Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fighting Diabetes the Natural Way

By Jesse Regan

With the astonishing hype being given to processed and sweetened food, it is nut surprising why diabetes has hit so many people. Even if you are not into such fares but you have a lifestyle of a couch potato, you may still be affected by it. Diabetes mellitus, as doctors call it, is the disorder in which your body is unable to produce enough insulin to metabolize the proteins, fats, and carbohydrates you have taken in, resulting into the rise of your blood sugar level. If you are obese or are in your forties, you are most prone to acquiring it.

Although there are two types of diabetes, it is the Type 2 or the Non-Insulin Dependent Adult Onset Diabetes, which affects most people. In this case, the body has the inability to use the insulin secreted by the pancreas. This happens most often to overweight persons and this can be prevented by regular exercise and diet. However, because of the prevalent sedentary lifestyle and fat and sugar loaded food items, there is the high possibility that there is one diabetes prone or even a diabetic in every household.

Doctors usually prescribe medications that can be easily bought at the drugstore. Some of these, though, can also make you experience unwanted effects. A safe and inexpensive method is to remedy your ailment with the natural way; one may not need a physician's prescription. Most of these have been the preferred remedies of peoples in the countries where these are commonly grown. These can be effective if supported by a healthy diet and a regular workout.

Vegetables, especially the leafy and green ones, have an abundant supply of magnesium. This mineral is proven capable of limiting the rise of blood sugar levels as well as reinforcing the capability of the body's immune system and controlling blood pressure. Medical findings have attested that it may indeed encourage the production of insulin needed to metabolize food. However, taking in too much of this can be harmful. In large amounts, this can encourage low blood pressure, breathing complications, and diarrhea.

Cinnamon may seem related to sweet recipes but, in fact, it is another remedy nature provided for diabetes. It has been the subject of several medical experiments and the results only proved that is indeed able to lower blood glucose levels by about ten percent. In addition, it was also able to reduce the levels of triglycerides and cholesterol, making it a remedy for obesity as well.

These natural remedies can work even better if you make it a point to eat healthily also. You may still eat sweet food though as long as it is not of refined sugar but of fruits, complementing it with veggies that are full of minerals that can restrain your blood sugar from shooting up. Try these strongly suggested ones like string beans, cucumber, and celery. Support your diet also with a workout program and you can give diabetes a good fight.

These are only samples of great information about healthy diet respites that you can find online. - 17269

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Tracking Training Programs Is Crucial For A Precise Body Building

By Tony Gates

Most people don't know how to track their training program of haven't even thought of it. The point to tracking what you do is to assure yourself that what you are doing is working effectively. It doesn't matter how efficient you are, it matters how effectively you are. Efficiency can mean that you do the same workout every day; that can be a good thing and a bad thing. Effectiveness means that what you are doing is actually working towards your goal. Why waste time not knowing if your time is worth it? It's not, unless you record progress.

These are some of the things you will definitely want to track if you are serious about effective work outs.

Weight - Weighing your self on a regular basis, let's say once or twice a week is good. Make sure you are on a flat ground level. The best time to weigh yourself is in the morning when you first wake up since that is the time when you haven't ate anything yet but do it after you've urinated.

Body Fat Percentage - Losing body fat is very critical considering that's what you are trying do. You want to gain muscle and replace that fat. This equipment to measure the body fat can be purchased at stores near you.

Lean Body Mass - What this mean is what your body is really made of. How much fat and muscle your body consist of. Remember, the goal is more muscle.

Measuring The Body - To measure the parts on the body is to seek for progress. If quadriceps are what you been working hard on, take out a flexible measurement and measure it. It can be anything that you want to measure but make sure you remember to record the progress.

