Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Three Best Foods To Help With Fat Burning

By Mike Francis

One thing I have noticed while serving as a professional Nutrition specialist, is that most of my customers are amazed when they find out what foods I would recommend for fat burning.

These foods are not only delicious, but are helpful in the fight against unwanted fat. They are pro-actively involved in the body's fat-burning process.

I'm going to leave out the obvious ones - fruit and vegetables. I don't want to bore you by mentioning these - we all know thay they are beneficial. But I would like to take a look a some foods that are not only very tasty, but play a vital part is the fat burning process.

1. Egg yolks. And yes, I do mean eggs, which you may have heard some negative things about - how they give you cholesterol and contain fat. Well, they do indeed have cholesterol, but it's the good type - they actually help to keep a good balance with fat. The free-range variety are the best ones to buy, because of their high omega-3 content.

Egg yolks are a good source of vitamins and they also contain minerals and other nutrient traces. To give a full list of what these are, would take about a page. You can rest assured that the yolk of the egg is where the goodness is.

So you may enjoy those eggs, knowing that you are assisting in the fat burning process. I'm glad that I don't need to give up eggs - they're one of my favorite foods!

2. Avocados - another example of a food that has a reputation as a "fatty" food, but actually is very effective in helping to burn off fat. That is surprising, because of the natur eof the food - so rich and creamy, and of course it's a delicious additive for salads or even dessert dishes. But they are full of "healthy fats" and antioxidants and they are also rich in fiber. They're also a great source of minerals and vitamins, and they can help to curb one's appetite, and they help in the production of fat-burning hormones.

3. Grass-fed beef - When you buy beef in the grocery store, it is usually the grain-fed type that you get. But the grass-fed type is far superior. It's similar to the situation with free-range chickens - the animals are healthier, and the meat (as well as being much tastier) contains more of the omega-3 type fatty acids than the omega-6 type. And it's the omega-3 type that is best at fighting off belly fat.

Another plus with grass-fed beef,is that it contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). This is one of the "healthy fats", and it helps to build muscle and burn fat.

So go ahead and enjoy that delicious beef " just watch that its the grass-fed type. It will help you in your attempts to burn fat. You dont need to listen to the claims about beef being a fatty food " you know better now. - 17269

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6 Week Body Makeover - Metabolism

By James Kim

Learning how to control your metabolism is the key factor in losing weight. Regardless of your body type, increasing your metabolism will help burn calories at a faster rate. Metabolism is how fast your body converts calories (food) into energy.

Based on your customized blue print, the body makeover will determine what kinds of food work well with your body type. Knowing your body type and the foods that work well with your body will reprogram your metabolism so that it uses more of the food that you eat as energy, instead of food storage. Once your body's metabolism increases, you will burn more food energy. This is good news as you will actually be able to eat MORE while still losing weight.

Your bodies metabolism is affected by five factors: age, daily activity, food consumption, food choices and genetics.

Your genes will determine how fast your metabolism burns calories. If you have been skinny your whole life, your metabolism burns calories faster. Many people do not have this luxury as there bodies are heavy and cannot burn calories fast enough to lose weight. Even so, once you blue print your body, you will know exactly what to eat to help spring your metabolism into action.

Remember when you were younger and you could eat whatever you want and not gain any weight? This is because your metabolism burned faster when you were younger. Your metabolism also burned faster due to being active as a youth. However, in our daily lives as adults, we tend to have a sedentary lifestyles. Also, as we grow older, our metabolisms decrease and become slower.

Having an active lifestyle will increase your metabolism.. Inversely, people with sedentary lifestyles will have a difficult time burning calories as their bodies will think that it needs to store calories instead of burn energy. - 17269

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The Good and the Bad News About Hoodia Gordonii

By Kari Gambale

Lesly Stahl of 60 Minutes gave a report about Hoodia Gordonii on November 21, 2004. She reported that Hoodia Gordonii happens to be a purely natural appetite suppressant. Scientists believe that the brain is tricked into thinking you are full when, in fact, you have only eaten a little bit.

