Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, April 17, 2009

Get Flat Abs In 30 Days

By Jose Loni

You can get flat abs in 1 month. All you have to do is train with weights on a regular schedule of exercise to increase your body's metabolism and combine that with a healthy eating diet. Get great abs and fast results!

In less than 2 months, you can have flat abs by making a plan. Your weekly exercise session needs to be more often - at least 4 times a week. Modify your exercise session to include resistance training that will force you to work harder. When the body works harder, more calories are burned during exercise.

Resistance training that incorporates greater number of body parts and muscles use more energy. Increasing the exercise intensity, keeping the repetitions low and minimal rest between sets are key factors to boosting the body's metabolism.

More calories are burned from increased exertion using the energy source from food intake as well as from excess body fat. When the body is finished exercising, the body will increase its delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles to replenish and repair damage caused by the exercise session. As a result, the muscles burn more calories, increasing the body's overall metabolism.

The cumulative effect of exercise sessions throughout the week will force the body to increase its calorie consumption and end up burning excess fat. As a result, the body will be burning fat for most of the day and night, as it works hard fixing and healing the muscles.

Healthy eating is another key factor in controlling how much fat is stored. Choosing a proper diet that excludes sodas, sugary snacks and fast foods will enable you to control your calories and allow your body to burn calories and excess body fat more efficiently.

Eating 5-6 small meals throughout the day is a great way to keep your energy levels up and keep you from overeating. When you overeat and the body is not able to burn all the calories, the body converts those calories into fat and stores it.

Get the body that you've always wanted in less than 2 months. Start by making a plan of exercise, incorporate resistance training to boost your metabolism and then eat a good diet. Follow these simple steps, and you'll have rock hard abs in just a few weeks! - 17269

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Looking to Lose Weight? Ten Practical Solutions That Will Help Shed the Pounds.

By Drew Wellingham

Losing a few pounds doesn't have to be a chore or expensive, either. As long as you can read the labels on the foods you purchase, you can be mindful of your intake of things such as fat, carbohydrates, sugars, etc. If you're disciplined enough, it doesn't have to cost you any more than you would normally spend at the grocery store. Here are ten practical things to keep in mind if shedding a few pounds is a priority:

1. Avoid processed foods like the plague. Fast food is a killer -- literally. So are things like cakes, ice creams, sodas, and candies. These foods often contain hidden fat and sugar.

2. Get off the sofa. The more idle you are, the more apt you are to convert those empty calories to fat. Even if your health prohibits anything too strenuous, a leisurely walk around the block will help. I'd ask my doctor first, though; especially if you have any concerns.

3. Know your fat-to-carb ratio. It's not necessarily just fats or just carbs that lead to weight gain. It's a combination of both. Obviously, if the intake of both is high, you'll gain weight. Figure out what's best for you. I'm not saying to eliminate both completely, as that's not good either, but begin to slowly scale back on one or the other until you start to see the results you want.

4. Cut out the fat. Read the labels. If you're a meat-eater, choose low-fat varieties of fish, skinless chicken, reduced-fat ground turkey, etc. When I cook chicken, I use my kitchen shears and cut off all visible fat. A pain in the neck? Yes. But my health is worth the effort.

5. Scale back on the sweets. As I said earlier, a piece of cake or pie every so often certainly won't do major damage. But if you have a sweet tooth, you have to discipline yourself to limit how much sugar you're ingesting.

6. Watch your alcohol consumption. This relates to the previous paragraph. Lots of sugar.

7. Eat less, but more. Huh? Eat 3 or 4 meals a day, but less at each meal so you feel satisfied. Make sure each meal contains the same amount of fat and carbs. This will also assure you maintain your blood sugar level.

8. Occupy your time. Get yourself a hobby. If you have something that will divert your attention, you'll have less time to think about food.

9. Eat healthier foods. That might seem overly obvious, but fruits and vegetables will provide fat-burning properties that you just won't find in processed foods.

10. Reduce your portion sizes. You'll find that a lower-fat diet will leave you feeling less satisfied. This is because you're not taking in the foods that filled you up before. You may find the need to snack more. If that's the case, just pick things that are satisfying but healthy. A Twinkie is not a good substitute for celery.

