Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, May 25, 2009

Additional Acai Berry Diet Advice

By Donna Thompson

Since it is being touted as one of the world's "superfoods" the acai berry (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) has been proclaimed to be a miracle food for weight loss, anti-aging, cancer prevention and more.

A lot of of these claims may be somewhat overstated as there is not one "miracle" food that supercedes all others but the fact is that there are actually many, many "miraculous" foods and the acai berry is just one of them.

This tiny berry that is found only in the Amazon rainforest does have some of the highest antioxidant qualities ever found on the planet. It has two times as many antioxidants as blueberries and even 10 times as many as red grapes. It also has monounsaturated fats in the form of Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9 and oleic acid. And it is rich with phytosterols and healthy dietary fiber.

All in all the acai berry is an exceptionally healthy and nutritious food loaded with antioxidants and loads of of the other nutrients that our bodies long for and need to function at an optimal level. However this berry and the products made from this berry are not the miracle answer to your anti-aging, fat fighting, and disease prevention quest for great health.

While it is possible to get all of the nutrients you need from supplements it has been confirmed by science that it is by far greater to get your nutrition from the consumption of a healthful diet. The optimum nutrition that our bodies crave and all of the healthy nutrients counting those found in the acai berry work at their optimum levels when they are combined with other nutrients, the nutritional value and synergy of a complete healthy diet is a lot superior to any food or nutrient on its own.

The highest advantage that you can receive from acai berries and the products made from it are when it is included as part of a balanced, healthy diet plan that consists of a lot of healthy and high antioxidant foods such as blueberries, pomegranates, spinach, kale, pumpkin, sweet potatoes and the list continues on as there is an abundance of highly nutritious and healthy foods out there. Dark chocolate and red wines both contain significant antioxidants. But the top dietary advice is "all things in moderation".

A healthy, well-balanced and nutritious diet plan can benefit from the addition of acai berries and the related products. The excellent nutritional value and the high antioxidant qualities can aid your body in reducing the effects of aging, losing weight and the prevention of disease but not by working alone and only as an integral part of a complete healthy diet.

When it comes to high nutrition the synergy of a whole spectrum of nutrients is by far superior to the nutritional value of just one food, regardless of how nutritious that food may be. And when it comes to diet, moderation is always the key. - 17269

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Increase Your Weight Loss At The Exercise Room Today

By Lee Wells

It seems that the majority of us want to lose weight and get fit. In our efforts to do so we often start an exercise program or join a gym. But how many people do you see at the gyms who never seem to make any progress at all? It's not going to the gym that will get you in shape but rather what you do at the gym that makes all of the difference.

If you are going to see any results from an exercise program you are going to have to work hard and break a sweat. That means getting your heart rate up into the target zones and keeping it there. There is some evidence that if you keep your heart rate at the lower end of the zone for a longer period of time that your body will actually burn more fat than carbohydrates, however, that does not necessarily translate to weight loss.

Burning fat stores as an energy source when you exercise is not nearly as important as the amount of calories that you burn altogether. For instance you may burn 350 calories from fat during an easy 60 minute workout but if you add in some challenging high intensity intervals during that same 60 minutes you could end up burning 750 to 1000 calories or more and that will help your body lose weight much more efficiently.

High intensity interval training is extremely effective for fat loss. The idea is to get your heart rate into the target heart training zone and then for 30 to 60 second intervals work really hard and raise your heart rate to the higher ends of the zone and then let it come back down to the lower ends and repeat a few times. If you do high intensity interval training you can even cut your workout time by half or more and still burn more calories and have more success.

To determine your target heart rate training zone, take 220 and subtract your age, then take that number and multiply it by 60% and 80%. This will give you an estimate of your target-training zone. You will need to keep your heart rate in this zone during your workout for the best results.

If you want to drop fat and lose weight for the long-term you will need to pump some iron. Building more muscle is key to long-term weight loss success. Muscle tissue is biologically active and you will burn more calories in daily life just by having more muscle tissue. Fat is basically an inert substance and it does not boost your calorie burn whatsoever.

