Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Proper Diet and Exercise for a Longer and Healthier Life

By Jesse Regan

Thanks to high technology, many difficult things before can now be done easily. From modes of transportation, to communication, and even to common household chores, ease and convenience has been achieved. Now, people can just sit in front of their hi-def TV for hours as their main form of entertainment. Even their office jobs have become simple with the use of computers while factory workers no longer have to use much of their strength as they rely more on automation. Consequently, people have also become more physically inactive than ever.

Magnifying the problem is the bad eating habit that has become rampant in every household. Part of the blame can be attributed to todays food being loaded with inorganic substances that can be harmful to the human body. Its most prominent feature, however, is the large amount of fat and sugar it usually contains. Both fat and sugar are the main culprits in many cases of obesity and, worse, heart diseases. For persons aged in their forties, after all those years of indulging in fatty food, the risks of hypertension or heart attack has become higher.

Solutions to such problems have been presented though. All these have physical fitness as its main objective. There is even the option for artificial means such as taking in slimming pills and liposuction. These can be effective but it also involves a number of risks such as harmful side effects. These require one to either take in chemical-based supplements or undergo dangerous surgeries. More importantly, these merely change the appearance of a person but it does actually make him physically fit.

Your key to achieving a healthy body that can guarantee you a longer life is the combination of proper diet and exercise. With these, you do not have to take in orally anything but food and you certainly do not need to undergo an operation. The combination, instead, would lead you out of your sedentary lifestyle and bad eating patterns in the safest way. If you do both, you are guaranteed to get a fit body quickly.

Proper diet means eating the right food and avoiding those that can give weight problems. It considers the amount of food taken only of secondary importance. Meals should consist of items that can supply the body with good cholesterol, vitamins, and nutrients. Those that should be taken with much caution are those that are oily, salty, and sweet. Proper dieting is liberal on the frequency of eating. It is strict only when it comes to the types of food.

A complementing exercise is necessary to speed up weight loss. Jogging, aerobics, weight lifting and other such activities burn the fats at extraordinary rates and thus lessen a persons weight. A routine on the treadmill and exercise bikes also boosts the bodys endurance. Lifting weights can enhance the strength. It also allows one to grow muscles and replace the flab lost. It is good to seek the help of professionals in starting out such program and keep oneself safe.

These are just a few golden nuggets about weight lifting diet you can find online. - 17269

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Bodybuilding Tips For Developing A Muscular Back

By Ricardo d Argence

Those who lift weights are trying to build muscle so that they can look stronger and wider. They will slave away for hours on end with their workout usually consisting of bench presses and barbell curls. Even though they are trying hard and they really want those rippling muscles, they do not seem to get the results as quickly as they should for all of the time and effort put into their workout.

While a well developed chest and arms is clearly an important part of any complete physique, the truth is that these muscles only play a small role when compared to a much larger, much more intricate muscle group that most people severely neglect in their training programs.

The muscles that I am referring to would be the traps, lats, rhomboids, lower back and the spinal erectors. These are the major muscles in the back.

Allow me to let you in on a little secret, if you want to appear as wide, thick and powerful as you possibly can, nothing will allow you to achieve this goal faster than a well developed back. In fact, 70% of your upper body muscle mass resides in this area!

So get up off the bench press and put away the EZ-curl bar and follow this simple workout that will allow you to build the back you need to achieve the look you want.

There are just four movements that you will need to concentrate on in order to properly develop your back muscles.

1) Deadlifts: These are extremely important as there is not an exercise out there that can even come close to matching the effectiveness of this. You should perform 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps of the bent-legged barbell deadlift.

The deadlift will work you from finger to neck to toe and is irreplaceable in developing strong, thick back muscles.

2) A vertical pulling movement: These exercises mainly target the lat muscles and will help you to attain that wide, v-tapered look from behind. Examples of vertical pulling movements are chin-ups (overhand or underhand), lat pulldowns and v-bar pulldowns. Your workout routine must include 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps.

