Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, September 25, 2009

Gout Diet: Low-protein Foods as Gout Remedy

By Paul J. Easton

When you have gout today, you must ensure you avoid food that protein-based in your diet. The gout diet you must take must be low protein foods. That means you will need to avoid red meat as well as seafood. This gout diet might be strictly low protein and should be coupled with strong will power but this gout remedy is proven effective.

Seafood is amongst the food you should avoid always especially sardines, herring, scallops, roe, mussels, trout, and haddock. These foods must be avoided because they can make your gout worse. We are sorry if seafood is a favorite, but it must not be included if you want to avoid gout attacks.

Foods that are high in purine could cause a lot of pain. Want to have some more examples? Here is a list of food that is high in purine: Salmon, Veal, Turkey, Liver, Trout, bacon, Pheasant, Goose, and Yeast.

The next in the list is not really a food, but it is more of a beverage: all alcoholic drinks especially the fermented ones. If you are a regular drinker, this might cause you to be panicky, but it will help you out in the long run. After all, excessive alcohol intake can cause a lot of health troubles. Nonetheless, we will not delve on that deeper, that can be found in a whole other article. Anyhow, avoid the alcohol as much as you can to prevent your gout from worsening.

You must especially limit beer as this is high in yeast. Yeast, as mentioned, is one thing should keep off from. Any fermented food should also be taken away from your diet.

Finally, the food list to avoid with gout can be long. We have only covered some of the basic, everyday food that you must stay away from as this will only create bigger problems with your gout.

Looking for tips and advice with Joint Pains brought by Gout? Want to know more of Natural Cures for Gout the Natural and Effective Way? Check out these fresh information at Cure for Gout.

Check out more Free information with valuable tips for Natural Gout Remedies. - 17269

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Foods to Avoid With IBS - 3 Steps To Eliminating The Symptoms Of IBS Fast.

By Alison Harris

Imagine you are a get together, mingling with friends and family, enjoying yourself and really having a good time.

You could not have wished for a better ending to the day when all of a sudden you feel a tightness in your stomach. It is a strong pain that grips you right in the stomach and the next thought you have is "where is the toilet?"

Sadly you know what it is. It is the pain and diarhea associated with your irritable bowel syndrome. You know something you have eaten has triggered that pain and diarrhea but unfortunately you do not know which food it was.

You know right from that minute that your evening is over.

Later on I will reveal a resource that will provide you with the most comprehensive list of foods to avoid with IBS but we will look at 3 things you can you do to help your irritable bowel syndrome

1. Gluten: This is a protein that is commonly found in a lot of grains including wheat, oats, rye, spelt, and barley. The first thing you need to do is go on a gluten free diet for 2 weeks or more.

This means you have to pay close attention to the foods you are eating and read food labels and even over the counter medicines because even some of the foods and medications you least expect may contain gluten.

You should see a noticeable improvement in your symptoms once you eliminate this protein from your diet.

2. Coffee: I once suffered from IBS myself so I have experienced firsthand some of the symptoms e.g. gas, bloating, stomach making noises, spastic contractions of the colon, stomach cramps etc.

I noticed a significant improvement in my symptoms the very next day I stopped drinking coffee.

You see coffee is an acidic food and it will increase the acidity of your stomach. If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, it is important that your stomach is not too acidic.

One of the ways you can reduce your stomach acidity is by consuming more alkaline foods.

3. Tailor your diet to your personal biochemistry: This means that you have to eat according to your nutritional type. We are not all designed alike and one diet does not fit all.

This means you have to know your specific nutritional needs according to your personal biochemistry,metabolism and genetic makeup.

We have touched on 3 steps to IBS freedom but there is a comprehensive list of foods to avoid with ibs and other simple steps you can take that will ensure you never experience any of the symptoms of IBS again. - 17269

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Bodybuilding Workouts & Tips, How Alcohol Will Affect Your Muscle Gains

By Ricardo d Argence

Believe it or not, there are those who wonder if alcohol has an effect on their muscle building activities. The answer is a resounding yes alcohol will adversely affect your work out.

