Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Natural Remedies for Acne

By Kevin Simons

If you are affected by acne, you know how awful it can be! It is not only physically painful but can also have an emotional toll. There are many medications for acne, but they don't always work for everyone. If this is the case, you may consider trying home remedies for acne.

Foods high in saturated fat and also foods high in sugar and refined carbs are a possible cause of acne. Although some people don't agree on this, there is a lot of evidence pointing in this direction.

As for grease - well if you surf the internet on this subject - you will find many people who will tell you that cutting down on grease made a big difference for them. Also there are many who will tell you that lack of sleep and stress will bring about flare ups.

Personally, I think it is a good idea to avoid these foods as one aspect of your acne treatment to see if it can help. Also, these foods should be avoided for a variety of other health reasons.

In addition, one can look to nutrition to help with acne.

Vitamin A is essential for the well being of your skin. Too little of this vitamin will produce rough skin. Vitamin A also inhibits some of the production of sebum, the oily substance secreted by the sebaceous glands. Too much sebum in the skin creates the blockages in your pores that creates acne.

Vitamin E is one of the many antioxidants essential for a strong immune system. Vitamin E in conjunction with vitamin A has healing effects for the skin. So both these vitamins are found in many skin care products. Also like vitamin A, vitamin E helps to inhibit some of the production of sebum.

Zinc can be helpful in preventing inflammation and flare ups in the skin. Zinc is also an important mineral needed for skin to heal and to reduce the effects of scarring.


It is easy to get an abundance of the above vitamins and minerals through juicing specific fruits and vegetables. Juicing has much more to offer. It can hydrate the skin and detoxify all the body's cells and cleanse the system.

Acne Relief Juice #1

3 carrots

3 carrots

1 cup of raspberries

Remove stem from apples and top the carrots. Juice and enjoy. This juice contains high amounts of vitamin A and is a good source of zinc and some vitamin E.

Home Remedies for Acne Juice #2

1 cup of blueberries

5 carrots

1/2 apple

Peel the kiwis and wash the berries thoroughly before juicing. This juice is an awesome source of vitamins A and E and zinc!

Acne Relief Juice #3

4-5 cups of blackberries

Wash the berries thoroughly. Juice and enjoy! Blackberries are an awesome source of vitamins A and E as well as zinc.

Acne Relief Juice #4

1/4 of a watermelon (flesh only)

Watermelon is a wonderful cleanser for all your bodies systems.

Acne Relief Juice #5

1 apple

4 carrots

Remove apple stem and peel carrots if they are not organic. This remedy is a great supply of antioxidant vitamins A and E - 17269

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The Mental Side Of Losing Arm Flab

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

When trying to lose arm flab, exercise and nutrition are only part of the equation. In fact, they aren't even the most important parts of the equation.

In reality, there is so much information on diet and exercise floating around, that any woman could gain an insane amount of knowledge on the topics.

So, the top factor that hold women back from reaching their sexy arm goal, is a poor mental strategy.

I struggled with up and down motivation for a very long time when trying to lose arm flab. So called self help books and motivational speakers only provided temporary motivation that would always end up fading away.

Luckily, I found some awesome work by David Burns M.D., that provided an extremely effective method for optimizing thought processes and maintaining motivation for the long haul. Central to his method is the identification of "cognitive distortions."

And here are 3 of the said distortions that you should eliminate immediately from your internal dialogue if you want everlasting motivation:

1. Pressurizing statements. These types of statements are like using a whip to motivate yourself. They may work initially, but over time they will become too painful and your motivation will fade. How do you avoid them? Avoid telling yourself that you "should" exercise or diet. Instead, tell yourself that you WANT to exercise or diet. The slight shift in wording will have a tremendous impact on you.

2. Labeling phrases. Never give yourself a label when messing up. Labels indicate that there is something internally wrong with you which is NOT the case. So don't call yourself a "loser" or a "slob." Instead, describe the situational circumstances that led to the hiccup so that you can prevent it from happening again.

3. Minimization phrases. These types of phrases can turn men into mice. Why? Because when you minimize you view yourself as being much less capable than you actually are. Never doubt your ability to reach a goal until you have actually tried.

Figuring out the right mental game when trying to lose arm flab can be very hard if you are using standard self help techniques. Avoiding the above distortions will bring you many steps closer to long term motivation. - 17269

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Bodybuilding Routines for the Neck: Train Your Lateral Flexors, Extensors and Traps

By Ricardo d Argence

We often overlook training this vital area for two main reasons. We either don't know how to do it, or we don't have the equipment to do so.

Lateral Flexors. The lateral flexors will tilt a persons head from right to left and is worked out in the same manor as the flexors. To start this, lie on a bench specifically on your side, then you will rest a towel on the side of your head while holding the weight in that place with your hand.

Very simply let the head tilt in a downward angle and then try to bring it up backwards to try to touch ear to shoulder on the bench. After this, do a few sets of 10-15 with the resistance as moderate before you go and switch to the other side to work the other opposing lateral flexor group.

Extensors. The extensors, much like the flexor groups, can be worked with a neck machine or a headstrap. To use the headstrap, the most common method is to take the end of the chain on the strap and hook it to a low-pulley or simply hang plates on the chain. Bend at the waist and place your hands on your quads, just above the knee.

