Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Your Guide to Effective Body Building

By Lucille Green

We may all have heard about body building and its wonders, but what exactly does it mean? It is a form of physical activity that enables anyone to develop an attractive physique by engaging in rigorous training session, weight lifting plus proper nutrition to achieve the effects they want.

Every successful body building program needs a systematic and effective weight lifting program. It is important to possess physical strength and endurance to perform weight lifting exercises, which often involve the use of machines and equipments that are specially designed to stimulate the necessary body parts.

Weight lifting is often linked to sporting events, but there are plenty of non-athletes who perform weight lifting routines for aesthetic purposes. Weight lifting can assist those who need to recover from a serious injury, while toning and sculpting the body at the same time. People who are part of a health rehabilitation program might find it useful to adopt a good weight training program, to be implemented under close observation.

Proper food intake and the right nutrition is crucial for success in any body building effort. A diet high in protein and carbohydrates is essential for many athletes who aspire to compete in body building competitions. The energy you need for those exercises comes from carbohydrate, and mostly from complex carbohydrates. Brown rice, oatmeal and sweet potato are foods that are high in carbohydrates. Fiber is essential in body building, it helps to remove unwanted toxins and increase intestinal health.

Remember to drink plenty of fresh, energizing water. It is good to drink water before and after every workout session, it can help you in reach your body building goals faster. Drinking water anytime you feel like it, especially between exercises to help replenish the water lost through sweating.

Make it a habit to drink between exercises. It is a good idea to have a training instructor to help you develop the right lifting techniques and proper stimulation of the body parts to ensure you do not create any long time damage to those healthy tendons and ligaments. - 17269

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Advanced Wellness Promotions

By Linda Kemp

Ever since I first noticed signs of aging, I've been looking for a way to keep the progression of the aging process under control. Specifically, I've been looking for a natural dietary supplement that would be able to minimize the aches and pains that my body has been accumulating, renew my libido to the vigor that I enjoyed back in my twenties, help me to keep my weight under control, and stave off the kinds of chronic disease conditions that I'm more likely to have to deal with as I age. I've actually found something that can do all of those things. It's called the acai berry and it's available in the form of Pure Acai Berry which is a completely natural nutritional supplement.

When I first heard about the acai berry I did a little bit of research. It turns out that the acai berry isn't really a brand new discovery. Of course it's only recently been introduced to American society, but the natives of the Brazilian rain forest where the acai palm grows have been taking advantage of this fruit for thousands of years. The proof that the acai berry is so effective at maintaining human health can be seen in the fact that the natives of that rain forest are some of the healthiest people on the planet!

Of course acai palms won't grow very well in North America, but we can still enjoy the benefits of their fruit through the use of Pure Acai Berry. Pure Acai Berry concentrates all of the beneficial parts of the acai berry into a supplement that is easy to use and affordable. It basically contains all of the antioxidants, minerals, fiber, and omega three fatty acids of the acai berry in a form that stores well and is easy to add to any diet.

When I first incorporated the acai berry into my diet I started noticing measurable improvements to my health almost immediately! I began sleeping more soundly, my mind was sharper, I had more energy and my energy level was more consistent over the course of the day. It didn't take me much longer to notice that my joints ached less, my sex drive had improved, and that I could keep my weight more consistent with less effort!

The most profound effect that the acai berry has had on me is that it has given me a greater ability to control my own life. This comes from a variety of different properties of the acai berry. For example, the fact that it lets me sleep more soundly means that I don't need to spend as much time in bed in order to get the rest that I need. This in turn allows me to get up earlier in the morning so that I can take care of extra business, eat a healthier breakfast, and possibly even get some exercise before going to work. While I'm at work, I definitely notice the improved mental acuity that the acai berry has given me, and I feel less of a compulsion to get into the ubiquitous donuts in between meals! The fact that I have more energy has allowed me to cut back on the coffee at work, and after work I still have plenty of energy to get some more exercise and to take the time to prepare a healthy meal!

