Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Which Food Cause Rosacea

By Linda Robison

Is there such a thing as a diet for rosacea? Can certain foods cause rosacea? Most people who suffer from this skin disorder find that right after eating certain foods, they suffer from flare-ups.which leads them to ask: Which foods cause rosacea. In reality, foods dont cause rosacea, but allergic reactions to foods can cause flare-ups.

Eliminating certain foods that youre allergic too can help relieve inflammation and redness, but most people find that they have to also use some type of treatment for rosacea like natural creams and lotions to reduce redness and inflammation.

What is rosacea? Rosacea is a very common skin disorder that starts out as a flush or rash on the face, mostly the on the cheeks and nose. For many people this flush or redness is hard to distinguish from an allergy, rash, or sunburn. However, in the case of rosacea, the redness is almost always there and eventually swells burns and becomes inflamed.

Most doctors dont know the exact causes of rosacea and suspect that it could be hereditary. Other suspected causes include:

- Too much sun exposure - Certain medication - Stress - Hormones - Environment

Certain foods that can trigger allergic eczema symptoms include casein, like that found in milk and dairy. In fact, dairy is responsible for up to 75% of allergic reactions. Other foods include gluten, wheat, seafood, nuts, soy, and eggs. Some not so common allergens are food additives, food colorings, and preservatives. The problem with pinpointing which food is causing the problem is that many symptoms do not appear until one to two days after eating it.

Rosacea Diet: One of the best ways to reduce rosacea flare-ups, in addition to avoiding allergic foods, is to change the diet and stay away from highly acidic foods. When following a good rosacea diet try to avoid:

- Meat - Alcohol - Fried foods - Processed simple foods - 17269

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Mighty Memory - Ways To Improve Memory

By Chris Jensen

Memory is a vital part of the learning process. Without it, learning would be impossible. Without memory, you would repeatedly have the same experiences for the "first time." Memory gives richness to life - the pleasure of happy remembrances as well as the sorrow of unhappy ones. Here are ways to improve memory:

1. Put the information into a rhyme. A good example is the verse that begins, "Thirty days hath September", which helps many people remember the number of days in each month.

2. Provide clues by means of acronyms. Acronyms are words formed from the first letters or syllables of other words. For example, we use the acronym RICE to help us remember the management for sprains or strains, which is rest, ice, compression, and elevation.

3. Use a mental picture. A mental picture can be provided by the key-word method. This is particularly useful in learning foreign words. For example, you want to remember that the German word Gabel means fork. First, you think of a key word in English that sounds like the foreign word. For example, gobble. Next, you connect the two words through a mental image, such as that of a person gobbling food with a fork. From then on, to recall the meaning of Gabel, you would remember gobble and the stored image linking it to fork.

Using rhymes, clues, and mental pictures are generally termed as mnemonic devices.

Mnemonic devices work best for remembering lists of specific items such as words or phrase, and not for learning complex materials such as stories or poems.

They say that the number of patterns of connections of nerve cells in a person's head greatly outnumber the number of stars in the universe. They also say that the great scientific theorist, Albert Einstein just had an average-sized brain. Therefore, we are all capable for greatness. The secret lies in the way we use our brain.

Memory is a vital part of the learning process. Find the ways to improve your memory and discover your limitless potential. - 17269

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Acai Berry Weight Loss

By Jane Larose

Many people who encounter some kind of weight management problems often resort to dietary products available in the market. People who are losing hope and don't believe they could still lose weight are given hope when they see infomercials or advertisements about pills they could take to shed the weight. The truth is, not all these products actually work and worse some of them even have some adverse effects on our body. This is when research about the product would be most useful. Be sure to review the product before you take any of it.

At present, one of the most popular weight loss products out in the market is the acai berries. These are actually fruits from acai palm trees that often grow from the Central and South America. Many local people have been using the berries for many years due to its purposes for cooking and as a medicinal product. In fact, in countries like Brazil, Belize and Peru, people use acai berries for desert products like yogurt or cakes.

