Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Advanced Wellness Research Promotional Offer Info

By Linda Kemp

Hey, everyone now knows that acai berry is the perfect supplement to help induce health, right? But did you also know that the same nutrients that can make you feel healthier can also help promote beauty? Not only does a health person tend to look more attractive than someone less healthy, but the acai berry has special nutrients that are perfect for helping provide everything from glowing hair to vibrant skin.

Acai berries are a special food because they are so nutritionally complete. You can take tons of other supplements in order to get the same amount of nutrients from just one dose of this little fruit. The incredible combination of a large dose of vital nutrients is what gives this berry its power to transform your looks. Within just a short time of starting a daily supplement routine, you are likely to be getting compliments from other people about how great you look, and people will surely start asking you just what you are doing to have gained such a vibrant appearance.

You skin is one of the first things that people notice when they see you and Pure Acai Berry can help transform this organ into something glowing and vibrant. First of all, your skin is very reflective of your overall state of health. When you are in less than perfect health, your skin may show it by being sallow, having blemishes, or otherwise looking less than perfect. However, when you are in great health, your skin tends to take on a glow that gets noticed. This glow comes from being well nourished and feeling great and is extremely attractive. With the acai berry, you can expect to gain this glow because you will be giving your body the correct nutrients to enable better health. And, with the vitality that comes from supplementing with this berry, your skin is sure to show off your new found state of wellness.

Not only can your skin start giving off a beautiful glow when you add Pure Acai Berry to your diet, but you can also see a reduction in the appearance of wrinkles. Whether you already have wrinkles or you are just trying to prevent them from appearing in the future, this berry's large dose of antioxidants are just the cure. Wrinkles come from aging and from the skin's exposure to pollutants, including UV light. Antioxidants, however, help prevent the body from sustaining damage from pollutants. Thus, taking in extra antioxidants can help prevent wrinkling. Keeping your skin free from wrinkles is perhaps one of the best steps you can take for maintaining beauty.

Of course, keeping your body in top form also requires staying at the correct weight. Being trim and toned is the ultimate in attractiveness and achieving this is essential for looking great in all types of clothing. Pure Acai Berry can help you both with losing weight and with adding the perfect amount of muscle to look toned. Pure Acai Berry has metabolism boosting nutrients that have helped millions to lose weight and it provides the nutrients you need to add the right amount of muscle tone.

There are tons of other ways in which acai berry can help you look and feel attractive and you have to start taking it to see all of the benefits it can have for you. Don't just take my word for it- try it for yourself with the free trial offer of Pure Acai Berry. - 17269

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Make Your Heart Strong As Hell

By Rick Steel

Myocardial infarction in simple terms (the kind of terms Rick Steel likes) is known as heart attack which is the governing source of all death cases worldwide. The clogging of the arteries which carry oxygenated blood to the heart leads to the fatality known as heart attack. The abstinence of the heart from blood caused by this clogging leads to the failure of coronary function.

Heredity is the foremost and most prevalent factor determining your risk of getting a heart attack. A red flag should raise if some relative has suffered from this disease and this is the time to take precautions to save the integral organ of your body. Other determinants include your age and gender. As a person grows older and the aging process begins, he becomes more prone to life-threatening diseases. Moreover, kick-butt research has proven that men are usually at a higher risk of getting a heart attack than women.

The essential principal to focus upon is to gather beforehand information on the signs and symptoms of heart attack so as to nip it in the bud (I hate flowers). Some of the warning signs which are general and universal are:

1. Unpleasant heaviness and weighty feeling in the chest which usually remains for a matter of seconds

2. Pain or discomfort in one or both arms, shoulders, back, neck and jaws

3. Shortness of breath

4. Sweating like Ben Stiller in that movie that wasn't funny except for Philip Seymour Hoffman's scenes.

5. Fainting a lot

6. Nausea, vomiting and light-headedness

7. Fatigue

Monitoring your heart and changing your lifestyle will ensure a healthy heart and a long life. It is always best to control heart disease and address it near the beginning rather than ending up lying on the gurney, that's what Rick Steel always says. Below are some of the tips that will assist you in lowering your cardiac risk factors.

