Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, July 4, 2009

6 Week Body Makeover - The Reason Diets Don't Work

By Rico Kidd

You started your diet; you lose a few pounds and felt elated. After awhile you start to cheat on your diet and end up gaining more weight than when you started. Does this sound familiar? Most people who try the 6 Week Body Makeover go through this phase. However, the people that go through the "cheating" phase and continue their diet will persevere and lose more weight.

You can lose weight on the Michael Thurmond diet. The truth is, as long as you stick to the meal plans and body sculpting makeover, you will lose weight. You will start gaining weight when you divert from the plan and start adding foods to your diet that do not fit your body type. The reason why you gained weight in the first place is because you were eating the wrong foods. Once you start introducing these foods back into your diet, you will gain all the weight back and lose all the progress (weight loss) that you work so hard to achieve.

Here's how the diet works: take the body blue print to determine your body type, plan meals based on your body blue print, plan a body sculpting plan to shape problem areas, execute plan and stick with it for 6 weeks. It's very simple and easy to follow. The only way you wouldn't lose weight on this diet is by not following it or diverting from the foods that you're eating.

Here are some mistakes the people are doing. They end up putting off the diet for awhile or start the diet, find it too restrictive and start eating foods that are not on their meal plan. The other thing is that people will start off well for the first two weeks and then they go to a restaurant and order something fatty and delicious. Once they try fried foods again, it is easy to start cheating on your diet and they go on feeding frenzies. After this happens, they despair because they start gaining weight and want to give up as they think it's impossible to start the program over.

After the weight gain, the people blame the diet for gaining all the weight back as they say the diet is "too bland" or "too strict". It's called a DIET for a reason! The purpose is to lose weight and to eat healthy. Of course you're not supposed to eat ice cream and fried chicken (the point is to lose weight, remember?). However, healthy food doesn't have to be bland food. Just prepare differently! Stick to the program and you will definitely lose weight, however, once you start diverting from the program you will gain the weight back.

There are ways to wean yourself off fatty foods. First, start cooking more often at home and stop eating out as much. This way you can control portion size and what type of foods you're eating. Also, cook with less oil and start cooking with more water and soup broth. Start adding half the salt to all of your meals and slowly wean yourself off of salt. The food will taste bland without spices so you can add peppers and other low sodium alternatives. - 17269

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6 Week Body Makeover Food

By Kourtney Kidd

Many people have a hard time ordering healthy foods when eating out. Eating out can be stressful for those on strict diets. However, you don't have to be stressed if you had a little guidance when it came to choosing the right foods.

If you use the 6 Week Body Makeover Restaurant Companion, you can take control of what you eat in restaurants and stop stressing about whether or not the food that you ordered is healthy. The guide was made specifically for the Michael Thurmond diet and focuses on choosing the right foods for your body types.

All you have to do is flip to the restaurant that you're in and the guide will show you which foods to order. It's so simple that you will stop stressing about what food you should order and get back to having fun with your friends.

For example, say you went to Applebees (which is notorious for high calories meals). If you had your restaurant guide you could simply flip to the "Applebees" section and note that you could eat the Grilled Shrimp Skewer Salad or the Grilled Tilapia with Mango Salad.

You don't have to fear eating out at restaurants anymore. The body makeover restaurant book will help you adhere to the guidelines of the diet while giving you the freedom to eat out. - 17269

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Tips For Successful Teenage Bodybuilding

By Ricardo d Argence

It's more and more common to see bodybuilders who are still in their teens. Getting into shape and building muscle is a good thing no matter how young or old you are " and there's no better time than your teens to take up weight training as long as you do it right. Teens are still developing, so they have different needs than adult body builders, particularly when it comes to nutrition. Just like adults, teenagers need adequate rest, a proper diet and careful training to prevent injury.

One thing about teenaged body builders is that they have far more energy than an adult. This can be an asset and a liability, since a teen is more likely to work the same muscle group for a lot longer than they should.

The thought is that more is better; however, in weight training nothing is further from the truth. A rounded workout in which all muscle groups are worked equally is better. Once a muscle has reached a certain point there is no need to strain it further, in fact you can actually reverse your progress or worse yet cause injury.

Start off with lighter weights and advance as your body becomes accustomed to lifting. Don't try to show off by going immediately for the heaviest weight you can find. Start small and work your way up as you go.

Nutrition is something which is all too often forgotten by bodybuilders, especially teenage bodybuilders who instead go for supplements. Nutritional supplements are certainly a helpful addition to a good diet, but getting the protein and fiber you need from your diet is far more important. What happens when you lift weights is that you tear your muscles; as they heal from this controlled damage, they build. This takes good nutrition.