Everything has definitely been better for me since I started taking Pure Acai Berry! - 17269

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Advanced Wellness Research Special Deals Info

By Linda Kemp

The modern lifestyle can be pretty tough on human beings. This shouldn't be surprising considering that our ancestors were farmers, and hunters and gatherers before that. In both of those cases, our ancestors enjoyed more physical activity, sunlight, and a more natural diet than most of us are able to get now. Given these differences between our background and our present circumstances a lot of the conditions that we deal with in modern life are understandable. We tend to have more trouble controlling our weight and have more diseases associated with nutritional deficiency and chemical contamination than our ancestors did! Fortunately, with the help of the acai berry we can mitigate the negative effects of our modern lifestyle without giving up the things that make life easier!

The acai berry is a great asset to dealing with the modern world with its ability to improve health through increasing the metabolism, flushing contaminants, and relieving stress! In fact, the acai berry is so effective at improving human health that it's tempting to believe that this super food was actually designed solely for human benefit! Best of all, it's available in the form of a nutritional supplement called Pure Acai Berry!

The acai berry- and by extension, Pure Acai Berry- improves the metabolism to provide more energy in several different ways. First of all, the antioxidants that it contains can undo damage to the parts of our cells that manufacture energy. This gives us a great ability to summon the energy to take care of our needs and meet the challenges of day to day life. This miracle food also provides more energy by making various systems of the human body function more efficiently. It will help to remove contaminants from the blood vessels so that blood can flow more freely throughout the body and supply it with more energy. The immune system will be strengthened so that it doesn't need as much energy to fight of bacteria and viruses! Additionally, the digestive system is regulated so that the food that we eat provides our bodies with energy more steadily over the course of the day!

We've already touched on how Pure Acai Berry can rid the bloodstream of contaminants, but this product's ability to flush toxins from the human body goes way beyond that! In addition to providing soluble fiber that scours the insides of the blood vessels, the acai berry has plenty of insoluble fiber that keeps the digestive track clean. It will also improve the function of the liver and kidneys- just like it improves the functioning of all of the other organs- so that they can cleanse the blood of various forms of toxins. Having fewer toxins in your body will make you more resistant to various forms of diseases and keep you more comfortable in general!

The acai berry will also go a long way toward minimizing the stress that comes along with day to day life! It does this by improving the quality of sleep, providing the human body with more energy, and sharpening the mind and memory. In addition, it can also help to regulate the mood so that you can have a better outlook more of the time! Having more energy and better mental prowess will enable you to tackle everything that life throws at your more effectively, and that will translate into lower stress.

Modern life may be tough, but the acai berry provides help in dealing with it. - 17269

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Eliminate Large Clogged Pores and Get Healthier Skin

By Just Ask Fred

Beautiful clear healthy fresh skin is desired by everyone and you can have it with Healthy Pores. A three part skin system that will rejuvenate and cleanse your skin all at once. Your skin will look better than ever when you use this product, Healthy Pores. If you suffer from acne Healthy Pores can help you fight this disfiguring ailment many suffer from. Some of us are more likely than others to develop acne and this can be due to over active hormones, especially during puberty. Teens, adults, men and women, this product is for everyone. Seventy five percent of teenagers have recurring acne and in women over forty fifty four percent suffer from acne. This three part system can help you fight the acne occurrences you suffer from.

The skin has basically 2 layers, the dermis is the living layer, and the epidermis is a layer that is thin, and contains the dead skin cells right at the surface of it. Oil getting in the middle of the two layers is what leads to blemishes. People with acne find that a regular exfoliant doesn't work to eliminate the skin cells that are dead as good as they need it done, and the answer isn't hard scrubbing either because that just spreads the bacteria and can cause scarring. Healthy Pores has a cleanser that has 2% salycilic acid, this helps exfoliate the dead skin cells very gently with modest pressure. For many years this acid has been utilized to cleanse the skin, and skin care experts haven't found anything better in all the years. It can be applied with water and soap when desired to give you a nice, clean tingling feeling.

