Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, April 16, 2009

6 Pack Abs - Core Based Exercises

By Dan Solaris

Most folks that have been sweating it out in gyms across the globe are doing so for a flatter, leaner stomach. A flabby gut is the first sign of excess weight and there's nothing more damaging to one's self-confidence than walking around the beach with a bouncing potbelly.

Most exercise buffs, despite having spent years in the gym or working-out at home are still unsatisfied with their physique. An overwhelming number that don't see clear results even stop going to the gym- disheartened and bored with their workouts.

Since fat-loss and a lean, well-defined abdomen is the goal of most fitness buffs across the globe, more folks should be doing exercises that maximize movement of the midsection. The more muscles involved in movement, the faster the results and the easier it is to keep stay consistent with one's workout program.

Though most people are unaware about them, the power of core exercises in producing a rippling set of 6 pack abs cannot be stressed enough. Common flat-platform sit-ups and crunches can't compare to the core-strengthening movements of Pilates or improvised ab exercises done on a Swiss ball. Core based exercises entail more muscle effort leading to a leaner midsection in less time.

An overwhelming number of fitness buffs go about core based exercises the wrong way by focusing just on the abdominal muscles. If the other core muscles (lower back and obliques) are left out, this can throw the body's balance out of whack and cause back sprain.

Strengthening the abdomen, lower back, and oblique muscles means stabilizing our body's center, its foundation. A stronger core will give us better balance, flexibility and endurance. It will give extra support for our spine and hence give extra protection against injury.

Because more muscle tissue are involved in movement in doing core exercises, doing these in tandem with aerobic and weight-training will produce significantly faster effects. Isolating body fat for caloric energy and maintaining a high level of metabolism will result in flatter stomach in less time.

True, the proverbial road to 6 pack abs is paved with a lot of sweat, hardship and sacrifice. Knowing which exercises are most effective in eliminating body fat can help speed-up your journey however and get you to your goal of a lean, rippling midsection faster. - 17269

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The Health Benefits of the Acai Berry

By Chris Dreyer

In South America there is a fruit that grows deep in the Amazons called the acai berry. It is red/purplish and has been used as a healing tonic by the natives from the area. When the acai fruit was introduced to the United States it very quickly became one of the most popular health foods. Acai berry has been used in health drinks, as an energy enhancer, weight loss supplements, and a lot more products.

The acai fruit has one of the highest antioxidant counts of any fruit you can ingest. The acai fruit has nearly twice the antioxidant count of blueberries and surpasses grapes by as much as ten times. The berry was shown on Oprah and had Nicholas Perricone on as a guest discussing the fruit and its health benefits.

While still being studied, the acai berry is believed to increase energy, improve stamina, and improve mental focus. It also helps improve sleep, which will in turn contribute to increased energy.

Antioxidants are a leading factor to a better healthy heart. Antioxidants have shown to improve cholesterol by researchers. One of the leading contributers to heart disease is high cholesterol. That means acai berries can help prevent heart disease.

Acai fruit improves your heart health by helping it circulate more blood throughout the body. Antioxidants are known to play a special role in blood circulation.

One important study of acai berry is that it may have the ability to fight cancer. Studies have shown that the antioxidants in the berry destroy cancer cells.

The high antioxidant content in this fruit will help whatever is ailing you in some way or another. The secret that many natives knew before is finally here in the states to help people live healthier, longer lasting lives. - 17269

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The Super Food Amazon Acai Berry

By Jorandy Eck

A growing movement of organic health remedies has been appearing recently. People are starting to look for natural ways to improve their health because of all the horror stories they've heard from prescription drugs. During this time a category of foods called Super Foods have revolutionized what a health food is.

Many locals in exotic locations have used these types of super-foods often vegetables and fruits to live very healthy lives. One such super food is the Acai Amazon berry.

Acai is a large purple berry grown in South America. Acai berry juice has been the secret weapon for many Brazilian athletes. It provides a powerful and long lasting boost of energy that helps anyone perform to the peak of their abilities. It is a staple in many South American diets, and the health of the people who use it is proof to how amazing this fruit is.

Some researchers at the Florida University have found that the Acai fruit caused leukemia cells to self-destruct. Even though this research is very young many scientists are ecstatic about the early results.

