Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Conceiving and Carrying a Healthy Baby

By Ellen Valentine, CNC

It shouldnt amaze us that it is harder and harder for many couples to conceive naturally. A major reason for this conundrum is the fact that chemicals meant to kill are sprayed on crops for human consumption, chemicals are dumped into water sources and on the ground, and the eating of fast foods has become an American past-time. All of the aforementioned combined with the major stressors to achieve and make a living, polluted air, including cigarette smoking, are cause for infertility that is becoming a national phenomenon.

Alongside of those already mentioned above are the dangers of heavy metal toxification, use of medications, overuse of over the counter pain relievers, NSAIDS, also laced with metal, and traces of chemicals in the water supply, all of which add to the toxic soup fast becoming commonplace which diminish light on conception for many couples.

Many modern techniques to help couples achieve that longed for newborn are expensive, and have dangerous after effects for the parent taking fertility injections. So what to do? Are there answers out there for couples wanting to conceive and carry through with a healthy pregnancy and delivery? Yes there are. The first rule of thumb would be to go through several detoxification cleanses at least six months prior to conception. And for men this does not have to be a hardship.

More positively, a Lancet study reports that men who eat organic foods produce 43% more sperm than men who dont. A cleansing diet does not have to include weight loss for either parent unless there is a health issue with overweight. If couples are not used to eating organic, a cleansing diet could simply be to eat only organic, begin juicing organic vegetables, give up sugars and alcohol, and drink only pure water and organic juices.

Sperm factors account for at least 40% of infertility cases. Supplements that can assist men to realize fatherhood are: vitamin E, L-carnitine, Selenium, Vitamin C, Zinc, digestive enzymes, Essential Fatty Acids, Vitamin A, Vitamin B Complex, folic acid. Behaviors that should be modified are fast food, alcohol and drug consumption.

Exposure to toxic materials, high and prolonged fever, smoking, excessive and continued exposure to heat, and in some case mumps can have a detrimental effect on sperm count, sperm motility, anatomical normality and even testicular wasting. It makes sense that bad habits adversely affect any part of the body over time. If conceiving a healthy baby is important, which it should be of prime importance, then anything that is not life giving, life sustaining should be sidelined for the duration.

Common reasons for infertility in women are: blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis, failure to ovulate, effect of sexually transmitted diseases, ovarian or uterine fibroids, insufficient progesterone production that allows the mother ability to carry the baby, and in some cases stress and undue fear of failure to conceive. Although rare, some women do develop an allergy to their partners sperm.

If a couple is eating a healthy organic diet, both parties welcome the thought of a new addition to the family, their lifestyle is conducive and welcoming for baby and they have not conceived for more than a year , it would be a good idea to find out exactly why medically. Action can be taken either naturally or medically if preferred to conceive and carry a baby full term.

Twenty percent of all cases show no apparent reason a couple cant conceive. If there is a just cause you can take that to a good naturopath or nutritionist and begin a regime directed toward successful conception and full-term pregnancy. A diet high in minerals and enzymes is most important, a cleansing diet for a good six months prior to conception, and living a healthy lifestyle are all things to begin practicing to become a parent.

Introducing stable and excipient-free supplements would be my next suggestion: for men: astragalus, saw palmetto, damiana and yohimbe increase sperm motility and count; for women: damiana, dong quai, false unicorn, and wild yam are all recognized historically used herbs. Keep in mind Im only suggesting herbs that have been used for centuries longer than western medicine. This is not a prescription, and if you have a medical condition, are taking medications or are hesitant in any way, do not undertake any natural regime before checking with your doctor.

Taking responsibility along with privilege, taking a stand for a clean chemical-free environment will give new babies the greatest gift: a quality life. It will ensure for all children the joy of bearing healthy babies themselves one day. Focus on health and harmony and that is what will unfold for every being for many generations to come. - 17269

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Getting A Weight Loss Diets Perspective

By Lisa Jameson

Do you need a quick weight loss plan? Most people think that they do, so most of us resort to different kinds of fad diets or exercise programs anything just achieve that goal of quick weight loss. But do we understand the implications that this could do in our health? Let's discuss further and see if it really is safe and for how long can we maintain it.

Many diets want to inform the public about misleading weight loss claims. Sample of these are diets like the Cabbage Soup Diet which can sabotage your health, cause physical discomfort, and often lead to dissapointment when you regain weight soon after you lose it. Quick weight loss diets overemphasize one particular type of food as you can see it's easy to determine one based on my example.

