Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Strep Rash - Types of Rashes

By Linda Robison

Strep rash also known as scarlatina or scarlet fever is one of the more common types of skin rashes. And it usually occurs during a bout of strep throat. Since many rashes look similar its difficult to get a skin rash diagnosis.

Even looking at pictures of skin rashes may not help. Thats why its always a good idea to see your physician for a diagnosis. Since there are so many different types of skin disorders that look like rashes.

According to the American Dermatology Association a strep rash usually appears about 12 and 48 hours after strep throat manifests. Some symptoms of strep throat include a headache, sore throat, high fever, swollen glands and infected tonsils.

Strep rash is a little similar to a sunburn rash. It manifests as small red bumps usually starting on a persons chest. After that the rash can expand into a groin rash, underarm rash, and even a rash on the face or a rash on the legs. Generally any sweaty area becomes more heavily affected by what is essentially an allergic reaction to the bacteria Strep produces. This can itch too.

A strep rash is red until you press on it, then it turns white. This type of rash could take up to 7 days to go away and the skin might peel a bit for a up to a month afterwards.

Scarlet fever rashes are most common in young people from the ages of 5 to 15. While its not as commonly seen modernly, sufferers will require antibiotics to clear up the strep throat. The rash will disappear alongside the infection, but the itchy skin without the rash remains. Some people use soothing natural lotions, compresses, etc. to ease that discomfort.

While most strep rashes occur due to a strep throat, it is possible for this rash to develop in response to a skin infection. This is serious and should be looked at by a physician.

Strep rash is not infectious, but strep itself is very much so. People can lower the risk of getting strep by diligently washing their hands especially during cold and flu season and consider taking a herbal tonic to help boost the immune system and keep the hydrated and healthy. Anyone with strep should avoid contact with others until after having been on antibiotics for a full 24 hours. - 17269

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Tips on Getting A Ripped Muscular Chest Fast

By James Traynor

Fat loss in order to get a ripped muscular chest is probably one of the most significant areas to address if you want those big bulging pectoral muscles that not only look fabulous under your shirt but when you take off your top down at the pool or at the beach.

You will find that most people who have a great set of pecs and abs often look healthy, full of vitality and feel confident. This is because it gives you a good shape under a shirt or when you take your top off at the pool or beach, which gets peoples attention. The problem arises if you have a thick layer of fat over these muscles. This can make you look fat and flabby and may even give you man boobs.

To get a large, toned ripped chest many people mistakenly believe that you have to churn out thousands of bench presses. Indeed, this exercise will help build up the muscles but will not give you an athletic ripped look as it will not get rid of the fat layer over the chest. Getting rid of this fat layer is the biggest hurdle to get over. It is possible for even a skinny guy to get a fabulous looking chest just by getting rid of this fat.

Alright, so you want to know what the secret is right? Well it is actually not that much of a secret. To get rid of this fat layer you basically need to reduce the calorie intake and burn those excess calories off.

The problem remains that if you are a bodybuilder, simply reducing your calories is not always a good idea as it can send you into a catabolic state and reduce the size of that hard earned muscle. Many bodybuilders face this particular dilemma after spending months of bulking up in the gym. It is therefore, a fine balance to achieve the state of building muscle mass yet removing fat.

A healthy way to achieve this goal is to maintain an adequate calorie intake and increase the proportion of your calorie intake from protein. It actually takes more calories to burn protein than it does carbohydrate or fat so taking in more protein can help in reducing fat accumulation.

Incorporating cardio routines into the workout program is the next most important thing to do to burn off those excess calories. Performing exercises with the big muscles in the body, such as the large quadriceps muscle on the front of the thigh will also burn a lot of calories.

These points should be incorporated together into a full workout program. You can get the exercises quite easily buy searching online but will take you some time. The other, and often faster, option is to purchase a ready made program.

These programs are usually tried and tested so you will know what works and what does not. They will help you build and develop all the muscles in the body as well as enabling you to burn off fat as well.

