Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Acid Reflux (Heartburn) - Important Facts

By Nick Barlow

Acid Reflux and Heartburn are actually the same thing, a fact that many sufferers aren't aware of. When you see a commercial or hear an advertisement referring to Acid Reflux, don't be confused - many doctors and medical professionals will refer to it this way as well.

The term acid reflux is used more frequently by medical professionals when discussing this common problem. Many people suffer from acid reflux from time to time, but others suffer constantly from this condition. Those people who suffer from acid reflux more often should definitely bring this to the attention of their physician.

Sometimes people will become alerted or panic when they feel acute symptoms that can fool you into believing you are having a heart attack. Acid reflux is a burning sensation or a pressure (that can be painful) in chest, often very close to the heart

The pain can be very intense for some people until they find some relief. This condition is caused by acid coming from the stomach into the esophagus. The acid from the stomach enters the lower end of the esophagus. The stomach is designed to cope with the acid, but the esophagus is not designed to cope with the acid.

Acid Reflux Can Be Solved

Numbers of individuals suffer the effects of acid reflux periodically, and these individuals can easily find some medications at the local drugstore to cut down the suffering from the condition. Those people who endure often from this condition could have a serious problem that should be treated by expert medical professionals.

These people will probably be advised to undergo some medical testing to determine the exact nature of the problem. There are specialized tests that can clearly indicate the problem for many people.

Once the doctor has complete information on the state of the esophagus and stomach, the doctor can prescribe treatment to avoid the distressing effects of this condition.

Some people have achieved positive results by making changes to their diet. Eating fewer spicy foods or creamy, rich foods (or eliminating them completely) have been reported to improve symptoms

For some, this is all they have to do to take care of their acid reflux. However, other sufferers will need drugs or medications to keep acids from the stomach from damaging their esophagus further. Additional changes to your sleeping habits may also help relieve damage caused by acids escaping the stomach. The head of the bed should be raised a bit so that acids have a harder time escaping the stomach into the esophagus.

If none of these home remedies eliminates the symptoms of acid reflux, a person should consult their physician and discuss the possibility of surgery. - 17269

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Acid Reflux - Some Call It Heartburn

By Nick Barlow

Acid Reflux and Heartburn are actually the same thing, a fact that many sufferers aren't aware of. When you see a commercial or hear an advertisement referring to Acid Reflux, don't be confused - many doctors and medical professionals will refer to it this way as well.

While people who only have heartburn problems from time to time may not have a serious condition, those who have frequent or recurring symptoms should be aware that they may have a much more serious condition. If you are constantly searching for ways to seek relief from this discomfort, you should make an appointment with your doctor and let them know what's going on.

Sometimes people panic when they suffer from acid reflux because they fear that they are having a heart attack. Acid reflux is a burning sensation or a painful feeling in the center of the chest in the vicinity of the heart.

The pain can be very intense for some people until they find some relief. This condition is caused by acid coming from the stomach into the esophagus. The acid from the stomach enters the lower end of the esophagus. The stomach is designed to cope with the acid, but the esophagus is not designed to cope with the acid.

Acid Reflux Can Be Treated

Some people suffer the effects of acid reflux only from time to time, and these people can easily find some medications at the local pharmacy to cut down the suffering from the problem. Those people who feel pain often from this problem could have a urgent problem that should be treated by expert medical professionals.

These people will probably be advised to take some medical testing to determine the extent of the problem. There are specialized tests that can clearly indicate the problem for most sufferers.

Once the doctor has complete information on the state of the esophagus and stomach, the doctor can prescribe treatment to avoid the distressing effects of this condition.

A change in diet is often enough for some people to combat these symptoms. Eliminating spicy foods or creamy, rich foods can reduce or eliminate the symptoms.

For some, this is all they have to do to take care of their acid reflux. However, other sufferers will need drugs or medications to keep acids from the stomach from damaging their esophagus further. Additional changes to your sleeping habits may also help relieve damage caused by acids escaping the stomach. The head of the bed should be raised a bit so that acids have a harder time escaping the stomach into the esophagus.

If lifestyle, diet, and sleeping conditions do not improve the symptoms, you my have a more serious form of Acid Reflux that could require surgery to cure. - 17269

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Best Gym Workouts for Abdominal Muscles

By Jose R. Farino

Looking for some good gym workouts for your abs? There are so many different approaches to take, and gimmicks out there, it can be hard to determine the best gym workouts for your abdominal muscles.

