Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Weight Loss Motivation

By Dr. Bill

When I got to New York, it was covered in snow. I had been fantasizing about 50 degree weather, but no such luck.

The neighborhood looks really pretty when it snows, and I usually love looking at it for at least a few hours, but then I'm ready to go. This time however, I can't.

One of the problems many people have with weight loss is motivation. People often start with great expectations, and then, when they hit a roadblock, their plan or program comes undone, and they fall back into old habits.

I've discovered several strategies that seem to work for most people.

1. Changing your mental pictures

2. Accurately recording your measurements.

3. Writing about your plan and your progress.

4. Realizing that you are not perfect.

Many people who are overweight think of themselves as losers in some way, shape, or form. Eating for them is a sort of comfort therapy. They're thinking, "As long as I have my potato chips and soda, I'm okay."

This type of thinking is completely irrational, but it seems quite rational to the person who is thinking that way. It needs to stop. You need to start feeling and imagining that you are a healthy and fit person who deserves to be that way. This is not something that can happen in an instant, but it definitely can happen -- if you are willing to practice. Changing the way you think will change the way you look and feel.

Practice is the way to become what you imagine yourself to be.

Taking your body measurements with a tape measure is fine, but I think photographs are a better tactic. Take a "before" photo, take a good long look at that picture, and then form an image in your mind of just what you would like your "after" photo to look like. Then get to work.

A journal is such a good way to keep a record of your progress. You can hand-write it, or you can use the computer. Each day, keep a record of what you are eating and how much you are exercising. At the end of each week, take a photo. You will really start seeing results after about 3 or 4 weeks -- your body will look different, better. And you'll hardly believe you eyes after looking at photos from weeks 10 through 12.

Slip-ups happen to everyone who is in the midst of a weight loss routine. Don't beat yourself up about it. The best thing to do is log it into your diary and pay attention to when and how the slip-ups happen -- this will show you where your weak spots are. If you feel guilty, get in an extra workout. Don't let you slip-ups get in the way of your progress -- just take note of them, get back to your routine, and stay positive.

Your body will be very thankful.

The more you listen to your body, the more success you will have. As you increase your fitness level, your body will begin to give you signals as to what it needs. If you ignore what your body is telling you, you are very likely to get another type of signal, and it won't be positive.

There are other things, in addition to healthy food and regular exercise, that your body needs to function at its highest level. One of those things is pharmaceutical-grade fish oil with enteric coating.

The daily addition of pharmaceutical-grade enteric-coated fish oil has many benefits. It optimizes your joint mobility, aids in the function of your brain and nervous system and has many cardiovascular benefits. Add it to you routine -- every day.

Pharmaceutical-grade fish oil has been a part of my daily routine for a long time, but if I happen to miss a few doses, I really feel it, particularly in my joints.

(Hi Bill...it's your joints here. We noticed that you did not give us any fish oil for the last few days. Here comes a message for your right knee...yes, I know it hurts...so don't forget next time!)

It's happened more than once, since I travel frequently, but I solved the problem by getting extras that are "travel only" bottles, which never leave my travel bag. - 17269

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Why is the Acai Berry a Superfruit?

By Eric Hardaway

The acai berry is named one of the best superfruits because it has so many vitamins, nutrients, minerals and almost everything that your body would need to be healthy. Health is important to most people and if they can eat something natural that is good for them, then most people would prefer it to taking pills. This is why the acai berry has been popular and gaining popularity lately.

Nowadays, most people have heard of the term antioxidants and free radicals. The acai berry is high in antioxidants that are effective in fighting free radicals especially peoxynitrite free radicals. Some scientists say that the acai berry has the highest amount of antioxidants when compared to other fruits but the jury is still out on that fact. No matter which fruit has the highest level of antioxidants, the acai berry is no doubt one of the top performers.

You may have heard the term anthocyanins. The acai berry has a large amount of anthocyanins in it. The main anthocyanins in the acai berry are cyanidin-3-glucoside or C-3-G and cyanidin-3-rutinoside. These are just two potent antioxidants in the acai berry. There are more antioxidants present which makes the acai berry a good source for fighting again many types of free radicals.

Many people take supplements that contain essential fatty acids. The acai berry is good source of essential fatty acids. The acai berry is a small berry but about 50 percent or more of its dry weight is fat. If you were to extract oil from the acai berry, then you will find that the acai berry's fat is about 60 percent monounsaturated and 13 percent polyunsaturated. This makes the fatty acids profile of the acai berry similar to that of olive oil.

