Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, March 2, 2009

A Few Healthy Heart Tips

By Dr. Bill

In Long Island, where I've spent most of my life, a few days with temperatures in the 70's is considered a monstrous heat wave. But here in Florida, it's cool weather.

A chef friend of mine once said to me, "If you want heat, work in a kitchen. If you really want heat, work in a really busy kitchen."

Now I'm sure I could butcher as well as anyone he had working for him, and it wouldn't have taken me long to learn how to use all the different knives and such, but I walked by the broiler one day, and I don't know how those guys do it. That particular broiler ran at 900 degrees, which is how they get those marvelous steaks to you in a hurry. That was too hot for me.

Moving along to health and fitness, here is your heart advice for the afternoon.

1. You don't have to be a man to have a heart attack. Heart disease is now the most common cause of death for women, beating out breast cancer. And 150,000 people per year die under the age of 65 from heart attacks. So not just the old should be worried (though 65 doesn't look so old to me these days).

2. Fresh fruits and vegetables, especially in bright colors, have anti-oxidants that are great for your heart. Raw is best, and a juicer can be very helpful.

3. If you're past the age of thirty-five and experience some E.D., you might have some artery blockage. Have a cardiologist check this out immediately. Don't wait for a yearly physical.

One of the best habits for your heart is to take enteric coated pharmaceutical grade fish oil. Even doctors are understanding this.

The National Institute For Health and Clinical Excellence is advising physicians to provide fish oil to patients who have suffered heart attacks.

That's good advice, but it's after the fact, and what is called post heart attack treatment. Patients need to get on fish oil early, in order to help prevent cardiac events.

Enteric coated pharmaceutical grade fish oil can be taken by almost anyone at any age, and the benefits are numerous. A story in this morning's newspaper told the story of a professional baseball player who is returning to play much earlier than expected. The reason? Fish oil healed his aching joints much faster than he expected.

In the Institute study I mentioned earlier, omega-3 fatty acids cut the incidence of recurring sudden death by heart attack 45%.

Which is why I don't wait to recommend fish oil. I always say, start now. - 17269

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The Top 5 Superfoods on the Antioxidant Chart ORAC

By Ryan Sinclair

Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity otherwise known as ORAC was developed to measure and test the antioxidant levels in food. Oxidation can be harmful to the body and antioxidants are protection from toxic free radicals. ORAC scores foods on what would be best to help fight these toxins. These free radicals are the main causes of aging, and can even cause cancer from mutated cells. Only about 20% of people get the recommended amount of antioxidants sadly.

ORAC foods are easy to apply to your diet. Different websites rank the top 5 ORAC foods in different orders but here are the top 5 foods:

1. Acai

2. Pomegranite

3. Goji Berries

4. Mangosteen

5. Wild Blueberries

By eating these foods you can get your daily supply of all the antioxidants you need. Try them and find out which ones you enjoy the most. You could even make a smoothie and mix them all together for an awesome antioxidant drink.

Acai berry juice happens to be my all time favorite antioxidant drink. In addition to being number one on the ORAC list it is also a great source of Omega fatty acids and essential amino acids. Acai berry will reduce cholesterol, improve your mood, and increase your memory. I used to drink a lot of beverages that contained caffeine to get the energy boost I need, but now I drink Acai berry juice to help me stay active. The boost even lasts longer and than many of those that contain caffeine.

One of the best reasons to go with Acai is that it has an amazing taste. Most people describe it having the flavor of chocolate berries. It's one of the few health foods you can enjoy without realizing that it's actually good for you. There is no better way to start off your day than with a nice refreshing glass of Acai juice. - 17269

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Should you take probiotics.

By Collin James

If you know what probiotics are all about and understand the benefits behind them, you might be more inclined to take advantage of the free sample offered to new customers of Probiotics Complete.

What are Probiotics?

Lactic acid bacteria is the largest group of bacteria that is found in the intestine which has many harmful side effects. Taking probiotics on a regular basis helps to restore natural balance in the intestine. Here are just a few of the benefits behind probiotics.

* Bloating and diarrhea cause by lactose intolerance.

* Inflammatory bowel disease causing abdominal pain.