Just recently, the weight loss properties and health benefits of the acai berries have been brought to the world when many companies started marketing the product as a dietary supplement. While it has only been sold as a fresh or dried fruit before, it now comes in juice, powder and tablet forms for easier handling and distribution. This is done so the many benefits of the acai tree could be brought to everyone around the globe.

The purpose of the acai berry doesn't end in its weight loss effects. Studies about the fruit revealed that I is also good for human's cardiovascular, immune and digestive systems. Many claims that it can provide increased in energy, healthier and young looking skin and improved sleep. There are also many vitamins and minerals in this product that is good for our health.

One of the impressive effects of taking acai berries is the detoxification benefits it provides. The product has high fiber contents that cleanses the stomach walls and flushes out the toxins present in the body. This in return would help the body properly absorb the nutrients from the food we eat.

There are also anti-oxidants and omega nutrients present in the acai berries that are really good for the heart. The omega-6 and omega-9 present in the product help in lowering the blood cholesterol and there improves blood circulation in the body.

Many magazines, radio and TV shows popularized the acai berries for its wonderful benefits. In fact, many professionals in the medical and health field are now calling the acai berry the SUPER FOOD. This just shows that the product really works for many people.

In the various forms that acai berries are now available, some chemical preservatives are added to improve its shelf life. If you rather have it in it's purest, most organic form, you can also buy them as fresh or dried fruit. This is one of the best options available for those who are looking to find a dietary supplement. Not only help them with weight management but would also be good for their overall health condition.

Just remember that anyone with pre-existing conditions, pregnant or have any health concerns must consult with their physicians first before taking the product. It is currently sold everywhere in the world in health stores or you can also order it through the Internet. - 17269

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Massage Chairs Help Athletes

By Steven N Esquire

Do you need to perform at your peak? Many athletes are always looking for an advantage to perform better in their respective sports. Performing at your peak requires a regimen of strength training, proper nutrition, cardiovascular and relaxation. Every sport puts stress and tension on the body. Many athletes are supplementing their training with massage chairs. They are being used to help relieve soreness, induce relaxation and to help activate the healing process.

Today or more people are involved in physical exercise. The body consists of many different muscle groups. Each sport puts on different demands and different levels of strength and intensity.

It is important to provide proper stretching and relaxation of the muscles. If your muscles are tired and sore, then you simply will not perform. This is why it is important to restore the muscles and soft tissues after competition or physical exertion.

Massage is being used by many athletes to help restore flexibility, soothe sore muscles and to relax the mind. However, it must be performed on a periodic basis in order to be effective. Getting a massage once a year will have little effect on your performance.

Many athletes are finding that massage chairs are the most practical way to get frequent massage therapy. They provide a range of therapies in addition to massage that can benefit athletes. Many massage chairs have included traction systems to stretch and elongate different muscles in the body.

Competitive sports require that you push your body to the limit. However, your body must be able to physically handle the stress and strain put on it. Besides strength training, it is important to maintain your flexibility. This will help your body perform better and will lower the risk of injury.

Your mental state is very important to performing at your peak. If you are concerned about other things while playing, you simply will not perform well. Relaxation is an integral part of performing at your peak. Massage chairs are equipped with music players to help soothe and relax your mind.

One of the benefits of regular massage therapy is relaxation. Your mind needs to relax in order for your body to relax. As you relax, the tension held over your muscles will be released. This helps to reduce the tension and tightness and your muscles.

Massage therapy is often provided prior to a competitive event. This helps to warm up the muscle tissue, increase the blood flow and relax the body. It is also used to sharpen awareness and concentration.

Massage chairs offer a variety of different massage techniques. You can choose from shiatsu, Swedish, deep tissue relief and even acupressure. These techniques provide specific relief for different parts of the body. This enables you to target the type of massage you need depending on the requirements of your sport.

Many massage chairs are now incorporating traction systems. These traction systems help to stretch out different parts of the body. Some are used to stretch out the lower body while others target the upper body. Also many massage chairs are now including heating elements. These can help to reduce swelling and increase blood flow.