3) Horizontal Pulling Movement: You may have heard of this movement before, under the term "rows". This movement will place emphasis on your middle and upper back, as well as stimulating the lats. There are many different rowing movements that you can pick from such as the dumbbell rows, the bent over barbell rows, the seated machine rows and the cable rows. This too should have 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps.

4) A shrugging movement: While not quite as important as the above mentioned lifts, a shrugging movement should still be performed at the end of the workout to target the upper traps and develop that mountainous, diamond-shaped look from behind. Add 2 Sets of 10 to 12 reps to your bodybuilding workouts.

While it may not seem to be a lot, you will soon be surprised at how well these movements bring results. Remember, getting the results you want in muscle growth is all about quality, not quantity.

All you have to do is to perform this workout at least once a week and you will be able to have the upper body that you have always wanted and then some. - 17269

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How to Build Muscle Mass, Bodybuilding Tips to Continue Your Growth

By Ricardo d Argence

One of the biggest questions asked around the gym is "why am I not growing?" It's understandable, considering you spend all those long hours in the gym, yet the build muscle mass gains are still minimal.

This can be quite irritating and the frustration will start to set in quickly. If you reach this point you will be less motivated, which can be detrimental to your overall goals in the weight room and your body building success. We'll give you a few answers today that will allow your muscle to continue growing.

1) Calories. Yes, those who don't eat enough and get a healthy dose of calories could be having issues with muscle gain. The whole idea here is to eat high calorie meals.

If by chance you're struggling to find out how many calories you need to ingest, we recommend eating every two hours. When it's snack time; be sure to eat lots of yogurt, protein bars, dried fruits and nuts. Then of course is you need a protein shake or two along the way be our guest.

2) Protein. In order to take your muscle mass to new heights in a shorter period of time, you have to eat and drink lots of protein. The going rate is about 5 grams of protein per pound. We recommend healthy choices like chicken, fish, turkey, and dairy products are all great ways to help build muscle mass.

One thing to understand here is that you need to have excess calories so you can grow. Keep in mind you do quality over quantity when it comes to calories, but you can cut them later. If you want to make sure it's quality protein then we recommend purchasing those huge tubs of whey protein.

3) Has your workout become unstimulating? If you are able to say aloud your routine without thinking too much it could well be that you have been doing it for too long. Lots of variety is required in order to keep your muscles growing.

The best way we believe to do this is by using different variations. Maybe instead of using the same routine, this time you do everything backwards. Maybe you go through a faster routine with less in between breaks. Then again, maybe you just need a week to relax and allow the body to completely recover.

4) Downtime. Can you imagine walking into the gym, working out, and then walking out looking like the Incredible Hulk? However, it just doesn't happen, and your time at home is the most important. Your body needs time to heal and recover. So take a break, eat the right foods, and let your muscles recover.

Try decreasing your session to just one workout per muscle group per week. Also decreasing the amount of sets done for each body part, try just 3-5 intense sets per bodypart per workout. Think that is not enough, try it and watch the results!

5) Last but not least it could be as simple as adding more water to diet. Bodybuilding can take a lot out of you, and in order to build muscle mass, you have to keep the body replenished with plenty of aqua.

So if you are asking: Why am I not growing faster? Answer the above questions honestly and make the necessary adjustments.

Change is required if more than one of these points is not being addressed by your bodybuilding lifestyle. Of course there may well be other reasons why you might aren't growing but they are are the usual suspects. Now hit the weights and starting building muscle mass! - 17269

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Changes are Natural with HCG

By Amelia Handley

Why endure life when you can enjoy it? Too many Americans find themselves in the latter category. Too many Americans spend their energy uselessly stressing because their life isn't as good as it should be and their health isn't as good as it could be. And it's all because of one tiny, little issue that Americans have allowed to explode into a huge problem: weight.