Getting enough water is something else a lot of teenage bodybuilders overlook. Just remember that our bodies are 70% water and every important system in the body depends on water; and that goes double for your muscles!

The recommended daily intake of 64 oz of water should be taken as a starting point, not a goal. When you're actively weight training you'll need far more water than this to maintain the health of your joints and organs; and your training will yield better results as well.

While we're on the subject of things neglected by teenage bodybuilders, let's talk about sleep. It's while you sleep that testosterone and the important growth hormone IGF-1 is released. It's also when your body repairs itself and rejuvenates for another day " make sure to get an adequate amount of sleep every night.

It is not enough to hit the gym hard every day to build muscles. You need a balanced approach for steady growth. This can hard to do for a generation who is used to getting what they want right now, but for long term success and to prevent injury this is the only way.

Your teenage years offer a great opportunity to start weight training " and if you play competitive sports, building your strength will be a valuable asset in this pursuit. By following the tips in this article, you can get the maximum results from your weight training regimen and build muscle safely. - 17269

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Lower Back Pain: Why Does It Happen & How Is It Treated?

By Dr. Stefan Tarlow

The lumbar region of the back consists of the lowermost five vertebrae. Vertebrae are cushioned and separated by cartilage-coated, spinal discs that consist of a gel-like substance.

The spinal cord and nerves are contained within the spinal canal, which runs the full length of the spinal column. The lower back takes a lot of stress because it carries the weight of most of the torso. This causes the spine, nerves and muscles to be subject to pain.

Actually, after the flu, low back pain is the most common complaint doctors are presented with. There are a number of causes for back pain. Often, one patient's problems are caused by multiple reasons. However, the most common reasons are injury and trauma. Here is a list of the types of low back pain and their causes:

A muscle injury is a strain.

Sprains are caused by ligament injury.

Sciatica: Pinched nerve.

Sacroiliitis: Inflamed hip joint.

Disc degeneration is caused by disease (such as arthritis).

Pressure can cause a herniated disc.

Strains and sprains may happen for a variety of reasons and may be caused by a combination of events. Poor posture, repeated improper lifting, and obesity damage the lower back a little bit at a time over time.

Click here for more on reconstruction for ACL tear.

There are a number of ways to treat a sprain or strain. They include: hot and/or cold packs, ultrasound, massage therapy, electrical stimulation, traction and reduction in which the bones are maneuvered physically, and/or anesthetic or corticosteroid injections. It is very important to gently resume normal activity after a couple of days rest to avoid stiffness.

Anytime you have back pain, one of the best ways to alleviate it is through conditioning and strengthening the muscles of the lower back. This can be done by using specific exercises recommended by your health care professional and by adding aerobic conditioning to your daily activities.

Back surgery knows as spinal fusion is a last resort when all non-surgical options have been tried. This surgery works by limiting the movement in the most painful part of the back.

It is important to note that recovery can be a lengthy and uncertain process. It often takes over a year to know whether or not the surgery has been successful. This is simply determined by whether or not the pain has abated. Complete relief from pain is unusual. Still, this is an option worth discussing with your doctor; although, you may well find that it is not the best option for you.

Click here for more on knee surgery and knee surgeons. - 17269

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Muscle Gain, the Safest and Fastest Method to Achieve it

By Ricardo d Argence

Achieving a muscular and well toned body seems to have become a trend among today's younger generation. If you are a person that is inspired by the muscular body's of Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger and want to develop a physique that is similar, keep reading to discover some secrets that will have you building muscle in the fastest and safest way possible.

Yes, you heard me right; there are safe and fast ways to gain muscles. But when I say 'safest and fastest', I don't mean 'easy' way or a shortcut to achieve the same. As they say, "there are no shortcuts to success". You have to put in the necessary hard work to get what you want. However, there are ways to build muscles safer and faster than usual for superb results.

In order to see significant success in your body building efforts you will have to follow and understand some very important points.

Strong determination and will power: it is the first step to start working on your bodybuilding program. It is very important to have strong will power and determination to build a well toned muscular body. You need to accept the fact that building muscles is not an easy task.

It often happens that people feel motivated in the initial days of their bodybuilding program and gradually the motivation fades away when they realize it takes a lot to achieve what they want. This happens to almost everyone and this is where strong determination and will power is required to keep you going.

Routine life: this is another very important factor that you need to keep in mind. Leading a haphazard life is not going to do you much good in your bodybuilding process. You need to follow a routine life to get the best results out of your bodybuilding program.