Many athletes are using massage chairs to get frequent massage therapy. This is the most convenient and practical method of receiving frequent treatments. Massage chairs are available to conform to your competitive schedule. They provide tremendous convenience and effective massage therapy. A massage chair might just give you the edge youre looking for over the competition. - 17269

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Avoiding Pain While Doing Housework

By Dr Jason Fowler

Household chores can be a pain in the sacroiliac. Unless you're careful, routine activities around the home" washing dishes, vacuuming, even talking on the phone" can strain your back, including the sacroiliac area near the tailbone, and result in debilitating discomfort.

But you can protect your back by knowing the right way to go about such activities, according to the American Chiropractic Association.

Consider lifting. It doesn't matter whether you're picking up your child or a heavy bucket of water, you need to do it the proper way to avoid injury.

How? Bend from your knees, not your waist. As you lift, hold the item as close to your body as possible. If you have to turn to place it, step in the direction of the turn. That way, you're not twisting your body and straining your spine.

The American Chiropractic Association suggests the following do's and don'ts tips for saving your back while doing chores and relaxation:

When you wash dishes, open the cabinet beneath the sink, bend one knee and put your foot on the shelf under the sink. Lean against the counter so some of your weight is supported in front. When ironing, raise one foot a bit. Place it on a small stool or a book to take some strain off your back. To vacuum, use a "fencer's stance." Put all your weight on one foot, then step forward and back with the other foot as you push the vacuum forward and back. Use the back foot as a pivot when you turn. While talking on the phone, don't cradle the phone between your ear and shoulder. That can lock up the spinal joints in the neck and upper back, and cause pain. Instead, hold the phone with your hand or use the speakerphone. While watching television or relaxing, don't use the sofa arm as a pillow. The angle is much too sharp for your neck. Use a cold pack if your back begins to hurt. Wrap an ice pack in a towel moistened with warm water. The warmth gives way to gradual cold, which likely will alleviate the discomfort. (If you have no try frozen veggies instead.) If pain persists for more than a day or two or if you experience numbness, tingling or weakness in your arms or legs, see a doctor of chiropractic. A doctor of chiropractic is an expert in spinal health and can help identify and treat your problem. - 17269

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What Makes A Good Probiotic Supplement

By Xhu Latina

Probiotics indicates the gut flora in the human body. This microflora not only keeps the digestive track clean and healthy but also protects the body from several generic illnesses. The human body contains abundant microorganisms within it. They can be both harmless and deleterious organisms within it. The optimal human body has the right balance of both the good and abusive micro organisms within it. If this balance gets spoiled, then the system can easily be subjected to indigestion, colic problems and dehydration.

Before going ahead with the research on this area, there are a few incorrect conceptions that need to be clarified when it comes to the usage of probiotic supplements. First and foremost, we have to understand that antibiotics are way different from probiotics. They are no way connected to each other. Antibiotics just kill bacteria. They have the tendency to spoil the digestive system since they do not differentiate the good and harmful bacteria within the body. The antibiotics as such have the ability to destabilize the digestion process itself. But consuming probiotics can bring in the balance in the digestive process that has been lost due to the intake of antibiotics with ease.

Candida, a common fungal infection can also be very successfully treated with probiotics. The Candida fungus has a sworn enemy in the form of probiotic bacteria, which if present in healthy numbers in the intestines, can make it impossible for the harmful fungus to establish a stronghold in the intestinal tract, thus preventing the advent of this infection. Probiotics have also been found to be extremely good at curing yeast infections and conditions such as athlete's foot and thrush.

Miso and yoghurt are 2 food items that has probiotics in them. The only disadvantage with taking probiotics from food is the fact that we cannot measure the amount or the number of strains of bacteria that is present in such items. This would not help us in understanding the bodys requirement for probiotics in detail.

It is really worth having probiotics daily as a part of your dietary routine. That would recuperate the loss that the body is put into and can get the gut back to normalcy. Multiple variants of bacterial presence in mandatory for a good probiotic supplement. Since the gut is a storehouse of more than 500 such bacteria, it is essential that the supplements suspension is analogous to the flora of the gut. You should also be sure of the live bacteria that are present in the probiotic supplement that you plan to opt for.