It's not just a handful of people either. People with weight problems make up a large portion of our population. Medical professionals have defined the categories for diagnosis and treatment purposes. Overweight is categorized by a BMI falling between 25 and 29.9. Obese is categorized by a BMI falling at 30 or above. Both overweight and obese individuals have to wonder if their health is being negatively effected by their weight on a daily basis.

And the potential health consequences are many. The "proper treatments" create an issue entirely their own. The reason that so many individuals find themselves in these two categories (and suffering from the lower quality of life and shorter life span that goes hand in hand with them both) is that while there are many proper treatments...there aren't many that succeed in the long run.

Americans have adopted a very unhealthy lifestyle. For most it is based on low activity and high caloric and fat intake. For some it's moderate to high activity, but often still incorporates a diet that is fighting against their healthy day to day habits. Individuals who are suffering from the consequences of unhealthy weight need a solution that will not only help them drop the weight, but will teach them how to keep it off.

Many are turning to HCG (homeopathic drops). This particular program limits dieters to 500 calories per day and requires them to take HCG orally (in drop form) 3 times per day. Only healthy foods and healthy food preparations are used while on the diet. The HCG is what makes the strict diet possible as it performs its natural physiological function in the body leaving the dieter without hunger pains and without desperate needs for food.

The presence of the HCG in the body also enables the individual's body to re-develop its natural treatment of fat. While on the diet, individuals are not only able to empty out fat cells, but their body is able to absorb the empty fat cells. This means that once they have successfully completed the diet, they won't have the immediate problem of immediately gaining weight back when they start incorporating more calories and a wider variety of foods. Their body is functioning at a more healthy level.

HCG diets also create the opportunity for dieters to change their habits. They are forced to adjust to the taste of healthy foods. They are forced to learn how to prepare foods in a healthy way. They are forced to make good food choices regardless of the situation. And once they are off the diet this is one of the main reasons that HCG dieters are able to maintain their new, healthy weight. They have adopted a healthier lifestyle almost without noticing. - 17269

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Are You One Of The Thousands Of People Who Are Walking To Lose Weight?

By Caitlyn Sierra

If you are like thousands of people you may have found yourself searching for information about how to begin losing weight by walking to lose weight. Unfortunately millions of people in our society seem to be struggling with finding ways to get rid of the excess weight on their body.

If you have done any type of research then you are well aware of all the information floating around on the internet; however most of us seem to be looking for that "magic pill" that will help us get rid of the pounds without lifting a finger. If you are tired of carrying around excess weight and want to know what you can do then you have found the article that can change your life. We wanted to write this article in hopes of being able to help you get back the body that will make you feel great.

Everyone needs to realize is that it is not possible to shed those excess pounds by continuing to sit in front of the television on your couch. One of the main reasons that reasons that so many people are unable to get the body that they deserve is because they are not willing to put forth the effort to get back into shape.

You can not be lazy if you want to get into shape. You are going to have to start exercising regardless of what you tend to believe. However something as simple as walking for 30 minutes each day can help you get into shape and keep the weight off once you are able to shed the pounds. So the only thing that we can tell you; is if you really want to get into shape and burn those calories it is time to get up off the couch.

Thousands of people in our society have been extremely unhappy with the results that they get when they jump from one diet to the next. You have to know that it is possible to get back into shape and get the results that you desire however you have to be willing to stick with it for as long as it takes.

In fact this is where most people will fail to reach the weight loss goals that they set for themselves. This is because we all know that it takes time to reach the desired weight that you want to be; most people will become frustrated and will give up on their goals before they reach them.

Be sure to stop by and visit our site below right now and find out what why walking to lose weight can be one of the best ways to lose weight. No matter what you have realized in the past the truth is that if you are willing to begin exercising everyday then you can reach your desired body style. - 17269

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See The Healthy Advantages Of Acai Berries

By Tammy D Sanders

What if you could get a plethora of health advantages from one tiny little berry? Not only is this berry nutritious, loaded with antioxidants, essential fatty acids and amino acids but this berry is also delicious, reputed to taste like berries covered in dark chocolate or a cross between a blueberry, a raspberry and a grape.

