Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Nutrition Secrets of the Amazon Finally Revealed

By Marcus C. Evans

For decades the Amazon tribes have been known to have nutritional secrets that help them stay healthy, both physically and mentally. One of their greatest and most important secrets is the acai berry. If you have browsed Google or looked at nutrition websites, you have most likely seen this berry mentioned. Most western countries however are only now beginning to discover the benefits of acai.

The acai berry is a Brazilian berry with a slight chocolate taste. Sounds too good to be true! The berry is small, round, and has a blackish-purple tint to it. So why is this berry only recently coming to be known? Simply, you can only find these berries on palm trees in the Amazon rainforest in South America. Not only are these berries nowhere near us, but they're on the very tip top of the palm trees! The Amazon tribes, for decades, have been using the berries for a variety of purposes.

The acai berry is believed to have many healing properties in addition to the nutritional properties that we all have probably heard about. For years the acai berry has been considered by the Amazon tribes' people to be an antidote for illnesses that they encountered! Who would have thought a simple little berry could prove to be so useful?

The acai berry provides sustenance partially due to its high levels of amino and fatty acids such as Omega 6 and 9. These fatty acids play an important role in your health and your diet. The berry also contains antioxidants that help to keep you from falling ill.

The health benefits do not stop there. This berry is loaded with more protein than you will ever find in an average egg and double the antioxidants of a blueberry. It also contains much needed vitamins such as vitamins E, C, B, B1 and B2. To top it off the acai berry also contains essential amounts of calcium, potassium, iron and phosphorus. All of this is packed into just one berry!

What exactly does the berry do for our bodies? Many studies, mostly clinical, have said that the acai berry is possibly the most nutritious and powerful super fruit on the planet. For one, the berry is known to nourish the mind as well as the body. It is able to provide a balanced nutrition, and is also able to provide the body with energy and the mind with the ability to focus and concentrate more.

Believe it or not there is even more to this berry, it is known to have antibacterial, anti-mutagenic and anti-inflammatory properties. This is excellent to have around if you have any type of heart condition at all. The berry is also known to help lower cholesterol due to the fatty acids that are within the berry!

Most important, the acai berry is able to cleanse and detoxify the body of any harmful toxins. Though the acai berry isn't extremely popular in many places yet, it has been booming in Australia. As the berry becomes more and more popular and more readily available, you are sure to see an increase in the number of acai berry products. Currently you can purchase the berries and eat them in cereal, as a juice, or even enjoy an acai berry smoothie; healthy and delicious! - 17269

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Chair Recliners for Body Builders Ratchets Performance

By James Knolan

Are you a serious about body builder? Then you may want to know that regular massage therapy can be a great enhancement to your routine. Regular massage therapy helps to increase muscle tone, improve range of motion, enhances your flexibility and reduces recovery time from injury. Your current routine is probably very disciplined with your diet, exercise and stretching. The addition of regular massage therapy can be the edge you are looking for. If you are not able to consistently see a massage therapist, you may be interested in the convenience and economics of a massage chair recliner.

There are many benefits to body builders of receiving regular massage therapy. If you happen to overwork your muscles or sustain an injury, then massage helps to soften and loosen the muscles, tendons and scar tissue. If you periodically have muscles spasms or cramps, massage helps to lessen the incidence of these occurring. If you have aches and pains after working out, then massage therapy releases endorphins which help to reduce pain. If your joints feel stiff or less flexible, then massage helps to improve your range of motion.

Would you like to gain an edge over the competition? Sports massages have become very prevalent in most professional and Olympic venues. Top athletes have been prepared before their events with a massage to decrease muscle stiffness and increase their flexibility. Massage also helps increase your circulation which increases your mental alertness and awareness. If you are looking for an edge, then regular massage therapy may just be the enhancement you need.

One of the biggest obstacles of getting regular massage therapy is having to go to a massage therapist. Making time to get a massage in addition to the strict routine most body builders follow is tough. If the massage therapist is not located in the Gym, then more time is needed to go to their location. This where the convenience of massage chair truly shines. A massage chair is available 24/7. You do not need to make an appointment. You can get very frequent massage therapy very conveniently. The key to getting the benefits of massage therapy is receiving it on a frequent basis.

Massage chairs continue to advance with the unprecedented pace of technology. You can now find massage therapies ranging from Sports massage, acupressure, deep tissue, Shiatsu and Swedish style massages. Each of these massage techniques has particular target areas and specific benefits. These massage chairs also have full body massage capability from head to toe. If you have a specific area you want to target, then you can focus the program exactly where you want.

Some advanced massage chairs also have full body heat. Heat can be applied to different sections of the massage recliner. This helps to reduce swelling and help blood flow. Also, there are lower body traction systems. These traction systems will stretch out the lower body from the lower back, hips, thighs, knees and ankles. This is especially relieving after a good strenuous work out. Some massage chairs incorporate music players with headphones so that you can relax in your own environment.