With as this said, it is very clear that the gut flora needs to be taken care. The imbalance in the digestive track needs to be attended to. The best solution to this problem would be to start taking a probiotic supplement right away on a regular basis. But before deciding on the supplement, make sure that it has multiple variants of bacteria in it and that they are live and active. Opt for the supplement that has a higher bacterial density and the one that is made of only natural sources. Talk to your doctor and make a proper decision regarding the probiotic supplement that you can start right away! - 17269

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Is There Really An Acai Berry Diet Plan?

By Travis Van Slooten

The acai berry diet plan is said to be the answer to an individual's weight loss problems. It has gained much attention over the past couple of years because of the media coverage that has been devoted to the acai berry in general, from news segments to talk shows to lifestyle programs. Prior to its discovery, the acai berry was an ordinary fruit found in the rainforests of the Amazon in Brazil, and utilized by the locals as a major part of their dietary intake because of its health benefits. When it was introduced into the American market however, much has been made about its weight loss effects. The acai diet plan is simple: take acai supplements and lose the weight. Sounds too good to be true, right?

What are Acai Berry Diet Plans Promising?

The saying about anything that sounds too good to be true probably is, fits well with the acai weight loss promise. If there was really a weight loss solution that easy, half of the American population wouldn't be suffering from being overweight. The suggestion that acai berry products can burn fat just like that, sounds too much of a promotional gimmick than a fact that they can actually follow through. And weight loss is only one of the dubious promises. Some acai marketers also claim it can boost one's sex drive and help reverse the effects of aging.

What You Will Really Get

While it's true that the acai berry is one of the most nutritious fruit around, with high antioxidant content and rich in fiber and healthy fats, relying on it alone as the key to weight loss might be stretching its health benefits too far. Another factor that should be considered is the fact that it's impossible to get a fresh supply of acai berries in the United States so acai products come in the form of freeze-dried supplements, juices and frozen pulps. Acai supplements that can cause you to lose weight without diet and exercise could be mixed with some other weight loss ingredient that you know nothing about. The same holds true for acai products that by themselves, are claimed to increase libido, boost metabolism and prevent aging. The acai berry diet plan should only be used as a supplement and not as a miracle cure for all your health issues.

What Drives Companies to Deceive

Simple. Profit. Companies make a lot more money from a product if they guarantee weight loss. Many health supplements are good for you, but none of them will actually cause you to lose weight. Acai berry is no exception to the rule. While it is an extremely nutritious supplement and may act as a boost to a diet and exercise plan, it will not burn fat by itself. If you come across an acai berry diet plan which claims that the supplement will cause you to lose weight, you should be wary of that product. - 17269

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Why Invest in a K2 Home Gym?

By Hanif Furqan

Why own the Bodycraft K2 home gym? It is one of the highest quality types of home gym on the planet and is comparatively inexpensive. You could exercise your whole body by using a single piece of equipment if that equipment is the Bodycraft K2 home gym.

People use a load of excuses for avoiding exercise. We all know that working out can keep you from gaining weight and can even help you slim down. Exercise will also help you build muscle and transform yourself from being thin to being sculpted through using a regular exercise program. Working out with home gyms firms up muscles and helps you look nicer in your clothes. Even in situations where you shed some pounds due to dieting, you still ought to firm up your muscles. The Bodycraft K2 home gym will allow you to accomplish that, in the privacy of your own home.

Owning a Bodycraft K2 home gym will take away your excuses not to exercise. Additionally, it will give you a few excellent reasons to start - and keep on - exercising. You can get a targeted workout that is individualized for you each time you exercise with the Bodycraft K2 home gym. You can do exercises such as bench presses and pull ups when you exercise using the Bodycraft K2 home gym. The K2 includes a chair that enables you to work out using the pull bar. The pull bar enables you to exercise all of the muscles above your waist. You can even perform abdominal exercises as well as quad extensions for legs and thighs. You will exercise as though you are keeping 10 machines in your home, though fortunately, you will only need one if that one is the Bodycraft K2 home gym.