You will find that Hoodia Gordonii is a small, succulent plant that only grows in the South African Kalahari Desert. It resembles a pickle that is covered in spines. This plant grows very slowly and actually takes four or five years before the plant can be harvested. It contains a special active ingredient that is able to suppress a persons appetite. It is 10,000 times more potent than glucose. The San People originally used this natural product for centuries to stave off hunger and thirst during their long and arduous hunting expeditions.

For those people who are thinking about a new diet pill or an alternative product for weight loss, they should become fully informed about the long and the short term side effects of Hoodia Gordonii. Is there any reaction with this supplement and other drugs? Many weight conscious people are keenly aware of this plants incredible appetite suppressing qualities. However, most people are oblivious of the potential long term side effects of Hoodia Gordonii.

The Good News

The good news about Hoodia Gordonii is that it has not demonstrated any short-term harmful side effects. There have been no reports made from people in the West about any dangerous side effects that this may have. Facts have proven that when pure Hoodia Gordonii is taken regularly at an optimal dosage between 750mg and 1500 mg were found to consume 1,000 calories less each day when compared with the control group. When animals were used in experiments concerning Hoodia Gordonii, their food consumption was reduced by about 40%.

The Bad News

In the overall history of Hoodia Gordonii, it is way too early to tell in relation to the modern consumer because there have not been any studies conducted to evaluate the possible side effects that this diet supplement can have on a long term basis. Until more clinical trials are administered to a large, random group of varying racial makeup, we will just have to wait and see what the outcome will be. There would still be no knowledge about how Hoodia Gordonii will affect pregnant women, young obese children or people suffering from chronic conditions such as liver disease, diabetes, heart disease and kidney disease.

There is another point that you should keep in mind when thinking about any harmful side effects that Hoodia Gordonii may have. Some of them may be brought about by either abuse or misuse. Here is an example. Someone who is suffering from an eating disorder may find herself in harms way after she has taken this product for several weeks. How? When she does not feel up to eating, her health may suffer because she is lacking proper nutrients for her body. Unknown damage may be done to your body when you take supplements to suppress your appetite. How can people prevent this from happening to them? Thats easy. Just compliment Hoodia Gordonii with daily exercise as well as a balanced diet.

Before trying any Hoodia Gordonii supplements, you are going to have to do some research beforehand. Diet supplements can cause confusion to say the least. By going directly to the source in order to receive unbiased information and research regarding all diet supplements, which will include Hoodia Gordonii, only then will you be able to make an intelligent decision.

If you happen to be searching for high quality Hoodia Gordonii from a trusted and reputable company, then try to read product reviews in addition to testimonials about Hoodia. If you have the Internet, this will be easy for you to do as you will have all of the information at your finger tips. If you do not have an Internet connection, then try looking for Hoodia Gordonii at your local library. - 17269

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The Types Of Macular Degeneration You Get

By Candace Hubbs

Among older individuals, macular degeneration is the top cause of blindness or vision loss. This degeneration refers to the tissues around the macula, which is the part of the retina that allows for sharp vision.

The dry version of macular degeneration is actually the early stage of the disease. Although its exact cause is not known, it is believed to be caused by age and the thinning of the macular lining.

Dry or non-neovascular macular degeneration is believed to be the early signs of macular degeneration in general. The dry version is caused by deposits and debris of the tissue surrounding the macula. These deposits, known as drusen, are seen as yellow spots in the retina. Drusen builds up and causes vision loss. Dry macular degeneration is the less severe version of the disease. There is no known treatment for the illness, but some vitamin studies have proven hopeful.

The other, more severe, version of macular degeneration is characterized by a process known as neovascularization. This term refers to the formation of new blood vessels. It is actually the body's attempt to repair the damage of dry macular degeneration. Instead, it only causes further damage ultimately leading to blindness. The damage is caused by leakage that permanently damages the cells of the retina. Only a small fraction of people with dry macular degeneration progress to the more severe wet version.

Neovascular macular degeneration comes in two types. The occult version is the less severe. In this version the new vessels are not as distinct. Also the leakage is less evident. In the classic category, the new blood vessels are very pronounce and form distinctive lines beneath the retina. The leakage is also more evident. This type of macular degeneration causes the most severe vision loss. - 17269

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Various Types Of Macular Degeneration

By Candace Hubbs

Among older individuals, macular degeneration is the top cause of blindness or vision loss. This degeneration refers to the tissues around the macula, which is the part of the retina that allows for sharp vision.