A key ingredient in you diet when you exercise if protein, you should not interfere with this. Unfortunately, alcohol impairs protein synthesis. Protein synthesis is the process where amino acids are joined together to create complete proteins, consumption of alcohol has been shown to slow this process by 20%.

Another factor in muscle building is the level of testosterone in the body. Have you ever noticed that women do not build the same amount of muscle mass as men? This is because of low levels of testosterone, women have 15-20 times less testosterone than men do. What does that have to do with alcohol? Alcohol decreases the amount of testosterone in the body and increases levels of estrogen.

When yo drink alcohol your kidneys retain large amounts of water so they can process the toxin. Yes, the body recognizes alcohol as a toxin. The body can become dehydrated when this happens.

Nerves control and contract muscles by producing stimuli from electrolyte minerals dissolved in water. Water is very beneficial to you and your body during work outs and exercise. Not only will it keep you hydrated, but you will find that water will help lubricate your joints and reduce the risk of injury during your exercise workouts.

Drinking alcohol robs your body of key vitamins. There are many downfalls to consuming alcohol. If you drink alcohol you could deplete your body of some very important vitamins and minerals that it needs. When you exercise the most important vitamins are B and C, this tells you why alcohol consumption is so important.

When you build muscle, you are looking to deplete stores of fat and increase muscle mass. Alcohol works against this effort. Alcohol contains what nutritionist call empty calorie, which is calories with no nutritional benefit. It also has twice as many calories as carbohydrates and protein.

While we are on the subject of calorie it is important to note that the calories taken in while drinking are the first ones burnt. This means that all other fat stores will remain and not be used for energy until alcohol calories are all burned. Not a good combination for a person wanting to build muscle mass and lose fat.

We have examined most of the major points on alcohol and bodybuilding, however, you have to consider the other affects of alcohol on the body. Prolonged use can lead to liver damage, diabetes and a host of other medically related problems. It will be increasingly difficult to build muscle if you suffer any one of these. At the end of the day, is it really worth the cost? - 17269

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Annika Sorenstam's Workout Routine

By Jesse Regan

You most likely recognize Tiger Woods. Then most definitely an Annika Sorenstam would ring similar recognition. This is actually interesting as many people who do are not even big fans of the game of golf, nor any sport whatsoever.

So as Tiger Woods is known for those unbelievable pot holes and wins, you'd know that Annika Sorenstam is known for her acclaimed position. This is hardly unbelievable though when you know of the whys to it. It actually takes a lot of dedication to work on that skill, together with the determination, fortitude and persistence to stick to that routine. When a player is on the field, you don't ask how many practices nor how long he was on it, don't you? Simply because these players are merely recognized on that very field for those very practices performed, just as Annika Sorenstam is to her perfect swings.

So we speak of that strenuous, extensive but rewarding fitness conditioning and routine when we speak of Annika's workout in relation to the golf sport. It actually is funny when you think about it that such non-aggressive sport would require a lot of conditioning, as would football and baseball routines. But then again, how to best perfect it if you don't work it up to the core, right? Working on those muscles would give that better swing. The leaner your muscles become, it would aid you to be more flexible and more powerful in taking that swing.

Ten years ago when Annika first started out on her extensive physical workout, she has also started that certain note on the professionalism and excellence to it. She picked out about ten areas where she wanted to first focus on her work out, focused on it and worked on it accordingly, and improved her game. The more results she was able to get out of this focused set, the more driven she was later on on the other areas.

So do you add more yards to your drives and work out a program as Annika would? Select on some programs where you'd want to get many results from. Would you want to work on increasing that drive distance? Would you want to pump the gas on that strength? Or would you want to get on with that endurance, flexibility and power? One thing quite standard about it is working out those muscles and giving them some extensive workout. As Annika's routines are functionally designed, they define fitness for the sport as understanding the critical parts that need focus on to work on such movements.