Using Healthy Pores products will help destroy the bacteria causing your acne outbreak. A natural oil in your skin called sebum is a necessity for the health of your skin but, unfortunately, those with recurring acne have this sebum building between the epidermis and dermis and causing the pores to clog. The bacteria can be destroyed by using Healthy Pores cream preventing any further breakout. It is a natural ingredient based product and has been used for numerous years in the field of skin care. Much the same way as salicylic aced is used in the cleanser, a natural ingredient, tea oil, is used in the cream, killing bacteria and keeping the skin moist at the same time. The anti-inflammatory ingredients do not cause redness and contains other natural ingredients that nourish your skin.

Healthy Pores is a skin, nutrition rich, supplement and ahead of it competition with its natural ingredients base in all of its products. Acne is the result of overactive hormones and the hormones are highly active at puberty, fertility cycle, toxins or even fluctuations in the weather. These events cause an abundance of sebum production before the expulsion of dead skin cells by the epidermis, thus causing clog cells. Healthy Pores offers a nutritional supplement of natural ingredients and it helps to balance the hormones and to detoxify your body. Beautiful clear skin is only one benefit of this product that you can look forward to and when you look better you feel better and visa versa.

Using all the Healthy Pores products as a whole will enable you to have clear skin in a short space of time, maybe even notice a change in as little as a week. Most, however, will see a definite improvement in about three weeks from a blemish marked face to a clear beautiful clean complexion. There is no risk and Healthy Pores offers a money back guarantee. If you do not get the results you expect, then return the product and we will refund you purchase price. We are that sure of our product and acne is the only thing you will lose. Give it a try, you will not be sorry and again acne is the only lose you will sustain. - 17269

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Why Oprah recommends the acai berry for weight loss.

By Casandra James

As the talk shows & media are discussing weight loss & other health issues in detail, acai berry is catching up fame among the dieters. Dr. Nicholas Perricone, the renowned dermatologist has ranked acai berry on the top of his list of top 10 super foods. Along with the other experts, he has prescribed this diet to 'media queen' Oprah Winfrey who now weighs 200 pounds. Besides Oprah, Rachel Ray the known cook also recommended this diet supplement on her show. Her guest on the show explaining the benefits of acai were Dr. Perricone & cardiac surgeon, Dr. Mehmet Oz.

Many of us can afford to lose those extra pounds. As a matter of fact, many of us put getting back in the gym and getting back into shape as our #1 New Year's resolution each and every year. If you have and have started your diet, kudos to you. However many people are learning that it is not as easy as they believed to lose weight. Some people even turn to diet pills. One of these such pills is AcaiBurn. Is it right for you? Well that depends.

AcaiBurn is a weight loss aid that's both safe and organic. It's effective because its berry source contains a substantial amount of fiber which improves a person's metabolic rate. The Acai Berry is even included among the top ranking fruits and vegetables that contain high levels of antioxidants using the ORAC scale (Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity).

The Acai Berry has a particularly low glycemic index which makes it a suitable additive to the diabetic diet. Unlike most commercialized weight loss supplements, AcaiBurn offers other health benefits such as cancer prevention, decreased risk of heart diseases, and strengthened immune system. Heck, it even gives you better vision and a beautiful, radiant skin!

Acai Berry products like AcaiBurn are especially formulated to destroy toxins in your body and help you lose weight fast and naturally. You'll also feel energized and you'll finally be able to enjoy life to the fullest. - 17269

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How To Eat Healthy On A Low Budget-Healthy living Part 2

By Haiyan Lai-Heskin

Healthy eating is about getting the balance right, having enough fruit and vegetables, protein, fibre and starchy foods whilst not too much fat, sugar and salt.

knowing how and discover easy and delicious ways to get you and your family enjoying a healthy balanced diet in your budget is not as difficult as you thought.

