Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Find The Right Diet For Your Health

By Ali Bautista

If you were to make your top ten list of fun things to do, most people would not include dieting.

Eating correctly should not make you miserable. A good eating plan will allow you to have balanced meals as well as healthy snacks.

The amount of food that you can eat and lose weight is based on your BMI. Just do a quick search online to find a BMI calculator. Fill in a few blanks and submit for the results. The number that is returned is the number of calories you can eat each day and remain at your present weight. If you reduce that number by only ten percent, then you will begin to lose weight.

It is important that you not reduce your calories so severely that you body begins to think that there is a famine. This will cause your body to reduce the number of calories that it uses and begin to store every available ounce of fat possible. When you begin to eat normally again, your will gain back more weight than you lost during your diet. This is the reason that so many of the fad eating plans do not work.

The USDA has some tool that will help you to plan a balanced eating plan. One such tool is the food pyramid. It helps you to know those foods you should try to eat more often and those you should avoid most of the time. Remember that in moderation, you can have almost any food.

Some people enjoy the six meal eating plan. In this plan snacks are replaced by small meals and normal meals are smaller so that overall, the calorie count remains the same. The advantage of this plan is that blood sugars are regulated and the crash of a famished dieter does not have to be filled with binge eating.

Your BMI will change as you lose weight. After a significant weight loss, you may need to adjust your calories consumed.

Following the above will help you to achieve the diet results that you want. - 17269

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Yes! Easy Weight Loss Is Achievable

By Mima Mavington

A thought we should get out of your mind straight away is that losing weight easily does not need any type of dieting or squeezing into a leotard and signing up for the local gym.

All that's required is to start with a few small lifestyle changes and then when your ready just add a couple more and later another 1 or 2 more and before you know it you'll have made an entire host of changes to how you eat, drink and view food then that fat will quite naturally begin disappearing.

Starting out you should take an honest look at what you eat on a daily basis. Do you grab fast food for one or more of your meals a day and how many times in a week? Do you often snack on sugary foods like candy bars in between meals? And just how many sugar filled drinks are you having a week? When you start to realise how many of these kinds of things you?re consuming each week then you have an excellent place to start.

The simple way to achieve easy weight loss is to start by choosing to replace one unhealthy food or drink by another healthier option, for example you might choose to drink one less bottle of sugary soda pop and instead have a bottle of still water, for a day or two until you get used to it and then perhaps you might replace a candy bar with a piece of fruit, a few vegetable sticks, or perhaps a muesli or fibre bar.

As you make more of these changes your confidence will grow that you can do this and then when your ready you can move onto replacing all or part of one of your daily meals with something healthier, if you're not sure what to replace a specific meal with then just type something like ?healthy breakfasts, lunches, or recipes? into one of the search engines to get some ideas of what you would like or perhaps you could ask a naturally thin friend what they choose at meal times.

If you are gradually switching your daily eating habits from a junk diet you previously ate to your new healthier choices then you should find that your mind and body will offer little resistance because you are giving it time to get used to a changes instead of using a sudden shock method, and as the days go by you will find more new healthier foods that you like, then your weight will begin to reduce naturally and easily.

While you?re making these changes it is an excellent plan to forget about jumping on the scales for a while, just put them away in a cupboard somewhere or if you really have a hard time resisting the urge to weigh yourself daily or weekly then give a scales to a friend or relative to look after then you will be giving your body a chance to do what it was designed to if you let it.

When you start to slim down and lose inches and once the goodness from a healthier foods you now eat has had an opportunity to build up within you it is more than likely that you are going to be feeling much more lively, so why not use some of this extra energy to begin by seeking out fun ways to exercise and start accelerating your weight loss and making it even easier?

It?s really simple, all you've got to do is the same thing you did with your eating habits except that now you just search for simple ways that you can become more active each day here are a couple of ideas?? 1. Use the stairs instead of jumping into and elevator 2. Walk or cycle instead of using a car or public transport 3. If you like swimming do it more regularly 4. Take the dog for a longer walk if you've got one or join a friend when they walk their dog

Simply creating these few, simple modifications on a daily basis can help you achieve easy weight loss. Sure it?s a small amount of weight at a start but as each day passes and you gradually add in an increasing number of modifications to what you eat and drink as well as becoming more and more physically active these small amounts of weight loss can all add up to you becoming the naturally slim person you desire to be, and all with minimal effort and little resistance. - 17269

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Facts About Your Weight Problems

By Christopher Rom

Being overweight can be a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent and can have a bad effect on your health. To define it you can use the body mass index which is the percentage of body fat and total body fat. A child's healthy weight varies with age and sex. A BMI greater than 95th percentile would be unhealthy. The data percentiles where based on a study from 1963 to 1994. BMI is calculated by dividing a persons mass by the square of his or her height, typically expressed either in metric or US "customary" units: Where lb is the subject's weight in pounds and in is the subject's height in inches.