If you want to get ripped chest quickly then start now - time and indecision is your biggest opponent not genes. - 17269

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Arthritis, Symptoms And Treatments To Help

By Mitchell Tyrell

Arthritis comes in several different forms and is a medical condition in which the joints of the body are damaged. The most common symptoms of arthritis are pain and swelling in the joints, that being where two bones connect together. Examples of places of the body which are most commonly affected by arthritis include the knees and the elbows.

Arthritis can be severely damaging to your lifestyle although many people live with it and it is just a matter of degree of how bad the arthritis can be. Osteoarthritis is the most common form and affect a large number of people. Although not exclusively, it tends to affect older people and especially people who have sustained an injury beforehand, maybe several years ago.

Rheumatoid arthritis is also common and this affects the body's natural defence system which tends to stop working properly. Rheumatoid arthritis also comes of a number of other symptoms such as fatigue and sickness. It can affect various organs of the body, most commonly the hands and feet. The exact cause of arthritis are not known for sure but there are many possibilities including lupus, viral hepatitis and gout.

There are various ways of treating arthritis but it largely depends on a specific diagnosis that the patient has. It depends on the extent of the disease and exactly which type it is. Physical therapy and certain types and medications are often prescribed to people suffering from severe arthritis. There are also a number of natural remedies which are believed by many to work effectively.

Contrary to popular belief, arthritis is certainly not limited by your age. It can also affect children and affects men and women equally. There are around three hundred and fifty million people in the world who suffer from arthritis and in the United States alone, there are about forty million sufferers. - 17269

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Bodybuilding and Your Biceps

By Ryland Greg Brown

Biceps are one of the smaller muscle groups, they don't need the same rest period as the larger muscle groups like the quads or back. It is important to build up gradually, making sure that you develop your back muscles enough to carry the extra workout. Don't do this exercise too quickly, or build up the weights too fast.

The fundamentals to bodybuilding your biceps is the repetitions, rather than extreme weights. Working out with too heavy weights will make it hard to do the repetitions you need, which is not a good thing.

Another important factor is recuperation. Muscle builds when it is resting, not during training when it is being broken down. You need to give the biceps muscle enough time at rest to build itself to the max. One of the most important parts of recuperation is getting eight hours of good sleep a night.

Bicep exercises are satisfying because you can really see the muscle working. It is best to train the biceps together with the triceps, it is always good to work muscles on opposite sides of the body.

For bodybuilding your biceps, you usually use dumbbells, but muscles don't know whether the stress is being applied by free weights or a machine. Muscles respond only to the level of stress being placed on them.

Dumbbell curls are one of the easiest weightlifting exercises you can do and after a few repetitions you will feel your biceps being toning.

To make the most of your bicep workouts stand with your back straight, with the barbells in your hands, palms towards your sides. Take deep breaths from lower down in your lungs, not from your chest. Focus on your breathing, this can make a big difference.

Slowly pull the dumbbells up towards your chest, keep your elbows tight in next to your body. Don't get in a hurry, the slow pull on your muscles is what works best. Breath out fully, all the way to the bottom of your lungs.

Rotate your wrists so that when the barbells get to you chest they are facing the chest comfortably. Hold this for a couple of seconds before you let the weights down. Let the dumbbells down slowly. Take a breath in from the lower part of your lungs rather than at the top of your chest. Do up to 15 to 20 reps. Gradually increase the weight so you can gain strength without doing damage. Ryland Greg Brown - 17269

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Body Solid For Your Private Health Spa

By Krasen Dell

Body Solid tools are portable and do not need a big space in your home. Going to gym to get fit is quite expensive and time consuming. The tools are created for heavy duty home gym purpose matching the high standards like those found in gym and sport club. You can have dumbbell sets for your own private use at home.

