Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Best Chest Workout

By Cade

The chest is made up of the pectoralis major and the pectoralis minor which each have different functions. The pectoralis major adducts the arm and flexes the shoulder.

The pectoralis minor depresses the scapula (shoulder blade) and downwardly rotates the scapula. All muscles of the body have an origin and an insertion point.

It is very important to know these two points so you can understand which movements will work which muscles. For a good chest workout you want to focus on the pec major which originates from the sternum and inserts on the bicipital groove of the humerus.

To work a muscle most effectively you want to shorten the distance from the origin to insertion. So to work the chest you want the humerus to come closer to the sternum.

Now that you know the biomechanics lets take the most popular exercise at any gym, the bench press. With normal barbell benchpress you lower the weight until it touches your chest and then push it up.

There are 2 things that are wrong with this. When the bar is touching your chest it requires the front delt to do most the work and is doing more harm than good for your body.

You should stop a couple inches before the bar touches your chest which will result in fewer injuries and no loss in strength gains.

The second thing wrong is that you aren't able to shorten the distance from your bicipital groove to your sternum with a straight bar. If you use dumbbells it is much more effective in building muscle in your chest. - 17269

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Low Calorie Diets are Not the Way to Go

By Thong M. Dao

It's highly important for you to read this article before starting any low calorie diet plan. This article will help you understand why low calorie diet plans do not work and never will.

I cannot tell you how many folks used to follow popular low calorie diet plans for a few weeks only to find out that they didn't lose much weight. As a result, they felt that weight loss is impossible and quit the diet program altogether!

Unfortunately, they did not have a chance to read this article. If they had, they would have found out that low calorie diet plans make your body become malnourished. And if that's not bad enough, you will start to feel ill and tired all the time, sometimes unable to complete regular activities, let alone exercises.

All these happen because your metabolic rate is low. If you want to lose weight successfully, keep these two things in mind:

1. Many people believe calories are the problem. That's not true. Calories are our friends, they supply our body with the necessary nutrition and energy. Enough nutrition helps increase our metabolism which leads to weight loss.

However junk foods, such as cookies, fried foods, or donuts are bad calories. While at your next cookout, I would recommend not to consume that entire double chocolate fudge cake, that will surely get you fat. Instead try the Jello or fresh fruit.

You have to stay away from empty calories foods (i.e. junk food) and stick to negative calories, like fruits and vegetables.

"Negative calories" doesn't mean they do not have calories; it only means our body will burn more calories to absorb these foods than what they actually provide. And burning more calories means weight loss.

2. You must build muscle. Are you aware that in order to maintain themselves, your muscles will burn a lot of your calories? In other words by building our muscle, we will get rid of unwanted weight more easily.

Protein-rich foods can help you to build lean muscles along with regular exercise routine. Protein-rich foods have an additional advantage; you won't feel hungry too often, thus preventing overeating.

When you eat low-calorie foods, you're not able to build muscles; instead you LOSE them. When your body doesn't have enough lean muscles, it can't burn fat since your metabolic rate remains at an abnormally low level. So that's one more reason why low calorie diets don't work.

Most low-calorie diets will only assist you to lose water and muscles. Unfortunately, you may think you have lost a lot of pounds, however you have not lost the most important of all: fat. If you can't lose fat, you can't get fit! - 17269

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The Truth About Dr. Oz And His Support Of Acai Berries

By Herbert Hicks

The acai berry was a fairly unknown and somewhat obscure before it was mentioned by Dr. Mehmet Oz on the Oprah Winfrey show. Dr. Oz has been dubbed "America's favorite Doctor" and he is the co-author of the "You" series of health related books including "You, on a diet" and "You, staying young".

Many people who are interested in health, nutrition and weight loss have started using acai berry products with great triumph. The suggestion of Dr. Oz just bolstered this success and the popularity grew.

However, while it is entirely true that Dr. Oz suggested acai berry as being one of the healthiest foods found on earth, the fact is that he has not and doubtfully ever will approve any particular and individual product, company or online solicitation of any such product including MonaVie juice products. If a product is claiming a recommendation from Dr. Oz or Oprah, be aware that the solicitation is bogus.

The acai berry is really a fruit found in nature and Dr. Oz talked about the how enormously healthy this fruit is. There are not specific companies or brand names of acai berry products that have a right to use the backing of Dr. Oz. He mentioned the nutritional aspects of this berry much like he has also mentioned how healthy blueberries, broccoli, sweet potatoes, white tea and red wine are.