And as Annika is known for, it takes a certain level of commitment to that fitness conditioning to achieve a goal. With a certain remodeled image to it, Annika made up a lot for girls less queasy and actually more driven to bulking up. Rather they become rather educated to their physiques and how to go about optimizing it where flexibility and strength are concerned. And how would you do that, you ask one last time? I'd say getting focused and committed to that regular fitness training. Going for that perfect swing at golf, or just about any task on hand? Then do it as Annika Sorenstam would. Be sure to shout your fore, okay? These are a few samples of what you can get online about workout tips . - 17269

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Reducing Stress With Chiropractic

By Dr. Jason Fowler

We certainly live in stressful times. It's not easy to assess whether our era is the most stressful, but we do have plenty of daily stress. Job, home, kids, relatives, and the economy - all these stresses add up and yet we wonder why we have so many aches and pains.

So many ailments are stress-related. Americans are notoriously overweight. Overeating is a stress-coping mechanism.1 Headaches and backaches are often associated with increased stress. There's a strong correlation between high blood pressure and stress, ulcers and stress, and even cancer and stress.

What can we do? The external stresses in our lives aren't going away. Our activity-filled lives are busy and complex - there is always going to be stress. The key is to help avoid or ease the physical effects of stress. Interestingly, chiropractic treatment can be of great assistance in reducing the effects of stress on the body.

Stress can cause muscles to tighten. This is an unconscious reaction. Tight muscles cause a cascade of further muscle tightening, shortening of muscles and ligaments, and a resulting decrease of mobility in joints, particularly shoulder joints, hip joints, and joints of the spine.2,3

This overall mechanical effect of stress has a number of additional consequences. All extra unconscious muscle activity wastes precious nutritional resources and uses up energy needed for critical body functions. Lactic acid accumulates, irritating nerve endings and further increasing muscular tightness. And, importantly, the losses in spinal joint mobility lead directly to increased levels of pain. This, of course, leads to more stress.

This vicious circle of stress, muscular tightness, and pain can be relieved and reduced by chiropractic treatment.4 Chiropractic therapy is specially designed to improve joint mobility of the spine and pelvis. This gentle, effective treatment gradually restores maximal spinal motion. Muscle tightness is alleviated, metabolic processes begin to return to normal, and nutrients become more available to help maintain healthy functioning. Levels of pain are reduced, and we become better able to withstand the physical effects of stress.

Your chiropractor will explain the many benefits of treatment, and will provide instruction in stretching techniques and specific exercises that help maintain the positive results of therapy.

There will always be stress in our lives. We can learn how to reduce the physical effects of stress, and become stronger, healthier, and happier in the process. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Take a Break! A few quick tips -

Get up out of your chair or leave your workbench and walk over to an open window. Change your point-of-view. Breathe some fresh air. Go for a five-minute walk, either in the corridors of your building or out-of-doors. Call a friend and chat for five minutes. Close your eyes, clear your mind, and take an imaginary vacation - relaxing on a warm beach, deep-sea fishing on a beautiful yacht, or skiing down a gorgeous mountain.

These short, focused breaks can help reduce muscular tightness and physical stress, and also help your brain recharge so you can be more creative and productive!

1Marchesini G, et al: Psychiatric distress and health-related quality of life in obesity. Diabetes Nutr Metab 16(3):145-154, 2003 2Weickgenant AL, et al: Coping activities in chronic low back pain: relationship with depression. Pain 53(1):95-103, 1993 3Burns JW: Arousal of negative emotions and symptom-specific reactivity in chronic low back pain patients. Emotion 6(2):309-319, 2006 4Hurwitz EL, et al. A randomized trial of chiropractic and medical care for patients with low back pain. Spine 31(6):611-621, 2006 - 17269

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Losing Weight Faster

By Micheal Mclaughlin

Increasingly more Americans are finding themselves over weight. More individuals are now seeking different ways for weight loss. People have to remain committed when they start a program in order to have the best results.

Setting goals are another important part as well. When you have goals their is something you have your sight on. Not only that, but there is more of a reason to stay committed as well.