When you intestines run out of the beneficial bacteria that's when common problems such as diarrhea, urinary tract infections, yeast infections can show up. Restore the balance in your body and stop the symptoms all together.

With how our food is processed these days, our bodies are left feeling the wrath. The average person can carry up to 8 meals worth of weight just in there colons alone. Probiotics Complete, n just a few short weeks, can remove all that build up and have you looking and feeling great. - 17269

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The Health of Your Child. Whose Responsibility Is It?

By Michael Byrd

Can you be sued in the future for what your child is eating now?

Scenario: Two or three decades from now, scores of adults with health problems like diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity will be suffering serious self esteem issues and spending tons of money on medicine and treatment. This will have been caused by what they were fed in their daily activities during their childhood.

Who's to blame then? Responsibility falls on their parents. The 'victims' join sessions for group therapy and looking for a way to pay off their mountain of medical bills, file cases on the ones that raised and fed them during childhood. Strangely enough, they win the case since the judge apparently went through the same experience and frustrations they went through.

This scenario might be funny and stuff of fiction, but if you really think about it, it's not at all impossible. People these days have pointed accusing fingers at their parents for problems that may have root causes in their childhood. The looming health crisis in the future can make bad child-rearing lawsuits highly probable.

The Journal of the American Dietetic Association published a study recently which showed that the diets of toddlers and babies in these times are as bad as those of average unhealthy teenagers who live mainly on junk food.

It's sad, but most of the respondents that did report having a vegetable as part of their diet thought French fries qualified as one. A third of the children surveyed by researchers from the Tufts University School of Medicine did not even have fruit and vegetables in their daily.

It's bad enough that a lot of children these days aren't getting much exercise sitting in front of the boob tube the whole day watching cable TV, but researchers also discovered that some parents were even pouring soda into baby bottles designed for milk. Cola drinks and other types of carbonated drinks are a major cause of obesity in adults.

Not surprising then that a fourth of preschool children suffer from obesity and the numbers are increasing rapidly. Furthermore, preferences in children's diet are established during 2nd and 3rd years of their lives, so the statistics are certain to get worse. Most cases of heart disease and diabetes are linked of course, to bad diet and unhealthy lifestyles, so children these days or on the road to bad health.

So can parents during these times of fast-food, marathon online games and cable TV do anything about this unhealthy trend? Of course! We all have the capability of influencing our offspring's lifestyle habits dramatically. Being good role models for our children by adopting healthy eating and exercise habits is a good start.

Perhaps a few decades from now, babies that have had the fortune of developing good eating habits and health lifestyles will grow up and praise their parents for playing a major role in letting them turn out to be smart, fit and wealthy adults. Wouldn't this be a better scenario than seeing your offspring in court because the bad stuff they ate during childhood? - 17269

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Treatment of Stress Symptoms with Adaptogens

By Terryann Niemeyer

One of the most important molecules in our body is Nitric oxide or NO. Like a person directing traffic in a busy intersection, nitric oxide directs the communication between the busiest cells in the body to include blood cells, brain cells, and immune system cells.

Nitric oxide is so important that no organ in your body could function without it. It keeps our blood pressure normal, helps us think clearly, helps our body fight off infections, and even prevents the development of blood clots and atherosclerosis. Many of the aging diseases are no more than a nitric oxide deficiency.

A study looking at Nitric oxide activity was recently conducted on adaptogens and adaptogen blends. Some blends were found to contain natural nitric oxide metabolites. These metabolites help normalize the balance of Nitric oxide in the human body. High levels of antioxidants along with molecules that could adapt to stress were also identified in certain formulas.

Adaptogens are unique plants that thrive in some of the harshest environments in the world, the Tunguska area of Siberia is one of them. They have the ability to create a balance in the human body, allowing cells to adjust to stress. A Russian scientist, Dr. Nicholai Lazarev, discovered 10 plants that fit into this category called adaptogens.

Dr. Lazarev defined an "adaptogen" as a plant or herb that increases the body's natural resistance to stress such as trauma, anxiety, and fatigue. After a few years, a man by the name of Professor Brekhman said that an adaptogen is a substance that has a "normalizing" effect on the whole body, rather than on just a specific organ.

