Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, March 20, 2009

Weight Loss Using Synergy

By Dr. Bill

I'm able to get some extra work done today because it's one of those rare days where it's quiet in the house. My wife is out, and miraculously, the cats all seem to be asleep or occupied and don't need my attention. This doesn't happen very often, so I'm taking advantage of it.

Taking a break from the action, I just read a great article from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that was published in 2007. The article has a fascinating consensus.

The article states that members of a study that was performed on people who took fish oil regularly and performed a moderate amount of exercise were able to lose weight. Additionally, those people showed an increase in muscle mass as well as a remarkable decrease in risk factors for cardiac problems.

The people who took fish oil, but did not do any exercise, did not lose weight and those who took sunflower oil had the same results.

The people in the group that did lose weight ingested a dosage of 3 to 6 grams of fish oil a day. Normally, most people would take less, but I think that the people in this study had major weight problems, so their dosages were higher.

There was also an article that contained a review of the study itself, and the author makes points which are precisely along the lines of what I have been saying.

1. Spend your money wisely -- on a good product. You need to be taking a very high-grade, high-potency fish oil, one that is molecularly distilled and contains no contaminants or PCBs.

2. Your fish oil should not taste fishy, or give you "fish burps." This is why you should only take fish oil that has an enteric coating. This insures the softgels travel deep into the digestive system before they are released.

3. Don't be tempted to take flaxseed oil instead -- it's not nearly as effective as fish oil. You would need to take 12 grams of flaxseed oil in order to match the benefits of only two high-quality fish oil softgels. And flaxseed oil has the added detriment of causing you to spend more time in the bathroom than might be convenient.

To achieve synergistic weight loss, you can't go wrong by combining enteric coated, high-potency, pharmaceutical-grade fish oil, with moderate exercise and a healthy diet. - 17269

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Your Life and Turmeric - Super Combination

By Borgon Trocepticlon

The inquest of healing herbs and useful concoctions has been in vogue from the earliest centuries. But in actuality you do not have to look far. Just peep in your kitchen and grab the element of wonders called turmeric. Though its healing properties have been acknowledged even before the 18th century, it has become a distinguished herb of today which is used to treat diseases and maladies.

Ever wondered what gives turmeric its healing properties? Curcumin, a chemical component and an active agent in turmeric gives the turmeric its yellowish hue and is also famous for its anti inflammatory properties. Moreover, it has also shown its benefits in creating antibodies and fighting HIV bacteria and various other cancers.

Turmeric's multiple attributes include aiding the liver function and eliminating its disorders. Protection from harmful chemicals and radiation is also given as it assists the liver in secretion of bile which is a protective base for the liver. Clogging in the arteries, indigestion, high cholesterol and hyperacidity are also relieved by the regular use of turmeric in foods. It also strengthens the immune system and shields the body against viral infections. India is well known for its use of herbal spices and turmeric in regular foods and sauces.

Turmeric also has medicinal and antiseptic properties where acne and wounds are concerned. To treat acne, you can simply crush a handful of neem leaves and mix them with a tsp of turmeric, applying the paste on acne spots. Coconut oil can also be used if neem leaves are not available. A paste of coconut oil and turmeric can be prepared and applied on acne spots to be kept overnight. Two to three days of application is guaranteed to show desirable results.

Wounds can also be healed swiftly by applying turmeric on them. It works by remodeling the injured skin and guards it from outside infections. Frequent application of turmeric on the skin helps it to maintain its glow and shine and ensures that the skin's surface remains smooth and shiny. Multiple skin disorders can also be healed by the continual use of turmeric.

Turmeric's benefits extend even to the blood of the body. If taken regularly in the form of juice, it purifies the blood. It is also a natural detoxifier and can even act as a painkiller. It even helps with Alzheimers disease to a positive extent. Not only that, curcumin is also responsible for the reduction of plaque, tissue inflammation and memory loss.

Arthritis can be alleviated with turmeric as it inhibits the enzyme which is responsible for inflammation, puffiness and throbbing. It also normalizes the sugar levels and is very beneficial for diabetes patients.

The range of advantages of turmeric is diverse. Turmeric intake in diet is undoubtedly the best decision you could ever make. Do yourself a favor and start spicing up your foods with turmeric instead of supermarket sauces. Not only is it inexpensive but its striking benefits promote a healthier lifestyle and a livelier body. Increase your turmeric intake and toast to your health. - 17269

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How to Deal with Osteoarthritis

By Borgon Trocepticlon

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease of the skeletal system that occurs with aging. Osteoarthritis usually occurs in the joints wherein the cartilage breaks down causing pain and stiffness. It is a progressive disease and usually manifests symptoms in a later age. It affects both men and women especially those in their middle to late adulthood. However, men usually experience symptoms earlier than women.