Fruit and vegetables provide us with fibre, vitamins and minerals and to get the greatest health benefits from them, The Department of Health recommends that we should eat at least 5 portions per day.

Studies have found that eating greater quantities of fruits and vegetables could lead to estimated reductions of up to 20% in overall deaths from chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, stroke and some cancers.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are usually very high in nutrients, but it will be more expensive. If you are on a very tight budget, learn to can or otherwise preserve these fruits and vegetables so you can have them all year round!

Bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and other starchy foods provide energy and dietary fibre along with vitamins, minerals and small amounts of protein. So it's important to eat them at each meal to make up another third of diet.

Milk and dairy foods contain protein, some vitamins, calcium and phosphoruswhich is necessary for strong bones and teeth. But high in saturated fat content, they should be eaten in moderation.

Meat, fish, eggs and beans includes both animal and plant sources of protein, which is a major functional and structural component of all cells. Protein provides the body with between 10 and 15 per cent of its dietary energy, and is needed for growth and repair. But limit your consumption of red meat to no more than 500g a week as they have been linked to certain forms of cancer.

Drink six to eight medium glasses of fluid daily besides the foods is necessary. As it makes up 50 to 70 per cent of an adult's total body weight and it is essential for the body's growth and maintenance. Beverages such as tea, coffee and fruit juices count towards fluid intake, and may bring with them other nutrients or benefits.

Taking a little bit of extra time and effort to plan your meals, and you can make good and inexpensive food choice in order to provide your body with excellent nutrition. Including these five food groups mentioned above on the daily basis, we can still eat healthy while keeping it cheap. - 17269

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Get Lean And Build Muscle Together: Possible Or Not?

By Eryk Helms

"How can I get lean and bulk up at the same time?" I'm asked this all the time. It seems like that is the prevailing question today. People want to add that extra bit of muscle, but that spare tire needs to go at the same time.

There are basically three ways to get lean and build muscle (These all assume you have a good workout plan):

1. Start eating enough good quality food to pack on the muscle, and then cut back once you've reached the size you want.

2. Go in reverse from #1; burn off the fat first with serious interval training, and then start adding in the calories and pack the muscle on. 'Course this means you'll still have to burn off some fat at the end of the process.

3. Manage your calorie intake very closely, and watch your fat buildup along the way, and add in extra interval training to keep lean.

Each of these approaches has benefits and drawbacks. Let's look at them...

Method 1: Assuming you want to gain more than a pound or two, what you want to do is to increase your calorie intake (and especially protein) so that you start gaining weight, and work out very hard to make as many of those calories turn into muscle as possible. As soon as you get as big as you would like, cut back the calories so that you are below "maintenance" and start fat burning to get rid of the "padding." You're going to bulk up fast, then you need to trim down afterward.

Method 2: With this method, you're going to put emphasis on burning fat up front, and then you need to start adding muscle by eating more. The downside to this is that you will have to do some more fat burning on the back end, because you just can't convert every extra calorie to raw muscle. And, you want to build that muscle NOW, right?

Method 3: I like this one the best. You have to add extra calories to your diet, but just don't be a pig about it! Watch your body fat percentage along the way, and cut back a bit if it starts to climb, and eat a bit more if you're not making the gains you want. Maybe 500 extra calories a day to start, and watch it. Then, of course, you'll go through that last fat burning phase to get ripped. Along the way, throw in some high intensity interval training to help burn off any excess calories. This method builds muscle a bit slower than the first one, but you'll look a bit more ripped along the way.

if you want to get lean and build muscle at the same time, you need to eat enough good food to build muscle, and then you need to cut back and change the workout a bit to get lean. Pretty simple stuff; don't let anyone tell you different. - 17269

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7 Fat Loss Tips You Can't Do Without

By Thong M. Dao

Do you want to lose fat? Have you tried different diets and failed consistently? If you answered yes to these questions, you are in good company. There are a lot of people who have been trying fat loss diets over the years and have failed. The reason they have not succeeded is that they used gimmicks and lose-weight-fast diets that do more damage than good. Here are some sensible things to keep in mind when you try to lose weight.