Now of course you will want to focus on tilting you head backwards as though you were looking upwards. You can also lie on a bench with your face down and head hanging over the end. Then place a towel on the back of the area of the head with the weight being placed on it.

While holding the plate in place with your hands, let the head drop down slowly, then raise it, bending only at the neck. Moderate resistance for several sets of 10-15 reps will be ideal, just as with the other exercises.

Traps. The trapezius or trap muscles are apart of the extensor muscles group, so they will of course get some attention while doing exercises mentioned under the extensor heading. Moreover, they can be worked out with additional barbell exercises, as most would be aware of.

For the most part, people will lump together basic barbell and dumbbell shrugs as the key motions for working out the traps. The dead life with the variations of it will undoubtedly work the traps very hard. Those who have a monstrous traps are the ones with the big pulls.

While the deadlift is nearly always a part of my routine, I'd like to offer a few lesser-performed lifts taken from Olympic weightlifting that will hammer the traps extremely hard. The most common lift in this category would have to be the power clean and to a lesser extent, the squat clean. Because the arms are kept very straight as long as possible during the pull, the hips, traps and upper back must provide the power to accelerate the bar before dipping under it to rack the lift.

In the same way as the clean variations, the snatch will provide a lot of stimulation for the traps. The pull is going to have a rough "shrug" while the bar continues to accelerate before it dips beneath it.

I usually do the power snatch, this is where you will not drops as low in you completion of the lift with the bar in a locked position while you are standing in a squat position. I do not see a need to a full squat snatch even though it lets you use more of the weight because of the bottom position you get beneath the bar. The power clean and the power snatch will force you to pull a lot harder due to the fact that you have a lot less time to drop underneath the bar to rack it.

If you are a person who suffers from tightness due to long hours of sitting on your butt in an office doing these stretches will make your life more comfortable in many ways. The power you will grow in your traps will help you pulling movements and give you a decent and finished look to your body. - 17269

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Ovarian Cyst Removal - What You Need To Know Before You Let Your Doctor Cut You Open.

By Lisa Page

Are you considering surgery as the only ovarian cyst removal option available to you? If so there is one question you have to be able to answer without a shadow of doubt and that question is - Have you exhausted all other available options of treatment?

If for whatever reason you haven't considered all options of treatment then you need to continue reading.

There are two main surgical ways of removing ovarian cysts - laparoscopy and laparotomy.

Laparoscopy is used if the cyst is small and benign and is usually done under general anaesthesia. It involves an incision into the abdomen and a small surgical instrument used to remove the cyst.

The other ovarian cyst removal method - laparotomy is a more complex form of surgery and is usually used where the surgeon suspects the cyst to be cancerous or at the risk of being cancerous.

Again this surgery is done under general anaesthesia but involves making a bigger incision in the abdomen.

This is so that if need be the doctor will be able to remove surrounding tissues such as the lymph nodes if there is a chance that it can become cancerous as well.

The important thing to note is that ovarian cancer is very rare and that the vast majority of surgeries are unnecessary.

The biggest decision you have to make is just before you go under that surgical knife when you fill out the form giving the surgeon consent to not only remove cyst but also your ovary or potentially uterus if they think it may cause you problems.

After the surgery you may wake you to discover you are now unable to have children for the rest of your life because your ovaries have been removed during the surgery or that you will need to be on hormone replacement therapy forever.

The question is have you exhausted all other options of removing ovarian cyst and is surgery your last resort? If your answer is yes, then by means go ahead with the surgery.

But if you have not considered and tried other forms of treatment such as natural and holistic healing combining a mixture of diet, exercise, stress management, reducing toxin overload, and using natural hormones then you are leaving out a form of ovarian cyst removal treatment that has helped thousands of women. - 17269

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Yeast Free Living - Can I Eat Rice?

By Matt Bournston

Have you just begun a yeast free diet? Or are you perhaps considering starting on a yeast free diet? Well, whichever of those applies to you, you might be wondering whether or not you can eat rice. There has been some conflicting information out there regarding the suitability of rice for a yeast free diet. So, what's the truth? Is rice okay on a yeast free diet or isn't it?

The answer is: yes, you can eat rice. However, life isn't always that simple, and this is no exception. The truth is, it does depend on how the rice is cooked and how you eat it. Other foods (particularly sugary or starchy foods) can cause a digestive environment that allows yeast to flourish at an unhealthy level.

In order to reduce the starch content of the rice, leave it to sit in cold water for at least an hour prior to cooking. Then thoroughly rinse it with cold water. Once you have cooked the rice you should then rinse it with HOT water.

Also, make sure you avoid bread, fruit juices, and indeed any food that has a high amount of sugar in it. Also avoid drinking fermented alcoholic drinks such as beer.

The number one thing to avoid (apart from yeast itself) is sugar. Candida (yeast) feeds on sugar. If you want something to snack on whilst on a yeast-free diet, look for rice crackers as these usually aren't made using yeast. Another alternative to rice crackers is corn crackers, or oatcakes if you are not intolerant to oats.

Whilst living on a yeast free diet it can be helpful to take particular supplements; grapefruit extract and oregano oil are particularly good. Oregano oil helps to get rid of yeast.

However, if you are unsure about anything discussed on this page, it is highly recommended that you seek the guidance of a qualified nutritionist, who will be able to guide you through the whole yeast free diet process. - 17269

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