But the most important aspect to getting results at the gym and losing fat actually happens outside of the gym. It has been said that 6-pack abs are not built at the gym but rather they are built in the kitchen. Diet is the most important aspect of any fitness plan. You can exercise all day long but if you have a poor diet you will not see any results. If you want to get into shape, make sure that you are consuming healthy nutritious foods on a regular basis and that you are avoiding the junk and nutritionally empty foods that are so prevalent in our society.

You can achieve maximum fat loss by following these few fundamentals. Incorporate some challenging HIIT into your cardio routine, follow a good weight-training regimen and improve your diet. You will start seeing the results before you know it. - 17269

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The Foundation Of Protein Supplements: Protein Sources

By Henrick Scofers

Protein is one of the essential nutrients our bodies need. Our muscles especially require it for maintenance and growth. For most people, around .3 grams per pound of body weight is the recommended daily intake. However, athletes in general and bodybuilders in particular need far more; around 1.25 grams per pound each day. These people need more protein to build muscle and fuel their bodies for their exercise regimens.

It's not only how much protein you get though; it's also where it comes from that matters. While most of us get all the protein we need from our diets, athletes often need supplements to provide them with enough of this important nutrient. The protein used in protein supplements is nearly always from the same four sources. Each is used differently by the body and are more or less suitable for different individuals.

These four sources used in most protein supplements are egg, whey, soy and casein. There are protein supplements which use only one type, but it is more common to have two of these proteins in a single supplement.

Whey protein comes from milk and is the most common of these four sources used to produce protein supplements. This protein contains essential amino acids (those which we cannot produce ourselves and must take in through dietary sources) and nonessential amino acids. Except for people who are allergic to milk or have lactose intolerance (who should avoid whey protein), this is a great source of protein which is readily digested. Concentrated whey contains 30%-85% protein and is inexpensive, making it a common ingredient in protein supplements. Whey protein isolates contain around 90% protein by weight, but are far more costly. Whey protein helps improve immune function and speeds muscle recovery in addition to being a good source.

Soy protein is made from soy flour and is the most complete plant-based protein available. Just as with whey powder, there are soy protein concentrates and isolates, with the isolate being a richer source of protein but also more costly. Soy protein is also easily digestible and is suitable for persons with milk allergies or lactose intolerance. There are however some people who are allergic to soy and obviously, these people should not use soy-based protein supplements. Soy protein can be mixed into foods to increase the protein content and has the added benefit of helping to regulate cholesterol levels.

Egg protein comes from egg whites. It is fat free and very high in protein. It contains all the essential amino acids and is completely absorbed by the body. It is considered the best protein source. It should not be used by people who have egg allergies.

Casein is another protein derived from milk. Casein protein is digested more slowly than whey, which makes it a protein often combined with other, more quickly digester proteins. Casein protein is ideal for adding to pre-workout meals or before bed. As with whey protein, those with milk allergies should avoid casein protein.

When you're shopping for protein supplements, always read the label to make sure that the protein sources used are suitable for your needs and that you can safely ingest. Protein supplements can be a great thing " but make sure you choose well. - 17269

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Does ResVer XP actually work for reducing the signs of aging?

By Casandra James

ResVer XP Review - Resveratrol has been taking the world by storm as being THE BEST natural anti-aging substance known to man. With the benefits of Resveratrol recently being featured on Oprah with Dr Oz, you know there is hype for a reason.

ResVer XP has a special, limited time bonus for all new free trial users of the ResVer XP supplement. Make sure you scroll down to the bottom of this post to find out what it is!