1. Why are you overweight? Do you have a problem with emotional eating? If that's the case you need to teach yourself to turn to solutions other than food when you have an emotional difficulty. If you are just not eating right, learn how to eat well and nutritiously. Check with your doctor if you suspect a hormonal imbalance. When you find out what is causing you to gain weight, you can go ahead and find a solution that will encourage fat loss.

2. Learn to be in control. You need to be the one to decide what you will eat. Don't eat food just because it is there. Learn to choose wisely when you eat out, and learn to resist pressure by family and friends to eat "just one" food item. Come up with a long-term plan that will help you be healthy physically and mentally, and don't fall for fad diets that come and go and don't work long term.

3. Instead of eating three big meals, eat small frequent meals. If you eat frequently throughout the day, your metabolism works continuously and burns calories. If you eat big meals your metabolism goes up and down and it is actually harder to lose weight that way. Pay attention to what you eat during these meals and stay away from processed snacks that are high in fat and sugar.

4. Take your time. Eating more slowly and allowing yourself to savor the food does two things. It allows your body to tell you more readily when you're full, and it helps you satisfy your appetite. After all, if you're eating quickly, the taste of the food may not register at all.

5. Don't make major changes in your lifestyle. It is much easier to follow a fat loss diet when you don't need to make huge changes in your eating habits. Choose a plan that will allow you to make small changes, allowing time for yourself to get used to each change. You should not feel that you need to starve or eat food that you are not familiar with.

6. Eat a balanced diet and don't eat processed food. Eating processed food is really bad for you because it is high in fat and sugar. It will cause you to gain weight and put you at risk for diabetes and other physical problems. Foods like lean protein, whole grains, and fruits and vegetables are much better for you and will help you stay healthy in the long run.

7. Drink enough fluids. You need to drink plenty of water, unsweetened teas, and other beverages. It's better to stay away from caffeine and diet sodas because they will not hydrate you well enough. Not drinking enough can cause you to feel hungry when you are really thirsty, so make sure you are drinking enough throughout the day. - 17269

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Which is Better for Me -- Low Fat or Low Carb?

By Dr. Bill

After completing the last part of my journey and returning to Long Island last Friday night, I checked my Inbox and discovered a large amount of emails containing questions about low-carb, no-fat, and low-fat diets.

No-fat diets do not present any advantages as far as I can tell -- in fact, they can be dangerous to your health. They should not be undertaken unless you are under the care of a doctor, and even under medical care, I truly cannot think of a reason why such a strict regimen would be required.

Fat is very important for the body to function optimally, but the question remains: how much fat is enough? For almost the last forty years, the medical community has been recommending a low amount.

The same thing is true about carbohydrates. For decades, the prevailing wisdom was high carbs and low fat. You can see where that theory has gotten us.

Truly, the most essential factor in a successful diet is BALANCE.

When we speak of balance, we are speaking of the balance of fat, protein, and carbohydrates.

As I've said before, and will repeat again, what you eat needs to be close to its natural state. A baked apple is close to its natural state. Fruit Loops are not. Grilled fish with grilled vegetables is close to its natural state. Kraft Microwavable Macaroni and Cheese is not.

If it comes in a package, it probably has ingredients in it that aren't good for you. (Like trans fats and high fructose corn syrup - otherwise known as "the kiss of death")

The majority of low-fat foods contain a high level of sugar. They are manufactured to be excessively sweet so that the consumer finds them tasty. No-fat foods are the same. They always contain either sugar, or a sugar substitute.

Low carb almost always involves a sugar substitute too, and personally, I think it always tastes terrible. You have to convince yourself that it tastes good in order to eat it. No, thanks.