As Asian populations develop negative health consequences at a lower BMI than Caucasians, some nations have redefined obesity; the Japanese have defined obesity as any BMI greater than 25 while China uses a BMI of greater than 28. Effects on health. Being overweight can also be associated with various diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus type 2, obstructive sleep apnea, certain types of cancer, and osteoarthritis. Obesity has been found to reduce life expectancy. The lowest risk is found at a BMI of 25 to 27 and increases in both directions for men. For women the lowest risk is found at a BMI of 21 to 23 and increases in both directions.

Overweight is one of the leading causes of death worldwide that can be prevented. A large-scale American and European study have shown that the mortality risk is lowest with a BMI of 22.5-25 kg/m2 in non-smokers and at 24-27 kg/m2 in current smokers, with the risk increasing with changes in either direction. A BMI above 32 has been associated with a mortality rate among women over a 16-year period to be doubled. In the United States it is estimated to cause between 111,909 to 365,000 deaths a year, with approximately 1 million deaths in the European Union attributed to being overweight. Obesity can increases many physical and mental conditions. These common morbidities are most commonly shown in metabolic syndrome, a combination of medical disorders which includes: diabetes mellitus type 2, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and high triglyceride levels.

The complications are either directly or indirectly related through mechanisms sharing a common cause such as a poor diet or a non-exercising lifestyle. The link between obesity and specific conditions varies. One is the link with type 2 diabetes. Excess body fat underlies 64% of cases of diabetes in men and 77% of cases in women. Health consequences fall into two broad categories: those attributable to the effects of increased fat mass and those due to the increased number of fat cells. Elevated body fat alters your response to insulin, and can potentially lead to insulin resistance. Increased fat can also create an increase of thrombosis.

Some negative health consequences of obesity are well supported by the available evidence, and in certain subgroups seem to be improved at an increased BMI, a phenomenon known as the obesity survival paradox. The paradox was first found in 1999 in overweight and obese people undergoing hemo-dialysis, also has been found in heart failure and peripheral artery disease (PAD).

With heart failure those with a BMI between 30.0-34.9 had lower mortality than those with a normal weight. This has been attributed to the fact that people often lose weight as they become ill. The same findings have been found in other types of heart disease. People with class I obesity and heart disease do not have an increase of heart problems as people of normal weight who also have heart disease. In people with greater stage of obesity the risk can increase. No increase in mortality is seen in the overweight and obese. One study found that the improved survival could be the more aggressive treatment an overweight person will receive after a cardiac event. Yet another states chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in those with PAD that the benefit of obesity no longer exists.

When a combination of excessive caloric intake and a lack of physical activity is thought to explain most cases of obesity. A limited number of cases are due primarily to genetics, medical reasons, or psychiatric illness. Increasing rates of obesity can be due to an easily accessible and palatable diet, increased reliance on cars, and mechanized manufacturing.Ten possible factors are: (1) insufficient sleep, (2) endocrine disruptors, (3) decreased variability in ambient temperature, (4) decreased smoking, because smoking suppresses appetite, (5) medications that can cause weight gain, (6) ethnic and age groups that tend to be heavier, (7) pregnancy at a later age can cause susceptibility to obesity in children, (8) risk factors passed on from generation, (9) and naturally higher BMI. Substantial evidence supporting the influence of these mechanisms on the increased prevalence of obesity is still inconclusive.

With the dietary energy supply varying between regions and countries. And has changed over time. The average calories available per person per day has increased all over the world except Eastern Europe. Nutritional guidelines have done little to address overeating and poor dietary choice. Between 1971 to 2000, obesity rates in the United States increased from 14.5% to 30.9%. Most of these extra calories came from an increase in carbohydrate consumption rather than fat consumption. The primary source of these extra carbohydrates are sweetened beverages, which now account for almost 25 percent of daily calories in young adults in America. Consumption of sweetened drinks can be a contributing factor in the rising rates of obesity.

