Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, January 25, 2010

Do You Know How Sulfur Can Help Me Overcome Bruising Easily?

By Carolyn Cooper

If you have decided that you want to end your bruising easily, you will almost surely conclude that sulfur might be the solution that you are looking for. Some people's only knowledge of sulfur is from the "sulfur and brimstone" context, but it might surprise you to learn that this stinky substance can be so beneficial as part of a bruise treatment. Try to learn what benefits sulfur can provide you for preventing bruises, and you will find that there is a great deal that this substance can do for you if you will learn how to add it to your regimen.

You should learn what sulfur actually is before you decide to use it as part of a bruising treatment. Your self education will reveal that sulfur is a very active, nonmetallic element that is almost universally distributed. Sulfur in compounds known as sulfates and sulfides used by industry are probably the most commonly known uses for most people. Sulfur shows up many times every day in the normal course of our day even though we probably aren't aware of it. Sulfur has a reputation for smelling bad, but elemental sulfur itself actually is odorless. Two compounds, sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide both provide us with a stench, and they are the source of the bad smell reputation for sulfur.

When you are thinking about how to put more sulfur in your life, consider finding it in the certain forms of foods and in dietary supplements. One type of sulfur that is important for use in healing bruises is called Bromelain, and you will find that it is an inherent part of a wide variety of fruits, including pineapples. Bromelain is a substance that has enzymes containing sulfur, and these substances actually digest the blood that will seep into the bruises. Remember that a bruise is blood seeping beneath your skin, and the faster the blood clears up, the faster the bruise is going to heal, and the sooner you can stop getting those irritatingly concerned looks from your friends.

Another form of sulfur that can be instrumental as part of a regimen designed for bruise treatment and prevention is going to be Methylsulfonylmethane, which is often abbreviated to MSM. This substance is known to help people recover from soft tissue injuries, and these are what you need to worry about when you are bruising a great deal. It will also act as an anti-inflammatory, which will bring down any swelling or redness that might be part of the bruising process. These are the two varieties of sulfur that are going to help you overcome your bruising easily.

The two prime sources for Bromelain and MSM are pineapple and garlic. Although many more foods contain sulfur, these two are best. You also should not overlook using sulfur supplements. As with using any substance for the first time, always check for any warnings regarding sulfur supplements. If there are warnings, or just to validate your action, you can always ask your doctor's opinion.

If you like to make frequent visits to your local health food store to obtain these two forms of sulfur, you can; but then you are going to have to experiment to add just the right amount of each form of sulfur to your daily routine if you have any hope of trying to overcome your easy bruising. A much easier approach might be to follow a daily, unique supplement program like Bruises Be Banned which contains the ideal amount of both varieties of sulfur as well as other essential nutrients and vitamins properly formulated to help you prevent bruising altogether. - 17269

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My 25th Day on Homeopathic HCG

By Amelia Handley

Day 25! It's the last day on HCG. The 500 calorie diet is coming to an end. It was a successful venture, and I'm so glad I did it. But I'm also looking forward to not limiting myself to 500 calories per day. I'm really in the habit of taking the oral HCG drops which was fabulous while I was on it, but it's kind of funny now that I'm not supposed to be taking it anymore. (You don't take it for the last three days of the low calorie diet).

I'm at 150. That was the final weigh in as of this morning. So I'm down just one more pound. I officially lost 21 pounds in 25 days. I'm thinking that's a pretty amazing feat. And since I learned so many good habits while I was on the diet it's so much more likely that I'll stick to my new weight. I drink tons more water now. I eat healthy food and I know how to cook (and enjoy eating) a bunch of different healthy recipes. I weigh myself religiously every morning.

I attempted to make a smoothie today. Alright, alright! I thought about it. But it's just too dang chilly to really enjoy a frozen beverage. Instead I opted for strawberries with Stevia. I also had turkey tomato soup (a favorite) and Melba Toasts. The soup section was definitely my favorite section of the cookbook, but that could be because it's winter!

I put the pitcher of water out on the counter this morning so I could watch as I drank all the water I should drink in a day. It's the best way I've found to make sure that I get enough water throughout the day. I wanted to make sure I did it right. It's my last day so it's my last chance to get it exactly right.

For dinner I grilled some chicken (with my new favorite seasoning, Creole) and paired it with my favorite steamed cabbage and followed it with Mock Apple Cobbler. It was kind of like a mini HCG approved feast.

