Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cat's Claw Extract Supplement: We have the answers.

By Marvin Graham

Cats Claw may not be as well known as some other herbs but the protection it can give to the body and its overall health benefits have seen it rise dramatically in popularity. Let's take a closer look at Cats Claw and its immense health benefits.

Cat's claw has been used in folk medicine as a tonic and for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, peptic ulcers, gastritis, colitis and other intestinal ailments, tumors, dysentery, and as a contraceptive. Today some have promoted it for the treatment of Crohn's disease and chronic fatigue syndrome.

It has been drawing increasingly more interest among the proponents of natural health care and Cats Claw has been the subject of medical research since the 1970's. These studies suggest that Cats Claw may help in the treatment of several diseases like arthritis, bursitis, allergies, diabetes, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, cancer, herpes, organic depression, menstrual problems and also beneficial for conditions of the stomach and intestines.

The immune enhancement usually results from the body's increasing its production of interferon to fight a viral infection, making antibodies to immobilize a hostile antigen, or producing a greater number of lymphocytes and other white blood cells that police the highways of the body and fight invading microorganisms.

The active ingredients in Cat's Claw are alkaloids, tannins and several other phytochemicals such as oxinole alkaloids, triterpines, glycosides, and sterols. These phytochemicals have adaptogenic, anti-tumor, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Cat's claw consists of the dried bark from the root or stem of Uncaria tomentosa or Uncaria guianensis (two Amazonian vines). These large twining woody vines can grow to a length of 100 feet. The bark of the vines has long fissures and is yellowish to yellow-green in color.

Cat's claw, which is also known as Una de gato, or the life-giving vine of Peru, is indigenous to the rainforest areas of South America. Commercial supplies originate from the Amazonian rain forests of Peru and Brazil.

When looking at essential herbs to take for better overall health don't overlook Cats Claw, as we have seen its benefits are immense.And, what is most important: it is natural medicine. - 17269

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How To Choose The Right Diet To Reduce Symptoms Of Ulcerative Colitis

By Marc Marseille

Ulcerative colitis is a condition that affects the intestines. The condition causes sufferers to have problems digesting their food and causes awful discomfort. This concern originates when the interior coating of the of the colon and rectal wall becomes inflamed. Symptoms of ulcerative colitis can end in stomach aches, cramps and diarrhea.

It is important to sustain a good diet for colitis because there are several foods that can set off the symptoms. The selection of foods in your diet plays a huge part in handling the condition. In addition to avoiding foods that triggers the intestines sufferers can also choose healthier alternatives to reduce the effects. The fitting diet for colitis goes a long way in reducing inflammation and redness to the rectal wall.

There are also additional side effects of ulcerative colitis that ought to inspire sufferers to stay on the suitable diet for colitis. The other side effects that can cause uneasiness is weariness and anemia. Tiredness is a main problem for sufferers because it can cause them to lose the passion for life. Weakness can even lead to gloominess which is an additional issue in its own.

Several people believe that specific foods can cause ulcerative colitis, but this is simply not the case. Although foods may not be the cause, the unsuitable diet for colitis can certainly exacerbate the situation. Stress is an additional issue that can cause the condition to go downhill.

Supervising the condition is the solution to a standard healthy existence. A good colitis diet is significant in keeping a lever on the disease. Nutrient rich meals are mandatory in avoiding the side effects such as lack of fluids, anemia and low energy.

A well balanced diet for colitis should include complex carbohydrates, whole grains, good fats and protein. You can still eat the normal foods like meat, fish, and poultry. Vegans with colitis can replace soy products for the nutrients found in foods such as poultry, meat and sea food.

A proper diet for colitis can not be complete without the dodging of certain foods and bad routine. Caffeine and alcohol is certainly not tolerable because they have been known to cause great damage to colitis sufferers. Other foods to stay away from include: piquant foods, dried beans, and fruits with pulps or seeds to name a few.