Just remember not to make any drastic changes at first. Ease into things slowly and see what works best for you. Soon you'll discover that low fat does not have to equate to low taste. - 17269

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The Only Thing You Need To Know About Building Muscle

By Danny Gutierrez

Forget about everything you've read in all of those advertisements you've seen about building and packing on muscle. The fact is that most people are pretty clueless about what it actually takes to build and pack on muscle in a hurry. Read this article if you want to know what it actually takes to build muscle.

The biggest mistake a lot of gym goers make when working out is thinking or believing that the process of building muscle is over when you leave the gym. Folks in the know already know that in order to build muscle you have to feed your body the right nutrients and you have to allow your body to rest if you really want to build some muscle.

If you want to build muscle you have to consume protein. Without enough protein your muscles will not grow period. Most bodybuilding experts agree that you need to consume about one to two grams of protein in order to put your body in a position to grow. So if your target body weight is one hundred and fifty pounds you should be consuming anywhere between one hundred and fifty to three hundred grams of protein

There are several good sources of protein and some of them include poultry products most notably chicken breast. There's also lean cuts of red meat. There's always the bodybuilding staple of fish and tuna is always a good option if you're on a budget. Milk is another good source of protein. Protein shakes and cottage cheese round out this list of good sources of protein.

Ok so you already know what you're supposed to be eating if you want to grow muscles now let's talk about some of the most important times to be consuming your protein and ore importantly the most important times to be consuming your nutritional supplements. First thing in the morning when you wake up and immediately following your workout are two timers you should definitely be taking your protein supplements.

The post workout window of opportunity is the 30-60 minutes immediately following one of your gym training sessions. The post workout window of opportunity is known by bodybuilders as the one time during the day you need to be taking protein if your goal is to build muscle. If you take anything from this article and you want to build muscle then supplement with protein immediately following your workouts.

It's also very important to allow your body sufficient time to rest and recuperate from your workouts. You should be sleeping at least eight hours per night to allow your body enough time to start rebuilding your muscles.Something else to take note of is that if you really want to build muscle quickly then you should try to curtail or eliminate other physically strenuous activities outside of the gym.

So as you can see there really shouldn't be any kind of mystery as to what is really required for building muscle and doing it quickly. You need to wok out. You need to consume lots of protein and you need to rest. Do that and you'll have people in the gym whispering behind your back! - 17269

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How To Get A Flat Stomach In 3 Stages

By Jose Loni

The best way to get a flat stomach is with exercise. Regular exercise, training with increased intensity and interval training are key factors to getting a flat stomach. By increasing the frequency of exercise, intensity of your exercise program and incorporating interval sets, an oxygen debt will occur causing the body to increase its metabolism and burn fat longer.

The body increases its lean body mass as a result of the regular exercise that it performs. As a result, the body needs to feed and fuel the muscles through the food we eat, as well as breakdown any excess fat on our body to provide energy to the muscles.

Regular physical workouts are necessary to spur our body to maintain a higher degree of metabolic activity in order to meet the greater demands of increased activity. The more disciplined and active we are, the more our body maintains its increased metabolic rate.

An intensive workout is determined by training within our target heart rate zone. Training within that intensity will yield the best results because our body is made to work harder, allowing us to get a flat stomach faster.

Interval training raises our metabolism and forces our body to accommodate for the increased demands in energy requirements due to more challenges placed upon our body. To meet these demands, excess body fat is broken down to fuel the muscles to function as needed in order to perform the activities.

In addition, using weights while doing this type of training burns fat even more effectively. Our muscles work harder when weights are used in rapid bursts, and then letting them rest and recover. When we repeat this cycle a few times, the muscles will get hungry for more fuel in order to sustain the intense training.

What occurs in the muscles is an oxygen debt, where the muscles are working so hard that there is an increase in carbon dioxide in the muscles, which results in increased lactic acid in the muscles. During recovery, the muscles are so depleted of oxygen, the body's blood system increases supply of oxygen, to clear away waste products and provide nourishment to the muscles.

Through regular exercise, training with increased intensity during our exercise programs, and incorporating interval training, our body will adapt to the metabolic changes that resulted from the increased training. As a result, the body becomes a very efficient fat burning machine that will give you a flat stomach. - 17269

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6 Pack Abs - Building A Stronger Core

By Dan Solaris

Most folks that have been sweating it out in gyms across the globe are doing so for a flatter, leaner stomach. A flabby gut is the first sign of excess weight and there's nothing more damaging to one's self-confidence than walking around the beach with a bouncing potbelly.