Progress Photos - Many people don't realize how far they are. Memories can fade, strip down to those shorts and take a photo every 2 weeks or so. You'll start to notice differences. Keep a record of it, then compare when you first started to about 2 months later. It will totally boost your confidence. - 17269

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Natural Means To Digestive Health Through Alternative Treatments

By Richard Ealom

Natural health medication practitioners frequently get questions about how to get a healthy digestive function naturally. This is a wonderful question to investigate, because so many of us fight with digestive disorders, constipation, diarrhea or other gastric problems. Here is a synopsis of a few of the alternative health products that may possibly keep your digestion system running smoothly.

HCL (Hydrochloride): If you are over 60, or beyond menopause, and often suffer bloating, indigestion, diarrhea or are not able to swallow oral supplements, its probable these symptoms are caused by a deficiency of gastric acid secretion by the stomach. Without this HCL secretion, what you eat is not totally digested and causes all kinds of digestive upsets. Nutritional supplement experts are advocating the consumption of HCL to aid in the digestion of protein, in particular.

Lipase: This plant enzyme is said by natural health advocates to be beneficial in the metabolism of fat. The failure to appropriately metabolize fat can be seen in 2 ways: continuous stomach upset or the failure to add weight. Lipase has in addition been found to be important in the correct utilizing of triglycerides and other bad fats.

L-Acidophilus: This probiotic is essential for total digestion of food. People with minimal levels of this friendly bacteria in their digestive systems might, for illustration, have a problem digesting dairy foods. For that reason, some products such as milk and yogurt might have L-Acidophilus added to help in digesting them. In addition look for L-Acidophilus in supplement form.

Berberine: A plant alkaloid found in some plant species, berberine has long been used by Chinese medicine practitioners. They consider it to be helpful to deter fungus for example yeast in the digestive tract, while not harming helpful bacteria.

Fiber Supplements: Numerous recent studies have proven the benefits of dietetic fiber. Its been pushed forth as the simplest way of lowering cholesterol and reducing the possibility of heart disease. If you find it hard to eat enough fiber each day, a fiber supplement can supply the identical benefit, as well as cleansing the digestive system and preventing constipation.

One of the top fiber supplement ingredients to search for is psyllium husks, which soak up large amounts of water and form a sticky matter that removes hardened matter from the colon. Natural remedies like psyllium husks keep the colon open without pharmaceuticals chemicals.

L-Carnitine: one of the most used amino acid supplements is L-Carnitine, which supplements the identical amino acid your liver produces when you eat meat. If you are a vegetarian, you must find a different means to introduce this essential amino acid into your system, as it assist in metabolizing fat at the cellular level so it can be transferred into energy. A shortage of L-Carnitine in the body can cause all fat ingested to be stored rather than metabolized, resulting in weight addition.

No matter your digestive issue, there is an herb, plant compound or other alternative health product that can help out. Work with your alternative medicine professional to decide which nutritional supplements to experiment with.

check for the purest kind of each, those devoid of fillers or additives. Pay thorough attention to amount instructions, because these are strong compounds with possible side effects when misused.

Natural remedies have been utilized for centuries by natural health MDs. Keep in mind these alternative health products when seeking a way to encourage digestive health naturally. - 17269

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Now Stop Chewing The Fat, Loss The Fat, Free Tips To Loss Fat,

By Christopher Rom

Try to cut back on fat, here are several tips to not chew the fat in your diet.

"Hold the Mayo!" or at least use half a tablespoon.one tablespoon of mayo packs in 80 to 100 calories and from 10 to 13 grams of fat depending on the brand!

The reduced-fat varieties of mayo have become more satisfactory in taste over the years.Other alternatives include fat-free condiments like: salsa, chutney, pickle relish, mustard, or horseradish.

"Do try other foods" Trying a new ethnic food to keep things interesting and a lot of the different kinds are healthy for you? Mid-east restaurants have healthy entrees, such as: baba, ghanouj, rice pilaf, dolma, lentil soup, and kufta.

"What about the buttertins" Top toast with a tablespoon of regular butter and you've already downed an extra 10to 12 grams of fat before your day even starts! Switch to yogurt-based spreads, orfruit butters (like apple butter),reduced-fat margarine.