I know for a fact that having to "diet" is tough but if we will just learn to change how we think and perceive a healthy lifestyle our goal of weight loss is not an impossible dream. But having so many diet options makes it difficult to know which ones to trust.

Most of these diets are so monotonous and boring that it's almost impossible to stay on them for long periods. It's mostly the job of so many people to put the idea of quick weight loss into your mind. This is usually the trend that's been happening in the market for quite a long time.

The types of prescription diet pills includes fat blockers and appetite suppressants. If not used properly or if used excessively this drugs may result to some side effects that can be dangerous such as heart problems and addiction. That is the main reason why diet pills are available by prescription only because they should be taken with the doctor's approval only.

So you see, it really is a million dollar industry that's why many resort to this kind of gimmicks just so they could earn easy money at the same time. As unfortunate as this may sound, there's just no easy way to lose huge amounts of weight in such short periods of time.

Another weight loss diet scheme that's been used most of the time is reducing your calorie intake by way too much, way too quick. I'm mentioning here really low amounts of calories around only 500 calories below you maintenance level. That too is very drastic and dangerous since it could cause eating disorders and cardiac arrest if done for long.

So you see, as I've explained here there are no shortcuts, no easy way but if your really serious about losing weight a few lifestyle changes such as sensible eating and exercise could do the trick. You don't need to be a gym buff just be active and avoid being a couch potato. I think taking weight loss supplements could further speed up or enhance your weight loss as long as its under your doctor's supervision. - 17269

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An Excellent Strategy To Build Chest Muscle Fast

By Emmanuel Palmer

Every several years or so there seems to be new super heroes that comic books and cartoon programs churn out. They may have different color costumes or brooding personalities; but one thing they all have in common-they were all strapping champions out to save the day. Whether we admit it or not, we still want to be a hero once in a while; and who knows maybe someday we will be. In the meantime, while waiting for the next global crisis to hit the earth, let's use the time wisely and look the part by learning how to build chest muscle fast

Alright, maybe the mission is a little less pressing than world peace but everybody has to start somewhere right? Concentrate on building your knowledge on how to build muscle the right way, other super qualities you can learn as you go on.

The chest muscle has four major parts that you should work out independently if your goal is to build chest muscle fast. For upper chest muscles, make use of the incline barbell bench press. It is important that as you execute this, you do not let the bar touch your chest because this removes the concentrated stress on your target muscles and onto your shoulder joints. This can lead to future injuries. Make each movement as deliberate and slow as possible for maximum efficacy.

For the lower chest muscle, use the decline dumbbell fly and decline barbell bench press. If you are a beginner, make sure there is an instructor or spotter on and when you perform this particular workout as the angle makes it a little more complicated than average.

And finally, develop your inner and outer chest muscles through performing the flat bench dumbbell fly. Again, make sure you keep the correct form when you execute this workout. Keep your shoulders steady when you push the weight back to its starting position. Pushing them forward will put undue stress on the shoulders. In working out, doing the drills properly is more important that completing the sets just for the sake of completing it.

If you are only beginning this high intensity workout to build up your chest, expect loud protestations from your body in the form of aches and soreness. Keep at it because you are developing strength even in your sleep. After a few weeks, execute the same exercises but give it all you've got-train to your body's maximum tolerance level. When you push the targeted muscles to the limits, muscle growth is accelerated. Have a trained instructor nearby to assist you in these endeavors.

Include more exercises into your workout program. Change it up every four to six weeks because your body needs to be challenged every so often; switching up the weight loads and drills will keep your body guessing. Target the serratus anterior (muscle between the chest and back) with pullovers. Build up your chest even more with dumbbell flyes.

Build chest muscles fast by adhering to these tips as outlined above. So what if you don't have Superman's S clad costume-rip that shirt off anyway; with your new rock-hard chest, everybody will be asking for it. - 17269

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A Herb To Powerfully Sweeten Anything

By Anastacia Sampson

What to do when we have the sweet craving? It happens that some of us are outright 'sweet tooth' followers while others are less inclined for 'the sweet' while preferring pungent, bitter, salty or sour tastes. In sport or hard physical activity you can feel the need to boost up your energy.

A tendency is to lift energy and give ourselves a sweet taste through sugar. Various sources of simple sugar are around from refined sugar in drinks and snacks or in unrefined forms through fruits. That is not all, there are types of syrup such as maple syrup and indeed maple syrup is highly famous in Canada. Enjoying wide recognition, the maple tree leaf has been made the Canadian national symbol! The inner sap of the maple tree provides the source for maple syrup, and maple sugar is processed from the popular maple tree!