Controlling blood pressure: commence regulating your blood pressure by avoiding food that is high in cholesterol. Meanwhile it is recommended that you have your blood pressure checked annually. That's once a year, buddy-boy.

Stop smoking: If you value your life and heart then you need to give up the habit, if you smoke, immediately as cardiac and many other health-related problems are caused by active smoking. So it's official: Rick Steel says you should stop smoking. Although quitting consumption of alcohol is never painless (God knows I need it most mornings) it can save you from further degeneration of your organs. Smoking harms the body and interferes with the proper functioning of the organs.

Healthy diet: Reduce the amount of fat, cholesterol levels and salt in your daily routine as these intervene with the smooth blood flow and cause clot formation which results in the arteries getting blocked and blood pressure levels rising. Healthy foods should be integrated into the diet which include fish, green leafy vegetables (not grass though, I learned that the hard way), and lots of fresh fruits. These are very salubrious - yeah that's right - in preventing clot formation and bolstering the arteries from rough abrasion.

Regular exercise: For the reinforcement and toning of the muscles, exercise is very crucial. It improves the blood and oxygen flow to the body. It plays an important role in weight balance, controlling of blood pressure, decreasing cholesterol levels and preventing diabetes. A half hour to 45 minutes walk can fortify your strength and heart and keep the body healthy. If you can't find time to do all that walking, just do it when you should be working.

Having a heart attack can be scary and life-threatening. Early diagnoses can prevent this deadly disease. Heart attack can be traumatic but many people lead full and active lives even after undergoing heart attacks and heart surgery - I know one guy who is. It all depends on the positive habits that you adopt to ensure your health and fitness. - 17269

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Best Way To Lose Weight? Have Skinny Friends!

By Henry John

If you are overweight, it's probably true to say that you don't like criticism about your weight. You don't much like those critical looks either. They're uncomfortable and they make you feel different. The truth is that in time you develop a bit of a thick skin and learn to switch off. What you don't want to know about you erect barriers to protect yourself.

To feel more comfortable and to avoid critical looks and comments, overweight people like to mix with other overweight people. They feel safer and shielded from criticism.

Unfortunately what this does is to act as an 'unsaid' endorsement of the way they are. There is no criticism, implied or otherwise. In fact maybe it's the skinny people who are out of line!

It's an alarming fact that obesity is contagious. Keeping company with overweight people can have some serious implications, one of them being that the risk of disease is very much put to one side and not discussed. Being overweight or obese becomes accepted as being completely normal, and this is where the problems start. What to do? It's not realistic to dump all your friends, but it may help if you are aware of the situation and the implications that it could have on your future health and well-being.

There is another reason why overweight people stay together. They are at their wits end trying to lose weight. Diets don't work, so they have just given in and decided to take comfort from people who are in the same boat as they are.

It's unfortunate, but the reality is that diets do not make you slim. You can lose weight on a diet, but the weight will always come back again as sure as night follows day. The way to lose weight permanently is to make change. If you make change by learning new habits, slim habits, you can achieve what all overweight or obese people dream of...permanent weight loss! - 17269

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Burning Belly Fat, You Will Need More Than Ab Machines

By Ricardo d Argence

Have you ever seen an infomercial for an ab machine? They will always have a guy with 6 pack abs, or a woman with a model figure demonstrating the machine. They won't show a full figured person working the machine, because the infomercial is psychologically placing the idea in your head that if you buy the machine and use it, you will look like the people demonstrating the machine. They will always end the infomercial with testimonials from people who have lost weight, and swear by the product.

I don't doubt that these people lost weight using ab machines. Ab machines do burn calories, but I will wager to say the ab machine wasn't the only part of their workout. They probably engaged in other routines like running and cardiovascular exercises. More than likely, they also changed their eating habits.