Features of ResVer XP

Free Trial includes 2 Bottles of ResVer XP

Get Radiant Younger-Looking Skin

Remove wrinkles and look ten years younger

Improve your Digestive system

Virtually stop the effects of time

Drastically increase your energy levels drastically

Protect your heart Prevent and fight cancer

Resveratrol is a high potency, all natural supplement that provides high levels of the most powerful, naturally occurring anti-oxidants. Resveratrol is commonly found in red wine and is a massive part of a Mediterranean diet. luckily for us, the makers of ResVer XP have been able to take the goodness of the wines most powerful molecule in a concentrated format with out you ever having to consume a drop of alcohol. - 17269

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Food Labeling Deception: The Lies They Tell You

By Curtis Ludlow

You are being lied to.

When you go to the store or a restaurant, you probably purchase items based on the labels and packaging. The problem is that the restaurants and manufacturers make misrepresentations about what is in their food.

Here are the top 7 lies they don't want you to know about:

1. "carbohydrate smart," "net carbohydrate," "carb free lifestyle," and minimal impact on blood sugar.

Many people purchase items with these labels thinking that "carbohydrates are bad". Lables will often say that they're carbohydrates will have "a minimal impact on blood sugar". But you have to remember, carbs still provide calories that can make you fat.

2. "Low fat": Most foods may be described as "low fat" if there are no more than 3 grams of fat in a standard serving. Standard servings have been established by the FDA to reflect the amount of food that is typically consumed. Since will often be served foods much larger than the standard serving, a "low fat" food typically will contain large amounts of fat.

For example, ice cream may be called "low fat" as long as there are no more than 3 grams of fat in a standard half cup serving.

However, you are usually offered portions several times larger than the standard serving size. So a 2-cup serving of "low fat" ice cream may contain up to 12 grams of fat!

Be sure to keep in mind that even a small servings of "low fat" main dishes like pizza can have more than 3 grams of fat to a serving.

Remember, "low in fat" does not mean "low in calories."

3. "Light": May describe a food's taste, color, or texture, or it may indicate that the food's calorie, fat, or sodium content has been significantly reduced.

Labels should clearly indicate what "light" is intended to convey. If the meaning is not explained, ask for claification. If "light" is used to indicate lower calories, fat, or sodium, information about those nutrients must be provided upon request.

4. "Cholesterol free": These claims are popular so be sure to keep in mind:

"Cholesterol free" does not mean that it is a healthy food.

Foods like veal, foul, and scallops contain cholesterol -- even if they are cooked in "cholesterol free" oil.

Also, saturated fat and trans fat can raise your cholesterol level.

"Cholesterol free" foods can also contain saturated fat. The FDA says that foods that are low in saturated fat can be described as "cholesterol free," so watch out -- many do not comply with this law.

The FDA allows foods with abundant amounts of trans-fats to be called "cholesterol free." To avoid trans-fats and limit your consumption of foods prepared with vegetable shortening or partially hydrogenated oils.

5. "Sugar free": Some foods, especially desserts, may be described as "sugar free." When foods are described as "sugar free" it's not always low-calorie or reduced-calorie, the menu must say so.

6. "Healthy": Food described as "healthy" must be low in fat and saturated fat and may not be high in cholesterol or sodium. However, there are no limits on the amount of sugar or calories that a "healthy" food may contain.

7. "Heart" claims: Claims like "heart-healthy," "heart smart," and "heart" symbols imply that a food may be useful in reducing the risk of heart disease. When such claims are made, the food must be low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol, and must not be high in sodium. But keep in mind that most vendors will not always comply with these restrictions. - 17269

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Lose Weight Faster With Resveratrol

By Jake Wakefield

Are you looking to lose weight and burn fat? You may be interested in taking a supplement to help you achieve that.

There are many supplements out there but one supplement seems to be getting a lot of attention and that is Resveratrol Select.

Resveratrol Select is so great that one capsule contains the equivalent of 200 glasses of wine in resveratrol content. Let's see why this might be important to you.

It has long been known that the skins of certain fruits like grapes, blueberries and cranberries along with wine contain a compound called resveratrol which has very beneficial antioxidant properties.