The acai berry (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) that is only found in the Amazon rainforest fits all of these categories. It is exceptionally nutritious, containing one of the highest antioxidant levels on the planet; it has a synergy of healthy fats and a next to perfect essential amino acid complex. All in all it is one of the most nutritious finds of this century.

Antioxidants are molecules that are capable of slowing or preventing the oxidation of other molecules. Oxidation is crucial to life but in excess it can damage our cells which in turn turns into many diseases, premature aging and even being overweight. Nature has provided an abundance of nutritious foods that are packed with antioxidants. The acai berry has been proven to have one of the highest antioxidant levels of any food ever discovered.

Antioxidant qualities in foods are measured by what is called the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity or ORAC. Acai berries have the highest ORAC of any other berry, with a 10 times higher ORAC than red grapes and 2 times as high as blueberries. Acai berry juice has 10 to 30 times the ORAC of red wine.

Not only that the acai berry has a host of essential fatty acids. The fatty acid content in this berry is like that in olive oil, as it is rich in monounsaturated oleic acid. Oleic acid makes the cell membranes more supple. By keeping the cell membrane supple, all hormones, neurotransmitter and insulin receptors function more efficiently. This is crucial because high insulin levels have been linked to numerous diseases, most notably diabetes, but also heart disease and metabolic syndrome, which is believed to be a contributor to many different afflictions, including obesity.

The tiny, little acai berry is being proven to be a superfood, the term coined to describe a food with a high phytonutrient content that is believed to confer health benefits due to the superior nutrition.

The acai berry definitely fits into the definition of a superfood as it has been proven to be advantageous in the prevention of diseases, weight loss and the protection against decline associated with aging.

The acai berry is exceptionally perishable so it is not accessible throughout the world in its fresh form but only in its processed forms, such as juice or supplements. - 17269

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Exercise Guide : Kettlebell Workout Programs

By Mark Walters

Complete body fitness can easily be achieved through the proper performance of a kettlebell workout program. Kettlebells don't just condition, tone and strengthen the muscles, they also promote cardiovascular health and flexibility. Here are four tips to help you succeed with your fitness goals using kettlebells:

Kettlebell Workout Program Tip #1 Don't Overestimate Your Strength

Those just starting out with kettlebells often make the same mistake. They often start too fast and with weights that are just too heavy. It's much, much better to start off with a weight that you are comfortable with and then increase it slightly each week.

Kettlebell Workout Program Tip #2 Don't Go Too Fast

Increase pace and intensity gradually. Different people have different levels of endurance when it comes to kettlebell workout programs. Therefore, each person needs to set-up a program that is specific to them, and not just copy one from another person. Whatever the pace and intensity of each routine though, you should aim to workout at least three per week.

You'll know when the time is right to increase your pace because you'll be able to perform the kettlebell exercises without feeling any strain on your body. Should you notice significant changes in your muscle tone or weight, this is another indication that you need to increase the intensity of your program.

Kettlebell Workout Program Tip #3 Warm-Up And Take Breaks

Make preparation a priority. Before each session, you need to warm up for at least 10 minutes. If you're not sure how to properly warm up for kettlebell exercises, get a friend or fitness instructor to show you.

To train safely you should also be taking regular breaks. This is necessary to help your muscles recover and is the most basic preventive measure against serious injuries.

This means resting for a few seconds between repetitions and not working out every day. Some experts also suggest taking a few days off kettlebell routines after weeks or months of regular exercise.

Kettlebell Workout Program Tip #4 Appropriate Exercise Selection Create a routine that works on as many of your muscles as possible. Though kettlebell programs can be a complete workout, for them to be so, you need to do a range of exercises. Look to target at least the 3 major muscle areas - upper, lower and core. - 17269

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Lose Weight Quickly Without Diet Pills or Potions.