You workout program is an obvious factor that will contribute to or hinder your success. You will not be able to build muscles unless you are following a good workout plan. Keep in mind that doing the wrong workouts isn't going to do much to help you. It is a very good idea to join a gym and follow a workout plan that has been provided by an instructor.

A good bodybuilding eating plan is critical. If you think you can skip eating and just work out to build muscles, you are very mistaken. A proper and healthy diet is as important as a proper workout program. Consult you dietician, who is the right person to prescribe you the right diet plan that will help you enhance your bodybuilding program.

Water is important for nearly everything we do. It is also important for your bodybuilding process. Drinking 8-9 glasses of water per day is very essential. When you are working out, you tend to sweat a lot, which makes your body dehydrated. Drinking water hydrates your body and helps in its proper functioning.

Sleep in another critical factor in the body building process that cannot be neglected. While you are working out your tissues undergo a lot of wear and tear and they need the rest that sleep provides to repair themselves.

By following all of these points to the letter, you will be pleased with how big and how fast your muscles will grow. - 17269

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The Functioning and Anatomy of the Knee

By Dr. Stefan Tarlow

How Do Knees Work?

Two or more bones connected by ligaments make up a joint. The largest joint is the knee. It is composed of three parts:

The patella, which is better-known as the kneecap.

The tibia is the upper end of the shin bone.

The tibia, which is the upper end of the shin bone.

The long muscles at the anterior of the thigh are called the quadriceps. They help make the knee stronger.

The surface of bones that touch each other inside a joint is covered with articular cartilage. This is a smooth substance that cushions the bones.

A smooth, thin tissue liner known as synovial membrane covers the rest of the surfaces of the knee joint. This membrane creates a bit of fluid that lubricates the joint so that the bones don't grind against one another.

How Does Knee Pain Happen?

Sometimes cartilage just gets worn out. When it does, the bones rub against each other and cause friction, swelling, and pain.

This situation is usually caused by osteoarthritis. This is a condition in which there has been knee injury or trauma. When there is no cartilage, there is nothing to absorb the shock between the bones that make up the joint. When this happens, the bones become stressed and painful.

Click here to learn more about total knee replacement.

A Few Ways to Treat Knee Pain

Pain relief may be achieved through the use of steroids or non-steroidal anti-inflammatories. You could also try bracing, physical therapy or cortisone injections. If all else fails, you may want to look into knee surgery. This will definitely alleviate the problems brought on by having to limit your activities due to pain.

Many Americans have used knee surgery successfully. In fact more than a quarter of a million annually have knee replacement surgery. This surgery was initially performed in 1968. It commonly restores joint function and relieves pain.

Click here to learn more about partial knee replacement procedure. - 17269

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Review For The Sanyo SR1000K Massage Chair

By Steven T Esquire

Sanyo has developed a full line of massage chairs. The entry level Sanyo massage chair is their model SR 1000K. The SR-1000K has some very unique features. It also comes with some features that Sanyo has in some of its luxury models. We will point out some of the more important features and functions and touch on the warranty of the SR1000K massage chair by Sanyo.

The warranty coverage is similar to an insurance policy. You get insurance so that you are not affected by a catastrophe. You want sufficient warranty coverage to protect you from defects in components or workmanship of the massage chair. The warranty for this massage recliner is from Sanyo. Sanyo gives the following coverage for the SR-1000K recliner: 3 years for the roller mechanism, 1 year labor, 1 year parts and 1 year in home service. The Sanyo warranty is the same for all their models. However, for this price range, the warranty is very good.

The SR 1000K has some very unique and interesting features. We will start with the massage therapy features. This massage recliner comes with 2 automatic programs which include relax and recovery. You first select the auto button and then the massage therapy program. You can then select the area to massage. Your choices are neck/shoulder, upper body, or waist.

On the advanced electronics side of the equation, Sanyo has borrowed some technology used to make its lie detectors. The technology is used in its Stiffness Detector. The Stiffness Detector is used to locate areas of tension build up or muscle stiffness. The chair takes readings from your finger and then targets those areas for relief.

You can also use the massage chair in manual mode. The manual mode has manual massage techniques which include massage, tapping, combination, stretch 1 and stretch 2. You can also use the massages in combination with the stretching. This gives you many more varieties of massage treatments to choose from with this chair.

The legs can be treated by the leg rest massager. The leg rest is designed for the feet and the calves. The feet massager has a flip down unit. This is a nice feature when you are not using the foot massager, just flip it back up and it is out of the way. The massage is pretty invigorating and can effectively relieve tight and sore muscles.

The remote of the SR1000K is fairly well designed. You have to get used to the sequence of the commands. It is laid out well and not too hard to pick up with use. It uses gradients of lights to show the intensity which helps it be more intuitive to use and to read.