"Steer clear of the Bread Basket!" Watch your carb-intake. But if fat's your foe, munching a bread stick or a roll before your meal can help your weight loss efforts by curbing your hunger and possibly preventing over-eating.

Okay "People just Love Salsa!" You have been told one reason people adore salsa, but it is naturally fat-free.It tops lots of foods deliciously in lieu of higher-fat condiments: baked potatoes; grilled chicken; salads; snack crackers; and of course, chips.Treat yourself to freshly-made salsa by mixing together diced tomatoes, green onions and chilies, and cilantro.

"Have half a Lunch" A normal slice of bologna has about 11 grams of fat. The reduced-fat varieties of lunch bologna have less fat content. Chicken and turkey are naturally lean and better for you also and the taste has become better over the years, But most processed lunch meats can contain around 80 percent of there calories from fat. Plus are very high in saturated fat. So in favor you can get deli meats or poultry and yes the price might be a little higher but maybe that will help you. - 17269

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Getting Rid Of Man Boobs Naturally

By Steve Brodie

Gynecosmastia refers to large breast tissue in men coming from the Greek 'gyne' for woman and 'mastos' for breast. Leaving ancient Greece for a moment, the condition is more commonly referred to as man boobs. There are different reasons behind the formation of man boobs, but the two primary causes are excess fat (the case with obese men) and hormonal imbalances.

Puberty is one of the natural times when man boobs can develop because of natural hormone disruptions. It is not uncommon for boys at puberty to bud small breasts and feel lumps near or under their nipples, but these usually vanish with time. Overweight boys are more susceptible but even active fit youngsters can experience breast development. There are generally no associated health risks for adolescent man boobs except the social stigma often associated with the condition. Boys that have man boobs will often isolate themselves from their peer group and avoid social situations that involve taking off their shirt like sports of beach activities.

Other causes of man boobs can come from a hormonal reaction to different types of medications, too much alcohol (especially beer) taking methamphetamines and marijuana and even from illnesses like cancer or liver disease.

There is another whopping cause of man boobs (leading to man boob epidemics) that can be very difficult to treat and can even become permanent breasts if left untreated, needing a surgeon's knife to fix the problem. Anabolic steroids are the big baddies when it comes to leaving behind a nice pair of man boobs on once bulging pecks - they are leading men into epidemic proportions of gynecomastia. Because steroids have such a profound effect on the hormones in your body, they have a far more drastic and fast development of man boobs than natural hormonal problems. Man boobs that are resultant of steroid use are also more stubborn and if left untreated may actually develop into permanent tissue which can only really be removed by risky (not to mention hard on the hip pocket) male mamoplasty, which is not a great option for any man.

Developing breasts from steroid use is actually quite common. Steroids really disrupt the balance of testosterone and estrogen in the body, and this is why breasts develop. Steroids stop the body's natural testosterone production and if a user doesn't put testosterone back into the body after a cycle of steroids then estrogen will be rampant in the body and feminine hips and breasts will develop. Not exactly the look steroids users would be going for, but a result of steroids nonetheless.

After taking steroids it can take a while for the body's natural testosterone production to begin again and even when it does and hormones go back to normal the breast that have formed often remain. Man boobs from steroids are famous for being harder to get rid of than man boobs from other causes.

Of course the best solution is to avoid steroids at all costs, as the other associated risks like shrunken testicles are no more pleasant than flabby man boobs. For those silly enough to persevere with steroid use there are estrogen blocking drugs that can help stop breast development. Body builders often use estrogen blockers, however there are not sufficient studies on the side effects to know for sure they may not just cause another kind of problem further down the track.

