Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Importance of Diet for Great Abs

By Jeulus Humfeier

Everybody quests to have a solid pack of abs because it is a symbol of power, nutritious way of living and a model for others. A large number of people demands to have the same but it needs a lot of hard work and self-control. To achieve certain goals, you are required to serve nutritious foods and perform exercises for many hours at the bodybuilding clubs.

A number of people believe that the quickest ways to getting impressive abs are to perform physical exercises such as: sit-ups, extensive running and a core blast every day. It is obvious that blazing fat along with the tapering of muscles is beneficial for abdominal, but it doesn't mean that it will accomplish all your goals. With respect to having great abs, it is necessary to have nutritious foods.

To make you abs more prominent, a nutrition-enriched diet is highly desirable. Start with getting rid of as much fats as possible. Fats are a major obstacle in carving out attractive abs. The food items with high calorie should be stopped immediately or bring its intake to a bare minimum. Also, always avoid eating just before going to bed.

Adding certain food items in your diet plan can give you excellent results. Lima and beans of all kinds can add up to protein count in your body. Protein is an important constituent in muscle building and abs enhancing process. Avoid fried items intake as they can ruin your efforts of attaining great abs.

A Large variety of protein-enriched food items are available. Tuna fish is remarkably low in fats and contains a very high level of proteins. Moreover, diets like eggs, chicken and peanuts are excellent for protein intake. The time you considerably cut down fats intake and add proteins, this is when you are on the right track of acquiring great abs.

Slashing of starch and diabetic stuff will reduce carbohydrates. Commonly found in pasta, bread and cereals, carbohydrates is a kind of energy desired by the body, but we should not take it more than our need. The concept is to intake required amounts that can help us work properly rather than storing it. It will help you slash your waist line so you should try this way.

Another approach is to decline your bread and pasta intake levels to half. It may be difficult but many substitutes of high pasta ingestion are there. Vegetables can be considered in this way. Switching to pasta or spinach as an alternative to high carbohydrate foods will pack your muscles. Also, change salad vinaigrette to delicate or fat-free stuff.

As mentioned earlier, a lot of sacrifices are expected from the person looking to develop an attractive body. Diet plays a very important role in developing your abs and producing muscle-cutting all over. Healthy food intake will also be a plus in your gym exercise sessions and will force you to exert more. Great abs is all about having a balanced combination between your diet and workout. - 17269

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Exercise For Abs You Can Do

By Chris Frost

Exercise for abs, how you can get that flat stomach and the look that you've wanted for years possibly. It's a look that many people will hope to reach at least one time in their life, and possibly keep during older age even. But if you really want to get that flat abdomen, you're going to need more than those old crunches you use to do.

First part of the process is to get rid of the body fat that is covering up those abdominal muscles in the first place. You will need to change how you eat for your exercise for abs program to work out. Plus many of the exercises that you can do are going to only focus on one part of those muscles. But with core strengthening you can work all the muscles at one time.

Look into purchasing an exercise ball that you can use along with these ideas too. It will help you in many ways including the building up of more muscles than you would normally get. Plus with the exercise ball you'll be able to balance yourself a lot better when you do crunches and insure that you're hitting those muscles you want to work out.

As with most exercise programs you will need to change how you eat. It's one of the main things about getting in shape, and something that many people try to avoid as much as possible. But you really need to cut out the body fat by eating a balanced meal each day. Try eating smaller meals throughout the day, instead of a few bigger ones.

You also have other things that will help melt off the body fat that you need to do each day. Eat breakfast, it's a must; add in calcium to your diet, and high fiber foods too. Water intake needs to be increased when you cut down how much you eat too. If not your body may slow metabolism down too much.

Use core stability exercises so that you can get more torso strength, stability, and balance. Core muscles include the abdomen, hips, and lower back. Add in some aerobic exercise to help burn that body fat away. It will help those muscles in your stomach to be uncovered and really show the success you've done in your program.

When you combine all the aspects of getting an exercise for abs program set up correctly you will see results. You won't need to hurt yourself to get the results you want, only change a few things. Really work on those core strengthening programs and aerobics as well. But don't leave out the nutrition part or you may be doing all the rest of it for fewer results to be noticed.