Ulcerative colitis is a condition that can be intolerable if is not correctly managed. The good news is with the fitting diet for colitis and some special treatment, the condition does not have to have power over your life. The condition may even cause you to live a better life than several others if you stick to the diet plan. - 17269

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Keep Disease At Bay With Proper Food

By Dr. Lorna Mistranski

Research has shown that a traditional Mediterranean diet provides assistance in protecting the body from type 2 diabetes.

Mediterranean meals are rich in olive oil, grains, fruits, nuts, vegetables, and fish, but have very little meat, dairy, or alcohol.

Studies hint that such a diet plays a major role in cardiovascular disease, however, there are not any current studies in how this diet effects the diabetic population.

Researchers gathered 13,000 graduates from the University of Navarra in Spain with no history of diabetes and recruited between December 1999 and November 2007; each graduate had their dietary habits and health were subsequently tracked.

To start the study off, the graduates all completed a questionnaire designed by the developers of the project. The questions were summarized at 136 and asked the participants specific questions that related to how they cooked, what types of oils they used, and their dietary supplements.

The participants were then notified every two years by a questionnaire that asked each about their diet, lifestyle, and other medical conditions. From this information, researchers were able to pick up new cases of diabetes

The researchers found that participants who stuck closely to the diet had a lower risk of diabetes. A high adherence to the diet was associated with an 83% relative reduction in the risk of developing diabetes.

Interestingly, those participants who stuck strictly to the diet also were thought to have the highest risk factors for diabetes, premature aging, a family history of diabetes, and a higher proportion of ex-smokers.

This did not happen. In fact the participants had a lower risk of diabetes which suggested that the diet might provide substantial protection.

The primary compounds of the diet include a high intake of fiber, vegetable fat, trans fatty acids, and a moderate intake of alcohol.

A primary element in this diet is the abundant use of virgin oil for cooking, frying, spreading on bread, and dressing salads.

The scientist finished by calling for larger cohorts and trials to confirm their findings. - 17269

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Catuaba Bark Extract: Tired of Being Sick? Try Herbs Natural Herbal Support

By Tyjuan Giordano

A large amount of confusion exists today regarding the actual species of tree that is harvested in Brazilian forests and sold around the world as "catuaba." Experienced Brazilian harvesters will refer to two species: a "big catuaba" and a "small catuaba." The confusion thickens when relating these trees to approved botanical species names. "Small catuaba" is Erythroxylum catuaba (A. J. Silva ex. Raym.-Hamet - the name was accepted in 1936), which grows 2-4 m tall and sports yellow-to-orange flowers and, in Brazil, is referred to as catuaba. "Big catuaba," in the mahogany family, is Trichilia catigua (A. Juss.), which grows 6-10 m tall, has cream-colored flowers and - in Brazil - is referred to as catigu and angelim-rosa.

Moreover, three other (unapproved) botanical names for catuaba are used incorrectly in herbal commerce today: Juniperus brasiliensis (which is thought to refer to "small catuaba"), and Anemopaegma mirandum and Eriotheca candolleana, which are completely different species altogether. Anemopaegma is a huge tree in the Bignonia family, growing to 40 m tall and called catuaba-verdadeira in Brazil. This species of tree is now harvested and exported out of Brazil by inexperienced or unethical harvestors (resulting in the incorporation in herbal products sold in the U.S. today) as just "catuaba."

The catuaba tree is a small tree with orange and yellow flowers. It produces an oval-shape fruit that is not edible. The catuaba tree belongs to the genus erythroxylum, which contains several species from which cocaine is derived.

Clinical studies on catuaba also have shown results related to its antibacterial and antiviral properties. A 1992 study indicated that an extract of catuaba (Erythoxlyum catuaba) was effective in protecting mice from lethal infections of Escherichia coli and Staphlococcus aureus, in addition to inhibiting HIV significantly.

The Tupi Indians are credited with the discovery of catuaba as an aphrodisiac. Indigenous people have used the herb for many generations and attest to its effectiveness. Although catuaba bark is an effective aphrodisiac increasing sexual desire in both male and female, it is primarily used to enhance erection in males.