It is from sugar cane and sugar beet that we process molasses, brown and white sugar. Since syrups are high in sugar they may not be what we need sometimes. There are times when we have the craving for something sweet but do not necessarily need to raise our blood sugar up! Being lax; sitting at the office or lying on a couch at home and not being active may still sprout the craving for something sweet.

A perfect substance can provide something sweet without raising our blood sugar; that is stevia. Stevia gives you sweetness without concern on calories. The best is it can be used by diabetics with high blood sugar. We can purchase it as syrup, in powdered form or as dried leaves. It is versatile enough to replace sugar in hot and cool beverages; and adding a sweeter touch to any food.

Stevia originates from South America and the plant enjoys warm weather and not excessive water. This plant does not drink high levels of water yet it makes our drinks so sweet and enjoyable! Did you know stevia is actually an herb? We can grow our own stevia. Imagine yourself picking a leaf and chewing it for the greatest sweetness you have had! Stevia is extremely potent and when used we need only a minor amount as it is far greater in sweet strength than sugar and honey or other syrups. It is advisable to takes a small section of the fresh leaf when you try it.

According to the plants growing conditions, the level of sweetness varies. Care to consider that the nutrients in the soil always affect the health of plants! To plant stevia rely on taking a transplant (a section of the plant) rather than the seeds, which are harder to sprout. However difficult it is to imagine that a leaf can be profoundly sweet you have to try and taste it for yourself. Fortunate is one to have this sweet plant nearby, and during those times when you have a sweet tooth, you might just chew on a green stevia leaf. - 17269

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Effective Ways To Lose Belly Fat

By Ben Jayson

Almost everyone looking ways to lose weight and want to lose some excess fat on their body somewhere especially belly fat. They want to lose belly fat fast! A fat belly is probably one of the hardest areas to successfully remove because its made up by stubborn fat. You have to work hard to lose belly fat.

The primary place we tend to store fat and where body fat is needed to protect organs and internal structures. Thus, your fat belly is the best place to hold onto it. In order to get lose of your belly fat, youre going to work really hard and more effort to put in.

How to lose belly fat using exercise? The answer is hit the weights. When lifting, you try to lift as heavy as you possible can, as this will rise up your metabolism to the highest. The most appropriate for metabolic effects is to shoot for the 6-10 rep range.

Second, don't do hours to end through cardio up, focus on doing sprint. It is better to do sprinting first, and then doing the typical cardio session. This will help to release the fatty acids from the tissue and mobilize them. Then burn them off during the steady state cardio. This type of arrangement will be better to lose stubborn belly fat than doing a usual cardio session.

Lastly, setting up your lose belly fat diet. Too many fat or carbohydrates calories will slow down your progress; while protein will help body burns more calories and muscle building.

No Nonsense Bodybuilding Program will show you how to exercise effectively; you will get results that you want without spending hours in the gym. It will guide you a healthy, long-term way of eating with healthy exercise that doesn't feel like torture. Remember, losing weight wills not changing what you put on your plate and it should be a lifestyle approach. - 17269

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Body Building Workouts & Routines, Triceps

By Ricardo d Argence

The triceps which comprise three main muscles, comes into play with all arm movements although there are of course numerous different types of muscle located in the arms.

Strong and big triceps gives an individual the ability to lift heavy loads. Also, having well-developed triceps is a known characteristic of great and powerful arms. That is why so many people are seen doing military presses, bench presses and any other triceps exercises to develop lean and strong triceps.

Aside from strength and aesthetics, strengthening your triceps is essential in generally making the arms stronger. This is because the muscle takes 2/3 of the entire length of your arm. Hence, you cannot develop strong arms without having strong triceps first. But you also need to work out your biceps to end up having well rounded and proportionally developed arms.

Simple triceps work out include push ups, dumbbell exercises and rope pull downs. Before doing any of these, remember to have a proper warm up. Warming up is crucial to ensuring great exercise results. It basically prepares the body to the physical demands of doing certain exercises, which minimizes the chance of injuries.

Doing simple push up is the classic triceps exercise. It is the simplest and most effective in toning up the muscle. Using dumbbells for load or increased body resistance helps in intensifying any form of triceps exercise.

In order to tone the muscles, you can use a dumbbell instead of a rope pull down machine. In order to do this; you simply hold the dumbbell in both hands behind your head, maintaining your position while gently pulling the dumbbell up and down. When you do this exercise you will feel your triceps flexing.