The ab machine most commonly builds muscle in the abdominal area and burns calories. However, this not to implies that you may consume whatever you wish, in as great amount as you wish, whenever you wish.

It's true that ab equipment can cause muscle to amass in the midsection, yet a poor diet will lead to fat deposits over these muscles! Think of a Sumo wrestler: great muscles, completely covered with fat. They adhere to disciplined workout and diet habits to burn off the fat deposits on the muscle.

Exercise and mental attitude are one part of the equation to losing belly fat. Another part that is just as important is proper diet.

One tip is to avoid consuming calories immediately before falling asleep, because fat accumulates while you sleep. Studies show that eating a big breakfast along with reasonable lunches and dinners will help keep your waistline smaller. They spend the rest of the day burning calories, after they eat breakfast.

High calorie foods are things like fried foods, soda pop, and desserts, try to stay away from them if you can. Replace fried foods like French fries and potato chips with vegetables. You will have more energy and be taking in fewer calories at the same time.

I want to emphasize that there is nothing wrong with working the abdominal muscles and using ab machines, I just don't want people to have unrealistic expectations. All the major muscles of the body should be given a work out every now and then, but know that ab machines alone cannot and will not trim your waistline. Burning belly fat takes the right balance of proper diet and exercise. - 17269

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Best Weight Loss Tip? Be Careful Of Advice!

By Henry John

There's good advice and there's bad advice. When you decide that you're going to lose weight it might be a good idea to keep your plans to yourself until you've done some research. People are all too eager to give you the benefit of their wisdom and it can be a little overwhelming - and confusing. Best to know something about what's available before you broadcast your intentions to the world!

Do you have the resolve to see a weight loss program through right the way to the end? If you don't then you might as well not start because you will not be successful. You have to have commitment if you are going to succeed.

Commitment is what people lack most. Some are surprised that you have to have commitment. The reason? Because all the weight loss program publicity they have seen has told them that it's very easy and that they don't have to try very hard. The opposite is the case!

Easily one of the best weight loss tips you will ever get is 'don't go on a diet'. You could also add to that... 'don't pop pills'.

If you decide to go on a diet, then fine - as long as you understand that your weight loss will be short lived. The weight will come back again. Pills have the same effect.

This is good advice! If you want to lose weight and for the weight not to come back again, you have got to make change. This involves you first recognizing the bad habits that make you fat and then learning new habits, slim habits. When you learn new slim habits you will be able to make change, adopt a completely new behavior and lose weight permanently. - 17269

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The Grapefruit Diet Just A Hollywood Fad Diet

By Cathy M

One of the popular fad diets in Hollywood was the grapefruit diet. Stars and starlets used it as far back as the 1930s. Then in the 70's it became a piece of fax junk, sent from machine to machine, and became known as the xerox lore. The Mayo Clinic, which is often credited as the diet's creator, claims to have nothing to do with this unhealthy diet.

The grapefruit diet is essentially like the Atkins diet with the addition of a grapefruit before each meal. The diet only allows three meals each day, with no snacking in between meals. Supposedly a person on this diet could lose 10 pounds in only 10 days.

The distribution was just as far fetched no weight loss for four days then five pounds lost all on the fifth day. Supposedly grapefruit contains enzymes that destroy fat, but no study has ever proven that to be true.

In 2004 it was proven that the diet may work. 1/2 grapefruit with each meal helped people lose 3.6 pounds in only 12 weeks. Drinking the juice from the grapefruit led to only slightly less weight loss. Some people in the study lost as much as 10 pounds in the 12 week period.

Researchers attributed the weight loss to decreased insulin levels caused by eating grapefruit. However, all the participants slightly enhanced their exercise programs, which may account for the lost weight.