If you suffer from man boobs and haven't taken steroids, rest assured there are plenty of treatment available to naturally reduce man boobs and give you back the flat muscles that once reigned over your chest- given the right diet and lifestyle advice man boobs can be history. If you have steroid induce gynecomastia it may take a bit more time, however you should try every natural remedy prior to surgery, as it can be a costly as risky procedure that may or may not cure the problem. - 17269

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By Marius Ionesco

GABA is an amino acid that already exists and is produced by the body. However, supplementation with GABA can promote our health, especially with the many benefits it provides our bodies. Gamma-aminobutyric acid or GABA is one of the important substances that help our bodies stay at their tip top shape. It also helps the body be more relaxed. You see, our brain is busy sending out thousands (no millions) of messages to and from the other parts of the body. Sometimes this leaves us unrested and overstimulated.

GABA solves this by working as an inhibitory neurotransmitter. Simply put, it prevents the brain from going haywire. Instead, it helps the brain to relax so that we can fall asleep faster. GABA helps to relax the brain and the body and thus make it simple for us to fall asleep and rest easy. GABA also increases the production of the Human Growth Hormone (HGH) by stimulating the pituitary gland. HGH is not just largely responsible for an individual's growth in terms of height, as well as hastening the process of falling asleep.

GABA is also useful in promoting blood circulation. Poor circulation is often blamed for a number of diseases. Heart problems, muscle aches, a feeling of lethargy and other physical conditions are more or less caused by the failure of the blood the flow to where it's needed at the time it is needed. GABA helps to deal with this by ensuring that blood circulation is at its best.

GABA can also hasten metabolism and help you lose weight faster. GABA is key to the production of HGH. HGH is also credited for helping one lose pounds more quickly. Do you ever recall having problems losing weight when you were in your teens? You will notice, however, that with the passage of time, it becomes increasingly difficult to shed off those pounds. This is because HGH helps one lose the pounds easily by preventing fat cells from being produced. As we age, the production of HGH also decreases. GABA promotes HGH production and thus helps us in our bid to lose weight.

GABA can also aid us to improve concentration and normal brain function as well as perk up the libido. GABA also leads to improved memory and concentration. However, be careful to take GABA at the recommended dosage only. Some side effects of GABA may include dizziness, shortness of breath and mild tingling of the skin. Supplementing with GABA will vastly improve your overall wellbeing and condition. - 17269

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A Guide to Different Types of Coffees

By Damian Papworth

There's more to drinking coffee than just walking into a shop and asking for a small, medium, or large cup of whatever the house blend is. The amount of time and effort it takes to grow and harvest coffee beans around the world deserves a little more respect from the average consumer, especially since the delicate taste you get has nothing to do with the barista at Starbucks, and more to do with faraway volcanic slopes and mountain ridges.

Yes, what really makes coffee taste great are the beans themselves, or the special regions in countries around the world where the weather gets together to create the perfect growing environment. To learn a little bit more about the world's different coffee producing regions, as well as the most popular beans, you needn't look any further than this handy guide, which will teach you how to make the best possible pot of coffee around just by learning which brands to select.

Kenya AA People around the world know Kenya AA as a type of coffee, but there's actually more of a distinction to be made. Rather than a specific bean, this is a classification given depending on the size of the bean. So really, Kenya AA is letting customers know that they're getting the highest grade of Kenyan coffee beans, which are grown on the high plateaus on Mount Kenya, where the perfect mixture of great soil and suitable weather lead to a bean known for intense flavor as well as a lovely aroma.

Colombian Coffee One of the biggest producers of coffee beans is Columbia, a country with a perfect environment for growing different varieties of Arabica beans, like Caturra, Typica, and Bourbon. The coffee grown in Columbia is imported by many countries around the world, like Japan, The United States, Australia, and Holland. Initially, harvested beans were roasted with charcoal in saucepans at the very beginning of Columbia's long-going historical trade and harvesting.

Ethiopian Harrar One of the oldest coffee beans used, Harrar coffee beans grow only in the eastern highlands of Ethiopia, and require sorting and processing done entirely by hand, due to the brittle nature of the bean. The bean itself is medium in size, but has a distinct flavor that most people compare to an expensive glass of fruity red wine. The aroma is equally pleasant, and Ethiopian Harrar beans are sold in many gourmet stores around the world.