According to Dr. Meira Penna, catuaba "functions as a stimulant of the nervous system, above all when one deals with functional impotence of the male genital organs . . . it is an innocent aphrodisiac, used without any ill effects at all." In Brazil it is regarded as an aphrodisiac with "proven efficacy" and, in addition to treating impotence, it is employed for many types of nervous conditions including insomnia, hypochondria, and pain related to the central nervous system (such as sciatica and neuralgia).

For generations, indigenous people have used catuaba bark not only as an aphrodisiac but also for many health benefits. It has been used to lessen pain, improve memory, calm anxiety and alleviate fatigue, among other benefits.

Catuaba is often taken as a general tonic since it is believed that it acts as a central nervous system stimulant and increases energy levels. Although such beliefs may be true, there is yet no scientific evidence to substantiate such claims. - 17269

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5 Great Tips for Losing Weight After Baby

By Patsie Adams

You 9-pound baby is out but you still look 9 months pregnant? What do you do? This article will explain sure-fire ways to get you back in shape post-pregnancy. Yes, you can get your body back post-baby!

Before anything else, be realistic. Carrying a child for 9 months will really impact you body. It will take some time and patience to get back into those old jeans. When it comes to losing weight post-pregnancy, best to do it slowly but surely.

Remember, your body is still recovering. Right after giving birth is not the time for diet pills or quick weight loss programs. Neither is it the time to shock your system by jumping back into strenuous exercise. These are important to consider for you and your babys sake.

Still, there are steps you can take to lose weight post-pregnancy. Here are our 5 sure ways to get back in shape post-pregnancy:

1. Breast feed. Not only does it help shrink your uterus and tummy back into shape, breast feeding alone burns up to about 500 calories a day. Breast feeding is not just about providing the most perfect food for your little one, it is also one of the best ways for you to burn calories. To make breast milk requires burning your fat stores!

2. Eat well. Avoid the usual high fat, high sugar and high sodium foods. These foods are not only high calorie - they are low in nutrition. Opt to eat plenty of fruits, whole grains, fiber rich food and a good amount of lean protein to keep you strong and healthy enough to care for your baby - not to mention trim down those extra inches.

3. Drink plenty of water. It is especially important to keep hydrated if you are breast feeding. The fluids will also keep your system clean by helping your body excrete toxins. Regular bathroom trips mean a slimmer mid-section as well very useful for post-pregnancy weight loss!

4. Get back into exercise... slowly. When you take time-off baby duty, make sure there's physical activity included. Mommy-time should involve some light to moderate exercise. You can take daily walks that build up to jogs, then runs. You can also take a dance class or a cadio class at the gym. Just be sure to check with your doctor first before starting an exercise program, especially after giving birth.

5. Bond with your baby. Just choosing bonding activities that involve some action can help you burn calories - and lose some of that stubborn baby weight. Taking the bay to walks in the park burns calories. So do some mommy-and-baby yoga classes. Bond and burn!

Post-pregnancy weight loss is totally doable. Having the baby is no excuse for you to keep those extra pounds on. Many have lost weight after giving birth. You can too!

Breast feed, eat healthy and exercise. Eventually the weight will fall off, but it is not going fall off on its own. You still have some work to do. Now get started! - 17269

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Natural Herbs to Increase Libido: Stay Healthy Naturally

By Nick Garcon

From the earliest attempts to treat erectile dysfunction back to Muslim physicians and pharmacists these problems were treated with tested drugs, then John R. Brinckley initiated a boom male impotence cure with injections and surgery despite the increasing availability of effective of these treatments, plant-derived and herbal remedies continue to provide the best alternative for men seeking to improve their sex life.

When viagra was introduced, it became the best selling drug in history and it continues to be a pharmaceutical best seller to this day despite the high prices of it. Due to high prices and a prescription required to buy viagra, herbal male sexual enhancers have flooded the market with a brilliant reputation of being safe as well as cheap. Experts have gone as far as to recommend a few of these herbal products to certain patients as an extremely effective alternative to viagra.

With the intense research and studies carried out on these herbal products it was discovered that when certain natural herbs were mixed, it created a powerful dietary supplement that boosted the libido to a new level. Having an erection problem such as being unable to get or maintain an erection long enough for satisfying sex, is extremely common. It's also a condition that can be treated.