Dr. Oz recommends that we consume about 5 servings of antioxidant-rich food every day. The acai berry actually has twice the antioxidant capacity of blueberries and that makes it a wonderful alternative to add to your diet. If you happen to choose an acai berry juice product just be aware that there is not an unnecessary quantity of carbohydrates contained in the product.

Many eminent nutritionists and doctors suggest the acai berry because of its beneficial antioxidant capacity. This berry also contains phytosterols, dietary fiber, and a synergy of monounsaturated fats, which support cardiovascular and digestive health. It also contains an very nearly perfect essential amino acid complex in conjunction with beneficial trace minerals.

But just as Dr. Oz and others have not sanctioned a particular brand of broccoli, a certain maker of wine or a brand of white tea, they have not certified a brand name of acai berry products. They have only articulated the truth of the high nutrition found in the berry itself.

There are many acai berry products out there that have the abundant benefits of this wonderful fruit. However, the one thing that you should look for is a product that has been freeze-dried as that procedure is the best way to sustain the strength of the nutrients. - 17269

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How Important Are Quality Vitamins?

By Macris Sparks

There are 13 different kinds of vitamins that are important to our bodies. There are vitamins that are fat soluble meaning they can penetrate the fatty cells and there are those which are water soluble. Bodily Functions such regulating the organs, hormone production and many others utilize vitamins to do its job properly.

Fruits and vegetables are great sources of vitamins. The variety and content of vitamins differ from each other. There are those which has more fat soluble vitamins and there are those who have less. Super foods such as the acai berry, goji, pomegranate, blueberries and mangosteen have also higher contents of vitamins as well as antioxidants to minimize the effects of aging..

Most people find they can get enough vitamins from fruits and vegetables they eat, but if you do not, you can be better off with vitamin supplements. However, if you want to take supplements, you should be concern with the standard of those supplements.

The first step you should take if you want to take vitamin supplements is to discuss with your doctor or a health care professional. Vitamin supplements are not regulated by the government like drugs are. They are instead classified as food products. Your doctor can tell you many things about the different vitamins you can take. Simply put, vitamin supplements are meant to help your body, not to hurt you, and your doctor can see to it that this is not a problem.

Of course, vitamin supplement quality is of utmost importance. Because vitamin supplements are not categorized as drugs, every brand can make their vitamin supplements differently. If you need a vitamin supplement to replace the vitamins you are not getting from your daily food|diet, then you want to make sure that you are getting the strength your doctor recommends. Some vitamin brands are very high quality and some are not. It?s up to you to figure out which brand of vitamin supplements to purchase.

When you are at the health food store or pharmacy, you will be faced with a lot of vitamins to choose from. There are so many vitamins out there. Different brands, different combinations of vitamins, different packages ? so many to choose from. Because of this, it becomes necessary to seek the help of your doctor as to what vitamin or the combinations of vitamins that your body might need.

Be wary of the labels because they are important. It tells you how much of which vitamin is contained in each capsule and the recommended dosage. Be careful to follow instructions of those vitamins which give special instructions. Your health and safety is of utmost importance. You?ll be safe if you follow directions carefully. If you cannot find any labels which are printed clearly, better seek for another brand. The expensive ones usually are of higher quality. The choice is up to you, cheaper ones may also give you the same benefit.

If your lifestyle prohibits you from ingesting vitamins from fruits and vegetables daily, better choose to take them through supplements. A well nourished body can make us more productive in our daily activities. It can make us more alert to face the challenges that each day brings. It can preserve the healthy glow of our skin and make us age gracefully. Give your body the nourishment it needs. - 17269

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Stretch Mark Solutions

By Laura Salser

Skin problems are particularly problematic and can cause some problems that we would rather not show others.

Usually streth marks on our skins come from diet, pregnancy, trauma or hormonal problems and usually causes the skin to become over-worked and stretched.

Fortunately, you do not have to continue with these problems. Instead, there are stretch mark solutions.

One easy solution is called "Celtrixa" which works extremely well to reduce your stretch marks and give you clean, nice-looking skin once again.

It has been proven in clinical studies that Celtrixa increases collagen production in our skins by up to 62% improving texture and tone in participants.

When you naturally increase the collagen production in your skin, your skin gets better. It increases in strength and its natural elasticity also becomes available again.

After using Celtrixa, if you can keep a healthy diet, drink plenty of water and get exercise, then you will not have to worry much about future stretch marks or your current stretch marks returning anytime soon.