When you realize how to accomplish your exercise program with the Bodycraft K2 home gym, you will get to use this machine regularly to perform the same workouts that can be done at a health club. Exercising your muscles is the best way to stay in shape. A home gym is not simply a machine to build muscle, but also a method to get in and stay in tip top shape. And the Bodycraft K2 home gym is so uncomplicated to exercise with that your whole family can use it.

Keep in mind, though, simply because the Bodycraft K2 home gym is easy to use should not make you think that you will be limited to an easy exercise session. This could not be further from the truth. You can perform the same challenging range of exercises when using this one machine as you would be able to do at the fitness club.

The K2 gym is the ideal home gym for someone who would like the power of the Bodycraft home gym at an affordable price. - 17269

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AcaiBurn Detox Helps You Lose Weight Now

By Jake Wakefield

There had been many weight loss products introduced in the market. People who have weight issues are often attracted to try various weight loss products in the hopes that they would work for them. Unfortunately, not all of them work and in some cases, they even cause negative effects.

A wonderful product from acai palm trees found in many parts of Central and South America is becoming very popular right now as a weight loss and health supplement. The acai berries, a fruit, is not new to many people. In fact, it has been used in cooking and as a medicinal fruit in countries like Brazil, Peru and Belize. They are often used in recipes for cake, yogurt and many other kinds of desert.

Just recently, the weight loss properties and health benefits of the acai berries have been brought to the world when many companies started marketing the product as a dietary supplement. While it has only been sold as a fresh or dried fruit before, it now comes in juice, powder and tablet forms for easier handling and distribution. This is done so the many benefits of the acai tree could be brought to everyone around the globe.

Many researcher conducted studies to establish the health benefits that the acai berries provide. Aside from the weight loss, effect that it is very popular for, it is also believed to be helpful in the good performance of the body's digestive, cardiovascular and immune systems. Many people who have used the product also claims that it provides healthier skin, better sleep and improved energy.

Detoxification is also one of the magnificent effects of the acai berries. When one regularly takes the the berries, the stomach wall is cleansed because of its high fiber contents. The body could more properly absorb nutrients when the toxins out of our system.

There are also anti-oxidants and omega nutrients present in the acai berries that are really good for the heart. The omega-6 and omega-9 present in the product help in lowering the blood cholesterol and there improves blood circulation in the body.

The acai berries are now know as the SUPER FOOD. Many health professionals have seen the wonderful benefits of this product for our body and are now endorsing it to everyone. The popularity of the product also reached many audiences when it has been featured in many TV show and magazines all over the world.

Acai berries are still available in its natural form. It can be consumed on its own or be a part of a recipe in a healthy meal. While other products are often chemical based, acai berry is highly organic and even some of its forms only include very few chemical additives for longer shelf life. So if you are looking for a product you can use for weight management, you should consider the acai berry.

Anyone could buy acai berries in many health stores all over the world. If you find it difficult to find one in your area or don't want the hassle of going out of the way, there are also many companies selling them through the Internet. People who have pre-existing health conditions or pregnant women must consult their doctor's first before taking acai berries or any other dietary supplements for that matter. - 17269

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Consider Diets To Lose Weight Ideas for Excellent Health

By Patricia West

In a span of 5 years nearly 100 million USA citizens go on a weight reduction diet and almost 95% of them still regain the weight they lost. Unfortunately, a 3rd will gain back more weight than they lost, just because of yo-yo dieting from a well known diet to another. Physical appearance seems to be the top motivation to stay thin even as we grow fatter. Several diseases such as cancer, coronary disease, diabetes, hypertension, osteoarthritis, and gallbladder illness are associated to obesity.