When I was reading some of the oral HCG reviews they indicated that people often continue to lose weight during the maintenance diet. So I guess I can kind of wait and see for that potential added bonus. But even if this is it and I've come to the end of my weight loss at 21 pounds...I'm absolutely satisfied. I think those are amazing results! - 17269

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Eight Excellent Acne Cure Home Remedy Therapies That Really Work

By Michael Poulle

Before taking part in an acne cure home remedy treatment make sure you are not sensitive to ingredients like garlic, lemon, eggs, milk or any other ingredient you will find in these recipes. Pay attention to your body and if your skin is not responding to a treatment try a different one.

Let us begin by getting to know what causes acne. Blackheads are usually the start for pimple formation. Pimples are the result of dirt, oil and dead cells becoming trapped in a pore. When you have pores that are inflicted by these substances they will become inflamed to form a pimple. Access pimples on the face are known as acne and can be very stressful on a person's self-confidence.

Below you will find a list of acne cure home remedy treatments that will help your acne. Keep trying until you find the one that works best for your skin type.

1.) Increasing your vitamin B intake will help your acne. You can do this by taking a vitamin B supplement. This should help you acne improve within a few weeks.

2.) Check out your diet. What are you eating? If you are eating too many unhealthy foods clean up your diet and you'll be surprised by the affects this will have on your skin. A healthy diet can dramatically clean up acne.

3.) Cold milk and ground nutmeg should help your acne. Apply on your skin and allow it to soak for about 2 hours daily.

4.) A honey and cinnamon powder paste can be used as a mask and applied before going to sleep. Wash off in the morning. Use this for 2 weeks consistently or until acne is gone. You can use it thereafter for maintaining clear skin as well.

5.) If you do not have sensitive skin you can mix 1 tsp of lemon juice with 1 tsp cinnamon powder and use as an overnight mask as directed above.

6.) Although this may not be your best smelling option, but it has proven to be affective. Peel one finger of garlic and rub it on and around the pimpled area. This will not only help remove the acne but also help reduce scaring.

7.) Using mint juice as a face mask overnight can help acne and it can also help eczema, insect bites as well as other skin infections.

8.) Tomato pulp is another natural remedy that you can gently rub on your face and let it soak on your face for an hour. Wash off after 1 hour.

Your skin may dry out from any one of these treatments, this is normal, just apply your preferred facial moisturizer accordingly. - 17269

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Chinese New Year Cooking Symbolism

By Owen Jones

There are few festivities celebrated around the world on the identical grand scale that the Chinese New Year is enjoyed. This is an event that affects people all around the world. The celebrations are rather exotic and a lot of fun for everyone who takes part. One thing that many outsiders may not realize is that the majority of the aspects of the Chinese New Year celebrations have a very specific purpose and connotation. Even the food.

Whether you are Chinese are not, I 'm sure that you could use a degree of good fortune to make things run a little more smoothly in your life.

When it comes to cooking for a Chinese New Year celebration there are a few things you have to keep in mind. The dishes that are prepared each have their very own significance and a definite reason for being cooked.

Dumplings are supposed to bring riches in the New Year to those who eat them on this particular day. Of course, wealth is something that most people want to have and there are many ways of doing so. Other foods that symbolize the attainment of wealth on the Chinese New Year are bamboo shoots, black moss seaweed, egg rolls, and oranges. This is just the start of the tutorial in the symbolic nature of dishes for the Chinese New Year.

Longevity or long life is something else that the Chinese famously yearn for. Eternal youth some may term it. The secret, they say, to a long life is the consumption of the right food as part of the New Year festivities. Those foods include: noodles, Chinese garlic, chives, and peanuts.

Prosperity is attributed to foods such as lettuce, whole fish, and pomelo. In addition to success whole fish and pomelo are believed to bring abundance and togetherness (as in marriage or romance) during the coming year.

Chicken is the main course if happiness is the goal. In addition, chicken is associated with marriage, particularly when served with foods, which are considered to be dragon foods, such as lobster.

Those planning on having children in the near future should add eggs, seeds (such as watermelon seeds) and pomelo - especially the last two, if you want a couple of children.

To end with, if good luck is what you most require, try to add a tangerine or some seaweed to your plate on this special day. If your run of luck has been really very bad recently, you may want to double up on your serving of both.