By Ryan M Hall

In our instant gratification culture, it's so easy to fall to the false promises of ab gadgets, pudge pills and magic potion drinks on TV that promise to help us lose weight quickly. We all want it now, and while sometimes we actually can lose weight quickly with these methods, more often than not, these false promises fall short of helping us lose any amount of weight at all. So what can we do?

There are really 3 easy steps to follow when you want to lose weight. You have to follow a proven diet plan, you should build muscle with weight training, and you absolutely must get plenty of rest. If you want to run on a treadmill for hours, you can and it will probably help, but you don't need to do that to lose weight. Whether you want to lose 2 lbs a week or 10 lbs a week, you can do it, it just depends on how much you have to lose and how closely you follow your plan.

Having a healthy but specific diet plan is the core of losing weight. There is a reason that when anyone wants to drop weight, they start to look for diet plans. It's obvious, if you want to change your body, you need to change the way you eat. But losing weight quickly requires more than just cutting some calories. If you want to lose weight, you need to create a meal plan that is specific and includes protein and healthy carbohydrates. Preferably with plenty of vegetables. Vegetables will fill you up quickly and aren't high in calories. If you want to burn fat fast, you need to eat lots of vegetables.

Go workout if you want to lose weight fast. More common sense advice, I know, but this time with a little twist, you don't need to run 8 miles a day to lose weight fast, though that might do it, you need to build more muscle. The way you build more muscle quickly is with a good resistance exercise plan. Lifting weights packs muscle onto your body and forces it to burn calories for up to 72 hours after the workout, so you can burn fat even while your not working out, which leads to our next weight loss tip, rest.

Can taking a nap really make you lose weight? Maybe, but when I say rest here, I mean rest from workouts. I'm not saying you can't take a nap it can help when you're working out. After all, your body needs plenty of sleep to build new muscle. The problem is that too many of us decide we're going to lose weight and hit the gym every day running and lifting weights until we're too exhausted to even function. Then we rest for a week or two with good intentions to start again, and never do. Resting for a few days in between workouts will help avoid this burnout that most of us experience.

It's not that complicated to lose weight quickly, but it does take commitment and the ability to follow these 3 steps. Follow a good diet plan, build muscle and give your body plenty of time to rest. This will put you light years ahead of the rest of the world that is just cutting calories and occasionally running on a treadmill. Follow these steps and you will succeed. - 17269

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Lose Weight Quickly, 3 Steps to Burn Fat Fast

By Ryan M Hall

Turn on the TV or computer and you will be bombarded with messages promising instant weight loss pills and perfect body gadgets that will make you look like a model and guarantee that you will lose weight quickly. Of course it would be fantastic if we could just take a pill and look like our favorite movie star, but the truth is, it doesn't usually work this way. If these methods don't work, do any?

There are 3 easy steps you can follow to lose weight quickly. You have to control your diet, workout a couple times a week with resistance training, and give your body plenty of time to rest. Running on a treadmill isn't necessary, but it can help. But, how much weight can you lose and how quickly? This really depends on how much weight you have to lose and how closely you follow your diet plan. The more weight you have to lose, the quicker you will be able to lose it, whether it's 2 lbs a week, or 10, these steps will get you there.

Having a healthy but specific diet plan is the core of losing weight. There is a reason that when anyone wants to drop weight, they start to look for diet plans. It's obvious, if you want to change your body, you need to change the way you eat. But losing weight quickly requires more than just cutting some calories. If you want to lose weight, you need to create a meal plan that is specific and includes protein and healthy carbohydrates. Preferably with plenty of vegetables. Vegetables will fill you up quickly and aren't high in calories. If you want to burn fat fast, you need to eat lots of vegetables.