The most common symptom of osteoarthritis is pain in the joint affected. This pain causes stiffness and inhibits range of motion of the joint. The pain is caused by the rubbing of the bones in the joint because of the absence of cartilages in between. Usually, this causes swelling in the area, giving more pain to the patient.

The intensity of pain for patients with osteoarthritis is not the same and varies according to the location of the joint affected and the current temperature of the environment. Usually, a cool climate could cause greater pain in patients. Pain occurs for a couple of hours but doesn't happen the whole day. It is also more often occurring in the morning.

Joint pain in osteoarthritis is not regularly occurring. This means that a person can experience pain attacks in a day and would not experience it until a couple of days later. This is the reason why patients with osteoarthritis have a disturbance in their performance of the activities of daily living. Pain in osteoarthritis can also vary depending on the location.

Osteoarthritis can be caused by a lot risk factors and the most commonly associated risk factor is age. That is the reason why osteoarthritis is called a degenerative disease. Its onset happens when a person is already in his 40s to 60s. Aside from experiencing pain, osteoarthritis has other symptoms such as the inability to move the joints in their normal range, enlargement of the bones, and osteophytes.

Little is known about osteoarthritis being genetic, but it is a common finding for patients with osteoarthritis to have other family members with the same condition. Experts have found out that this incidence is associated with lifestyle. Therefore necessary lifestyle modifications should be done. An exercise routine every day is very ideal to have an active lifestyle to prevent osteoarthritis.

Doing some serious physical work would be helpful to maintain an active lifestyle. A regular exercise routine is also a good option. However, for people who have lots of extra pounds, a change in diet is also necessary. If you're one of these people who is overweight, a diet modification would be a good way to reduce some pounds. Foods such as fruits and vegetables are the most ideal food replacement for foods rich in cholesterol and preservatives.

Osteoarthritis is a serious condition that should not be neglected. Younger people who do not want to be diagnosed with osteoarthritis should take necessary preventive measures as early as possible. Osteoarthritis can cause pain that can't be tolerated by people who have a low threshold for pain. Although medications are available to relieve pain, other symptoms can't just be treated by simple medications. It needs prompt treatment and surgery if possible. - 17269

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Simple to Follow Weight Loss Tips

By Jose Grinden

The magnitude of people who start a weight loss program daily is unbelievable and the percentage of them that will be defeated is equally mind blowing. So what causes this, when there is plenty of good, solid information at everyone's disposal?

The predominant reason for that lack of success in losing any weight is just because the colossal majority of people who endeavour to lose weight just give up too quickly. There are a variety of reasons for this, yet the worst is haste. People are often in such a hurry and expect to manifest results too swiftly and when that happens, they simply give up, believing that it has failed for them. So here we have five facts with regards to weight loss which could cause you to rethink your own strategy with respect to losing weight.

Aiming to lose weight too swiftly by crash dieting could be extremely injurious to your health. Your body naturally resists your efforts to do this by checking your metabolism by attempting to counteract the withheld nutrients, thereby decreasing the cogency of the diet. When you cease dieting and resume eating as normal again, your body is going to stow food as fat in readiness for another bout of starvation, so you will gain even more weight than previously.

Everyone's body is designed to remain at the correct weight for its height and build and if that drops out of alignment because of abuse, a small shift in how you use your body will render it back into alignment and return back to the exact weight.

Taking things at a more leisurely pace will bring too many advantages to a weight loss program. Commence an exercise program by degrees and lengthen the time you spend doing your exercises as well as the level of exertion. Always stretch ahead of and succeeding a work out to imbue your muscles with more flexibility and lower the chances of straining them.

By reducing your intake of calories from food so that it is slightly less than the quantity of calories you consume through exercise, you will lose weight until a perfect balance is arrived at. This is the most basic truth about weight loss and one that you can capitalize on to bring about success. - 17269

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Does a muscle building program really need supplements?

By Jon Cardozo

I really hate to disappoint you, but weightlifting supplements are no shortcut to success. You probably already knew this deep down inside, but you may have spent a bunch of money when purchasing these kind of supplements. If so, you have probably been quite disappointed and have already learned this lesson.