The Internet contains masses of delicious recipes to help you commemorate the Chinese New Year as traditionally as you can. Recipes for foods such as Jiaozi (Chinese noodles) and egg rolls are to be found online and they will go some way towards creating the proper atmosphere. Add a few lettuce wraps and longevity noodles and you will have a good basis for a Chinese New Year meal.

The only other thing you require then to make your Chinese New Year celebrations go with a bang (quite literally) is fireworks. The Chinese New Year would not be the same without them, so choose your food well, either buy it or cook it (or both) and then let off your fireworks safely for a great winters evening's entertainment. - 17269

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What Can Acai Berry Really Do?

By Dr. Timothy Hollingshead

By now most of us are sick of seeing all of those phony diet ads claiming Acai to be the driving ingredient in so many pills. We have been bombarded with so much information regarding the acai berry it is difficult to separate fact from fiction. Some of the ads were so believable that even I had to go back and search the scientific literature to re-check the facts. The reality of Acai is that even though it will not magically melt your unwanted fat from your body it still has some rather impressive qualities.

I want to make sure that everyone reading this article knows that we make Dr. Tim's Brazilian Acai. We make this and other juices to taste as fresh as possible and protect the flavor integrity of the fruit. Now, in truth most of the exotic fruits that are marketed today including acai are not sweet and delicious. They are bitter and somewhat distasteful. There are some exceptions such as the inner fruit of the mangosteen and the maqui berry. Even the goji berry is tolerable. However the taste of many of these fruits is somewhat challenged because of the high level of antioxidants and polyphenols. Antioxidants and polyphenols are naturally occurring chemical compounds in these fruits. They contribute strongly to the bitter taste of these fruits especially when you take into consideration the high content of these compounds found in the fruits.

It is unreasonable to ask anyone to try any of these juices without improving the taste. Yes, I know that there are some of you out there that believe that in order for something to be good for you it has to taste bad. (I have some dot com stock I'd like to sell to you.) So if these fruits have so much to offer in the way of health benefits why not make them more palatable? Some companies have taken this thought to the extreme and only use 10% to 20% of the specific fruit in their products and bury it underneath a lot of sugar and water and a host of other juices.

Currently selling in Costco is an Acai juice that makes some unbelievable claims. (Don't forget I still have that stock if you're interested.) The makers of that juice act as if they believe that acai juice will replace orange juice. Let me tell you that that will never happen. Here's why: #1 Cost. Acai is far more expensive than oranges. Also it takes a hundred times more acai berries than oranges to make a quart of juice. #2. Juice. Oranges have juice Acai does not. Each orange has juice and naturally occurring sugars that make it taste good. Remember that the acai is not a berry at all. It is a date. It has a thick hard shell with an even thinner layer of pulp surrounding an enormous seed. It has no juice! It has oils. The acai has to go through a process that literally beats the outer shell off of the seed. This process requires adding water to the pulp to allow it to flow through the machinery and into drums that can be frozen. It is from this pulp that acai juice is made. In the final analysis this Wal-Mart acai is probably less than 9% Acai and not a good choice if you are looking to benefit from this fruit.

Somewhere in the middle of all of the juices on the market we find the true nature and taste of Acai. And in spite of many of these companies and all of their marketing Acai really does have some remarkable qualities. You can take advantage of these qualities and benefits by knowing what to look for. Obviously you don't want to buy a Wal-Mart acai for the benefits of acai. First you look for content: Acai pulp, acai puree acai juice are the best forms of acai. Reconstituted acai, freeze dried acai or acai powders are lower quality products that have to have water added to them. Next, look for quality: The amount of acai in the container or per serving. 100% acai will taste absolutely awful. Unfortunately most companies do not tell you how much acai is in their juice claiming to protect a super secret proprietary formula. However there are a few companies that disclose the amount of acai in their products. Dr. Tim's Brazilian Acai has 85% acai. We are the only company to actually research the optimal acai content percentages balanced with other juices. We found that anything over 88% acai will have a bad taste to it because of the naturally occurring oils. We even did market research and found that most people prefer the ratio of 85% acai with the remaining 15% a combination of just two other juices. Additional findings demonstrated full benefits with this ratio. No wonder it taste so good and customers rave about the benefits.