Of the total number of folks that are enrolled in health clubs and gyms around the world, only a small fraction are actually satisfied. Without expert instruction, it's easy to get the wrong idea about which exercises to do. Most of those that don't see fast enough improvements from their efforts lose motivation and give up after a while.

Since fat-loss and a lean, well-defined abdomen is the goal of most fitness buffs across the globe, more folks should be doing exercises that maximize movement of the midsection. The more muscles involved in movement, the faster the results and the easier it is to keep stay consistent with one's workout program.

Though most people are unaware about them, the power of core exercises in producing a rippling set of 6 pack abs cannot be stressed enough. Common flat-platform sit-ups and crunches can't compare to the core-strengthening movements of Pilates or improvised ab exercises done on a Swiss ball. Core based exercises entail more muscle effort leading to a leaner midsection in less time.

An overwhelming number of fitness buffs go about core based exercises the wrong way by focusing just on the abdominal muscles. If the other core muscles (lower back and obliques) are left out, this can throw the body's balance out of whack and cause back sprain.

Doing exercises on an unstable surface will cause other muscles of the body to be included in the effort of to keep balanced. A well-developed core means the ability to do natural movements of the body with less effort. Swinging a bat, driving a golf ball or throwing a football will be much easier and way more fluid.

For those trying to lose weight, doing core strengthening exercises to complement their aerobic and bodybuilding exercises will facilitate rapid calorie-burn and hence fat-loss. The only way to flatten a flabby gut is to concentrate on burning as much body fat as possible every work-out session. This not only means doing whatever is necessary to prevent the conversion of calories into body fat, by maximizing the amount of calories that we burn each time we exercise.

Exercising to get the 6 pack abs that countless folks yearn for is not easy of course. Recognizing the power of core exercises and incorporating these into conventional resistance training will make workouts more productive and fun. - 17269

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Find Out If Acai Is Working

By Carter Sinclair

One of the first signs of acai berry working is that you will feel an immediate boost of energy. The energy boost is long lasting and only gets better with time. Let me explain, the acai berry helps to get rid of harmful toxins that make the body slow or sluggish. You get this boost without the use of supplements.

The two other benefits you get from Acai during the first couple weeks is an improvement in your sleeping and in your digestive system. Acai helps regulate hormones and brain chemicals to promote healthy digestion because of the high fiber content it contains.

The difference you'll see in your skin and hair will be tremendous after a month or two. You'll also notice your brain functioning more clearly. The essential fatty acids prevalent in Acai berry are known to fight depression and improve your mood. Also, these are fatty acids are what improves overall brain functioning making you smarter.

Since Acai is packed with so many antioxidants, it helps fight the signs of aging. This means, if you consistently take Acai you will notice younger looking skin, and healthier, strong hair.

New research has been found that Acai has lowered cholesterol and fought off cancer cells. So while this is not one of the outward benefits you will notice on the surface you can guarantee that it is protecting your body.

The only way you will not notice a benefit from Acai is if you have been scammed by a lower quality Acai product. Acai berry is the real deal but there are some companies giving it a bad name because they are selling lower quality products so choose wisely before you buy. - 17269

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The Candida Cleanse is a Colonic for the 21st Century

By Eleanor Candy

Candida is a genus of yeast that live inside the bodies of host animals, human's included.

This genus of yeast lives inside the bodies of host animals from insects to humans. Like all yeast, Candida is living organisms. In certain cases of yeast infection, some people do a Candida Cleanse, the name for a colonic that targets the Candida where it is most plentiful - in the intestine.

Yeast infections not surprisingly occur in the areas where there are yeast; the mouth, the gut and the genitals. Back in the Seventies there was a debate over the extent to which uncontrolled yeast might not infect internal organs, causing other problems that go undiagnosed.

This debate was and is widely dismissed by mainstream medicine. In the opinion of the establishment, yes, yeast infections do occur in the genitals, mouth and intestines, but these are best treated with topical ointments or, at worst, pills.

The infection of internal organs by yeast was not borne out by competent research. That was where the debate ended as far as the mainstream was/is concerned.