Lavazza Espresso pods Some companies are so well-known for their coffee that they manage to employ their own growers around the world to create the product for them. A look at once such enterprise is world-famous providers of Italian coffee, Lavazza, whose different varieties are sold worldwide. Since the early 1900s, the company has imported beans specially grown for them from countries around the world, including Vietnam, Columbia, Costa Rica, and Indonesia. A delicate mixture of these different varieties, as well as the blending of different types of coffee beans that come from different soils and weather patterns, leads to a complex and delicious tasting coffee.

It's important to realize how popular blends are within the world of coffee, too. Sometimes, one of these beans tastes even better if it's offset with another, perhaps one that compliments that aroma or allows for more complex undertones of flavor. Mixing beans to produce the perfect cup of coffee is nothing new, and if you're looking to really get into the intricate world of coffee beans and their distinctive flavors, go ahead and get a bean grinder, and start the experimentation process at home.

Regardless of how or where you're shopping for your coffee, please take a moment to consider whether or not it is fair-trade. The world of coffee harvesting is tough stuff, and most of the people who do it never receive proper financial credit for the amount of time and effort they put in. With different fair-trade companies around the world, many of which are easy to buy (just walk into Whole Foods or Trader Joes and ask), it makes giving credit where credit is due a whole lot easier of a task. - 17269

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L Glutamine Supplement

By Ellen Kazhantzahis

Glutamine makes up a considerable portion of our body - specifically our blood and muscles. After all, it is one of the vital elements of protein. This amino acid figures in our body's digestion and brain function. It is at the frontier in our fight against free-radicals by producing antioxidants. Indeed, this very, very helpful for our body.

The body produces glutamine in abundance. So what's all this fuss about this supplements? Well, there are times when we need to take supplements, particularly when we are doing a heavy exercise routine or are experiencing a lot of pressure and stress.

Athletes and body builders are known to load up on glutamine as they consider it an important part of their regimen. Otherwise, they would have to suffer from weakened immune systems because of the physical activities they do. Thus, they easily get infections and other contagious illnesses. Muscle loss due to strenuous exercise is also one risk that this amino is able to alleviate.

There is also the possibility of muscle loss as the body robs the muscles of this amino content and places it into other areas. When you supplement, the body gets all it needs to support the immune system and prevent muscle loss. Those undergoing surgery or who are recovering from trauma should also take supplements. During these periods, our bodies release the hormone cortisol. Cortisol feeds on glutamine as it heals the body.

This wonder aminoacid also helps you lose weight. Oftentimes, the culprit would be the cravings for sweet and fattening foods that you just can't resist. It helps you control your cravings so that slowly but surely, you lose weight the healthier way. And the weight you lose will comprise mostly of fat and not muscle.

In addition to all these, this amino improves the immune system's well-being and balances the blood sugar, as well as the presence of the acids and alkalines in the body. It also helps the body produce more HGH or human growth hormone. - 17269

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How To Lose Those Excess pounds

By Ron Cripps

Persons who need to lose weight are constantly searching for diets that work. The trick isn't really finding a diet plan that works, but rather beginning a diet to which an individual can stay with. The multi billion dollar diet and weight loss industry depends not on people staying healthy and staying thin, but rather on people taking an endless ping-pong ride between health and fat. Because the money comes from repeat business, the focus is surely on the roller coaster reality of poor living followed by short stints of diets and health programs.

So you want a diet that delivers? Here's one. Combine limiting caloric intake to 1000 calories each day with at least 30 minutes of exercise at least five times a week. That diet will result in shedding weight. But there are two problems.

The first is that cravings are likely to ruin the diet. Sooner or later, particularly after intense work outs, those 1000 calories won't be sufficient to satisfy. One piece of cake, or just one bag of chips, or one extra hot dog will soon cause you to dropping off the diet.