There are many weight loss diets, but not all are suitable for losing weight in a healthy manner. Starvation and lack of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids in the diet, often lead to a state of discomfort, fatigue. Moreover, after a few days of diet, most people will quit. What can be done to lose weight quickly and healthy? Here are some important principles that should be followed in any diet!

Losing weight involves the reduction and burning of the calories that you eat. Most opt to search for a miracle diet that does not involve either, but in reality these two components are essential. Another important part, involves having support.

Therefore, if you want to lose weight quickly you have to be prepared to deal with the emotional aspects. You have to be willing to think through impulse eating or urges to binge. What is really beneath the self-destructive behaviors? What thought patterns often lead to late night snacking or other problem behaviors?

Very few people can lose substantial amounts of weight and keep it off long term without dealing with some kind of mental or emotional issue. If you are aware of this aspect before you start trying to shed pounds, you are more likely to get through the process successfully.

Any diet that deprives you of nutrient that you need, are not worth the try. Diets that concentrate on grapefruit or cabbage soup, do not provide your body with the nutrients that is need. Fasting also is a bad way to lose weight, since you are likely to back on the weight that you lose, plus more.

If you loose weight quickly, meaning more than 1-2 kg per week, you'll loose much of muscle mass along with fat. This is very harmful because muscles are an active tissue, as their functions are essential for a healthy metabolism. By loosing muscle mass, you'll get a slower metabolism and you'll have to eat increasingly less food in order to lose weight. If you still continue to lose weight too fast in the next days, the body will "think" that he's threaten and will try to survive, developing deposits of fat.

Because you want to eat more, your mind will make you believe that you're even hungrier; thus, the weight loss diet will become harder to follow.

Try to do more physical exercises. You'll build muscle, stopping the metabolism to become slower. Also, it's necessary to eat healthy food, full of nutrients, in order to support all the functions that help you lose fat. One of the most important factors in a weight loss diet consists in counting calories; but don't forget that consuming fewer calories than you need is a mistake.

So, you know this is going to be an emotional ride and there will be days you want to give up. You are dedicated and ready to commit to rapid weight loss. That head strong determination is the first step, but now you need to find a plan that will carry your body through to where your mind is. Remember, you don't need a miracle; just mental clarity and a solid plan of action. - 17269

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Daily Regimen Beverage

By Anker Arkady

I am here to inform you that nothing can replace regular exercise and a balanced diet. Let's face it; we only have one body. We just can't go to the store and buy a new one because we didn't take care of it. We are born with it. And I always believe that you'll eventually lose what you don't use. It's a simple rule of thumb.

The market will always have the latest fad in health and fitness. And honestly, I'm getting bored of having to follow all those trends. I have had enough. The information that we see are sort of like influencing us to mix and match exercises with diets with vitamins with supplements with health drinks. Exercise is required, no question about that. Other than that, are the others mentioned basic needs?

Let's talk bare essentials here. The human race seemed to be doing fine before those supplements and health drinks came out. In other parts of the world, I bet they don't even care about those as long as they get to do their exercise and eat right. And they seem to be doing fine. Others even have longer life expectancy.

But hey, there are people who want to have the exercise plus supplements plus health drink lifestyle and they're doing pretty fine too. And there's nothing wrong with it either as long as you're happy or you're getting results. I have been through both lifestyles. So which do I choose? Well, I can say that I'm kind of right in the middle of it all. It's not a safe answer if you'd just let me explain.

Exercising is part of my daily routine; no excuses period. However, I might want to add some aid to get me closer to my goals in fitness. So after a nice cardio exercise, a nice health drink would be like adding cherry on top. As much as possible, I'd like to have my drink fresh. And I'd like to be able to drink it immediately.

Yoli Blast Caps definitely caught my attention. I was interested, curious and skeptical, altogether. I like the fact that the beverage is not pre-mixed. I get to decide when it should be mixed. And that would be just before I'd like to drink. The cap contains the dry ingredients and it is positioned in such a way that the liquid gets infused when blasted. Sounds futuristic and looks futuristic.