Here's a typical grapefruit diet:

- Drink eight servings of water a day. - Stop eating when you feel full. - Eat all the listed foods at each meal, don't skip food as it interferes with fat burning. - The catalyst to the whole process is grapefruit, so don't cut it. - Drink only up to 1 cup of coffee at meals. - No snacking before or after meals. - You can have Butter that is OK. - No starches or sweets can be eaten. - Meat and vegetables are fine. - It's important to eat into you're full because the more you eat the more you will lose. - Skip two days between each 12 day diet period. - Eat one half grapefruit, or drink 18 ounce glass of grapefruit, at each meal time.

Now you can go try the grapefruit diet. - 17269

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A Healthier Heart Can Be Yours in the Produce Aisle

By Gerald Beatty

Most people know that they should include plenty of vegetables and fruit in their daily menu. Adding any type of fruit or vegetable is going to be good for you. However, when it comes to heart health, some are more beneficial than others.

Among the most nutritious vegetable families are leafy greens and cruciferous. Skip the iceberg lettuce, and look for those that are dark green in color. This indicates that there are more nutrients packed inside that are good for your heart. Other important vegetables are cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage and kale.

When it comes to fruit, citrus is the big winner. Pick oranges, grapefruit, lemons and limes for a healthy heart. You'll get the most benefit if you eat the whole fruit in its fresh form. But fruit juice also contains nutrients that are healthful.

Typically, people eat just two or three servings of produce daily, oftentimes only one. This is far short of the minimum of five that's recommended. And eating between seven and nine servings is even healthier. Just don't attempt to escalate from one serving to nine in only one day. Take it slow and add them into your diet gradually. Here are some tips to help you sneak in extra servings throughout the day.

If you like eggs for breakfast, add some tomatoes, onions, peppers and mushrooms. Have a small glass of fruit juice along with your meal. Whip up a smoothie using whole fruit to drink on the way to work or school. Or add some fruit to your cereal.

When you make your sandwich for lunch, add lots of vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers, in addition to the typical lettuce leaf. Eat a bowl of vegetable soup. Have a side salad, or make a meal of a large salad containing some protein. Adding fruit to your salad gives both a flavor and nutrition boost.

If vegetables are already a staple of your evening meal, try adding an extra serving to your plate. If you're not eating a vegetable with dinner at all, make a point of adding one. Stews and hearty soups are a great way to include veggies in a satisfying meal. Or start each meal with a small salad.

You don't have to make major changes to incorporate more fruits and veggies into your diet. Just slip in an extra serving wherever you can. It won't be long before you're getting what you need for optimal heart wellness. - 17269

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Getting the Habit Is The Best Way To Lose Weight

By Henry John

You've decided to lose weight, but you don't know what to do. Do you go for the latest fad diet? It's always a big decision because in the back of your mind you have the idea that you are being sold something that may not be quite what you think it is.

Making a decision can be difficult because you don't want to end up like so many of the people you have met who are still as overweight as they always have been despite having been on endless diets.

Despite all the good words in the advertisements you are very suspicious of all the promises. They all seem too good to be true. How do you know if you are being sold a load of rubbish or not?

You just have to use your common sense and your gut feeling. If you don't think something is right, leave it alone. There is no such thing as a quick fix. If you suspect that is what you are being sold, then you should avoid it.

If there had been some great breakthrough, don't you think you would have heard of it? Don't you think the name of the person who invented the pill or potion would be on everybody's lips? It hasn't happened, has it? Time has revealed any contenders as being false prophets.

Special programs that promise the earth are not the answer. If you want to make progress and lose weight, you have to make the commitment. You have to show resolve. You can't buy this, it has to come from you. What it really means is that you have to change. Making personal change is the only way to lose weight permanently.

What's the answer? A pill a potion, a diet? It's a big 'no' to all three. Let's uncover what you really need to do. The best way to lose weight is to identify the bad habits that make you fat and learn new ones, slim habits.

The purpose of learning new slim habits is that you are then able to change your behavior. This is the key to permanent weight loss. - 17269

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Easy Weight Loss Tips

By Jose Grinden

The number of people who commence a weight loss program every day is mind blowing and the amount of them that will fail is equally astounding. So why should this be when there is plenty of good, proven information available?