Acai is one of the most potent sources of antioxidants on the planet. Everyday our bodies are assaulted by free radicals which attempt to break down our cells. Antioxidants help fight the oxidation that the free radicals use to do us harm.

To live longer, healthier lives antioxidants have been used to help us feel and look younger as well as strengthen our immune system.

There a are other health benefits you can get from the Acai fruit. Acai contains a large amount of Omega fatty acids. Essential fatty acids help to improve general brain functions, fight depression, and reduce cholesterol. - 17269

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What Do The Acai Berries Taste Like?

By Carter Sinclair

Pretty delicious is the word; acai berry combines the rich tastes of berries and chocolates and it would be very difficult not to like it. If you are a health food fanatic, you may have endured the taste of wheatgrass and other health and energy bars for the last time; Acai berry tastes infinitely better than these "traditional" health foods, and it actually has more benefits as well.

Acai fruit has one of the highest levels of antioxidants in all the natural fruits around. Antioxidants help to protect your body from free radicals which cause aging. The small berry is also full of omega fatty acids, polyphenol, amino acids, fiber and iron. A lot of research has been done on acai berry recently because of its spectacular health results.

It has been topics of studies for the prevention and treatment of cancer, diabetes, debilitating illnesses associated with old age, weight loss, lowering the risk for cardiovascular ailments, and of course weight loss.

Acai berry has many substances in them that increase your metabolism and it is a side effect of losing excess pounds. When your metabolism is increased your body burns more calories. Also, your muscles oxygenate the mitochondria that is essential for growing your muscles.

As mentioned earlier free radicals can cause cell replication which causes your body to age quicker. So by eating acai berries you can protect yourself from free radicals.

Acai berry aids in promoting good blood sugar levels, promotes processing of insulin, relieves headaches, improves your eyesight, helps you sleep better, improves your mood, blood circulation, and improves your memory.

Try acai out and see for yourself all its wonderful effects. Many people are raving about this petite berry and enjoying its healthy benefits and you can too! - 17269

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Flat Stomach Exercises - Defined

By Jose Loni

Flat stomach exercises are anaerobic exercises. Training the abs directly will not give you a flat stomach. In order to effectively get ripped abs, anaerobic training is the fastest way. The anaerobic system will increase your metabolism, through interval training and regular exercise.

Spot reduction does not work. Training the abs will not give you ripped abs. To get a flat stomach, you must train the whole body and burn fat. When you burn the fat throughout the body and the belly, the abdominal muscles under the fat will be more visible.

High intensity training causes a lowered oxygen situation in the muscles, which results in increased accumulation of carbon dioxide and lactic acid. Resulting in lowered muscle function.

When the intensity of the activity is decreased or removed, the body is better able to replenish oxygen into the muscles to repair and nourish. The increased metabolic activity requires more energy to function and helps remove waste products from the muscles.

Interval exercises create oxygen debt to force the muscles to expend more energy, the result being greater metabolic activity and increased overall metabolism of the body.

Regular exercise is a good way to be consistent and allow the body to become more efficient at burning body fat. Having a regular schedule of exercises promotes increased metabolic activity regularly, which has a residual effect of fat burning even after the exercises session.

With increased training frequency, the body will be better able to provide energy to its muscles as well as become efficient at burning fat. The increased lean body mass that occurs also helps to keep a regular schedule of metabolic activity to keep the body burning fat. - 17269

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Enjoy a good amount of energy through the finest nutrition

By jessica

Our body wants assorted kinds of highly vital vitamins and other nutrition to maintain a good wellbeing. Our body cells receive a good support and life from the various nutrition. The imperative vitamins also play a vital role in creating total nutrition which thus has a great contribution in all the physical functioning of the body. Nutrition facilitates to promote growth and improves the immune system. They also assist us to good retain our physical strength along with the mental alertness. Thus, a appropriately balanced nutritious diet not just sustains our wellbeing, but acts as a miracle to cure us from assorted diseases along with providing enough essential energy. Normally the daily intake of food should be such that provide all the requisite vitamins, minerals and nutrition. The routine functioning of the body is not probable without all these vital elements. The main requirement of the body is carbohydrates, protein, fat and water.