However, the great antioxidant properties are not the only thing that resveratrol does for you. Resveratrol has been shown to help you maintain normal-range cholesterol levels, support insulin health and optimize metabolic as well as immune pathways. It also goes ahead and protects cells while improving function of mitochondria.

If you are interested in improving your cardiovascular funcion, support healthier glucose levels and burn fat, then you will want to check out Resveratrol Select today.

Resveratrol Select has green tea leaf extract among many other helpful ingredients. Green tea has long been shown to have many benefits including burning fat, reducing carbohydrate utilization, increasing exercise endurance and increasing metabolism.

So, if you want to lose weight and keep it off then Reservatrol Select can do a great job in helping you reach your goals. Also, at the time of this writig, Resveratrol is offering a free samle of its product so that you can try it out for yourself before spending any money at all. Give it a try today! - 17269

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DazzleWhite Gives You Whiter Teeth Fast

By George Meter

When we get older, our teeth turn from white to an unsightly yellow. This is due to simply daily life necessities as eating and drinking. Although, certain activities will yellow your teeth even quicker such as drinking coffee or smoking cigarettes. In any case, your teeth will yellow as you age.

Luckily, in recent times, we have come up with a solution to this problem of yellowing teeth and many people can now turn their yellow teeth back to a beautiful white. Now we can perform this just as easily as we deal with other anti-aging issues like wrinkles, poor skin or anything else that comes with age.

In past times, the only person who could offer you the service of whitening your teeth was your dentist. The dentist usually provided treatments with either lights or bleach or a combination of both. These procedures work pretty well but unfortunately they are quite costly and not very convenient as they require a trip to the dentist each time.

These days, a multitude of home products have come available that allow you to whiten your teeth in the comfort of your home. The only problem now is choosing which product is the best and which one is going to help you whiten your teeth without any hassles. One product though stands above the rest.

DazzleWhite is considered to be the top product in the teeth whitening field. On average, it can whiten your teeth up to 7 shades whiter which is a pretty significant difference.

DazzleWhite has 22% peroxide bleach which is similar to the levels dentists use when doing teeth whitening tasks. It is also a perfectly safe level.

Many news organizations and personal user reviews have appeared reporting the good job that DazzleWhite does in whitening teeth. It is pretty much known now that DazzleWhite works well and is beneficial to a many different people who are looking to whiten their teeth.

So, if whitening your teeth is what you are looking for, you will want to strongly consider DazzleWhite for its great reviews and usefulness. Additionally, at the time of writing, DazzleWhite is offering a free trial of its product so if you are at all interested, by all means, go and pick up a trial! - 17269

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Vegetarianism and Bruising, What Can You Tell Me That I Need to Know?

By Carolyn Cooper

Whether you are already living a vegan lifestyle or you are thinking about becoming a vegetarian, you may have some concerns dealing with the effects that vegetarianism might have on your body, with some special concern about bruising. The truth of the situation is that even though there is an urban legend that says that folks who are vegetarians have a tendency to bruise easily, there is no reason that by paying careful attention to your diet you can eliminate it.

Right off the bat, we need to determine why the theory of vegetarians having a tendency for bruising exists to begin with. Normally, if a vegetarian, especially a younger one, is afflicted with bruising, this is seen as as indication of a deficiency for some vitamin. This can, and in some situations does, happen, but if you exercise strict attention to your diet and be certain that you are obtaining all of the foods and nutrients that your body requires, you shouldn't have a problem. There are a wide variety of problems that can take place if you are not getting the vitamins and minerals that you need, but there is no more likelihood that a vegetarian diet will promote bruising any more than any other diet.

If you are eating as a vegan and have discerned that you seem to tend toward increased bruising, you'll discover that one thing that should be examined is the amount of iron available from your diet. Iron is a beneficial mineral when it comes to enhancing your immune system and promoting a healthier circulatory system. Iron can be found in much higher quantities in animal products than in vegetables, but vegetables also contain iron, just not as abundantly.