#2 the diet eventually finishes. You soon go back to eating the same old way. Next beach season, or next time to wear that dress or tuxedo, or next family trip, or basically the next time you glance at a looking glass on the way out of the gym it will be once again be diet time.

The best fat loss is one making a change to overall diet, forever. More and more people are coming to realize that to lose weight it's best to make a whole lifestyle change, including healthier eating habits and more exercise. Connie Guttersen created the Sonoma Diet which, as a base, discusses ten power foods.

These are almonds, bell peppers, blueberries, broccoli, grapes, olive oil, spinach, strawberries, tomatoes and whole grains, combined with the diet of the Sonoma country, which includes Asian, Latin American and Mediterranean influences. The diet includes a wide variety of real, and enjoyable foods so it's easy to remain on it .

Want a diet that works? Move your mind from a short term diet to a long term style that's part of an overall healthy and active lifestyle. That way you won't put on the pounds in the first place. - 17269

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Workouts To Burn Fat: Little Changes for Big Rewards

By Brad Morgan

Life can be hectic, and our busy world demands that we juggle taking care of children, going to work or school, and meeting other obligations. And we're supposed to exercise too! When can you find time to burn fat?

Many people opt to do shorter workouts throughout the day, such as doing three or four ten minute sessions instead of one long one. Does this work?

You often hear that it takes the body about twenty minutes to start burning serious calories and fat, so wouldn't that make shorter workouts ineffective? What is the best way to burn fat on a tight schedule?

According to the American Heart Association, you can receive the same benefit from several shorter workouts as you do from one long one. This is true if they add up to the same amount of time.

So, if you are doing four ten minute sessions, you're body is getting the benefit equal to one forty minute session. The AHA also found that vigorous exercise is much more effective than moderately paced movement.

Moderate exercise won't cut it for your short workouts. You need to make them challenging. Try the following tips to get the most from your mini workouts.

1. Pick up the pace. A lot.

For ten minutes, run faster than you normally do. Walkers, walk more briskly. Make sure to get your heart going.

2. Attack a gym machine.

You probably don't want to drive back and forth to the gym four times a day, but if you're there anyway, hop on a machine and push the intensity.

3. Run up a hill or a set of stairs.

Run up some stairs or a steep hill. Walk down and repeat. Do this for ten minutes to burn fat.

4. Try some jumping jacks.

5. Do ten minutes of jumping rope.

What makes a good ten minute workout is intensity. Work hard, go all out, and you'll burn fat. Strength training is also great for your mini-workouts.

Don't let your body get bored; if you do, it is harder to burn fat. Do a few minutes of light walking to warm up, and then do some of the moves below:

* Squats. These are one of the best moves to get your body in shape.

* Lunges

* Deadlifts

* Lunges

* Deadlifts

You can do sets of each or combine them to create compound moves. These work more muscle at the same time. Examples of compound moves are: squats combined with overhead presses, lunges paired with chest presses, and knee lifts with tricep kickbacks.

It is also important to warm up and cool down. They don't have to be extensive, simply walking briskly for a few minutes is sufficient for warming up, and moving a more slowly is fine for cooling down. Stretching before and after you exercise also helps loosen your muscles and prevent injury.

The important thing with exercise is to do it. If you can do four ten minute workouts per day, that is great. You will see results, and you will burn fat.

Working out for shorter periods of time can also be much more motivating and can help you stick with your exercise program.

Your busy schedule may be a valid excuse for not doing a long workout each day, but not with short workouts! You can always find ten minutes somewhere. - 17269

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Easy Tips To Change Your Diet

By Selene Foong

Having a healthy body in a time when fast food is easier to grab and junk food available everywhere is a difficult job. It is pretty difficult to try to make a choice between delectable cakes and sweets compared to healthier foods like fruits and vegetables.