Building muscle with resistance training will burn more fat than running on a treadmill in a much shorter time. This is because running on a treadmill will only burn calories while you are on the treadmill and about an hour after you step off of it. Resistance training will burn calories while you are working out, and, if you follow a good muscle building plan, you will burn fat for up to 72 hours after the workout. Which one makes more sense, burning fat for 72 hours or burning fat for 1 hour? Weight training burns more fat and putting on muscle will increase your metabolism permanently, meaning that you will burn fat for months because of the muscle you've built.

Can taking a nap really make you lose weight? Maybe, but when I say rest here, I mean rest from workouts. I'm not saying you can't take a nap it can help when you're working out. After all, your body needs plenty of sleep to build new muscle. The problem is that too many of us decide we're going to lose weight and hit the gym every day running and lifting weights until we're too exhausted to even function. Then we rest for a week or two with good intentions to start again, and never do. Resting for a few days in between workouts will help avoid this burnout that most of us experience.

It's not that complicated to lose weight quickly, but it does take commitment and the ability to follow these 3 steps. Follow a good diet plan, build muscle and give your body plenty of time to rest. This will put you light years ahead of the rest of the world that is just cutting calories and occasionally running on a treadmill. Follow these steps and you will succeed. - 17269

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Find More Alternative Health Products Through Online Shopping

By Richard Ealom

The physical and monetary well-being of retirees was the topic of a recent radio call-in show. A caller asked the expert concerning the role of alternative medicine and alternative health products. He talked concerning the benefits to his elderly mother of combining traditional and alternative treatments. The caller said that alternative health products and methods have enhanced the quality of his mothers life whilst reducing her healthcare costs.

Alternative health products embrace nutritional supplements, vitamins, amino acid supplements, herbs, digestive enzymes, glandular supports, and natural remedies. Distinctive products treat children (and even pets). Practitioners of alternative medicine suggest a mixture of these therapies for treating a broad variety of mental and physical health ailments, including food allergies, headaches, stress, depression, digestive woes, skin issues, and numerous others.

Along with supplements, dietary change is an indispensable ingredient in the alternative medical treatment for countless disorders. Food allergies, for example, cause a wide range of symptoms, including muscle pain, weariness, headache, stomach ache, skin rash and depression. In addition to, or as an alternative of, medical testing, an allergy rotation diet can help to recognize which foods the person needs to get rid of.

Health patrons may use alternative health therapies only or in combination with conventional medical treatments. Too repeatedly persons think they can use vitamins and other supplements indiscriminately because they are "natural." In fact, the same qualities that make alternative health products effective necessitate that they be used in an up to date and thoughtful way. As with all medical decisions,consulting a medical professional is very important in advance of embarking on a regime of natural remedies.

In truth, one of the ways alternative medicine saves money is because of personalization. Everyones circumstances is singular; two persons with the identical diagnosis may need different treatment because of differences in their different constitutions or social situation. Alternative medicine takes the complete person into account when prescribing courses of treatment. This way, unnecessary tests, risks, and medications are avoided and correct and effective healthcare is delivered cost-effectively.

A sharp increase in the growth of manufacturers and retailers of dietary supplements has accompanied the escalating esteem of alternative medical products. Whilst supplements from different companies may have the same name, they may not have the equal quality. Supplements may contain toxic or allergenic additives or low-grade materials. That's why it is critical to procure alternative medical products from trustworthy sources.

Many online marketplaces sell supplements and other alternative health products. How do you know if the company is reputable? If someone whose health decisions you have faith in uses the company, that's a good sign. If the company offers information and a way to ask questions, thats a good thing. If you can "read the labels" online and find out accurately what is in the products, thats good too. If an approved medical professional is linked with the site, that helps. But if the website claims to have all the answers and encourages you not to seek other advice, thats not good.