Studies have proven that the antioxidants found in acai are absorbed by the human body and are distributed throughout by the blood stream. Other studies have demonstrated in-vitro killing of certain cancer cells. Acai contains oil that is better than virgin olive oil. It contains the fatty acids omega 6 & 9. Omega 3 has been found in the acai but in such incredibly small amounts that you would have to consume unreasonably large quantities to derive any benefit. It has protein and fiber. It has a special class of plant pigments or anthocyanins that give it a very high antioxidant capacity. It also contains naturally occurring B vitamins, iron and calcium.

Acai berry supports the following: Heart health, immune system, appetite suppression, improved energy levels, better sleep, relief from hot flashes, relief from inflammation including arthritis and prostate and improved circulation

So, you can enjoy the health benefits of acai berry if the product has a high quantity of the fruit, the right quality of the fruit and if you add it to your daily regiment as a dietary supplement. It tastes great in the morning along side breakfast or as a mid meal snack. Keep in mind that many Brazilians use acai as a food staple because of its high nutrient factors. You can read in more about acai at www.brazilbotanicals.com. - 17269

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Extreme Weight Loss Diet-How To Lose Weight In A Hurry

By Brad Davidson

Are you looking for an extreme weight loss diet? If so you do not need to look any further. The best diet is one you make for yourself because you know what your body responds to more than anyone. In this article we are going to be going over some great tips to put together a diet for yourself. So right now you should set your goal and get started as soon as possible!

1-Start to eat more often

When most people go on a diet, they typically eat a lot less than normal. Honestly, eating fewer calories is not the best thing for your right now. The thing you should be doing right now is analyzing your diet and deciding whether or not it is clean, take out all the junk food and chips. Now I want you to do a search for a calorie calculator. There are plenty of them on the internet. These calculators will tell you on average how much you must eat to maintain your weight.

2-Make sure you believe you can actually do it

Let's be honest, have you ever actually accomplished something big in your life and you didn't believe in yourself? I am sure just about all of you can say the majority of things you accomplish are because you actually believed in yourself. You need to constantly be reminding yourself from the moment you wake up until the moment you lay down on your bed that you will get the results you want.

3-Do not skip the most important meal of them all

How many of you guys out there can honestly tell yourselves that you get a good nutritional breakfast in every single morning. That is wonderful if you actually do! But if you don't, then some changes need to be made. You need to try to avoid fat first thing in the morning. It is best to eat a breakfast that is high in protein and carbs. If you are a fan of protein drinks then just have one scoop of protein every morning with oatmeal. - 17269

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Top 4 Reasons To Give Focus Factor A Try

By Shawne M. Patrick

As folk age, it can be a commonly seen problem that their memory and their capability to focus and concentrate deterioriate. Nobody wants this to happen to them, so many people have started looking into methods to keep this from happening to them, or to limit the possible effects of this. A lot of research has been done in this area, which has led on to a number of supplements being created that folks can take in the hopes of improving their memory. There are a spread of reasons why you need to try a few of the over-the-counter supplements that are available.

First of all, with supplements such as Focus Factor that have a free trial offer, you don't have much to lose. All you need to pay is the shipping and you get a complete bottle to test out to work out if it works for you. Customarily it is recommended that you take 4 tablets per day ( 2 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon ) for no less than a month in order to define whether there is a good effect, although some people claim to notice results virtually instantly.

The second reason to try supplements such as Focus Factor is that most are made of natural ingredients, instead of man-made ingredients. You may use it in place of your ordinary vitamin, so it isn't even accelerating the amount of supplements that you take. Natural ingredients are more expensive than manmade so many supplements do not utilize them. These tablets are also egg, gluten, milk, starch, wheat, and yeast free so most people should be in a position to take them. There is no caffeine or stimulants in the formula, and no artificial colors, fillers, fragrances, additives, or sweeteners either. Many people feel that natural ingredients are preferable to synthetic ingredients, and that they are more effective.

Another reason to give Focus Factor a try is actually because it is the number one selling supplement for those wanting to improve their memory. The fact that it is the best selling supplement of this type implies it is much more likely to actually work best. Otherwise why would it be selling so well? Lots of customer reviews say that the product has actually improved their memory to some extent, which has a tendency to back up this speculation. There is generally a good reason behind the popularity of certain additions.