In closing, if you have the right incentive and really want to accomplish a flat stomach, you can do this. At first the change of diet may seem a bit hard, but your stomach will shrink and get use to eating less at each sitting. Adding in the aerobics and core stability training will finish off your steps nicely. Don't give up if you don't see success quickly, it may take time to rid your body of all the fat you've accumulated. - 17269

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Which is the best choice for the hCG Diet, oral hCG Drops or Injectables?

By Diego Bellusci

Once you have decided that you want to start the hCG Diet, the next important step is to decide if you want to take the Oral hCG Drops or the Injectable hCG method.

The HCG diet protocol, developed by Dr. Simeons over 35 years, is the same for injectable or oral HCG. But one thing has changed. Thanks to advances in technology you can chose between injections of the hormone or you can buy oral HCG drops. Oral HCG is also known as homeopathic HCG. It is not pure HCG, but it is just as effective at weight loss a pure HCG is. No longer does one have to inject a needle into their stomach or butt (ouch!) to take the HCG. Oral HCG is simply taken with a dropper under the tongue; no needles are needed!

You may be wondering if homeopathic HCG is as effective as injectable HCG. The general principle of homeopathy states that a small, highly concentrated dose of certain vitamins, minerals, or hormones can be as effective as regular, intramuscular injections. In practice, most clients report that those taking oral HCG have as much or more energy and feel fuller than those taking the injectable form. These reports have shown the same, if not greater, weight loss by those taking homeopathic HCG Drops.

Oral HCG drops can be ordered online without a prescription (no doctors visit required) and it can be easily shipped to your home across the country because it has alcohol in it, which helps to keep it preserved when shipping. The small amount of alcohol in the oral HCG drops does nothing to adversely affect the diet.

Do your research! Before you purchase HCG, you always want to make sure that you know everything possible about the HCG diet. If you are going to use HCG to help you lose weight, it is important that you follow the HCG diet protocol properly. In this way, you will have the greatest chance of success on the weight loss program while also helping to keep yourself safe and your body healthy.

The HCG diet is not for everybody; if you are not truly dedicated to losing weight and actually getting healthy, then you may want to consider a different weight loss avenue.

Now that you understand the benefits of oral HCG over injectable, there is no need to wait for a sale for of some of the expensive injectable HCG. You may see results just as quickly, at a much lower cost, than with injectable HCG. So don't delay your weight loss plans another minute, give it a try today! - 17269

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Live Long, Stick To A Colon Cleanse Diet

By Jared Rite

Next to cancer of the lungs, colon cancer is responsible for majority of the cancer deaths in the United States and it is easy to understand why. Over the years, food technology made rapid advancements that undoubtedly boosted how the food man eats tastes, but not all these are exactly good for man's health. In fact, more often then not, man's diet today consists of harmful substances that attacks the body and affects the system negatively. These negative effects could give rise to many different diseases.

Much of the food that can be bought today that serve as examples to mentioned terrible food are white flour, refined sugar, white rice and pasta, meat with hormones, antibiotics and preservatives, high-fructose corn syrup and other common food that are weakening the body slowly but surely. Many people do not even have an idea that these ordinary classes of food that many thinks they cannot do without has this bad effects. Toxins are formed by these foods and should be immediately removed from the digestive system by cleaning the colon and thereafter the bowel movement.

A person who regularly makes bowel movements is actually healthy. It is good to make at least one bowel movement a day. If you are not achieving this, then you are well on your way to a disease. At the present, one of the most common problems associated with bowel movement experienced by many is constipation. This takes place when the fecal matter's stay in the bowel system is prolonged, resulting in their fermentation. When this happens, they are reabsorbed by the system and they decay. This gives refuge to a would-be breeding ground for dangerous, even deadly diseases such as colon cancer.

To prevent this from happening to you, it is best to detoxify through a colon cleanse diet. Detoxification is a process wherein toxins are either taken out from your body, neutralized or transformed and thereafter clear the excess congestion and mucus. A colon cleanse diet as well as a healthy lifestyle can make this possible.

Colon cleanse diet is basically the avoidance of chemicals in your food, the avoidance of refined food, caffeine, alcohol, sugar and such drugs that contain toxin. Stopping the use of tobacco will also greatly help. It would be ideal to include probiotics in your colon cleanse diet to enable to replenish the intestinal flora. Basically, what your colon cleanse diet should consist of are vegetables and fruits. Lessen your intake of processed and cooked food to help keep off toxin and mucoid plaque from forming in your digestive system.