Massage chairs are viewed as expensive, but if you look at the life time value of a chair, then it is a completely different story. A massage chair may run $3,000, but it is designed to provide a minimum of 1,000 hours of massage therapy. This comes out to a cost of $3 per hour. Compare this to 1 hour of massage therapy provided by a therapist. A massage therapist will run $50 per hour plus tip. Clearly, massage chairs provide a huge economic advantage over the traditional massage therapist.

Body builders put tremendous stress and strain on their muscles and body. Regular massage therapy can help to increase peak performance and help reduce the incidence of injury, cramps and spasms. This may just be the edge you need over your competition. Getting regular massage therapy is tremendously convenient with your own massage chair recliner. - 17269

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Great Muscle Gains - Gain Muscle Naturally Fast

By Westy

While gaining weight and building muscle mass a little fat gain would be there but Anthony Ellis Gaining Mass program helps to build the best possible physique and helps in loosing the fat gained while maintaining the muscle already built. There are a lot of notable bonuses added in the Gaining Mass package like printable training logs, software for tracking your program and an online member's area with many valuable tools and forums.

The software that comes with Gaining Mass will help you to stay motivated while you are going through the steps to gaining a great physique. The message board that is online will help you to get some answers to the questions that you might have about the program. It helps to know that there are others going through the program at the same time that you are. The Gaining Mass program will help you to get the results that you want in your muscle building program.

The program that you will receive is very successful for those who have tried it. If you are sure to follow all of the guidelines in the program you will achieve your goals. This particular program has been around since 1998.

Anthony Ellis is the creator of Gaining Mass and he is proof that these methods work. When he started his training, he was a skinny guy with no muscles at all. Over time, following the program that he created helped him to turn his skinny body into one that is strong and full of muscles. All the components of healthy muscle gain are included in this program. You will learn about nutrition, supplements, training smart and the effectiveness of quality rest. When you use all of this information in your program, you will find that your body responds with a great physique.

Every person who wants to gain muscle mass, whether a beginner or intermediate has his or her apprehension about the weight training program that he or she adapts to. The best part of ordering an Anthony Ellis Gaining Mass program is that you get so much value:

* Mass Workbook

* A Fat Loss Guide

* Calipers to measure the fat

* A measuring tape to measure your body mass gain

Another good part is that it doesn't have any pre-sales talk and is delivered very quickly... no nonsense, no attempted upsell... just good old get what you pay for value. This 230 page guide gives full information about what and when to eat so as to build muscles quickly and effectively. The mass workbook contains 26 weeks of worksheets and the fat loss guide has about 26 weeks of worksheets that are cut into three sections. The program tells what, when and how to train the body, how to take supplements to fasten the process of building muscles.

This program also gives you a great deal of information on your supplementation so that you know when you should take your supplements so that you achieve the maximum benefits. The detail of how these methods work is also laid out for you in great detail. You will understand why something is working and the kind of results you should expect.

Anthony Ellis has put his own experience into this program and shows you exactly how he worked to get the body that he has today. Take the experience of someone who knows how to get it done and start working on your own body. With the right program, you can have a great looking body. This program can help you to get there with the right diet and training to bring effective results. - 17269

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Cholesterol Blood Test - Why You Need One

By Adrian Fletcher

Next time you get a check up from your doctor, ask about getting a cholesterol blood test. This can tell you how much cholesterol is in your blood and will indicate if you have to make some lifestyle changes. This test is just one of several that are done on a regular basis. There is a battery of tests that is done regularly on every patient once he or she reaches a certain age.

The results of the cholesterol blood test indicate to your doctor whether or not your cholesterol is too high and whether you need to make changes in your lifestyle or eating habits to correct this condition. If it is too high, the most common first treatment step is a change in diet and an exercise program, followed by prescription medication.

You can have tremendous control over your cholesterol levels by controlling your diet. You can get your cholesterol levels right where they need to be by choosing to take the important step of monitoring your diet and the kinds of food you consume. You can consult a good dietitian to create a heart healthy, low cholesterol diet plan that you can easily follow and will enjoy.

Don't be worrried that unappetizing or unpleasant tasting food is going to be the norm. You will still have the opportunity to indulge in different kinds of foods as you attempt to lower your cholesterol, but learning how to prepare your favorite foods properly is essential to sustaining your efforts.

You will be amazed at the vast array of cookbooks, online recipe columns, informative magazines, and heaps more available to you to help you prepare healthy, low cholesterol foods. Good, cholesterol friendly cookbooks will give you extensive lists of foods and just as importantly, teach you how to prepare them. Learning how to plan and prepare heart healthy, low cholesterol meals can be challenging and fun, and learning this new skill will help you incorporate these good habits into your lifestyle.

Your family's cooperation and support with your heart healthy cholesterol lowering diet will be paramount in your success. With their cooperation you will be able to clean your cupboards, refrigerator and freezer and replace all the foods that have contributed to high cholesterol with new, delicious, heart healthy choices. The changes you make could well have benefits for your family too if they eat some of the meals you prepare.