Focus on all the abdominal muscles evenly. If not you run the risk of over toning one set and looking uneven. Remember, you have upper abs, lower abs, and side abdominal muscles, also known as obliques. Sit Ups, Crunches, and Side Crunches will help you make sure you are paying attention to all of these abdominal muscles.

Captain's Chair is one of the most effective ab gym workouts. Start with legs dangling and slowly lift your knees in toward your chest. The motion should be controlled and deliberate as you bring your knees up and return them back to the starting position.

The Plank is a good exercise for the oblique muscles, or the side abdominals. The plank should be done with a straight torso, straight forearms, and toes on the floor lift up while keeping the body straight. The head should be looking at the floor, and you should work toward holding this position for 10 or more seconds at a time. You can add more to this with arm and leg lifts as you feel comfortable.

Bicycle Crunches are some of the most effective for working toward a six pack. To do a bicycle crunch you will need to: Lie face up on the floor and lace your fingers behind your head. Bring the knees in towards the chest and lift the shoulder blades off the ground and do not pull on the neck. Straighten the left leg out while simultaneously turning the upper body to the right, bringing the left elbow towards the right knee. Switch sides, bringing the right elbow towards the left knee. Continue alternating sides in a 'pedaling' motion for 12-16 reps.

Vertical Leg Crunches will help strengthen the lower abs, and help women get rid of the pooch associated with pregnancy. Lift the legs straight into the air while lifting the head and shoulders off the ground toward the torso.

Ab Crunches with an Exercise Ball are done the same way as a traditional ab crunch. If done while sitting on the exercise ball, it will give these ab crunches an extra boost.

With these tips and tricks, anyone who enjoys going to the gym or is determined to flatten that tummy will surely see flatter abs from gym workouts soon. Remember though, as important as it is to focus on gym workouts and fitness, it is just as important to focus on healthy eating. If you're not burning fat while building those muscles, you will not be able to see them. - 17269

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Statins and Brain Power

By Dr. Bill

It seems you can't turn a single page in a newspaper or magazine without seeing Crestor, Lipitor, and other statins. What you might not have seen is an interesting report out of Iowa State University about statins and your brain.

The medical community is caught in a major controversy about their effectiveness, and what their side effects are.

The side effects of statins range from muscle pain, to eye problems, to heart arrhythmias, to liver disorders. A friend of mine stopped taking statins a couple of months ago because he woke every morning with terrible shoulder pain. He stopped taking Lipitor, and within days his shoulders had improved 80%.

And in the study I just read by Yeon-Kyun Shin, a biophysics professor in the department of biochemistry, biophysics and molecular biology at Iowa State University, he states that statins, by reducing cholesterol, could be diminishing memory and thinking power.

In other words, statins not only block the liver from forming cholesterol, but they might also prevent the brain from forming it as well.

Dr. Shin says there is a direct link between cholesterol and neurotransmitters in the brain. The translation is simple. No, or lower cholesterol, could mean impaired brain function.

Some statin drugs block cholesterol in the liver, so it's not such a stretch that they might also do so in the brain.

Whether you're taking a statin or not, you do need to get enough essential omega 3 fatty acids. Especially DHA, which comprises about thirty percent of the entire weight of your brain.

Statins can be useful for treating cholesterol, but I believe they are over-prescribed. Heart problems are more than just cholesterol. And if you're experiencing any of the side effects statins come with, tell your physician. And tell him you want off the drug.

There are many alternatives to statins, such as enteric coated pharmaceutical grade fish oil that feeds your brain, heart and joints exactly what they need, every day. - 17269

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The Wonderful Nutritional Value and Benefits of Papaya

By Fredrick Baxter

Often we will eat our food without knowing what its good for, or what the benefits of it are. Just by taking a short time to learn about all the benefits of what you are eating you can eat according to what you think your body needs at the time.

You are what you eat, and if you dont know what you are eating and the effects it may have on you, you are missing out! You could be eating something that is making your health worse, or even hindering your mental performance.

Natural foods have nutritional and often medicinal value. The trick is to know what they are. By knowing what helps with what, the next time you have a cold, you may reach for the cayenne pepper and cook yourself up something spicy instead of gorging on a bowl of vanilla ice cream (which would do you absolutely no good).

What are the benefits of papaya by the way? The papaya is very nutrient rich, and contains vitamins A, C, E, as well as potassium, folate, fiber, calcium, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, lutein, lycopene, zeaxathin and digestive enzymes.