For those digestive systems however that already built up toxins and plaques, you can still free your system from these undesirables. The rule to follow should be a slow but regular elimination so that toxins will stop from building up and food intake will be properly digested and used by the body. This will allow your nutrition to be optimized to its fullest use that will allow for your body's vitality and rejuvenation. The process may take years, even decades. The important thing is you start it now before it becomes too late. - 17269

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Getting Rid of Man Boobs and Replacing Them With Muscles

By Ricardo d Argence

You will find that chest exercises are one of the most frequent exercises performed down the gym and are very important if you are trying to get rid of your man boobs.

Your chest is made up of two muscles, one on top of the other, that rest over your ribs. The smaller muscle that lies closer to the ribs is called the pectoralis minor while the larger muscle that lies on top of this small muscle is called the pecotralis major. This is the primary muscle that gives your chest definition and size.

Your pectoral muscles are one of the major large muscle groups in your body and a developed chest is often seen as a sign of masculinity. A strong chest not only looks good, but it lends to overall upper body strength, important in many different sports.

Many chest workouts not only focus on the chest wall but also work the triceps muscles at the back of the arms as well as the shoulder muscles. Therefore, doing a chest workout will develop the overall shape and size of the upper body.

But don't forget to stretch and do proper warm up exercises before you start working out. A useful aerobic exercise for the upper body is an indoor rowing machine. Not only will this help stretch the upper chest muscle groups, but it encourages blood flow to the muscles themselves, helping prepare them for the upcoming workout.

A simple yet effective chest exercise is the chest push-up. This does not require any special equipment or weights and can quite easily be done at home in the bedroom. You should lie flat, face down on the floor with your arms around shoulder width apart. Then push yourself upwards with your arms making sure to you keep your legs and back straight. When you reach the top of the push up, only your hands and toes should, ideally, be in contact with the floor.

At first, for some people, this exercise might be a little difficult and so you can keep your knees in contact with the floor rather than the knees. One of the important aspects of this exercise is to lower yourself down slowly so that you continue to exercise those important muscle groups. As you improve, one way to ,make this exercise more difficult is to move your hands slightly wider than shoulder width.

One of my favorite chest exercises is the bench press, which you will see many people perform down the gym. It is important you have a training partner to help you with this exercise for safety reasons. Lying flat on your back on a bench hold the barbell out at arms length. Then, slowly lower it until it just touches the chest and then proceed, again slowly, to lift it back up to the arms outstretched position.

Don't try to jerk the bar, or bounce the weight off of your chest since this can cause an injury. A simple routine of three sets of eight reps done twice a week will soon show results as it develops your chest muscles.

Whether you are looking to build up your chest muscles or getting rid of man boobs, these are two exercises that will help. - 17269

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Why You Are Not Able To Reduce Weight

By Joen Devenport

Are you attempting to drop off fat by taking some miracle diet pill or following some weight loss program that is suppose to work for everyone irrespective of their physical circumstances For years we have trained our mind and body to develop offensive eating habits and lifestyles which have resulted in our being overweight.

It is time that you stop trying to simply drop off fat but instead change those things that caused you to turn plump in the first place. How Manytimes have you started a fat loss or diet plan just to end up losing those nutrients necessary for a healthy life, or giving up on the program, or even gaining all your fat back if not more? Don't worry. You are not alone.

Most of us know the fat loss or diet industry lends in billions of dollars by telling us...take this pill...don't consume this or that drink this shake...consume this meal...exercise this means...follow this program etc. You are blasted with... before and after pictures... but when you look at yourself in the mirror what have you really done?

Lost water weight through sweat and dehydration just to gain it back Starved yourself without a plan to change your eating habits Divested yourself of the essential nutrition for good health Taken pills with well-known side effects Consumed beverages with synthetic chemicals and too manycalories

Well you shouldn't be thinking about losing fat, you should be thinking about things which cause you to burn calories or burn fat. You need to understand metabolism and how to increase yours.

You should know the foods which cause your metabolism to speed up. You need to alter your eating habits You need to be more active. You basically need to burn more calories than you consume.

Since everything we do begins with how we think, it's obvious which we must alter the means we think when it comes to losing weight. We should first understand in order to get the body we desire we must take certain steps and that weight loss is the direct result of consuming those steps. Success comes when you know without doubt what you should be doing and then doing it. - 17269

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How You May Lose Fat Quickly and Safely

By Joen Devenport

You may keep buying into those deceptive fat loss ads, formulas, and exercising gadgets if you like, but don't be broken when your weight loss is dilatory, to not happening, and the retrieve of the fat is fast. I've seen people on this fat loss plan National Body Challenge on the Discover Health channel, contending to get fitter and drop off fat, but it is truly sad when 6 months later the progression is really not "all that expected ."