The design is different than most massage chairs on the market. We like the fact that the leg rest does not look like the typical massage chair. It looks more like a recliner. The feet can be massaged and this part can be hidden from view. The only strange part of the design is the remote control holder is mounted on the sign and kind of an eye sore. We do like the wood accents and that the chair is fairly thin. Overall, the SR-1000K provides thorough and effective massage therapy. It comes with a great warranty for this price level. If you are shopping for a massage chair recliner, then the Sanyo SR1000K is one to take a serious look at. - 17269

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The Best Way To Find A Fast Weight Loss Specialist

By Robert Hudak

In todays contemporary world using hypnosis is a usual cure. Weight loss and smoking cessation are among a large range of applications. It is no secret that many people are moving toward hypnosis for fast weight loss. Nothing short of addictions and phobias are successfully treated with hypnosis as well.

So where do you find a fast weight loss hypnosis center. No doubt you have heard of the treatment options, but you may have never actually attempted to find a hypnosis center that offers such a service. One of the best places to start is the internet. You will find many hypnosis web sites to choose from. Unfortunately all hypnotists are not created equal. There is a big difference in what each center has to offer.

Here are some helpful guidelines to help you make the right choice. The most important rule is to find a hypnotist that doesnt have a weight problem. If your hypnotist has a weight problem, how are they going to effectively help you lose your weight? If fast weight loss is what you desire, then your hypnotist has to be a role model of his or her work.

In order to make the right decision, there are some things that you need to look for. Is this a person that is just starting out, or a hypnotist that has been in practice for a long time? Do they have documented results of fast weight loss? Everyone states that their programs are proven effective. The truth of the matter is that you need to see proof of success. It would start with before and after pictures, line endorsements which include first and last name, city and state. Two endorsements with city and state are just not believable.

Your hypnotist needs to help you understand, that fast weight loss is a mindset. The purpose of the hypnotist is to direct, motivate and inspire you to make the changes that are required to lose weight quickly. The behavior cannot be left to the client to lose at his or her own pace. What you did in the past is not important, with the proper suggestion you can lose weight in the shortest amount of time, with the least amount of effort.

Be sure that the hypnosis center offers a free hypnotic evaluation. This is an important thing to consider. Reason being it will allow you to feel more comfortable to meet your hypnotist. The hypnotist should get some background information and give you a series of tests to see if their services are available to you if you regain your weight. They must provide you with an ongoing support system.

Check to see if the environment is fun and exciting. Make sure that you feel comfortable at the hypnosis center that you choose. Contrary to what many people believe, fast weight loss does not have to be hard, difficult and painful. With hypnosis it is just the opposite. Weight loss can be fast, easy and exciting. Given the correct suggestions losing weight with hypnosis can be an easy experience. Make the effort to spend time checking out many hypnosis websites. How many cars have you checked out before making a decision? Think about how much time you spend doing on researching and planning a vacation. Spending time doing research can go a long way in helping you find a fast weight loss specialist.

Spending some time checking out hypnosis websites will be well worth the effort. Think how much time you spent researching and planning a vacation. How many cars have you looked at before making a decision? Doing research can go along way in helping you find a fast weight loss specialist.

So hopefully, you have some good guidelines in finding a hypnosis center that specializes in fast weight loss. Do you homework, send some e-mails, make some phone calls. By doing your research you will have a better chance at finding a hypnosis specialist. Your body and mind depend on it. Good luck with you weight loss experience. - 17269

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Poppy Seeds: Delicious Recipes for Mouth Watering Goodness

By Krishna Cooke

Poppy seeds are totally different to any common seeds that you either just put away or set aside to have it cultivated. These seeds are popularly known as a main ingredient in various delicious recipes where in most cases, it is used as a filling or toping on cakes, bread, and muffins. It takes the shape of a tiny kidney that can either be used as whole or ground. It actual size is no more than a millimeter in length so minute that 3,300 poppy seeds are needed to compose a gram. Furthermore, a million or two of these seeds are needed to comprise a pound.

Other than its common name as a poppy seed, it is also known as Papaver somniferum which is its scientific name. Poppy seeds are harvested form opium poppy right from its seed pods. This traditional plant has been long known and cultivated by different civilizations across the globe like the Minoan that was established at the bed of the island of Crete and the Sumerians that rose from Mesopotamia, now known as Southern Iraq. In ancient times, poppy seeds were more popular as a common herbal aid to treat certain illnesses and diseases. But in present times, these dried poppy pods make a fine addition on a lot of delicious recipes. Along the four corners of the globe, poppy seeds have been known as an important addition on various mouth watering dishes.