It is always pretty easy to grab fast food as sustenance when on the go without thinking about the consequence of what it does to your body. So, when one has to choose between a delicious burger and a plate of fresh green salad, many will choose the burger. Eating unhealthy food all the time will cause obesity and also other health conditions like diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol and heart disease.

Having an unhealthy eating lifestyle will not only shorten your life span but also cause you to have a lower quality of life as you will be suffering from various health conditions that require regular medical attention. In order to avoid that, here are some tips you can follow to change your eating habits for a healthier you without starving yourself.

1. When eating on the go - it is when you are in a hurry and need a quick bite, you are more likely to go for chips or a fast food burger. Instead of doing that, why not choose to go for a healthy sandwich which is easy for a quick bite and importantly, healthier than a burger. Go to places like Subway and choose wholemeal bread and non-greasy fillings like turkey breast or tuna. As for the sauces, avoid mayo but go for healthier ones like olive oil or italian dressing.

2. Eat out rules - if you don't cook because you don't have the time or don't like to cook, that does not mean you don't have a choice over what you eat. Eating out also means you have a lot of choices to make and you can always choose to go to a place with healthy options rather than go to a fast food place. You can always choose to go to a restaurant or cafe that offers salad choices and grilled mains. Instead of going for deep fried food, always choose grilled, broiled and even stir-fried mains like chicken and fish. Also remember to ask for extra greens and instead of mashed potatoes and fries, do choose baked potatoes with the dressing aside.

3. When you go to parties or during celebrations - parties and holiday seasons like Christmas means there are loads of goodies to try such as cakes, cookies, pastries and high-fat foods. Instead of depriving yourself completely of these goodies, you can choose to eat less. This means you can eat those goodies but do with with moderation in mind. You can eat the chocolate cake but keep it to a small slice and do not go for seconds. The same goes for the other food, keep it all at smaller portions. Instead, you fill up on salads and fruits first before going for the mains and desserts. This way, you tend not to overeat.

You do not have to count calories at all but just to reduce your meal portions and eat more greens and fruits. This way, your pounds will slowly drop away as your body adjust to the healthy foods. You will not be starving your body but instead, eating healthily and giving your body the nutrition it needs from healthy foods. Try these steps and see the difference. - 17269

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Arm Fat And Low Protein Intakes

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

In an attempt to come up with something new, some arm fat loss programs have begun recommending low protein intakes. So is restricting protein within your diet an effective method for losing arm fat?

Absolutely not.

In an endless attempt to come up with a new angle, diet gurus try to find new and exciting findings to push on the general public. And in this case, lowering your protein intake for losing arm fat could have some very serious health consequences.

So please take a look at the following consequences of extreme protein reduction for arm fat loss:

1. Reduced skin barrier. Your skin is the first thing invading organisms hit when trying to get into your body. If you reduce protein to extremely low levels in the hopes of accelerating arm fat loss, your skin will become thinner. Not good for fighting disease.

2. Compromised digestion. Whenever restricting calories to lose arm fat, you need to be able to extract as much nutrition as possible from whatever you are eating. Unfortunately, low protein intakes will damage your digestive tract membrane.

3. Immune system organ atrophy. There are organs in your body whose sole responsibility is to fight infection. Lymph nodes are one example here. And low protein intakes not only reduce their size, but also reduce the amount of antibodies they secrete.

4. Generalized decrease in immunity. Your body needs protein to manufacture antibodies. It needs protein to fight off the invaders that are constantly trying to make you sick. And less protein decreases the speed and magnitude of your defense response.

5. A decreased metabolic rate. Your body needs complete proteins to fully recover from intense workouts. If you restrict protein, you will not be able to maximize muscle gains from resistance training. And recall that less muscle translates into less muscle mass which translates into slower arm fat loss.

After all is said and done, you are far better off by having a moderate protein intake. The key here is moderation because if you take too much there are also negative consequences. Your body is very smart and it will do everything in its power to avoid extremes. So if you want to lose arm fat moderation is the way to go. - 17269

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