The causes of macular degeneration are unknown. Some believe that age causes the tissues in the macula to thin. However, there is not enough evidence to prove this true. It is known however that macular degeneration are diagnosed in two sections - dry and wet.

The main characteristic of dry macular degeneration is when drusen appears. Drusen are spots, yellowish in color, that are caused by deposits from the deteriorating tissue around the macula. Dry macular degeneration does not cause as severe vision loss as the wet version, but no definitive treatment has been found. Some studies have shown that certain vitamins may slow the progress of the degeneration.

The other, more severe, version of macular degeneration is characterized by a process known as neovascularization. This term refers to the formation of new blood vessels. It is actually the body's attempt to repair the damage of dry macular degeneration. Instead, it only causes further damage ultimately leading to blindness. The damage is caused by leakage that permanently damages the cells of the retina. Only a small fraction of people with dry macular degeneration progress to the more severe wet version.

Neovascular macular degeneration comes in two types. The occult version is the less severe. In this version the new vessels are not as distinct. Also the leakage is less evident. In the classic category, the new blood vessels are very pronounce and form distinctive lines beneath the retina. The leakage is also more evident. This type of macular degeneration causes the most severe vision loss. - 17269

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The Different Macular Degeneration Categories

By Candace Hubbs

Among older individuals, macular degeneration is the top cause of blindness or vision loss. This degeneration refers to the tissues around the macula, which is the part of the retina that allows for sharp vision.

The exact cause of the degeneration is not fully known. However, many experts believe that as we age, the macula tissue degrades and thins. As the tissue deteriorates deposits and debris build up in the macula. Two versions of macular degeneration are known to exist.

The main characteristic of dry macular degeneration is when drusen appears. Drusen are spots, yellowish in color, that are caused by deposits from the deteriorating tissue around the macula. Dry macular degeneration does not cause as severe vision loss as the wet version, but no definitive treatment has been found. Some studies have shown that certain vitamins may slow the progress of the degeneration.

The other, more severe, version of macular degeneration is characterized by a process known as neovascularization. This term refers to the formation of new blood vessels. It is actually the body's attempt to repair the damage of dry macular degeneration. Instead, it only causes further damage ultimately leading to blindness. The damage is caused by leakage that permanently damages the cells of the retina. Only a small fraction of people with dry macular degeneration progress to the more severe wet version.

Neovascular macular degeneration comes in two types. The occult version is the less severe. In this version the new vessels are not as distinct. Also the leakage is less evident. In the classic category, the new blood vessels are very pronounce and form distinctive lines beneath the retina. The leakage is also more evident. This type of macular degeneration causes the most severe vision loss. - 17269

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Female Muscle Building, How to Get the Body of Your Dreams

By Ricardo d Argence

More and more women are waking up to the importance of bodybuilding. They too want to achieve perfect proportions for their body with attractive curves in all the right places. Body building workouts also tone ones muscles and firm the body making you look younger and fitter. And its not just about looking good, you would also feel good, fitter and much stronger. It will also be good for your health and general level of fitness.

It's important to get rid of the notion that female muscle building must be very different from male muscle building. Our bodies are composed of the same muscles and bone structure, and there are only small differences.

The main difference between men and women in terms of muscle building is that men have much higher levels of testosterone, which helps to build muscle. Women on the other hand have more estrogen, which naturally works towards storing fat. Regardless of these hormonal differences however, if you follow the correct workout and nutrition strategy you'll be able to see results.

Some women also mistakenly believe that muscle turns into fat. They then are hesitant to get starting with a workout program because they believe if they ever stop, than all of their hard work will turn into flab.

Muscles and fat are different tissues. They cant be converted into one another. Fat is formed in the body when all the calories that you consume are not burnt properly. The most common cause behind this is reduction in physical activity and exercise. This happens in everybody, even people who exercise regularly.

