Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Caring For Sensitive Skin

By Jessica Sparks

The right sensitive skin care routine begins with the right products, and to find the right products, you must first determine the degree of your skin sensitivity. Are you unable to tolerate wool, latex or other materials/ if so, then you have what is known as truly sensitive skin. If you blush, itch, and sunburn easily, then you are probably naturally fair-skinned. Some people are both fair skinned and have sensitive skin, while still others experience skin problems related to food allergies and/or stress.

Natural skin care products containing herbal ingredients such as aloe vera and jojoba oil are generally recommended for people with very sensitive skin. It is also important to drink plenty of water and pay attention to food sensitivities that many trigger break outs. When shopping for natural skin care products, pay attention to labels that say things like non comedogenic, and all natural ingredients. Artificial ingredients can trigger skin flare ups, so it is important to be careful when choosing products.

The right skin care regimen can go a long way towards protecting your sensitive skin. It is important to cleanse, exfoliate, tone, and moisturize each week. Choose products that are designed for sensitive skin, astringent free, and of course, contain natural ingredients. Skin care professionals recommend that you cleanse your skin everyday and moisturize and tone one to three times a week. Exfoliation is also important, but the frequency of exfoliation depends on the condition of your skin.

The best way to care for your sensitive skin is to choose the right products. Pay attention to ingredients and labels, and to any sensitive skin related food or stress triggers, and you will be on your way towards more beautiful, radiant skin. - 17269

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What is Erythritol?

By Scott Davis

If you have tried other sugar substitutes and didn't like them you now have another choice. Erythritol is a sugar substitute but unlike sucralose and aspartame which are made from a chemical process, erythritol is a natural sugar alcohol. Erythritol isn't something new. It has been used in Japan since the 1980s. The USDA approved erythritol for use in the United States in 1990 after it passed their detailed reviews.

Erythritol occurs naturally in different fruits like grapes, pears and melons. It can also be found in some types of mushrooms and in foods that have a fermentation process. Things like wines, beers and cheeses. Over the course of a normal day almost everyone will eat something that naturally contains at least a small amount of erythritol.

How is erythritol made? By taking a carbohydrate such as sucrose or dextrose, mixing it with water, and then fermenting it with a natural culture. The process is very similar to the way yogurt is made. Technically Erythritol is considered a sugar alcohol. But in many respects it is also very different from other sugar alcohols. This is because it has zero calories and none of the laxative-type effects that are sometimes associated with other alcohols.

Many of the artificial sweeteners on the market today are many times sweeter than sugar. With erythritol the opposite is true. Erythritol is only about seventy percent as sweet as sugar. If you use erythritol as your sweetener, you will need to add a little bit more than what you are accustomed to using. Some manufacturers add some additional natural sweeteners to compensate for the sweetness difference. Always check with the manufacturer to see what they recommend.

The biggest difference between erythritol and other sweeteners, artificial and otherwise, is that it has zero effect on the glycemic index. That is sure to make it a hit with diabetics because both glucose and insulin levels will remain unaffected after use. In research tests, it was also highly tolerated, up to one gram for each kilogram of body weight.

Erythritol has some other benefits as well. It is absorbed into the bloodstream and then secreted in the urine. Studies have shown that ninety-percent of it is excreted from the body in urine within twenty-four hours. Because it moves quickly through the small intestine and not slowly like other sugar alcohols, there is much less chance of erythritol having the same laxative effects many people experience with sugar alcohols, such as isomalt, maltitol or xylitol. It also does not mix with acids in the mouth to cause tooth decay.

It is hard to find erythritol in supermarkets. It isn't something a lot of stores are carrying yet. But it can be ordered from health food stores and is most commonly available on the internet. It comes in both powdered, granulated, and liquid forms. Erythritol is also very popular in baking, especially where other sweeteners just don't cut it, like with chocolate. The only reason you don't see erythritol on the contents labels of more reduced-calorie foods is that it is expensive to make. - 17269

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Why Eat Bananas For Energy?

By Rachel Greene

If you watch athletics and sports events on the TV or go to a stadium live to see a meet or a match then you may quite often see athletes/sports people snacking on a banana. This isn't just about the fact that they may like the taste of this fruit, the fact is that the humble banana is a bit of an energy super fruit!

Bananas are a rich source of naturally occurring sugars so basically eating a banana can give you the kind of immediate energy rush or sugar hit that you might get from a candy bar. But, the energy rush you get here will be a healthy one which is why this fruit is often the snack of choice for people participating in sports or training.