The increased consumption of fast-food meals and calorie intake from these meals quadrupled between 1977 and 1995. Agricultural policy and techniques in the United States and Europe have led to lower food prices. In the United States, subsidization of corn, soy, wheat, and rice through the U.S. farm bill has made the main sources of processed food cheap compared to fruits and vegetables. Under-reporting their food intake as compared to people of normal weight. This is supported both by tests and by direct observation.

Obesity can be the result of genetic and environmental factors. Polymorphisms in various genes that control appetite and metabolism can pre-dispose a person to obesity when sufficient calories are present. The percentage of obesity attributed to genetics varies and is from 6% to 85%. Obesity is a major feature in several syndromes, such as Prader-Willi syndrome, Bardet-Biedl syndrome, Cohen syndrome, and MOMO syndrome. People with early-onset obesity which is an onset before 10 years of age and body mass index over three standard deviations above normal. Studies focused on inheritance patterns rather than specific genes have found that 80% of the offspring of two obese parents ended up obese, and less than 10% of the offspring of two parents who were of normal weight.

And certain ethnic groups may be more prone to obesity in an equivalent environment. An ability at periods of prosperity to store fat would be an advantage when food is readily availability, but would not be with a stable food supplies. The Pima Indians, who emerged from a desert environment, developed some of the highest rates of obesity when exposed to a Western lifestyle.

Physical, mental, and pharmaceutical substances can increase the risk of obesity. Medical illnesses that increase obesity risk include several genetic syndromes are: hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome, growth hormone deficiency, and the eating disorders: binge eating disorder and night eating syndrome. Obesity is not regarded as a psychiatric disorder, and is not listed as a psychiatric illness. Certain medications can cause weight gain and/or changes in your body's composition; which include insulin, sulfonylureas, thiazolidinediones, atypical anti-psychotics, antidepressants, steroids, certain anti-convulsants, pizotifen, and some forms of hormonal contraception.

With correlations between social class and BMI varying globally, in developed countries women of a higher social class were less likely to be obese. No difference was seen among men of different social classes. Among developed countries the levels of adult obesity, and percentage of teenage children who are overweight, are associated with income inequality. A similarity is seen in the US: more adults, even in higher social classes, are obese in more unequal states. Stress and perceived low social status appear to increase risk of obesity. A woman's risk can increase by 7% per child, while a man's risk increases by 4% per child.This could be partly due to the fact that having dependent children decreases physical activity in Western parents. - 17269

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Goji Berries In The Form Of Juice

By Rachel Clark

Goji is a special berry that is not found very easily. However, it can be used to make a special juice known as Goji juice. Goji berries generally have a very mild tangy taste that can be termed as slightly sweet and slightly sour. However, they have a shape that is very similar to chewy texture of the raisins. Earlier, in a traditional Chinese's medicine system, these Goji berries were eaten raw, or sometimes were brewed in tea. However, now, they are also available in the form of juices and are sometimes added to the Chinese soups in the form of liquid extracts.

Importance of Goji berries can be seen from the fact that they are now used in all major snacks of North American food. Goji berries can interact with many anticoagulant drugs that are commonly known as blood-thinners, like warfarin. One can easily find Goji berries at all the Chinese herbal shops. Goji berry juice can also be found at various health food stores, and online stores. These days, Goji juice is available in the form of 32-ounce bottles. Although, Goji berries that were used in traditional Chinese medicine were not very expensive but these days, since they are available in the form of juice, this has added to some extra cost. Most people prefer to have raw Goji berries because they are cheaper as in comparison to Goji juice.

Till today, side effects of regular Goji consumption are yet unknown.
Currently, Goji juice has become an important product in the market that is resulting in the advancement of science and technology. There are many western health and food companies that are now regularly promoting Goji juice. Himalayan Goji berry Juice is thought to contain many important nutrients like phytonutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, and polysaccharides. These days, Himalayan Goji Juice is seen as the only tried, well tested, and a proven way to get the complete benefit from Goji Berries. Goji berry juice is made using a spectral signature technology that helps in selecting perfect Goji berries from many strains that are available. Himalayan Goji berry juice is seen as the most nutritious and well-balanced juice.

Goji berry juice helps in strengthening the heart and also helps in alleviating heart palpitations. Besides this, it also helps in fighting against insomnia and forgetfulness. Polysaccharides that from main constituent of Goji berries helps to control pituitary glands that are mainly responsible for producing HGH or human growth hormone that is seen as a powerful anti-aging hormone. Since many years, Goji berry juice has been in use by the pregnant women as it alleviates morning sickness. From the research and clinical trial, it has been proven that it can be used in the partial reversal of various kinds of sexual dysfunctions prevailing in seniors.