Carbohydrate is one of the most imperative sources of energy and that is largely essential by our muscle and liver for their smooth functioning. Our body can attain this amount of carbohydrate from the several natural sweetening edibles such as glucose, sucrose, fructose, etc. Another prevalent source of finding carbohydrate is corn, brown rice, wheat etc. Fat also has its own contribution in the wellbeing of the body. It plays an imperative role to accurately retain the metabolism system of our body and also to safeguard all our vital organs. Extreme intake of fat causes great wounds and distress to the body. The normal sources to obtain natural fat are seafood, meat and dairy products. Other sorts of fats are known as triglycerides such as saturated and mono-saturated fats having severe effects on your body weight and the function of heart.

It is not potential to sustain our body growth and its related in-built repair system, without the significant proteins. Body makes the non-essential amino-acids where as the essential amino-acid has to be provided to the body by the apt food. Similarly, water is also an important part of our nutrition and we know that life is not potential without water. Our body requires lot of water. Through the aid of apposite water intake, we can eliminate all the poisonous toxins from our body system and thus maintain good blood circulation in it. Water also aids greatly in operating the metabolism system to digest the food. It facilitates in maintaining the body temperature and moisture in the skin. Any human can stay away from the food but it would be too difficult to live without water. The water we drink has oxygen in it which further aids in keeping fresh the cells and the tissues within our body. Nutrition assists to offer an crucial support to the life of our body cells.

Lack of appropriate nutrition, vitamins and minerals could instigate somber consequences to the body. The growth of the body would sustain, the mental state would be unstable and other normal body functions would not be likely. - 17269

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Flatter Abs - Strength + Fat Loss

By Dan Soalris

The fast-paced lifestyles people in big cities of the world have nowadays have made it difficult to manage time to do everything one wants to do in a day. The dragging economy has forced a lot of people to work extra hours just to make ends meet and this has made it almost impossible for people to work-out regularly and get flatter abs.

Seeing as I'm in no position to advise you on financial matters and how to earn more, the best I could do is give some tips on how to exercise for more muscle and less fat on a tight schedule. There are still ways to get flatter abs even for people that are busy balancing work and their personal lives.

In their quest for the almighty dollar, a large portion of society these days find it hard to find time to exercise. The lack of adequate physical activity combined with the potpourri of instant, delicious junk food we have at our disposal have made it all too easy to pack on the pounds and get oversized bellies.

Losing weight and attaining flatter abs is all about managing daily intake and usage of calories. A healthy diet and workout regimen designed to keep the body's metabolic rate at optimum calorie-burning levels is all that is really needed to get and maintain six pack abs.

Aside from being able to strut around the beach like a Baywatch lifeguard, having a lean, muscular physique also has the lesser-known advantage of keeping a person's metabolism high. A higher metabolic rate means more calories are used-up by the body instead of storing it as fat.

Studies have found that muscles even burn calories just being there. Buffed people then can burn a significant amount of calories while watching Letterman or updating their Facebook page. Given these facts, there's no question then that doing muscle-building exercises is an essential part of an effective fat loss program.

Putting together a workout program that combines the calorie-busting benefits of high intensity aerobic sessions with muscle-building resistance training is the best way for people with a hectic schedule to get flatter abs. The calories burned doing hour's worth of low to moderate intensity exercises can be done in 15-20 minutes of intense exercise.

It might be a good idea to choose cardio exercises that you find fun to do- mountain-biking, jogging, martial arts, etc. The trick is to avoid dull and repetitive exercises if you want to be consistent with your workouts. Consistency is the key. - 17269

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Flatter Abs - Strength + Fat Loss

By Dan Solaris

Going through the daily grind nowadays takes up more time compared to the previous generations- more traffic, more work to do, more stress. For most people, it seems like there are just not enough hours in a day to be able to do what they want and that includes going to the gym to get flatter abs.

Seeing as I'm in no position to advise you on financial matters and how to earn more, the best I could do is give some tips on how to exercise for more muscle and less fat on a tight schedule. There are still ways to get flatter abs even for people that are busy balancing work and their personal lives.

In their quest for the almighty dollar, a large portion of society these days find it hard to find time to exercise. The lack of adequate physical activity combined with the potpourri of instant, delicious junk food we have at our disposal have made it all too easy to pack on the pounds and get oversized bellies.