So, eating a banana can give you a quick energy boost but what happens when this initial boost wears off? Well, the beauty of a banana is that, unlike the candy bar, the rush doesn't disappear almost immediately leaving you wanting more. A banana is absorbed relatively slowly into your system so that you get a slow and steady release of energy over time rather than that simple one-off hit.

So, if you are going to the gym or for a long run then eating one or two bananas before your workout can actually supply your body with the energy necessary to cope with the effort you'll be expending. And, as an exceptional source of potassium bananas can also help avoid muscular problems related to workouts and fitness programs such as cramps and spasms. This is another reason why athletes love them!

The energy giving properties of bananas can also suit you if you are on a diet or looking to eat more healthily. For many of us the changes in the foods we eat when we start to diet can be quite depressing and we can feel for a while that we lack vim and vigor.

A lot of the time this is simply down to the bad things in the junk food that we used to eat. It made us feel good but was bad for our bodies. But, bananas can help here. The energy that they can provide can be a healthy alternative and they can also help your body produce serotonin which can have a significantly positive effect on your mood.

In addition, eating a banana as a healthy snack is a great way of making your stomach feel that it is full as this fruit can be quite bulky. You may also find that your brain is less likely to tell you that you are hungry after snacking on a banana as the energy/nutrients that it brings into your body can take a while to be completely sorted.

So, if you are looking for an energy boost -- no matter for what reason -- then consider picking up a banana next time you need a lift. This is the healthy way to an energy boost that could keep you going for hours at a time! - 17269

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Which Personal Trainer is Suited Best for You?

By Jay Bonaretti

The personal training industry is one where there are many different trainers to choose from. Some may specialise in post-natal care, others may specialise in bodybuilding. Throughout this article we will discuss the methods that you should take in order to find that ideal trainer for you.

Imagine if you hired the best trainer in the world, but you just didn?t get along. That wouldn?t be very productive at all! The first thing you need to do is ensure that you feel comfortable putting your body in the hands of this particular professional. You need to be able to communicate effectively with them, which can only be accomplished if you actually get along with your trainer.

Always ensure that your trainer is educated and has the appropriate qualifications to officially be called a personal trainer. If this person is not formally educated, they may be unaware of the potential risks associated with exercise and correct eating.

Now that you?re certain that the trainer is properly qualified and that you get along with them, check their experience. Someone straight out of TAFE or university will probably not have the expertise of someone who has been practicing for years. As with any industry, experience is essential in order to know exactly how to handle problems that don?t appear in text-books.

See if this particular trainer is in good shape themselves, relative to your goals. So let?s say you want to bulk up and a fair amount of muscle. Has the trainer done this themselves? Without knowing the ?how-to? from a personal experience, the trainer has to rely on what they have been taught. Because the industry is discovering things all the time, often what people are first taught is obsolete very quickly.

Talk to others. This may be current or past clientele who have utilised this trainer for various reasons. How were they? Were they motivating? Did they keep them accountable? Were they punctual? Did they know what they were talking about?

Once all that has been done, book an appointment with that trainer. Discuss with the trainer what your goals are and ascertain a clear plan to achieve these goals. If you feel comfortable with this plan, then you are well on your way to a better body!

Last little bit, be proactive about changing your life for the better. If you really want to change your health, fitness or physique, you need to do something about it. Actions speak louder than words...and actions are going to be the only thing that is going to make that positive change! - 17269

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Weight Loss 101

By Jay Bonaretti

Its time to get on top of weight loss. There are so many conflicting approaches out there, so no wonder so many people (probably yourself included) is confused about how to shed that weight for good. Well, lets go through some basic ideas behind weight loss and how begin getting in shape NOW.

The first problem is the dieting industry. Have you tried every diet under the sun with no avail? If thats you (and I know there are plenty of people falling under this category), then do yourself a favour and do not try another one. They are all the same and will all yield the same result - sudden weight loss and then rapid weight gain thereafter.

The diet equivalent within the exercise machine industry is the products you see advertised on the television. Short-term, quick fix results that promise flat abs and toned thighs. Trust me, the models on the ad have probably never used the machine before in their life (nor will they in the future). These products generally have no/little scientific backing and are a complete waste of time and effort. Give them a miss!

Please, avoid diet pills. They are costly and promise the world yet again deliver very little. Sure, the advertisements seem great...but consider the reality of the situation - they are a seemingly easy way out whereby no effort is required on your part, but massive results are obtained. Seriously, do you believe that hype?

Okay so now that I've knocked out all the hype and bogus products on the market...what do you do? Change your lifestyle!

For starters, exercise is a key ingredient to maximum weight loss. Yes, this is common sense, but many people avoid exercise like the plague.