What most people love about poppy seeds is its rare taste and appeal as a dressing on various meals and salads for fresh fruits and vegetables. One delectable mixture of a poppy seed dressing is with the proper blend of cider vinegar, white sugar, mustard powder, onion, and vegetable oil. This certain dressing is known to come perfect on fresh fruits or shredded cabbage and halved grapes. If you are craving for more, then this fine mixture of milk, distilled white vinegar, white sugar and a fat free creamy salad dressing such as Fat Free Miracle Whip will definitely satisfy. Often used on vegetable salads, such dressing is so simple and easy to make that you can make some to have it on hand on the fridge anytime you want to satisfy your hunger for some salad.

If you think poppy seed recipes are far from bread, you thought wrong and one way of proving it is through poppy seed cranberry bread that provides a unique and delicious taste for bread. Such recipe is as easy as baking ordinary bread only that it needs some fine addition of chopped and thawed cranberries and two table spoons of poppy seeds. With a creamy icing on top, your poppy seed cranberry bread is perfect on any tables for some breakfast and snacks. But if you are still not contented with a loaf of bread, then perhaps lemon poppy seed muffins will help you get over that hunger. With a lemony flavor, the taste is surprisingly delicious. For you to bake your own set of lemon poppy seed muffins, youll need some all purpose flour, lemon extract, lemon zest, baking powder, milk, vegetable oil, non fat lemon yogurt, egg, baking soda, confectioners sugar, salt, lemon juice, and of course, two table spoons of poppy seeds. After properly following the procedures for the recipe, youll then be enjoying the satisfying goodness of lemon poppy seed muffins after 10-12 minutes of baking time.

For most people, cakes are the most preferred type of dessert set on dinner tables. With a sour cream poppy seed cake, you will feel like wanting more even after you have just had your meals. To bake such a cake, youll require a yellow cake mix, vegetable oil, eggs, sour cream, poppy seeds, and orange juice. A pre-heated oven under 175 degrees Celsius of heat is needed to successfully bake the cake. After 50 minutes, youll be savoring the unique sour cream taste of a poppy seed cake. - 17269

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Poppy Seeds and All Its Goodness

By Amanda Rush

Being fond of food may have led you to click on this page, or maybe mere fact hunting has brought your attention to this article. Whatever motivation drives you, this article offers facts about one type of seeds popularly used in baking pastries which are called poppy seeds.

Many of us may have eaten a lot of poppy seeds, but the important information related to poppy seeds is known only to food enthusiasts and those whose job are in line with cooking. Considering the many others who barely know these seeds, the following paragraphs are written to inform about the facts of poppy seeds which will surely leave a mark in our memory. If you want to know what they are, follow along.

Poppy plants are mostly found in Asian regions where the general climate provides for the best temperature for the plants to grow. Poppy seeds, which are found at the head of poppy plants, are small dried seeds that taste like nuts.

Today, poppy seeds are most popular as food ingredient, however during the ancient times, they were known for their medicinal properties. Hippocrates brought these seeds in Greece that were prescribed for patients suffering from insomnia. Due to the recent studies conducted, poppy seeds are now used as natural remedies for coughs, earaches, toothaches, inflammation, fever, dysentery, and other sickness. Because of these benefits, poppies are cultivated in many parts of the globe.

Most of the time, poppy seeds are used in baking. They are used as condiments or baked in or sprinkled on our favourite pastries. They are in-demand for cooking rolls, breads and cakes. Aside from their savory tastes, poppy seeds are also recommended by nutritionists because of the nutrients they contain. Based on studies, poppy seeds contain linoeic acid, oleic acid and unsaturated fatty acids. In addition to nutritional value, poppy seeds extracted oil can be used in cooking and soap making.

Poppy seeds are not only appealing to food lovers and the health conscious but to those who sound superstitious also. It is believed that poppy seeds are a symbol of fertility and prosperity. The seeds are used in rituals, as amulets against bad luck and as charms to attract love, money and luck. In the ancient and present times, red poppy seeds are a symbol of fallen warriors.

Poppy seeds may contain health benefits, but they can also be addictive because of the alkaloids such as morphine and codeine they are contained with. Experts suggest using ripe poppy seeds that contain trace amounts of alkaloids. Unripe ones are loaded with too much alkaloids, hence dangerous for those who do not deliberately plan to become alkaloid addicts.

Getting all these facts about poppy seeds is definitely beneficial to be able to get the best out of the seeds and get rid of the threats they can pose to our mental and physical health. - 17269

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