When bodybuilders stop exercising or they retire they would inevitably gain weight because their metabolic rate goes down and physical activity is reduced too.

Bodybuilding can be of great advantage to women. The important thing to remember is that if you want that perfect shape for your body you need to work with great focus, determination and patience. You will need to put in a while lot of handwork to get desired results.

1. The first thing that you can do is to appropriately change your diet so that you can allow for muscle growth and burning fat. If you make a few small changes you will be able to easily transform for your entire routine.

The easiest way to increase your metabolism is by eating 5-7 small meals and snacks every day instead of 3 large meals. This will keep your engine revving and it will also keep you feeling energetic at all points of the day.

2. Another thing you should do is to start working in compound exercises into your workouts. This will save you time because you workout more muscles at one time and it will also stimulate muscle growth throughout your entire body. The most popular and effective compound exercises include the bench press, squats and deadlifts. Using these exercises will help you easily pack on muscle mass.

3. But muscle building is not only about exercising. Its also about catching on your sleep on your regular basis. If you want to build your muscles you need to get at least 8 to 9 hours of sleep every night.

When you are exercising vigorously your muscle tissues need time to build and repair. And this happens when you are sleeping. If you dont get enough sleep, your bodys muscle building potential will deteriorate steadily. - 17269

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Painful Leg Cramps

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Your mind has finally stopped racing and you've just nodded off, only to be rudely awakened by a deep knot of sudden pain in your thigh, calf or in the arch of your foot. Athletes and high heel wearers alike are often awakened from sleep by the infamous nocturnal leg cramp or charley horse. And though these occasional cramps usually are not serious, they are undeniably painful and downright annoying.

Keep track of your H20 levels

The exact cause of leg cramps is not known, however, they are most often associated with dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. That said, and youve heard it before, drinking the optimal amount of water " 7 to 8 eight-ounce glasses of water per day " is the first line of defense against charley. Staying hydrated is also important for overall health, so the water speech bears repeating!

Stretch those stems

Also, simple stretches prior to bed can stave off cramps. Try this simple stretch before you hop into bed each night:

Stand facing the wall, 30 inches away. While keeping your heels on the floor, lean forward, put your palms on the wall, and slowly move your hands up the wall as far as you can reach comfortably. Hold the stretched position for 30 seconds. Release. Repeat steps 1 through 3 two more times. Just remember, when stretching, to take it slowly. Jolting right into a deep stretch and quick bouncing motions through the stretch are mistakes that can cause injury.

If youre still bothered by occasional cramping, your diet may need slight supplementation. According to Charles Kuntzleman, EdD, associate professor of kinesiology at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, taking a daily supplement of 400 IU of Vitamin E is usually helpful. If the cramps persist, your body may be experiencing a lack of calcium and magnesium, found in dark green, leafy vegetables such as kale and broccoli. Dr. Kuntzleman suggests supplementing with daily dosages of up to 1,000 milligrams of magnesium and 500 to 1,000 milligrams of calcium.

Circulation is crucial for rushing nutrients from food and supplements to the areas of the body that need healing most. Chiropractic adjustments can help circulation and greatly reduce healing time. Remember to inform your chiropractor if youre experiencing muscle cramps. - 17269

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Getting Rid Of Tummy Fat The Right Way

By Frank Powell

Are you looking for ways to get rid of tummy fat? Everyone is, aren't they? The secret is easier than you think; you just have to follow a few simple rules. Unfortunately it involves more than just exercising, you need to mix a good workout program with eating right if you want to really watch your tummy flatten out. Focusing on one or the other will just slow down your progress.

Many people hope that if they just lose enough weight they can get rid of tummy fat. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Fat in this area is usually harder to lose than in any other area, because our bodies are programmed to store fat in this region first. Additionally, few exercises adequately target the region enough to blast the fat that resides there. This is opposed to let's say, excess arm flab, which you can tone fairly easily by performing arm exercises.

While most people also know that just cutting calories is only a short-term solution, it can also be very effective and can help give you the sense of fulfillment and satisfaction to continue to change your daily eating habits for the better. While you are working to get rid of your tummy fat, you'll have to cut down the total calories you are eating every day. Losing weight is all about burning more calories than you intake, which forces your body to burn through its reserve energy that it has stored as fat. You should try to cut down your caloric intake by 10-20%. If you eat approximately 2,000 calories a day and that keep your weight constant, you should shoot for eating 1,600-1,800 calories daily.