Now by exercise, I do not mean Biggest Loser Style. This is extreme and definitely not suitable for the majority of people. Instead, begin by doing something extra every day that you have not done recently. This could be as simple as a 20 minute walk. You could join a sports club, or go to the gym. Whatever you enjoy.

Dietary intake, as I am sure you would be aware, is very important. So, watch what you eat. You know the drill, eat a variety of foods that are healthy. But to lose weight, you just need to take in less kilojoules than what you presently consume. So try making your portion sizes smaller as a start.

And now for the final thought. Integrating a healthy food intake and physical movement into your daily routine will prime your body for weight loss by encouraging a calorie deficit. It is not rocket science. You need to find something that you can adhere to in order to make big sustainable results. - 17269

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Is Oprah Really Endorsing Acai Weight Loss Products?

By Carter Sinclair

Acai berry is a Brazilian berry said to be endemic in the Amazonian basin and sprouts on top of some palm trees. This type of berry is considered a super food because it contains numerous nutrients that promote healthy metabolism as well slow down the process of aging.

One of the main benefits of the acai berry is its outstanding levels of antioxidants. Antioxidants help fight off harmful free radicals, which attempt to destroy many of the cells in our bodies. This means it counteracts the signs of aging while improving our immune systems.

A dermatologist who specializes in studying the effects food and other natural substances have on combating the signs of aging, recently put out a book called the Perricone Promise. In his book Dr, Nicholas Perricone noted how powerful the acai berry can be in the fight against old age.

After this amazing revelation Oprah Winfrey rushed to feature Dr. Perricone on an episode of her show. On Oprah he showed why the acai berry was ranked as the #1 superfood in the world. It was also featured on CNN, NBC, Men's Health, Vouge, and the London Times.

When he appeared on Oprah, Dr. Perricone listed his top ten superfoods for anti-aging, and obviously he listed the acai fruit at the very top. He went on to explain that the high levels of antioxidants is one of the main reasons why acai is such a powerful weapon against the signs of aging.

After that appearance on the Oprah show, some shady marketers started using Oprah's name and likeness to promote their acai berry products. What they did was twist this simple appearance and make it look like she was actually promoting their product.

So, while Oprah used her show to raise awareness of the benefits of real, pure, and high quality acai products, she has not yet put her stamp of approval on any specific acai berry product.

If you run across a web site that has Oprah's picture, remember that this is most likely a fake endorsement. The acai fruit really is an incredibly health supplement, but there are some people out there trying to make a quick buck while selling an inferior product. So in answering the question "does oprah endorse acai" the answer is a bit complicated. While she does not endorse any specific product she did make sure to use her show as a platform to tell the world how amazing the acai berry really is. - 17269

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The Infamous Maori Tribe's Green Mussel Diet

By Paul J. Easton

The green mussel is found exclusively only in New Zealand's blue waters. In New Zealand coastlines, the Maori tribe has long consumed green mussels and other seafood found off the country's coast. This serves as a primary part of their diet and the Maoris have found to have low rates of arthritic inflammation among their old people.

This realization led to research further on the diet of the Maoris and that eventually led to the discovery of superior levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their foods. It is concluded with extensive research on the topic that the omega-3s slow down the degeneration of cartilage and bones of both humans and animals. Swelling and inflammation are two of the symptoms of arthritis which seem to respond favorably with consistent dosage of green mussel extract powder on a daily basis.

Green mussels began to become popular when they were noted to contain high levels of lipids and omega-3s. Through extensive research, scientists have found that the optimal time to harvest the mussels is during the spring. After the harvesting, they must be rapidly freeze-dried in order to stabilize and retain their nutrients. The lipids are extracted, and the resulting substance is the substantial component in green mussel extract we see in the market today.

The New Zealand green mussel delights the global reputation for its valuable nutrients and the ability to slow down arthritis. Many nutraceutical companies market supplements carrying this key element but just make sure you carefully check out the seller's reputation before purchasing a bottle of what could contain only inferior lipid content.

Nz Pure Health is a specialist in New Zealand Green Mussels as a natural dietary supplement. Green Lipped Mussel Capsules have been growingly popular as a great way to combat joint pain, learn more details at NZ Pure Health Natural Anti Inflammatory cures.

For more free information about natural remedies and cures, check out this Natural Cures blog. As mentioned, Green Lipped Mussels are found effective as natural treatment to arthritic pains, log on to treatment arthritis. - 17269

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What To Eat Of Poultry And Dairy Products In Low Fat Diet? Healthy Living Part 6

By Haiyan Lai-Heskin

Poultry and dairy products are very good source for a low fat diet, if you know what to eat which we are going to describe it in this part of healthy living.