Muscle building supplements are not necessary and are often completely useless. Even protein shakes, although helpful and convenient, are not mandatory. You really can get all of your calories and protein from your diet. Protein drinks are convenient, but there's nothing really magical about them.

If you've spent any time shopping for supplements, you have probably been amazed at some of the prices. You'll see stacks of protein bars and tubs of who knows what selling at a premium. The supplements look so convincing, with their pictures of huge bodybuilders guaranteeing your success.

I once heard a well known trainer explain that supplements are mostly useless for building muscle.

Vince Delmonte tells us that adding supplements to our muscle building program may only give us a 10% boost, and this number assumes that we have already maximized our strength training and nutrition. He says that in most cases supplements will only give us a 1 or 2% difference, which is probably not enough to make you notice!

Forget what bodybuilding magazines try to tell you. You'll do far better by improving your training and diet (or even just getting more sleep) than you would by listening to the advertisements from supplement companies.

The bottom line is that everyone can achieve massive muscle growth by adhering to the basic principles of progressive resistance training and increasing caloric intake. In other words, lift more, and eat more. Repeat until you achieve the desired results. You don't need to consider questionable steroid alternatives, or even more reliable substances such as creatine, until you have practiced basic principles and achieved as much success as you can.

Once you have maximized your progress, you might consider a few helpful supplements to give you a slight boost in your performance. However, be honest with yourself. Most trainees can do a lot more to improve the results without even taking a single supplement. - 17269

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Ways You Can Use to Lose That Unwanted Weight ?

By Mercy Alamis

If you are obese, you have probably recently contended with your weight problem. It is terribly frustrating to deal with the weight problem. Advertisements, either on the tv or internet, claims to have the proven and tested way of losing weight. And sometimes, these claims sounds good to be true because of the characters they used in the advertisement.

If you are looking for the perfect weight loss plan, you should bear in mind that you should look for a weight loss plan that is healthy. Don't swallow hook, line and sinker that is promised of the weight loss advertisement you saw. What worked for the person in the advertisement may not certainly work for you.

One type of weightloss product to avoid are the diet pills. The ones that literally requires you to starve yourself. You need food to perform your daily life activities. Starving yourself would make you weak and susceptible to diseases. Remember, you agenda is to lose weight and not to be sick.

One way that could help you lose weight is by changing your diet. Reduce or if possible eliminate sugar, alcohol and fatty foods from your diet. Reduce the amount of simple carbohydrates in your food if your daily activities are not strenuous. This is because the carbohydrates are stored in the body as fat. With strenuous activities, the fat would be converted in to energy. This is the energy that would help you to complete the strenuous activity.

You should also eliminate junk and fast foods from your diet. These foods are full of preservatives and empty calories. These foods does nothing good to your body. Instead they make you crave for more. Avoid drinking sodas. Sodas contain sugar and as noted above, you should eliminate sugar from your diet.

Another method of losing weight that is highly recommended is exercise. Exercise burns the body's fat, builds muscle mass and increases metabolism. With exercising, you are like killing two birds with one stone. By this I mean, you are not only losing weight, but you are also keeping yourself healthy and in good shape.

Healthy eating and exercising daily are undoubtedly the best ways to lose weight in a natural and safe manner. By following these best ways to lose weight, you will not only have the figure you always wanted, but you will have good health. You will also feel good, have increased energy and you would have a friendly attitude. - 17269

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Stretching Techniques for Your Bodybuilding Routine


An important component of any fitness, bodybuilding, or strength training is stretching because it prevents injury and prepares the muscle groups before each workout. If your goal includes perfecting your technique and exercising good form -- a complete stretching will help you move on the right track.

The first part of the stretching routine that is responsible in the supply of blood and oxygen to your muscles and joints is warming up. You can warm up by using a stationary bike and alloting at least 5 to 10 minutes in it, do some fast-paced walking, or utilize a jumping rope. This is meant to activate pumping of blood in your entire body and speeding up your heart rate.

Then, you need your joints to be prepared through a set of movements in a way that will make your muscles flexible enough.The author of the book Getting Stronger, Bill Pearl, explains how it helps to prevent the self from injuries by preparing the joints before engaging in a workout through stretching. Stretching is also necessary after lifting to help reduce soreness and taper off the stress on the muscles.

When you begin the stretching routine, you'll need to stretch only until you feel slight tension in the muscle group and will need to hold this stance for at least 15-20 seconds. Relax for several seconds, then push just a little further for another 15-20 seconds. Make sure you are inhaling and exhaling deeply throughout each push so your body can take in fresh oxygen at each step.