As good intentions as that plan may have, don't be fooled into believing you've got to "beat" yourself up to effectively and properly lose weight, and which it is suppose to take you a chronic and tough time to watch good impactful outcomes.

I myself was dismayed to check that there was a weight loss secret that was not being readily talked about in the mass media which has true typical good final results of its users losing roughly 45 pounds in the first 30 days. which's rightfully losing fat quickly, in my opinion.

In general these mega companies of the fat loss industries are swearing (literally) on you not truly losing fat apace and permanently. These companies make a living on people yo-yoing with their fat. If you drop off it rapidly and for good they would go insolvent. which's why the weight loss industry is not interested in revealing you to the secret of how to truly drop off weight rapidly and keep it off.

You deserve to be sound and not obese by any amount of pounds, but you can't get there if you let yourself to be fooled and misguide about what is making you fat and keeping you from rapidly losing weight and keeping it off.

Reminds me of the lady I saw on Oprah the other day which lost a lot of fat one year and became a competitive body builder, just to regain it shortly, and is now embarrassed to go to the gym. The typical fat loss cures are simply not effective, nor long lasting without you 'sticking' yourself up to stay slim and healthy. - 17269

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Bodybuilding Tips To Design Your Own Workout Routine

By Ricardo d Argence

If you want to begin a bodybuilding exercise program, you are going to want to confirm that it's actually going to work for you. Remember that everyone is a little different, which means if you're slim them the regular exercises probably will not work in your favor.

If your goal is to put on some weight, then the things that you will need to do are sitting and standing properly, keeping your shoulders square, and being generally more flexible. You will also need to stabilize your core, and of course do some body conditioning.

When you focus on posture and balance, you help align both your posture and your body in general. Before you begin your bodybuilding exercise program, you'll need to have proper posture. Because most professional bodybuilders have good posture, their programs may not concentrate on this particular feature. However, if your posture is good, you can look more fit simply because of the way you hold yourself.

When you are engaging in a bodybuilding exercise program, you also need to make sure that your shoulders are stable. If they're not, you could injure yourself. If you injure your shoulders, you could find yourself in pain because you did things wrong. This is something you don't want, of course, and assuming the proper techniques will assure that you don't have this problem.

The stability of your core is yet another thing that that you will need to work on. If you have any bodybuilding exercises, make sure that this sort of information is included within them. If you do not have core stability, you could hurt your back quite badly. There are many bodybuilding exercise programs that don't include this information simply because most bodybuilders already have core stability. If you do not have this, then you'll need to learn to get it.

So long as you utilize a decent bodybuilding exercise program, you will discover that you are becoming much more flexible. Another thing that you will need to do is ensure that your body is not stiff before you begin the workout process. The best way to do this is by performing a few exercises before you start.

You will probably find that certain parts of your body are much more flexible than other parts, which might seem a bit strange to you, but rest assured it is actually quite normal. It's something that needs to be corrected quickly. After all, if you have body parts that are in different conditions, some parts will work harder than others, which isn't good at all.

Along with building up your body, you will want to make sure that you do some conditioning for your entire body. This type of conditioning is going to require that you do some cardiovascular exercise as well. While that won't help you to get bulked up, it will make sure that your heart and lungs are in good condition. After all, that's a given for when you want the best health and the most gain from your exercise. You will also find that the training helps you stay safe while you're exercising.

There are a number of things that you will need to make yourself aware of if you really want to do this. A good program will cover a number of things from core stability, to posture, all the way to keeping your shoulders stabilized. This will improve your conditioning during the cardiovascular exercises.

It'll be incredibly easy to gain your muscle mass as long as you do everything right. This means learning and picking the right routine. So long as you pick the right routine, you'll never want to try another. - 17269

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Getting Rid Of Cellulite: Tips For The Inexpensive Way

By Alex D Clayton

Many people have had cellulite for as long as they can remember thanks to it being passed through their genes. It is not an attractive feature and there's a great interest in getting rid of cellulite the inexpensive way. To save money over fancy treatments, you can simply make changes in your diet and exercise to see that cellulite slip away.