The common approach to weight concerns, being particular on fad weight reduction diets or weight reduction drugs, usually leaves you with just as much weight and encourage the growth of unwell health. Nevertheless, proper combination of the healthy foods, supplements and exercise can put you on the path to wellness. For instance supplements like Lipo 6. Since Obesity contributes to over quarter of a million deaths annually. In addition, the general public expense for obesity are amazing.

Analysts at a top Ivy League University states that Obesity is an essential part in 19% of all cases of coronary disease with annual health costs at 30 bn. bucks, which is also an element in 57% of diabetes cases, with health expense of $9 bill yearly. Have realistic goals, most likely you have fallen for a number of the weight reduction diet schemes over time, promising fast and pain free weight reduction.

Lipo 6 is a liquid capsule, a liqui-cap used to lose body fat fast, effortlessly and safely. Backed up with scientific experimentation and research,it is said that Lipo 6 improves the overall fat burning process and is an excellent part of weight lost diets.

Places like GNC which often also carry health aids like ephedra or hydroxycut as a part of diets for weight loss. There are many contests out there for the best fat burners and aids wether it be lio, ephedra, hydroxycut or any of the other top brands. But the reality of the situation is that when you are looking for diets to lose weight you have to combine a healthy mix of the right supplements and aids with the proper meal plans and exercise as well. The best natural fat burner is the ideal combination of all three.

Whatever you do, the bottom line is to play it safe. Trend or fast weight reduction dieting plans generally overstress one kind of food. They contravene the basic principle of good nourishment - to stay healthy one must consume a nutritious diet, which includes a selection of foods.

What's actually lost among the thousands of favoured diet schemes is a safe, healthy and permanent weight reduction. Some of the weight reduction diet schemes will rule temporarily, only to vanish out. Examples of such fad diets include the South Beach Diet, Atkins diet, the Grapefruit diet, Cabbage Soup diet, the Revolution diet, Beverly Hills diet, the Ketonic Diet the list grows and on.

These fad diets support a particular strategy ( like getting shot of a certain food, or eating only certain mixes of foods ) together with the basic concept the body makes up the difference in energy by breaking down and employing some part of itself, essentially changing matter into energy. - 17269

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Body Building Routines, Exercising Your Shoulders

By Ricardo d Argence

So, you're trying to develop an impressive, muscular physique. And you want well-developed shoulders. Thick, round "cannon ball delts" will make your upper body appear wide and powerful and will help immensely in creating the v-tapered look that all bodybuilders strive for. Muscular shoulders is the greatest contribution toward the overall appearance of the upper body, at least, that's what the most of the lifters in the gym will tell to you.

Your shoulder (or deltoid) is a 3-headed muscle that performs the function of lifting and rotating the arm. It is a large three-headed muscle group consisting of the anterior (front), medial (side) and posterior (rear) deltoid. Shoulder training involves two basic types of exercises: presses and raises.

The overhead press is the meat and potatoes of effective shoulder training. There isn't a single lift out there that can match the incredible shoulder-stimulating effect of a basic overhead pressing movement. Both a barbell and a dumbbell can be used for this exercise, but dumbbells are the best overall choice.

Dumbbells allow you to move through a more natural range of motion and also don't allow one arm to cheat for the other. They also place a greater amount of total stress on the shoulder region in comparison to the barbell, which shifts some of the stress to the upper chest. I would recommend using the seated overhead dumbbell press as your core shoulder movement. Grab a pair of dumbbells and sit on a bench with a vertical back support. Press the dumbbells overhead until your elbows are just short of locking out, and then lower them back to shoulder level.

The next exercise to look into is a basic side lateral raise, which can also be performed with a pair of dumbbells. Side laterals are an isolation exercise and will shift the majority of the stress to the medial head of the shoulder. This will build greater shoulder width and will contribute to that wide upper body look. Stand with your knees slightly bent and hold a pair of dumbbells with your palms facing inward. With a slight bend in your arms, raise the dumbbells up to shoulder level and then lower them back to the starting position.