In the gym, triceps toning exercises begin with rope pull down machines. The machine exercises the triceps by allowing you to do similar exercises as those done with the dumb bell. Remember to maintain proper posture in doing these exercises to ensure correct execution. Exercises are all for quality of movements and not the number of reps.

In order to increase the mass and the stretch of the upper and lower triceps, advanced triceps exercises are performed. To increase mass, one can use heavy weights such as the close-grip dumbbell machine and also weighted dips.

Likewise, for developing the upper triceps, one should focus on dips and cable press down exercises. For the lower triceps on the other hand, dips and weighted dips are known to be effective.

One other thing to bear in mind is that when you're aiming to develop your triceps, you stand to achieve the best results if you train at times when your body is still fresh. This is because the triceps are considered to be difficult muscles to develop. According to the "priority principal" of bodybuilding, won should always make a point of targeting those muscles which are the most difficult to develop.

Diet, nutrition and rest are of equal importance to doing the exercises when it comes to strengthening the triceps. One must maintain proper nourishment to have the energy to go on with the demanding exercises. Exercise and nutrition is like science and fitness working together in achieving ideal results.

One of the most important things to remember, is that proper weight training program will not only revolve around exercise, but it will also focus on diet and a suitable amount of rest in order to achieve the best possible long term results. - 17269

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Whole House Water Filters Are They Worth It?

By Terry Johnston

People today ask themselves. Should we look to getting one of those whole house water filters? The real question is are they worth it? Or is all the talk a bunch of marketing hype?

The short answer is is Yes and NO. Terrific--no answer at all. Truth is they are absolutely worth it-if you get one that works!

The advantages

A whole system will make sure all the water you use is safe, clean and pure. Whether you are drinking it, cooking in it, or bathing in it.

A high quality kitchen faucet filter will provide clean fresh drinking water and you will be able to cook with it, but you will still be showering and bathing in water full on contaminants. A number of water borne pollutants can enter you body, much easier in the shower by being breathed in or absorbed through the skin, rather than being ingested.

It would appear a high quality home system would provide the best overall protection from these pollutants. Now you have to decide which whole home system to buy.

The number one selling system in the world is called reverse osmosis (RO) and many dealers tout it as the finest system in the world. Unfortunately it wont remove things like chlorine which is toxic and so common it is in just about 100% of all the tap water in the USA.

The whole purpose of a home water filter system is to ensure your tap water is free of toxins. So if your filtration system doesn't remove toxins, why would anyone bother?

The whole house water filter you want will remove:



*VOCs (volatile organic chemicals)

*THMs (trihalomethanes)



*MTBE (Methyl-Tertiary Butyl Ether) a gasoline additive found in a lot of drinking water

But leave-in natural minerals for the healthiest, best tasting water possible!

There are other reason you should have a whole home water filter.

Your kitchen or bottled water system can only supply filtered water for drinking and cooking, and we don't always remember to use the filtered water for cooking. Sometimes you just fill the pan from the tap without thinking.

A whole house water filter system makes sure that what you drink, cook in and bath in is pure fresh and clean.

For more information about the best whole home water filters, please visit my Web Site . - 17269

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Acupuncture Education

By Bangang Nkouppitt

At one time, Western medical circles were very skeptical of the Chinese practice of acupuncture (inserting needles into special places on the body called acupuncture pionts). But after decades of study, it is starting to be embraced (albeit carefully) by conventional as well as alternative healers around the world. Although it looks very painful, a trained acupuncturist knows where to insert the needles painlessly. Acupuncture works for animals, even the notoriously skittish Thoroughbred racehorse, often making the animal go into a deep state of relaxation.

Acupuncture is very important for treating insomnia, depression, and anxiety. Insomnia is a disease that prevents people from getting proper amount of sleep throughout the day and night. Acupuncture involves inserting needles on various points of the body and reducing energy blocked in the veins. This helps in sending a series of complex signals to the brain, which promotes relaxation and sleep.

You should not be surprised if your acupuncturist uses different techniques in treating you in every single session. An acupuncturist's techniques may vary because if one particular area is stimulated too often, that area may become desensitized and the treatment won't be effective anymore. You can also note that an acupuncturist will use different variations in inserting the needle at different stages of the treatment. For example, the acupuncturist may insert the needle in one area for a few seconds then insert the next needle in another area for several minutes. But ultimately, acupuncture will only be effective in that it becomes successful in balancing the flow of energy in your body.