Within a few months of implementing your new habits, your health care provider will want you to have a new cholesterol blood test. A regular cholesterol blood test is the best way to ensure that your new habits are having the desired effect of lowering your cholesterol levels; if you are not making sufficient progress, you might need to make some additional changes. In addition to the test results, the way you feel will also indicate that you are moving towards a healthier lifestyle. - 17269

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Building Muscle Supplements - Steroid Like Results FAST!

By Westy

When you look at this program, you will discover that Jeff will show you seven anabolic factors and shows you the use of hyper adaptive process and seven factors that make and maintain an anabolic environment. If you are already familiar with this process, you will understand what Jeff is trying to show you.

The diet plan in the program will help you to reach your goals no matter what they may be. If you are trying to burn some fat or build muscle, there is a diet plan that will work for you. The part of the program that is devoted to exercise will show you some new exercises that will increase the variety in your exercise routine. You will never get bored with this program.

Once you've finished the book, plateaus will be only a memory. In the "The Workout" book Jeff takes you through a 24 week Optimum Anabolics program. It also has a workout log for each day which you can print. One of the other features is a year's membership to the Muscle Nerd University which is an online forum, featuring stuff like training videos, exercise videos and other stuff. Also included is a monthly training session that's shown live to members only. The uniqueness of it is that it talks on a particular subject and then fields questions from members.

The live aspect of the program gives many members a break from the reading that they are doing with the main program.

Do any of you have any Questions? No problem. Jeff has already thought of this. He has put a Virtual Online Trainer for you to use which is a search engine that turns up answers to almost any program-related query you might have. If any question is not covered, he does it in the training sessions.

Next included is the tracking software to enable you to see how you're going at any time. A Body Fat Ebook shows you how you can get an idea of how much your body fat percentage is with just a tape measure. You can get further information if you want to get a more specific feedback using body fat calipers.

There are some programs that are designed to focus on specific parts of the body. This will help you to target some of the areas that you are having problems with. In the past you only had one month of access to the member's area. This has been increased to a full year. There should be a forum for members only to help with the intensive concepts and the unique training methods that are used.

Finally, there isn't anything to complain about. It is organized, written and helps make a complex program simple. Optimum Anabolics makes you takes you much further than your traditional training program. Loads of thought has gone into this program. This is a well-written, well-tested and very well-presented program for preventing plateaus.

The main ingredient of it is cycling which manipulates the body's defence mechanisms to discover muscle growth. Jeff shows you how to use this program's interesting approach to cycling to help bring you constant growth.

The program requires dedication, discipline and hard work. It is designed for people who've got some experience, intermediate to advanced trainers. If you've got the dedication you'll find the program delivers beyond your expectations. Jeff's incredible attention to detail and his teaching abilities turns the complex and specific approach to body building into a great advanced muscle mass building program that's understandable and easily applicable. - 17269

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Information of better drug treatment center

By James Peterson

If you have a problem with alcohol or drugs, perhaps it is time to seek help from a drug treatment center or an adult rehabilitation center. An addiction to alcohol, opiates, methamphetamines, narcotics or other substances, whether they are legal or not is very difficult to overcome on your own. Many people become addicted to prescription drugs or OTC drugs, and do not believe it is a problem because they are legal.

It is advisable to go to a drug treatment center for an evaluation of your dependency. After the evaluation has been completed the treatment center can assess what your individual needs for detoxification is. Detoxification is the process your body goes through to cleanse itself of drugs or alcohol.

The detox process for alcoholics and drug users can be very uncomfortable and possibly medically dangerous. Depending on what substance you are addicted to the drug treatment center may find it necessary to gradually taper down your use until you are at a zero dose. The medical staff may prescribe other medication to ease the discomfort while closely monitoring your medical condition. It is not advised to just quit cold turkey. The time needed for detoxification can vary from patient to patient. It depends greatly on the substance that you have been using and the severity of your addiction.

Once you have been safely detoxed, the drug treatment center will likely begin behavioral therapy, counseling, group activities and even occupational therapy. They will teach you how to live your life outside of the adult rehabilitation center without using substances to cope with situations. They will teach you skills that you will need in order to stay clean and sober for the rest of your life. You will be taught to build a support network that will help you prevent relapse, and what to do in the event you do relapse.

When selecting an adult rehabilitation center, find a treatment center that offers aftercare sessions. Aftercare attendance is as important as the intensive treatment. Patients very often do extremely well while secluded in the safe haven of the treatment center. It is more difficult to remain sober when you are out in the real world again. The follow-up or aftercare sessions will help you transition and will reinforce your new skills. Many drug treatment centers will include family and loved ones in the follow up sessions.

When you think of being admitted to a drug treatment center or an adult rehabilitation center, you may worry about the cost of such a program. There are many drug treatment centers located all over the world. Most state governments operate treatment centers for people that do not have insurance or have be ordered by the courts to attend treatment. Almost all insurance plans will cover most of, if not all of the cost of a drug treatment center. Do not let the cost get in the way of entering an adult rehabilitation center; your life may depend on it. - 17269

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