Generally, it's healthy for you to eat almost any food that is not packaged with other ingredients. Plain frozen vegetables are just fine, but frozen vegetables covered in sauce are not a good option. The sauce contains ingredients that keep the sauce in a stable state, and those ingredients will cause weight gain. Typically, the sauce contains more calories than the vegetables.

Even though vegetarianism is considered to be a healthy way of life, there are many problems with that type of dietary restriction. Vegetarians often end up with a serious case of under-nourishment and are vulnerable to many other health risks -- all stemming from the fact that they do not eat a balanced diet.

The best way to gain control of your diet is to start slowly, one meal at a time. My friend Nate has some words of wisdom on the subject: "Practice push ups instead of doing sit downs." His message is that when you are full you should push up from the table, not sit down in order to eat more.

You should also start taking an ultra pure, enteric coated pharmaceutical grade fish oil. This will insure that you get your daily dose of of omega 3 essential fatty acids, which keep your system running at an optimum level.

The other day someone referred me to a bodybuilding web site, where the genius bodybuilder who took fish oil was cutting back his dose, because he didn't want to get too much fat in his diet. I guess that's why he's a bodybuilder, because he doesn't even know why he's taking it in the first place. All brawn, no brain.

He needs MORE fish oil, not less. Athletes who train hours every day have every reason to be upping their intake of fish oil, not worrying about a few fat grams. What he doesn't seem to realize is that with the proper amount of fat in his diet, he would look better, and he might even win a competition. But I'm laying 100 to 1 odds he won't listen. - 17269

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Why Are Whole Grain Foods So Important?

By Scott Davis

Health studies have shown that people who eat a diet rich in whole grains have a lower risk of diabetes and that whole grain foods can help reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. Reading the names of the healthy parts of the whole grains is about as fun as reading the dictionary. Terms such as antioxidants (useful chemicals against aging), lignans (a chemical found in the cell walls of plants that has been associated with reduced risks of breast cancer), phenolic acids (plant metabolites which have been found to be natural and powerful antioxidants), phytoestrogens (found to be helpful in reducing risks of cancer, osteoporosis and cardiovascular problems) are all found in whole grains. All the scientific jargon may be confusing, but the bottom line is clear: whole grains should be a key part of our daily diet.

What We Need

We want to believe in our modern and sophisticated society that natural means better; we see many brands at the market that claim to be natural, knowing the appeal that the word has for most people. They however add all kinds of chemicals that that harm our body and destroy all the healthy properties of whole grain food. Wheat is perhaps the most important component of our daily diet, and yet we refine it to the point where all its nutritious properties have been destroyed. Because whole wheat bread takes longer to digest (fibers), we feel sated (full) more quickly, thus eating less calories. Our sugar levels do not spike because carbs are assimilated very slowly. Finally, whole wheat and other whole grains are 100% natural and that's what our body requires.

Whole Wheat and Whole Grains

Some people wonder about how whole grain and whole wheat are actually defined. Whole wheat is whole grain. Whole wheat has the essential components still included, specifically, the bran, the endosperm and the germ.

Many people tend to not like whole wheat products. Like bread for example. They think it's to course and heavy. If you make your own bread, we suggest you buy white whole wheat flour. It is made from a different type of wheat, but with all the ingredients of whole grain. You could also mix a low percentage of white refined flour (20%) with the regular whole wheat flour and still get some healthy bread that's light and fluffy.

You can bake all kinds of delicious things with whole wheat flour. From muffins to cookies, the list is endless. Giving the kids their daily ration of whole wheat will not only keeps them healthy but also teaches them to have a healthy diet.

Putting it Together

Don't forget to combine whole wheat products with the other healthy nutrients. Wheat alone doesn't make for the perfect diet. Low fat milk products, lean cut meats, beans, vegetables and fruits all contribute to a well rounded, healthy diet. - 17269

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The Folklore of the Amazing Acai Berry

By Caitin Ryan

Do you want to look younger? Improve your overall health? Stop looking in the cosmetic department and start looking toward the Brazilian rainforest. No worries! You do not have to travel to this remote region to benefit from the latest scientific discovery: The Amazing Acai Berry!