The process of releasing the ingredients in to the liquid is called activation. In a nutshell we can sum it up to blast or activate, shake and drink. Three simple steps from a brand new innovative product. I'm always excited to see new products that challenge the norm of how we view products. And Yoli Blast Caps is definitely a welcome addition.

Now I can do my exercise and have a freshly made drink to top it off. It isn't everyday that someone comes up with product like Yoli Blast Caps. Now my question is why didn't I think of that in the first place? - 17269

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Ten Steps to Reduce Bruising, Step 3 - This Should Be Your First Change In Your Diet!

By Carolyn Cooper

If you determine that easy bruising has become a problem for you, you come to the conclusion that it is essential for you to evaluate your diet. The way that we look and feel has a great deal to do with the food that we eat, and this fact is a major reason that you should examine your diet. Take the time necessary too learn more about how you can get the results that you desire by eating healthier.

If you really want to reduce bruising, the first thing you need to learn about is going to be a working knowledge of how your circulatory system works. How frequently and how badly you bruise is to a large degree dependent on your circulatory system. Aging affects the circulatory system which means that the smallest of your blood vessels, known as capillaries, are going to become more fragile as their walls thin. It's worth taking a few minutes to consider how these changes might affect your bruising easily.

As your skin is growing less elastic and providing you with less protection than you need, and as the walls of your blood vessels are growing thinner and becoming easier to rupture, you have the framework of conditions that will lead directly to more bruising. You do not have to give up on this being an issue that you have to just live with. Instead, it is important to remember that this condition is something that can be treated and overcome.

Modifying or changing your diet can help you take care of your easy bruising, and these modifications will also help you maintain a higher degree of general health as well. Eating well needs to be a priority in everyone's life, so remember that educating yourself on food and how it can affect the way that you feel is essential. Consider some of the following important facts and see what some changes that you can make might be.

One of the first things that you should consider is starting and keeping a food diary. A diary will allow you to evaluate your current diet and make it easier to affect changes you might need to make. Your diary will provide you a real analysis about the amount of fruits and vegetables that are present in your diet, and will also outline how much overly processed food that you eat.

Remember that eating foods that are high in carbohydrates and high in fat will eventually start to have effects on your easy bruising and on your ability to stay healthy as well. When you eat foods that have a lot of salt or fat in them, you are creating a lack of balance in your body. For instance, many foods are very high in sodium, and this makes your blood pressure go up. With that in mind, you will discover that more pressure on the vein will make it that much easier to break it or to contuse it in such a way that you will bruise.

When you consider what you should include in your diet and what choices you can make, make certain that you have plenty of brightly colored fruits and vegetables included; brightly colored vegetables and fruits typically have high levels of nutrients that your body needs. Sweet potatoes, red peppers, and squash are all good vegetable choices.

After determining what you should and should not eat while you're trying to help yourself overcome your bruising easily, select a diet and stick to it. After you have adjusted your diet, understand the benefits that you can obtain by adding a daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned, which will help you reduce bruising or prevent bruising easily altogether. - 17269

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Home Training: Flatten Your Stomach with a 10-Minute Routine

By Travis Hunt

When you look at the 10-minute home workout which can flatten your abs, it can be a little intimidating. You?re probably so used to doing a routine of extremely hard training for at least 45 minutes, right? Let me tell you, this 10-minute workout really changed my life ? and it will change yours, too!

When I first heard about it, I was just as skeptical as the next person. Nevertheless, I said to myself, what would I lose if I give it a try? Absolutely nothing, that?s what. The idea of just getting six pack abs in the shortest time possible was more than enough motivation for me. And I assure you, this one is definitely a no-lose case.

True enough, it did work for me! Let me share with you the details of the 10-minute home workout that helped me flatten my belly.

If you are dead-serious about getting six pack abs, then you should be willing to try anything. I am not suggesting you spend all your money on ab training equipment or ridiculously priced gym memberships. I am not saying that at all.