There are relatively few complications using acupuncture but there are certain risks involved if acupuncture is not used by trained and qualified acupuncture practitioners. Improper use of needles could result in certain organs being pierced, fainting, convulsions, nerve damage and also the onset of infections and also allergic reaction. If the needle is not placed properly, it can cause soreness and pain. If the needles are defective, blunt or if the patient moves, this could also lead to pain. If you have acupuncture when you are pregnant, there is possibility of harming the fetus as stimulation of the production of the hormone adrenocorticotropic and oxytocin which affects labor may take place

Acupuncture is widely used today. It often prevents the use of cortisone, painkillers and surgery. Studies have shown that about 61% of patients who were treated with acupuncture after being paralyzed as a result of a stroke showed great improvement.

Acupuncture is a method of curing illnesses through the insertion of needles in targeted points in the body for improved stimulation. The needles used for acupuncture are very thin. They are only a little thicker than a human hair. The main purpose of acupuncture is actually to normalize the flow of blood and balance the yin and yang in the body but, because it is very effective in curing certain diseases, it is now used as an alternative healing method.

Acupuncture is a holistic medicine and addresses all aspects of existence: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Almost any health issue can be addressed by using acupuncture and nutritional therapies. God created our bodies to heal themselves. It's up to us to provide the environment for the healing to happen!

Acupuncture is here for long time. Its authenticity is still a debatable issue. But the recent study that the acupuncture can dramatically lower blood pressure. According to this study, when low level of electrical stimulation was given at specific points on the front legs of rats lower the elevation in blood pressure. This study provides a setting stage for large-scale trails on humans and another option for healthcare practitioner treating high blood pressure patients. This study proves that acupuncture can be an excellent complements to other medical treatments, especially those treating high blood pressure problems. - 17269

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Some Fast Tips To Make Recipes Healthy

By Chris Lee

Keeping yourself and your family eating healthier is no easy task. You can find many healthier versions of nearly every recipe in the world if you look. The first rule in preparing healthy dishes is in using healthy ingredients. The worst thing that you can do if you are attempting to make healthy recipes is to add unhealthy ingredients. You should always make a list of what you will need for a specific recipe before shopping for that dish.

Your second tip is to remember that timing is everything. Whenever you find extra time, you should prepare some healthy recipes in advance. Cook your recipes and then freeze the dishes. If you find that you are running short on cooking time, these frozen meals will come in very handy. Use these frozen meals when you need to cook quickly. Forget the fast food and just heat up one of your healthy meals.

You third tip is to find fresh produce and other ingredients when possible. If you are preparing soup for instance, try to find fresh produce. Using fresh herbs and spices will improve the flavor of your dishes. This will ensure that your recipe tastes delicious and still has plenty of vitamins and nutrients. You should always use fresh vegetables when possible.

Cooking them typically takes away some of the more vital nutrients, so use fresh when you can. Your fourth tip is to always choose healthy meats. Not necessarily the type of meat that you choose, but the actual cut of meat. Whenever possible, you should substitute fish or chicken for beef and/or pork. However, if your recipe calls for beef then you simply need to use beef. If you cannot substitute, then you need to search for a lean cut.

Many people believe that ground beef is all the same. There are many cuts of beef and various types of ground beef as well. Many cuts of ground chuck contain less fat than ground beef. The amount of lean versus fat is listed on most meat packages. If you are confused, then simply ask someone in the meat department for help in choosing a lean cut of meat. The fifth and final tip is to avoid creams and sauces that contain unhealthy ingredients. There are substitutions that you can use instead of gravies and creams. Read up on healthier recipes and learn what healthy foods and be substituted for not so healthy ones. - 17269

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A Startling Fact About How To Get Incredibly Lean Abs That Everyone Will Stare At

By Kara Leeibb

The best way to burn stomach fat is to speed up your metabolism. You will have a very hard time burning the fat and creating a physically fit body without working all your muscles. Build Muscle so You Burn More Fat, the reason that I say that the best ab workout is a full body workout is because if you want to have great abs, you need to have very low body fat not just strong, defined muscles.

If you are getting negative results so far, here's some facts why:

* The media always bombards us, that in order to have ripped abs, we need to use a machine that will target the abs

* You Don't Have to do endless Crunches to Have Great Abs

* Many feel as if there is not enough time in the day to work out and keep fit

Using certain exercises that focus on several muscle groups will really help you get the abs of your dreams. You must have an entire health and fitness program or lifestyle but your body needs exercise and fitness in order to be healthy and feel good.