Aside from the tremendous nutritional value of the papaya, it also does wonders for digestion. It is great for improving digestive health and can help with indigestion, acid reflux, constipation, and gastrointestinal distress.

On top of getting your digestive system back on track it also helps flush out the lymph system, fight infections, and its good for your heart.

Papaya is good for you, and it's even low in calories. Don't bother eating a candy bar and give your body a real treat by eating a papaya. Your body will thank you!

In summary, papaya contains lots of vitamins and nutrients; it is excellent for digestion, the lymph system, infections, and the heart. Add papaya to your next grocery list, and your body will happy with you! - 17269

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Truth About Body Building Muscle Supplements Exposed

By Allen Brian

It is important to pick the good and right supplement for building muscle. Since there is so many brands of supplement that you can choose from for improving your workout. It is not easy to choose the right for building your muscle. The meaning of "right" or "best" is the supplements that could give us the best building muscle results.

In order to building muscle, the most helpful and effective muscle building supplement that experts suggest is protein. Protein helps bring all the necessary muscle building enzymes to where they need to be. To have more muscle building exercises, you need protein to enhance your energy level.

When choosing supplement for your working out program, whey protein is the best protein supplement you should try. Having good results in muscle building is not difficult, intake the right doses and right amounts of whey protein are one way.

Creatine supplement is another one good for body building. Creatine can help you fight tiredness and let you have better working outs. Creatine is a kind of nutrient already in your body. But intake creatine from supplement will bring you the better results in your body building process.

Stressed or pressured will occur in your muscle while doing the weight training exercises provided by muscle building program. Your body will generate NO (nitric oxide) against this stress or pressure. While executing highly tensional weight training exercises, remember to take some supplements to supply nitric oxide to your body. Nitric oxide supplements are considered to be the best supplement on the market, but is has side effects with sexual health. If you don't mind, you can choose it.

In order to have the excellent training results, glutamine is an additional supplement you should take into consideration. Glutamine is important for muscle building because they help carry all the required nutrients to muscles and help muscles grow up and toned.

What sort of body building supplements you should use? You have to make your won decision. Your goals affect choosing what kind of supplement. Choosing the right one which can bring you the best results to your goals. Every supplement has it's own specific results, picking the right supplement can result the difference between useful in place of non-useful working outs.

It is important to research brands of supplements and choose one has proven results. The supplement companies usually provide wrong information and supply supplements, which have nothing to do with muscle building. User reviews are very important before making any supplement purchase. Choosing the right muscle building supplement can really enhance your working out routine and help you have a better body shape. - 17269

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Risks of Weight Gain After Menopause, Breast Cancer

By Ricardo d Argence

Even though many women feel that it is okay to gain weight during menopause, because it is something that happens almost naturally, it certainly is not something you want to do.

Many women face weight loss challenges at this stage in life and it is important to face this directly. Doing nothing and letting the weight come on could be worse for your health than you are aware of.

During menopause, your breast cancer risk increases as your weight increases. You must be alert to the health risks that could be possible if you pack on the pounds at this time of your life. The risk level is reversible though. You lower your breast cancer risk when you loose weight.

It has in fact been found by researchers from the Harvard Medical School of Public Health that women who have gained fifty-five pounds or more since they were eighteen are forty five percent more likely to develop breast cancer compared to women who did not put on that much weight. By using postmenopausal hormones you can actually increase your risk of cancer as well.

The best thing to do is to make sure that the weight is not put on to begin with. Sometimes things in life happens though and if you have found yourself in a position where you need to lose some weight then you can do just that. The sooner you act the better. The quicker you get that extra weight off the less likely you will end up with breast cancer.

Making sure that you are dieting and exercising properly is key though. You want to make sure that you are doing everything in moderation. It is important to make sure that you are still giving yourself enough protein and everything else you need for your body to function properly. With regular diet and exercise you will be able to lose the weight you need.

Dropping about one to two pounds a week is the healthiest way to go about it though. Insisting on faster results could not only damage your system but also almost guarantee that you will regain the weight in the near future. Slow and steady is the way to go when trying to lose weight.

Dieting and keeping in shape are important preventative measures for breast cancer, but you need to take care to not overdo it because you could end up hurting some other part of your body. Understand the facts and do something about becoming a healthier and better looking you. - 17269

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Learn How to Run Faster

By Charlie Reese

Improving running speed can be one of the most elusive and difficult skills to work on in sports. The problem is that once you improve running speed to a certain point, sometimes it seems to plateau. You can always work on kicking, passing, shooting, dribbling, or whatever other skills your sport needs, but sometimes it feels like you can not get any faster. Nevertheless, doing the right workouts to improve running speed really can make a difference even when you seem stuck.

