Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Acai Fruit Story

By Dr. Jerimiah Crossderd

For thousands of years, the South American rain forest has been thought to contain many of medicines within plants and herbs that could remedy most ailments known today.

Scientific evidence has made this legend fact; Buried deep within the South American rain forest, a berry like no other has been revered as Amazonian treasure for hundreds of years. The Acai fruit offers an answer to the stories of old.

The Acai fruit is actually pronounced Ah-sigh-ee and has been cultivated by the local people of the Brazilian rain forest for hundreds of years. It has proven to be a cure for everything from the common mumps to diabetes. New discoveries even have shown evidence that this tiny berry is properties to curing cancer.

The legend of the acai fruit has been spoken of for centuries amongst the indeginous people of the Amazon. Once upon a time there was a prosperous tribe that faced certain death due to an intense famine that had swept the region. Desperate for a solution, the tribal leader made a decree that all firstborn children were to be sacrificed.

Unbeknown at the time to Itaki, declaration would even infiltrate his own family. He discovered that his own daughter, Laca, was about to give birth, so she to would have to sacrifice her firstborn child.

The daughter became so depressed that she refused any food or drink and locked herself in the room. After several days and nights of no food, the daughter became delusional and began to hear her baby's cry. She ran out of the room and began to make her way to a palm tree where she thought she saw her child

The next morning, the tribe descended to this palm tree and discovered the dead body of the tribal chiefs daughter. As they looked up at the palm tree, they noticed clumps of blue berries, which later became known as acai berries.

This single berry not only saved the tribe from hunger, but was instrumental in this tribe's economic growth. The people of Belem -- the state in Brazil where the Acai fruit is harvested -- are said to be the descendants of this same tribe.

This tiny Acai fruit is still proven to be one of the largest economic exports for this tiny city in Brazil. - 17269

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Will a Consistent Walking Program Help Me Reduce Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

Once you've decided that you want to begin a walking regimen, you should be congratulated for your decision that will have long time healthful benefits. A consistent walking regimen will help you improve your endurance while improving your cardiovascular system. Losing fat while increasing your muscle mass are generally known results of a walking program, but you probably didn't know that your walking routine can also be a solution to helping your prevent bruising as well?

We tend to be more inclined to bruising easily as we grow older. We can look down and suddenly see bruises on our wrists and forearms without remembering the time we lightly brushed against a kitchen cabinet yesterday or a few days ago. As we get older, our collagen level diminishes, and our blood vessels become more frail, which leads to highly visible bruises which don't seem in keeping with their initial trivial cause.

The important thing to remember is that this is not something that you need to live with. If you want to avoid needing to think about covering up those bruises and when you want to stop seeing them at all, it is time to see what a dedicated walking program can do for you. This is an important aspect of keeping up your health, so think about what is out there.

To begin with, a proper walking regimen can become a highly aerobic exercise. As you walk, your cardiovascular health is becoming stronger, by means of actually strengthening your individual blood vessels. The blood vessel walls will become stronger and thicker and, they will thus be less apt to break and cause bruises just because of a slight bump.

You will also be building up more muscle as you walk. The growth of muscle can really help you become more balance and graceful, and you will be able to use this new control over your body to help you avoid bumping into things to begin with. Even if you do happen to bump into a door, your toned and healthy muscles will reduce trauma from taking place at all.

We all know that regular exercise should be an important part of our life, but knowing that a walking program can also help alleviate our easy bruising is a great incentive to get started today. You may only be getting a few small, scattered bruises on your arms, or maybe you seem to find a new black and blue spot every time you turn around that you need to deal with; a good walking program may be the perfect solution.

Before you start up any new exercise program it is advisable that you should speak to your personal physician. He or she might have recommendations to make about your beginning intensity level and how quickly you should progress. Get good walking shoes, and if at all possible, try to find a good track to walk upon, rather than concrete sidewalks. If you walk just on sidewalks, it can be surprisingly tough on your body, particularly the knees if you're not focused on the hazards.