Losing weight and attaining flatter abs is all about managing daily intake and usage of calories. A healthy diet and workout regimen designed to keep the body's metabolic rate at optimum calorie-burning levels is all that is really needed to get and maintain six pack abs.

There are numerous advantages to having well developed muscles- a sexy physique, enough strength to move the couch to look for lost coins, and a higher metabolic rate. That's right- the more we pack-on muscle tissue, the more we're able to keep off extra blubber.

Because muscle tissue consumes calories just by existing, the more buffed we get, the more we're able to fight off flab. If 'The Rock' for example was lounging on the couch, kicking back with David Spade watching Monday Night Football, he'd be burning way more calories than the comedian- even if the latter would be the one in charge of the clicker.

For busy people in a tight schedule, finding time to exercise and get flatter abs is not a lost cause. It's just a matter of sticking to a workout regimen that enables them to burn massive amounts of calories in a short time while boosting their metabolism. This can be achieved through intense cardiovascular exercise and resistance training to improve muscular strength. A key phrase in getting flatter abs: high intensity, more muscle.

It might be a good idea to choose cardio exercises that you find fun to do- mountain-biking, jogging, martial arts, etc. The trick is to avoid dull and repetitive exercises if you want to be consistent with your workouts. Consistency is the key. - 17269

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Healthy Eating is the Best Way for Maximum Weight Loss

By Thong M. Dao

Today virtually anyone is concerned about their health and how heavy they are. This is because lots of us lead our lives in such a way that makes it difficult to stay trim and be healthy. More often than not, we eat out at sit-down and fast-food restaurants.

Why not choose healthy snacks instead of sweet-flavored ones at home? Is there a way to get rid of bad habits in order to, not only be healthy, but to lose those extra pounds naturally? There just happens to be.

When you are attempting to lose fat, one of the fundamental things that you need to do is to stop the bad habits that you currently have. It will be especially difficult for those who are used to a certain way of eating for a long period.

Sugar, caffeine, aspartame and bad carbohydrates are just some of the bad things that many are hooked on. As hard as it seems, you should know that the best and only way to sustain good health is to get rid of these unhealthy habits. If you're having trouble breaking free from the cycle, going cold turkey for some days can help.

Bad eating habits should never be in our lives and must be substituted with sound ones. Although you are not required to eat perfectly all the time, you must make sure to stay on a nutritious eating plan for at least one month.

Why? Because it often requires that long for a new habit to establish itself. If you follow a diet that is both nutritious and balanced for one month, it will become your regular way of eating.

Certainly, there is more to it. Consuming the right foods is fundamental. Your sugar level is easily regulated by staying with food options that are low on the glycemic index.

Be sure your diet comprises of sufficient fruits and vegetables. It's most important that you consume lots of water everyday. You will be taken aback when you get your fit figure back and that will make all the efforts worthwhile. - 17269

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Rapid Fat Loss - Shoot for the Sky

By Jose Loni

What works in rapid fat loss are stress management, healthy eating habits, and interval training. These are effective easy methods to achieving rapid fat loss, and it works!

Stress and belly fat have been linked. Stress causes the Cortisol hormone to be secreted into our system and store fat onto our abdomen. This stored belly fat increases our chances of getting diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke.

Relaxation and stress reduction activities like yoga, meditation, deep breathing and tai chi have shown to be effective at reducing stress and allow you to better manage it.

Healthy eating habits are a great way of watching what we eat and make sure we don't overeat. Removing processed foods, fast fatty foods, and sodas, which are all high calorie foods. If we don't end up burning the calories from these foods, the excess calories end up being stored as body fat.

Small meals, several times throughout the day help maintain our energy level and keep us from overeating. It will help our body burn calories and increase its fat burning capacity.

Interval training is a great way to increase our metabolism and make our body burn excess body fat. The short intense intervals allow our body to use more energy to help bring oxygen to the muscles. In doing so, the body must breakdown fat to fuel the increased muscle activity.

The high intensity interval training forces the muscles to work harder. The greater activity of the muscles causes a build up of waste products and causes the body to bring oxygen to repair the muscles and remove the waste products from the muscles. The increased metabolic activity of muscles remain active and continue even after the physical activity is over.