Stress, poor nutrition, and pollution can all steal our Nitric Oxide. As we grow older, it becomes harder for our body to produce Nitric Oxide. Eating right, sufficient sleep, and being active, all help our body by increasing our Nitric Oxide reserves.

There is a long list of ailments related to insufficient Nitric Oxide within the body. Elevated blood pressure, Alzheimers, coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, are just a few.

If we can elevate the level of Nitric Oxide within the body, it holds true that a person with one of these conditions will respond positively. Helping a person to be able to produce more Nitric Oxide naturally is important in the fight against many diseases.

It makes sense that certain adaptogen formulas would activate a high amount of nitric oxide because research has revealed that most high-antioxidant foods nourish NO. Adaptogens can help us combat stress, a nitric oxide killer. They are an effective form of Stress Treatment .

Nitric Oxide levels in some adaptogen compounds are high enough to restore a persons NO balance. These compounds can help defend against heart disease, stroke, and inflammation.

Individual adaptogens and adaptogen blends can usually be found at health food stores. Some of the blends that have been determined to be the most effective in the treatment of stress, actually have clinical studies to back them up. - 17269

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Product Review of the Sanyo HEC DR6700K Massage Chair

By Steve Esquire

This is a product review of the high end Sanyo DR-6700 massage chair. Sanyo boasts a full line of massage chairs. The DR-6700 is the model just below the DR7700 which is the top of the line model for Sanyo. We will evaluate some of the advanced electronic features and massage functions of the DR 6700. Here is our evaluation of the Sanyo DR6700 massage chair recliner.

We will start with the warranty coverage. We always advise to go with a recognized massage chair brand. These national brands will have adequate warranty coverage and will be quick and responsive if an issue were to arise. You do not want a no-name brand that then does not stock parts and provides poor service, if at all.

Sanyo provides the warranty coverage for the DR-6700 massage chair. The warranty coverage is as follows: You get three years coverage for the roller mechanism. This is the device that provides the massage for your back, neck and shoulders. Otherwise, the rest of the chair gets 1 year for both parts and labor. One good part of the coverage is the one year of in home technician service.

What kind of massage therapy do you get with the DR6700? The DR-6700 comes with four pre-programmed programs. Sanyo has developed themed massage programs which consist of Fine, Recovery, Stiffness and Relax. These programs are well designed and provide for effective massage therapy depending on the focus selected.

Manual massage techniques are also available in the DR6700. These manual treatments use one particular technique like kneading which can then be used to cover a particular spot or region of the body. These techniques are great where you want a specific type of relief. The other manual massage techniques include Shiatsu, Grip, Kneading, Tapping and Combination Kneading/Tapping.

When in manual mode, you can select many different options to suit your needs at that moment. You can adjust the intensity of the massage to be more or less penetrating. You can adjust the width of the rollers for certain manual massages. This lets you get more around the spine or you can get a wider coverage to get the shoulders.

Another set of functions integrated into the DR 6700 are manual massage courses. Manual massage courses will move the roller mechanism in a certain zone or region of the body. For instance, you can select neck and shoulders as the region and then select the kneading massage. The kneading will be done exclusively in this area for the duration of the massage.

One of the interesting electronic features put into the Sanyo Dr-6700 is called the Stiffness Detector. The Stiffness Detector measures your perspiration level and monitors your pulse rate, but it doesn't check if you are lying! The information is then read by the on-board computer and the massage program will target areas of higher tension.

Need a good lower body massage? This Sanyo model comes equipped with an air compression massage system for the lower body. A compression massage uses a squeezing action to relieve tired, aching muscles. The air compression massage targets the legs, calves and feet. They have also integrated a heater to warm the bottoms of your feet.

The Sanyo DR6700K is a luxury massage chair. It has many of the same features as the highest model the DR7700K. The specialized GK rollers provide an excellent over the shoulder massage which is unique to the Sanyo line. There are also interesting features like the stiffness detector to automatically locate and target areas of tension in your body. The warranty coverage is good for this model. This is a solid massage chair recliner and definitely worthy of your consideration for your massage therapy needs. - 17269

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Fat burning food can help you lose weight healthily

By Foong

Eating the right kind of foods and having a complete and healthy diet is essential to your weight loss goals. However, this does not mean you only need to limit your calories or worse, starve yourself in order to effectively lose weight. You need to eat healthy, wholesome meals but your food need to be fat burning foods too.

