Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Bodybuilding After Your 40th Birthday

By Ricardo d Argence

When it comes to work outs and staying in shape that age factor is a definite factor in how you will approach your fitness regimen,but they say that age is just a number. Some use being over the age of 40 as an excuse not regularly workout or live in a healthy style.

Regular exercise and staying fit are very important no matter what your age. If you approach weight training, diet and work outs the correct way you can maintain a remarkably healthy and fit body for many years, regardless of your age. There are many benefits of both weightlifting and bodybuilding. You can reshape your body, become healthier, increase bone density and weight loss.

It is no secret that people who keep physically fit also feel better about themselves and about life in general. People who exercise also experience the release of endorphins from the brain, which helps, maintain a sense of happiness and well-being.

Let's start with some basics, being over 40 means that you do need to make a few concessions in your workout routine, but it does not mean that you have to be a victim of false notions about aging. As we get older, our muscles and joints are less limber and this means that adequate stretching and warm up prior to exercising is very important.

A fifteen minute stretching and warm up period will help increase your suppleness, and lower the chance of sports injuries. Your muscles will be more conditioned the more you stretch properly and completely.

Next should come a 15 minute cardio session on a treadmill, an elliptical training machine, a stair stepper, or a stationary bike. You are not going for the gusto with this exercise, but you do want to get your heart rate up a little and you want to build upon the limbering and stretching that you just completed. This exercise will let your body know that you are serious about doing some work.

You will want to follow this warm up by doing reps with the correct weights, you should consider light weights for this workout, if in addition to this you are doing circuit training or a free weight routine you will not have the stress of heavy weights.

When using the pyramid system, you add reps but use less weight, then you start adding weight and decreasing the reps, which is how a lot of the bodybuilders do their workouts. Pay constant attention to your posture. This method of weightlifting has great success for those who want to add muscle and bulk to their bodies. Even if it means decreasing the weights or the amount of repititions, correct posture must be your main consideration. This maximizes your results and reduces your risk of injury.

You should train weights for about 30-45 minutes per session for at least 4 days a week. When you conclude your session of weight training, you may choose to do the cardio session again in order to tone your lungs and hearts; it's also a great way to wind down. - 17269

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Take the Hang Ups and Lows out of your Hang Over

By Lidia Peru

What is the number one party night of the year? New Years Eve, of course! For many this means a little, or a lot, of alcohol. Are you one of those people that wake up the next day feeling a bit run over?

Many of us have had a hangover, but few of us think about what alcohol does to our body. There is more than a few empty calories, alcohol depletes your vital vitamins and minerals. To make things even worse, that night of pleasure makes digestion a problem, meaning you cannot easily replenish those lost nutrients.

There are steps you can take to bring your body back into balance. One of my favorites is Kombucha Tea. Never heard of it? It is not an energy drink, but most everyone who drinks it says it improves their energy. It is not a nutritional supplement, but it is rich with vitamins, enzymes, and healthy acids.

When you drink Kombucha here is what you get: Enzymes, Acetic acid, Carbonic acid, Folic Acid, Gluconic acid, Glucuronic acid, L(+) Lactic, Usnic acid, Amino acids (various), Hydroxy acids (various), Vitamin B1 (Thiamin), Vitamin B2(Riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (Niacin, niacinamide), Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine), Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin, cyanocobalamin), Vitamin C (from Lactic acid).

Kombucha will also help you get your digestive tract back on track. It restores pH balance, helps detox as well. Soon enough you will feel right as rain. You could add Kombucha to your overall health plan to give you more energy, nutrition, and balance in your body. Bonus " a lot of people find their weight regulates itself when they are drinking Kombucha. Score!

Here is another basic alcohol fact " alcohol depletes our magnesium supply. Our what? Magnesium is one of the most important minerals in your body. You have heard all the hype about calcium, well you need magnesium to get the benefit from your calcium. When you drink you reduce the already depleted magnesium supply in your body.

When your magnesium level is low and your digestive tract is struggling you cannot absorb the nutrients, like magnesium, that is contained in your food. Another option is to increase the magnesium level through an IV like they do in the emergency room. Thats a little drastic. Try transdermal magnesium, like a magnesium bath, gel or oil applied to your skin.

There are over 300 enzyme functions that magnesium is needed to complete. Almost every part of your body needs magnesium. The world health organization states that about 75 percent of our population is deficient in this mineral. This affects your health, both physically and mentally!

You dont have to wait for a night out on the town to enjoy the restorative qualities of transdermal magnesium. In fact, you can sip on your Kombucha tea served in a champagne glass after your healthy soak. - 17269

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