Though the amazing benefits of the acai (Ah-SIGH-ee) berries are just now being recognized by the outside world, the natives of the Brazilian rainforest have known about this miraculous fruit for hundreds of years.

According to folklore, the daughter of an Amazon Indian tribal chief is responsible for acai berries. Tragically, the chief had to order that all newborn babies be killed because there was not enough food to feed his growing tribe. His daughter, Iaca, was not spared this decree and her baby was the first to be killed.

Desperate and incredibly sad, Iaca mourned her child for days, weeping in her hut. Finally, she heard the cries of a newborn in the forest and raced to find what she hoped was her precious child. What she found was a palm tree that bore bright purple berries. She lay down at the base of the palm tree and died.

When the villagers discovered her, they also discovered the palm, which bore berries plentiful enough to feed and sustain the entire village. The tribal chief was able to lift the decree and named the berries Acai berries after his dead daughter. Acai is Iaca spelled backward.

Folklore aside, modern science has discovered some truly magical qualities about the acai berry. Acai berries contain super antioxidants, essential amino acids and omega 3 fatty acids.

Antioxidants are all capable of fighting cancer by fighting free radicals that damage cells and are the prelude to cancer and the aging process. The super antioxidant in acai berries that gives the berries their royal purple color is called anthocyanin. This super antioxidant has been found to slow and stop the growth of tumors. Antioxidants are also necessary for repairing damaged cells and replenishing tissue.

Because free radicals are also responsible for the aging process, acai berries are also great for preventing premature aging and slowing the biological clock.

Essential amino acids are important for tissue structure. Though only animal protein contains a complete blend of essential amino acids, it also contains dangerous saturated fat. Acai berries contain a nearly complete blend of essential amino acids making them fabulous for maintaining tissue structure (i.e. collagen in skin cells).

Instead of saturated fat, acai berries contain omega 3 fatty acids, which have the remarkable ability to lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and raise good cholesterol (HDL). Fish and fish oil supplements contain omega 3 fatty acids.

If you are searching for ways to optimize your health, prevent disease and slow the aging process, there are many ways to incorporate acai berries into your diet. There are supplements made from natural acai berry extract, powders that can be blended in smoothies and pre-made smoothies.

Acai berry juice lines the supermarket shelves with its growing popularity, but make sure you do not fall prey to these corn syrup juices. - 17269

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What is the Acai Fruit?

By Carter Sinclair

This odd sounding word doesn't quite get the publicity it deserves. You might be asking yourself, What is Acai? Acai berry is derived from the palm tree family. It has been a regional dietary staple for many Brazilians.

Acai is known as a super-food because of the massive amounts of nutrients and antioxidants it contains. The palm tree has 7 different species and they all derive from Central and South America.

The Acai fruit is used to make pulp, juice and even powder that is highly nutritious and has found its way into health foods and dietary supplements. The leaves are used for head coverings, roofing thatch, even brooms, baskets and mats can be made from the leaves.

The Acai plant is used for medicinal purposes as an astringent for gastrointestinal issues. The wood has a very high resistance to bugs and therefore is used for a lot of construction. Seeds are used for livestock food, jewelry, and plant soil.

What is Acai? Acai is one of the earth's natural wonders and gifts. It supplies everything from an energizing nutritional fruit and heart for food, and materials designed to provide coverings and shelter and because of its viability it is an important trade commodity for many people. It goes quickly and produces in abundance.

It takes a couple months to grow the seeds to seedlings. There are around a thousand berries per palm tree per crop and you can produce two crops a year on mature plants. Forty percent of the diet in this native region make up a dietary staple of Acai in some various form. - 17269

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