Undertaking a serious walking program is a wonderful way to help start preventing your bruises, but you shouldn't discount the beneficial affects that can be gained from a daily, natural supplement program. Make a thorough evaluation of the uniquely formulated blend of supplements found in Bruises Be Banned that has been proved to be effective in the quest to reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17269

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How To Look Taller And More Confident

By Shaun Davids

Are you tired of feeling small and want to know how to look taller? You would be surprised how much a wardrobe alteration and a change of attitude can do! These aren't the only ways to make your body taller-by keeping a healthy diet and good posture, you can even prevent many bone damaging ailments that often occur as you age, including shrinkage.

First, let's focus on your clothing. Many may dress to accentuate their figure or their muscles, but did you know you can dress to make your body look taller? You can do this by choosing business suits that are all one color, preferably darker hues, such as navy blue or black. Pinstripes are also useful as an instant height enhancer.

If you clothes than contrast a lot - such as black pants with a light blue shirt, you will look shorter. It creates a visible line that breaks you body up and makes you lose height - especially if your pants are above your waist. Also, for how to look taller, steer clear of patterns with plaid or polka dots in them. And wear clothes that fits you perfectly, and gives the illusion of you having a longer torso and limbs.

To become taller, also try wear the right shoes. Height increasing insoles and high heels work well at making you look taller. Also, wearing bigger shoes, such as boots or tennis shoes help your feet appear bigger.

Believe it or not, your hair helps you how to look taller. By wearing your hair long, you blur the space between your ears and shoulders, which makes your neck look shorter.

How you stand and sit is also very important. Maintaining a posture where you back is straight and your shoulders back not only helps you look taller, but it also strengthens your back, bones and core muscles.

And lastly your attitude can have a profound effect. This is harder than it sounds, but if you can be confident and be cheerful around people, they will respond positively to you.

In contrast, if you are miserable, uncertain, and negative, those you interact with will notice this as well, and it will affect your appearance of how to look taller. - 17269

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Muscle Building Tips, How To Build Muscle Fast

By Ricardo d Argence

Some individuals experience difficulty gaining muscle mass. Developing a strong fitness workout, may not develop the strength you are looking for.

Countless frustrated people have looked far and wide to find the ideal fitness regimen to build muscle mass, strength and physical fitness. Having a good sensible diet and a good fitness workout is the fastest way for muscle gain and strength. A good diet will help the body move to build even more muscle tissue.

Techniques for training. Training the largest muscle groups stimulates development within the body. Thus, stimulating these muscle groups through training is essential to muscle gain. Why? Muscle groups that comprise the bulk of the total muscle mass of the human body will place greater stress on the overall body if worked at a high enough intensity level.

The amount of stress on the body is relative to the time and intensity on the biggest muscles in the human physique. This creates a highly anabolic environment in the entire body, due to the need created in the body for extensive growth and repair of muscle tissue, which will translate into greater gains from the training of your smaller muscle groups, since the body works as a whole, and not in separate, isolated parts.

Protein as well as water. It is very important to get enough protein and carbohydrates to help your body adapt to training stress. Generally, people find better success with a low carbohydrate/high protein diet.

If you are training hard and taking in a good amount of protein it is almost impossible to drink too much water. Water serves two important purposes as the largest constituent of muscle, it helps to remove waste products from your system and to reduce the stress on the kidneys.

Also, water can be used to help flush nutrients through your body, which enables these nutrients to bathe all your tissues optimally and ensure their optimum health, which is vital for good gains. This could not be achieved in a low water intake environment.

Multi-vitamin and mineral supplements cannot be overlooked either, as the growth processes cannot proceed unless all factors necessary for growth are present, and these include vitamins and minerals, in addition to the necessary amino acids supplied from dietary protein, and other dietary constituents.

