Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Fish Oil Enriched Pigs

By Dr. Bill

I know a guy who is originally from Minnesota -- he grew up in a small town in the far north of the state, very near to the Canadian border. It's bitterly cold there in the winter, so as soon as he graduated from high school, he moved south to Florida for the sunshine and warm weather.

My friend does go back to his home town occasionally, especially in the summer when he can handle the temperature. He gave me a call today to tell me about a study that he thought I would be interested in. It was done at the University of Minnesota.

I wondered if perhaps the study was performed on the voters in Minnesota to determine why in the world they would elect both Al Franken as senator and Jesse Ventura as governor.

Researchers at the U managed to isolate a a gene from a species of nematode worm that codes an enzyme involved in the conversion of omega 6 fats...found in many grains...into heart healthy omega 3s. The idea was not to produce omega 3 enriched pigs for consumption, although that may be a future possibility.

You might not know that the pig has a circulatory system that is quite similar to ours, and the scientists at the University of Minnesota were trying to find out if there are different effects when the omega 3s are produced internally, than when they are taken in via a person's diet.

There have been many studies completed which have shown the benefits of omega 3s, particularly in heart health, with results concluding that omega 3s can reduce the chance of sudden death due to heart attack, most probably by slowing down the heart rate. These beneficial omega 3 fatty acids are found in pharmaceutical grade fish oiul.

An important study was done in Italy which lasted 3 1/2 years and concluded that there was a considerable decrease in the death rate from heart attack in patients who took fish oil every day. The death rate was actually reduced by 50%.

Omega 3s also raise HDL or "good" cholesterol.

Omega 3s have also been show to decrease levels of triglycerides.

There is now accumulating evidence that Omega 3s may even reduce the incidence of macular degeneration, and other eye problems.

DHA, (docosahexaenoic acid), has been linked with protection from dementia.

EPA, (eicosapentaenoic acid), affects the suppleness of the arteries.

The Omega 3s come from small chain fish, anchovy, and sardines, not salmon. Salmon production was one of the reasons that the Minnesota researchers were looking at the production of omega 3 pigs.

Will we ever produce Omega 3 pigs?

There is no concrete answer right now, but isn't it fun to think about getting your daily doses of EPA and DHA from your breakfast bacon, or your barbecued ribs? Until we know for sure, don't forget to take your fish oil the sensible way: by soft gel. - 17269

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Best Diets For Weight Loss - The Hidden Gold Commodity In The Weight Loss Market

By Amanda Gibb

Has no one ever told you what the best diets for weight loss are? With so many diets purporting to help you lose weight quickly, its not easy to decide which is the right one for you. So how do you know which are the best diets for weight loss?

There is a lot of controversy raging on over the issue which can be the best diets for weight loss. There are numerous diets doing their rounds in the online as well as in real life health circles and quite a few of them can be used for weight loss. But if you didnt know by now, both the 3 day diet and the low carb diet are not ideal for healthy weight control. The best diet meal plans usually have some things in common.

For quick weight loss, you have to select weight loss programs that have proven to work in delivering the results you desire. However, the best diets for weight loss use both exercise and eating the proper foods to help you lose weight quickly. Fortunately, with the right diets and regular exercise, anyone can lose weight and become healthier.

The Best Diets for Weight Loss should comprise of all kinds of seasonal fruits and vegetables of all colors and varieties. They include leafy veggies, fibrous items, legumes, fresh fruit juices, lots and lots of water, coconut water, herbal green tea, olive oil, canola oil, soy bean oil or rice bran or sesame seed oil or other types of MUFA rich oils that are cholesterol free. Other food items include pink grapefruit, brown bread, brown rice, whole wheat food products, lean protein, lean meat or white meat, fish, spinach etc.

And of course it goes without saying that you have to control your appetite and stay away from red meat, alcohol, fried food items, junk food, aerated drinks, butter, clarified butter and all other kinds of unhealthy food items. It doesnt necessarily mean you have to cut out everything for the rest of your life, but you definitely should eat these food items in moderation.