When it comes to training your shoulders for maximum size and strength, a basic overhead press and a side lateral raise is all you need. It's very important to realize that the shoulders are stimulated on virtually every single upper body exercise that you perform and therefore they do not require a lot of direct work. Most people perform far too much work on their shoulders and actually hinder their gains as a result. Because of this I typically do not recommend that you perform isolation exercises for the anterior and posterior heads. Don't forget that the key to massive shoulders is quality, not quantity.

This is a sample shoulder routine that you can use: Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press - 2 sets of 5-7 reps. Standing Dumbbell Side Laterals - 1-2 sets of 10-12 reps.

Big, full, separated, striated and capped delts will guarantee you're wide up top. Follow these basic guidelines for technique and exercise choices. All sets should be taken to complete muscular failure where no additional reps can be completed using proper form. Week after week you'll notice how your shoulders grow, i guarantee that. - 17269

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Not All Calories Are Created Equal.

By Ivan Girevoy

Calories, do you really understand its meaning? Most people still do not know what a calorie is. When asked about its meaning, most people would link it to dieting. However there is far more to calories than just a word that is linked to weight loss.

Understanding Calories

Ok...here goes... "calorie is a unit of heat equal to the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water by one degree at one atmosphere pressure; used by nutritionists to characterize the energy-producing potential in food." This is how it is defined as per Wikipedia. What they do not tell you is that there are different types of calories.

The main types of calories include: carbohydrates, fats and proteins. All of them burn when used in the body and then turn into heat energy, which is generally called calories.

Each type of calorie varies in terms of chemical and physical properties. Here are the basic things that you need to know about each calorie type.

The Fear Of Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are the most common type of calorie. It is found on foods that are rich on starch and sugar. Most of them are from plant-based foods like vegetables, fruits, and grains. Most legumes, such as lentils, beans, and peas, are also rich with carbs. However, dairy products would be the only foods that come from animals which have a lot of carb content. (Kills the idea that milk and cookies is "kinda good for you" don't it.)

Typically carbohydrates can be classified into two subdivisions: simple and complex.

Simple carbs are normally sugars, such as glucose and fructose, which come from fruits and vegetables. Another type would be lactose, which comes from milk. Last would be sucrose, which comes from cane sugar. (Rule of thumb is any thing that ends in "ose" is a type of sugar.)

Everyday use sugar is pure sucrose. Most of the simple carbs that you eat are sugars are mixed with processed foods such as cookies, sodas etc. These add-ons are the major reason why sugar accounts for 16% to 18% of total calories that are consumed by Americans according to most health surveys.

The complex types are chains or series of simple carbs, which primarily consist of starches along with fiber, which can be found in all foods that come from plants. However, plants store carbohydrates in the form of starch. Foods that have high complex carbs would include grains and products that come from it like bread and pasta. Also, potatoes, beans, corn, and other vegetables are also high in complex carbs.

Shadowed Proteins

Since carbohydrates seem to be the most popular type of calorie, proteins on the other hand seem to be the most over shadowed in comparison with the fame of fats and carbs. However, it is an important kind of calorie that you'll need to develop body muscle.

Proteins have about 4 kilocalories per gram. Majority of this kind of calorie can not be naturally produced by the human body and must originate from dietary sources. The main sources of protein include: eggs, nuts, meats, legumes, grains, dairy products. (And yes some of these are also those nasty carb carriers.)

Recent studies suggest, men between ages 19 to 70 should consume 56g of protein everyday in order to avoid deficiency. On the other hand, women within the same age range should get at least 46g/day. Those people, who wish to increase muscle mass should consume more protein then the average. (Be sure to consult a doctor if your looking to gain muscle mass. In some cases the increase can become unhealthy if you have any type of heart condition.)


Fats,would probably be the most unwanted kind of calorie by many. However, it still plays an important role in the normal function of the body. The body cannot absorb Vitamins A, E, D and K if not for it. They play an important role in the maintenance of healthy hair and skin.

Animals and plants both contain types of fats. Types of animal fats would include lard, butter and fish oil, while plant fats would include soy beans, peanuts, sunflower seeds, olives, coconuts, sesames, and vegetable oils. - 17269

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