Luckily, there is a free sample of Celtrixa being offered now for a limited time so you can give it a try before having to buy it. Give it a try today and see your stretch marks become reduced! - 17269

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How to Get Taller With A Natural Solution

By Shaun Davids

Did you know that you can discover how to grow taller by making a few small changes in your diet? By learning to eat the right foods, you will not only get taller, but your bones will be stronger than ever.

What you eat plays a huge role in your attempt to get taller. You need to fuel your body with important nutrients such as calcium, calories, amino acids, and protein. Technically, taking these substances is not a way how to grow taller, but it prevents your growth being stunted from malnutrition.

Amino acids and proteins have a number of functions. Considered "the building blocks of life", these nutrients enable your body's bones, organs and muscles to grow. So it would make sense to eat foods high in protein to help increase height.

In learning how to get taller naturally, calcium is another essential mineral. Calcium helps replenish new cells in your bones, skin, organs and muscles as older cells die off.

Typically found in dairy, meat and tofu, calcium aids your bones and muscles to grow and function properly. Any lack thereof, can lead to weaker bones that will break easily.

When it comes to calories, do not believe those weight loss myths that say calories are bad for you. They are, in fact, very helpful for people wanting to get taller naturally. Calories play a vital role in restocking your body with the energy it needs to function and grow. So when you take in the right amount of calories, it helps your body work at 110 percent and increase height.

If you are already past puberty, where your bone growth has slowed down, do not worry. These nutritional tips apply to everyone, young and old. By eating foods high in protein, amino acids, calories and calcium, you will have strong, healthy bones and muscles and prevent bone diseases such as arthritis from occurring. Now that you know how to get taller naturally, start eating healthily today and look forward to a taller future. - 17269

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David Wolfe And His Newest Product, Longevity Now

By Michael Torc

David Wolfe's most recent creation, Longevity Now, is expected to drastically reduce the costs of buying organic from your local health food store.

Known as being one of the world's premier authorities on nutrition, David is author of Amazing Grace, Naked Chocolate, Eating For Beauty and The Sunfood Diet Success System.

Wolfe has degrees in environmental and mechanical engineering and political science. He has studied at many institutions including Oxford University. Presently, he participates in graduate-level education as a professor of nutrition for the Dr. Gabriel Cousens' Masters Degree Program.

David has a unique advantage on the field of nutrition. He is the son of two medical doctors. Since 1995, he has delivered over 1,000 lectures and seminars throughout the United States, Canada, Central and Latin America and Europe.

He is associated with Sunfood.com that specializes in novel organic food items. Sunfood.com was the first to introduce organic items like cacao beans, goji berries, maca extract and cold-pressed coconut oil to health food stores in North America. The company has a record of excellence in quality control and ethical business practices.

Wolf organizes at least six alternative health type retreats at various centers around the world, each year.

David is the founder of the Fruit Tree Planting Foundation and the Best Day Ever. The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation is a non-profit organization that aims to plant over 18 billion trees. The Best Day Ever is an online magazine on nutrition and peak performance.

Many might remember him from his participation in Mad House, a 2004 reality show, as "Avacado". David's spare time is usually occupied with hiking, yoga, hot springs soaking, planting fruit trees, literature, writing, alchemy, chemistry and spending time with loved ones.

When Longevity Now will be released to the public on June 24, 2008, it will reveal an innovative "longevity technology" that anyone can implement and afford. It involves simple additions to our every day lifestyle that are also delicious and exhilarating. Be sure to bookmark Longevity Now so that when you purchase the multimedia product from this site you can receive the Longevity Now Bonus that includes a rebate. - 17269

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The Warning Letter from Your Evil Body Fat

By greckery graboo

Here is a letter from your friend, body fat. This summer was great, wasnt it? Good times, good food, and kicking back eating quite a bit.

I have been thinking about maybe sticking around a year or so if you dont mind, i was thinking of getting a bigger place so youre probably going to need to get some bigger pants though.

Could you do something for me, try not to do that interval training again. The last time you did that, I almost had to try and find somewhere else to live. I was like the wicked witch of the west. You didnt hear me screaming, "Help me Im melting!"?

Instead, you should do that slow cardio stuff. I might get a little sweaty, so up top the brain thinks it is doing a real fat burning workout, but its never enough to get me out.

Keep listening to those people who say strength training doesnt get rid of body fat. Research says that they are wrong, and if you did do strength training to your exercise you could say bye to me.

Last time you did one of those super set workouts it was like there was a forest fire under by butt. I was burning up down here!

But man, I was happy you gave that stuff up and started lifting just utensils not dumbbells, or we wouldnt be celebrating another year together.

Sometimes I think what it was you did in college without me, your body fat. You would have been one of those people who wanted to go and show off your beach bum, but those days are over.