When you realize that cellulite is in fact just pockets of fat under your skin, you'll realize that the changes you need to make in terms of your diet are simple - just eat a lot less fat. The Mediterranean diet is good for achieving this goal, as, while on it, you'll be eating mostly fish and steamed vegetables. But there are other options that work in this way as well.

You can eat a variety of foods, but you should lean towards things like chicken and other low fat meats. The more water you drink, the more your body will be able to get rid of its own cellulite. On the other hand, you won't be doing yourself any favors if you continue to eat processed and manufactured foods. These should be cut from your diet right away.

Many people think they will have to become part of a health club to do the exercise they need. Yet running is enough to give you a good cardiovascular workout against your cellulite. On the other hand, in the event that you can afford to join a gym, you should. You can swim, use equipment and meet many other people with the same weight loss results in mind.

One thing many gyms offer is a spinning class. The name might make it sound like a strange activity, but really it just involves riding stationary bikes with a group of other people. You'll typically have music to keep you going and sometimes even another form of entertainment. This workout is one of the best options for smoothing away cellulite.

As you start to get into a regular exercise pattern, you should start adding in strength training as a way to build your muscles. These keep working after you stop exercising and will keep working away at that cellulite. When working out in the gym, make sure to use low-impact exercise equipment so the intensity of your session remains manageable, keeping everything within your comfort zone.

If you're on a tight budget, you might not like the idea of having to pay a trainer, but it's always advisable especially during the first few times you go to a gym. Without knowing the equipment, you could use it badly and face injury, so your trainer will show you what you need to do. He will also have lots of recommendations that will get you on your way rather than if you worked on your own.

If you've been struggling with cellulite, you might wonder whether such simple and affordable solutions will really do the job. Not only will you feel better as a part of your new healthy lifestyle, you'll see that it really does give you the results you want. If you're tired of feeling bad about the way you look, it's time to do something about it and get that perfect figure. - 17269

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Dieting by Weight Loss Surgical Procedure

By Carl Keller

People who are what's thought of morbidly obese have few options when it comes to losing weight when time is of the essence. Many have bounced from one diet to the next for the vast majority of their lives only to find failure once failure and a growing sense of hopelessness and helplessness.

One common misconception when it involves the morbidly obese is that they did it to themselves and if they didn't need to be overweight they wouldn't be. While this can be nice in theory it's not continuously true in practice. There are particular medical conditions which will lead to an individual being unable to manage the weigh they gain. There also are environmental issues which will affect the burden of a person as well. It's ironic that in many cases alcoholics and drug addicts are treated and viewed with larger compassion than somebody who is obese.

The surgery itself is major surgery and not an choice that should be taken lightly and while not a great deal of thought. Most folks realize that weight loss surgery involves a significant amendment in lifestyle before and when also a wholly new method of eating that's a lifelong commitment. As a result of of the life altering changes that result from this surgery it's recommended that those receiving the surgery have a BMI that is bigger than 40. This means that it is suggested for men who are greater than one hundred pounds overweight and girls who overweight by eighty or a lot of pounds.

You ought to rigorously weigh the advantages and therefore the risks of a surgery like this before deciding that this is the course of action you would like to take. The risks are nice with this surgery and ought to not be overlooked in desperation to shed the load you have wanted to shed for thus long. Nutritional deficiencies occur in almost 20% of those who have received this kind of surgery as the results of insufficient nutrients. This will cause osteoporosis and alternative conditions as you age. Complications will result from the surgery itself. You'll have lifelong problems when consuming an excessive amount of or the incorrect types of foods, and there are some who achieve their goals solely to search out that the burden comes back in time. As with anything in life there are no guarantees when it involves weight loss surgery.

In order to see whether or not or not this surgery will be helpful to you, you may want to ask yourself the subsequent questions.

Is my weight considerably hampering day-to-day activities? Is my weight inflicting different secondary conditions that will be harmful to my health? Is my weight one thing I honestly feel I can take control of on my very own? Will I commit to the lifelong consequences and follow up that can be required?

The matter with most folks who notice the need to resort to weight loss surgery is that they can not take management of their bodies back. The odds of a sensible candidate for weight loss surgery losing the burden of his or her own design are very slim as he or she has presumably tried and failed every diet within the books.