Some of the good food types to have in your diet are those that help to liquefy fats. Of these, citrus fruits rich in vitamin C can help to burn fat easily because they possess fat diluting properties. You may try out apples, blackberries, limes, lemons, oranges, guava, sweet lemon, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, apricots, cherries, water melons, tangerines.

It is also also important that you include pumpkin, pea, parsley, beans, turnips, beet roots, carrots, asparagus, fat free milk, Probiotic desserts, Probiotic fat free yoghurt, cabbage, brinjal, scallion, broccoli, garlic, shrimps, leeks etc into your diet.

When you have the right combination of foods in your diet, and eat unhealthy foods in moderation, youre on your way to losing weight. In our search for some of the best diets for weight loss, we have reviewed several on this website for your reference. Reviews on diet meal plans like Fat Loss 4 Idiots, Eat Stop Eat and other products can be found on www.growtallerproductreports.com for your reference. If you're still deciding which diet plan suits you best, read what we have to share before you make up your mind. - 17269

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The Acai Berry From the Amazons

By Carter Sinclair

Over the past years, a recent discovery from South America has been used by a number of cosmetic manufacturers to create a product that is beneficial to skin health conditions as well as other aspects of nutritional health. This is the acai oil, and it has increased in fame over the years due to its multiple health advantages. The cosmetic and health products have been disseminated all over the world and are produced in multiple countries especially the exported Acai South Africa berry products.

The acai oil has been helping cure many particular skin problems such as eczema and psoriasis. It has so many healthy benefits it cannot be ignored such as: vitamins B1, 2, 3, C, and E. It also has been essential minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and iron.

Acai oil contains omega 6 and 9 and linoleic acids these are very good at nourishing your skin's health. Acai contains Phytosterols which are important at protecting your skin as well. So not only is your skin nourished from acai oil it is also protected from being harmed.

You won't have anymore bad hair days when you apply acai oil to your hair. It provides a deep cleaning and moisturizing effect to your hair which leaves it silky smooth.

The acai berry has also been turned into juices, creams, and supplements. These creams protect against wrinkles, creases, and lines in your skin. It also protects your skin from stretching. The oil extract in these lotions are a great moisturizer for the skin too.

Another benefit of the acai berry products are its ability to protect against free radicals which cause cells to mutate and age. The acai berry is full of antioxidants which protect the body and help to keep your youthful appearance. Dehydration can hinder the effects of acai berry so it is important you also drink a lot of water when taking acai berry.

Acai berry has been proven to surpass wild blueberries in their count for antioxidants. Remember though even though acai and other fruits can contain high levels of antioxidants you still need to treat your body with respect and try to cut the number of destructive things you do to it. If you apply the acai oil or take the acai supplement you can see some extreme effects an almost fountain of youth type results. - 17269

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Discover Healthy Weight Loss With Acai Berries!

By Norma Gonzales

The FDA just made the announcement of the recall of a popular diet supplement. It was recalled because of links to cases of "serious liver damage and at least one death". This is just one more incident in a long list of recalls of weight loss supplements due to potentially dangerous side effects.

In this day and age, obesity and being overweight have become epidemic. Food is everywhere. Technology has made our lives easier but in the process most of us now work at very sedentary jobs. Many people claim they want to exercise and most people are knowledgable of theadvantages of exercise, however, many people just don't do it. Our waistlines continue to get bigger and we don't seem to do anything to stop it.

Which is why weight loss supplements such as the one just removed from the market have become so in demand. We want a quick solution. Unfortunately many of these quick fixes have been found to be a serious danger to our bodies. Heart damage, lung damage, liver damage and more have been attributed to different diet supplements. These are very grim health concerns.

Losing weight can be greatly beneficial to your health. Many health problems are linked to being overweight yet many weight loss supplements are just as detrimental to your health as being overweight and some may even be more so as our livers and our hearts are exceptionally important to our lives. Perhaps if would be helpful if we would think about good health as the goal rather than just weight loss.

Our bodies operate best with optimal nutrition. When we provide our bodies with optimal nutrition it is also easier to lose weight. This is mostly because our bodies need superior nutrition. Many cravings are caused by a deficiency of certain nutrients. When our bodies get the nutrients that it needs, very often our cravings cease.