If you are following a vegan diet, are you aware of the best ways to increase iron in your diet? Start off by looking for dark green vegetables that are available at a local produce stand or farmers' market. Vegetables that include spinach and broccoli are going to be heavy in iron, as will soy products, molasses, prunes and any cereals and breads that have been fortified with iron. Another clever way to be assured that you are going to increase iron in your diet is to start cooking with cast iron pots and pans.

Another important way to increase the rate of iron absorption into your body is through increasing your intake of vitamin C. Vitamin C is quite important in a number of different respects, so there are plenty of reasons to get a lot of it. Fruits are a great source of vitamin C, of course, but so are more dinner and meal oriented vegetables, like sweet potatoes.

If you are eating a vegetarian's diet, it is critical that you are certain that you are going to be able to eat from a balanced menu, and your easy bruising may be telling you that you need to focus more attention to your diet. Always be aware of what information your body is trying to give you, and then make certain that your diet is providing you with what you need to eat to maintain a healthy lifestyle. - 17269

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What are the Real Resveratrol Benefits?

By Frederick H. Forthin

No doubt you've heard claims like this before, haven't you? Whenever a new supplement or natural food source comes on the market, we're told that, finally, we've found the key to everlasting life and health.

Maybe you're like me? Have you totally swallowed other promises hook line and sinker and gone out and purchased massive amounts of supplements that promised to be the holy grail for your mind and body.

Some of them have no doubt been beneficial to you. I know that a fair number of supplements I take on a daily basis definitely help improve my life -- and probably even extend it. But for each of them that works, there's another one right behind it that doesn't.

Sound familiar to you? So when the news first broke about resveratrol and it's supposed fountain-of-youth qualities, I naturally got excited and wanted to rush out and buy resveratrol, but I also tried deliberately to tone down my enthusiasm. I guess you can say that this is just a kind of side effects of having seen all this before.

Don't forget that there is a difference between resveratrol and a host of other solutions that we've heard about before. Resveratrol actually has studies -- real studies, done in a real lab -- that back up the claims.

In fact, the research is so promising, and apparently so convincing, that even major U.S. the big pharmaceutical companies are starting to climb on this.

So is resveratrol the real deal? I'm no doctor (thank God), but I still believe the evidence and think it is.

But of course, as always, there is a caveat. Whenever anything gains a sudden popularity the way resveratrol has, you're going to find that a lot of unqualified manufacturers are going to jump on the bandwagon and start to try and supply this to a hungry public.

I think this means that you need to be cautious and really evaluate who you are getting your resveratrol from. I'm show you what I think is the very best way to find the highest quality resveratrol around at this Buy Resveratrol Supplements review page. Just click on the link to see what I mean.

And before I forget, I should also tell you that you can find out how to get your own supply of resveratrol for nothing. This is really awesome, so make sure you check out that link!)

First, just in case you didn't know about them, I wanted to go through some of the resveratrol benefits so that you can see why everyone is so excited.

Resveratrol can be as much as 50 times more powerful an antioxidant than even Vitamin C?

But what we're talking about here is only the beginning. And once they tested the stuff in the lab, they found out that they could make subjects seem to almost reverse in age, and had them performing better on tests to measure both mental and physical ability. But this isn't even the end of the story -- there's more.

More than any other reason, I think this is why people are so excited. So what we have here is a substance, that occurs in nature, and that would seem to reverse or at least slow down the aging process.

Now of course it's true that the long-term studies on resveratrol's effects don't exist yet. It could just be me, but it doesn't make much sense to wait for 20 years until I start getting sick to try and keep myself healthy.

I would think it would be smarter to start working on this today. So I am hoping that 20 years from now I will be able to look back and say that I made a pretty smart decision. - 17269

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What are the Benefits to Strength Training?

By USGSF Staff

Strength training is an important element of fitness and exercise. If you are trying to lose weight then it is essential that you incorporate some strength training activities into your routine. Losing weight is about burning calories. It is about burning fat and one way to do that is to build your muscles. Basically the more muscle you develop the more energy you burn, resulting in greater weight loss.