The world of alternative health products has opportunities for improving health and wellness that are well worth examining. - 17269

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Using Effective Abdominal Muscles Exercises As Part of Your Ab Workout in Bodybuilding

By Ricardo d Argence

If you want to look good, one of the first things that are going to come to mind, probably, is that you want six pack abs.

Your abdominal muscles are among the things you want to look good, and your lower abdominal muscles are especially important as part of your workout routine. There are lots of resources you can access to the best ab workout. Or, you can consult someone who is an expert in fitness to tell you what good abdominal muscles' exercises are.

The first thing you should do when you are constructing your ab workout is to choose exercises you can do, and be willing to do them on a regular basis. It doesn't matter how effective the exercise is if you're not going to do it consistently; it won't be of any benefit to you.

In addition, make sure you know that you don't necessarily need special equipment for your ab workout, although some equipment and machines may certainly do the job well for you. Among the most popular of abdominal muscles' exercises are crunches. Crunches are very popular because they are very convenient and benefit the person exercising very well, and you don't need expensive machinery to do them.

Side crunches are also very convenient, as crunches are. You can do them as stand-alone exercises to develop your oblique muscles. Pilates, too, focus on abdominal muscles. Because of this, they provide a very good workout for your lower abdominal muscles.

With Pilates, your ab workout is in fact the entire activity; that is, all of your physical activity is focused in some way on your abdominal muscles. You can purchase equipment and videos, and learn about Pilates on the Internet.

Besides Pilates, a lot of people who are versed in fitness believe that other exercises are also very beneficial to the abdominal muscles. Among the exercises you can do as part of your ab workout is to lie flat on your stomach, with your legs straight, then raise your body up on your toes with your arms down, with hands clasped together as though you are doing a push-up. You hold this position to work your abdominal muscles. This helps you in your ab workout because you must use your abdominal muscles to stay in this position.

If you want to construct a fitness program that also includes an ab workout, you need to work different parts of your abdominal muscles. If you only exercise part of the muscles, you're not going to do so the most effectively, nor will you get truly good abdominal muscle strength.

Most effectively, the abdominal exercises you do you are going to include working your obliques, or your side muscles, as well as the mid, lower and upper muscles, too. Finally, make sure you understand that because everyone's physical makeup is different, different exercises may work for you than for someone else. To that end, you may need to choose different exercises for yourself than someone else might. This is because the way people respond to motion varies from person to person.

To create an ab workout that's what you truly efficient, you need to test out several different exercises. If an exercise going to be very difficult or doesn't prove effective for you, you should choose other abdominal exercises instead. - 17269

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Are Crunches the Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat?

By Ryan M Hall

If you have excess stomach fat that you want to lose, you need to find the best exercise to lose belly fat. Even though late night infomercials might have you believe that the secret is crunches or super pills, it's not. Crunches actually have very little effect on belly fat. If you are ready to see your stomach shrink, you need to reduce your total body fat, it's easier than you may think.

One way to quickly lose belly fat is by doing cardiovascular exercise, however, there is a better and faster way to cut fat without spending hours on the treadmill or the exercise bike, do resistance exercises. What does this mean, and why is it better?

I'm not suggesting you have to become a body builder or the next Arnold, but building lean muscle will make your body burn fat much faster than running on a treadmill or riding an exercise bike. Lean muscle can actually burn fat up to 72 hours after you workout, this is much more than running on a treadmill can do. Muscle consumes more calories than fat and having more of it will get your body burning belly fat fast.

So what exercises will ensure you lose belly fat fast? The most effective way to build muscle, is to focus on multiple joint, or compound exercises. These are exercises like bench press, squats and rows. These exercises target several muscle groups, building muscle all over your body, rather than just one place. Building more muscle forces your body to burn more fat, especially in your stomach.

Compound resistance exercise like the ones listed above is the best exercise to lose belly fat. Working out like this and building muscle will get your body burning fat much quicker and for much longer than just doing crunches or long cardio. Focus on these types of exercise, and you will start seeing a difference in your body almost immediately. - 17269

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