Everybody can use some help focusing and recollecting things since life has gotten to be nerve-wrangling for lots of us, that means that even those of us who are not that old infrequently have memory and focus issues. A supplement such as Focus Factor can help us to cope with this problem. Of course eating more vegetables and fruits, exercising, and doing mental exercises or puzzles can also help with this, but why don't you do everything possible since memory is critical to us. - 17269

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Tummy Tuck Liposuction: Who Should Be Doing It?

By Alexis Thomas

Liposuction, or the removal of unnecessary fats from many various parts of the human body, has won fame over the years. It may also be the worst culprit for people declining to exercise and control the food they eat. The liposuction procedure actually begun in Rome, Italy in 1974. Two American surgeons, Giorgio and Arpad Fischer established the foundation for this process.

One of the most popular liposuction procedures to mention is the tummy tuck or abdominoplasty. Before deciding to try tummy tuck liposuction, you need to be aware of its consequences. Its dangers actually include infection, bleeding, healing troubles and reaction to anesthesia. Thus, if you are in good form but just want to remove a few kilos, there may be other non-invasive option for you. You are an ideal nominee for tummy tuck liposuction if you:

1. Have unneeded fat in their abdominal area

2. Have excess skin in their abdominal area

3. Have laxity of the abdominal skin

4. Have a bulging abdominal area

5. Are not overweight or only somewhat overweight

6. Have not reduced huge amounts of weight

7. Have never been pregnant

8. Are 35 years old and under

Tummy tuck liposuction is best done on a patient with loosed abdominal skin, dispersed stretch marks of weakened muscles in the abdomen. A tummy tuck liposuction yields one a firmer tummy, but results in a very visible mark in the abdomen. Discuss with your surgeon as to where you want your scar to be situated.

A tummy tuck liposuction procedure take between one to five hours, depending upon the stiffness of the patient's excess fats. Infliction after the procedure can be intense. Refer to your surgeon as to the better means to minimize the pain. Speak with your surgeon as to the advisable means to take care of yourself post-procedure. - 17269

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The Ten Best Core Exercises For Building Rock Hard Abs

By Cornelius Gomez


Lie down on your belly and lift your body off the floor, resting your weight on your forearms and your toes. Keep your body in a straight position ( without arching your back ) and hold for so long as possible.

Push-up plank

Similar to the plank, except that you are in a push-up position, resting your weight on your hands and toes and holding so long as possible.

Ball roll-ins

Place your hands on the ground and your feet on top of a Swiss ball. Bend at the knees and roll the ball toward your chest. Hold this position and roll the ball back out.

Side bridge

Lying on your side, prop yourself on one elbow, forearm on floor and perpendicular to your body. Then raise your hip up off the floor to achieve a straight line from armpit to ankle, with only elbow and side of foot touching the ground. Hold for so long as possible on each side.

V hold

Lie on your back and bend at the waist as you extend your arms and legs into the air to form a "V." Hold the position for so long as possible .

Twisting crunch

Get into a crunch position, then raise your body up into a crunch and twist from side to side.

Lying windmills

Lie on your back with your arms as your sides and raise your legs till they are perpendicular to the floor. Slowly lower your legs to one side as low as you can while maintaining complete back and shoulder contact with the floor. Bring your legs back up to center and lower them to the other side.


Lie down on your gut and raise your torso off the floor with your arms extended in front of you and feet raised up. Hold the position as long as possible.

Swiss ball plank

Place your feet on the ball with your forearms on the ground and hold the position for so long as possible.

G lute push-up

Lie on your back with your feet resting on top of a Swiss ball. Raise your butt off the floor, pushing your body up as high as possible. Hold for as long as you can. - 17269

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Loosened Up Your Stress With A Spa Massage

By Mariah Smith

The world we live in is rather stressful. It demands us to juggle a plenty of things all at the same time. Deadlines are roaring like a banshee. Stress level is at its highest point. What to do? Spa spree!

A trip to a spa proves to be a blissful experience for most people especially after having gratifying and relaxing spa treatments. First on the list - a spa massage!

There's no denying of the benefits of a massage as evident throughout the course of history. Taking yourself to a spa massage aids you release stress that's been building up in your system for quite some time already.

As reports would have it, a spa massage, or quite simply a massage, provides beneficial results on patients. For instance, it intensifies relaxation and reduces tensions through the use of muscles by enforcing pressure on the strained muscles. It tones body muscles and boosts blood circulation.