Over the past twenty years the number of immunocompromised patients has increased dramatically. This increase is caused by factors like increased use of chemo-therapy and steroids.

Yeast infections are like a canary in the coal mind - an early warning signal of low immune levels. For cancer and COPD sufferers, a yeast infection can present serious issues.

The theory behind Candida Cleanse therapy is pretty common sense, if you ask me. A colonic with an appropriate anti-fungal solution is in arguably the fastest, most effective way to significantly reduce the demands placed on the immune system to fight yeast growth.

It is a hard argument to refute, in my opinion. But I'm no doctor. I'm just somebody whose respirologist just told me to use mouthwash every day because my inhaler was causing thrush. - 17269

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Acai and Arthritis

By Carter Sinclair

One of the most common ailments that people suffer with is arthritis. There are many reasons that arthritis can sneak up on a person such as: Joints that are damaged or are getting old, injured joints, joints with low blood flow, people that have bodies that are depleted of vitamins and even people with no anti oxidants in their system can suffer with arthritis. More and more people are turning to alternative treatments to help them with such issues and one of the best pairs of ailments and treatments is Acai and arthritis.

The Acai berry is very popular because of the number of beneficial minerals and vitamins it contains. It has everything from amino acids to antioxidants that are beneficial to anyone suffering from arthritis. The berry helps you body heal and naturally repair itself.

Acai berry has more anitoxidants than red wine without any alcohol content. It helps to flush and cleanse your system. The antioxidants are very powerful at reversing the effects of arthritis.

Many people that suffer with arthritis and are using Acai berry supplements, claim that they actually feel some relief from the pain they normally endure. One of the most positive benefits of using Acai for arthritis is that this super food gives a person great amounts of energy. This is very important for people that suffer with arthritis as the more they exercise, the better their arthritis will be. This helps to keep the joints limber and flexible.

In many ways the acai berry helps to reduce pain and make you feel better. One way is by reducing the inflammation from arthritis. Acai berry contains properties which get rid of toxins which cause inflammation in your body.

If you suffer with arthritis and you want to test out what Acai can do for you and your condition then you should talk with your doctor. You want to be sure that you are doing what is best for you and your body. It can also help for you to keep a log of your results with this super food. This will help you to see what amount works best and what time of day it is better to take it. Keep in mind that Acai will do much more for you then just reducing inflammation so it may be best to take this in the morning due to the increase in energy. - 17269

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Get Rid of Cellulite Naturally in 7 Simple Steps

By Alex D Clayton

None of us are fans of cellulite, but unfortunately, millions of people deal with this unsightly and ongoing problem. Fortunately, there are natural and simple ways to get rid of it. Here are seven techniques to help you get rid of cellulite:

1) Remember the saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away"? Well,apparently, it can also get rid of cellulite. Loading up on fresh fruits and vegetables will provide important fiber and nutrients to help you flush cellulite from your system. If you're eating a poor diet, now is a good time to add produce and lots of fiber.

2) Acupuncture is another natural way to combat cellulite. It has been used for centuries to treat a vast array of mental and physical ailments, and it also turns out to be an effective weapon against cellulite. This is a great alternative treatment to help reduce the appearance of cellulite on the body.

3) Employing the services of a massage therapist can help reduce cellulite. Some may wonder how a mere massage can eliminate cellulite. The way this works is simple: massage aids in improving blood flow and circulation. This, in turn, can help remove fat cells from the body when taking part in a diet and exercise program.

4) Purchasing a cellulite massaging product could help as well. If you are unable to afford a massage therapist, here is some good news: there are massage devices available that are specifically designed to reduce the presence of cellulite in a given area.

5) Eating more water soluble foods is helpful. While most people realize that drinking a lot of water will aid metabolic function and reduce the presence of cellulite, many do not realize you can acquire water from other sources. Foods that have high water content can also aid in hydrating the body and increasing your metabolism as well.

6) A little natural caffeine can help you get rid of cellulite. But, isn't caffeine harmful to your health, you wonder? Actually, some of the studies have contradictory results. While we know that too much caffeine isn't good, caffeine does have certain known benefits. One of these is the ability to reduce cellulite. To get natural caffeine, drink real coffee or green tea, and avoid supplements and energy drinks, which are not natural and can provide too much caffeine.