Why herbal remedies are such a good alternative? Unfortunately 44% of men would not go to their GP if they experience erection problems, and those who do go to their GP about their ED wait on average 17 months before going for a consultation. But there's no need to delay - oral treatments for ED (PDE5 inhibitors). Herbal products have revolutionised the treatment of men with ED and are now widely available over the counter.

Also, foods that resemble the male and female organs are believed to bring about an increase in sexual craving. Ginseng, which has been proven to aid in enhancing libido, has a semblance to the human body. This is one of the libido enhancing herbs known to be effective for sexual relationships for many years past.

Damiana: this herb is found in tropical America and it is well known for its aphrodisiac properties, which has been used for centuries in order to increase libido. This herb is one of the safest herbs for consumption that is why it can be found in most male libido supplements. It is known to increase the sex drive in males remarkably.

An ezine articles published that in fact, many scientific studies show that these herbs do not just help in enhancing the penis; they also provide multiple sexual benefits. Some of these benefits include stronger and longer erections, better stamina, increased sperm production and better sexual performance.

Maca: This herb is used in to increase male testosterone levels especially in elderly men. It can also be used to boost the production of quality semen and sperm naturally. This herb is known as an "organic tuber" which grows in Peru in the high Andean plateaus at an incredible height of about 14,500 feet above sea level. - 17269

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What You Should Know About Natural Sweeteners Before You Make Them Part of Your Diet

By Jamis Hartley

Are natural sweeteners right for you? Many believe all natural is the only way to go, therefore natural sweeteners are right for everyone. At this point the highest level of interest in natural sweeteners is found among those trying to lose weight or those who have a medical condition that is forcing them to reduce sugar intake. Fortunately, there are a lot of choices these days which are great all natural alternatives to sugar. But be careful, some may or may not be the right fit for you. Do a little research and make the right choice. This article will give you a few basics and recommendations to consider.

* Sugar: Has a Glycemic Index of 60 and 4 calories per gram

* Xylitol: Has a Glycemic Index of 13 and 2 and a half calories per gram

* Sorbitol: Has a Glycemic Index of 9 and 2 and a half calories per gram

* Isomalt: Has a Glycemic Index of 8 and 2.1 calories per gram

* Maltitol Syrup: Has a Glycemic Index of 52 and 3 calories per gram

* Lactitol: Has a Glycemic Index of 6 and 3 calories per gram

* Erythritol: Has a Glycemic Index of 0 and .2 calories per gram

Of the available natural sweeteners recognized as safe to consume there is really only one that stands above the rest. When comparing the Glycemic Index and carbohydrate levels (not listed) Erythritol seems to be the clear choice. It is interesting to note that the only two that do not cause tooth decay is Xylitol and Erythritol. Flavor would obviously be a very determining factor, but that is based only on personal preference as each will pass the test of being pleasingly sweet. The biggest and most important factor to separate Erythritol as the preferred natural sweetener is the method by which the body digests the sweetener. Erythritol is digested mostly in the small intestine and excreted through the bladder saving you the discomfort of the digestive issues caused by the other sweeteners.

Erythritol is taken in its natural from from melons, pears, grapes and many other fruits and vegetables. It is about 70% as sweet as sugar, but is much better for your body than sugar. It is also very popular with those suffering from Diabetes because Erythritol does not affect the blood sugar. It is currently being used to sweeten drinks and as a complete replacement for sugar in cooking recipes. Erythritol is widely recognized as a great alternative to sugar and is very popular with those consuming natural sweeteners. You will find plenty more information on the web about this great all natural sweetener. Do some reading and find a product that will help you live a healthier life. - 17269

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The Evolution of Physical Fitness

By Jesse Regan

The primitive man would have laughed at the idea of you lifting weights or running stationary on a treadmill. Physical fitness as a distinct activity was unthinkable then and even in later times. Nevertheless, its existence nowadays cannot be attributed to anyones gifted mind for it just developed through time alongside mans effort to survive and prosper. The primitive man may snort at the thought but he contributed to it too unconsciously. Physical fitness evolved from the dawn of man and is still evolving even in this very day.