So what is the catch? No doubt, you can perform your exercise routine in a much shorter time, but it in return you need to exert more effort. Well, it is a known fact that you need to work hard for what you want the most.

First thing you need to remember is that you should perform your home workout to flatten abs directly before a meal. Why? Imagine yourself walking through the Sahara desert. After a period of time, you will have the urge to drink.

After doing extreme training, your muscles will eagerly crave for sustenance. The soonest possible time you appease the hunger of your muscles, you will enable them to build mass and renew their strength. So the best supplement you should include in your meal is protein.

For the training routine, lay down on a flat surface and do 50 simple crunches. Do this at a quicker pace yet keep your rhythm.

Do not get too excited. It does not end there. When you are done with the crunches, do 25 leg raises, then go for another round of 50 crunches. When you are half way doing this your will feel your muscles contract, that is a sign that it is working.

Do not call it quits just yet because there is still plenty of time left for 50 reps of bicycle exercises. That makes 25 for each side crunch and knee-bend combination. Finish off with 50 more crunches and you are good to go.

It may seem hard, but just 10 MINUTES of that is definitely worth it. Once you have gotten the hang of it, your home workout to flatten abs will soon become a breeze. Push yourself during that small amount of time and you will soon enjoy the fruits of your labor. - 17269

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How Kids Are Affected By Food Allergies

By Roger Calfsman

In years past, food allergies were not just about as prevalent as they are right now. Today, many kids and adults have quite serious food allergies. Some have one food allergy and others have many [**]. Folks have allergies to very specific items, like strawberries, as well as broad items, like gluten. Unfortunately, there are many food allergies that are dangerous and even most likely deadly to kids. These are some methods that youngsters are affected by their food allergies.

At School

Youngsters with food allergies are influenced much so in their faculties. If a child has a food allergy to peanuts, this is often a life threatening condition. Years ago, the kid was simply made to deal with this on his or her own. Because such food allergies have been growing in intensity in the current years, some faculties have made the extreme and very hard effort to become utterly peanut free schools.

These colleges do not sell items that contain peanuts, they do not make peanut items in their cafeteria, and they do not allow other students to bring in food items that contain peanuts. While this can seem extreme and cruel to non allergic scholars, students with a food allergy to peanuts could be snuffed out by the air born particles from a peanut product.

Some faculties , however , have not gotten completely on board with a peanut free environment. These colleges do often attempt to help the student with a food allergy though. These schools allow for a peanut free table in the lunchroom. This is a table where only youngsters who have peanut free lunches can sit.

While this can appear to be a good idea and a great compromise, it is just isolating a child with a food allergy from the remainder of the class. Some have argued that this goes against the concept of least restrictive environment as defined by recent educational laws. A kid with a food allergy should not need to be isolated from the remainder of the class and their friends during lunchtime.

At Home

If you've a child with a food allergy, you try to do anything you can to avoid a food allergy symptom. Food allergy symptoms can include vomiting, diarrhea, swelling, hives, and even anaphylactic shock and death.

The home front is also a battlefield for child food allergies in that you need to be really diligent in keeping your kid safe from contaminated foods. In some instances, it becomes obligatory for the entire family to chop the allergen out from their diet.

A kid faces a repeated battle when diagnosed as having an acute food allergy like peanuts or gluten. Do your part to become educated and aware. - 17269

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What Foods Change Your Life

By Dr. Jerimiah Crossderd

A USDA study done by scientist recently discovered that top foods with the disease-fighting compound of antioxidants were the acai berry, beans and artichokes.

The new found discovery that Russet potatoes, pecans, and cinnamon contained high amounts of antioxidants was unknown until this study was done--confrmation was also given that . Antioxidants are important as they are thought to fight cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer's disease.

"The bottom line is the same: eat more fruits and veggies," says Ronald L. Prior, Ph.D., a chemist and nutritionist with the USDA's Arkansas Children's Nutrition Center in Little Rock, Ark., and lead author of the study. "This study confirms that those foods are full of benefits, particularly those with higher levels of antioxidants. Nuts and spices are also good sources."