It is important to have a regular exercise to stay fit and healthy without being costly on the pocket. You can do your fitness workout in the privacy and convenience of your own home. There is no for need for you to go to the gym for some strenuous workout machine. You do have to run after any workout schedules.

The best way to look healthy and attractive is to stuff your body with glow foods. In order for you to have a glowing body the right nutritional diet is important. A glowing body is being beautiful inside and outside of your body. The body needs good food to nourish its muscles and build strong bone. The muscles can be developed and turned into a hard powerhouse by using the proper fitness equipment.

Some men prefer the barbell as exercise equipment to produce powerful arms and legs. They use weights to tone their muscles. These barbells which are of different models have different lengths and weights which are designed to suit any users need. Men and women these days prefer to build solid muscles to make some pack on their abs.

Body Solid is the key to that and has the home-fitness system recommendable for those muscles you want. You can make your own private health spa in the comfort and convenience of your own home using affordable training exercise tools. You get both fitness and beauty within the boundaries of your comfort zone. - 17269

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Michael Thurman Body Makeover - Make Your Weight Loss Experience Easy

By James Kim

When people read about the Michael Thurman diet, they are surprised by the amount of food that they are allowed to eat on the meal plan. This leads to people asking the question, "When am I going to have time to prepare and cook all this food?" This article will show you how to cook food and make your life easier.

The best way to eat continuously throughout the day is to have food with you at all times. Get a small lunch cooler or ice chest so that you can store your snacks and lunch. You might feel weird at first, but this is a sure-fire way to lose weight on this program.

Try to cook food in large quantities at the beginning of the week and store food until needed. If you cook a large amount of food, it is easy to prepare later on in the week when you're busy. Cook on days that are not that hectic for you. Cooking three pieces of chicken takes about the same amount of work as cooking a piece of chicken.

You will have to occasionally eat fruit on this diet. In order to reduce prep time, slice fruit ahead of time and stick in a container for later consumption. The same goes for vegetables, cook vegetables in large quantities and store in a large plastic container. This way, when a recipe asks for something, you will be able to re-heat these vegetables right away without any fuss.

Cook large batches of chicken ahead of time before your meals. Cut the chicken breasts up into little pieces and start in a plastic sandwich bag for your mid-morning and late night snacks. Potatoes are a popular staple for many people that are on the body makeover plan. Boil, peel or mash a large amount of potatoes and store in the fridge for pre-made food. Efficiency is the key when losing when on the Michael Thurman diet. - 17269

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Acai Berry Diet as Seen on Oprah: Acai, Oprah, and the Truth

By Travis Van Slooten

For many companies trying to make easy money on the internet, having acai berry featured on the Oprah show paved the way for an implied acai - Oprah connection. With alleged endorsements such as this, it would then be easy for them to make unwitting consumers believe that their brand of supplements is the best. Worse, some even go as far as saying that their supplements are already a part of Oprah's weight loss diet.

What The Scammers Claim

In the acai supplement industry, all types of false claims have been used, from the seemingly harmless to the more ridiculous ones. One such example is how these companies attach Oprah's name and image conspicuously on their acai sites to make it appear that the talk show host is endorsing their products. While these claims are only made to boost popularity of their brand and does not pose a great risk for consumers, the fact that they can resort to such questionable business practices doesn't say a lot for the integrity of their company.

The Truth

Any company that claims acai berry is a miracle drug that is endorsed by Oprah or other celebrities is trying to get you to buy an inferior product. Real companies will let the acai berry speak for itself. The first truth about acai, Oprah has made clear, is not endorsed by anyone associated with Harpo productions. A company claiming her endorsement is lying to you. Not something you want from a company selling you a product. Oprah may have helped the amazing acai berry gain exposure, but scam artists have leapt at this as an opportunity to take advantage of customers by making connections that do not exist.

Why the Need to Resort to False Claims?