Stress management, healthy eating habits and interval training are what work in rapid fat loss. These simple methods will jump start your system and give you the results of rapid fat loss. - 17269

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6 Pack Abs - Competing Theories

By Dan Solaris

Fitness experts have long discovered the potency of cardiovascular exercises in burning calories and eliminating fat from the body. Only by melting away enough body fat can stubborn body fat be trimmed off the midsection to expose the contours of the abdominal muscles- the much sought-after 6 pack.

It's a well-known fact that a combination of body-building exercises and cardiovascular workouts are the most effective in developing the muscles and facilitating fat loss at the same time. Since there are two types of cardio exercises, the question here is which type is the best for getting 6 pack abs?

Cardiovascular exercises can be done at low intensity and high intensity. The latter is more popular as a method of losing fat and getting 6 pack abs because first, it's easier to do. The physical effort in doing low-intensity cardio exercises can actually be done by novice exercisers and people that are extremely overweight.

The second reason low intensity cardio exercisers have a larger following even in expert circles is because study after study has proven that these are most effective in targeting body fat as the sole source of caloric energy. When exercising at high intensity levels, the body starts to access glycogen stores in our muscles.

The body absorbs carbohydrates from the food we eat and stores it in muscle tissue as glycogen. Supporters of the low-intensity theory say working-out too intensely can cause the loss of muscle tissue because some glycogen is used for energy when doing hard workouts.

Doing cardiovascular at high intensity however burns way more calories in less time than cardio exercise at low intensities. An hour's worth of calories burned doing the latter can be eliminated in just 10-20 minutes intense exercise. Some also argue that the lost carbohydrates can be replenished by eating the right post-workout food.

Some experts argue that although they're more difficult to do, high intensity exercises in fact build more muscle tissue because of the hard effort. They also kick the metabolism up to high levels and keep it going hours after a person has stopped working-out.

Low-intensity exercises may not be for people that are on a tight schedule because aside from hour-long sessions, it takes a full 10 minutes for the fat-burning effect to kick-in after beginning the workout. Intense cardio exercises, although more potent in the calorie-burn department may not be for everyone because of its difficulty. - 17269

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The Acai Berri - The Juice With Amazing Antioxidant Powers

By I. Russell

You might have certainly come across the term of acai berry or you may have heard or seen some kind of advertisement for products containing the berry. Do you really know the true facts and nutrition of this wonder fruit and the benefits of the acai berry juice? It can be better explained so as to provide you the details and reasons why this berry has attained so much popularity and how it is beneficial to those who are looking for antioxidants.

To stay healthy it is very important for us to get plenty of antioxidants in our diet. Recent ORAC test (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) done by Dr.Guohua has shown the results that specific foods always helps the body to fight with health problems. It measures the level of antioxidants in particular food so that one can have idea that how much antioxidant power the specific food has.

However, most people don't get this much. Many don't even get half of this amount. Eating the acai berry can change that and give you the antioxidants that you need in your diet. So, how much ORAC should you end up having on a daily basis? Well, the recommended amount is 1670 each day.

You see, you'll actually find that the acai berry fruit actually contains 3800 ORAC for every 1 oz of the juice you drink. This means that you get more than double the amount of antioxidants that you need from one, one ounce serving of the juice. Now you may be understanding why you see it advertised all the time. With this amount of antioxidants in your diet you can really reap some great healthy benefits.

Why are the antioxidants found in the acai berry so important? The reason is that antioxidants help rid the body of free radicals. Free radicals are dangerous and can cause lots of diseases, such as cancer. So making sure that you get plenty of antioxidants in your diet is essential for a healthy body.

Naturally, as long as you are going to buy acai berry juice, you should only go for organic. What's the point of ruining all of the great benefits of this juice by ingesting a bunch of harmful chemicals? Make sure that the company is a trustworthy one and that they only use organic acai berries before you buy anything from them.

Learn more about the acai berry and how it can make a positive change in your life. No doubt you'll find that the acai berry juice totally changes the way you feel and impacts your health for the better. So, if you are interested in better health, getting more antioxidants is key to achieving this. - 17269

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