7) Live a less stressful life. This could be considered advice for life in general, but it also has targeted value for those looking to get rid of cellulite. This is because stress can contribute to the presence of cellulite in the human body. By actively working to reduce you stress levels, you may see the impact of cellulite on the body go down. There are many ways to reduce stress. You could take up a new hobby. Attend yoga and meditation sessions. Or, simply, you could slow down the pace of your day. All of these ventures have the potential to dramatically get rid of cellulite. - 17269

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Building Muscle The Right Way

By Danny Reagan

It is unfortunate that in today's economy, debt rules all. From the deepest spots of our wallets, we have charged ourselves to the point of no return. The commercials and ads promising a better car, newer home and more of this and that are all based on lines of credit and bank loans. Our children have been raised in this economy where paying for something means a monthly payment and a low or high interest rate; this is why debt elimination is needed. With debt comes the need for the debt elimination and the strive to become debt free.

Very few people actually understand how the body can build muscle. The art of fitness is surrounding in cardio and aerobic exercise and even some of the most avid fitness people have little idea of how the body chooses to build muscle. These rules are simple, but effective.

Ready the muscle. From the first moments of beginning a routine to build muscle, the fitness program needs to incorporate stretching. Stretching the muscle increase the blood flow to the muscle and thus increase the chances of good muscle build. Stretching also helps to prevent injuries to the muscle while cold by warming up the muscle fibers and allowing for a longer movement during the fitness routine.

Lose the Credit Cards ? Those controlling credit cards can go out the door from the first day you choose to be debt free. Life in the debt elimination mode does not mean charging less money no a card, it means paying for everything and charging nothing. The only way to ensure the debt free lifestyle and eliminate debt is to remove the lure of the credit.

Minimum Payments Will Not Work ? The credit card you used to charge the world away, is the nemesis to your debt free life and debt elimination. Those minimum payments are all interest and in order to choose debt elimination, those need to be taken care of immediately. The paying off of a credit card will require a larger than minimum payment and a lot of willpower. Becoming debt free was never going to be easy, but debt elimination feels good in the end.

Rest Time. The time of rest between the programs aimed to build muscle is a minimum of 24 hours. This means that after the muscle has been ripped, it takes 24 hours for the muscle fibers to rebuild and build muscle. This can seem like a forever wait, but is essential to keep the muscle healthy and not overwork the muscle. During this time, hydration needs to be kept high and other parts of the body and other muscles groups can be worked to keep the rotation to build muscle going full circle.

Never File Bankruptcy ? Bankruptcy will hurt more than help. There are slow fixes for debt that can make anyone debt free. It just takes time and determination to remain free from debt, to choose debt elimination and to live debt free.

To build muscle is to increase the overall fitness level of the body. Routines that build muscles are often aimed at building that muscles as quickly as possible. The true art of the muscle build takes time and attention to details. These tips will help even the most novice fitness guru to build muscle and keep that strength growing over time. The natural way to build muscle takes a bit of dedication to the fitness program, but after a few short weeks, when the difference is clear, the work will be so much more rewarding. - 17269

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Toned Abs & Compound Movements

By Dan Solaris

As countries across the globe develop and more and more people are gaining access to western fast food like burgers and fries, the number of overweight people is fast increasing. A lot of folks are now faced with the dilemma of obesity and oversized bellies.

The most common mistake the figure-conscious make is relying on exercises that isolate the muscles of the midsection to lose excess fat. Though sit-ups, crunches and leg raises may be effective in strengthening the abdominal muscles, they don't do much in melting belly fat and toning the abs.

Leg-raises, sit-ups and crunches do develop and harden the muscles of the midsection, but they don't do really isolate the subcutaneous layer of fat hiding that six pack from full-view. The only way to get flat toned abs is through exercises that burn all-around body fat in the shortest amount of time.

Total-body aerobic workouts are the most effective way to burn enough calories from body fat in the shortest time. Only by doing whole-body movement during our workouts can we hope to burn a significant amount of body fat and flatten an oversized abdomen and love-handles.

Whole body exercises that get all the major muscle groups to exert effort get the cardiovascular system to work at high intensities. This not only strengthen the heart and lungs, they also dilate the blood vessels- improving elasticity and blood flow. It also elevates the body's metabolism resulting in even more calories burned long after you've left the gym.