Early human activity would not require them to appropriate time for exercises to keep fit. To survive against the elements of nature and to feed themselves, men had to hunt using very backward instruments. This would entail applying every piece of muscle they have just to have meat for dinner. The women also worked heavily in agriculture. Their kids were also trained early in hunting and, later on, rudimentary agriculture. This definitely was not the time of chemical-based preservatives and bad cholesterol. The food was always fresh and, although they gorge on meat heavily, every piece of fat just melted away with the extreme physical labor they do.

To live comfortably by making production stable man began to develop elementary implements for agriculture. Soon, they stuck with planting food crops and hunting became what you would call a mans sport. Simple manufacturing took place centuries later followed by the advance of industrialization. Then, only in the previous century, automation gave industrialization greater strides. Today, you can get food by just dialing the phone or clicking the mouse. People of industrial countries have thrown away the idea of a muscled worker. Your image of a normal employee is the Homer Simpson or Dilbert stereotypes.

Todays typical food makes matters worse for someone who spends most of his time sitting inside an office. While it lacks the vital nutrients, it is usually rich in bad cholesterol, harmful preservatives and other inorganic ingredients. One can argue though that the primitive diet of raw meat might be just as loaded with fat as the average burger.

However, he would lose easily all the fat he had taken by just hunting for the next meal while fast food cholesterol just settles comfortably in you as watch television. Every modern household has, in fact, a fridge loaded with bad cholesterol, making it any fitness buffs forbidden zone.

In the face of health hazards, men began to rethink about their lifestyle. The rise of cardio-vascular diseases urged them to check on their activities and diet. This resulted into the evolution of physical fitness pursuits. Exercises to develop muscles and lose fat were introduced so that they could overcome the physical inertness so often related to deskwork and fast food diet. They now need to balance work with physical fitness activities and a healthy diet. These are some rudimentary information about weight loss that you can find online. - 17269

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Massage Chairs Help With Your Health

By Frederick Northrup

Many people are increasingly integrating massage chairs into their total health programs. Massage chairs provide in great way to relax and rejuvenate. As part of diet and exercise, the size chairs help to relieve and soothe tight muscles. This helps the body to recover more quickly from physical activity. Massage chairs provide a convenient and practical way to integrate daily massage therapy into your health program.

One of the important considerations about a massage chair is its therapy. Massage therapy is a natural form of treatment which has been practiced for thousands of years. Many massage chairs contain massage techniques which were developed by many different cultures.

Massage chairs are becoming increasingly popular as people turn to more natural treatments. Many people do not get frequent massage therapy because it is not convenient. Massage chairs provide a practical way to receive frequent massage therapy in your home or office.

Relaxation and quiet time is important for the body to recover. Many of us have very busy schedules and don't eat right or exercise often enough. Sometimes it's too hard to do too many things can go to many places. Massage chairs provide a safe haven in your home or office where five or 10 minutes of relaxing massage can make all the difference.

We need to consciously build relaxation time into our busy schedule. A massage chair is a perfect reminder that we should do so. All you have to do is sit down for a few minutes and let it began to relieve your tensions.

To get the real benefits of massage therapy, it must be obtained regularly. Getting a massage once a year will not put much of a dent into your stress and anxiety. Massage should be done on a routine basis to help counteract the constant ongoing stress.

Massage chairs are able to provide a full body massage much faster than a massage therapist. A massage therapist will massage one part of the body at a time. A massage chair is able to provide massages to many different areas all in parallel. The total time for an equal massage is much less with a massage chair.

Frequent massage therapy has been shown to relieve tension in the body. The relieving of tension is made possible by massaging the stiffness out of the muscles and joints. If this is done on a frequent basis, this helps to increase the flexibility of the muscles and joints.

Massage chairs help you to balance stress and anxiety in your life. It is important to start to relieve the build up of tension in the body. If you come under stress, it is important to receive massage chair treatments when this occurs.