The new study is more complete more accurate than previous USDA antioxidant data and includes more foods than the previous study as high tech equipment was used by the researchers. They analyzed antioxidant levels in over 100 different foods, including fruits and vegetables--the new study also includes data on spices and nuts for the first time.

The foods were analyzed and measured for the concentration levels of antioxidants and the capacity per serving of the antioxidants. Research showed the top fruits were the acai berry, cranberries, blueberries, and black berries. The highest levels found in the nut category were walnuts, hazelnuts, and pecans--Russet potatoes, beans, and artichokes were found to have the highest level antioxidant concentration in the vegetable category.

ground cloves, ground cinnamon, and oregano were found to have high amounts of antioxidants. Spices are usually consumed in small amounts, even though many are high in antioxidants.

The data should prove useful for those seeking to add more antioxidants in their diet. You must still use caution as the total antioxidant capacity of the foods does not necessarily reflect their potential health benefit, which depends on how they are absorbed and utilized in the body.

At the moment, there are no government guidelines for people to know many antioxidants to take and what kinds of antioxidants to consume in their daily meals--this is also the case with vitamins and minerals. A major barrier to such guidelines is a lack of consensus among nutrition researchers on uniform antioxidant measurements.

USDA officials consistently to encourage people to eat a variety of fruits like the acai berry and vegetables like potatoes for better health. - 17269

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Body Building: Can I Do It At Home?

By Ricardo d Argence

Do I need to go to join a gym in order to workout and build muscle? That's a common question often asked. Without a doubt the response is a NO. Of course there are disadvantages and advantages of working out both in a gym and at home. You can easily build muscle home.

Typically you will find a lot more variety and equipment in a fitness center or gym, and usually there will be professionals on staff, so that might also make it safer. But the downside of working out at a gym is that other people can really be annoying! They may be chatting all the time when you want to work out or using the equipment you want to use at the time you want to use it.

As regards working-out at home, there are many benefits to this: no fee (my favourite), no hassle travelling there and parking, workout with your shirt off, you can play your own music, no queuing for equipment and you don't have to worry about what other people are thinking about you when you are shouting at the bar for motivation.

The negatives are the initial outlay of money at that is required to purchase the equipment although this will likely last a for ages and can be sold again second hand, you may also incur the wrath of your housemates/partner if you use up too much room.

Working-out at home allows you to build muscle mass at your convenience and if you go by the following how to build muscles fast at home guidelines you should not have a problem working-out at home:

1) Look for a large, solid space, preferably on the ground floor. A spare room, part of a garage, or a basement often works well. Be sure it is waterproof-to keep your equipment from rusting-and well ventilated for comfort.

2) Empty the room out except for your equipment. You don't want to have anything in your home gym that could be damaged by swinging or dropped equipment-like a fish tank, plasma tv, or laptop. It might be amusing to see these things get damaged by someone else's barbells, but it's not all that funny when it's yours.

3) Start out with basic home gym equipment. You should purchase a weight bench, a workout mat, a squat stand, a pull up bar, and a complete set of cast iron dumbbells or barbells. There is a lot of different kinds of equipment out there, so be sure you purchase something that is strong, durable, and long lasting.

4) Create a workout for yourself. Using the equipment you've purchased, design a workout to build your muscles. Do compound exercises that combine squats, pull ups, bench presses, and dead lifts with sets of upright rows, lunges, barbell curls, shoulder presses, bent over rows, and lateral raises, among other exercises.

5) Stay safe. If you're workout out alone, don't push yourself beyond your limit. Whenever possible, have a friend work out with you so they can spot you. As an additional safety measure, look for the kind of weight bench that lets you put a pin in the location that will keep the barbell from crushing your chest if you just can't get that final lift. Use a similar safety measure on the squat stand.

If you set up a good, safe home gym, you can enjoy the convenience of working out right at home and building muscle without leaving your house. - 17269

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