The ways to losing weight encompasses everything from a balanced and healthy diet of fat burning food to regular fat burning exercises. You not only need to eat right, you need to exercise right and even drink and rest right to achieve your goal in weight loss.

Although it is easier said than done, many dieters find it very hard to limit their calories or count calories. So, one of the easier ways to count calories is to eat mostly fat burning food. Now, what are fat burning foods? Can food really help you burn fat? Yes, if you eat the right kinds of food, it will actually help your body to rid itself of the excess fat. It is as simple as that.

You may be wondering if there are really foods that could help you lose weight. These fat burning foods are actually commonly found foods that you are probably eating already. And we are not even talking about diet pills or diet products and protein shakes. The foods that could help you lose weight are foods that you could possibly find in your fridge or cabinet.

An example of a fat burning food is oats. There are several types of oats and you should choose the organic rolled oats and oat bran. Oats are high in fibre so it could make you feel fuller longer and faster. This means it will in a way make you feel less hungry, suppress your appetite and thus, make you eat less. Oats are also known to bind with fat in your system and help your body flush it out of your system.

So, based on that example, fat burning foods are not only good to help your body burn fat but it could be foods that make you feel full or it can cut down your appetite or it can regulate your blood sugar level and cut down any unwanted cravings and binges on fattening foods.

Another type of food that can help you lose weight is green tea. Drinking green tea has been known to be good for your heart and it also suppresses your appetite. Studies have revealed that green tea is rich in anti-oxidants so it is also responsible for helping you look young! It is also known to increase your metabolic rate for better fat burning power.

In conclusion, there are plenty of healthy food and drink choices out there so it is best to choose foods that could help your burn fat and lose weight and incorporated that into your diet. If you add in regular exercise which includes cardiovascular exercises and resistance training, you will be able to burn up more fat and lose the weight faster. - 17269

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Would You Like to Build Muscle Lose Fat?

By Allen Brian

Gaining fat with muscle usually occurs when you add plenty of muscle in a very short period. Gaining muscle and fat at the same time is a natural process of gaining weight, you must know and accept it if you want build muscle mass. In order to gain bigger muscles, you should consume more calories to let your body grow bigger muscles. But it is impossible for all of your additional calories to go for growing your muscle. Some of these extra calories will end up as fat.

To make the biggest appearance changes in the shortest time possible, you must concentrate on getting larger for one specific time period and then concentrate on getting rid of the extra fat for one specific time period.

Your metabolic rate is controlled by the level of your muscles, it would be easier for your to rid of fat if you have already build your muscle mass. This is why beginning with a bulking phase is almost always the most efficient route.

In terms of the information, your next step should be: build as much muscle size as possible while minimizing body fat gains. During this first phase, your goal is not to get rid of fat- only to avoid gaining too much of it.

We can accomplish this with the following 3 ways.

Count the exact additional calories you need.

Optimal nutrition is a standard, but there is no standard for "super nutrition". Extra calories are key elements that can grow your muscle bigger, but if you eat too much unnecessary foods that over the needs for making your muscle bigger will lead you to get more fat than you should.

It is better to control your extra calories for gaining your muscle at 15~20 percent of your daily calories needs. If your additional calories intake is in this range, then don't get more calories.

Pay attention to your nutrition choices.

Remember, food matters. You should choose foods like high fiber carbohydrates unsaturated fats and red lean meats as your food. Don't just eat everything you like. You should eat something good for you. Such like eating lean meat and high fiber carbohydrates for stabilizing your blood sugar level and stay away from high amount of saturated fats.

Begin cardio exercise.

Cardio workout is no needed to be overdone. When you get more muscles, cardio workouts can decrease the fat storage in the muscle building process. Keep your workouts short but with high intensity. Don't perform long workouts, 10 to 20 minutes workout are good and can prevent muscle loss.

Once you've gained big muscle mass that you are pleased, and then it's time to switch to fat loss exercises and focus on that to help you drop extra body fat and keep your muscle mass level. While you getting lager muscle mass, you will also get body fat. Instead of trying to totally avoid gaining fat, you should learn how to make fat storage as little as possible in muscle building process. - 17269

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