You can manage your pain naturally with a massage chair. Massage chairs provide a ride the of different massage techniques. This can help you target specific muscles for relief. Focus the massage and a particular area until it is thoroughly relieve.

Reestablish a healthy balance by getting your stress and check. A massage chair provides you with the perfect counterbalance to relieving the build up of stress when it happens. Simply select the massage program that will best take care of your current needs.

Massage chairs are the perfect way to maintain balance in your health and well-being. They are easy to fit into your normal daily routine. Use them before or after workouts. It is a great way to warm up the muscles. Massage chairs help you to reduce your stress before it hits a crescendo. - 17269

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Five Known Fat Loss Mistakes People Continue To Do

By Tomuse Gospuse

There are five big mistakes people make during their workouts. I watch a lot of people do this all the time. Don't make these same mistakes and you will have no problem losing fat.

1. No support whatsoever

Working out with no support is not how you should be exercising. Support from your family, friends, doctors is the best way to approach losing fat. Use 2 people out of the group who was successful in exercising for support.

2. Not having a program to keep you on track

If you walk into the gym wondering what you are going to do first today then you should just leave because your wasting your time. Make a plan, understand what you got to do. Stay with it and complete it. Now you wont be walking around the gym figuring out where to start.

3. Staying with the same workout for more than 4 weeks

The longest you should stay with the same workout program is 4 weeks. Don't stay with a workout program longer than 4 weeks especially if you have not received the results you want. Change it up a bit frequently so that you will get great results and have more fun at the gym.

4. What you eat

If you want to lose fat you will have to eat right for fat loss to occur. You won't be able to train like an animal then eat junk food and still expect to lose fat. No program can promise you that. Diet is just as important as training, eat whole natural foods in 6 medium sized meals a day. Intake lots of fiber, a lot of protein and vegetables. Eat good fats, stay away from trans fat and Drink as much water as you possibly can. Pretty simple, very effective.

5. Not understanding their limit

People always ask me if they should add even more cardio and lifting to their workout plans. People get this idea that if some is good, more training should be a lot better. The answer is NO, you must draw the line somewhere. Adding more and more exercise is a no no.

Your body will breakdown to fast due to to much working out, mainly when you are dieting. Training to much and a low calorie diet will not go together. This type of training will not optimize your engine and it won't run to its fullest.

Focus on your workout in quality not quantity. For many reasons stick to high quality nutrition and high quality training. The only thing that really matters is the results, not sore muscles or being exhausted after each workout, and not feeling like your lacking food. It is all about quality work and quality food for a better healthier body. - 17269

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Common Coriolus Mushroom vs. Cancer

By Dr. Markho Rafael

The mushroom Coriolus versicolor (Turkey Tail Mushroom) is the most ubiquitous mushroom in the world. It grows on fallen trees and stumps from the sub-arctic to the tropics.

Considering the vast array of bacteria and other fungi it has to compete with for space, it stands to reason that it must possess a powerful immune system; an immune system with potentially powerful medicinal compounds for humans.

Traditional Chinese physicians frequently prescribe Coriolus for hepatoma and some types of jaundice. [160] Modern medicine is best acquainted with it through Krestin, an Asian cancer drug based on the Coriolus extracted compound PSK. [188]

Two studies out of Japan reported increased rate of survival from gastric cancer, among 486 patients, when PSK was added to the standard chemotherapy treatment. [161, 162, 163] PSK has also been reported to reduce cancer recurrence and metastasis. [161, 162, 164]

Two other compounds isolated from Coriolus have demonstrated an inhibitory effect on leukemia. A polysaccharide named CVP exhibited an inhibitory effect on leukemia cell growth with no harmful effect to normal lymphocytes. [165, 166, 167] The small polysaccharide SPCV also showed leukemia proliferation inhibition. [168]

The compounds of Coriolus versicolor extract appear to work in two ways to combat cancer:

1) By a direct inhibitory effect on the proliferation of cancer cells.

2) By enhancing Natural Killer (NK) cell activity. [169, 170, 171] Natural killer cells are a critical part of the human immune system's fight against cancer.