Poultry is low fat, high in protein and is a useful source of B vitamins. Chicken and turkey are excellent sources of animal proteins for low-fat, low-cholesterol content, provided lean poultry is used. The dark meat of poultry is higher in fat content than white meat. Skin should be discarded. Giblets are very high in fat content.

However, duck and goose are extremely high in fat and should not be included unless the fat is drained off and removed. Skinless duck and goose have?similar calorific and fat content than the equivalent skinless chicken.

Although the fat from chicken and turkey are much less quantitatively than that in meat, but is best drained off and removed in the same manner as in the preparation and cooking of all meats.

Eggs contain most of the recognised vitamins with the exception of vitamin C and most of the minerals that the human body requires for health. Egg whites, which are proteins, may be eaten and used for cooking as much as desired. But you should avoid egg yolk which contains one of the most concentrated forms of fat available?namely cholesterol.

Milk and dairy products are providers of?calcium, phosphorous, magnesium and protein which are all essential for healthy bone growth and development. One pint or more daily of non-fat or skim milk should be taken. Use fortified milk with added amounts of vitamin A and D, as now commonly in use. Buttermilk is also a refreshing source of milk with an exceedingly low-fat content.

Cheese protein is classified as a high quality protein as it provides good amounts of all the amino acids required by the body, from the diet, for correct function. But the majority of cheeses are very high in butterfat content and so cannot be used in the low-fat diet.

Nonetheless, some cheese like cottage cheese is one of the several important exceptions. It is a soft, fresh-curd variety of cheese that has been made from dry curd and non-fat milk, specified by federal law and must contain a minimum amount of butterfat to meet legal requirements. And it has long been popular with the dieting crowd.

One of the most frequent pitfalls in the use of cottage cheese is the user's failure to notice that often she is using or buying creamed cottage cheese, which of course does contain fat. This creamed cottage cheese can be corrected by washing it out with cold water through a strainer.

Various brands of cottage cheese that taste like creamed cottage cheese are available, such as "Slim Cheez" or Ricotta Cheese made from milk whey and a favourite of Italian cooks. Cheese spreads or dips made from non-fat or cottage cheeses are also widely used for low-fat menus. - 17269

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What makes acai supreme great for you!

By Casandra James

Acai Supreme is yet another acai berry supplement that focuses on the benefits of the amazing acai berry. There is one question though that I think surrounds all the acai berry supplements and that is - what makes one better from the rest?

Acai Supreme is by far one of the most effective acai supplements online and the results confirmed over other products like juices, pills, and powders. My professional guess would have to be because of the higher levels of dietary fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin E, amino acids, and healthy Omega fats, which have all helped to put this supplement on top.

Most people are receiving their free Acai Supreme bottle within 3-5 days of ordering. There have been no complaints about being shipped the wrong item or being charged full price for delivery. The free trial is a full 1 month supply. At the time of this review, the price of a bottle after the free 1 month trial is $79.95, which is on the high end of Acai supplements, but as with most health related products, you get what you pay for when it comes to the Acai Berry.

While using Acai Supreme, users experienced weight loss, a noticeable improvement in skin tone and decreased acne, and a higher metabolism with less fatigue throughout the day. These results were noted within just 2-3 days after starting the supplement. Average weight loss seems to be between 6-8 lbs after the first week of taking Acai Supreme.

If you are looking for an improvement on your current formula, you cant go wrong with Acai Supreme, that is, if you have tried one before! - 17269

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The Acai Berry

By Janice Pettry

The Acai Berry is a super fruit that is found only in the rain forests of Brazil. For hundreds of years, the natives of Brazil have been consuming the Acai Berry for its major healthy benefits and it has been only the past few years the rest of the world has discovered the benefits of the Acai Berry.

Today, we are introduced to the Acai Berry in many different forms. Medical experts have seen the amazing health benefits from there patients who regularly consume this berry in the various forms it comes in and they have started to majorly support the recommendation of it to other patients of theirs.

Health benefits of the Brazilian Acai Berry!

The biggest health benefit is the increased resistance to disease. Packing a heavy load of antioxidents, the Acai Berry charges up your immune system. The vitamins and minerals found in the Acai Berry aid in fighting certain disorders an are known to help fight cancer cells as well.

In fact, scientific research has shown that antioxidants are very important for increasing the body's ability to fight diseases. Just one capsule a day of Acid Berry will ensure that your overall health and fitness is maintained.