So keep me covered up with those cover-up clothes and stay in the shade, thats the way to go these days. Sure why not its closer to the cold food and the BBQ when we could be at the beach where the good times are.

It was nice catching up with you! Just remember to stay away from that Turbulence Training workout routine and Im sure we will be in touch a lot more of the time like usual.

I dont think a frying pan could fry as much belly fat as the Turbulence Training workout program. I start to tear up every time I start thinking about it.

So again, if you want me to stick around for another year or so remember to not use the Turbulence Training. - 17269

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Want Delicious Food? Try A Grill

By Dan Smith

Grills are a part of our world heritage now because of their popularity in all countries. Grills are typically either charcoal or gas.

In any case, barbecuing and grills are part of worldwide tradition. However, in the case of the United States, grilling really got started when the relative o Henry Ford, E.G. Kingsford, suggested that a charcoal manufacturing plant be placed next to Ford's automobile factories.

Outdoor gas grills were not actually invented until the 1960s when two men who worked for a power company were told to create a new way of selling and encouraging people to buy and use natural gas. These two men were William G. Wepfer and Melton Lancaster. We can be assured that the profits of the power company went up after the invention of the outdoor grill due to its popularity.

Charcoal grills are especially popular and use all-natural lump charcoal to fuel and cook the food. There are a wide variety of sizes and kinds of charcoal to be used in grills.

The sizes that might be included are round or circular, square, rectangle and more. Grills also tend to have either lids or no lids as well as venting systems and heat control systems to get a better cooking experience.

Burners are also very important in the grill system because they are the source of the heat and therefore the actual source of cooking the food.

Gas grill burners are created out of stainless steel, aluminized steel or cast iron.

Cooking grids, rock grates and heat shield are also vital parts of the grill because they help protect the burner from dripping food or grease while at the same time dispersing heat around the grill to get a better cooking process.

Hulk Hogan's Ultimate Grill is a grill that has become very popular in the United States due to its ease of use and excellent cooking qualities. If you want a grill for your home to cook food, check out Hulk Hogan's Ultimate Grill now. - 17269

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Got Chronic Pain? Try A Massage Chair

By Claudine Balsells

Massage therapy has been known to help relax and clear your mind. Massage helps to decrease stress by calm your mind and soothing the muscles of the body. However, what about conditions of chronic pain? New studies are starting to show that massage has a greater impact on relieving conditions such as migraine headaches to lower back pain. Massage chairs are being utilized by many chiropractors for therapies to help people with chronic back pain conditions.

A study conducted in 2001 by the Puget Sound Center for health studies compared the benefits of massage therapy, acupuncture and self-care. This study compared the pain relief received by patients under these different methods. The study concluded that after one year that patients receiving and back pain massage reported last pain than either acupuncture or self-care.

Chronic pain has two main impacts on the patient. One is dealing with the constant pain felt throughout the body. The other is dealing with the psychological impact of constantly having pain. Massage therapy has been shown to reduce one's stress by relaxing the mind as it sues your aches and pains.

Many chronic pain sufferers are afflicted with migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, arthritis and sciatica. These particular conditions affect the soft tissues of the body. Soft tissues such as tendons, ligaments, joints and muscles can be put under stress. In time the stress fatigues the muscles and other soft tissues. This makes them stiff and inflexible.

When you suffer from chronic pain, you may also have increased stress. Stress produces a reaction in the body that releases adrenaline. The adrenaline serves to give the body energy to protect itself. Under sustained stress, the energy starts to fatigue the muscles.

New technologies continue to be adapted into massage chairs. Massage chairs can perform full body massages at the touch of a button. A remote control allows the user to select automatic massage programs or to set specific manual massage courses. You can select a full body massage or concentrate the massage in one or two areas.

Massage chairs also come with features to complement the massage therapy. Massage chairs have built-in heaters into the chair. Heat therapy is used to help reduce swelling of the muscles and to help with blood circulation. Users can select the areas of the massage chair that they wish to apply heat.

Traction systems are being added into massage chairs as well. Traction is a way of pulling or stretching the muscles and soft tissues of joints. Massage chairs have lower body stretching systems which can stretch the body from the hips down to the ankles. This type of stretching can be very therapeutic for the lower body.

Massage chairs come equipped with MP3 players and headphones to provide a relaxing environment. You music helps to quiet the mind and to take its thoughts off of stressful situations. As the mind relax, so to the muscles of the body. Massage chairs provide a soothing and relaxing environment to receive a massage.