The key to improving running speed is to understand the different kinds of speed. Many people think about speed of running as the maximum speed you can attain, while others view it as a measure of how far you can travel in a certain amount of time.

Neither of these is quite accurate. You see, there are different types of speed. There is explosive speed " how quickly you can get moving from a dead stop. There's maximum sprinting speed " the fastest speed you can attain for a short distance. And then of course, there is speed as it relates to your game " how quickly you can move down the field, across the court, or what have you.

The key to learning to improve running speed is to establish benchmarks for several different kinds of speed. Then, target everything at once. The harder you work your body, after all, the faster you will be able to run. If you keep your body surprised, you won't fall into comfortable routines that can cut down on the effectiveness of your workout. That means that one moment you should do a drill to improve sprinting speed and then, immediately afterwards, work on a long-distance running drill. Another day, do things in exactly the opposite order. Practice starts and stops, cuts and dives, and anything else you might need. Never give up and never fall into a comfortable routine, but always cover all the basics.

Some drills to improve running speed involved resistance training while running. Different coaches have different opinions on how well this works, but in my experience it seems to be pretty effective. It can involve anything from running with hand weights or extra clothing on to carrying one of your teammates around the field. It makes you work harder, which will develop your muscles more quickly. You learn to do the same body movements that you normally do running while carrying something heavy with you. That way, when you run unencumbered you will be able to go faster. - 17269

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Vitamin B12 Deficiency Treatment

By Jared Hillman

The problem of a vitamin B12 deficiency is not very common in America nowadays as it is more linked to a bad nutrition. However, deficiency can appear also as a result of our body's inability to proper absorb the vitamin. It is important then to know the vitamin B12 treatments to avoid severe cases of deficiency.

The most common way to treat light deficiencies is using over-the-counter vitamin B12 supplements. These supplements can be found in most drugstores in the form of pills and you can buy it without problem.

In the case of a severe deficiency or malabsorption however, other drugs are used, specifically prescribed drugs such as intramuscular B12 injections and medications such as prednisone. The application of injections is something that must be done for life.

A good diet with the proper levels of vitamin B12 is essential in any vitamin B12 deficiency treatment. People who are at higher risk of developing this condition include pregnant women, infants and people with vegan and vegetarian lifestyles.

This vitamin is mainly found on animal protein food such as poultry, meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. Vegan people have problems with this vitamin because it is not easily found in vegetables.

Pregnant women and infants have higher nutritional needs. In the cases of all these people with high risks, supplementation becomes extremely important. The good thing is that our bodies do not need great amounts of this vitamin.

If the patient has a problem absorbing the vitamin B12, diet is also very important. A person can't depend only in supplements if they have this problem. The same goes for patients who have deficiencies caused by an advanced age.

These are the most common treatments for vitamin B12 deficiency, keep in mind though that this article serves as a source of information. To get a proper diagnose you need to visit a doctor who will vary the treatment and doses of vitamin B12 according to your specific case. - 17269

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Kids - Pains during Growth in Children

By Jan Maurer

Growing pain is part and parcel of the growing phase in a child's life. When the child stops growing so will the growing pain and when adolescence is reached, they disappear completely. Growing pain can occur between three to five years or eight to twelve years of age. Growing pains are usually experienced in the legs usually in the calves, in the area in front of thighs and behind the knees. The pain starts either in the afternoon or night, just before bedtime. The child can go to bed pain free, but can wake up in the middle of the night complaining of throbbing pain in the legs. But the good part is that these pains vanish by morning. About twenty five to forty percent of the children are known to experience growing pain.

Growing pains are experienced in the muscle region and not around the bones or joints. One of the major reasons of getting growing pains is because of the strenuous activities of the kids during the day. All the jumping around, running and climbing make the muscles tired. But no evidence has been collected which can establish that the growing pain is caused by bone growth. Growing pains are also known to be caused by spurt of growth. This happens because the tendons or the muscles are too tight and do not synchronize with the growing of the bones. As a results muscle spasms are caused which last for less than fifteen minutes.

And usually, growing pains do not get accompanied with redness, swelling or fever. The pain should be over by morning and if it is still persisting after the awakening of the kid, the problem could be related to something else and more serious.