Make sure your muscles are not rebounding from an impact on each count to protect your joints and muscles. Many beginning bodybuilders and athletes make the mistake of bouncing or jerking their muscles as they perform each stretch, and this can actually do more harm than good. Complete and longer stretching exercises, in addition to increasing flexibility, are necessary when you are stretching for an intensive weight training. Bodybuilders and weight lifters become especially flexible and limber because of the continuous stretching practice.You may be able to perform your exercises with better control and good form as you enhance your flexibility and by increasing the intensity and resistance, you may have better returns of muscle gains.

Essential in the prevention of industries and in optimizing core muscle groups is the way you maintain proper posture throughout your stretching routine. Prevent yourself from injuries by using appropriate workout gears like shoes or boots as they can help you achieve balance and maintain the straight posture of your neck and body in each routine. You'll also want to tuck in your abdominal muscles to support your spine.Practicing basic stretching on a regular basis can help you master all the movements even though it may take some time to get used to them.

Finally, don't forget to breathe! With adequate supply of oxygen in the body, you can sustain your energy throughout your workout and and may be able to do each movement well.Inhale deeply at the beginning of your stretch, then hold your breath as you do the 'push', and exhale as you move to the next one. - 17269

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Natural Cholesterol Treatments

By Julieanne van Zyl

Modern society speaks familiarly about "lowering your cholesterol", but do we even know what it is? All that most people know that it is bad for your health and that it is related to fatty intake, which is to some degree, correct.

Cholesterol is a substance which is yellow in color, soft, and it clings to your membranes and cell walls throughout the inside of your body systems. In order to stay healthy your body does need cholesterol, but since your body produces it we definitely do not need to add to it.

In order to stay healthy your body does need cholesterol, but since your body produces it we definitely do not need to add to it. There are things that you can do to keep your cholesterol in check and to keep your body healthy without use of medications, unless your cholesterol is critically out of control. Some cholesterol natural remedies have quite a bit to do with lifestyle changes.

To maintain optimum cholesterol levels you can:

If you are overweight take measures to reduce or maintain your weight if it is already optimal. Not only does excess weight cause your cholesterol levels to rise but it also keeps it imbalanced. high levels of cholesterol can and do clog up your blood vessels. Excess fat carried around the abdominal area and is a significant indicator that your cholesterol is too high.

Take Regular exercise. Getting regular exercise, ideally four times a week for 30-minutes is a a great way to keep your overall health at optimal condition. Regular exercise has been found to lower your cholesterol. By exercising regularly you are able to heighten your good cholesterol, HDL, and lower your bad cholesterol, LDL. Also, by exercising regularly you will be able to lose weight at a faster rate and to keep your weight maintained once you have lost it. Although some forms of exercise are better than others just concentrate on any form of exercise to get you moving.

Foods that lower cholesterol are:

Nuts, such as walnuts and pecans Whole grain cereals Olives Fish Fruits, such as grapes, mangosteen, citrus fruits, strawberries, and apples Chicken Seeds Lean meats and more.

Higher than normal levels of cholesterol will cause a great deal of destruction to your body. It will cause health complications, such as heart disease and high blood pressure. If you have high cholesterol, consult your doctor about additional ways of lowering your cholesterol. a few lifestyle changes pertaining to weight, exercise, and dietary modifications and you can be healthier sooner than you think. It takes work, patience, self-control and lots of ambition, but it can be done. your cholesterol levels can be returned to good health by following these natural remedies. - 17269

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A Little Bit of Fish Oil Could Go A Long Way For Meghan McCain

By Dr. Bill

I received three video clips from a friend of mine yesterday, one showcasing Meghan McCain's appearance on the talk show "The View." At first, I could not remember exactly who she was, but then it dawned on me.

It dawned on me that her father is Senator John McCain, recent Republican candidate for president. As his daughter, she is convinced that she is valuable to the future of the party. There are certainly many differing opinions on this, so her appearance on the "The View" was an opportunity to promote her politics, which include something she calls "moderate republicanism." I have to say that I don't understand the concept at all.

Ms. McCain got into a verbal tussle with the ultra-conservative Ann Coulter, the upshot of which involved McCain telling Coulter that she could basically put her political message out to pasture. (And I am cleaning up the language and tone a bit here.) Coulter held her own and was joined in solidarity against McCain by Laura Ingraham, a talk show host. The battle got heated, and McCain accused Ingraham of calling her "plus-sized," which is personally insulting to McCain, but I don't see where it fits in politically.

