Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Bodybuilding Supplements, How Glutamine Works

By Ricardo d Argence

Maybe you have heard about Glutamine if you are into any type of work out program or you belong to a gym.

You think just because you heard the name of this product before that you now know and what it does and all about it, but you don't. Look below to find out what Glutamine is all about and how it can be beneficial to you.

If you were to look up the actual definition of Glutamine, you would see that is it an amino acid that is found in many animal and plant tissue as well as proteins. Manufactures produce this commercially for both biochemical research and medicinal purposes.

Some doctors have used it to treat alcoholism and depression. It is also used for nutrition therapy, as it is an amino acid. What people like the best of Glutamine is that is it an effective brain fuel.

Many people trying to drop a few pounds really like Glutamine as it helps to reduce cravings for sweets. It is also known that Glutamine is very important part in building up muscles and how your metabolism works.

To maintain their muscle mass, most bodybuilders like to take around 8 to 17 milligrams of Glutamine per day. This should be divided up in approximately 3 doses. This supplement has virtually no side effects, which is one of the best things about it. Some people have reported getting an upset stomach if they take too much but other than that, there really are no side effects.

Bodybuilders are the top of the list of people who uses Glutamine, beacuse it helps to reduce the amount of muscle deterioration.

When body builders work out the put their muscles under a great deal of stress and by taking Glutamine, they can help to replace the amount of Glutamine that they use that is stored up in their muscles. This will help to keep their muscles from breaking down. It really helps a great deal to supplement the Glutamine so that they do not use too much of the Glutamine that is stored in their muscles.

If you are into bodybuilding then supplementing with Glutamine may be something that you will want to look into. As with any type of supplement, you will want to check with your doctor before starting use of it. You want to be sure that you are doing what is right for your body. You want to be sure that this supplement will not affect any current medications that you are taking or any conditions that you may have.

If you decide to supplement with any type of body building nutrient, then Glutamine is the way you should go. It has little to no side effects and it can have great benefits for your body. - 17269

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What is the Power of Acai?

By Rand Francis

If you have been reading any health magazines for a while, you are not likely to miss hearing or reading about acai. The acai berry has been in the news, featured in many TV shows such as in Oprah, featured in best selling books such as those by Dr. Nicholas Perricone and mentioned by many celebrities such as Rachel Ray. Many people have vowed that they will always live by the acai berry to save them from unbearable aches and pains.

What people already know about acai is that it is healthy. They may not know much more but from what they heard, it is very healthy. They have heard that it can potentially cure many diseases and illnesses. People heard that it gives you energy as well as curing any aches and pains. If they have heard of the ORAC value and chart, they might have heard that acai is usually put on top of the chart by many organizations.

When people mention the acai, they often refer to the berry. An acai fruit is a berry, not a vegetable or other types of fruits. Some people do not even know that the acai is natural. They think that since it is so good, it cannot be natural. Since they usually do not see the acai fruit in the supermarket, they think that it is not a fruit. The acai berry is found deep in the swamp areas of the rain forests hidden away and hard to reach.

Even if they know that the acai is a berry, they might now know that the acai berries grow on tall trees that are in the palm family. The acai palm trees are large and tall with the acai berries hanging down in branches that look like ribbons. There can be about 20kg of acai berries harvested from each acai palm tree each year.

Nowadays, people are aware of the importance of antioxidants which is why many people eat blueberries and other berries. The acai berries are supposed to have much more antioxidants than other fruits and vegetables. In fact, in 2005, there was a research finding published about the acai berry that says that it was excellent against peroxyl radicals, good against peroxynitrite and poor against hydroxyl radicals.

If you are worried about cancer, in 2006, the University of Florida published a research finding that says that the acai berry extract may lead to scientists finding a cure to cancer. The research caught a lot of attention in the media and it was published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. There need to be more research on the effect of acai berry on cancer cells.

Soon the world will know more about the acai berry. However, from what we already know, adding acai berry extract, juice or powder of some sort to your diet will help you stay healthy. It is accepted even in Scientific circles now that acai contains many things that your body needs to fight diseases and illnesses. Why wouldn't you want to eat some acai every day? - 17269

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The Secrets to Getting a Killer Six Pack and Great Abs

By Tony D. Martinez

Do you want to have great six-pack abs or did you have them back in the day and you would really like them back? Well, imagine yourself at the beach on a sunny day and taking off your shirt to reveal toned abs for everyone to see. Wouldn't that be nice!

Unfortunately you're going to need to do more than just wish for great abs. If you really want a ripped stomach you need to actually do some work. Getting toned abs is probably not as difficult as you imagine but it will require commitment. The following tips will help you toward achieving the abs you've been dreaming about.

The first and most important thing is to ensure you have a varied workout plan. Plan a workout routine that gives you challenges on a daily basis. Having a routine that makes you comfortable or getting used to a set of exercises will not push your body enough to get the improvements you're after.

You must push and challenge yourself if you don't want it to reach a stagnation point. When you start something new, your body will work hard and there will be a lot of improvement in results but after some time the body starts to get used to that particular routine and you won't gain as much. Therefore it is necessary to keep changing your workout routine.

Variety will also help to maintain your interest. Do the same routine over an over again and you'll find yourself bored and lacking motivation very quickly. Mix it up; maintain your own motivation and interest. If you're enjoying your exercise you are far more likely to succeed.