By maintaining a high metabolism, overweight people can facilitate fat-loss better because more calories are expended throughout the day. This means less calories left over to be stored as body fat. If a person burns more calories than he takes in each day, this will of course lead to loss of belly fat.

Muscle building resistance exercises can also help fight body fat by enabling us to burn more calories. Muscles burn calories even while were not using them. The more muscular a person is therefore, the less time he has to spend in the gym working out.

Whole body cardio exercises, aside from being highly effective in burning massive amounts of calories per session, are also more fun to do. The more a person has fun and looks forward to his workout sessions, the less likely he or she would be prone to get lazy and stop working out. Just as with any other endeavor, consistent exercise is the key to losing fat and getting toned abs with good definition. - 17269

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The Top 3 Drugs Compared to Omega 3 Fish Oil

By Michael Byrd

Do you realize there have been thousands of studies that have shown omega 3 fish oil to be natures most effective and potent anti-inflammatory available today?

And did you also know omega 3 fatty acids have been found to be just as effective (if not more so) and certainly a lot safer and less expensive than the three best selling prescription drugs.

Yet Americans spend only about $300 million on fish oil supplements and over $30 billion on antidepressants, high blood pressure drugs and anti-inflammatory arthritis and headache pain relievers - the top selling three classes of drugs.

Not only are they not really particularly effective, they may have serious side effects that may do more harm than good. Often patients are required to take another controversial drug to counteract the harmful effect of the first. Some of them, such as Vioxx, have even been taken off the market because they cause heart attacks and strokes.

And they have serious side effects that may do more harm than good. They often require patients to take yet another questionable drug to counteract the damaging effect of the first. Some of these drugs, such as Vioxx, were even taken off the market because they were found to cause heart attacks and strokes.

Regardless of how attractive tv commercials make these prescription drugs out to be they are dangerous at best. Whenever possible, prescription drugs should be avoided and natural alternative treatments perused instead.

Are you aware there are other safer, more natural ways to both prevent and relieve depression, high blood pressure and inflammatory pain without resorting to prescription drugs? And one of the best alternatives is to eat fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, herring or tuna at least two or three times a week and take a good quality daily fish oil supplement.

When you take a look at the evidence, it is quite clear.

Depressed people have significantly lower total omega 3 levels (Journal of Affective Disorders, Vol. 26, No. 38, 35-46), while omega 3 supplements showed significant benefits in just three weeks of treatment (American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 159:477-479). In other studies, omega 3 fatty acids were found to be an effective treatment for bipolar disorder (Archives of General Psychiatry, Vol. 56 No. 5) and borderline personality disorder patients (American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 160:167-169).

And fish oil is so highly effective at lowering blood pressure the American Heart Association (AHA) and the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommend everyone eat cold water, fatty fish at least a couple of times a week.

The AHA and NIH also recommend people with high blood pressure and other heart disease symptoms take daily fish oil supplements that provide at least 1,000 mgs of combined omega 3 DHA and EPA fatty acids.

And as far as inflammatory arthritis and headache pain relief is concerned, omega 3 fish oil has been found to be nature's most safest, potent and effective alternative to over the counter NSAIDs such as Advil, Motrin, Nuprin and Aleve and other anti-inflammatories (Arthritis and Rheumatism, Vol. 38: 1107-14.)

Actually, after starting an omega 3 fish oil supplement treatment program many patients in research studies were able to greatly reduce and sometimes eliminate their pain medicines.

And, if you're concerned about toxins in fish oil, the Harvard University School of Public Health says you can sit back, relax and enjoy your broiled salmon dinner. After reviewing all the relative studies, they recently confirmed fish oil benefits far outweigh the threat of mercury or other toxins in fish by as much as 500 to one. (Journal of the American Medical Association 2006, Vol. 296: 1885-99)

Besides, if you look, you can find high quality omega 3 fish oil supplements that are fully guaranteed to be absolutely pure and totally free of all toxicity (www.omega-3.us).

Therefore, prior to starting a drug program or even if you are already on one consider eating more dish and taking omega 3 fish oil supplements instead. Who knows? You just may get better or equal results without the dangerous side effects and save a bundle of money at the same time. Now that sounds like a winning combination to me, don't you think? - 17269

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