This target will keep your metabolism properly functioning to support your body. You can supplement the calorie reduction by snacking throughout the day as opposed to three large meals. 6 or 7 meals parceled evenly in your day will keep your metabolism constantly at work. Furthermore, you wont be tempted to overeat because you will never let your body be starving.

Now that you know the importance of proper dieting, what kind of exercises do you need to do to lose that tummy fat? If you can afford a personal trainer to get you started, using one is the best way to get familiar with using the right ab workout machines, plus the accountability of having someone with you while you start your workouts can really help you to follow through. If you're going on your own, the best exercises to try are a variety of stabilization, bodyweight or free weight exercises which will provide a fuller range of motion and stimulate more muscle growth.

The truth is, in order to get rid of tummy fat; you have to work out your whole body so it burns off calories. A mixture of cardio and weightlifting is optimal. Find a good workout plan and eat the right foods. You will build muscle and burn off your calories. This way not only will you get rid of tummy fat, but you will end up with a good-looking body as well.

Are you are ready to take control of your body again? If you want to do this quickly, you need to mix a workout program with a good diet. It all comes down to burning more calories than you eat and both a balanced diet and an exercise program will help you do this. - 17269

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The Secrets To Getting a Set of Ripped Abs

By Jonny Leman

When looking at the TV it is not unusual to watch loads of diagrams of many different stomach crunch machines. We also see a many alternative types of programs. These are all created to assist you to do situps and abdo. crunches with much better effectiveness. Many of these machines and exercises come with all sorts of assurances about getting a excellent set of ripped stomach muscles.

The question remains however, do any of these devices or programs actually help you develop your abs? If you want to discover the secrets of of getting ripped abs then discover the secrets now.

In order to achieve a get a excellent set of stomach muscles it is of vital importance to work this collection of muscles, however, there are many ways to hasten the exercise of getting a fantastic set of abdo muscles. Achieving results quickly will maintain the stimulation to exercise high. Situps and stomach crunches stimulate the abdo muscles and thereby stimulate muscle hypertrophy. However, the abdo area consists of a number of layers of ab muscles which, if exercised in isolation, will significantly increase the rate of muscle growth rather than by concentrating on sit ups alone.

An example of an exercise is doing a sit-up with your hands placed at the back of your head. When performing the sit up touch the left knee with the right elbow and then slowly and carefully go back down and then on the following sit up touch the right knee with the left elbow and again go back down slowly. Doing these will help work on the oblique ab muscles. Stimulating these layers of muscles will boost the rate of overall stomach development.

Quite surprisingly, one of the most efficient forms of exercise to assist with abdominal muscle hypertrophy is to work on the big muscle parts within the body. These family of muscles are the quadriceps muscles located on the front and top of the thighs and large chest muscles. Working these particular muscle groups has 2 effects. The first is that they promote the synthesis and production of the bodys own natural growth hormone secretion. The second is that they generate a great deal of heat and burn up an abundance of calories which produces fat reduction.

If you are on a body building plan, the particular workouts that workout the pectoral will assist with an overall boost in muscle size and produce a general balance in musculature. Excellent exercises are bench presses, inclined press, flys and press ups. Dips are an exercise that will work the shoulder deltoid muscles as well as the chest. Along with with the leg workouts mentioned previously, the fat tissue layer will soon drop off.

There is a layer of adipose fat which lies over the underlying ab muscles. Removing this layer of fat is of great importance in order for us to visualise those underlying stomach muscles and to get that 6 pack look. It is often mistakenly believed that doing sit-ups or using these abdominal crunches appliances will remove this layer of fat. It is not possible to be rid of a band of fat focally, in one particular body area. The fat can only be got rid of globally. The only way to get this done with effectiveness is to reduce the consumption of joules of energy and to use excess calories. The latter can only be achieved by performing those large muscle group workouts, as mentioned above, and undertake a regime of aerobic exercise.