You have to understand the amount of power Oprah has over consumers. The products that she does endorse on her show often experience a huge boom immediately after her support is shown. Some businesses can't even keep up with the amount of requests they get after Oprah endorses them. For a scam company with a junk product, this presents an amazing opportunity to essentially rob people of their money. They may pay only pennies to produce their product by skipping proper manufacturing processes, then they sell it to you for a competitive price. Even if their scam only lasts a few months before it is shut down, they stand to make hundreds of thousands of dollars.

You have to be careful with such a popular product. While there is no denying that the acai berry is a remarkably healthy fruit, it is not a miracle cure for disease or weight loss. There is potential that it will be a great supplement to contribute to a healthy lifestyle, but any company claiming it will cause you to shed pounds or increase your sex drive is just looking to get your money. While no one refutes the healthy properties of acai, Oprah has never endorsed an acai berry diet and any companies which claim such a thing are lying to you. - 17269

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Knowing nutritional guidelines

By Anastacia Sampson

Foods tend to be packaged with accompanying nutritional information stated on the packaging. It is highly probably that this is read and thought to not have room for alteration. Yet there are many factors which determine anyones true gains of nutrients.

Did you know that farming conditions can alter the plants level of nutrients? One seasons harvest may have different nutritional levels to the next seasons. We receive our nutrients from plants or other foods. Foods all receive their nutrients from the soil or sea! Ultimately, the soil and sea receive their nutrients from rocks. Those rock hard stones hold the nutrients! It takes processes of erosion to scrap away and permit nutrients be let out to filter into accessible water and soil.

Any garden is improved by the presence of stones. Constant planting and taking from the ground does deplete our soils. To compensate we need to give back. A plant to be packaged or taken to any store can not demand to have a certain level of nutrients, as the packet or box said it will have it! Plants only take what is available.

Climates affect plants and when growing in different climates the same type of plants have different nutrient content. Needs alter according to where we live and the climate affects nutritional needs. Note when you read the nutritional information of two similar foods, as information on various brands can be provided by different sources. On any day if we all ate exactly the same level of nutrients, our absorption tends to differ. Stress tends to lower rates of nutrient absorption and retention of nutrients.

This is why anyone should consult with a relevant health professional to asses whether or not their body is receiving the better levels of nutrients to match their needs. Nutritional charts are extremely helpful and essential to work out how to help anyone to be healthy. We have to realise that we can not be exact and bet on set nutrient levels with each batch of harvested food and our bodies do not absorb a fixed percentage. We generally absorb more if we need it but sometimes other factors disrupt this, such as alcoholism, certain drugs and digestive-related problems.

Read nutritional information to guide food purchases. Do not fret about the extra calorie to the detriment of better mineral levels in foods. Often we may just glimpse at the calorie content. We dismiss the levels of minerals and vitamins. Seek out whole foods. Avoid mainly fatty foods and you should be on the right path. It could be argued that minor amounts of nutritious fatty nuts help one to lose weight. Believe it or not! Its because we need minerals and vitamins to burn calories. Think like a diplomat. You can weigh less but you need minerals and vitamins, choose fairly and have a balanced meal plan. - 17269

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Can You Really Lose Weight With Acai?

By Jane Larose

Many people who encounter some kind of weight management problems often resort to dietary products available in the market. People who are losing hope and don't believe they could still lose weight are given hope when they see infomercials or advertisements about pills they could take to shed the weight. The truth is, not all these products actually work and worse some of them even have some adverse effects on our body. This is when research about the product would be most useful. Be sure to review the product before you take any of it.

At present, one of the most popular weight loss products out in the market is the acai berries. These are actually fruits from acai palm trees that often grow from the Central and South America. Many local people have been using the berries for many years due to its purposes for cooking and as a medicinal product. In fact, in countries like Brazil, Belize and Peru, people use acai berries for desert products like yogurt or cakes.

The incredible health benefits of the acai berries are now becoming increasingly popular as many companies started selling these products in many parts of the world. It used to be sold on it's original form as a fresh or dried berry but with today's technology it has been processed for longer storage. Acai berries are now available in various forms like tablets, juice and powder.