You can force your body to gain weight and muscle when you eat the right foods and workout properly. The right way to gain muscle is to give your body the right fuel for the right muscle mass. - 17269

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How to Make Lemon Poppy Seed Cupcakes

By Amy Feigns

Through the ages, poppy seeds have proven their significance in the medical history and as a significant element in a lot of healthy dishes. These days, more and more recipes have been brought up that highlight the use of poppy pods . In a wide variety of cuisines, poppy seeds have been given great importance due to its health properties.

Most frequently, poppy seeds are a favorite in a wide variety of baked goods like muffins, cakes, bread, and more. One tasty and healthy example is the lemon poppy seed cupcake. To make this tempting dessert, you will need a salt, baking powder, baking soda, yoghurt, all purpose flour, blue poppy seeds, vanilla extract, zest of lemon, softened butter, and sugar. To come up with an icing to make it perfect, you must have an icing sugar and lemon juice or water.

To start with, grease the muffin cups properly and evenly. Have the oven preheated under the temperature of 400 degrees Fahrenheit r 200 degrees Celsius. While doing this, you can start mixing the sugar and butter utilizing the stand mixer within 3 minutes until it gets creamy and light. You may then start adding the eggs one at a time as you continue with the stirring with an interval of one minute in each gap.

Afterwards, you may then pour in the vanilla extract and lemon zest. You may then follow on adding the blue poppy seeds directly into the mixture. On a separate mixing bowl, mix together all the dry ingredients. After a few minutes of continuously mixing the wet ingredients, pour in the dry ones as well as the yoghurt alternately both starting and ending with flour.

You may then start pouring the prepared mixture into its moulds and properly even out the top before placing them into the oven. For about 18 to 20 minutes, bake the mixture into the oven. To properly determine whether or not the muffins are already well baked, you can do so through a thin knife. After having securely determined that the muffins are already fully baked, you may start getting them out of their moulds and wait for five minutes to have all of them cooled down. The cooling factor is important before you start adding the icing on top to avoid melting the icing as it will look differently.

For making the icing, you must first stir the icing sugar with the lemon juice until it gets moist. Add a little in every interval while you continue stirring the mixture until you have achieved the desired texture. The perfect texture for the icing is white and creamy which will serve as the muffin's mouth watering topping. And there you go, the healthiest and tastiest thing you can go for a dessert or snack. - 17269

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How Glutamine Can Help You in Muscle Building

By Ricardo d Argence

Chances are if you are into any type of work out program or you belong to a gym, then you have most likely heard about Glutamine. Now just because you have heard the name before doesn't mean that you know all about the product and what it does.

Below is a breakdown of what it is and what it does. You will also learn about what it can do for you.

Glutamine defined is an amino acid that found in both animal and plant tissue. It's also found in protein sources. Glutamine is manufactured commercially for medicinal purposes and for biochemical research. It's also used nutritionally, as an amino acid supplement.

What people like the best is that it is an effective brain fuel. Some doctors have used it to treat alcoholism and depression.

Glutamine may also help you lose weight, because it reduces cravings for sweets. It also helps build muscle and may alter how your metabolism works, to your benefit.

If you're a bodybuilder, you can try taking glutamine to help in your workouts. For this purpose, you should usually take about eight to 17 mg a day, broken up into three doses.

Glutamine as a supplement really has no side effects, although some people have reported that their stomach gets upset if they take too much. Beyond that, though, no real side effects have been reported.

Although glutamine is used in a number of areas, bodybuilders are among its top users. That's because it helps keep muscles from deteriorating.

As a bodybuilder, when you work out, you put a lot of stress on your muscles. When you take glutamine, you can help repair muscles and replace what's been used up in your muscles. This helps keep your muscles from deteriorating.

If you'd like to participate in bodybuilding, taking glutamine as a supplement might be something you want to try. Of course, as with any supplement, check with your doctor first before you use it.