Though the effectiveness against different forms of cancer varies, PSK is currently used to treat cervical cancer in conjunction with radiation. Studies have linked it to increased survival rate from cervical cancer. [134] It also decreases tumor cell regeneration in hormone responsive prostate cancer, as demonstrated in a 2001 study at New York Medical College. [172]

PSK has also been tested with promising results against colon, lung and breast cancer. [25, 173] It appears to have no effect on Sarcoma 180. [174]

PSK is also a powerful antibiotic, specifically against Listeria monocytogenes, Candida albicans, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Cryptococcus neoformans and Staphylococcus aureus. [175, 176, 177, 178, 179]

Tests in vitro (test tubes / Petri dishes - not live subjects) have even shown a compound (PSP) from Coriolus versicolor extract to inhibit the replication [180] and infection of HIV. [181]

In a study conducted in 1995, PSK demonstrated effectiveness at normalizing the immune function of people with chronic rheumatoid arthritis. [182]

In the book Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms, Paul Stamets mentions being aware of several individuals with Hepatitis C reporting relief of symptoms from using medicinal mushroom tea. He specifically relates a case of a man with swollen liver and spleen starting on a daily regimen of tea made from Coriolus versicolor (Turkey Tail Mushroom) and Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi). After two weeks, the swelling went down and liver enzymes normalized. His HCV value went from 1.3 million to 140,000. [183]

Coriolus versicolor is also a rich source of antioxidants and has been reported to help the spleen recover from radiation therapy induced injury. [189]

Finally, in the book Mycelium Running, Paul Stamets lists two additional areas of promising research on Coriolus versicolor: Kidney health and uterine cancer. [134]

Note: The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult a licensed medical practitioner before using any herb (or mushroom) for medicinal purposes.

Credit to Paul Stamets for research and source material. - 17269

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Can Water Skiing Really Help Me Prevent Bruising Easily?

By Carolyn Cooper

If you are ready to head into the sun and the lake or river, and when you are in a place where you love the idea of skimming across the water, light as a bird, water skiing is definitely the ideal sport for you to undertake. It's a fun hobby that's enjoyed by people of all ages, and when you are thinking about getting out on the water, you'll discover that water skiing has plenty of other benefits for you as well.

If you are not aware of how helpful water skiing may be in helping you reduce your bruising easily, you should take a few moments to consider how water skiing might help. If you have been noticing more bruises showing up here and there over the past several months, you probably are ready to discover a means to halt that tendency,

Some medical problems are hinted at by easy bruising, but generally speaking, a certain percentage of people will tend to be subject to bruising easily as they grow older. This is primarily due to the fact that the skin is less elastic and flexible as it was when you were younger and, therefore, provides you with less protection from trauma than you were accustomed to.

Try pinching the skin from the back of your hand; if you notice that it is more papery than it has been in years past, you are actually detecting a breakdown in the level of collagen, which is the material that helps keep your skin looking firm and pliable.

Part of the solution to this condition lies in increasing cardiovascular exercise, which as much fun as it is, water skiing definitely qualifies. When you encourage your heart to beat in a more healthy fashion, you are also strengthening the vessels that your blood flows through, both veins and arteries. As these vessels get healthier, you will find that they are much less inclined to break due to light trauma.

Bruises generally happen because of trauma, so you will make it much easier for you to avoid easy bruising if you make increasing your cardiovascular activity a priority. If your cardiovascular function is good, you will find that your easy bruising will be decreasing in its occurrences, because you have developed the means to alleviate the situation.

To get started with water skiing, all you will likely need is to take a few lessons. Learning won't take a full week at the lake; just a few hours or half a day should be plenty of time to learn all of the basics that you need. You will probably be enjoying skiing with your water skiing friends after just a few lessons.

As much fun as water skiing is, and as much as it can help you with your easy bruising problems due to your increasing your levels of cardiovascular activity, water skiing alone is probably not going to be the complete solution to your bruising. Since water skiing is generally a seasonal activity, you would do well to consider the addition of a daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned. This daily program can be the final step in your quest to reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17269

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