Taking acai berries provide many health benefits to the body. Not just a simple weight management product, acai berry products also provide better immune, digestive and cardiovascular systems. With all the vitamins and minerals in the product, anyone most of the people taking it gets increased level of energy, improved sleep and healthier skin.

Detoxification is also one of the magnificent effects of the acai berries. When one regularly takes the the berries, the stomach wall is cleansed because of its high fiber contents. The body could more properly absorb nutrients when the toxins out of our system.

There are also anti-oxidants and omega nutrients present in the acai berries that are really good for the heart. The omega-6 and omega-9 present in the product help in lowering the blood cholesterol and there improves blood circulation in the body.

The acai berries are now know as the SUPER FOOD. Many health professionals have seen the wonderful benefits of this product for our body and are now endorsing it to everyone. The popularity of the product also reached many audiences when it has been featured in many TV show and magazines all over the world.

Acai berries are still available in its natural form. It can be consumed on its own or be a part of a recipe in a healthy meal. While other products are often chemical based, acai berry is highly organic and even some of its forms only include very few chemical additives for longer shelf life. So if you are looking for a product you can use for weight management, you should consider the acai berry.

Acai berries could be bought in many local health stores in your area. If you find it difficult to find any, you also have the option to buy it from the Internet and have it shipped to your house. But again, make sure you read more about the acai berries to make sure it doesn't have any effects on you especially if you have an existing health concern. Better yet, ask your doctor or dietician if the acai berry is okay for you. - 17269

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Health and Weight Loss

By Phillip Gamahe

There are a number of people who are so desperate to shed few pounds quickly that they resort to unhealthy methods like starvation because they know it works but this not a healthy approach to weight loss and should be avoided at all costs. They insist that only healthy weight loss diets are recommended, given the fact that excesses tend to leave the body weaker and almost defenseless when facing illness.

Following a healthy weight loss program is all about what you eat and how much of it as if you consume more calories in a day than you use and this is done regularly, you will put on weight. Many people forget just how important it is to have a decent night's sleep for good health and body maintenance but juts as important is burning off those excess calories found in the areas of fat most of carry around with us.

Woman's magazines often present wonder diets that make you slimmer in a matter of days and some of these 'healthy' weight loss diets are centered on using a specific type of food. One of these methods is to eat only fruits, salads, chicken and boiled vegetables and while none of these are detrimental to your health, you will not receive all the nutrients your body needs from just these foods.

This is not to mention that after one and a half weeks of such a dietary program, you'll feel like you'd never want to touch chicken again as the body creates an almost defensive reaction towards this kind of force-feeding. The basis of healthy weight loss and maintenance is by removing high calorie foodstuffs from our diets and maintaining regular exercise in addition to good sleep patterns.

Always remember your doctor will ask you if you are sleeping well and will ask an overweight person if they snack in the middle of the night as while this is common, many do not remember. For many people, physical exercise gets rid of stress and is also a way to burn off unwanted calories if you are following a healthy weight loss diet.

You do not have to follow a health weight loss program for very long before your body will start noticing the difference with increased energy levels, better sleep and feeling healthier which also means you will be less prone to illness. Another aspect of a healthy weight loss diet is personal involvement and self-impression on the undergoing transformation so for instance; being too critical and demanding with yourself could sometimes do more bad than good. Often boredom creates problems when dieting especially when someone tries to push themselves too far because they want to lose weight and keep to the same routine. Why not build up your stamina and fitness level a little by carrying out some everyday activities first like walking or swimming for example. Remember to listen to your body and not overexert yourself and lose weight healthily. - 17269

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Acai Berry Gains And Researches

By Earl Cabo

Acai benefits are one of the latest nutritional secrets to be revealed to the modernized world. Harvested in the Brazilian rain forest from Amazon palm trees, the Acai berry has long been known and esteemed by Brazilian natives for it's nutritional benefits and capacity to promote energy and strength.