Muscle burns calories 24 hours a day so the more muscle you have, the more fat you burn and the better your abs and the rest of your body will look. The extra muscle you gain will burn more calories which will make your abs look great.

It goes way beyond how to get a six pack and I can show you how to get the best ab workout even if you cant get to a gym or just hate ab workouts. You must remember that with all the ab workouts out there, the most important factors obtaining six pack abs is body fat percentage.

The reason that I say that the best ab workout is a full body workout is because if you want to have great abs, you need to have very low body fat not just strong, defined muscles. If you were to simply lie on the bench or floor for crunches, you are not working the abdominal muscles through their full range of motion.

In general, the key to ab exercises is to make it hurt. Suspended Leg Raises, I personally think one of the best abdominal exercises is hanging or suspended leg raises. - 17269

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The Benefits of Using Fish Oil for Women

By Michael Byrd

Are there benefits of using fish oil for women particularly to the fairer sex?

Taking into consideration that women are smarter than men, are stronger emotionally and smell much better too!

But both men and women suffer from the same health problems like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and depression. But when it comes to PMS, men suffer more than women. (My wife told me it was OK given the fact that I say it affectionately.)

Handling these health issues is all up to us.

There are two ways, to wait until you have some degenerative disease then get treatment (list what most men usually do), or you could do something before you get that problem.

If you prefer to do the second option, then you can get specific health benefits of fish oil for women ? meaning lesser PMS and menopause symptoms and of course a reduced risk for breast cancer.

Each of the top causes of death for women has two things in common, degenerative and preventable.

We will no longer discuss rankings because it won't matter whether it's the leading top cause of death or not. It is not really a thing that needs competition for it is not something we would like.

On the other hand, there is a dietary accessory that you wish to add to your wardrobe. It is the most significant form of prevention available for women - the omega 3 fatty acids from fish.

Every day, research has been continuously confirming the strength of these simple, natural nutrients.

Researches inform us that an increase in the intake of omega 3 helps in preventing heart disease, strokes, cancer, diabetes, depression, Alzheimer's, PMS, memory loss, dry skin and so much more.

One of the major reasons why fish oil fatty acids is very beneficial is it helps in decreasing and regulating inflammation in the body ? whether you see it or not.

The latest research shows that degenerative diseases arise when the body's inflammatory cycle is disrupted. This usually happens when a person lacks specific omega 3 fatty acids.

Scientist refers to this as an "inverse relationship", but this is actually very simple. If you have more omega 3 fish oil intake, the lesser your chances of developing degenerative diseases.

And if men think they are an exemption, they better think twice because the same thing applies for men. The lesser omega 3s they get, the higher risk of premature death due to a preventable disease.

It's that easy.

Omega 3 fatty acids are abundant in cold water fish, like salmon, tuna, anchovies, sardines, herring and mackerel.

In order to get all the health benefits of fish oil for women (and men as well), take in more omega 3 fish in your food intake and supplement it with pure fish oil capsules from a reputable source.

Yes you ladies will certainly have to show to guys that you are smarter by making sure you get more fish oil on a daily basis. - 17269

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What about Noni Juice?

By Dr. Tim Hollingshead

The scientific name of noni is morinda citrifolia and more commonly as noni, beach mulberry, Indian mulberry, or great morinda, among others. The tree on which the noni fruit grows is native to Southeast Asia, but has been spread extensively through Asia and Pacific Islands.

The plant produces fruit all year around. The fruit starts out green, but matures to a yellow or almost white color. The pungent odor of the ripened fruit gives rise to the less than appealing name such as "cheese fruit". The noni plant is a hardy plant capable of growing in a wide variety of habitats.

More recently, overzealous promotion has led to a similar range of claims. One website claimed that noni juice benefits and uses include inhibiting "pre-cancer function and growth of cancer tumors!" On the same website, a man claimed that after only 3 weeks of drinking noni, his arthritis was gone and he was no longer impotent.

So what is the truth about noni juice?

What is the nutritional content of Noni Juice - What is in noni? What are the vitamin, minerals, and antioxidants that make it so beneficial? Does it have an ORAC score?

Noni Juice benefits and uses - You've heard the claims, but what can you really expect? Can it reduce cholesterol? Are there any side effects that you should be aware of? What scientific research has been done?

Noni products - How do you decide which brand of noni juice to buy? What should you look for in a quality product? Does it matter whether the fruit comes from Tahiti, Fiji, Hawaii, or Samoa? Does the processing method matter?

How much to pay? - Does price always equal quality? What would a fair price be for a quality product? - 17269

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