Optimal nutrition will also give us the energy we need to exercise, workout and live our lives without tiring. Optimal nutrition is a huge advantage for weight loss for this reason also.

The acai berry from the rainforests of Brazil can provide our bodies with excellent nutrition. This is why this little berry has been proven to be so helpful for weight loss. As a weight loss supplement, the safety and nutritional levels of acai berry products is unsurpassed.

But the best part of all is that this little berry is completely natural as it is a fruit grown in nature. Supplementing with acai berry products will help you lose weight in a healthy manner without worrying about any lasting damage to your body. You will just be providing excellent nutrition and that is what your body needs. You will probably drop some pounds, too! - 17269

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The Raw Truth About Eating Raw Food

By Jane Dannon

Do you wonder what eating raw is all about? Find out the truth behind all those people talking about the benefits of eating raw food. When eating raw food, you don't have to be a hardcore fanatic or give up your favorite food. Just start introducing more raw food to your meals like vegetables or fruits.

By eating raw and uncooked foods, you body will work to break down these nutrients to help provide energy for your body. Processed food contain harmful yet acceptable levels of chemicals that your body tries to process. Fresh foods and vegetables can help detox your body but replacing these harmful chemical with helpful vitamins and nutrients. If you feel like your body is still adjusting when you start eating raw, its perfectly normal to experience them. Its your body's way to reacclimate itself.

Eating raw has many health benefits. In addition to an increase in energy levels, your brain and mind will be better focused. Your mental ability and mind will be more balanced. Your immune system will be better as well. Sickness and illness will have a harder time latching on to you and you will have a better overall health.

Why eat raw? We have all been eating raw at some time of our lives. When you picked up and apple and ate it, you are eating raw. The idea of eating raw is not a new concept. We've been eating fruits and vegetables all the time, in our salads and sandwiches.

More specifically, it was either that or go hungry. Man has been consuming fruits and vegetables as it was, free from additives and chemicals and no cooking. However, as soon as man discovered fire and started using it to cook food, man has doubled its caloric intake, and is one of the main causes of various health problems. - 17269

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Patience is Key to Weight Loss Success

By Thong M. Dao

People are undertaking to eat right for 2 fundamental reasons. Some people eat properly to lose weight. Many people start eating better to get healthy. Plus, there are people who are trying to slim down and also to have better health at the same time.

It is awful, but many folks are not doing what they need to achieve long term gains. They may accomplish weight loss but the effects are probably short term.

The reason why this is the situation is because individuals tend to pursue the easy option. The very things which have caused us to be a world full of unhealthy, heavyset people have also succeeded in causing us impatient to a degree.

Neither weight loss or health are things that can be attained overnight. In case you are seeing benefits quicker than normal, then you might be looking at illusionary benefits. What is the cause for this? It is natural for the body to react the way you need it to but inside you may be inducing more damage than good.

The Atkins diet is an excellent example of a diet that is low in carbs. Although these are very common, and they can work quite well in order to help you slim down, there are a few hidden risks that you may not be aware of. By applying a low carb diet you are directing your body into ketosis and that is why you shed pounds.

This is what can be frequently seen in people with diabetes. Yes, you will be slimming down to a particular extent but your body may also be eating away at your internal organs. When you stop dieting, there is a leaning to regain weight as a result of eating carbs once more.

Steer clear of fashionable dieting and anything that is not geared toward long-term wellness and weight loss. Try to eat a balanced diet day in and day out, and keep a check on the fats and sugars you consume.

You will be more conscious of what is good for you and what isn't as you lose weight. Pay heed to how your body responds to your activities and you will see just how far you can go towards meeting and surpassing your goals. - 17269

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Tinnitus Symptoms

By Matt Hellstrom

Have you ever heard a noise that seems to come from the inside of your head? If so, you have experienced tinnitus symptoms. At some point in your life you have undoubtedly experienced temporary tinnitus. It should be pointed out that tinnitus is not a medical condition; it is a symptom of an underlying medical condition. Tinnitus symptoms are acute or chronic and can be minor or major in the impact on the individual. There are 3 main causes for tinnitus including hearing loss, medication or loud noises.