We continue to be amazed at the therapeutic features that continue to be added into today's massage chairs. The software is becoming more sophisticated to provide more effective massages. This provides users with more options and greater targeting for relief of their particular symptoms. For those with chronic pain, it is important to find relief on a continuous and reliable basis. Massage chairs can be your best friend in this respect. - 17269

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Fast Food Can be Heart Healthy Food

By Keira Adams

Many people are eating on the run in today's busy world. Dining at home is usually better for you than dining out. But eating fast food doesn't mean you have to make unhealthy choices. The next time you're eating on the run, keep these pointers in mind to help you make better choices.

A lot of fast food franchises are well aware of the poor reputation that fast food has for clogging up the arteries. To address this problem, they've brought in menu options that are healthier. For instance, many fast food chains now have salads on the menu. But be careful that you don't load up on dressing that's full of saturated fat. And if your salad comes complete with deep fried chicken on top, you can be sure it's not as heart healthy as the one featuring grilled chicken.

If you're having a chicken sandwich, ask for grilled instead of "crispy", which is deep fried and loaded with fat. As well, it's usually a good idea to request as many veggies as possible to be included in your sandwich. Rather than using mayonnaise for a dressing, choose ketchup or mustard, which are low in saturated fat.

Choose fruit or salad as a side dish rather than fries. This way your lunch will be higher in fiber and vitamins and lower in saturated fat. Rather than asking for a soda to wash down your food, choose juice or milk. This will assist in keeping your blood sugar stable and will boost your intake of vitamins and minerals.

If you just have to have a hamburger and fries, it's OK to treat yourself occasionally. But you do need to keep an eye on portion size. A number of fast food establishments give you portion sizes that are enough for a couple of meals. Opting for a children's meal or a small burger and fries will help to keep your consumption of saturated fat to a minimum.

If you're giving your kids fast food, don't forget that there are often healthy choices like apple slices and mandarin oranges available. Opt for juice or milk over soda.

In fast food Mexican eateries, a simple burrito or taco could actually be quite healthful. Be sure to pile on lots of vegetables in order to up the fiber content. You might think a taco salad is a good choice, but frequently it's high in calories as well as saturated fat.

If you're always eating on the run, it's important to choose the most healthful options on the menu, or your heart might suffer for it. Your best option is to eat at home. However, if that's not feasible, why not try the "better for you" choices that are out there. - 17269

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Make a Great Weight Loss Shake

By Jay NaPier

If you're working on losing weight, you might have decided to use a protein shake to help you feel full and get the nutrients your body requires. They all promise results, but many fail in the end.

Many of these protein shakes have high amounts of sugar and low calorie counts. Low calorie diets are the quickest way for a person to lose weight. Restriction to your intake of calories will be disastrous for your metabolism. Weight loss shakes that contain small amounts of fat will help your body. The fat content is necessary for your body to burn off the excess fat.

You can make your own weight loss shakes at home. Be sure to you are getting the right balance of nutrients first. These shakes will cost less than the commercial weight loss shakes. These weight loss shakes that you make are of ingredients you choose. Adding your favorite fruits and vegetables to make a great tasting weight loss shake! Using your own fruits and vegetables will ensure that you have your essential daily minerals and vitamins. Fruits are very high in fiber. The fiber is absorbed in your body when the fruit is well mashed. It breaks down the nutrients throughout your body and it flushes the toxins out as well.

Start with a protein powder. They come in Whey, egg, or soy protein. This will help you stay healthy and build muscle. Protein powder can boost your immune system and help you keep lean muscles.

Low-fat or non-fat milk can be used for your weight loss shake. Milk is a great source for calcium and Vitamin D. Other types of liquid you can use for your shake: Coconut oil speeds up the metabolism and Yogurt is enriched with calcium. Milk should always be used when you are on your journey to weight loss. The milk's calcium will accelerate your metabolism and the fat will burn off quicker.

After you make your selection of ingredients, all you need is a blender and you are ready to go! Opt for fresh picked fruits or vegetables and cut them into individual pieces. Organic products are recommended, they are not chemically processed, and you are guaranteed that the products will be fresh.

Now let's add the protein powder. Read the instructions on the powder as you don't want to over or under do the product. Be flexible as it might take more or less to make the product the way you want it. Add ice to make your shake more like a thick milk shake. While milk is better, juice can be used to give your shake a unique taste.

That is it! Was that so hard? Weight loss shakes can be used as a meal replacement. These shakes are fresh, packed with tons of minerals and vitamins and contain the right amount of calories. So when you next have the urge to eat, go find your blender and make your very own weight loss shakes. - 17269

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