I have heard Laura Ingraham previously and I think her insult towards McCain was meant to kill two birds with one stone. It seemed to me that she wanted to show solidarity with Coulter's politics and she wanted to score points by calling out McCain for being fat. Despite all the negativity, I enjoyed Ingraham and Coulter more than I did McCain -- they just looked to be at the top of their game: funny and smart, rather than (I hate to say it) boring.

As far as size goes, McCain is comparable with everyone on the panel at "The View" except Elisabeth what's-her-name. And I don't mean that as a compliment. A few weeks ago Jay Leno had called Joy Behar "fat," on his own show, along with a few other choice insults. McCain, while on "The View" stood up for herself by telling everyone that they could just kiss her fat a%* -- which is exactly that same thing that Tyra Banks did when confronted with the media calling her fat.

Looking back at her father's campaign last fall, I have to say that I don't remember Meghan McCain at all. But it now seems that she believes that the successful future of the Republican Party is her responsibility. Take a look at her blog and you'll see what I mean. And after viewing the clip from "The View" we can safely say that she is like her father in at least one way: her temper.

Maybe she can run for his seat in Arizona soon. But she better invest in some fish oil, first.

My suggestion that Ms. McCain take fish oil has to do with recent behavioral studies that show fish oil can be very beneficial for the mind, with some studies pinpointing that fish oil can be helpful in decreasing occurrences of anger or violence in those that take the supplement.

I recall a couple of British studies that showed that "hooliganism" (a lovely British term) rates among young adults dropped considerably, when fish oil was added to their diet.

What I am suggesting is that maybe the young Miss McCain might not have been so quick to drop the hammer and insults, had she been taking Dr. Bill's Powerhouse Omega Formula. It's just possible that the omega-3 fatty acids might have facilitated a better choice of response. Clearer, more precise thought processes...are just one of the many benefits enjoyed by those who take pharmaceutical grade fish oil, on a daily basis. That's one reason why I do, myself.

One other thing...to be young, fat, and proud... is NOT a good thing, whether you're Tyra Banks, or Meghan McCain. I'll guarantee you one thing... within 24 hours of either of them telling a national audience they could kiss their fat a$$, they both went on some kind of diet, which is part of their problem to begin with.

If they just followed my advice: good food, moderate consistent exercise, proper rest, and a daily dose of pharmaceutical grade fish oil, things might go a little better for them. And their behind wouldn't be on the frontburner. - 17269

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Three Ways of How to Eat a Pomegranate

By Freda Smith

Florida, Arizona and California are a few of the US states that grow pomegranate. They are of course more common in their native south asian countries like India, Iraq, Pakistan, Afganistan, and Turkey where the summers are very hot but the winters are cooler but not icy.

The flower and the fruit of a pomegranate develop beautiful bright red colors. With tons of essential minerals and vitamins, and only 100 calories per cup of the fruit, poms are perfect to eat if you are trying to control your weight or lose some calories. It is healthy and tasty.

The red outside shell of the fruit is not good to eat. In fact it is quite tough and sometimes hard to get into. The best way to open this fruit is to remove the top, section it without going all the way through and put it in a bowl of water for several minutes. Then pull the fruit apart while it still sits in the water. The heavier, fruit-laden seeds will sink to the bottom while the white inside walls and rind will float to the top. Remove the resulting top layer and drain the remaining fruit. Now you can eat it easily!

Throw away the white pulp and rind. Strain and rinse the fruit and put in a bowl. Now you are ready to eat it. You can eat the seeds with the red fruit. If you just eat the fruit and leave the seeds, (which is very slow-going) you have the bonus of being able to lay them out to dry. Once they are dried you can ground them up to season foods, or you can use them whole in a variety of dishes, including hot main meal dishes and your favorite cool desserts.

Another way to eat a pomegranate is to cut the fruit in half vertically. Holding the cut side up, cut 4 more segment cuts about an inch deep and an inch long. Turn the pomegranate over and pull the fruit open. Now take a heavy wooden spoon or other equally weighted kitchen utensil and whack the back of the fruit. The arils should fall right out easily.

Historically, people used to just pull them off the tree, poke holes in the rind, peel it back and tear large pieces of the fruit apart. Once they had a big enough chunk, they would just pull the seeds out with their fingers and eat them. You can use this method in your kitchen too, and even scoop the seeds out with a spoon for more ease. Be warned though, the juice is a very dark pigment and can stain anything that it touches, including your skin and clothes! - 17269

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