The chief reason for that defeat in losing any weight is simply because the colossal majority of people who try to lose weight just give up too soon. There are plenty of reasons for this, yet one of the worst reasons is haste. People tend to be in too much of a hurry and expect to manifest results too rapidly and when that crops up, they just give up, certain that it has failed for them. So here we have five facts related to losing weight which could cause you to rethink your own strategy with respect to losing weight.

Aiming to lose weight too swiftly by crash dieting could be extremely injurious to your health. Your body naturally resists your efforts to do this by checking your metabolism by attempting to counteract the withheld nutrients, thereby decreasing the cogency of the diet. When you cease dieting and resume eating as normal again, your body is going to stow food as fat in readiness for another bout of starvation, so you will gain even more weight than previously.

Everyone's body is designed to remain at the correct weight for its height and build and if that drops out of alignment because of abuse, a small shift in how you use your body will render it back into alignment and return back to the exact weight.

Taking things at a more leisurely pace will bring too many advantages to a weight loss program. Commence an exercise program by degrees and lengthen the time you spend doing your exercises as well as the level of exertion. Always stretch ahead of and succeeding a work out to imbue your muscles with more flexibility and lower the chances of straining them.

By lessening your uptake of calories through food so that it is just less than the amount of calories you use through exercise, you should lose weight until a perfect balance is attained. This is the simplest truth about weight loss. With this information you have a far greater chance of succeeding where without it you might have failed. - 17269

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Advanced Wellness Research Product Info

By Linda Kemp

In theory, nutritional supplements are a great idea. They can help you to overcome deficiencies in other parts of your diet with the ease of taking a pill along with a meal. Of course the reality that you run into with many nutritional supplements is that they don't work that well. Either the substances that they contain don't do what they're supposed to do or there are so many knockoffs of the good nutritional supplements that it can be difficult to figure out which one is the effective one. For example, it's not too uncommon for a nutritional supplement to deliver the essential part of a beneficial plant, but for the knockoffs of that supplement to deliver a part of the same plant but to do so in a way that makes that substance worthless to the human body! In many ways, that's worse than not taking a supplement at all!

Having said all of that, there is one nutritional supplement that you can rely on to give you the benefits that you expect. This supplement is called Pure Acai Berry and it's highly effective at delivering all of the benefits of the acai berry of the rain forests of Brazil in South America! The acai berry is a palm fruit that's packed with minerals, fiber, antioxidants, and omega three fatty acids. In fact, these things are provided by this berry in a combination that's ideal for the human body's continued healthy functioning. Pure Acai Berry takes all of the essential parts fo the acai berry and concentrates them all into a pill that can be easily taken with a normal meal.

Naturally, supporting complete human health might be a pretty tall claim to make, but the acai berry follows through very effectively! There is no system in the human body that will not benefit from using the acai berry. This means that no matter what health issues you deal with, you'll see improvement if you add Pure Acai Berry to your daily diet! Even if you're already healthy, the acai berry will help you to maintain that level of health so that you can enjoy it for longer. You'll probably see benefits even if you are healthy. Things like more energy, greater mental acuity (in the form of improved cognition and memory), and quicker recovery from injury and exercise will benefit anyone!

The acai berry basically supports this high level of health by providing your body with everything that it needs in order to function optimally. The minerals will nourish your tissues while the antioxidants will protect your tissues and your DNA from free radicals and other kinds of pollutants. When the tissues of your body are properly nourished and free from damage, you'll enjoy a greater level of energy and greater comfort from a lack of otherwise natural aches and pains!

At the same time, the fiber and omega three fatty acids will help to regulate your body's energy level so that you'll have more consistent energy over the course of the day. The omega three fatty acids provide a slow burning energy source and the fiber will regulate the release of the calories into your blood stream that comes from that other food that you consume. This will allow you to be at your best more of the time both in the way you feel and interact with other people!

Pure Acai Berry is definitely the nutritional supplement that you've been looking for! - 17269

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