If the pain is unbearable, the parent or caretaker should administer pain relieving medications which are acquirable over the counter such as Motrin or acetaminophen. Aspirin should not be given to children as they have a tendency to develop a very serious illness known as Reye Syndrome. Heating pads can be placed on the region that is hurting to assist the pain. Massage can also be given by the parent or the child can do stretching exercise to help the muscles relax. If the child develops fever, redness, swelling, tenderness, limitation in movement, or if the child limps while walking, the doctor should be approached. Before that the parent can do a little diagnosis of the intensity of the pain by feeling around the area and perceptive the pain experienced by the child. The pain shouldn't be so intense that the child is abstained from normal routine such as walking, running or playing.

The doctor conducts the diagnosis of exclusion to understand the problem. According to this diagnosis, it is not prefabricated until all the conditions are checked before considering growing pains. The doctor studies the child's medical history and conducts a physical examination. In some serious cases, the doctor advices to go for X-ray or blood test before the final decision is made.

The exercise need not be complex. Even if the pain subsides, the exercise should be continued so as to keep the tendons and muscles relaxed and to adjust with the growth spurt. Fluids, when taken in good quantity, decrease the cramping. For this reason, the child should be given tonic water or quinine before going to bed. - 17269

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Advance Wellness Research Special Deals Information

By Linda Kemp

Imagine never missing taking a dose of your favorite health supplement because you ran out and forgot to get some more. Advance Wellness Research knows how frustrating that can be, which is why they offer a convenient auto-ship program. With auto-shipping, you choose what product you want and when you want to receive it.

Then, Advance Wellness Research delivers it to your door according to your schedule. AdvanceWellness Research offers a variety of products designed for your health and wellbeing. Products like: Acai Berry and the Bright Teeth Whitening are just a few.

What about safety? Advance Wellness Research puts every product they offer through a strict screening process to ensure their high quality and safety. They promise never to sell anything that they wouldn't give to their own families. If you're still not sure,

Advance Wellness Research offers all of their products on a risk-free trial basis. This ensures that you're getting only the products that benefit you the most.

Your Health - Your Schedule - If you're using health supplements to lose weight, feel better, look better or have more energy, then you know how frustrating it is when you get off schedule because you're supply is out.

Getting to the store can be tough with a hectic lifestyle, and ordering online can take weeks for delivery. Advance Wellness Research, Inc. wants to be sure that you get your health products when you need and according to your schedule.

You can choose to receive your products once a month, once every other month, or whatever suits you best. And, you can cancel the shipments any time you want.

Most health experts agree that whatever you do for good health, it's best to stick to a schedule. Advance Wellness Research will make sure that you do. Start now. Find out what you have been missing. - 17269

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Fitness Infos - Weight Loss Surgery: Is It Worth the Money

By Marc Bauer

Are you interested in losing weight? If you are, how much weight would you like to lose? If you are looking to lose eighty pounds or more in weight, did you know that you may be a candidate for weight loss surgery?

Although it is nice to hear that you may be a candidate for weight loss surgery, you may be wondering if weight loss surgery is right for you. More importantly, you may be wondering if weight loss surgery is worth the money. If that is a question that you would like answered, you will want to continue reading on.

In short, the question as to whether or not weight loss surgery is worth the money has a simple answer; it all depends. While that may not have necessarily been the answer that you were looking for, it is the truth. For many individuals, weight loss surgery is well worth it; however, there are others who don?t end up benefiting from weight loss surgery. To determine if weight loss surgery is worth the cost to you, personally, you will want to take a number of factors into consideration.

You will find that many weight loss surgeons require that you are at least eighty pounds overweight to undergo weight loss surgery. With that in mind, you may be able to find a surgeon who will make an exception, but that doesn?t necessarily mean that you should opt for surgery. If you are able to try to lose the weight on your own, through the use of exercise, eating healthy, or diet pills, you may find it more affordable to do so.

Weight loss surgery is commonly referred to as a lifesaving medical procedure. Those who are severely obese put their health at risk and may experience an early death. If you are severely obese, your physician may recommend weight loss surgery. If that is the case, weight loss surgery is more than worth the costs, as you cannot put a price tag on your health and wellbeing.

Weight loss surgery may help you lose weight right away, but the surgery alone will not help you lose weight. With a reduced stomach pouch, which is how most weight loss surgeries work, you must limit the amount of food that you eat. If you do not do so, you may gain your weight back and possibly endanger your health. If you do not think that you can follow all of the instructions given to you, following a weight loss surgery, surgery may not be the best option for you.

As a reminder, it is important that you take the time to first consult with your doctor. Not all individuals are candidates for weight loss surgery. - 17269

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