Protein is very important in your diet. Unlike other fruits, the acai berry is high in protein. The acai berry's protein profile is similar to an egg. But, bear in mind that the protein content can vary from an acai berry to another. Some acai palm trees bear acai fruits that have higher protein content than others depending on the condition which the trees grow in.

There are many vitamins in the acai berry such as vitamin E. Most of the vitamins in the acai berry are found in the acai pulp which is why people try to drink juices that have acai pulp in them. The acai pulp is where all the healthy stuff in the acai berry are. There are many more vitamins in the acai berry making it one of the best supplements that you can find.

It is not surprising that people eating the acai berry or drinking the acai berry juice can stay healthy and strong. The acai berry is packed full of nutrients, vitamins and minerals as well as fiber and everything else that we have already discussed. You will find that you have lots of energy when eating the acai berry. The berry is also low in sugar which makes it even healthier. - 17269

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6 Tips Help You Learn How to Build Muscle Faster With Ease

By Allen Brian

When people suiting a muscle mass body, majority of people are impatient and can't wait to achieve their goal faster. A lot of people are dying for the secrets of how to build muscle faster, here is some thing for you and you will get results within weeks.

First, when you are building muscles by working out, you should be careful not to do too much. Logically, it seems as if working harder, doing more reps, lifting more weights will make you see results far faster, but this is incorrect.

Since there are so many ways for building muscle faster. Don't overtrain your body. It is seriously wrong way to do it. Damaged muscle recover takes time. If you damage or strain muscles, it may take up to monthly to cover for next working out exercise. While lying on your back, you can't build your muscles.

Your weight lifting workout exercise should set at 70% to 80% of your maximum muscle strength. The damaged muscle will repair itself. And the more muscle damaged, the more muscle will be added when it repairs. And 70 to 80% is the good muscle damage point for this purpose. Quickly building muscle means you should take on quick workouts that last no more than one hour each, or the lactic acid buildup will create negative effects.

Don't Do Aerobics Exercise

Aerobics don't help in muscle mass building. But they are good for cardio. They can actually interfere with your attempts to build muscle.

Eat More Fish and Meat

Be sure to eat lean red meats and fish. Salmon is good. Salmon have loads of Oemga-3. The more meat is better. Meat contains a lot of protein, which will enhance muscle growth.

Get Plenty of Rest.

Have a full day rest after a day of weight lifting. Which mean no continuous workout for 2 days. You also can train certain part of muscle in day 1 and train totally different part of muscle in day 2. The main purpose is letting muscle rest and repair itself. Sleeping is also important for your health as well as muscle repair itself. As we mention before, our body will add more muscles after the muscle repairs itself.

Suitable hydration is essential for continuous muscle building. Proper hydration means enough water in your cell for carrying nutrition and riding of body waste, regulating body temperature and protecting your joints. Above thing are important for having a healthy body and working out.

Good Protein Source

In order to build muscles faster, you should add lean chicken, tuna, turkey, lean red meats and eggs in your meal plan. Intake lean protein is important for building muscle. Some protein sources like red meat and salmon have fats. They can boost your testosterone levels and help your muscle growth and increase muscle strength.

Visit Your Doctor

You should consult doctor for suitable rest of muscles. Your doctor can provide you some suggestions to live healthier.

Take Plenty of Sleep

Sleep 8 to 10 hours daily is important for building muscles faster. For this amount of sleep, your muscle can relax and build muscle mass faster. Much of the growth of your muscles happens while you are asleep, so sleep then whenever you get the chance. - 17269

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The Truth Behind What Makes Up A Balanced Meal

By Michael Parkes

Preparing a balanced meal may seem to be an arduous task, but once you know the hints and tips to getting the balance right, it will be much easier. An extremely good method to learn how to prepare a balanced meal, is by getting to know how food types are differentiated in the food pyramid.

So, what makes up a balanced meal? In the food pyramid, the five largest groups of food types are bread or carbs, proteins, tasty fruits, fresh vegetables and also dairy produce. Knowing these food types helps you to get the balance right. It is also important to having certain amount of each food types each day.

Here is a good tip for people who are constantly on the move, or people who have little time to cook. Frozen foods can be a healthy option in these cases. The nutritious content of the food remains despite the food being frozen. But make sure it is a healthy balanced meal with some meat, vegetables, juice and carbohydrates.