Above all, make sure you do what's right for you. Check to make sure that taking glutamine isn't going to negatively interact with any current medications you're taking, or with any health conditions you currently experience.

If you decide to supplement with any type of nutrient that's going to help you with bodybuilding, glutamine might just be the way to go. It doesn't have any side effects and it can be very beneficial to you. - 17269

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Cordyceps sinensis - The Athlete's Mushroom

By Dr. Markho Rafael

Cordyceps sinensis is a minute fungus that sprouts out of caterpillar carcasses at high altitudes of the Tibetan plateau. [1] Considering that 95% of all fungi species still remain undiscovered, it's a wonder a small fungus from such a remote area is even described, let alone that it's managed to become one of the world's most popular medicinal fungi.

The extreme unlikeliness of this remote, rare, and insignificant fungus's claim to fame speaks volumes in and of itself as to its value and potency.

In China, Cordyceps sinensis has been treasured for 2,000 years as a vitalizing tonic and aphrodisiac. The oldest preserved written record of it stems from 200 A.D. and the book The Classic Herbal of the Divine Plowman. Contemporary research is beginning to reaffirm the traditional Chinese knowledge about this medicinal fungus.

Contemporary researchers in Asia have discovered that Cordyceps sinensis demonstrates anti-tumor and immune-enhancing qualities. [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]

Several studies suggest its usefulness in the treatment of leukemia. [13, 14, 15, 16] In 2002 began the initial Phase I screening of cordycepin by the U.S. National Institute of Health as a possible treatment of leukemia.

In keeping with the use of Cordyceps as an aphrodisiac, a recent study reported a 64% improvement of erectile dysfunction. [17] Underlying these results may be the effect Cordyceps appears to have on blood vessel dilation and blood-flow. [18, 19]

Some more areas of potential interest for Cordyceps extract include reducing cholesterol, [20] supporting liver function (post-hepatitic cirrhosis), [22] and kidney health. [21]

However, Cordyceps' popularity is primarily based on its effect on physical empowerment by helping to increase stamina and endurance. [23, 24, 25] Part of the explanation to this may be, as mentioned earlier, that it has an effect on improving blood-flow by dilating blood vessels. Another reason may be the similar effect it has on also helping to dilate respiratory passageways, which was demonstrated by two studies on bronchitis and asthma. [3, 26]

Nine Chinese women who set world records at the 1993 Chinese National Games attributed their success to their use of Cordyceps extract. [27, 28]

Cordyceps sinensis is also rich in anti-oxidants, [29] polysaccharides and many other newly discovered compounds, [8, 30, 31] plus many more that are yet to be isolated.

Last but not least, in his book Mycelium Running, foremost U.S. medicinal mushroom expert Paul Stamets also lists the following additional areas of potential usefulness for Cordyceps extract as indicated by scientific research: Anti-bacterial; anti-viral; blood pressure; nerve support (stress); lymphoma; lung cancer. [134]

Note: The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Never use any medicinal mushroom or herb without prior approval by medical doctor.

Credit: Thank you to Paul Stamets for source material. - 17269

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Does Eating Acai Berries Cause Side Effects?

By Mark Walt

The acai berry has been called a miracle fruit and super food that can help you lose weight, keep looking young and stay healthy. Acai berries are deep purple in color and grow in Central America's Amazon jungle. The fruit is full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that our bodies need to stay healthy.

Research studies have concluded that the acai berry helps to raise your metabolism. Providing your metabolism with a boost is a critical factor if you want to lose weight. The acai berry has gained a lot of attention due to the fact that it is very effective in terms of weight loss and that the antioxidants help you fight off disease and aging.

People who live in the Amazon rain forests have been eating acai berries for a very long time. However, it wasn't until about five years ago that it became well known in the United States. It has grown in popularity as more of its health benefits have become well known.

Using the acai berry as a weight loss product is becoming more and more common. The more popular the fruit becomes, the more people there are who have questions about it. Something that many people are wondering about is if acai berries have any bad side effects.

