is not to be left with a confusing array of choices, but to have enough information to go forward with a treatment plan that makes the most sense, both to your doctor and to you.

If a prescription is involved, make sure you write down the exact spelling of the medication and the exact dosage and frequency. Prescriptions are usually scribbled. Both doctors and pharmacists can make a mistake. Don't let your doctor simply hand you an illegible piece of paper. Insist on ensuring that you understand what is being prescribed, and be sure to ask your doctor about potential side effects, risks, and interactions with any other medicines you may be taking.

As in all relationships, the doctor-patient relationship is based on clear communication and mutual trust and understanding. You can help your doctor help you by being informed and participating in the decision-making process.

1Informed Consent. "Ethics in Medicine". University of Washington School of Medicine. http://depts.washington.edu/bioethx/topics/consent.html#ques1 2"Be an active healthcare consumer". Agency for Healthcard Research and Quality. http://www.ahrq.gov/path/beactive.htm - 17269

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Best Way to Lose Weight

By Joen Devenport

To some people, fat loss is a fight.They find it tiring, demanding and arduous. Of course shedding undesired, excess pounds demands effort, substantial effort in some cases, but it shouldn't be seen as burdensome. The quickest way to lose weight is by developing discipline and motivation to actually execute your fat loss program.

The quickest means to lose weight is to fight overindulgence and indolence. Abstain from eating junk foods, sweets and fattening up snacks with no nutritional value. Withstand the temptation of skipping gym or your exercise program to sleep longer or go out. It would feel quite overwhelming at first as with any task worth doing is, but holding your eyes on the prize would keep you impelled.

With the proper attitude you can follow a program that will give you the quickest means to drop off fat. start with your nutrition. Questionwhat sorts of food do you eat daily and how much. In order to lose weight, you have to begin eating right and healthy.

Take small meals every two to three hours to keep your metabolism working at a fast rate and to avoid getting too hungry. Select lean meats such as tuna, turkey and chicken breast. Partner these with whole wheat foods, vegetables and fruits. Avoid fried and fatty foods. Go for the baked or broiled alternatives instead. Choosing to consume healthy is the smartest way to lose fat.

If you can't do without your caffeine, trade your coffee for green tea. Green tea has many health benefits letting in aiding in fat loss. It contains antioxidants which clean the system. Most importantly it helps step-up your metabolism, which is actually the swiftest way to lose fat.

Combining a healthy diet with the appropriate amount of regular exercise is the fastest means to drop off fat. Working out also additions your metabolism, which as you know is required to burn fat. If you're a gym buff, then you're lucky to have the proper attitude and mindset already for the swiftest means to shed pounds.

If you're not however you can still exercise outside the gym. Walk an extra block, run around your neighborhood, jog in the morning, bike to the office, use the treadmill at home, do five laps around the pool every day, join in dancing class - you would not run out of physical activities to do and enjoy which would pay you the quickest means to lose weight. Don't let the task daunt you. The quickest way to lose weight is to conceive you can. - 17269

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Mango Nutritional Facts

By Jackie Dawson

Mango, one of the most luscious tropical fruits has additional to its credit than its juicy contents and luscious taste; it comes with a multitude of nutrients and holds great dietary importance.

Mango nutrition facts are as follows:

Mangoes have about 20 diverse vitamins and minerals, making them one of the most nutritive of fruits. Mango nutrition is high in calories and carbohydrates. It is a good source of minerals such as copper, potassium and iron. It also contains small amount of minerals such as magnesium, manganese, selenium, calcium, zinc and phosphorous.

Mango nutrition is also an excellent source of different vitamins:

Rich in Vitamin A and C, both being very good antioxidants. Vitamin A is important for good vision, healthy skin and bone growth. The Beta-Carotene in Vitamin A provides defend against the harmful rays from the sun.

It is also said to minimize the aging process, improve lung function, lower difficulties associated with diabetes and diminish the risk of certain forms of cancer. Vitamin C promotes a healthy immune function as well as collagen formation, thereby aiding growth and repair of tissues and in wound remedy.

has Vitamin B-complex including Folic acid or folate. Vitamin B-complex has stress alleviating property.

Traces of Vitamin E and K.

Apart from beta-carotene, mango also contains other phytochemicals such as Cryptoxanthin, Lutein, Gallic Acid and Anacardic acid, making it extremely healthy to eat. Mango nutrition is surplus in fiber content. Fiber is important for weight loss and maintenance, healthy bowel movements and colon health. The increased fiber content is also related with some anti-cancerous properties. Mango nutrition is also less in fat and free from cholesterol and sodium.

Mango nutrition which has a good balance of vitamins and minerals is a suggested intake during the summer season.

Mango nutrition is also advantageous for people suffering with complaints such as: Anemia, acidity, asthma, eye disorders, hair loss, leucorrhea, liver disorders, menstrual disorders, morning sickness, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, dysentery, piles, spastic colon, prickly heat, scurvy, sinusitis, spleen enlargement, vaginitis and bacterial infections. - 17269

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