Everyone?s energy intake is different. This depends a lot on age, fitness and body shapes. It is advisable to match your daily food intake to your energy needs. This helps to maintain weight. Generally, a meal prepared according to the food pyramid is an excellent choice.

The next big thing is making sure that the carbohydrates you choose contains low glycemic index (GI). The low GI carbohydrates provide you with energy throughout the day in a slow, continuous fashion. This slow release of energy keeps you feeling fuller for longer and helps to maintain your physical requirements for energy.

When preparing a balanced meal, try to choose lean meat such as low-fat meat, fish or chicken. These help to build and maintain the muscle components in the body. Eggs are also a good choice for building muscle mass.

Weight gain is a serious problem these days. There are a wide range of medical complications that can arise from being overweight. A balanced, healthy meal can help to avoid this problem.

Exercising is an important part of maintaining health. The balanced meal and exercise complements each other in helping one achieve good health. It works together to bring you better quality of life. - 17269

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Just before Buying Green Lipped Mussels Extract

By Paul J. Easton

For the reason of the amount of lipids and other important substances obtained naturally in this marine animal, numerous health advocates consider this green mussel extract can be a powerful anti-inflammatory relieve in strictly natural form only. The green lipped mussel extract was originally developed as another healthy alternative synonymous to fish oils. This is because of its rich content in essential fatty acid omega-3. Extract of the seafood also includes iron, betain, and chondroitin sulphate and all of these substances are theorized to deliver an anti-inflammatory or other preventive result on the body.

The Latin name for the green lipped mussel is Perna canaliculus. This marine creature is also called as the Green Lips, Greenback, or Greenshell mussel. These are all trademarks determined by the New Zealand Mussel Industry Council (NZMIC). In addition, Blue Ocean Institute, a United States environmental agency, has named the green lipped mussel one of the top types of eco-friendly seafood. This particularly is for the appreciation of the manner in which it is farmed.

Some companies speedily realized the possible promise for producing and distributing green lipped mussel extract in the health-conscious market. While it could be a gain to numerous inflammation sufferers, not all extract products are what they exact to be. The problem sets in with the commercialization of the extract.

Part of the trouble is that the NZMIC does not have a mandated definition in place which limits the required elements to call a product green lipped mussel extract. Therefore, there are numerous companies out there which opted to sell a nutraceutical bearing below significantomega-3 or other nutrients.

Until there is a move from the authorities to standardize natural green lipped mussel extract products, the buyer should beware. Select the company with good reputation before making your purchase.

Nz Pure Health is a specialist in New Zealand Green Mussels as a natural dietary supplement. Green Lipped Mussel Capsules have been growingly popular as a great way to combat joint pain, learn more details at NZ Pure Health Natural Anti Inflammatory cures.

For more free information about natural remedies and cures, check out this Natural Cures blog. As mentioned, Green Lipped Mussels are found effective as natural treatment to arthritic pains, log on to treatment arthritis. - 17269

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Diabetic Weight Loss Diets

By Dan Reto

The problems of diabetes can be treated to lessen symptoms if the appropriate measures are taken. More and more individuals are suffering from diabetes yearly, and it is important for people (both diabetics and non diabetics) to control their eating and exercise habits.

Exercise helps your body in using insulin more effectively so that your bodies' glucose is converted into energy for cells. Now, apart from exercising, as mentioned before, it is important to keep a healthy diet for diabetics. People with diabetes tend to notice that they gain weight much easier than people who do not have diabetes. No worries though, as there are diets that can help you.

Broadly Speaking, diabetics should try to have around 1200 calories a day. This is just an approximation though, and may vary depending on factors such as age, sex, size, etc It is also important to eat very regularly. Do not go on for more than 3 to 4 hours without eating.

This will help keep your cravings down throughout the day. This is much better than not eating for 10 hours and then end up having an eating rage. On another note, it is crucial to have at least 45 minutes to an hour worth of exercise per day, or at the least 5 times a week (for those who have a busy schedule).

Try to select a diet that is reasonable for you. Do not pick something that you know you will not be able to go through with. A diet takes commitment, and realistically, some diets are REALLY hard to follow, so make sure it is something you can stick with. It is important to not give up if you do not see results after a couple of weeks. Diets are not meant to show huge results within weeks. Diets take time to work, so do not give up! - 17269

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