Most people think that to get a six pack you only need to do abdominal exercises. This is not the case, interestingly the most effective exercise for getting ripped abs is full body exercise. This is because fully body exercise uses the abdominal muscles to support the rest of your body. When you have the entire body exercising you tend to lose a lot more weight than when you are only doing abdominal workouts.

Sleep is vital for ensuring that the body repairs itself. Abs do not come easy. A lot of work is needed and thus the body is going to be really pushed to the limit. Your body needs sleep in order to rest and rejuvenate so ensure that you are getting enough.

There is a wealth of information out there on getting toned abs. Perhaps the best tip that I can give you is to make sure that you have a planned schedule. Having this, and sticking to it, is for many people one of the biggest motivating factors. Before starting on your exercises be sure to do some research. Once you find a program that is suited to you, you've taken your first major step to getting that six-pack you've been dreaming of. - 17269

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Weight Loss Tips That Work

By Bart Hamurger

Get ready to lose 10 pounds! By paying attention to the amount of food you eat, eliminating unnecessary sugar and fat from your foods and making sure you include absolutely delicious meals and snacks to keep your taste buds happy.

A straightforward balanced and flexible weight loss program is best. Warm up to focus on the first 10 pounds of weight loss and the rest will follow.

Most weight loss programs insist you keep track of every bit of food you eat or drink. Start by writing down everything you eat. No need to write down the calorie count but start not putting margarine or butter on toast, vegetables and sandwiches. Use less oil in food as well as cooking.

If you're not currently using skim milk, reduce the level of fat content in the milk you use. For example, if you currently use two percent, use only one percent. If you insist on whole milk, try two percent. And drink tea.

Use cottage cheese, chicken, fish, eggs or yogurt, legumes or peanuts. Begin planning uncomplicated meatless lunches and dinners each week and try to make meatless more of a habit. Also limit your sugar treats to only a few a week.

Eat fresh in season fruit twice a day. Stay away and restrict sugary fruit juices and have water or drink tea instead. Add a slice of lemon for some zest if you like. Eat more vegetables with lunches and dinner so you have at least 4 servings a day.

Eat a few servings of food using whole grains at each meal. Don't eat in front of the TV. Studies show that you eat larger portions of foods and snacks watching TV.

Chew your calories. Don't consume liquids loaded with calories by drinking them. That means cutting out soda and high-calorie fruit juices and drinking tea or water instead. Plan ahead what you are going to eat. Last-minute planning tends to veer you off your diet. - 17269

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On acai berries and weight loss

By Alex Stern

Many things in this world are short in supply, but one thing is for sure " there will never be a shortage of dieting methods and weight loss techniques. A large percentage of the techniques known today were unheard of ten years ago and the same will be true ten years from now. One of the weight loss methods sure to be forgotten is the acai berry diet.

The acai berry is the fruit of the Brazilian palm tree. Its properties are really quite similar to other berries such as blueberries and blackberries. There reason many fall for the claims made by the marketers is that Oprah mentioned the health benefits of the berries on her show near the end of 2008. After that, people began searching wildly for acai berry products in the hope that consuming them would facilitate weight loss. All the while the fact remains there is not much truth to all of this.

In North America where many have noticed a huge growth in popularity of the berry, it is typically bought and sold in extract form. While the extract makes a decent supplement, it is a poor substitute for the whole fruit. Many of the beneficial substances within the fruit are lost in the process of drying and extraction.

One aspect of the acai berry diet which is particularly interesting is the idea that one can increase their metabolism and lose weight solely by consuming a fruit. Fruits, no matter which type, all contain fructose which is one of the most fattening of all carbohydrates. It is surprising that so many are unaware of this contradiction.

The encapsulated extract form may appear more effective due to the likeness of legitimate diet pills, but that is not the case. Many of the beneficial properties are lost in whole or in part during the drying process. Only when consumed as a whole fruit can one obtain all of the berries beneficial properties. However one should not expect to lose any weight regardless of the form it is taken in. - 17269

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Best Muscle Building Parameters

By Wakelin Smith

The best muscle building can be done in the gym, or at home if you have the appropriate gym equipment. What is more important than where you work out, though, is determining the best muscle building program for your body type, so getting an expert opinion on this is always helpful. In general, though, the best muscle building programs will include drop sets, negatives, flexing and strip sets. Add to these as you see fit, but these should be the basics of your routine.

Drop sets are done with dumbbells. Start with a slightly heavy set of dumbbells, do one set and then do a repetition with a lighter set of dumbbells, then another repetition with a lighter set again. You should rest for several seconds between each repetition, but the key is to force yourself to do more after you feel you have reached your limit.

Negatives are the best muscle building technique to add strength to weak bench presses. Start out with the bench press bar high, and slowly bring it down towards your body. Negatives are bringing a weight toward you rather than pushing the weight away from your body, as is the case with most types of weight lifting.

Flexing is another important technique for building strength. Flexing should be carried out between each other type of weight training that you use in your routine - during the periods that you would call your resting periods. Flexing also ensures that you keep your muscles pumped throughout your routine.

Strip sets should always be done at the end of your weight lifting session. Stripping one or two plates from the set while you are performing your lifting routine will help you manage a larger number of repetitions with greater ease. - 17269

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