Adding all these thoughts together it is possible to increase the size of the stomach muscles and diminish the fat layer and acquire a excellent set of defined stomach muscles within as little as 12 weeks. However, it does require commitment but doing small steps on a regular basis can lead to significant gains. - 17269

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Which Yoga Clothes Are Best For Bikram Yoga?

By Kurma Rosen

If you haven't heard of Bikram Yoga, it is one of the newer members of the yoga world. It is often referred to as "hot house" yoga because it is practiced in yoga studios that have the temperature turned up as high as 105 degrees. These rooms also have a humidity level of 40%. We're talking hot here, folks.

Bikram Yoga is named for its founder, Bikram Choudhury, which he based on the classical yoga style. It uses 26 postures, or asanas, and 2 breath work patterns, or pranayama. Other people have copied this system as it has become so popular.

Obviously you will sweat in any yoga class but given the temperatures in the Bikram studios, youre really going to pour it out in their classes. So, what sort of yoga clothes should you wear in these classes?

Without a doubt your first consideration should be comfort. And they must be functional as well. Freedom of movement is a necessity so you are not restricted in any way. And please, buy a nice fabric that feels soft against your skin.

Given the fact that you will sweat more in these classes than in other yoga schools, it is certainly advisable that the fabric in your yoga clothes be particularly absorbent. After all, few things feel as uncomfortable as a sticky, clammy body that is sodden from perspiration.

As you know, yoga is a system of mind and body unification but really, most people just use it as a vigorous exercise for toning up their bodies and centering their spirit. Even so, don't you want to look good, even when practicing yoga? There's nothing wrong with that, I think.

I mean its one thing to practice at home in an old t-shirt and cut offs but I have to imagine that youve worked hard to look as good as you do and there is nothing wrong with wanting to show the world how you've done it.

So, maybe you want to shop around for some tight form fitting little number to wear to your Bikram Yoga class. Sure, let everyone see those deft lines and slinky curves as you tie yourself up those pretzel like poses.

The thing is that these yoga clothes let your instructor see if you are doing the postures correctly or not. - 17269

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Do You Need the Best Muscle Building Supplements?

By Ricardo d Argence

Many weight trainers who want to reduce their fat and build up muscle take bodybuilding supplements. The reason they take them is often to make it easier to recover after training and to improve their overall performance as well.

To make sure that your body gets the nutrition it needs when you are training hard, there are some supplements that you definitely will need. If you don't have the right supplements, you may not have the energy you need to do everything that is entailed in bodybuilding.

To help you build more muscle and burn off fat, certain supplements, such as whey protein and creatine are needed. Basic vitamins and minerals are also important so you avoid dealing with deficiencies in them while you are training hard.

Vitamins and minerals basically change the food we eat into energy. Vitamins also help with muscle building and burning fat. Protein supplements that will help you with building muscle along with your training program include creatine, amino acids, testosterone boosters, and whey protein. These proteins are essential for building muscle and help with muscle soreness.

In order to burn off extra fat, fat burners, appetite suppressants, and even some carb blockers are used. Green tea is a natural antioxidant that can help give you a boost in energy that is al natural. Various energy boosters and other supplements are available to help you have all the stamina you need to keep up with the training program you are involved in.

Eating balanced meals that are healthy is very helpful and important. Supplements are not the only way you should be getting the nutrition that you need. Of course even though we eat good foods, we don't get all the nutrition needed because of cooking the foods and processing them. Supplements can provide the extra nutrients needed.

You cannot build up muscle by just taking minerals and vitamins. You will have to be dedicated and work very hard in order to build up muscle and lose that stubborn fat. Along with your good diet and training, the supplements can help you build muscle, but they can't do it on their own.

When it comes to bodybuilding, steroids are a bad choice. They can help to build up muscles fast, but they can harm the body. When the muscles grow so fast, the ligaments and tendons often can't keep up. This causes those using steroids to deal with more injuries.

They also cause extreme aggressiveness, affect liver and other essential functions in the body. There is not a magic pill that can make you build muscle and lose weight without a lot of hard work and dedication. These products can also be dangerous. - 17269

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