This juice is very helpful in boosting proper functioning of the immune system. It also has anti-cancer properties that make it perfect to be used for the treatment of cancer. Apart from its use for body weight loss, it also helps in treatment of hepatitis-B. It is believed that due to its rich nutrition content it can make metabolism strong, can create a significant difference on the life period. From many researches that have been carried out it has been concluded that Goji berry juice can significantly influence growth rate and can contribute towards long and healthy life. - 17269

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Your Fat Burning Foods On The Bridge To Being Healthy

By Thaya Kareeson

Going down the road to eating healthier is a great choice and you might be looking for the best choices for fat burning foods. You can eat well and not feel deprived while you are learning to make good choices and learn to burn fat.

Hitting the fruit section first, apples are a great fat burner and are chalked full of vitamin C as an added bonus. They also have a lot of fiber and are water based so they make you feel full. They have many benefits in addition to them fighting fat.

Also in the fruit section are berries. They are great on their own or in a shake. You can use them as toppings as well for sweetening other foods. Berries are also full of fiber and keep you regular. There are a variety of berries to mix it up and not get tired of just one kind. You can find them at fruit markets as well fresh from the vine.

Almonds are also a great way to burn fat. You can have raw almonds that have protein, fiber and vitamin E. They also have magnesium and will give you energy. Munching on them throughout the day is really good for you. They can be slivered and put in salads and added with fruit and yogurt as well.

Eggs are a natural way to burn fat and full of protein to fight fat and fill you up all at the same time. They will give you energy from morning until your next meal. But they can be eaten any time of the day. Egg whites are full of protein and the cholesterol in eggs in low if you are eating healthy. Some do not like eggs because of the cholesterol but if your diet is natural you should be fine.

Adding soy in your diet is also a good source for burning fat. Soy also has a lot of antioxidants in them which burn fat. You can add it to coffee or another drink such as a smoothie. If you do not eat eggs add more soy to your diet as a replacement.

Yogurt is always a good staple for adding to a healthy diet and also a good fat burner. It is especially good, like eggs, for burning belly fat. Three servings a day will get you on the road to a healthy fat burning diet. The bacteria in the yogurt will flush your system of toxins and other chemicals as well.

Greens are another great source of burning fat. They are in the vegetable section and anything leafy will work. Cabbage is especially good at burning fat and can be added to many types of meals. Cabbage soup is also a great meal. Salads are great and fill you up well.

You can eat healthier and live happier when you are eating foods that make you feel good. Fat burning foods are including in this and you can eat well knowing you are making good choices. Having a great eating style is a great way to live. - 17269

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The Secret To A Healthy Diet - The Truth Unleashed

By Jose Andres

You know you need to eat a well balanced, healthy diet if you want to lose weight, combat disease, and improve your overall health. What you may not know is exactly what eating healthy means. Thanks to so much conflicting information and the booming diet industry, you are not alone. Millions of people are uncertain what "healthy" even is anymore.

The truth is luckily much simpler than most fad diet plans. While certain types of organic foods may be better for your health, you don't have to blow hundreds of dollars on the groceries every week just to be healthy. Similarly, you don't have to spend $20 on a book every month or pay for frozen meals to be delivered to your home. You can be healthy on your own!

Eating for health doesn't even mean you give up everything that tastes good or has calories and fat. You don't have to deprive yourself! Healthy eating simply requires you to eat the foods that will give your body the most nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that it needs to function.

Let's talk in specifics here. It's time to debunk the "diet" food industry and get real! What should you really be eating?

Let's start with carbohydrates. You don't need to eliminate them from your diet, but you do need to choose them wisely. There is absolutely no nutritional value in chips, soda, and cake rolls. Sugary sweets and white refined grains are going to do nothing but make you obese and sick.

Your carbs should come from whole grain pasta, rice, breads, and cereals. Lots of vegetables and fruits are essential as well, and all are extremely low calorie, fat or nearly fat free foods that will make you healthier than ever.

Then mix in lean protein (such as chicken, white meat turkey) and healthy fats (extra virgin olive oil, etc.) and you are on your way to a healthier body, clearer mind, and more youthful, vibrant life. Yes, a healthy diet can be that simple! - 17269

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