The first thing one has to remember about acai berry is that it is a fruit. If you consume it in its natural state the chances of you developing side effects are about the same is if you were to eat an orange or apple. There have been many acai berry studies conducted and none have reported harmful side effects to consuming the fruit.

The acai berry helps to suppress your appetite due to the fact that the fruit is high in fiber and your body's metabolism also gets a boost. No wonder the berry has been so popular for losing weight. You just don't want to eat an excessive amount of them or you could end up with stool problems or have a bitter taste left in your mouth.

So the answer is no, acai berries don't really have side effects, although you still should consume them in moderation. However, when looking for an acai product to use, be sure to read the labels to find out if anything is added to the berry in the product. Although acai berries themselves are natural and not dangerous, there could be acai berry supplements or other products that have chemicals or other types of additives in them that are harmful or have not been fully tested.

If you are worried about possible side effects, you should buy all-natural supplements that don't contain any additives. The acai berry has so many benefits and includes generous amounts of very beneficial vitamin, antioxidants and minerals that help us to fight disease, lose weight and maintain our health. - 17269

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Avocado Pears For creamy Indulgence

By Anastacia Sampson

Avocado pears are like ice-cream except not as icy! Rather scoop chilled avocado fruit instead of ice-cream while different varieties vary in taste. Also known as ?alligator pears? due to their alligator-like outer peel feel; avocados have emigrated all the way from America, and are now grown on other continents. Although we may shun avocado pears as they are about 70% fats, they are health if eaten in moderation.

To partly appreciate the value of fats consider Vitamin E and carotenoids as toddlers arriving at the airport. Imagine the airport is our digestive system. It is a busy airport and we need signs to guide us as adults. To be guided to the right areas, toddlers need to hold hands with an adult, and the adults offering hands are the fats. Do not do yourself a disservice by having a severely low fat diet to the point of harm. Rather have a moderately low fat diet but remember you always need fat and there are different types of fat. We can enjoy indulging in something like dips!

There may be a time for dips! Not all of us, but some like to dip while nibbling and snacking at parties although we know they can be unhealthy. However we can mix and serve our own healthy types. Watch others have a dip and dip in; you need not feel you are missing the action of an indulgent treat. Have a healthy treat with smashed avocado pear sprinkled with lemon (to discourage browning) and black pepper for flavour! Then you may try cayenne pepper to give a spike to the palate and tongue! Of course herbs added to your avocado dip give that exotic taste. Let ideas follow your taste buds within a healthy selection.

Do recognise that avocados are not the highest suppliers of folic acid. Folic acid is a type of B vitamin and protectively keeps away foetal abnormalities (abnormal development of the baby in the womb). Other high folic acid suppliers are around; leafy vegetables and grapefruit are great folic acid suppliers. While pregnant, women may enjoy knowing cabbages have high calcium content and tend to help with ulcers. The avocadoes contain useful levels of Vitamin E, are excellent antioxidant suppliers and supply glutathione, which protects against ageing and other disease development. It is during pregnancy that the need for calories can increase slightly and avocados serve well to meet those needs.

All in all we can all do with a serving of this fatty fruit. Preparation is simple; it has a large rounded hard pip in the middle. Spread it on bread and other foods. Instead of processed spreads try avocado butter for green sandwiches with a spice or herb to flavour it. We do become creatures of habit and rely on spreads, and are often bombarded by the media with them proclaiming a newly formed margarine as being healthy. Indeed margarine products may contain sterols and sterols (in plants) do protect against harmful cholesterol levels. Nonetheless margarine is mostly a processed food. Try more of Nature?s non-mucked about food to support our body?s health. Prepare a slice of toast with a spread of mashed soft buttery avocado pear. Then sparsely sprinkle on salt for taste if you need. While avocados are rich and creamy in texture, scoop up that indulgent fruit but in moderation. - 17269

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