Hearing Loss: Damage to the cochlea caused by aging, trauma or certain drugs can result in tinnitus symptoms. The theory for why this happens is based on how the brain handles the eye's blind spot. With the eye, the brain fills in the blind spot in our vision field to make it the same as the surrounding color field. It is theorized cochlea damage produces gaps in normal signaling which the brain fills in, creating tinnitus symptoms.

The most frequently reported tinnitus symptom is a ringing in the ears. This is usually caused by loud noise, either over a prolonged period of time (e.g., factory workplace), a short period of time (e.g., rock concert) or instantaneously (e.g., explosion). If you have walked out of action movie where the theatre had the volume cranked and normal sounds seemed muffled and there was a ringing sound, you have experienced acute tinnitus. This symptom is an indication you should change or avoid such environments, as prolonged exposure will result in permanent hearing loss.

Commonly used medicines that cause tinnitus symptoms include aspirin and quinine. Overuse of these medications can contribute to problems associated with auditory function. In addition, the aminoglycoside antibotic is known to cause tinnitus symptoms.

Tinnitus symptoms that are reported by some sufferers in addition to ringing are buzzing, a high pitched humming, roaring or whooshing, hissing, clicking, whistling and sounds like waves crashing.

Clicking sounds heard in the inner ear can be auditory signals that reach the inner ear through skeletal conduction. This sound is usually found to be caused by a misaligned jaw bone, but can also be caused by spasms of the muscles of the ear or throat. Tinnitus symptoms that involve the whoosh of blood being pumped through the vessels of the ear are know as pulsatile (as in pulse) tinnitus. Common causes of pulsatile tinnitus symptoms are high blood pressure, anemia or an overactive thyroid.

In rare cases tinnitus symptoms are caused by tumors. A tumor that presses on the ear's blood vessels will cause pulsatile tinnitus. A tumor on the nerve that carries the signals from the ear to the brain's acoustic processing center creates a condition known as acoustic neuroma. Unlike common tinnitus, this condition occurs in only one ear. For this reason single ear tinnitus should be investigated immediately. - 17269

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Figure Competitions - 4 Tips For a Successful Competition

By Kurt Naulaerts

Want to learn the secrets of successful figure competition winners? This article will offer you some proven secrets to help your preparation for the contest. Learning how to get ready for a contest like this is very important and following these hints should go towards giving you the best possible chance at success.

Diet - there are many aspects to a successful female figure competition eating program. You must know what to eat, how much to eat, and when to consume it. Once again, this needs to be written down and you should keep a journal of your eating habits. It is also recommended that you confer with a seasoned competitor who can work with you to create an eating plan suited to you and your goals. There are many vital components to your diet planning such as how far out from a figure competition do you begin dieting, how much carbohydrates, protein, and fat should you consume, and how much water to drink.

Weight Training - this involves a regular training routine in the gymnasium. Pick Out a time of day that suits your schedule, and get to the gym at least 4 or 5 times a week for your weights workout. Your figure trainer will be able to create a training workout that suits your body shape and your goals for the women's figure competition. Remember not to work out every single day (ie. overtrain). It is nice to be enthusiastic and think you can do it all, but working out every day of the week is not recommended and you shouldn't do it. Your body must have time to recover, so reserve at least 1 full day for your muscles to recover.

Facial Makeup - When you go to a free cosmetic makeup appointment at a department store, it is advisable to bring in your figure contest suit and even go with a part of your arm browned so that the makeup artist can match the foundation to the color of your skin with the tanning product you have on.

Presence on Stage - this covers a lot of items like your walking, your smile, and your posing. With regards to your walking, put on some high heels and practice, practice, practice. To improve your smile, practice standing in front of a mirror and showing those pearly whites. With posing, you need plenty of of practice. You need to learn how to muscle definition, while still looking calm, natural, and relaxed. A difficult thing to do indeed. Work with a seasoned competitor or a figure coach to help you get these things perfected. Take these few tips and use them in your preparation for your next figure competition. You will then be able to feel more confident with your journey into the world of figure competitions. - 17269

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