This fruit is now becoming available worldwide and is used mostly in health juices. Benefits of Acai berry powder is also put in capsules as an enhancer. Juice containing Acai, and Acai berry powder supplements are becoming widely available in health food stores and can also be ordered online from traders.

Fruit is healthy for you; and everyone knows that. Certain fruits have been recognized to have much higher nutritional substance and antioxidant properties than others. Of this type of fruit, the Acai berry comes out as a leader.

With a high content of vitamins B1, B2, B3, C, and E along with iron, phosphorous, calcium and potassium, the vitamin and mineral content in this grape-sized, unique-tasting fruit alone would make it worth adding to your diet. Acai fruit contains so many other natural health-enhancing ingredients that it is arguably one of the most nutritious supplement.

One of the things people note when they start adding Acai to their diet is increased energy - and this seems to happen not within weeks or months, but days - and the positive effects keep increasing as time goes on. Acai also has almost immediate effect on the body by enhancing metabolism, increasing fiber content in the body, and helping the body build and regenerate muscle at a much more efficient rate.

"Smoothies" made with Acai fruit have become a popular morning-coffee substitute for many people, who find that the power they feel after drinking an Acai smoothie lasts much longer and feels much better than the temporary lift from caffeine. Many men have reported a marked improvement in sexual function after adding Acai to their daily regimen. This has led to Acai berry benefits to often be called the "Amazon Viagra". - 17269

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Your Guide To The Best Muscle Building Information

By Emmanuel Palmer

Exercise is just one of the best stimulants there is don't you agree? It's proven than when you exert effort in physical activities, your body produces hormones that give you a natural high. Moreover, you don't only exercise your physical body, but your mental discipline as well. Think about it, with every drill you are performing, you need to concentrate on having the right form and position to complete the necessary reps properly. All this while feeling extreme soreness that weight training programs seem to cause. Sometimes you think you're crazy-but when you see the results (and they will come when you don't give up), forgiveness for your trainer comes easy enough.

Now are we raring to get some action? Great. Let us have a survey on the best muscle building regimens that aim to give you your beach ready body quickly and properly. You will find that there are two basic weight training methods that are being practiced today: high intensity training and periodization.

The first type of training is probably more painful but will yield faster results. High intensity training is exercising to your maximum capacity in the shortest time possible. Sessions last for only about 60 to 90 minutes twice or thrice a week. As your body develops more and more in strength, you are expected to regularly increase the weight and reps for each set you perform. By utilizing high intensity training workouts, you are putting a big physical demand on your body and the consequence is a better body in a shorter time.

Periodization, on the other hand allows your body more time to get accustomed to the physical strain you are subjecting it to. This method of exercise trains you in phases: three weeks of light training, two to three more weeks of medium training and followed by heavy training. The thrust of this philosophy is to gradually build up your strength and muscle mass over a period of time. By giving your body more time and different levels to work with-- over training is avoided and the body remains engaged with the different phases it has to grow into.

Both methods of training have their good and not so good points. The best muscle building strategy is to incorporate from the two philosophies what will work with your body. Most professionals agree with a three day split workout of high intensity but low volume sessions. What is important is to remember to change the weight loads and exercises every few weeks to get the best results.

You can try some of these exercises to get you started in your fitness goals: For stomach: crunches and leg raises For the back: barbell shrugs, seated rows, deadlifts, hyperextensions, rope pull downs For the chest: flat or incline or decline bench press, dumbbell flyes For the arms: barbell or dumbbell curls, wrist curls, triceps extensions For the legs: squats, lunges, leg presses For the shoulders: dumbbell shoulder press, military press

The best weight training programs to have are those that are difficult because you are pushed to push the envelope of your own physical capabilities. Your health, appearance and strength will benefit from a great workout session. Continue to strive for the next level and you won't be disappointed. - 17269

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