Strength training does not have to be a daily grind. There are many classes or exercise programs you can follow that will help with building your muscles. Most gyms have classes like total body fitness or group power lifting. Typically these types of classes use many types of weight training equipment including barbells, hand weights,resistance bands and my favorite....Kettlebells. The typical class lasts for about an hour.

Over all it seems to be women seem to enjoy these types of strength training classes more than men. Men typically enjoy working out the muscle groups by adding bulk. Strength training classes help to shape and tone your muscles into lean mass without the bulk. In addition, since the instructor pushes you along during the class at a very rapid pace, there is a bit of cardiovascular benefit as well. If your goal is to have both strength training as well as muscle endurance, then you should consider a "cross fit" type class that can focus on both of those areas. Keep in mind that those types of classes not only build strength...but they melt away the love handles much faster.

Lets say you do not care for classes there are many exercises that you can do from home using just simple hand weights will do just fine, and there are many strength exercises that require no equipment like the simple pushup. Find a DVD to follow along to help you with your exercise. A good program to follow will help keep you on track, motivated and more likely to do the exercises correctly without injuring yourself.

Many people go to the gym to lift weights. Typical regimens include alternating days of upper body work with lower body work. For example, on Monday and Thursday you might work your upper body, while on Tuesday and Friday you might work your lower body. This gives the muscles time to repair and grow between workouts. The days off are critical in the time your body needs for muscle recovery. During this recovery period is when your muscle structure develops and grows...its your body's way of saying "Hey I need to be read for the next time that physical event happens. - 17269

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Awesome 300 Movie Fat Loss Workout for Men & Women

By john foxtruffy

The workout that was made for 300 the movie is the big talk of the fitness industry. It has helped many actors achieve themselves to be ripped fully head to toe, by using weight loss and calorie burning.

The 300 workout is incredible, having been featured On ESPN, and Mens Health. Everyone is always looking for the 300 workout on the internet. So heres the mini version of the workout made for the average man and women

First, here's how the original 300 Workout goes.

a) Pull ups - 25 reps b) Dead lifts with 135lbs - 50 reps c) Pushups - 50 reps d) 24-inch Box jumps - 50 reps e) Floor wipers - 50 reps f) 1-arm Clean & Press with 36lbs Kettle bell - 50 reps g) Pull ups - 25 reps

There is no schedule for resting between these exercises. Though, eventually you'll end up slowing down. I went, tried this workout the other week and luckily managed to get it done in about 23 minutes. Try the 300 workout for yourself.

Luckily, this workout can easily be changed if you like. Exercises can be subbed in, and can drop the number of repetitions down to 200, 150, or 100 - still being that total body challenge.

Example, you might do a 200 rep workout - this is great for men with moderate fitness.

5 Chin ups 20 prisoner squats 20 pushups 100 Jumping Jacks 30 Bicycle Crunches 10 decline pushups 15 body weight inverted rows

You can do 100 reps of jumping rope to finish off a total of 300 reps.

150 rep workout-great for women at an intermediate fitness level.

5 Body weight Inverted Rows 10 Body weight Sumo Squats 15 body weight squats 15 Push ups (doing as many regular push ups, followed by kneeling) 50 jumping jacks 10 spider man climbs 20 reverse lunges 25 bicycle crunches

Add in the 50 rope skips for a total of 200 reps " or if you want 150 skips for a total of 300 repetitions.

Its Tough, but fair. You can do your own different versions of the 300 workout and become your own ripped body. Work with a trainer if needed so you could come up with other ideas. Do not train like this everyday though. Just use some of these workouts once every other month as an extra challenge for yourself.

For your regular workouts, continue the Turbulence Training workout for men and women. You'll greatly boost your metabolism, burn fat, and maximize your fitness so that you can be ready for your own 300 test. - 17269

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