Solely you'll determine whether or not weight loss surgery is a viable possibility for your weight loss needs. If you decide that this is something you are interested in learning more concerning, be certain to discuss the attainable consequences thoroughly along with your physician. - 17269

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Bingo Wings-How To Get Rid Of Them With Less Insulin

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

You cannot reduce your bingo wings unless you lower your insulin. This hormone is really that powerful. After all, it controls how much fat your body can burn.

Unfortunately, you could literally spend the majority of your day exercising, but if your levels of insulin are chronically elevated, the bingo wings will never go away. I wish there was a way to circumvent this, but there is not.

Thus, here are 5 tips for reducing bingo wings by lowering insulin:

1. Stick with legumes and beans. Many health experts recommend whole grains as a healthy source of carbohydrates. The problem here is that whole grains digest very quickly, even the ones with lots of fiber. And fast digestion equals more insulin.

2. Use balance. If you want the lowest levels of insulin possible and the fastest reduction in bingo wings, you need all macronutrients in your diet. Leave one out and you will slow down progress. Make sure you have protein, carbohydrates, fats and vegetables in as many meals as possible.

3. Deal with dopamine. If you have become accustomed to a high intake of carbohydrates, your levels of dopamine may be a little skewed. After all, research has shown that high sugar intakes have similar effects like drugs on the dopamine system. Preempt this issue and you will be way ahead of the game.

4. Be careful with alcohol. One drink is fine, but anything more and you are heading down a slippery slope. The problem with alcohol is that it increases storage of abdominal fat. The type of fat that increases levels of insulin, thus decreasing your chances of getting rid of bingo wings.

5. Do not let emotions dictate your eating patterns. This is a tough one because now we enter the realm of psychology. I suggest dealing with the negative areas on your own. If you cannot manage, please seek professional help. You deserve it.

Mastering insulin is the ONLY way to get rid of those bingo wings once and for all. If you cannot control insulin, those bingo wings will never go away, ever. So take control of the hormone and get those sexy arms you so desperately deserve! - 17269

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Watch Out for the Acai Berry Fraud

By Caitlin Ryan

Acai berries are truly one of nature's miracle foods. They are loaded in antioxidants, B vitamins and essential amino acids. They contain phytochemicals such as anthocyanins, which protect the plant from infection and free radical damage. When we consume the acai berries, the protective properties of the phytochemicals are transferred to us.

Because of all of those nutrients, acai berries are beneficial in preventing disease and slowing the signs of aging. They can also benefit weight loss efforts when proper diet and exercise are also used. They have antioxidant properties and anti-inflammatory capabilities.

Free radicals and inflammation are behind many disease processes and aging. The antioxidants in acai berries can neutralize free radicals and repair damage. The anti-inflammatory characteristics reduce inflammation and help prevent inflammatory diseases such as atherosclerosis. Because of these properties, acai berries show promise in aiding in weight loss.

Unfortunately, you cannot head to the local supermarket and purchase whole acai berries in the produce department. These gorgeous purple berries are grown in the Amazon, and the only products available at the grocery store are juices and frozen mixes meant for drinks or sauces. Be sure to check the label to see how much of the product is acai berries and how much is sugar or corn syrup. You might be able to find a powder form as well.

On the supplement end, however, there are oodles of products. You might find acai berry supplements in liquid extract form, powders or pills. Though these might be great products, the bad news is there are quite a few acai berry frauds as well. When something becomes as popular as acai berries in the health supplement arena, there are bound to be some rotten eggs in the dozen.

One of the more popular frauds is a "free trial" offer fraud. Not all free trials are fraudulent, but many customers have reported companies who offer these free trials and then sign the person up for an auto-shipment of more acai berry supplement. Some of these companies charge more than $50 for a bottle of acai berry supplements, and the charge ends up as a surprise. It is also quite difficult to get out of some of these acai berry frauds because when the person calls the company to cancel and seek reimbursement, the operators put them on hold for 20 minutes or more and continually transfer them from one department to another.

Another common acai berry fraud is the "weight loss" magic bullet approach. Most of us would like to find a pill to promote weight loss and a fit, trim body, but without the work of following a weight loss plan and exercising, you will not find any miracles in acai berry supplements alone. They can aid in weight loss, but they do not act alone.

Ultimately, you need to research the company a bit. Look for certifications of good business practice such as seals offered by the Better Business Bureau. You should consider making a phone call. If you get put on hold right away, this is likely another acai berry fraud! If someone wanted to buy something from you, would you put that person on hold? - 17269

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