As spas mandatorily need license and well-trained therapists, going for a spa massage is said to be an advisable option to have the complete benefits of a massage. By applying the right force and aiming the strained areas of the body, the flow of lymph is increased, thus improving the body's power to battle against diseases.

Spa massages almost always utilise the use of essential oils. Essential oils encourage the curing of physical, psychological, and aesthetic ailments. Furthermore, aromatherapy essential oils rejuvenate serenity of mind as it arouses the olfactory senses. In the process, you get a better and fresher view on things as spa massages encourage the release of endorphins - brain chemicals known as natural pain and stress fighters. Moreover, the endorphin secretion gives the patient a feeling of euphoria.

So, go pamper yourself and get a nice spa massage and come out looking more freshened up, relaxed, and revived. - 17269

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Motivational Tips To Lose Weight

By Timothy Frazier

Due to our busy, modern lifestyles and the overweight issues for children and adults, utilizing motivational tips in order to lose weight and becoming healthier is very necessary. Eating well and avoiding junk food which surrounds us everywhere we go, plus developing an exercise program that can be incorporated into our daily lives is necessary in order for us to stay healthy. Exercise motivation is one of the most difficult motivational skills to develop and to maintain. Yet, in order to improve our society's health and avoid costly medical intervention, it is one area that must be addressed by each individual in our society.

Some motivational words of advice are quite useful in helping to shed the pounds. One way to develop self motivation in exercise is by only doing what you like to do. This means that you should skip sit ups if you don't like them, and focus on push ups instead. Jogging too boring for you? Try squats and step ups as a replacement. This strategy helps you by getting rid of that excuse of not liking the exercise, thus there will be less dragging of the feet to the gym.

Other common motivational suggestions involve variety. Do different exercises and mix them up so you never get bored and in a rut. It is also a useful way to exercise efficiently, as different muscles can be doing different things and you can maximize your workout. Exercise motivation can also be found with breaks. Set yourself regular intervals of rest so that your body can recover from the workout, and so that you have a small reward to look forward to.

There are lots of motivational tips that center on other people. You can use friends and family to increase motivation for you. Start up training with other people and you'll have less of an excuse to not exercise. Either your friends will give you positive encouragement to come out, or they'll shame you into doing your regular exercises. You can also create a lot of healthy competition by exercising with others, and this can motivate you to give that extra bit of energy during your training.

Self motivation tools such as mentioned above are extremely important for all of us to incorporate into our lives. These motivational tips are necessary in order to address our North American obesity problem and are especially important for our youth. Maintaining a routine exercise program takes commitment, yet in the long run you will feel better emotionally and physically, and you will lose weight and enjoy life much more. - 17269

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My HCG Diet: Day 24

By Amelia Handley

It's day 24! I can hardly believe it. That means that tomorrow is the last day of the low calorie portion of my homeopathic HCG diet. (My oral HCG wholesale still has plenty left since I purchased the 26-40 day bottle). I successfully completed the initial two days that they call loading. And I've almost successfully completed the 23 days of the low calorie portion of the diet. Next I just have the 26 days left of the maintenance portion of the diet.

I weighed myself first thing this morning. I weighed in at 151 pounds. I'm down one more pound. It's always good to see the numbers go down.

The fact that I don't take the oral HCG wholesale in the last few days of the low calorie diet kind of threw me off a little bit. I'm so used to doing it; it's so routine at this point. But I do still take my B-Total in the morning. It was a little bit of a high stress day for me so I took it again in the afternoon. It says in the instructions that you can take it as needed for extra energy or during times of stress. I think it's a really handy supplement.

I know I said that I was going to try each and every smoothie in the HCG Diet Direct cookbook (the cookbook is my second favorite tool offered by the company in addition to their oral HCG wholesale), but I just don't feel like it! It got cold and the smoothies are just not sounding good during the cold weather. You'll have to try them for yourselves. Although the kids still ask for Orange Slush so that means it gets the highest of reviews.

For lunch I had steak with grilled onions and pomegranate tea. For an afternoon snack I had half a grapefruit and Melba Toasts and another cup of pomegranate tea. It's one of the better herbal teas I've tried. I think if I could put honey in it that it would be quite good. But with a tiny bit of Stevia I can like it enough to drink it.

For dinner I had asparagus, chicken, Melba toasts and strawberries. I feel like I did really well. I hope I lose another pound or two on my last day of the diet. That would be a perfect finishing touch! - 17269

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