Many people consume the Acai Berry in Pulp form but with the great tasting juices made from MonaVie which can be mixed in a smoothy or the capsule form by AcaiBurn, many users are starting to incorporate Acai Berries into there daily diets just for the taste of it alone.

There has ever been so many helpful benefits found in just one fruit before and with the increased antioxidants in your body one other benefit has been an rapid weight loss weight loss. - 17269

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3 Unique ways Huperzine A boosts memory power

By Reese James

Huperzine A is a powerful chemical substance derived from a special kind of lycopod. In the vein of cocaine and caffeine, Huperzine A is also an effective and plant derived chemical substance, which hails from the class called as 'Alkaloids'. It was originally isolated in the year 1948 by Chinese researchers. This chemical substance is more a medication than an herbaceous plant. However, it is also available over-the-counter as a nutritional supplement for mental impairment and memory loss.

Animal based research studies have come to the conclusion that it is very effective in boosting memory. Later on, the research extended to people and then Huperzine A became popular as a supplement that treats Alzheimer's and other such disorders. It is also widely known that Huperzine A pills are available as vitamins, which improve memory and mental function even in those who do not have Alzheimer's.


Acetylcholinesterase is an enzyme on which Huperzine A acts and slows down, so that it goes back to its base of acetylocholine, which is very important for the brain to work properly. Acetylcholine levels in your brain rise considerably when this enzyme starts to act and drugs like donepezil and tacrine that can control acetylcholinesterase are proven to impact memory retention and power positively. Hence, you will be able to escape the onset of Alzheimer's and other such problems.

The chemical reaction of Huperzine A is extremely specific and precise. It well fits into a place on the enzyme, where acetylcholine is believed to join. As Huperzine A exists in the way, the enzymes cannot take hold of and deteriorate acetylcholine. This method has been done by researchers with the help of highly developed computer simulation of the molecule shapes. In addition, Huperzine A helps in protecting your nerve cells from any internal damage.

Huperzine A is available as a nutritional supplement, but it is just like a standard drug. It is highly distilled in a lab and is only a single chemical substance and not an herb. Herbs usually comprise of hundreds and thousands of chemical substances. Often, Huperzine A looks like drugs such as codeine, digoxin, vincristine and Sudafed, which are also purified chemical substances derived from plants. Huperzine A is also sold as memory pill or brain pill for enhancing memory power in healthy people.

Is there any Scientific Evidence to Prove Its Effectiveness?

Yes, there are studies and researches done on Huperzine to prove its effectiveness. For instance, a study conduced in China reports the following outcome:

They conducted a test on 103 people who had Alzheimer's and they were given Huperzine A along with placebos twice a day for a couple of months. What was seen was that around 60% of the people seemed to have improved in terms of having better attention and focus. They were able to remember better and their behavioral functions had also improved considerably while those who had taken placebos showed no such improvement.

An Important Note:

There are some side effects that you must be aware of before you decide to use it. Children, pregnant and nursing women, or people with high BP or chronic kidney or liver problems should not take Huperzine A.

Huperzine A is extremely a powerful chemical compound with a suggested dosage of 100mg and 200mg twice daily to treat age-associated memory loss. However, it is highly recommended to use it under a physician's supervision. - 17269

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Why expert are recommending Green Tea Purity

By Collin James

Green Tea Purity Review - Regular consumers of Green Tea will all tell you the same thing, they love it. This review of Green Tea Purity will show you why it has helped thousands of people to lose weight and keep it off while also improving many aspects of their general health.

Green tea first started gaining media exposure on talk shows like Oprah and Rachael Ray because reports were coming in showing the benefits of green tea to be nothing short of a miracle. Users have been experiencing weight loss with out even getting into a work out routine.

If your metabolism is slow your ability to burn fat also decreases. With Green Tea Purity speeding up your metabolism, which is a direct result of green tea, you can start to burn fat in most cases with out even having to step foot in a gym. But, if losing weight and improving the quality of your life is important to you, then your going to not want to just rely on the benefits of using Green Tea Purity alone.

I actually get this question quite a bit through my contact page, and my response is always the same. There is honestly hundreds of different ways you can consume green tea on a regular basis with out having to boil a pot of water. You can do a search online for receipts you will be shocked at all the different ways you can incorporate green tea into your diet.

If you want, you can try this simple receipt that I use to add a little different flavor my my green tea that I drink. For a Masada flavor all you need to do is add 1 inch cinnamon stick - 1, cardamon-2, cloves-2 to the tea while boiling. Boil it for 5 to 10 minutes.Add sugar/honey to taste. - 17269

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